# Reproduces approximately Fig. 5, Zhang et al, Biophys. J. 84:2852-2870, 2003. # Erratum: gkatp=55, not 60 as stated in legend in paper. v(0)=-54.19088431173661 n(0)=0.0009122736985496961 c(0)=0.03115585096668747 cer(0)=217.2405145917104 css(0)=0.3782924543159534 # Units: conductances in pS; currents in fA; Ca concentrations in uM; time in ms # Calcium Handling: cytosol par alpha=4.5e-06, kpmca=0.18 # Calcium Handling: ER par kserca=0.2 par per=0.001 # Volume and buffer parameters (*10^-6 ul) par vcyt=5.0, ver=0.2, vss=2.0 par fcyt=0.01, fer=0.005, fss=0.04 par px=0.025 # Parameters for Currents # IKv par vn=-15, sn=5.6, vk=-70, taun=10.8, gkv=2500 # ICa par vca=30, vm=-13, sm=8, gca=1450 # IKCa par kd=0.7, q=8, gkca=1200 # ILeak par gleak=14, vleak=-30 # IKatp par gkatp=55 # Miscellaneous par cm=5300 # Functions vervss=ver/vss vcytvss=vcyt/vss vcytver=vcyt/ver ninf = 1/(1+exp((vn-v)/sn)) minf = 1/(1+exp((vm-v)/sm)) omega = 1/(1+(kd/css)^q) ICa = gca*minf*(v-vca) IKCa = gkca*omega*(v-vk) IKatp = gkatp*(v-vk) IKv = gkv*n*(v-vk) ILeak = gleak*(v-vleak) # ER fluxes Jserca = kserca*c Jrelease = per*(cer - css) # Subspace fluxes Jx = px*(css-c) # Equations v' = (-ICa - IKv - IKatp - IKCa - ILeak)/cm n' = (ninf - n)/taun c' = fcyt*(Jx - kpmca*c - Jserca - alpha*ICa) cer' = fer*(vcytver*Jserca - Jrelease) css' = fss*(vervss*Jrelease - vcytvss*Jx) @ meth=cvode, toler=1.0e-10, atoler=1.0e-10, dt=5.0, total=100000, @ maxstor=1000000, bounds=10000000, xp=tsec, yp=v @ xlo=0, xhi=100, ylo=-80, yhi=-10 # Auxiliary quantities to plot: aux tsec=t/1000 # average cytosolic Ca2+ (weighted average of css and c): aux cavg = (vss*css+vcyt*c)/(vss+vcyt) done