Final Issue
106th Congress
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 Active Legislation  Selected Public Laws, 106th Congress
 Agency Authorizations  Program Authorizations
 Appropriations, FY00  Appropriations, FY01
 Hot Documents  
Active Legislation Listed by Subject or Popular Title in Alphabetical Order
Key to Bill Number Appearance
Abortion (ban partial birth abortions) H.R.3660* S.1692*
Abortion clinic violence, bankruptcy provisions S.Amdt.2763 to S.625
American Land Sovereignty Protection Act H.R. 883 S. 510
V- Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2000 (S.3186 incorporated into H.R.2415) H.R.2415 vetoed 12/19/00
Campaign Finance Reform Act of 1999 (bipartisan) H.R.417* S.1593*
CARA (Conservation and Reinvestment Act) H.R.701 S.2567
China Nonproliferation H.R.4829 S.2645
China Trade -- Disapprove of the president's extension of Normal Trade Relations H.J.Res.103  
Claritin patent renewal H.R.1598 S.1172
COPS (Community Oriented Policy Services) Against Drugs Act (SEE ALSO: Program Authorizations)   S.2850
Crime Victims Protection Act (constitutional amendment) H.J.Res.64 S.J.Res.3
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Debt Reduction H.R.5173*  
Education Saving Act (Education IRAs) H.R.7 S.1134
Electricity Deregulation H.R.2944* S.2098 
Elementary & Secondary Education Act Amendments (SEE ALSO: Program Authorizations) H.R.4141 S.2
ENDA (Employment Non-discrimination Act of 1999) H.R.2355 S.1276
Ergonomics-Workplace Preservation Act H.R.987 S.1070
V- Estate Tax, phase-out H.R.8 vetoed 8/31/00
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Gas Tax H.R.4111 S.2285*
Gun Show Sale Regulation (tie vote broken by
Vice President Gore)
  S.Amdt.362 to S.254
Hate Crimes (dropped in conference)   S.Amdts.3473 & 3474 to S.2549
Identity Protection H.R.4857  
Immigration prohibition H.R.5285  
Infants, protect under federal law infants born alive ("Born Alive Infant Protection Act") H.R.4292 S.3127
Internet Tax Freedom Act H.R.3709 S.2255*
Juvenile Justice (includes gun control) H.R.1501* S.254
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V- Marriage Penalty Tax (H.R.2488 was vetoed 9/23/99) H.R.4810 vetoed 8/5/00
Medicare -- Breaux-Frist 2000   S.2807*
Medicare "givebacks" H.R.5291 S.3165
MEND (Medicare Expansion for Needed Drugs)   S.2753
Minimum Wage (see Small Business Tax Relief H.R.3081 and Bankruptcy Reform H.R.833)    
NOPEC (No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act) H.R.5241 S.2778
V- Nuclear Waste Policy Act S.1287 vetoed 4/25/00
Oil Dependency on Foreign Resources H.R.3822 S.2557
Organ Procurement & Allocation H.R.2418* S.2366* 
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Patients' Bill of Rights (text of H.R.2723 was added to H.R.2990) H.R.2990 S.1344
Phone tapping (criminals) H.R.5018  
Prescription drugs (reduce Medicare costs; see
P.L. 106-987 for drug reimportation)
H.R.4680* S.731
Puerto Rican Nationals/FALN Terrorists (Clemency Act) H.C.Res.180 S.J.Res.33
Railroad Retirement & Survivors' Improvement Act H.R.4844  
Retirement tax savings H.R.1102  
Small Business Investment (includes minimum wage provisions) H.R.2614 S.2284* 
Straight A's Act (text also attached to S.2 via S.Amdt.3110) H.R.2300 S.1266
Suicide (pain management; assisted suicide is not covered) H.R.2260 S.2607*
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V- Tax Relief (reduce individual income tax rates) H.R.2488 vetoed 9/23/99
V- Telephone excise tax repeal H.Rpt.106-796, Sec. 1003 (p.34) to H.R.4516 vetoed 10/30/00
Ten Commandments (display on publicly owned property) H.Amdt.200  
WTO Withdrawal H.J.Res.90  
*Many bills exist, but this bill received legislative attention.
BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action.  V indicates a veto.
Bills that failed a vote have been struck through.
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Agency Authorizations

Central Intelligency Agency H.R.1555 P.L. 106-120
Coast Guard, FY2000 & 2001 H.R.820 S.1089
Customs Service H.R.1833 S.689
Defense and Military Construction, FY2000 S.1059 P.L. 106-65
Defense and Military Construction, FY2001 H.R.4205 P.L. 106-398
Export Administration   S.1712
Federal Aviation Administration H.R.1000 P.L. 106-181
Federal Election Commission, FY2000 H.R.1818 H.R.1338
Federal Election Commission, FY2001 H.R.4037  
Intelligence, FY2000 H.R.1555 P.L. 106-120
V- Intelligence, FY2001 (1 of 2) H.R.4392 vetoed 11/4/00
Intelligence, FY2001 (2 of 2) H.R.5630 P.L. 106-567
NASA, FY2000-2002 H.R.1654 P.L. 106-391
Nuclear Regulatory Commission H.R.2531  
State Department, FY2000 & FY2001 H.R.3427 H.Rpt.106-479 to P.L. 106-113
Transportation Board H.R.3163 S.98
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Program Authorizations

Children's Health Programs H.R.4365 P.L. 106-310
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), FY2000 113 Stat. 1501A-17-23 P.L. 106-113
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), FY2001 H.R.4942 H.Rpt.106-1005 to P.L. 106-553
Elementary and Secondary Education Act   S.2
Head Start, FY2000-FY2005 H.R.1722  
Peace Corps Act, FY2002-2003 H.R.669 P.L. 106-30
Older Americans, FY2000-2003 H.R.782 P.L. 106-501
Ryan White CARE Act programs S.2311 P.L. 106-345
Small Business Reauthorization H.R.5667 H.Rpt.106-1033 to P.L. 106-554
Superfund H.R.1300 S.1090
Violence Against Women Act H.R.3244 P.L. 106-386
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Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2000, 106th Congress, 1st Session

V- Budget Reconciliation, FY2000 H.R.4810 vetoed 8/5/00
Budget Resolution, FY2000 H.Con.Res.68 S.Con.Res.20
Consolidated Appropriations H.R.3194 P.L. 106-113
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations H.R.4425; S.2521 P.L. 106-246
Miscellaneous Appropriations (included Commerce/Justice/State, Foreign Operations, Interior, Labor/HHS) H.R.3425 P.L. 106-113 **
Continuing Appropriations (1 of  7)  H.J.Res.68 P.L. 106-62
Continuing Appropriations (2 of 7)  H.J.Res.71 P.L. 106-75
Continuing Appropriations (3 of 7)  H.J.Res.73 P.L. 106-85
Continuing Appropriations (4 of 7)  H.J.Res.75 P.L. 106-88
Continuing Appropriations (5 of 7)  H.J.Res.78 P.L. 106-94
Continuing Appropriations (6 of 7)  H.J.Res.80 P.L. 106-105
Continuing Appropriations (7 of 7)  H.J.Res.83 P.L. 106-106
Agriculture  H.R.1906 P.L. 106-78
V- Commerce, Justice, State (1 of 2)  H.R.2670 vetoed 10/25/99
Commerce, Justice, State (2 of 2)  H.R.3421 P.L. 106-113 **
Defense  H.R.2561 P.L. 106-79
V- District of Columbia (1 of 3)  H.R.2587 vetoed 9/28/99
V- District of Columbia (2 of 3; includes Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations)  H.R.3064 vetoed 11/3/99
District of Columbia (3 of 3; became Consolidated Appropriations)  H.R.3194 P.L. 106-113 **
Energy and Water  H.R.2605 P.L. 106-60
V- Foreign Operations (1 of 3)  H.R.2606 vetoed 10/18/99
Foreign Operations (2 of 3)  H.R.3196 no action
Foreign Operations (3 of 3)  H.R.3422 P.L. 106-113 **
Interior (1 of 2)  H.R.2466 no action
Interior (2 of 2)  H.R.3423 P.L. 106-113 **
Labor, HHS, Education (1 of 3)  H.R.3037 no action
V- Labor, HHS, Education (2 of 3)  H.R.3064 vetoed 11/3/99
Labor, HHS, Education (3 of 3)  H.R.3424 P.L. 106-113 **
Legislative Branch  H.R.1905 P.L. 106-57
Military Construction  H.R.2465 P.L. 106-52
Transportation  H.R.2084 P.L. 106-69
Treasury/Postal Service  H.R.2490 P.L. 106-58
VA/HUD  H.R.2684 P.L. 106-74
**P.L.106-113 enacted H.R.3421, H.R.3422, H.R.3423, H.R.3424, H.R.3425, H.R.3426, H.R.3427, H.R.3428 and S.1948 into law by reference to bill number; the text of each bill is included in an appendix to P.L.106-113.
BOLD bill numbers indicated advanced legislative action.  V indicates a veto.
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Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2001, 106th Congress, 2nd Session

V- Budget Reconciliation, FY2001 H.R.4810   vetoed 8/5/00
Budget Reconciliation, FY2001 H.Con.Res.290 S.Con.Res.101  
Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY2001
Approps. bills included:  Labor/HHS, Leg. Branch, Treasury.  Text of bills in H.Rpt. 106-1033.
H.R.4577   P.L. 106-554***
*For a list of FY2001 Continuing Appropriations, see Appropriations Table  on Senate Library Homepage
Agriculture H.R.4461 S.2536 P.L. 106-387
Commerce/Justice/State H.R.4942   P.L. 106-553
Defense H.R.4576 S.2593 P.L. 106-259
District of Columbia (1 of 2) H.R.5547, incorp. into H.R.4942 by H.Rpt.106-1005.
Removed from H.R.4942 by H.Rpt.106-1033 to P.L.106-554***
District of Columbia (2 of 2) H.R.5633   P.L. 106-522
V- Energy and Water (1 of 2) H.R.4733   vetoed 10/7/00
Energy and Water (2 of 2) H.R.5483   per H.Rpt.106-988 to P.L. 106-377****
Foreign Operations  H.R.4811 S.2522 P.L. 106-429
Interior Department H.R.4578 no Senate bill P.L. 106-291
Labor/HHS/Education H.R.5656   per H.Rpt.106-1033 to
P.L. 106-554 ***
V- Legislative Branch (1 of 2) H.R.4516   vetoed 10/30/00
Legislative Branch (2 of 2) H.R.5657   per H.Rpt.106-1033 to
P.L. 106-554 ***
Military Construction H.R.4425  S.2521 P.L. 106-246
Transportation H.R.4475 S.2720  P.L. 106-346
Treasury/Postal Service (1 of 3) H.R.4871 S.2900 no action 
V- Treasury/Postal Service (2 of 3) H.R.4985   H.Rpt.106-796 to H.R.4516, vetoed 10/30/00
Treasury/Postal Service (3 of 3) H.R.5658   H.Rpt.106-1033 to
P.L. 106-554 ***
VA/HUD H.R.5482   per H.Rpt.106-988 to
P.L. 106-377****
**P.L.106-113 enacted H.R.3421, H.R.3422, H.R.3423, H.R.3424, H.R.3425, H.R.3426, H.R.3427, H.R.3428 and S.1948 into law by reference to bill number; the text of each bill is included in an appendix to P.L.106-113.
***P.L.106-554 enacted H.R.4904, H.R.5656, H.R.5657, H.R.5658, H.R.5661, H.R.5662, H.R.5663, H.R.5666, H.R.5667 into law by reference to bill number; the text of each bill is included in H.Rpt.106-1033.
**** P.L.106-377 enacted H.R.5482 & H.R.5483 by reference in H.Rpt.106-988.
BOLD bill numbers indicated advanced legislative action.  V indicates a veto.
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Selected Public Laws -- 106th Congress

21st Amendment Enforcement Act (114 Stat. 1546-1548) H.R.3244 P.L. 106-386
527 organization disclosure H.R.4762 P.L. 106-230
911 (wireless service universal emergency number) S.800 P.L. 106-81
Adopted Orphans Citizenship Act H.R.2883 P.L. 106-395
Adoption (Intercountry Adoption Convention Implementation Act) H.R.2909 P.L. 106-279
Africa Free Trade H.R.434 P.L. 106-200
Aimee's Law (114 Stat. 1539-1541) H.R.894 P.L. 106-386
American Embassy Security Act (113 Stat. 1501A-451-459) H.R.3194 P.L. 106-113
Cabin User Fees Fairness Act (114 Stat. 1014-1024) H.R.4578 P.L. 106-291 
China Trade - Extend Permanent Normal Trade Relations H.R.4444 P.L. 106-286
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act H.R.1658 P.L. 106-185
Construction Industry Payment Protection Act H.R.1219 P.L. 106-49
Copyright Damages Improvement Act H.R.3456 P.L. 106-160
Crop Insurance H.R.2559 P.L. 106-224
Cybersquatting (113 Stat. 1501A-545-552) H.R.3194 P.L. 106-113
Date-Rape Prevention Drug Act H.R.2310 P.L. 106-172
Deceptive Mailing Prevention and Enforcement Act S.335 P.L. 106-168
Drug Reimportation (Medicine Equity & Drug Safety Act--law not implemented) H.R.5427, H.Rpt.106-948 P.L. 106-387
Earnings test, elimination of for social security recipients (Senior Citizen's Freedom to Work Act) H.R.5 P.L. 106-182
Education Flexibility Partnership Act H.R.800 P.L. 106-25
Electronic Benefits Transfer Act (food stamps) S.1733 P.L. 106-171
Electronic Signatures Act S.761 P.L. 106-229
Financial Services Modernization Act (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) S.900 P.L. 106-102
H-1B Visas S.2045 P.L. 106-313
     Fee increase for employers petitioning for H-1B
       non-immigrant workers
H.R.5362 P.L. 106-311
Holocaust Assets Commission Extension Act H.R.2401 P.L. 106-155
Human Trafficking H.R.3244 P.L. 106-386
Iran Nonproliferation Act of 1999 H.R.1883 P.L. 106-178
Jennifer's Law H.R.764 P.L. 106-177
Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act (114 Stat. 1543-1546) H.R.3244 P.L. 106-386
Legal Immigration Family Equity Act (LIFE) H.R.5548, H.Rpt.106-1005 P.L. 106-553
Legal Immigration Family Equity Act (LIFE) technical corrections, H.Rpt.106-1033 to
P.L. 106-554
Nursing Home Resident Protection Act H.R.540 P.L. 106-4
ORBIT (Open-Market Reorganization for the Betterment of International Telecommunications) S.376 P.L. 106-180
Religious Land Use & Institutionalized Persons Act/Religious Liberty Protection Act S.2869 P.L. 106-274
Satellite Home Viewer Act (113 Stat. 1501A-523-544) H.R.3194 P.L. 106-113
Social Security Number Confidentiality Act H.R.3218 P.L. 106-433
Ticket-To-Work Act H.R.1180 P.L. 106-170
Tire recall (Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability & 
Documentation:  TREAD)
H.R.5164 P.L. 106-414
Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act H.R.2280 P.L. 106-118
Victims of Trafficking & Violence Protection Act H.R.3244 P.L. 106-386
Violence Against Women Act (114 Stat. 1491-1539; SEE ALSO:  Program Authorizations) H.R.3244 P.L. 106-386
Visa Waiver Pilot Program H.R.3767 P.L. 106-396
Water Resources Development Act S.2796 P.L. 106-541
Winnebago Act (RV access to satellite TV; in Conf. Report 106-479, Sec. 1005d) H.R.3194 P.L. 106-113
World Bank AIDS Prevention Trust Fund Act H.R.3519 P.L. 106-264
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Hot Documents:  Government Publications other than Congressional Legislation

Annual Report of Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, 2000 H.Doc.106-220
Annual Report of Board of Trustees of the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund H.Doc.106-219
Annual Report of Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivor and Disability Insurance Trust Fund H.Doc.106-221
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Treaty Doc.96-53
Cox Report (National Security concerns with the People's Republic of China) H.Rpt.105-851
Ergonomics regulations, Final Rule (not in effect; see P.L.107-5) 65 FR 68861-68870 (11/14/00)
Medical information privacy, Final Rule 65 FR 82461-82829 (12/28/00)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Treaty Doc.105-28
Truck driver rest and sleep regulations (not in effect) 65 FR 25539-25611 (5/02/00)
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