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1. Rethinking Assessment: Managing Behaviour and Reducing Disaffection (EJ772788)

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Didaskalou, Eleni; Millward, Alan


Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, v12 n3 p191-203 Sep 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Behavior Problems; Student Behavior; Daily Living Skills; Skill Development; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Interviews; Program Effectiveness; Elementary School Teachers; Secondary School Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Elementary School Students; Secondary School Students; Student Attitudes; Attitude Change; Student Evaluation; Educational Change; Behavior Change; Foreign Countries

Disaffection and behaviour problems continue to be a cause of concern in many schools. Although many schemes and initiatives have attempted to address these issues, few have proved completely successful. It is suggested that in the light of the current phase of educational reforms, with its emphasis on raising standards and target setting, the role of increased assessment in the generation of the Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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2. Special Educational Needs and Individualised Education Programmes: Issues of Parent and Pupil Participation. (EJ668597)

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Kane, Jean; Riddell, Sheila; Banks, Pauline; Baynes, Anne; Dyson, Alan; Millward, Alan; Wilson, Alastair


Scottish Educational Review, v35 n1 p38-47 May 2003

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Educational Policy; Educational Practices; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Individualized Education Programs; National Surveys; Parent Participation; Special Needs Students; Student Participation

Interviews with 17 key informants and surveys of 278 schools in Scotland explored policy and practices related to parent and student participation in the development and implementation of individualized educational programs (IEPs). While finding such participation desirable, education professionals did not agree on what constitutes participation, nor have schools found it easy to develop particip Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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3. Individualised Educational Programmes. Part II: Raising the Attainment of Pupils with Special Educational Needs. (EJ657313)

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Riddell, Sheila; Kane, Jean; Banks, Pauline; Wilson, Alastair; Baynes, Anne; Dyson, Alan; Millward, Alan


Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, v2 n3 p1-11 Nov 2002

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Academic Achievement; Accountability; Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Individualized Education Programs; Instructional Effectiveness

The second of two articles on individualized education programs (IEPs) reports on a study of the relationship between IEPs and student achievement. The study found agreement among policy makers, administrators, and educators that IEPs serve an accountability function, improve teaching, and enhance learning. However, different groups emphasized different purposes as critical to raising achievement Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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4. Individualised Educational Programmes. Part I: A Literature Review. (EJ657312)

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Millward, Alan; Baynes, Anne; Dyson, Alan; Riddell, Sheila; Banks, Pauline; Kane, Jean; Wilson, Alastair


Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, v2 n3 p1-12 Nov 2002

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Journal Articles



Comparative Education; Disabilities; Educational History; Educational Policy; Educational Practices; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Individualized Education Programs

The first of two articles on individualized education programs (IEPs) reviews the literature. It traces the origins of IEPs and compares and contrasts their use in different educational systems. Issues in IEPs in the United Kingdom, other European countries, the United States, and Australia are analyzed and general implications for policy and practice are identified. (Contains references.) (DB)

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5. Theories of Inclusion, Theories of Schools: Deconstructing and Reconstructing the "Inclusive School." (EJ613756)

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Clark, Catherine; Dyson, Alan; Millward, Alan; Robson, Sue


British Educational Research Journal, v25 n2 p157-77 Apr 1999

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Case Studies; Comparative Analysis; Educational Policy; Educational Principles; Educational Theories; Foreign Countries; Inclusive Schools; Secondary Education; Special Education; Student Behavior

Reports on a study of four secondary schools seeking to develop an inclusive approach. Identifies some common themes across the four institutions, such as the nature of resistance and the resilience of special education. Considers the theoretical explanations, and their implications, on the notion of inclusion. (CMK)

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6. LEA Responses to the Management of Special Education in the Light of the Code of Practice. (EJ562501)

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Millward, Alan; Skidmore, David


Educational Management & Administration, v26 n1 p57-66 Jan 1998

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Case Studies; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Governance; Government Role; Leadership; Legislation; Special Education; State School District Relationship

Discusses responses of five (British) local education authorities to managing special education within the new policy context created by the Code of Practice, based on case-study evidence. A new, distinctive governance model has emerged. Consultation between central and local governments has created a favorable climate for developing special-needs provision at the local level. Community and strat Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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7. Old Wine in Discredited Bottles? Curriculum Development for the Low Attainer. (EJ364199)

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Millward, Alan J.


Oxford Review of Education, v13 n3 p297-306 1987

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Opinion Papers



Curriculum Development; Curriculum Enrichment; Educational Objectives; Foreign Countries; Low Achievement; Methods; Secondary Education; Special Education

Analyzes recent government initiatives for low attainers' in the 14-16 age group. Reviews curriculum development within special education as a whole. Highlights major concerns with the one-dimensional approach which has been widely adopted and outlines an alternative perspective in relation to schools, teachers, and pupils. (Author/BSR)

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