pro uvsphelio, point=point, hd=hd, nx=nx, ny=ny, posit=posit, $ expnu=expnu, catplace=catplace, glabel=glabel, comment=comment if (nx ne hd(142)) or (ny ne hd(141)) then begin widget_control, comment, set_value='UVSPHELIO, Can''t solar grid a ' + $ 'zoomed image.',/append return endif ; ; For HELIOG.PRO -960 to 960 left to right, +960 to -960 top to bottom ; if n_elements(point) ne 15 then begin ; not done yet, go to point point=fltarr(15) uvsppoint, expnu, hd, point, catplace=catplace endif ; arcsec size of the image x_arc = nx * hd(74) y_arc = ny * hd(75) n_0 = point(3) - (x_arc/2.) n_1 = point(3) + (x_arc/2.) x_0 = -(n_0 < n_1) x_1 = -(n_0 > n_1) n_0 = point(2) - (y_arc/2.) n_1 = point(2) + (y_arc/2.) y_0 = -(n_0 < n_1) y_1 = -(n_0 > n_1) plot, [x_0,x_1], [y_0,y_1], /noerase, /nodata, xstyle=5, ystyle=5, $ position=posit radius = point(5) & bangle=point(4) heliog, radius, bangle, grid=5, /noeras, glabel=glabel return end