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Conformation of Carbohydrates

by V.S.R. Rao, P.K. Qasba, P.V. Balaji and R. Chandrasekaran
Conformation of Carbohydrates

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Aldoses and Ketoses
Monosaccharides are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion CnH2nOn. The carbon skeleton is unbranched, with a hydroxyl group at each carbon except the one containing carbonyl oxygen. The two families of monosaccharides are Aldoses, with the carbonyl at one end of chain, and ketoses, with the carbonyl anywhere else in the chain.
Ketoses are further classified as 2-ketoses, 3-ketoses, etc. according to the position of the carbonyl. 2-ketoses are the most common: if unspecified, a ketose is a 2-ketose. Depending on number of carbons, monosaccharides are called trioses, tetroses, pentoses, and hexoses etc. The smallest aldose is glyceraldehyde, containing one asymmetric carbon. Changing the configuration of the substituents around that carbon forms two isomers, called the L- and D- isomers of the sugar. The two series of aldoses, the L- and D- aldoses can be thought of as derived from these isomers of glyceraldehyde.
The ketose erythrulose is used as the reference model for the derivation. D-Sugars occur more commonly in nature, excepting L-Arabinose, L-Rhamnose, L-Fucose, and L-Galactose

Fischer Projection Formulae
Fischer Projection Formulae are used to identify the configuration at the chiral centers of a sugar. The sugar is oriented so that the carbon skeleton is vertically aligned with the aldehyde at the top and the alchohol at the bottom, so that vertical substituents are shown below the plane of the page, while horizontal substituents are shown above. The projection of the vertical and horizontal substituents are shown as plain vertical and horizontal lines, giving the Fischer Projection of the chiral center. The position of the hydroxyl group -- right or left -- determines whether the carbon is in D- or L- configuration, respectively.
Cahn-Ingold-Prelog System
The standard notation for chiral centers in other areas of organic chemistry; it is not preferred in carbohydrate chemistry due to confusion caused in some monosaccharide derivatives. The four nonequivalent substituents are assigned priorities based on atomic number. For example, in glyceraldehyde, priority decreases -OH  -CHO  -CH2OH  -H.
The center is oriented with the lowest priority substituent pointing away from eye. If the remaining three substituents in decreasing order are placed clockwise, the center is in R (rectus) configuration, in the anticlockwise ordering, the center is in S (sinister) configuration.  In carbohydrates the D and L system is used more commonly than R and S.
Anomeric Forms
Monosaccharides are found in solution predominantly in cyclic form. A cyclic hemiacetal is formed by an addition reaction between the carbonyl group and the alchohol group. Stable cyclic monosaccharides have a ring with five or more atoms (a ring oxygen and four or more carbons). Carbohydrates with a five-atom ring are called Furanoses, while those with a six-atom ring are called Pyranoses. The ratio of the ring forms in solution was studied by Angyl (1984).
The cyclic forms of monosaccharides contain an additional chiral center, referred to as the anomeric carbon. The two isomers differing at the anomeric carbon are designated as a- and b-anomers. The optical activity of the anomers of monosaccharides was studied by Hudson (1909). According to his findings, in the D-series the more dextrorotory anomer is designated a, and the less dextrorotory anomer is designated b. It should be noted that further studies have shown that the D anomer is not always the more dextrorotary, and that this system of notation refers only to configuration, not optical activity.

Hudson, C.S. (1909) The significance of certain numerical relations in the sugar group. J. Am. Chem. Soc.,31,66-86.
Angyal, S.J. (1984) The Composition of reducing sugars in solution. Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. 42, 15-68.

Site designed and maintained by Aidan Ryan, LECB Structural Glycobiology Section, NCI Frederick, Maryland