CRANV2 Aslib Cranfield Research Project: Factors Determining the Performance of Indexing Systems: Volume 2 Test Environment chapter Cyril Cleverdon Michael Keen Cranfield An investigation supported by a grant to Aslib by the National Science Foundation. Use, reproduction, or publication, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. - 12 - additional precision devices were tested on the single term languages, namely partitioning and interfixing, as shown in Fig. 2.8. a COOR DINATION I b c e a + PARTITIONING a + INTERFIXING a + WEIGHTING / d b+c FIGURE 2.8. PRECISION DEVICES No precision devices other than coordination were tested on the simple concept languages. The device of weighting was tested on the controlled terms. In this weights are assigned to the search term and a match sought with the weights assigned to the terms in indexing. All the index languages tested may now be specified; for example II.2.a represents Simple Concept Index Language (II), with the recall device of Synonyms controlled (2), and coordination (a) as the precision device. The code for Single Term Index Language, with the recall device of Quasi-synonyms and the precision devices of partitioning and interfixing would be I. 5.d. Search Rules In the search programmes for the questions tested an exhaustive extraction of all the possible notions contained in each question was made in the natural language of the questions as they were received. All these notions were included in the search prescription initially prepared for the three main index languages. After the basic question terms had been recorded, all the additional terms included in a logical sum relationship were pre-formulated by the very structure of the various languages already described. For example in Question 61 'Are there any papers dealing with acoustic wave propagation in reactin[OCRerr] gases'. The terms underlined made up the search prescription, and these terms, as they are, were used for Index Language I.l. For Index Language I. 2, Synonyms controlled, reference to Appendix 5.2 of Vol. I shows that the term Sound is now combined with Acoustic. For Index Language I. 3 Word endings, the term Acoustically is combined with Acoustic; Waviness and Wavy are combined with Wave and there