October 7, 1974 Dr. Anne R. Somere Office of Cm-Health Education College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Rutgers Medical School University Heights Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Dear Dr. Somers, I was glad to learn of the project outline in your letter of September 30th. and I want to thank you for thinking of me. Yes, the eubject is one that 18 close to my heart; but no, I am afraid that I just do not have enough time left over to be able to contemplate the assignment. Howdver, I hope that you can find some way to kaep me informed of your progrees and perhaps &ive me an opportunity to comment on some aspect8 of it. Indeed I wonder if I could make a counter-proposition although this is just off the top of my head and I will not have had a chance to clear it with some of the other wople I am about to mention, But the proposal is simply that you reschedule one of your meetings to hold it here at Stanford, perhaps at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences. I am sure Nathan Maccoby will not complain about that. But what I had in mind besides the possibility of my own participation as an observer is that Bob Haggerty and Dave Mechanic are both here at the Center and I need hardly mention the kind of contribution *they might be in a position to make. And it is difficult for me to believe that they would not share my enthusiasm about that kind of involvement. Beside8 the names that came first to mind there are of course many others in the immediate area who might be drawn upon as important resource8. I have taken part in meetings of this kind before at the Center, and they have always been regarded as most constructive. (The outstanding example, not to be homologized with your very valuable activity, was one where - believe it or not - It was decided to abendon a project a8 inherently unfeasible on the basis of commentary to that effect by the observers. In that case it was a well deserved fate!) I really am just delighted to see that this kind of initiative ie being taken to reassess the status and substance of preventive medicine. I would in fact be most interested to learn a little more about Its general organleation - for example, what attention is being paid to genetic factors as input variables. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Profe8sor of Genetic8 JL/rr