Aspect Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Sjogren's Syndrome (SS) Scleroderma (SSC) Systemic Lupus Ereth. (SLE)
Women Diagnosed 75% 90% 80% 90%
Cognitive 40-80%; mostly mild-mod., short-term memory word finding difficulty. Memory, attention or severe Alzheimer's 2/3-3/4 cognitive or psychological problems. N/A OMS, seizures, stroke
Psychiatric/Behavioral/CNS Primarily depressive. Mild or moderate-depression, hypomania, severe depression- 10% Possible organic, inflammatory cause of depressive syndrome Personality disorders psychoses, seizures, migraine, frightening hallucinations, depression.
Variable Course Very variable- diagnosis usually in early adulthood. Most women diagnosed postmenopause. Very variable- local mild skin problem to death systemic- CREST mild form. Very variable.
Genetic 30% identical twins 5%-other first degree relatives. Children of mothers with SS- serious heart defects possible. Hereditary aspect possible- needs more exploration. 30%- identical twins, 5%- other first degree relatives.
Rx Interferon A&B Copolymer Symptomatic Rx. Moisture replacement, NSAIDS, estrogen replacement postmenopause. Steroids not effective D- penicillamine, cytoxan, methotrexate, colchicine, ASA. Avoid infections, sun, steroids.
Fatigue Most common MS symptom. Debilitating fatigue late AM early PM, or early AM. Common. Very common, often indicates flare-up is coming; present- almost all- also malaise and fever.
Pain Neurologic. Similar to RA or SLE. Painful joints. Joint pain.
Reproductive Postpartum increase in disease activity N/A May be delay in conception or infertility, low birth weight, ill health in pregnancy "all in your head." Postpartum increase in flare-ups; problems during pregnancy, if renal disease is present. Menses may cease during flare-ups affecting fertility. Spontaneous abortions and prematurity.
Diagnosis Maybe difficult, history, neuro exam, MRI, etc. Difficult. Difficult. Difficult sometimes- Raynaud's + edema + hard skin.
Sexual Dysfunction Common- decreased vaginal sensation & lubrication Vaginal dryness dyspareunia. Vaginal lubrication decreased. Vaginal lubrication decreased- many 2° problems- pain, depression.
Prevalence 250-350,000 50,000 300,000- combined forms 700,000. 50,000 diffuse.
Other Loveland study- women labeled hysterical, emotional. N/A Alopecia, altered pigmentation, RA, lung, cardiac, liver. Alopecia, fever, rashes, photosensitivity, arthritis, pleurisy, symptoms worse between ovulation and menses.
Features Fatigue; sensory and mobility impairment, visual dysfunction, bladder, bowel, sexual dysfunction. "Chipmunk faces" 1° moisture decreased 2° connective tissue also joint swelling. Skin hardening. Onset often in 40s. No racial predilection. Onset 13-40 yrs, 3x more common among Blacks than Caucasians Arthralgias- most common-often symmetric.
