Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains (Wade, C.T.)
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  5234090 Gas-CT cisternography for detection of small acoustic nerve tumors Solti-Bohman, L.G. ; Magaram, D.L. ; Lo, W.W.M. ; 1984 Feb 01 -
  TVA/ONRED/WRF-86/5a Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant: Fifth annual report (1985) Beard, L.M. ; Bruggink, D.J. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; 1986 Aug 01 Y
  TVA/ONR/WRF-83/12(a) Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. Second annual report 1982 Brown, R.T. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; Dycus, D.L. ; 1983 Jun 01 Y
  TVA/ONR/WRF-83/12(b) Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. Second annual report 1982 Brown, R.T. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; Dycus, D.L. ; 1983 Jun 01 Y
  TVA/ONRED/WRF-86/5b Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant: Fifth annual report (1985), Appendices Beard, L.M. ; Bruggink, D.J. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; 1986 Aug 01 Y
  TVA/ONR/WRF-84/5(b) Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. Third annual report, 1983. Appendices Brown, R.T. ; Bruggink, D.J. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; 1984 Jun 01 Y
  TVA/ONR/WRF-84/5(a) Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. Third annual report, 1983 Brown, R.T. ; Bruggink, D.J. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; 1984 Jun 01 Y
  TVA/ONRED/WRF-85/1a Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant: Fourth annual report, 1984 Bruggink, D.J. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; Dycus, D.L. ; 1985 Jun 01 Y
  TVA/ONRED/WRF-85/1b Aquatic environmental conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir during operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant: Fourth annual report, 1984 Bruggink, D.J. ; Buchanan, J.P. ; Dycus, D.L. ; 1985 Jun 01 Y
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