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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 163610  
Title: Social Work Practitioner (From Child Abuse and Neglect: An Interdisciplinary Method of Treatment, P 71-76, 1989, Narviar Cathcart Barker, ed. - See NCJ-163604)
Author(s): N C Barker
Sale: Kendall/ Hunt Publishing Co
4050 Westmark Drive
P.O. Box 1840
Dubuque, IA 52004
United States
Publication Date: 1989
Pages: 6
Type: Technical assistance reports
Origin: United States
Language: English
Annotation: Social workers in social service organizations, medical settings, and private practice are involved in all stages of treatment and intervention with abused children.
Abstract: Social workers develop an ongoing relationship with child victims and their families. Their work benefits from their knowledge of the factors that contribute to abusive behavior, understanding of issues and dynamics related to child abuse and neglect, ability to sustain meaningful and therapeutic relationships throughout the intervention processes, and awareness and use of community resources and programs. Social workers often function as a member of a multidisciplinary team in which each member shares information to enhance treatment goals and planning. Social workers in social service organizations are heavily involved in investigations, intervention, and termination. Medical social workers collaborate with medical staff and outside social service workers to focus on health care and treatment, documentation and assessment, and diagnosis and treatment planning. Social workers in private practice focus on restructuring family dynamics. When treatment is unsuccessful, the clinician must take an assertive stance in encouraging the parent to relinquish the child voluntarily. Therapy varies from family to family while aiming to accomplish goals such as measurable changes in interpersonal and social relationships, the use of community resources, and improved ability to cope with stress. 2 references
Main Term(s): Juvenile victims
Index Term(s): Social work ; Child abuse detection ; Child abuse situation remedies ; Social worker casework ; Child abuse prevention ; Child abuse treatment
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