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Southern European Task Force (SETAF) and the Comune di Vicenza

Vicenza Students Visit Caserma Ederle
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – February 14, 2007 – Student leaders from 16 different schools throughout
the Vicenza Province on a visit to Caserma Ederle in Vicenza.

• Press Release – February 14, 2007 – Vicenza Students Visit Caserma Ederle
• Comunicato Stampa – 14 febbraio 2007 – Visita di studenti alla Caserma Ederle
• Press Release – April 6, 2007 – Ederle Opens Bidding on Clinic Construction
• Press Release – May 1, 2007 – Ederle Prepares for Bidding on New School Campus
• Press Release – May 12, 2007 – General Helmick Hosts Mayors at Reception and Cultural Event
• Comunicato Stampa – 12 maggio 2007 – Il Comandante Generale Helmick con i sindaci della provincia di Vicenza
• Press Release – March 28, 2008 – Dal Molin Contract Awarded
• Comunicato Stampa – 28 marzo 2008 – Aggiudicato l'appalto Dal Molin
• More SETAF Press Releases
• SETAF Origins After the Second World War
• Examples of SETAF Deployment
• SETAF Today
• Some Facts About the U.S. Army Basing Plan at Dal Molin, Vicenza
• Business and Development Solicitations
• “Green” Architecture and Dal Molin
• Architettura “Verde” e Dal Molin
• Community Relations Page on the SETAF Website

Press Release – February 14, 2007
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza Italy – Student leaders from 16 different schools throughout the Vicenza Province visited Caserma Ederle today. The primary focus of visit was to show the students the reality of Caserma Ederle. The visit started with an informative briefing followed by a tour of the caserma. Throughout the visit, students had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the expansion project that enlarges the presence of the U.S. military on a piece of land at Dal Molin.

Comunicato Stampa – 14 febbraio 2007
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – Nell'ambito della politica di trasparenza addottata da questo comando in data odierna, 14 febbraio 2007, una delegazione della consulta provinciale degli studenti di Vicenza è stata ricevuta dal comandante della SETAF per una visita alla Caserma Ederle, allo scopo primario di far conoscere alla delegazione vicentina la sua realtà. La visita, iniziata con un briefing illustrativo, è proseguita con un tour conoscitivo della caserma. Nell'occasione, gli studenti hanno avuto la possibilità di porre dei quesiti riguardanti il progetto di allargamento della presenza statunitense nell'aeroporto del Dal Molin.

Press Release – April 6, 2007
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – The pre-request for proposal to build the new clinic here was issued today by the Southern European Task Force (Airborne). The clinic will consolidate the aging dental, health-care and social work facilities currently scattered throughout Caserma Ederle into a single modern building with a special rating that shows it has met 32 environmental standards.

As is now the case, the clinic will employ Italian doctors, nurses and support staff alongside their American counterparts to serve Soldiers and their families in out-patient and birthing services. American military personnel and their families will continue to rely on the San Bortolo hospital of Vicenza for the same kind of care they now receive there.

The construction of the 13,000-square-meter clinic is expected to begin toward the end of 2007 and be completed by the winter of 2010. To view the pre-request for proposal, go to the web site at:

Question – Who will pay to build this clinic?
Answer – The United States.

QHow much will it cost to build?
A – That will depend on the bids received.

QWho approved the construction of this clinic?
A – The approval process involved the Italian section of the Construction Mixed Commission of the Italian Defense General Staff.

QIs this clinic being built to meet the needs of the increased U.S. presence as a result of the 173rd ABCT consolidation?
A – It is being built to replace aging infrastructure and to gather in one location the various health-care facilities scattered throughout the caserma. Its design and construction was being discussed years ago.

QWill this facility treat the post-traumatic conditions of Soldiers who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq?
A – Such capabilities do not exist at our clinic now and they will not be available at the new out-patient facility.

QWill this clinic create more bio-hazards or pose other risks to the local environment?
A – No, not at all. The normal collection and disposal procedures currently used and required by Italian law will continue to be used.

QNow that you've made the request for proposals, what happens next?
A – We receive and evaluate the proposals, we make an award and then work begins. For details on the RFP process, go to the web site at:

QWill Italian contractors do the work?
A – This competition is open to any firm capable of doing the work and authorized to work in Italy. Historically most of our contracts have gone to Italian companies. Italian building and construction standards have been incorporated into the design.

Press Release – May 1, 2007
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – The pre-solicitation request for proposal to build school and childcare facilities here at the Villaggio della Pace housing compound was issued today by the Southern European Task Force (Airborne). The facilities will replace the aging buildings on Caserma Ederle with modern, environmentally improved structures and sports fields in the American housing area. About 100 of the older row houses will be demolished to provide space for the campus.

This first phase of a construction program which will eventually replace the entire school will build facilities for infant child-care and students through 8th grade. Later projects will include a new high school at the same site. The projects will ultimately lead to more green space on both Villaggio della Pace and on Caserma Ederle.

The construction of the school is expected to begin this fall, 2007, and to be completed in 2010. To view the pre-request for proposal, go to the web site:

General Helmick presents Anna Pittaro a special Cultural Arts Award.
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – May 12, 2007 – General Helmick presented Anna Pittaro a special
Cultural Arts Award after the performance of “Broadway by Night” at Soldiers' Theater Saturday night.
The musical production included many Italian singers and musicians from Vicenza, among them
Ms. Pittaro who was also the musical director of the show. Ms. Pittaro has assisted with Caserma
Ederle theater productions for the past 10 years.

Press Release – May 12, 2007
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – SETAF Commander Major General Frank Helmick hosted Vicenza Province mayors and their representatives at a reception at the Club Veneto followed by the show “Broadway by Night” at Caserma Ederle Soldiers' Theater Saturday evening, May 12. The mayors represented towns where many American Soldiers and their families live. The general thanked his guests for their support to Soldiers and their families during the last deployment to Afghanistan and he thanked them for their continued support as Soldiers prepare to leave their families again and return to Afghanistan. Mayors, or their representatives, came from the following towns: Vicenza, Arcugnano, Bressanvido, Camisano, Monticello Conte Otto, Dueville, Grisignano, Longare, Marostica, Montegalda, Quinto Vicentino and Torri di Quartesolo.

Comunicato Stampa – 14 febbraio 2007
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – Il Comandante Generale Maggiore della SETAF, Frank Helmick, ha invitato i sindaci della provincia di Vicenza e i loro rapprensentanti al ricevimento che si è tenuto presso il Club Veneto seguito dallo spettacolo “Brodway By Night” presso il teatro della Caserma Ederle nella serata di Sabato 12 Maggio. I sindaci rappresentavano le città ei paesi limitrofi che ospitano molti soldati e famiglie americane. Il Generale ha ringraziato i suoi ospiti per il grande sostegno passato e presente dimostrato ai soldati e alle famiglie sia nell'ultima missione in Afghanistan sia in quella presente. I sindaci ed i loro rappresentanti provenivano dai seguenti comuni: Vicenza, Arcugnano, Bressanvido, Camisano, Monticello Conte Otto, Dueville, Grisignano, Longare, Marostica, Montegalda, Quinto Vicentino e Torri di Quartesolo.

Il Generale Helmick ha conferito alla Sig.ra Anna Pittaro uno speciale riconoscimento per il contributo artistico e culturale dopo lo spettacolo “Broadway by Night” di sabato sera. La produzione musicale ha visto la partecipazione di molti cantanti italiani e musicisti di Vicenza, tra i quali la Sig.ra Pittaro che ha anche diretto la produzione musicale dello spettacolo. La Sig.ra Pittaro presta servizio per le produzioni teatrali della Caserma Ederle da 10 anni.

Press Release – March 28, 2008
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza The Southern European Task Force (Airborne) announces the award of a contract to plan, develop and build facilities at Dal Molin Airfield, in Vicenza, Italy, to Joint Venture C.M.C. di Ravenna – Consorzio Cooperative Construzioni of Ravenna, Italy.

The contract, worth approximately 245 million euro, was awarded by U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command March 28.

Joint Venture C.M.C. di Ravenna – Consorzio Cooperative Construzioni will construct facilities on the western side of Dal Molin Airfield, approximately five kilometers from Caserma Ederle, to consolidate the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, currently located in three locations in Italy and Germany.

Dal Molin Airfield was offered by the Italian government because it is the nearest Italian military installation to meet the requirements to consolidate the 173d ABCT. The Veneto Region Mixed Military Construction Approval Committee (CoMiPa) unanimously approved the project and its location Nov. 19, 2007.

Dal Molin Airfield is an Italian military installation previously used by NATO and by the Italian Air Force. The new U.S. facilities remain Italian sovereign territory under the authority of the Italian military and will operate under jurisdiction of Italian law and international agreements.

Construction is anticipated to begin as early as summer 2008 with completion anticipated for mid-year 2012.

The completed project will provide lodging, office space, recreational facilities and maintenance space for the 173d ABCT.

SETAF will continue to work with the appointed Special Commissioner for Dal Molin, Honorable Paolo Costa, and local, regional and national authorities throughout the execution of the project.

SETAF will provide updates regularly throughout the construction of the project.

Comunicato Stampa – 28 marzo 2008
CASERMA EDERLE, Vicenza – Il Comando SETAF di Vicenza rende noto che è stato aggiudicato l'appalto per la progettazione e la costruzione delle strutture da realizzare presso l'Aeroporto Dal Molin di Vicenza, Italia. La commissione giudicatrice ha scelto il progetto presentato dall'impresa Joint Venture C.M.C. di Ravenna – Consorzio Cooperative Construzioni di Ravenna.

L'appalto è stato aggiudicato dal Comando del Genio della Marina degli Stati Uniti in data 28 Marzo per un importo complessivo di circa 245 milione euro.

L'impresa Joint Venture C.M.C. di Ravenna – Consorzio Cooperative Construzioni si assume l'onere di costruire presso l'aeroporto Dal Molin, distante circa 5 kilometri dalla Caserma Ederle, le strutture di supporto necessarie al consolidamento della 173ma Brigata Aviotrasportata, attualmente dislocata in tre sedi separate tra l'Italia e la Germania.

Il sedime aeroportuale di Dal Molin è stato offerto dal Governo Italiano perchè è l'area di proprietà del demanio militare italiano più vicina alla Ederle che risponde ai requisiti di spazio necessari per la riunificazione della Brigata a Vicenza. Il 19 Novembre 2007 il progetto e la relativa opzione localizzativa hanno ricevuto all'unanimità parere favorevole dal Comitato Misto Paritetico (COMIPA) della Regione Veneto.

Dal Molin è una installazione militare Italiana già in uso dalla NATO e dall'Aeronautica militare italiana. La nuova installazione resterà territorio Italiano, sotto il controllo delle Autorità militari italiane, nel rispetto delle leggi italiane e regolata dagli accordi internazionali vigenti.

I lavori saranno avviati già nell'estate 2008 per consegnare I lavori della nuova installazione entro la metà del 2012.

Lo sviluppo completo del progetto prevede la realizzazione di spazi destinati a dormitori, uffici amministrativi, strutture ricreative ed operative di supporto alla 173ma Brigata.

Il Comando SETAF continuerà a lavorare a stretto contatto con il Commissario Straordinario per Dal Molin, l'On. Paolo Costa e le competenti autorità italiane a livello locale, regionale e nazionale durante tutta la fase esecutiva del progetto.

Si ribadisce l'impegno a fornire regolari e puntuali aggiornamenti durante tutto il periodo di costruzione.

SETAF Origins After the Second World War
At the end of the Second World War, with Austria neutral, northern Italy's eastern flank became vulnerable to attack. To reduce the threat, the U.S. agreed to establish a credible force in the area. On October 2, 1955, the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force was activated. SETAF was formally established under a U.S.-Italian agreement.

SETAF's first headquarters was on Camp Darby near Livorno, but the largest number of soldiers has always been in Vicenza.

Political reorientation of Europe in 1989 and 1990 caused major revision of U.S. and NATO military priorities. With the threat of general war significantly reduced, SETAF received new missions for regional tactical operations as command and control headquarters for Army and joint military units. Its three artillery groups were deactivated and the two support groups became support groups with unique missions, generally with peacekeeping or humanitarian assistance as their tasks.

1955 Flag Raising Ceremony.
1955 Flag Raising Ceremony.

SETAF provides relief after the 1963 landslide affecting Longarone.
SETAF provides relief after the 1963 landslide affecting Longarone.

A model SETAF CH-34 helicopter is presented to Pope Paul VI after the 1966 humanitarian and training mission to rebuild the shrine-refuge atop Mt. Guglielmo (Brescia). SETAF helicopters were used in a massive airlift of nearly 500 tons of construction materials.
A model SETAF CH-34 helicopter
is presented to Pope Paul VI after the
1966 humanitarian and training mission
to rebuild the shrine-refuge atop
Mt. Guglielmo. SETAF helicopters were
used in a massive airlift of nearly
500 tons of construction materials.

Paratroopers from Company A load furniture to help relocate a family in Atripalta after the 1985 earthquake.
Paratroopers from Company A
load furniture to help relocate
a family in Atripalda after
the 1980 earthquake.


Examples of SETAF Deployment
– March 1991, SETAF's 3rd Battalion (Airborne), 325th Infantry Regiment, deployed to northern Iraq during Operation Provide Comfort, a humanitarian mission headed by the U.S. to feed and provide other life support for thousands of displaced Kurds. Led by Lt. Col. John Abizaid (now General and former CENTCOM commander), the 3-325th worked with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit to bring the crisis to a successful conclusion.
SETAF in action today.

– July 1994, SETAF deployed to Entebbe, Uganda as the core staff of Joint Task Force Support Hope. A total of 2,100 U. S. military personnel, including SETAF's newly established Infantry Brigade (Airborne), deployed to the region to help prevent a humanitarian crisis resulting from large-scale refugee movements caused by the civil war in Rwanda.

SETAF in action today. – By December 1995, Operation Joint Endeavor was in its initial stages. SETAF demonstrated its role as the theater's reaction force by deploying forces as the lead element of the Dayton Peace Accord Implementation Forces into Bosnia-Herzegovina.

– April 1996, SETAF deployed forces simultaneously to Croatia to support the recovery of former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown’s Aircraft (SETAF Infantry Brigade Headquarters and E/502d Aviation Company) and to Liberia to conduct a noncombatant evacuation operation (3d Battalion, 325th Infantry Regiment) under Special Operations Command, Europe.

– November 1996, SETAF deployed to Uganda and Rwanda as Joint Task Force Guardian Assistance to provide humanitarian support to Rwanda authorities in the repatriation of refugees from the 1994 Civil War.

– March 1997, SETAF deployed to Congo as Joint Task Force Guardian Retrieval to coordinate the evacuation of noncombatants from Zaire as rebels approached and took control of Kinshasa.

– From March to July of 1999, SETAF assumed the strategic reserve mission for the Stabilization Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Strategic Reserve, a combined force comprised of U.S., Italian, Turkish, Polish, Romanian and Dutch units, stood ready to respond if events warranted the reinforcement of that critical mission.

– On October 1, 1999, SETAF demonstrated its rapid response capability when the SETAF Infantry Brigade and the 1-508 Airborne Battalion Combat Team (ABCT) executed Operation Rapid Guardian, parachuting into southern Kosovo to show U.S. resolve and commitment to the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) peacekeeping mission.

– July 2003, SETAF was designated to lead the U.S. military mission in Liberia to help prevent an impending humanitarian disaster. After 23 years of civil war, a peace agreement was implemented, forces of the warring factions were separated, air and seaports were reopened, and the United Nations and private humanitarian organizations resumed delivery of badly needed relief.
Five Year Afghanistan Report
Afghanistan Report

October 2006

Health Care
Democratic Reform

a 95K
Adobe Acrobat
.pdf file

– During 2005 and 2006, SETAF commanded Combined Joint Task Force 76 covering an area of responsibility from Northeast to Southwest Afghanistan. During this period Combined Joint Task Force 76 was composed of various subordinate units, including the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, and units from throughout Europe and the continental United States. Providing a stable environment in Afghanistan is an ongoing concern for the Task Force even today, now under NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) leadership. The soldiers and coalition forces providing security for the citizens of Afghanistan do so knowing they are securing a peaceful future for the country.

SETAF Commanding General, Major General Helmick
SETAF Commander
Major General Helmick

SETAF provides United States Army Europe and the European Command the core of a Combined, Joint or Army-led Task Force proficient in a full range of military and humanitarian missions requiring multi-national and multi-service commands.

There are currently over 3000 American citizens employed by the U.S. Army and resident in the Vicenza area. SETAF today has over 800 employees from the local community, with a combined payroll of over 26 million Euro annually. SETAF personnel and their families also participate actively in the Vicenza community. In addition to SETAF’s annual operating expenditures, army personnel and their families spend about 52 million Euro each year shopping, paying for rent and services, and in just getting to know northern Italy.

Current plans for the unification of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team in Vicenza include use of additional space at Dal Molin Airport, an airfield owned by the Government of Italy. We expect that the economic impact of the expansion will create hundreds of new local jobs and a significant increase of additional annual expenditures into the local community. In 2005, SETAF's annual expenditure amounted to 176 million Euro. During the 2007-2011 expansion period, the annual expenditure is calculated at around 272 million Euro. With the expansion complete, it is expected that the 2012-2020 period will see expenditures of about 304 million Euro per year.

Some Facts About the U.S. Army Basing Plan at Dal Molin, Vicenza
  • The soldier's activities, equipment and facilities on Dal Molin will be the same that are found at Caserma Ederle.
  • The Airstrip at Dal Molin will remain under the control of Italian Military and Civil Authorities and SETAF will not interfere with their activities.
  • SETAF will not use Dal Molin for military cargo aircraft. Aviano Airbase will remain the deployment airfield.
  • The Palladian architectural design we are proposing, which preserves much of the green space from urban development, will largely be a pedestrian campus.
  • Construction at Dal Molin will be done by a number of Italian Firms, with Italian workers, using mostly Italian materials.
  • Once all construction and infrastructure is in place, SETAF operations, along with SETAF personnel and their families, will spend a projected total of 304 million Euro annually into the Vicenza Community. It is expected that hundreds of new local jobs will be created.

Business and Development Solicitations
Download a copy of solicitation number N33191-06-R-3229, “MULTIPLE FACILTIES COMPLEX, VICENZA, ITALY” (73K .pdf file).

For more information on current solicitations, please see the following websites:
• Electronic Solicitation (ESOL) Registration is required.
• NAVFAC Headquarters Portal
• NAVFAC Europe Portal

“Green” Architecture and Dal Molin
Dal Molin has been conceived as has no other US installation in history

This will be one of the first installations completely developed according to the precepts of “Green Architecture” and sustainable design. The intent is to build a healthier environment for its users, as well as to be better neighbors in the city of Vicenza. The site will be developed to utilize resources efficiently, to incorporate recycled materials, and to minimize raw materials consumption during construction, as well as throughout the life of the facility. These resources include water, energy, land, and materials among others.

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC),
For more information on
The Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design
(LEED) Green Building
Rating System and the U.S.
Green Building Council
go to

Some of the sustainable design and construction issues that the project will pursue include:
  • Utilizing detention of storm water to minimize the impact to the Bacchiglione River.
  • A centralized heating and cooling plant for the installation which is significantly more efficient than individual systems, thus decreasing the utility requirement from the Vicenza community.
  • Cogeneration capability of central heating and cooling equipment that will allow the installation to limit power requirements during peak loads and under certain conditions, allow the installation to return power to the electrical grid, thus lessening the impact on the local community electrical utility.
  • Minimize light trespass from the buildings and site and reduce sky-glow to increase night sky access, improve nighttime visibility through glare reduction, and reduce development impact on nocturnal environments.
  • 20-30% reduction in water consumption through the use of high efficiency fixtures and occupant sensors, which will minimize both water needs drawing from the community utility, and reducing wastewater returned to the utility.
  • Onsite water wells will reduce the peak water requirements for the Dal Molin community.
  • Optimizing the thermal envelope of the buildings will reduce the energy usage.
  • Reduce Ozone Depletion by zero use of CFC-based refrigerants.
  • Utilize natural lighting wherever the possible to reduce the need for created lighting and to provide views to the users of the facilities.
  • Facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and disposed of in local landfills by providing easily accessible areas in each building that are dedicated to the collection and storage of non-hazardous materials for recycling.
  • Purchasing materials that are at least 20% mined, manufactured, and produced locally. This additionally saves on transportation costs and contributes to the local economy.
  • Implementing construction waste management programs that will divert at least 50-75% of the construction, demolition and land clearing debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators. This will redirect recyclable recovered resources back to manufacturing processes and will redirect reusable materials to appropriate sites.
  • Purchasing project materials with substantial amounts of recycled content (at least 20%), thus helping to invigorate the recycling industry.
  • Utilizing paints, adhesives and sealants that meet “Green Seal” standards for low emitting Volatile Organic Compounds, thus making the indoor air quality better for the end users and constructors.
  • Establish minimum indoor air quality performance that will enhance indoor air quality in all the facilities, thus contributing to the comfort and well-being of the occupants.
  • Installing State-of-the-Art building control systems that manage the energy consumption at its lowest and most efficient levels.
This new community (at an estimated $350 million USD construction cost) will be one of the largest projects in history pursuing Silver certification levels through the US Green Building Council. And as such, it will springboard the US army and the city of Vicenza into the spotlight for advancements in sustainable architecture and LEED facilities in the world.

Our goal is to provide a new, vibrant, urban community environment that sustains the needs of the military mission, blends with the local surroundings, provides a warm, cohesive, neighborhood atmosphere, and reinforces the U.S. Government's commitment to being a good neighbor.

Editor's note: for more information on the LEED Silver Rating Award presented to the U.S. Army Garrison Vicenza (USAG-V) barracks complex in Vicenza, please click here (104K .pdf file).

Architettura “Verde” e Dal Molin
Dal Molin è stata concepita come nessun altra istallazione Americana nella storia

Questa sarà completamente sviluppata tenendo principalmente in mente i concetti di “Architettura Verde” e di progettazione sostenibile. L'intento è sia quello di costruire un ambiente più sano per i suoi utilizzatori, sia di essere dei migliori vicini per il Comune di Vicenza. Il sito sarà sviluppato in modo da utilizzare efficientemente le risorse, utilizzare materiali riciclati, e ridurre al minimo il consumo di materie prime durante la costruzione così come per tutta la durata della vita della struttura. Queste risorse comprendono tra le altre l'acqua, l'energia, il terreno, ed i materiali.

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC),
For more information on
The Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design
(LEED) Green Building
Rating System and the U.S.
Green Building Council
go to

Alcuni degli aspetti di progettazione e costruzione sostenibili che il progetto perseguirà includono:
  • Impiego di mezzi di mitigazione dell'acqua meteorica per ridurre al minimo gli effetti sul Fiume Bacchiglione;
  • Un impianto centralizzato per il riscaldamento ed il raffrescamento dell'installazione, impianto sensibilmente più efficiente degli impianti individuali, e che comporta una diminuzione della richiesta di servizi dalla Comunità di Vicenza;
  • Una capacità di cogenerazione delle apparecchiature di riscaldamento e di raffrescamento che consentirà alla nuova installazione di limitare la domanda di energia durante i carichi di picco e, sotto determinate condizioni, consentirà di restituire energia ai servizi elettrici, diminuendo così l'impatto sui servizi elettrici della comunità locale;
  • Riduzione al minimo emissioni luminose dagli edifici e dal sito e riduzione dell'inquinamento luminoso in modo da aumentare la percezione notturna del cielo, migliorare la visibilità notturna per mezzo della riduzione dell'abbagliamento, e ridurre l'impatto sull'ambiente notturno;
  • Riduzione dei consumi di acqua del 20-30% per mezzo dell'utilizzo di impianti efficienti e di sensori di presenza, che faranno sia diminuire il prelevamento dei fabbisogni di acqua dai servizi della comunità, sia diminuire le acque di scolo verso i servizi;
  • Pozzi d'acqua in sito che ridurranno le richieste di acqua di picco della comunità di Dal Molin;
  • L'ottimizzazione di strutture termicamente coibentate per gli edifici che ridurrà il consumo di energia;
  • Riduzione dell'impoverimento dell'ozono per mezzo del non utilizzo di refrigeranti contenenti CFC;
  • Utilizzo di luce naturale laddove possibile, in modo da ridurre la necessità di luce artificiale e fornire vedute agli utilizzatori delle strutture;
  • Incoraggiare la riduzione dei rifiuti generati dagli occupanti degli edifici e che verranno smaltiti in aree di discarica locali, fornendo in ciascun edificio un agevole accesso ad aree dedicate alla raccolta ed allo stoccaggio di materiali non pericolosi riciclabili;
  • Acquistare materiali che siano almeno in percentuale del 20% estratti, manufatti, e prodotti localmente;
  • Rendere esecutivi programmi di gestione degli scarti derivanti dalle costruzioni in modo da distrarre dallo smaltimento in discariche ed inceneritori un minimo di 50-75% di scarti di costruzione, demolizioni e disboscamenti. Ciò indirizzerà di nuovo i materiali riciclabili raccolti verso i processi di manifattura ed i materiali riutilizzabili verso siti appropriati;
  • L'acquisto di materiali per il progetto con sostanziali quantitativi di contenuti riciclabili, almeno del 20%, che contribuisce a rinvigorire la industria del riciclaggio;
  • L'impiego di vernici, adesivi, e sigillanti conformi agli standard di bassa emissione di composti organici volatili, che migliorano la qualità dell'aria interna per gli utilizzatori finali e per i costruttori;
  • Stabilire caratteristiche minime dell'aria interna che migliorino la qualità dell'aria degli ambienti all'interno di ciascuna struttura, contribuendo in tal modo al conforto ed al benessere degli occupanti;
  • Installare a regola d'arte impianti di controllo degli edifici, i quali gestiscano il consumo di servizi ai più bassi e più efficienti livelli.
Questa nuova comunità (con un costo di costruzione stimato di 350 milioni di dollari) sarà uno dei più grandi progetti nella storia ad ottenere livelli di certificazione “Silver” dal “Green Building Council” Americano. E in questo modo proietterà l'US Army ed il Comune di Vicenza sotto i riflettori per i progressi nel campo dell'architettura sostenibile e delle strutture certificate LEED nel mondo.

Il nostro scopo è quello di provvedere un ambiente comunitario nuovo, vibrante, urbano che supporti le necessità della missione militare, che si armonizzi con ciò che lo circonda localmente, che fornisca una calda e coesa atmosfera di vicinato, e che rafforzi l'impegno del Governo Americano ad essere un buon vicino.

Editor's note: for more information, in English, on the LEED Silver Rating Award presented to the U.S. Army Garrison Vicenza (USAG-V) barracks complex in Vicenza, please click here (104K .pdf file).

Consulate of the United States