Comment Number: OL-102160
Received: 3/30/2004 4:57:49 PM
Organization: Bentley College
Commenter: Natasha Irani
State: MA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


By implementing this act the positive impact on small businesses that receive spam would be great as it would provide them more space on their servers to store more important data at the same time it will save the time taken by employees to open spam mail. But from the perspective of marketers it would be a handicap as a mass marketing method will be abridged. By creating a can't spam list it becomes easy for every individual and firm that does not want to receive spam, in turn increasing productivity of many small businesses even though to a small extent. With the aid of technology this can be made possible and an incentive system can be introduced by the law to help law abiding marketers achieve their marketing goals yet not harassing people. There should be strict laws put into place to take to task those who sell information that has been collected for other purposes. The National do-not-spam list should be implemented to help respect privacy. Anyone on the list should be protected from receiving spam even if the spammer resides in another country other than the U.S.A.