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ED387354 - PACE '94: Program Evaluation.

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ERIC #:ED387354
Title:PACE '94: Program Evaluation.
Authors:Wiles, Clyde A., Ed.; Schoon, Kenneth J., Ed.
Descriptors:High Schools; Inservice Education; Mathematics Education; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Science Education; Science Programs; Tech Prep; Technology Education
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Publication Date:1994-00-00
Pub Types:Reports - Descriptive; Tests/Questionnaires
Abstract:This booklet describes PACE (Promoting Academic Excellence in Mathematics, Science & Technology for Workers of the 21st Century), an Eisenhower Math and Science Education project, and presents an evaluation of the program. PACE seeks to improve learning opportunities and achievement in mathematics and science for students in target schools (see SE 056 818), with particular emphasis upon mathematics, science, and technology within the Tech Prep programs that are becoming increasingly important around the United States. The vision of the program covers a period of 6 years. The goals are to: develop a 3-week inservice program in mathematics and science education; develop an inservice plan that will ultimately result in the development of course sequences for Indiana tech prep curriculum competencies in mathematics and science; and provide support for staff development. The participants and the summer training program are described and conclusions are drawn. Attitude, confidence, goals, and participant evaluation surveys are included. Appendices include a letter of PACE recruitment, the PACE workshop application form, an evaluation form for summer 1994 workshop, Eisenhower program comments, and ratings of 38 participants. (MKR)
Reference Count:N/A

Note:For related documents, see SE 056 817-819.
Identifiers:Mathematics Programs; Tech Prep
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:Indiana Univ. Northwest, Gary.; Indiana State Commission for Higher Education, Indianapolis.; Gary Community School Corp., IN.; Merrillville Community School Corp., IN.
Sponsors:Eisenhower Program for Mathematics and Science Education (ED), Washington, DC.
Education Level:High Schools