~x.s1ave ~orise Pegs Three ( Texas) way: I~s in town and dat san, Posit says to me, ‘I unnerstan‘ you‘s a good cowhand,‘ and ~ie hires me and tak.s me way out. No house for miles ‘fors w. c~es to de ranch with cattle end I goes to work. After I~e woricin‘ a while, I wonders how come dey brings in sich fine steers so often and I says to myself, •Marster Boss mus‘ have heaps of money for to buy all dem steers.1 Deypaye n~ ‘tention to de raisi~i‘ of cattle, jus ‚ brings ‚ em in and drives dem ‚ way. VOn. time Mareter Rose and six mena was gone a week and when dey comes back, one of ‘swas missin‘. ~yhad no steers dat time and. de7 talks ‘bou.t gittin‘ frusterated and how one man gits shot. I says to myself, tfhat for was dey chased and. shot at?‘ Den I Ime~bers Marster Bob Kouston doue t ~l ‚ me ‘bout rustlers end how dey‘ s hanged when dey‘ s caught, and~ I knows den dat‘s how corns all dem fine steers is ~ in and~ out all de time. ~it how to git tway, dare‘s de p~izz1~i~ent. I not know which way to go and ier•‘s no houses anywhere near. I keeps gittin‘ sc~tsr, and. ever‘ time somebody c~es, I thinks its de law, But Mareter Ross drives di cattle north and I says to him, ‘l‘s good hand at de drive. Kin I go with yt~i nez‘ tia you goss north?‘ And. not long after dat we starts arid we gtts to Kansas City. After Marster Ross gets shut of d.s critters, he says, ~Ve~ll rsi‘ for couple days, den starts back.‘ I g875 to me, ~ d~is fli&~1‘.‘ ai sieaks ~way and was settin‘ on a bench i~en ‘long comes a white mea and he‘s tall, had aarkhatr and was fins lookin‘. K. says to ~‚ ‘Is. you a cowhand?‘ So I tells him I is, and h. says he wants a hand. on ki.~s farm in )(issouri and h. says, ~Oome with ms.~ Es teils me his name was