Literature Cited

  1. D. Agarwal. "Collaborating Across the Miles." Proceedings of the INMM/ESARDA – Workshop on Science and Modern Technology for Safeguards. Albuquerque, NM, September 1998.
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  9. K. Berket, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, "The InterGroup Protocols: Scalable Group Communication for the Internet." Proceedings of the Third Global Internet Mini-Conference (in conjunction with Globecom ’98), Sydney, Australia, November 8-12, 1998
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  19. K. Miller, K. Robertson, A. Tweedly, and M. White, "StarBurst Multicast File Transfer Protocol (MFTP) Specification--An Internet Draft," available from Information on the Starburst protocol is also available at
  20. K. Park, K. and R. Kenyon, "Effects of Network Characteristics on Human Performance in a Collaborative Virtual Environment", Proceedings of IEEE VR `99, Houston TX, March 13-17, 1999.
  21. W.T. Strayer, S. Gray, and R.E. Cline, Jr., "An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Xpress Tranfer Protocol," Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Advanced Communications and Applications for High-Speed Networks (IWACA), Heidelberg, Germany, September 26-28, 1994.
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  23. M. Thompson, W. Johnston, S. Mudumbai, G. Hoo, and K. Jackson, "Certificate-based Access Control for Widely Distributed Resources," submitted to the Usenix Security Symposium '99. Mar. 16, `99. (
  24. B. Tierney, W. Johnston, B. Crowley, G. Hoo, C. Brooks, and D. Gunther, "The NetLogger Methodology for High Performance Distributed Systems Performance Analysis," Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE HPDC-7’98, July 1998, Chicago, Illinois, 28-31.
  25. K. Watsen and M. Zyda, "Bamboo - A Portable System for Dynamically Extensible, Networked, Real-Time, Virtual Environments," Proceedings of VRAIS 98, 16 - 19 March 1998, Atlanta, GA, pp. 252-259.
  26. B. Whetten, T. Montgomery, and S. Kaplan, "A High Performance Totally Ordered Multicast Protocol," Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, pp. 33-57. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 938, 1994. Current protocol information available at
  27. The Magic Network, (
  28. "The Multicast Dissemination Protocol (MDP) Framework," MDP protocol information available at

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