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U.S. Government Standard General Ledger Board and Issues Resolution Committee Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2007


Judy Yuran (FMS) opened the meeting and informed the attendees that the Financial Systems Integration Office (FSIO) had posted the Common Government-wide Accounting Classification (CGAC) Structure Exposure Draft on its Web site.


  • Deposit Fund Trial Balance Tie-Points - Draft

  • Special Fund Trial Balance Tie-Points - Draft

  • Trust Fund Trial Balance Tie-Points - Draft


Karen Metler (FMS) briefly reviewed the items discussed at the November 30, 2006, IRC meeting concerning tie-points. At that meeting, the IRC reviewed Deposit Fund and Special Fund Tie-Points. They completed the review of the Deposit Fund Tie-Points but only reviewed the Special Fund Tie-Points through Tie-Point 6.

Michele Crisman (FMS) presented updates to the tie-points based on input from agency representatives at the November 30, 2006, IRC meeting.

The IRC discussed Tie-Point 2 and whether both 2A, "Indirect Method," and 2B, "Direct Method," should remain on the list. The IRC voted to keep both 2A and 2B, without the word "or" between them, and to list the "Direct Method" first.

Reduction accounts (USSGL accounts 4382, "Temporary Reduction - New Budget Authority," 4383, "Temporary Reduction - Prior-Year Balances," 4392, "Permanent Reduction - New Budget Authority," and 4393, "Permanent Reduction - Prior-Year Balances") may need to be added to this tie-point. Michele will research this issue further. USSGL account 4201, "Total Actual Resources - Collected," will be added to Tie-Point 2B (Direct Method). USSGL account 1190, "Other Cash," will be removed from Tie-Points 2A/2B and throughout the Special Fund workbook because only deposit funds record USSGL account 1190. In addition, USSGL account 1195, "Other Monetary Assets," will be removed from all tie-points in the Special Fund workbook.

Following the discussion on Tie-Points 2A and 2B, the IRC discussed the tie-points that had not been discussed at the November 30, 2006, IRC meeting, starting with Special Fund Trial Balance Tie-Point 7.

Special Fund Trial Balance Tie-Point 7

Marilyn Evans (DHS/FEMA) said she would check about the need to add transfers to Tie-Point 7. She did not think it would be necessary.

Special Fund Trial Balance Tie-Point 8

Catherine Irani (GSA) asked why USSGL account 4210, "Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income," was stricken from this tie-point. Karen responded that USSGL account 4210 was stricken because reimbursable activity is not typical in special funds and that reimbursable/Economy Act activity (mainly the 42XX series) in special funds will be researched.

Special Fund Trial Balance Tie-Point 9

All the proprietary accounts will be deleted except for USSGL account 1330, "Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances," because it is the only proprietary receivable typically recorded by special funds. All of the budgetary accounts except for USSGL account 4171, "Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Receivable," will be deleted for the same reason. Also, USSGL account 4166, "Allocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested Balances," will be added.

Special Fund Trial Balance Tie-Point 10

The word "only" will be changed to "not" in the note for this tie-point. Eileen Parlow (FASAB) stated that there should not be anything in current activity for bad debts from another Federal agency; therefore, the contra accounts in this tie-point should be examined to determine if they are appropriate.


Judy closed the meeting with a discussion of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-136. On January 10, 2007, a subcommittee was held to discuss revisions to OMB Circular No. A-136. Judy highlighted several important issues, including Fund Balance with Treasury (bank balance versus agency general ledger) and earmarked funds. Kathy Winchester (FMS) encouraged all agencies to have a representative on the subcommittee for the Statement of Budgetary Resources.


Judy Yuran, FMS
Karen Metler, FMS
Kathy Winchester, FMS
Michele Crisman, FMS
Keith Mertz, FMS
Barbara Harbell, DOE
Marilyn Evans, DHS
David Surti, DHS
Eileen Parlow, FASAB
Christine Kent, OPM
Patrice Cousins, NSF
Maryla Engelking, DoD
Traci Carroll, HUD
Gregory Parker, HUD
Douglas Cheney, USDA
D.J. Akinnagbe, DOC
Tesfay Wyes, DOC
Maureen Wheeler, FMS
Yong Sun, HUD
Joe McAndrew, Treasury
Webster Coleman, DOL
Parker Hill, DOI
Catherine Irani, GSA
Leon Fleischer, SBA

   Last Updated:  Wednesday April 04, 2007

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