Public Land Survey System (ARCE)

Content Citation

Title: Public Land Survey System (ARCE)
Content Type: Other Documents
Publisher: Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)   Contact
Publication Date: Unknown

Content Description

Abstract: This theme contains PLS lines for the State of Oregon. This Pls theme includes donation claims lands. Attributes in this theme show Township Range and Section values.
Purpose: The purpose of this theme is to delineate the Oregon Public Land survey lines including the donation land claim parcels.
Supplemental Information: This theme was created prior to metadata being standard practice. Little is known about the creation of the theme.

Content Status

Progress: Complete
Update Frequency: None planned

Content Keywords

Theme Keywords: None, Public Land Survey System, PLSS, with Donation Land Claims, with DLC, planningCadastre
Place Keywords: Oregon

Spatial Domain

West Coordinate: -124.807209
East Coordinate: -116.420396
North Coordinate: 46.289122
South Coordinate: 41.919895

Spatial Data Information

Data Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
Data Type: Vector
Data Format:

Access and Usage Information

Access Constraints: None
Usage Constraints: None This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information.