October 1'7, 1953 Dear W3rner t Dr. Aleuk Bernstein (an English bacteriologtit who recently joined our group) has been following up Sertic' old observation (apparently quite correct) that acriflavine will agglutimte flagellated Salamellas of phase 2 but not phase Il., 'Thds must bespeak a fur&mental chemical difference in the flagella which we hope to be able to investigate. %s have been tryCng to find prevhm work on the basis of acriflavine agglutfnntion, or of dye-agglutination of bacteria generally, but can find @cry little on this sub$xt. I m wW%ing to you in the hope gou my have accumulated a bibl%ography and wottlci be wSll%ng to give us the advantage OR it. Ge have been using your book in our course this year, and the students seem to like it very much. The only reason I did not make it an obligatsry assign- -ment is, as you mq guess, its unreasonable price. I realize 1;hi.s is largely cut of your hands, but I know of no other channel through which to register such a comment. I caranot help feeling the production cost am rnwle unduly high by such features as gloesy paper throughout, A few typos have been noticed. F. Kauffmann's nme is ~&spelled througha* (e.g. p.lL62 I think there were some other equally minor ones, but I can't recall them offhand. Oh yes, - Piekarskd (p.39). I a~ sorry you quoted XGB as a publication, as it is not$&xessible to the public (but not everyone aggea with m). And Erowning (p. 186) did not work with bacteria. Of ccmr3e 1 only mention these things as basis for corrections fn further eddtiona if any: as a whale, it locks quite clezn. Sincerely,