JPL Publications:

  1. Divsalar D. and Pollara F., ``Turbo Codes for Deep-Space Communications," The JPL TDA Progress Report 42-120, October-December 1994, Feb. 15, 1995. TDA
  2. Divsalar D. and Pollara F., ``Multiple Turbo Codes for Deep-Space Communications," The JPL TDA Progress Report 42-121, Jan-March 1995, May 15, 1995. TDA
  3. Divsalar D. and Pollara F., ``Turbo Codes for PCS Applications," Proceedings of IEEE ICC'95, Seattle, Washington, June 1995.
  4. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, ``Turbo Codes for Deep-Space Communications", IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, April 23-26, 1995, Santa Cruz, CA.
  5. D. Divsalar, S. Dolinar, R.J. McEliece, F. Pollara. ``Transfer Function Bounds on the Performance of Turbo Codes", JPL TDA Progress Report 42-122, August 15, 1995. TDA
  6. Dolinar S. and Divsalar D., ``Weight Distributions for Turbo Codes Using Random and Nonrandom Permutations," The JPL TDA Progress Report 42-121, Apr-June 1995, Aug 15, 1995. TDA
  7. D. Divsalar and F.Pollara, ``Low-rate Turbo Codes for Deep-Space Communications", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Sept. 17-22, 1995, Whistler, Canada.
  8. Divsalar D., Dolinar S., McEliece, R. J. and Pollara F. ``Transfer Function Bounds on the Performance of Turbo Codes," MILCOM '95 . Nov. 5-8, 1995, San Diego, CA.
  9. S.Benedetto, D.Divsalar, G.Montorsi and F.Pollara, "Soft-output decoding algorithms in iterative decoding of parallel concatenated convolutional codes", ICC '96.
  10. S.Benedetto, D.Divsalar, G.Montorsi and F.Pollara, "Parallel Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation", ICC '96.
  11. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara.``Multiple Turbo Codes", MILCOM 95, Nov. 5-8, 1995, San Diego, CA.
  12. S.Benedetto, D.Divsalar, G.Montorsi and F.Pollara, "A new algorithm for continuous decoding of turbo codes", Electronics Letters, Feb. 96.
  13. S.Benedetto, D.Divsalar, G.Montorsi and F.Pollara, "New Bandwidth Efficient Parallel Concatenated Coding Schemes", Electronics Letters, Nov. 95.
  14. D. Divsalar and R. McEliece, "The Effective Free Distance of Turbo-Codes" , (to appear) Electronics Letters, Feb. 96.
  15. S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F. Pollara, ``Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Codes: Performance Analysis, Design, and Iterative Decoding,", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, (accepted March 97) .
  16. Divsalar D. and Pollara F., ``On the Design of Turbo Codes", The JPL TDA Progress Report 42-123, Nov. 15, 1995. TDA
  17. S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi and F. Pollara, ``Soft-output decoding algorithms in iterative decoding of turbo codes", JPL TDA Progress Report 42-124, February 15, 1996. TDA
  18. S.Benedetto, D.Divsalar, G.Montorsi and F.Pollara, ``Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Codes: Performance Analysis, Design, and Iterative Decoding," The JPL TDA Progress Report 42-126, Apr-June 1996, Aug 15, 1996.
  19. D. Divsalar, and F. Pollara, ``Hybrid Concatenated Codes and Iterative Decoding", ISIT 97.
  20. Benedetto, Divsalar, Montorsi, Pollara, ``Serial Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding, ISIT 97.
  21. Benedetto, Divsalar, Montorsi, Pollara, ``Serial Concatenated Codes", ISIT 97.
  22. Benedetto, Divsalar, Montorsi, Pollara, ``Double Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Codes: Performance Analysis, Design and Iterative Decoding". JSAC Special Issue, Sept. 97. (Accepted; to be published Jan. 98)
  23. Benedetto, Divsalar, Montorsi, Pollara, ``Continuous MAP algorithms and their applications to very high coding gain serially and parallel concatenated codes". Fifth ESA Intern. workshop on digital signal processing techniques applied to space communications. Barcelona, Sept. 96.
  24. S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F. Pollara, ``Soft-input soft-output MAP module to decoded parallel and serial concatenated codes". TDA Prog. Report 42-127, Nov. 15, 1996. TDA
  25. S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F. Pollara, ``A Soft-Input Soft-Output APP Module for Iterative Decoding of Concatenated Codes", IEEE Communications Letters, Jan. 97
  26. Benedetto, Divsalar, Montorsi, Pollara, ``Serial Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding:Design and Performance". CTMC97
  27. D.Divsalar, ``Serial and Hybrid Concatenations of Codes with Interleavers". IEEE Communcation Theory workshop, Tucson, April 97
  28. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, ``Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding for Mobile Satellite Communications". IMSC97, June 97
  29. S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F. Pollara, ``Soft-input soft-output modules for the contruction and distributed iterative decoding of code networks". Submitted to ETT May 97
  30. S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Montorsi, and F. Pollara, ``Design of serially concatenated interleaved codes", ICC97, June 97, Montreal.
  31. D. Divsalar, S. Dolinar and F. Pollara, Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), ``Draft CCSDS Recommendation for Telemetry Channel Coding (Updated to Include Turbo Codes)", White Book, Jan. 97
  32. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, "Serial and Hybrid Concatenated Codes with Applications", Intern. Symposium on Turbo Codes and related topics, Brest, France, 3-5 Sept. 1997.
  33. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, "Hybrid Concatenated Codes and Iterative Decoding" TDA Prog. Report 42-130, Aug. 15, 1997. TDA

Other Conference papers:

  1. Anderson, J. ``The TURBO Coding Scheme," Proceedings of ISIT '94, Trondheim, Norway, June 1994.
  2. Barbulescu, A.S. and Pietrobon, S.S., ``Interleaver Design for Three Dimensional Turbo-Codes," 1995 IEEE International Symposium on information Theory. 1995.
  3. Berrou, C., Glavieux, A. and Thitimajshima, P., ``Near Shannon Limit Error-Correcting Coding and Decoding: Turbo Codes," ICC, pp 1064-1070, 1993.
  4. Berrou, C., et. al., ``A Low Complexity Soft-Output Viterbi Decoder Architecture," ICC, pp. 737-740, 1993.
  5. Berrou, C et. al., ``Turbo Codes: General Principles and Applications," Proceedings of the 6th Tierrenia International Workshop of Digital Communications, Tierrenia, Italy, Sept. 1993.
  6. Benedetto, S. and Montorsi, G., ``Unveiling Turbo Codes: Some Results on Parallel Concatenated Coding Schemes," Jan. 27, 1995.
  7. Goff, S.L. et. al., ``Turbo-Codes and High Spectral Efficiency Modulation," ICC, pp. 645-649, 1994.
  8. Hagenauer, J. et. al., ``Iterative (Turbo) Decoding of Systematic Convolutional Codes with the MAP and SOVA algorithms." ITG, Oct. 1994.
  9. Jung, Peter et. al., ``Application of Turbo-Codes to a CDMA Mobile Radio System Using Joint Detection and Antenna Diversity," Proceedings of the IEEE 44th Annual Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 770-774, 1994.
  10. Jung, P., ``Novel Low Complexity Decoder for Turbo Codes," Electronic Letters, Jan 19, 1995, pp. 86-87.
  11. Lodge, J, et. al. ``Separable MAP ``Filters" for the Decoding of Product and Concatenated Codes," ICC 1993, pp. 1740-1745.
  12. Podemski, R. et. al., ``Distance Spectrum of the Turbo Code," IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, 1995.
  13. Podemski, R. et. al., ``Minimum Hamming Distances for Turbo Codes with Small Interleavers,"
  14. Robertson, P., ``Illuminating the Structure of Code and Decoder of Parallel Concatenated Recursive Systematic (Turbo) Codes," Globcom Conf, pp 1298-1303, 1994.
  15. A. Picart and R. Pyndiah, "Performance of turbo-decoded product codes used in multilevel coding," will be published in proc. of IEEE ICC'96 Conference, Dallas TX.
  16. R. Pyndiah, A.Glavieux, A. Picart and S.Jacq, "Near optimum decoding of products codes," in proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM '94 Conference, vol. 1/3, Nov.- Dec. 1994, San Francisco, pp.J339-343 .
  17. R. Pyndiah, A. Picart and A.Glavieux, "Performance of block turbo coded 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulations," in proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM '95 Conference, vol. 2/3, Nov. 1995, Singapour, pp.J1039-1044 .
  18. CODING TECHNIQUES UNDER STUDY AT NASA Morakis, J.C. ; Miller, W.H., NASA/Goddard Space Flight Cent , IEEE Aerospace Applications Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Aerospace Conference Feb 1-2 1997 v 3 1997 Snowmass Village, CO, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 4 p 559-565
  19. HIGH RATE SOFT OUTPUT VITERBI DECODER Luthi, Eric ; Casseau, Emmanuel, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecomunications de Bretagne, Proceedings of European Design and Test Conference Proceedings of the 1996 European Design & Test Conference Mar 11-14 1996 1996 Paris, Fr Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Los Alamitos CA USA p 315-319
  20. MAP DECODING FOR SATELLITE CHANNELS Koorapaty, Havish ; Chennakeshu, Sandeep ; Wang, Yi-Pin ; Ramesh, R., Ericsson Inc, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE 46th Vehicular Technology Conference. Part 1 (of 3) Apr 28-May 1 1996 v 1 1996 Atlanta, GA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 477-481
  21. Q-ARY TURBO CODES WITH QAM MODULATIONS Chang, Yuwei ; Wei, Victor Keh-wei, Jiao Tong Univ, Annual International Conference on Universal Personal Communications - Record Proceedings of the 1996 5th IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, ICUPC'96. Part 2 (of 2) Sep 29-Oct 2 1996 v 2 1996 Cambridge, MA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 2 p 814-817
  22. EXTREMELY ROBUST TURBO CODED HF MODEM Zhang, Lin ; Zhang, Weimin ; Ball, Jeff T. ; Gill, Martin C., Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM Proceedings of the 1996 15th Annual Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 96. Part 3 (of 3) Oct 21-24 1996 v 3 1996 Washington, DC, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 691-695
  23. EFFECTS OF CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS ON TURBO CODE PERFORMANCE Jordan, Michael A. ; Nichols, Robert A., Johns Hopkins Univ, Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM Proceedings of the 1996 15th Annual Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 96. Part 1 (of 3) Oct 21-24 1996 v 1 1996 Washington, DC, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 17-21
  24. TURBO CODES FOR INCOHERENT M-ARY ORTHOGONAL SIGNALING Chayat, Naftali, Technion, Proceedings - IEEE Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel Proceedings of the 1996 19th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel Nov 5-6 1996 1996 Jerusalem, Isr Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 471-474
  25. SUPERORTHOGONAL TURBO-CODE FOR CDMA APPLICATIONS Pehkonen, K. ; Komulainen, P., Nokia Mobile Phones R&D, IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE 4th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications Sep 22-25 1996 v 2 1996 Mainz, Ger 3 p 580-583
  26. FORWARD ERROR CORRECTING FOR CDMA SYSTEMS Hagenauer, Joachim, Technical Univ of Munich, IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE 4th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications Sep 22-25 1996 v 2 1996 Mainz, Ger 3 p 566-569
  27. LOW-COMPLEXITY SUPERORTHOGONAL TURBO-CODE FOR CDMA APPLICATIONS Komulainen, P. ; Pehkonen, K., Nokia Mobile Phones R&D, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC Proceedings of the 1996 7th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'96. Part 2 (of 3) Oct 15-18 1996 v 2 1996 Taipei, Taiwan Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 369-373
  28. TURBO-CODE TERMINATION SCHEMES AND A NOVEL ALTERNATIVE FOR SHORT FRAMES Reed, Mark C. ; Pietrobon, Steven S., Univ of South Australia, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC Proceedings of the 1996 7th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'96. Part 2 (of 3) Oct 15-18 1996 v 2 1996 Taipei, Taiwan Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 354-358
  29. STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF TURBO CODES IN A SATELLITE SYSTEM Melis, Bruno ; Muratore, Flavio ; Romano, Giovanni, CSELT S.p.A., International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far Infrared Science and Technology Proceedings, ICMWFST'96 Mobile and Personal Satellite Communications Proceedings of the 1996 2nd European Workshop on Mobile/Personal Satcoms 1996 Rome, Italy IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 298-309
  30. APPROACHING THE SHANNON LIMIT: THEORIST'S DREAM AND PRACTITIONER'S CHALLENGE Viterbi, Andrew, QUALCOMM Inc, International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far Infrared Science and Technology Proceedings, ICMWFST'96 Mobile and Personal Satellite Communications Proceedings of the 1996 2nd European Workshop on Mobile/Personal Satcoms 1996 Rome, Italy IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1-11
  31. TURBO-DECODER SYNCHRONIZATION PROCEDURE. APPLICATION TO THE CAS5093 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Ferry, Pascale ; Adde, Patrick ; Graton, Gerard, Technopole Brest Iroise, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems Proceedings of the 1996 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS. Part 1 (of 2) Oct 13-16 1996 v 1 1996 Rodos, Greece Sponsored by: IEEE 2 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 168-171
  32. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF TURBO CODES ON RAYLEIGH FADING CHANNELS Hall, Eric K. ; Wilson, Stephen G., Univ of Virginia, Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Communications Theory Mini-Conference. Part 4 (of 4) Nov 18-22 1996 1996 London, UK Sponsored by: IEEE 4 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 16-20
  33. SYSTEMATIC ENCODERS FOR CONVOLUTIONAL CODES AND THEIR APPLICATION TO TURBO CODES Benedetto, Sergio ; Garello, Roberto ; Montorsi, Guido, Politecnico di Torino, Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Communications Theory Mini-Conference. Part 4 (of 4) Nov 18-22 1996 1996 London, UK Sponsored by: IEEE 4 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 6-10
  34. PERFORMANCE OF REED-SOLOMON BLOCK TURBO CODE Aitsab, Omar ; Pyndiah, Ramesh, Telecom Bretagne , Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 1 (of 4) Nov 18-22 1996 v 1 1996 London, UK Sponsored by: IEEE 4 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 121-125
  35. VERY LOW COMPLEXITY BLOCK TURBO DECODER FOR PRODUCT CODES Pyndiah, Ramesh ; Combelles, Pierre ; Adde, Patrick, Telecom Bretagne , Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 1 (of 4) Nov 18-22 1996 v 1 1996 London, UK Sponsored by: IEEE 4 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 101-105
  36. IC FOR TURBO-CODES ENCODING AND DECODING Berrou, C. ; Combelles, P. ; Penard, P. ; Talibart, B., ENST , Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Feb 15-17 1995 v 38 Febr 1995 San Francisco, CA, USA IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 90-91
  37. TURBO CODES FOR PCS APPLICATIONS Divsalar, D. ; Pollara, F., California Inst of Technology, IEEE International Conference on Communications Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications. Part 1 (of 3) Jun 18-22 1995 v 1 1995 Seattle, WA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 54-59
  38. COMBINED MULTILEVEL TURBO-CODE WITH MR-MODULATION Papke, L. ; Fazel, K., Inst for Communications Technology, IEEE International Conference on Communications Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications. Part 2 (of 3) Jun 18-22 1995 v 2 1995 Seattle, WA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 668-672
  39. COMPREHENSIVE COMPARISON OF TURBO-CODE DECODERS Jung, Peter ; Nasshan, Markus M., Univ of Kaiserslautern, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE 45th Vehicular Technology Conference. Part 2 (of 2) Jul 25-28 1995 v 2 1995 Chicago, IL, USA 2 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 624-628
  40. CAPACITY OF CHANNELS WITH UNCODED-MESSAGE SIDE-INFORMATION Shamai, Shlomo ; Verdu, Sergio, Technion-Israel Inst of Technology, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 7
  41. UNVEILING TURBO CODES: SOME RESULTS ON PARALLEL CONCATENATED CODES Benedetto, Sergio ; Montorsi, Guido , Politecnico di Torino, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 32
  42. UNIT-MEMORY HAMMING TURBO CODES Cheng, Jung-Fu ; McEliece, Robert J., California Inst of Technology , IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 33
  43. DISTANCE SPECTRUM OF THE TURBO-CODES Podemski, R. ; Holubowicz, W. ; Berrou, C. ; Glavieux, A., Franco-Polish Sch of New Information and Communication Technologies, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 34
  44. LOW-RATE TURBO CODES FOR DEEP-SPACE COMMUNICATIONS Divsalar, D. ; Pollara, F., Jet Propulsion Lab , IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 35
  45. INTERLEAVER DESIGN FOR THREE DIMENSIONAL TURBO CODES Barbulescu, Adrian S. ; Pietrobon, Steven S., Univ of South Australia, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 37
  46. WEIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS OF TURBO-CODES Svirid, Yuri V., Technical Univ of Munich, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 38
  47. THRESHOLD DECODING OF TURBO-CODES Svirid, Yuri V. ; Riedel, Sven, Technical Univ of Munich, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 39
  48. ON THE CONVERGENCE OF THE ITERATED DECODING ALGORITHM Caire, Giuseppe ; Taricco, Giorgio ; Biglieri, Ezio, Dipartimento di Elettronica Politecnico Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 472
  49. MULTIPLE TURBO CODES Divsalar, D. ; Pollara, F., California Inst of Technology, Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM Proceedings of the 1995 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). Part 1 (of 3) Nov 5-8 1995 v 1 1995 San Diego, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 279-285
  50. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF TURBO CODES Divsalar, D. ; Dolinar, S. ; McEliece, R.J. ; Pollara, F., California Inst of Technology, Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM Proceedings of the 1995 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). Part 1 (of 3) Nov 5-8 1995 v 1 1995 San Diego, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 91-96
  51. MULTIPLE TURBO CODES Divsalar, D. ; Pollara, F., California Inst of Technology, Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM Proceedings of the 1995 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). Part 1 (of 3) Nov 5-8 1995 v 1 1995 San Diego, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 279-285
  52. PSEUDO-RANDOM TURBO-CODES Battail, Gerard, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Conference Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics Proceedings of the 1995 3rd URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, ISSSE'95 Oct 25-27 1995 1995 San Francisco, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 419-422
  53. PERFORMANCE OF BLOCK TURBO CODED 16-QAM AND 64-QAM MODULATIONS Pyndiah, Ramesh ; Picart, Annie ; Glavieux, Alain, Telecom Bretagne, Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 2 (of 3) Nov 14-16 1995 v 2 1995 Singapore, Singapore Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1039-1043
  54. COMBINED MULTILEVEL TURBO-CODE WITH 8PSK MODULATION Fazel, K. ; Papke, L., German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM'95. Part 1 (of 3) Nov 14-16 1995 v 1 1995 Singapore, Singapore Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 649-653
  55. TURBO-CODES AND HIGH SPECTRAL EFFICIENCY MODULATION Le Goff, Stephane ; Glavieux, Alain ; Berrou, Claude, France Telecom Univ, Conference Record - International Conference on Communications Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Communications May 1-5 1994 v 2 1994 New Orleans, LA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 645-649
  56. DIGITAL TELEVISION: HIERARCHICAL CHANNEL CODING USING TURBO-CODES Berrou, Claude ; Combelles, Pierre, ENSTB Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne, Conference Record - International Conference on Communications Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Communications May 1-5 1994 v 3 1994 New Orleans, LA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1255-1259
  57. APPLICATION OF TURBO-CODES TO A CDMA MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM USING JOINT DETECTION AND ANTENNA DIVERSITY Jung, Peter ; Nasshan, Markus ; Blanz, Josef, Univ of Kaiserslautern, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE 44th Vehicular Technology Conference. Part 2 (of 3) Jun 8-10 1994 v 2 1994 Stockholm, Swed 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 770-774
  58. IMPROVING DECODER AND CODE STRUCTURE OF PARALLEL CONCATENATED RECURSIVE SYSTEMATIC (TURBO) CODES Robertson, Patrick, German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), Annual International Conference on Universal Personal Communications - Record Proceedings of the 1994 3rd Annual International Conference on Universal Personal Communications Sep 27-Oct 1 1994 1994 San Diego, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 183-187
  59. DECODING 'TURBO'-CODES WITH THE SOFT OUTPUT VITERBI ALGORITHM (SOVA) Hagenauer, Joachim ; Papke, Lutz, Technical Univ of Munich, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jun 27-Jul 1 1994 1994 Trodheim, Norw Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA 164p 001793
  60. NEAR OPTIMUM DECODING OF PRODUCT CODES Pyndiah, Ramesh ; Glavieux, Alain ; Picart, Annie ; Jacq, Sylvie, Telecom Bretagne, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - CLOBECOM'94. Part 1 (of 3) Nov 28-Dec 3 1994 v 1 1994 San Francisco, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 339-343
  61. ILLUMINATING THE STRUCTURE OF CODE AND DECODER OF PARALLEL CONCATENATED RECURSIVE SYSTEMATIC (TURBO) CODES Robertson, Patrick, German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Global Communications Conference -GLOBECOM'94. Part 3 (of 3) Nov 28-Dec 2 1994 v 3 1994 San Francisco, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 3 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1298-1303
  62. NEAR SHANNON LIMIT ERROR-CORRECTING CODING AND ENCODING: TURBO-CODES (1) Berrou, Claude ; Glavieux, Alain ; Thitimajshima, Punya, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne, IEEE International Conference on Communications 1993 IEEE International Conference on Communications May 23-26 1993 1993 Geneva, Switz Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1064-1070
  63. PSEUDO-RECURSIVE CONVOLUTIONAL CODING FOR NEAR-CAPACITY-PERFORMANCE Battail, Gerard ; Berrou, Claude ; Glavieux, Alain, E.N.S. des Telecommunications, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 4 (of 4) Nov 29-Dec 2 1993 v 4 1993 Houston, TX, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 4 Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 23-27
  64. NOVEL ARQ TECHNIQUE USING THE TURBO CODING PRINCIPLE Narayanan, Krishna R. ; Stuber, Gordon L., Georgia Inst of Technology, Communications Letters v 1 n 2 Mar 1997 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 49-51
  65. TURBO CODES WITH UNEQUAL ERROR PROTECTION Caire, G. ; Lechner, G., Politecnico di Torino, Electronics Letters v 32 n 7 Mar 28 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 629-631
  66. OVERVIEW OF FORWARD ERROR-CORRECTION CODING FOR SPREAD SPECTRUM Li, Jifeng ; Imai, Hideki, Univ of Tokyo, IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications Proceedings of the 1996 4th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications Sep 22-25 1996 v 3 1996 Mainz, Ger 3 p 1193-1197
  67. NEAR OPTIMUM ERROR CORRECTING CODING AND DECODING: TURBO-CODES Berrou, Claude ; Glavieux, Alain, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne, IEEE Transactions on Communications v 44 n 10 Oct 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1261-1271
  68. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF TURBO-CODES Benedetto, S. ; Montorsi, G., Politecnico, Electronics Letters v 31 n 3 Feb 2 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 163-165
  69. ROLE OF RECURSIVE CONVOLUTIONAL CODES IN TURBO CODES Benedetto, S. ; Montorsi, G., Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, Electronics Letters v 31 n 11 May 25 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 858-859
  70. CAPACITY OF CHANNELS WITH UNCODED-MESSAGE SIDE-INFORMATION Shamai, Shlomo ; Verdu, Sergio, Technion-Israel Inst of Technology, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 7
  71. 'TURBO' CODING FOR DEEP SPACE APPLICATIONS Andersen, Jakob Dahl, Technical Univ of Denmark, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 36
  72. CODES AND ITERATIVE DECODING ON GENERAL GRAPHS Wilberg, Niclas ; Loeliger, Hans-Andrea ; Kotter, Ralph, Linkoping Univ, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sep 17-22 1995 1995 Whistler, BC, Can Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 468
  73. PSEUDO-RANDOM TURBO-CODES Battail, Gerard, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Conference Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics Proceedings of the 1995 3rd URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, ISSSE'95 Oct 25-27 1995 1995 San Francisco, CA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 419-422
  74. TURBO-CODES AND HIGH SPECTRAL EFFICIENCY MODULATION Le Goff, Stephane ; Glavieux, Alain ; Berrou, Claude, France Telecom Univ, Conference Record - International Conference on Communications Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Communications May 1-5 1994 v 2 1994 New Orleans, LA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 645-649
  75. DIGITAL TELEVISION: HIERARCHICAL CHANNEL CODING USING TURBO-CODES Berrou, Claude ; Combelles, Pierre, ENSTB Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne, Conference Record - International Conference on Communications Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Communications May 1-5 1994 v 3 1994 New Orleans, LA, USA Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1255-1259
  76. NEAR SHANNON LIMIT ERROR-CORRECTING CODING AND ENCODING: TURBO-CODES (1) Berrou, Claude ; Glavieux, Alain ; Thitimajshima, Punya, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne, IEEE International Conference on Communications 1993 IEEE International Conference on Communications May 23-26 1993 1993 Geneva, Switz Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1064-1070
  77. PSEUDO-RECURSIVE CONVOLUTIONAL CODING FOR NEAR-CAPACITY-PERFORMANCE Battail, Gerard ; Berrou, Claude ; Glavieux, Alain, E.N.S. des Telecommunications, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Part 4 (of 4) Nov 29-Dec 2 1993 v 4 1993 Houston, TX, USA Sponsored by: IEEE 4 Publ by IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 23-27

Other Journal papers:

  1. Barbulescu, A.S. and Pietrobon, S.S., ``Interleaver Design for Turbo Codes," Electronics Letters, vol. 30, pp. 2107-2108, Dec. 8, 1994.
  2. Barbulescu, A.S and Pietrobon, S.S., ``A Simplification of the Modified Bahl Decoding Algorithm for Systematic Convolutional Codes"
  3. Barbulescu, A.S. and Pietrobon, S.S., ``Terminating the Trellis of Turbo-Codes in the Same State," Electronics Letters, vol. 31, pp. 22-23, Jan. 5, 1995.
  4. Ma, H.H. and Wolf, J.K., ``On Tail Biting Convolutional Codes," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-34, No. 2, pp. 104-110, Feb. 1986.
  5. SOFT-INPUT SOFT-OUTPUT APP MODULE FOR ITERATIVE DECODING OF CONCATENATED CODES Benedetto, S. ; Divsalar, D. ; Montorsi, G. ; Pollara, F., Politecnico di Torino, Communications Letters v 1 n 1 Jan 1997 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 22-24
  6. UNEQUAL ERROR PROTECTION ON TURBO-ENCODER OUTPUT BITS Mohammadi, A.H.S. ; Khandani, A.K., Univ of Waterloo, Electronics Letters v 33 n 4 Feb 13 1997 p 273-274
  7. PERFORMANCE OF CONTINUOUS AND BLOCKWISE DECODED TURBO CODES Benedetto, Sergio ; Montorsi, Guido, Politecnico di Torino, Communications Letters v 1 n 3 May 1997 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 77-79
  8. ALGORITHM FOR CONTINUOUS DECODING OF TURBO CODES Benedetto, S. ; Divsalar, D. ; Montorsi, G. ; Pollara, F., Politecnico di Torino, Electronics Letters v 32 n 4 Feb 15 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 314-315
  9. EFFECTIVE FREE DISTANCE OF TURBO CODES Divsalar, D. ; McEliece, R.J., California Inst of Technology, Electronics Letters v 32 n 5 Feb 29 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 445-446
  10. ITERATIVE DECODING OF BINARY BLOCK AND CONVOLUTIONAL CODES Hagenauer, Joachim ; Offer, Elke ; Papke, Lutz, Technical Univ of Munich, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory v 42 n 2 Mar 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 429-445
  11. UNVEILING TURBO CODES: SOME RESULTS ON PARALLEL CONCATENATED CODING SCHEMES Benedetto, Sergio ; Montorsi, Guido, Politecnico di Torino, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory v 42 n 2 Mar 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 409-428
  12. COMPARISON OF TURBO-CODE DECODERS APPLIED TO SHORT FRAME TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Jung, Peter, Univ of Kaiserslautern, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v 14 n 3 Apr 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 530-537
  13. TURBO CODES WITH UNEQUAL ERROR PROTECTION Caire, G. ; Lechner, G., Politecnico di Torino, Electronics Letters v 32 n 7 Mar 28 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 629-631
  14. CANONICAL STRUCTURE FOR SYSTEMATIC RATE K/N CONVOLUTIONAL ENCODERS AND ITS APPLICATION TO TURBO CODES Benedetto, S. ; Garello, R. ; Montorsi, G., Electronics Letters v 32 n 11 May 23 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 981-983
  15. DESIGN OF PARALLEL CONCATENATED CONVOLUTIONAL CODES Benedetto, Sergio ; Montorsi, Guido, Politecnico di Torino, IEEE Transactions on Communications v 44 n 5 May 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 591-600
  16. NEAR SHANNON LIMIT PERFORMANCE OF LOW DENSITY PARITY CHECK CODES MacKay, D.J.C. ; Neal, R.M., Electronics Letters v 32 n 18 Aug 29 1996 p 1645-1646
  17. TURBO CODES EXTENDED WITH OUTER BCH CODE Andersen, J.D., Technical Univ of Denmark, Electronics Letters v 32 n 22 Oct 24 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 2059-2060
  18. PERFORMANCE OF HYBRID TURBO CODES Adde, P. ; Pyndiah, R. ; Berrou, C., Technopole Brest Iroise, Electronics Letters v 32 n 24 Nov 21 1996 IEE Stevenage Engl p 2209-2210
  19. DISTANCE SPECTRUM INTERPRETATION OF TURBO CODES Perez, Lance C. ; Seghers, Jan ; Costello, Daniel J. Jr., Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory v 42 n 6 pt 1 Nov 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1698-1709
  20. NEAR OPTIMUM ERROR CORRECTING CODING AND DECODING: TURBO-CODES Berrou, Claude ; Glavieux, Alain, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne, IEEE Transactions on Communications v 44 n 10 Oct 1996 IEEE Piscataway NJ USA p 1261-1271
  21. TERMINATING THE TRELLIS OF TURBO-CODES IN THE SAME STATE Barbulescu, A.S. ; Pietrobon, S.S., Univ of South Australia, Electronics Letters v 31 n 1 Jan 5 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 22-23
  22. NOVEL LOW COMPLEXITY DECODER FOR TURBO-CODES Jung, P., Univ of Kaiserslautern, Electronics Letters v 31 n 2 Jan 19 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 86-87
  23. AVERAGE PERFORMANCE OF PARALLEL CONCATENATED BLOCK CODES Benedetto, S. ; Montorsi, G., Politecnico, Electronics Letters v 31 n 3 Feb 2 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 156-158
  24. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF TURBO-CODES Benedetto, S. ; Montorsi, G., Politecnico, Electronics Letters v 31 n 3 Feb 2 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 163-165
  25. RATE COMPATIBLE TURBO CODES Barbulescu, A.S. ; Pietrobon, S.S., Univ of South Australia, Electronics Letters v 31 n 7 Mar 30 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 535-536
  26. ROLE OF RECURSIVE CONVOLUTIONAL CODES IN TURBO CODES Benedetto, S. ; Montorsi, G., Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, Electronics Letters v 31 n 11 May 25 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 858-859
  27. CODED MODULATION SCHEME EMPLOYING TURBO CODES Robertson, P. ; Worz, T., Electronics Letters v 31 n 18 Aug 31 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 1546-1547
  28. TURBO CODE TERMINATION AND INTERLEAVER CONDITIONS Blackert, W.J. ; Hall, E.K. ; Wilson, S.G., Electronics Letters v 31 n 24 Nov 23 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 2082-2084
  29. BANDWIDTH EFFICIENT PARALLEL CONCATENATED CODING SCHEMES Benedetto, S. ; Divsalar, D. ; Montorsi, G. ; Pollara, F. , Electronics Letters v 31 n 24 Nov 23 1995 IEE Stevenage Engl p 2067-2069
  30. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF TURBO CODES FOR SHORT FRAME TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Jung, P. ; Nasshan, M. , Electronics Letters v 30 n 2 Jan 20 1994 p 111-113
  31. DEPENDENCE OF THE ERROR PERFORMANCE OF TURBO-CODES ON THE INTERLEAVER STRUCTURE IN SHORT FRAME TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Jung, P. ; Nasshan, M., Univ of Kaiserslautern, Electronics Letters v 30 n 4 Feb 17 1994 Publ by IEE Stevenage Engl p 287-288
  32. TERMINATING THE TRELLIS OF TURBO-CODES Joerssen, O. ; Meyr, H., Aachen Univ of Technology, Electronics Letters v 30 n 16 Aug 4 1994 IEE Stevenage Engl p 1285-1286
  33. INTERLEAVER DESIGN FOR TURBO CODES Barbulescu, A.S. ; Pietrobon, S.S., Univ of South Australia, Electronics Letters v 30 n 25 Dec 8 1994 IEE Stevenage Engl p 2107-2108

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