X17C Publications of 2003


Chen, B., D. Penwell, J.H. Nguyen, and M.B. Kruger, High Pressure X-ray Diffract Study of  Fe2B, Solid State Comm., in press, 2003a.

Chen, M., J. Shu, H.K. Mao, X. Xie, and R.J. Hemley, Natural occurrence and synthesis of two new post-spinel polymorphs of chromite, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100, 14651-14654, 2003b.

Chen, M., J. Shu, X. Xie, and H.K. Mao, Natural CaTi2O4-structured FeCr2O4 polymorph in the Suizhou meteorite and its significance in mantle mineralogy, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 3937-3942, 2003c.

Chestnut, G.N., B.D. Streetman, D. Schiferl, R.S. Hixson, W.M. Anderson, M. Nicol, and Y. Meng, Static X-ray diffraction study of cerium: The standard approach & the magic-angle approach, in 13th APS Conference on Shock-Compression of Condensed Matter, edited by M.D. Furnish, American Institute of Physics, Argonne, IL, 2003.

Cui, C., T.A. Tyson, Z. Zhong, J.P. Carlo, and Y. Qin, Effects of pressure on electron transport and atomic structure of manganites: Low to high pressure regimes, Phys. Rev. B 67, 104107, 2003.

Errandonea, D., M. Somayazulu, and D. Hausermann, Phase transitions and amorphization of CaWO4 at high pressure, Phys. Stat. Sol. 235, 162-169, 2003.

Frank. M, Y. Fei, and J. Hu, Melting and Equation of State Study of Ice VII from High P-T X-ray Diffraction, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, in press.

Gregoryanz, E., A.F. Goncharov, R.J. Hemley, H.K. Mao, M. Somayazulu, and G.Y. Shen, Raman, infrared, and x-ray evidence for new phases of nitrogen at high pressures and temperatures, Phys. Rev. B 66, 224108, 2002.

Guo, Q., H.K. Mao, J. Hu, J. Shu, and R.J. Hemley, The phase transitions of CoO under static pressure to 104 GPa, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 11369-11374, 2002.

He, D., Y. Zhao, T.D. Sheng, R.B. Schwartz, J. Qian, K.A. Lokshin, S. Bobev, L.L. Daemen, H.K. Mao, J.Z. Hu, J. Shu, and J. Xu, Bulk metallic glass gasket for high pressure, in situ x-ray diffraction, Rev. Sci. Instrum 74, 3012-3016, 2003a.

He, D., Y. Zhao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, H.K. Mao, J. Shu, J. Hu, and R.J. Hemley, Behavior of TiO2 nanotubes under high pressure, Second COMPRES Annual Meeting, Santa Cruz, 2003b.

Hemley, R.J., Z. Liu, E. Gregoryanz, and H.K. Mao, Infrared and Raman microspectrscopy of minerials under pressure, Microscro. Microanal. 9, 1098, 2003a.

Hemley, R.J., Z. Liu, and H.K. Mao, New developments in high-pressure synchrotron Infrared spectroscopy, in International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Source, Lake Tahoe, 2003b.

Hemley, R.J., and H.K. Mao, New window on earth and planetary interiors, Mineral. Mag. 66, 791-811, 2002a.

Hemley, R.J., and H.K. Mao, Overview of static high pressure science, in High Pressure Phenomena (Enrico Fermi Course CXLVII), edited by R.J. Hemley, pp. 3-40, IOS Press, 2002b.

Hu, J., J. Xu, M. Somayazulu, Q. Guo, R.J. Hemley, and H.K. Mao, X-ray diffraction and laser heating: application of moissanite anvil cell, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 10479-10481, 2002.

Hu, J., Z. Zhong, H. Liu, Q. Guo, and H.K. Mao, A test of angle dispersive x-ray diffraction of high-pressure experiment at X17C, Abstract of CPMPRES Annual meeting of 2003, Santa Cruz, California, June 18-20, 2003.

Kavner, A., Elasticity and strength of hydrous ringwoodite at high pressure, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 214, 645-654, 2003.

Kiefer, B., S.R. Shieh, T.S. Duffy, and T. Sekine, The yield strength and elastic anisotropy of cubic Si3N4 to 45 GPa, 19th AIRAPT Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2003.

Lee, Y., T. Vogt, J.A. Hrijac, J.B. Parise, J.C. Hanson, and S.J. Kim, Non-framework cation migration and irreversible pressure-induced hydration in a zeolite, Nature 420, 485-489, 2002.

Lin, J.F., J. Shu, H.K. Mao, R.J. Hemley, and G. Shen, Amorphous boron gasket in diamond anvil cell research, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 4732-4736, 2003.

Lipinska-Kalita, K.E., B. Chen, M.B. Kruger, Y. Ohki, J. Murowchick, and E.P. Gogol, High-pressure x-ray diffraction studies of the nanostructured transparent vitroceramic medium K2O-SiO2-Ga2O3, Phys. Rev. B 68, 35209, 2003.

Liu, H., J. Hu, Z. Liu, Y. Meng, J. Xu, H.K. Mao, J. Chen, and D.J. Weidner, New phase of aluminum hydroxide, Second COMPRES Annual Meeting, Santa Cruz, 2003a.

Liu, H., J. Hu, J. Xu, Z. Liu, J. Shu, H.K. Mao, and J. Chen, Phase transition and compression behavior of gibbsite under high pressure, Phys. Chem. Minerals, in press, 2003b.

Liu, Z., H. Yang, H.K. Mao, and R.J. Hemley, Synchrotron Infrared and X-ray diffraction studies of gypsum at high pressure, Second COMPRES Annual Meeting, Santa Cruz, 2003.

Ma, Y., C.T. Prewitt, G. Zou, H.K. Mao, and R.J. Hemley, High-pressure high-temperature  x-ray diffraction of b-boron to 30 GPa, Phys. Rev. B 67, 174116, 2003.

Mao, W.L., and H.K. Mao, Hydrogen storage in molecular hydrides, Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci., to be published in December, 2003.

Mao, W.L., H.K. Mao, C.S. Yan, J. Shu, J. Hu, and R.J. Hemley, Generation of ultrahigh pressure using single-crystal CVD diamond anvils, App. Phys. Lett., in press, 2003.

Park S., Y. Lee, A. Moodenbaugh and T. Vogt, Synthesis and high-pressure behavior of Na0.3CoO2"1.3H2O and related phases, Phys. Rev. B 68, 180505, Nov. 2003

Shieh, S., T.S. Duffy, and E. Ohtani, Elasticity, equation of state, and strength of phase D at high pressures, in preparation, 2003a.

Shieh, S., T.S. Duffy, and G. Shen, Elasticity and strength of calcium silicate perovskite at lower mantle pressures, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors, in press, 2003b.

Song, Y., M. Somayazulu, H.K. Mao, R.J. Hemley, and D.R. Herschbach, High-pressure structure and equation of state study of nitrosonium nitrate from synchrotron x-ray diffraction, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 8350-8356, 2003c.

Vogt. T, J. A. Hriljac, N. C. Hyatt, and P. Woodward,”Pressure-induced intermediate-to-low spin state transition in LaCoO3”, Phys. Rev. B,  67, 140401, April, 2003

Xu, J., H.K. Mao, and R.J. Hemley, The gem anvil cell: high-pressure behaviour of diamond and related materials, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 11549-11552, 2002a.

Xu, J., H.K. Mao, R.J. Hemley, and E. Hines, The moissanite anvil cell: a new tool for high-pressure research, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 11543-11548, 2002b.