FEBBUABY, 1893. Tm &re.-The mean wm 6.0 below the normal; maximum, 57, at C h e h g 16th; minimum, -29, at Fort Spokane, 2d; greatest monthly ran 76, at Fort S okane; least monthly range, 32, at Silver Creek. k$itaKm.-&e average was 0.51 above the normal; greatest monthly, 11.88, at Neah Be ; least monthly 1.21 at Ellensbug. md.-Prevaiiy. direction, s&th.LH. E Aldatore, Obsmer, W ,h m Bureau, Olympia, arcctor. WEST VIRGINIA. Tmperdu*c.-Maximum, 71, at Nuttallburg 1st; minimum, -6, at Davis, 21st; reatest monthly range, 64, at New Cumberland; leaut monthly range, 60, athefield. fi&pitation.-Greatest monthly, 6.70, at Central Station; least monthly, MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Tcnpcrature.-The mean was about 5.0 below the normal; maximum, 56, at KOePenick~ 18th ; minimum, -% at Whitehall, 8th, and at Stevens Point, 4th. A.eeipitation.-The ave was about 1.00 above the normal in the north- western part of the state, aTabout 1.00 below in the Southeastern port ; greatest monthly, 4.10, at Bayfield; least monthly, 0.64, at New Holstein. Wind.-Prevailin direction, we&.- W. L. dioore, Loed For& Ofldd, Weather 33ureuu: a%; ilmaukee, director. WYOMING. Temperatwe.- Maximum, 60, at Wheatland, 4th; minimum, -30, at Fort range, 83, at Fort McKinney; least A.e+pitation.-C)reatest monthly,,l.64, at Lander ; least monthly, 0.11 , at McKinney, 1st; greatest month1 monthly range, 64, at Camp Pilot iutte. 61 Caliania-Conl'd. Alcnfde*n .......... Alvarndo t .... .... . Anaheim ... .. . . Aiiderson*l ... .. .. . Antioch.8 ......... Aptoa +a ..... . . . . . . . Arcata ............. Arlington Heights. Athlone+s .......... Auburn*e .......... Bskersfleld a + * .. . . Bakerstieldbt ..... Bsllnst Point L. H. Beaumont 8.. . . .. . Bellnont+a ......... Berendo 8.. . . .. . .. Berkele ........... Bishop Ereek+s.... BOCH * 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . Borden '8 . .. . . . . . . . Boulder Creek 8.. . Brentwoodre ...... Brighton+* .. ...... Byron *a ........... :aliente 1 8 ........ . Galinto a*a ........ :alnpo%eco ... . . . . . 2. Mendoeino L. H. 3apitola 8 . . . . . . . . . :sntroville+8.. . . . . :enterrille I ... . .. :him *a ............ Chino +a ........... . :isco 8 . .. . . . . . . . . . :itrue +I . . . . . . . . . . . :Iareniont t.. . . . . . . :loverdale+ ........ :olegrove.. . . . . . . . . ;olhx * .... ... . . . . 201 ton * 8.. . . . . . . . . . :olusa t . .. .. . . . . .. . :orning** .......... :rescent City ...... :rescent City L. H. :roilon ' 8 . .. .. .. ... Davisville a+8 .... . Davisvilleb ... .... . Delano +8 ....... ... Deltare ............ hwney *e .... .. .. . 3rytown ........... Jnarte I ... ...... ... 3unnignnr e... . . . . . Junsmuir*a ....... Enat Brother L. H. Edgwood 8.. . . . . . Odmanton+l.... .. . El Casco 5 8 .... . . . . . Eldorado 8.. . . . . . . Elmira + 8 . . . . . . . . . . 51 Verano * 8.. . . . . . Pmigrant Gap *e... Paparto+ 8 ... .. . .. . Evergreen . . . . . . . . . Pxeter *a ... .. .. .. . h l 1 Brookrl...... parmington 4 8 . . . . . Felton 4 8 . . . . . . . . . . Fernando 48.. . . . . . . ?lorence*a ... . . . . . WASHINGTON. 0 f c g 70 68 78 70 77 71 75 ... 70 g 70 66 6g -55 70 65 64 g 64 70 75 ... E 71 7a 78 41 70 74 70 . . ., so 75 59 6g .... .... 80 2 71 E 65 78 64 55 .... 48 59 75 g 72 70 49 70 . . . . 70 8 74 76 76 . . . WISCONSIN. Clanton t .......... Cordovs t . . . . . . . . . . Daphnet ........... DacPturnt ......... Demopolis t ....... Fayettet ...... .... Florence at. .. .... . Florencebtl ....... Gadsden t . . . . . . . . . . Genevat ........... Greennborotl.. .... EenlingSpringst.. Highland Hornet.. Livingstonat1 .... Livin atonot ...... Lynn n t . .. . . . . . . . . . L nnbtl. .......... dpleGrove.1 .... Marion t ....... ... . Maysvilletl ....... Mount Willingt ... Newbernt .. .. .... . Newbergt ......... Oxannn' t 1 . . . . . . . . h t t s b o r o ......... Belrnset ........... Eturdevant t ....... Taladega t . . . . . . . . Tallaasee Falls t. .. Tuscalooaa t. ... .. . Tnscum his at.. . . . . h k %0 .4 * ... ..am. 73 34 54.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 34 56.5 ..... ...... ..... ... . . .. . .. . ... .. 75 25 I 50.4 ... . . ... ... . .. .. 72 14 1'48.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 40 61.1 76 28 9 .5 80 53 54.7 77 34 54.8 74 zg 52.6 ..... ..;; ..,..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 SI 3 13:: .... . . .. ... ! ..... 72 23 ! 51.1 '/s 54 : 56.3 74 30 1 53. I 74 15 I 48.3 65 71 % I :::: ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... I ..... . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . ... . . ......I... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ..... 1 Bureau, Chqmne, director. - - METEOROLOGICAL TABLES. Uniont ._..........,; Vallev &ad t 1. ... . Union9 r i n g s a t l . 80 dIitsorologiea1 record of aoluntary a ary 29 j 22 144.8 33 53.3 ,. ..... I Temperature. ! (Fahrenheit.) 9.57 2.55 1.50 2.34 2.15 I Hornbrook*'J. .... . 58 Humboldt L. H .... ... Huron*8 ........... 68 HydeRsnch ....... ..., Hydesvillet ....... 61 - d h t & 1M. .- V - .... .... b. d 4.4; 4.9: 5( 4.1: 7.0: 6.51 6. d 2: 5. & ;: 6 4:: 6.11 5. If 9 .3 9.37 9 .9 6.13 5.86 11.78 4-70 7.71 4.74 6-90 7.33 4.90 2.30 8.27 6.40 LO.45 6- 9 7.04 6.86 4.71 8- sa I : p 9: 2 2: ;; 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.88 0. w 1.08 1.06 0.77 1.44 0.40 1.50 0.04 0.80 T. 0.00 I. IO :: ix 0.00 0.00 0.02 0. m B.37 Independence t . . . . 3.05 li Indiore ............ 2 .a I loner8 ............. d other eo-operattng observers, Febru 1898. 1 Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) -6 66 E ,. AlIJdka. Rillisnootl ........ 44 -IO Neteorologieul reeord of colrcntary observers, kc.-Continued. ..... ..... 9.1 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Stations. - Metltkshtlat ...... Ariwna. Antelope Valley t.. Aris.Can.Co.Dam.t Benson *e .. . . . . . . . . Bisbeetl ........... @ - 5 30.7 ... . . ...... I.. . . . 81 53 58.4 73 35 I 51.0 724 14 49.0 I 0 50.2 52.8 54.5 42.9 51.4 47.4 46.5 53- 8 51.1 51.9 5 2 2 @. 4 51.0 57.7 50.3 48.4 4 3 1 24- 4 47.6 45- 0 48.7 43.2 48.8 49.7 48.4 ,..... ..... ..... 51.4 51.7 51.6 49.3 54- 41.7 51.2 46.2 52.9 25. d ..... ..... 2:: $2 2:: 3: 0 3: ; ;::2 ..... ..... 9 .3 @- 3 45.8 9. I 43.5 37- 6 32.9 33.7 49- 3 jo. 3 ..... .... jo. 0 Bearcytl ........... Stuttgartt .... ..... Warren t. ... .. . . . . . Washingtonb" I .... Winslow*tl ....... California. Agnewl... ......... Temperature. I Fahrenheit.) Stations. - 64 16 40.6 4.00 72 20 45.4 4.83 .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 2.55 70 26 46.5 3.83 57 4 34.4 1.92 71 33 ! 48.4 r.gl c .' .I 3 Jolon .............. 1 ..., Julinn t.. . . . . . . . . . . 67 Keeler *a ......... . 62 Iowa Hill i 1 . .. ... . i 6.1 Jolon ....... ... . .. . ..., Julinn t.. . . . . . . . . . . 67 Keeler *a ......... . 62 Keene + 8. .. . . . . . . . . 4 Kennedy Qold Keene + 8. .. . . . . . . . . Kennedy Qold 1 - d si 28 -a 25 - 0 3 '3 2a ... 2 22 9 19 !28 Y 34 29 14 29 25 40 26 25 26 30 9 24 31 37 31 32 31 19 ag 31 35 31 ... I.. I.. ... ,.. ,.. 11 ,.. 28 .., ! 31 Y 31 25 32 31 35 32 25 32 ... ... 5 ... M 17 P 33 d b E .- a h. 1-34 3-05 2.93 2.92 7.11 5: c i: 2 a: g t: t 4.34 6.83 ::i F 7. 2.87 I. I5 4.75 5.21 a. 91 5-80 3.29 3.71 :: 2 0.00 1.22 ;:I 4-91 1.63 1-77 2.63 2.41 1-44 I.& 2.19 3. I2 9: 2 ::b .... 4- 4 2. 20 4-65 5.78 1.04 6. 81 2.51 3.39 2-75 3.54 D. 26 1.88 3-34 0.00 ;: z :: 2 t : iE .... 52 .- b MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . Qmgia-Cont'd . Camak t ................ Canton t ................ Columbust ....... Cordelet ......... Dahlonega t ........ Dnrien t ........... Diamond t ......... Dublinf ............ Elberton t Fleming t ............. Forsyth *1 ......... Gainesvillet ....... Gillsville+ll ...... Hawkinsvillet Hephzibahet a ..... ..... Homervillet ....... U y e t t e t ........ Lagrnngertl ...... Lincolntont ........... Lonisvillet ........ Lumpkinta ........ Macon t ................ Mariettnt 1 ........ Marshnllvillet .... Milled evillet ..... Millen7 ............ Morgan t ........... Mount Vernon t Piscola ............. Point Petera1 ...... Poulan t 1 .......... Quitman b t ........ Resacat ................ Rome t 1 ........... Talbottoq ........ rhomasville t ... :. Toccoa t ........... Union Point t ...... Washin tont .......... WaynesLrot .......... Idaho . American Fallst ... Boise Barracks .... Bonanza FortSherman cityt ...... ..... Henrys Laket ..... Iiootenai 1 ........ Mo~cow t j ......... Payettet ........... R u t h b u r p t l ...... n1rMts . Altont ................. Auroraat .......... Aurorsbl .......... Beardstornt .......... Bloomingtou t ..... Bushnellt ......... Carlinvillet ....... Chestert .............. Collinnvillet ...... Deoaturrtl ........ Dixontl ........... East Peoria1 ....... EWngham t ....... Ellswortht ........ Fairmount t ....... Floral ............. Fort Sheridant .... Galvnt ............. Golcondat ......... Greenvillet 1 ...... Griggsvillet ....... Hnvsna t .......... Hennepint ......... Jordans Qrovet ... Kankukee t ........ Louisville*~ ....... McLsansbororl .... Msrtinsvillet ..... Mascoutah 6 ...... Mattoonl .......... Monnioutht ....... Mount Carmel t New Haven t ........... Olneya*l .......... Olney b *1 .......... Oregon t ........... Oswego 11 .......... Ottnwat 1 .......... Palestine t1 ........ Pam t 1 ........... Peoria a t .............. Peoria) I ........... Philotl ............ uineyt ................ ntoulC6 ......... Riley t ............. Roekford 1 ......... Rushville .......... Saint Johnel ...... Shawneetown t ......... 9 camore*1 ....... dalnut t ........... Warsaw t .............. ......... Garden Valley 1 .... 2a . FEBRUARY. 1893 . I - O 751 79 6g & 68 78 70 78 72 72 82 1; 6g 74 78 754 70 79 76 79 791 ....... i: So 'b 70 77 79 70 6g 39 49 $ 40 42 49 44' 51 60 42 44 61 50 52 53 53 Q 56 48 gh 41 62 58 52 52 51 58 47 54 58 51 44 ....... 53 50 45 44 51 55 51 46 52 51 41 41 52 59 39 46 Mdcoro2ogical record of voluntary obsemr8 . &.-Continued. W+ia+ont'd . Mountain View Mount Glenwood" Napa City a 8 ...... Na C I ~ D1 ........ Needlerat ........ Neadlesb*ta ...... NevadaCit .... New Alma8en*a ... Newarkre ......... Newcastleat ...... Newcastle b*a ..... Newhall *a ......... Newmrm*a ........ Niles ............ Norwalk +a ........ Oakdale ......... OPkland baa ........ . 0gilby*8 ........... Oetarl ............ Ontario *a .......... Orangevalet ....... Orland *a .......... Oroville ......... Palm Bprmga '8 .... Pasadenan ......... Ppso Roble8.a ..... Petaluma*a ........ Piedras Blancas LH Plseervlllea+s ..... Placervillebl ...... PleaaanLona*a .... Pleasanton b ....... Pt Ano Nuevo L . H Point Arena L . €I Point Bonita L.H Point Ferniin L E PointGeorgeLH Point Hueneme LH Point Loma L.H Point Montarn L . H Point Piuos L . H Point Sur L . H ......... Pomona *a ......... Portersvillea+s ... Poway ................. Puente 4 .......... Ravenna e ........ Red Bluff *e ....... Reddinga*s ........ Reddin bI ......... ~e d ~a n i s a ............. Red1andsb.e ...... Bialto .............. Rio Vista .............. Riversideat1 ...... Rocklin+s ......... Roe lsland L E Rumsey e ......... Sacrmentoal ..... &wramentob*8 .... Sacrameutoc+a .... Salinasa ........... Salinaeb+~ ......... Sa1ton.a ........... Ben Ardoa*e ....... 9an Ardo b t ........ Ben BernardhOt ... 9anQabriel*s ..... Be erJunetion*a . Ld3 ncintot . ....... &an Josea+e ....... Ban Joseb .......... a n Luis L.H .......... San Luis Obispo khan Mateo *a ....... h M i ue1.a ...... h n P J r o *a ....... 8antaAna+8 ....... a n t a Barbara a .... Benta Barbara b +a .. Santa Barbara L.E. &anta Clara *e ...... Santa Cruaa*a ..... SantaCrusbb 1 ... hnta Orus L.L &anta Margsrita*s . @anta Maria1 ....... SantaMonica*a ... hnta Paula*a ..... SmtaRoea*s ...... Betieoy t ............... Selma*a ........... Shaatat ............ Shingle Springs *a . Simsra ............ SIason +e ........... Boledad *a ......... Sonoma*@ ......... Nxona?Ci ty t1 .... NordhofFt ......... *a ........... *A O f .......... Pigeon Point L . H Pt Conception L . H Point Reyes L . E Meteorological reeord of volrtntary obsmcrs. &.-Continued. ........ 71' 74 73 82 n 76 63 a7 2 68 Bo 65 65 b 2 E 72 72 68 85 77' 72 73 2 Bo 66 ..... ...... ..... ...... 70 .... ..... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... ....... 75 72 75 74 6g 73 85 79 72 ........ 70 64 77 63 75' 62 79 72 70 E 73 85 W 71 ....... 2 78 Q 72 6g 6g 75 72 ........ 68 78 B 71 68 f 60 80 ...... .... E . E h E .. nl . . $: c $: 3 :: 8 a: p 5 .I O 3 .sa 7.33 4.90 6-44 3- ss 4.70 4 . c 6.01 5.04 6- 98 5-63 5-17 4- 79 8. I 2 3.82. 5.57 5-51 6.08, 4.41 08 4-23 2.31 6- 39 8.21 6.23 4.81 6 .9 6- 64 7-b 5.59 1.90 1.79 4.25 4- - 3.20 1-90 3-70 1.28 1.60 3.34 2.25 3.21 2.01 3. I3 1.47 5-71 0- 94 2-90 1-91 4.50 3-01 4- u 4.11 3.72 2.81 3. 49 0.90 1-77 0 . 38 3.20 3.55 4.42 2.43 2.71 2 * Y 4 .S I 3.77 3.73 3. I1 1 .9 3.16 3- 03 1-73 2.92 . 4-51 2-92 3.57 1-55 1-45 3. 01 2.93 i: 30 2.00 , .... !: g 2: :: z t: ::E Cala mia-con . 3 adra+a .......... Stoektonb*a ....... Susanville ..... SutterCreek+s .... Tehachflpia*s Tehachn i b ....... 'L'ehnmaPe ......... 3.E. krrallon L.H. 3P ockton n ......... South Vallejo*S .... SuisunCity+n ..... ..... 0 6g 75 66 57 ?g .... 2 70 Ukiaht ............ Upper Lake ....... Upper Mattole*l .. Vacnvillea*1 ...... Varaville b . 6 ....... Valley S ringsse .. vGntura$ .......... Vina+e ............. VolcanoSprings** . 61 76 71 72 72 70 S 85 Yuma ................................ Zuck .............. i ..... I ............ canton ...... ......I 52 I- 5 Colchester ......... -9 I Falls Village ........................ Hartford b ......... .I .................. Hartfordr .......... ! 53 i o Lebanon ............................. Middletown ........ I 55 !- 2 New Hartforda*tl! 43 !- 6 North Franklin ...................... N.Urosvenorl)alel., 50 - 2 Norwalkb .......... ! 48 . o Youthin ton+ 1 ..... ! 51 i o I Stevenson ........................... ?.torrs1 ............ 4 I- 3 I hompson 1 ........ ; 47 .- 3 cbnMCrw . Lake lionomoc ... ./ ..... / ............ New Hartford b ..... 1. ................. South dmchester ., ................. 14.0 25.6 25.6 26.4 17.6 24.4 :::i 23.5 , 23.4 Avoea .... .........I. Bennetrl .......... Box Elder ............. Breckenridge t .... Brush t ....................... Byers*l ........... CastleRoekt ...... CheyenneWells*tl Climax*tl ......... Collbran ..................... Como(near)tl ..... Gopet ............. Crooktl ........... Cnmbres t ......... DeerTrail*a ....... Doltat ............. Dillont ................. Downing+ ......... Dumoutrl ......... Eaet Dale First View*e ...... Fort Collins( near) Fruitatl ........... Qarnett ...................... Gaynor ...................... Geor etownt ...... Glen%riet ....... Gold i l l .......... Grand Junctiont ... Greeleyt ........... Greenhornt ........ Grover ........... ...... ldaho Springs t .... Julesburg t ........ Kirk ......................... KitCarson'l ...... La J a r a t ........... Lamnrt ............ La Porte ..................... Las Animaat ...... Lavender1 ......... Lay*?' ............ LeRuy+tI ........ Leslie ....................... Livermore ......... Longmontt ........ Loveland Manhattan .............. Meekert .......... Middle Box Elder Minneapolist ...... ............ ........... ... I 66 35 60 I s7 -2 56 - 4 34 - g 38 - 7 61 - 6 60 -14 - g 59 - I 8 2 k 5 66 - 4 52 - 3 44 - I 3 o 5 -IO 56 - 4 60 -14 66 -11 65 - 5 61 o 51 63 l-1: 55 - 8 52 - 5 74 - 5 70 - 7 6g -11 43 -19 57 -13 - 6 8 b - 61 .................... 01 50 -12 ............ 78 - 5 i E o I ..... .................... ........... 56 41 47 36 41 do 61.3 64.4 66-7 65.0 65-3 62.s Grasniere ........ I . Green Cove Sp'gst . Homelandtl ....... Kissimmee t .......... LakeCit t ........ Merritts Islnndt ... Mosele Hall ..... Mullet Jkey t I ..... Myers t I ........... NewYm rnat ...... OrangeCitytl ..... Orlando t .............. Mannteefl ......... 0calR.t~ ........... 85 Q 86 82 83 74 :z Q 85 Q 85 37 42 36 63.6 64.1 65.6 ........... QVgiIl . Alapahn t ......... Adairnville t ....... Albany t ........... Aniericun t ........ E . Temperature . I I (Fahrenheit.) I d ~ Temperature . (Fahrenheit.) Statiolis . Temperature . (Fahrenheit . ) Stations . - d -a 'S k Stations . I-: _- I $ .......... .- ._ -a c I .- 8 ' j . e . i 0 , .... I .... 53- 8 53- 6 46- 9 60.4 44.5 2:: 57.6 53.0 47.1 47-8 53 . 5 51.7 59.2 46.0 49- 6 51.8 53.2 44- 7 57-6 51.4 52.7 9 .4 60.4 47- 8 54.5 61.4 45.8 50.5 4- 51.5 .... .... .... , .... 93 . . .... .... IS .2 30.9 16.4 22.8 25 . 1 15.9 9 .4 31.2 27.6 22.0 .... 20.2 20 . g 4 .0 .... 21.0 26- 7 30.4 24.3 17.4 24.4 23 .2 25 . 1 9 .2 ag . 9 .... 21.0 gi 25.4 26 .9 21.5 29.4 30.8 E: : :i: ; 30.5 20.4 32.7 18 . 1 19.2 22.4 30.4 26.6 26.0 26.7 Y . ' 16.0 18 . 1 23.8 35.6 19.5 19.2 .... , .... .... .... .... .... .... . C 0 .... 54.2 49.1 51.8 54.4 57.8 54.4 39.0 50.0 55.7 44.3 56.0 48.4 50.3 56.3 43.8 51 .I 60 .I 42 .I 55.0 47.3 48.5 50.8 51.2 46.6 59.6 51.7 45.3 39.4 49.9 47.1 $: il 3:: .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... 50 . 0 51.7 52.7 50 .I 47.7 44.0 45.2 50.7 55- 5 50.4 50.7 43.1 43.0 49.6 49.4 49- 2 45 . I 60.7 49.0 47.4 52.6 54.9 48.9 51-3 ..... ..... ..... ..... $: ; ..... ..... 49.1 48 . 5 56.3 56 . 9 53- 4 55.9 49.6 54.5 49.4 46.9 51.4 52.4 52.6 49- 6 48 .I 36.1 35.2 49.2 50 . 5 ..... ..... ..... 2:; . d s . 0 .... .... 34b 31 24 33 29 2s 26 26 23 33 34 24 32 28 35 26 32 9 Z? 45' 37 2s 27 30 9 28 22 2 .... I ..I .... .... 3 30 .... .... -26 5 3 1 4: -27 -I6 -15 -5 -15 . 13 -3 -7 -17 'I7 -13 -8 -14 -16 8 -8 -2 .... -12 .... 'IO .... . 0 -12 0 1 % f -2 I -7 -2 ' 3 3 -15 .... .... 0 'I .... -14 -8 -6 . I8 -17 -10 6 '17' -12 2 .... -IO .... -11 I ... . I2 I ... . d E 0 .... 33 33 31 34 33 3 24 28 19 31 30 24 30 28 .... . d E . 0 .... 2' s 3 33 .... 40 26 28 27 qa 35 29 42 26 38 43 27 30 31 35 25 40 32 28 30 30 L B .... .... 22 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 30 34 .... $ $ 27 36 33 32 26 29 24 .... .... .... 5 31' 31 43 30 27 30 35 31 25 2 .... .... 40 47 34 35 35 23 31 je 34 30 $ .... ... I .... % 5 32 30 I . I?b3 . I . 13 2.32 0.60 3.40 2: 8 4-00 4- 25 0.45 0.91 1.00 1 .0 0 0.00 1.01 !.so r . 2 .IO 4-25 3.90 3.00 0.95 0.05 0.85 0 . ss 0.50 1.94 0.42 0.90 0 . ot 6.01 1.01 0 .IO 0.20 2: i: :: G 6-38 .... 7.53 6 . bl 5-51 ;;$ 6.71 6.24 7.07 5.88 8.46 8 .os 7.37 5.94 5.05 4.43 4-85 3.53 2.95 3 .4 4.33 7.70 3-15 2-50 6.18 4 . sl 4.81 953 7 -s l 1-43 3.Q 3.53 4.39 4.23 3.61 1.99 0.74 2.17 3-83 4.55 1.51 6.16 3. IO 2.04 2-95 .... .... .... 2.10 .... ;: 3 :: 3 3.82 4-30 4-31 6.55 7-15 6.63 4.* __ 0 .... 50.4 53.3 47 . 47.6 50 . 9 29.6 40.0 39.6 40 . I 50.8 c . 8 398 49.2 46.2 54 . I 25.1 48.3 50.8 50 . I 4 5 8 4 3. 8 44.7 45.8 .... .... 44;: 2 55 . p 50.2 4s . 63 .a 49.0 48.3 46.9 60.7 49.2 45.9 46.9 52.5 50.6 47.6 34.4 47.5 26.9 .... .... 16.0 .... .... ... 19- 5 11.5 33.5 9 .9 26.4 8.9 .... .... .... 3: i 23.4 17.0 28.8 2 9 9 30.5 21.9 31.2 19.8 23 . 2 30.0 24.4 32.7 -6 9 .2 14.8 25.8 27.3 29.4 w .4 28.7 24 . o 27.3 34.0 33.8 30.6 17.2 25- 3 27.0 25.4 19.8 32 . o .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... 21.0 .... . Ina . 1.77 2.14 2.14 1.57 2 * rl 3.53 3-53 3.61 2.13 4 . w 4.39 8.65 I . 14 1.6s 6.11 2.28 8.01 I . 13 1.55 1.b 6-75 5-19 8.25 3.13 3.35 3 .4 3.01 3.14 3 . 64 1-57 3.17 2.43 2.80 3.53 4.30 0.68 3.87 2.7s 2.60 2- 53 3.22 0.33 0.40 2.45 I . 10 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.20 2.01 0 . 00 0.50 8.44 :: :i Oi.?5 9.00 3.79 1.17 0.42 0.4s 7 . 00 0.4a 1.7a 4.78 0.58 1.39 0.50 0.05 o . 10 1.57 0.63 0.05 1-75 1-77 0.42 2.4a 0.04 0.08 0.19 0.51 0.35 1 . og 0.60 1.68 2.15 1.20 0.70 0.48 0.65 0- 59 0.47 1.30 0.31 :: 2 0.20 0.12 0 .I O 0 . I1 0.10 0 .IO hbs . 1-97 4.61 3- I5 2.19 1.08 8.29 3.94 1.86 4 . I1 3- 07 1.34 2.87 0.00 , .... 3: g 2-44 2- 36 3- 19 4 . L18 3.97 3.17 3.22 3.82 3.44 2.92 3.03 4-09 2-34 3- I7 1.72 7-52 6- 94 3.03 2.72 3- 15 4-51 3.01 2.M 2.21 5- 05 3- ag 0 . * 1-47 3. 79 2-58 2-45 2.42 4.61 0 . 20 1-30 4.75 3.90 3.93 2.65 3.54 2.31 1.Q 3.21 1.78 5.42 3 . I 2 1-55 2- 93 1.31 1-47 3.37 3.04 2.15 1.66 2.68 2 . 56 5.30 6- 69 3.68 1.31 3.31 1-46 3 .I O 2.83 2.88 4.25 3 . Q 9- 05 3. IO 3.20 2.81 5.56 3 . 18 1.60 4 . I1 4 . I7 4.39 %Bo 1.38 3.53 0.00 0.00 3: g :: g 0 . m :: 2 .. Iropico*e Trnckeers ......... 46 '-IO .. I ularea*a ......... So ......... ?Ware b ................. Turlock a*# ........ 70 Turlock b * 1 ....... rulnrec ............ I i*.$. 24 26 29 30 5 29 33 31 35 30 44 30 29 29 30 33 P .... IO .... . 2 -13 .... .... .... 2 -20 .... Yrek Yuba t ............ ?ity +5 ....... Morado . Abbott ............. 40 Amherstt ............. Arbolea ................ ............ ~~ .. ~ Dovertl ........... i 64 . 11 Kirkwood** ....... ! 9 ...... Millsborol ......... 66 12 34.5 28 . 2 36- 2 36.3 12 13 135.0 ........... 12 1 ~6 I1 37.0 FEBRUARS. 1893 . arCteorobgiea1 r e d of Temperature . I (Fahrenheit.) MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . voh~nta?y'ob8mcrs. &.--Continued. Temperature . I (Fahrenheit . ) d 11 63 Williamsburgat Williamsburg b t I . Luuiaiam . Ahberille1 .......... ...... 6g 81 Stations . - 4.54 2.08 1.55 2.14 4.56 2.76 1.34 1.84 l.72 1.48 6.11 2.03 2.30 1.95 *.io .... . 5 3 . 0 23 .I 25., 17 . i 23.1 30 . : 30 .I 33.1 30 .I 2 3. : 31.1 32 . . 28 . : 35 . 29.1 2s .I I ... %: : 23 ! 2s . &.i 28 .I 35 . . 9 . . 2 5. t 37 . 27 .I 29.1 Y . : 33- 1 31.L 35 . 18.' q .4 30 . : 27.5 35.1 31.4 33 . S 34 . C 42.6 42.6 11.7 1I.a 15.6 13.4 17.9 16.4 I . 3 12.4 14- 4 10 .a 10.9 I8 . I 14.6 17.4 10.4 IS . 2 17.4 18.9 I8 . 3 9- 3 11.9 11.4 16.8 8.8 14.9 13 . o 15 . o 16 .I 14.4 22 .I 14: 4 15.7 17.9 15 . o 11.4 rS.5 18.9 12.8 18.8 18.6 11.4 16.8 12.0 12.7 .... I ... I , ..., 32.1 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 21.2 z; .... ! Fitchbur b ........ y~ -3 I Framingfnm ...... y~ -4 Gilbertville ....... 50 -IO , Qreat Barringtonl .. 52 - 5 Oroton a ........... I (irotonb ............ 5:t Hinghnm ............... -3 I Kendall Green ..... $ o I LakeUochituate ... 5 7 -5 Lawrence .......... Leeds .............. $1 8 Leicester .......... -6 i Leominster'r ..... $ - z I LongPlain*d ...... I Lowell a ........... 2 -t Hyannia*l ......... 6 . h . 1 1 Stations . 8 )I &I 5-10 4.98 3.12 5.50 5.m 5 .C E u r e k a h n c i t .... 65 -11 FortRileyt ........ 59 (fibson81 .......... 61 11 Gore Cit *T I ...... 65 - g . Qreensbiirgt ....... 57 - 2 Qrainfied*1 ....... @ - 6 ........ ......... .......... ..... ..... Girard t ................ Grand Cotenul ..... Hnnimondt ............ Homei~ ............ Houmnt ........... Jennemtte ......... Lahyettet ........ Lake Chnrleatl .... .. 1.44 Cantonit1 ......... 60 II Carrollton t 1 ..... 59 8 Catlettnburg*tb ... 1 56 1 17 75 75 Sz 80 78 79 . e f . 0 17.# 16.1 1 7 .~ 17.1 15 . 14.1 IO.! 17.2 IS . d 16 . ! 15*! I8 . . I1 . . 11: I I$:! I I 21 . . 15.S 20.1 13 . . 12 . ! 17.1 30 . t 22.5 '17.4 2 6 .3 .... I: I r l -t 30.1 2s . 1 31.1 27.8 30 . i 30 . C 32.c 31 .I 3 9. c 26- 5 26 . 28 .a 29.6 30.8 30 .I 2 3. ? 25- 9 26.4 31.4 32.4 31.1 30.1 30.7 32-5 11.3 2 7. a 26.7 9 a7.a lir.9 22 . g 17.8 15. 6 33.8 29.4 30.2 27.4 19.5 26.5 30.2 33.3 28.2 31.4 35 . s 35.7 32.8 31.6 17.0 P . 2 35.0 22.8 9 3 31.8 17 . 5 3 .9 16.2 (0.2 33.7 36.3 T? 2 . c .... 31.8 27.8 29.6 34.0 .... .... .... .... .... .... Plaquemine ........ Rayne t ............ Roseland .......... Jchrievert ......... 3hell Beach ........ 3ugar Ex . Station t 1 rhibodeaux ............ Wallace ............ West End .............. . . b u t a InS 1.9 1.7 0 .a 1.4 1.3 1.0, 0.4 1.01 2.s I . I I . 11 I . I1 1.21 .. . 1.0 .... I.,$ 2.3 0- Q 0.31 1.S 2 . q 0.9 0.7: 0.9 0.4( 1.3: 1.61 0.41 0.0. 0 . I! 0 . s: T . I . I! 0 .a! I.& 0.21 0.2 .... 0.n 1 . I1 0.21 0.01 0 . I1 0 . zl T . 0 . gi 0.5: 0 . gc 0.0: 0.91 1.02 I . 24 0.54 0.91 1.1: 0.0: I . 1: 0.13 0.25 T . 0 .air 0 . ss 0 . ss 0.71 0.74 0.76 0.28 0.51 0.7a 0.05 0.74 1.23 T . 1-38 0.20 o . Io D . 05 D . 60 0.64 D . 03 0.60 *r . 0.01 1.K: 0 . oc 0.2c 0.11 D . I3 D . 05 !p y 5 0 . q D . 03 D . 08 0.74 D . 15 D . 65 5 . '5 5 . m ;: c 78 78 80 79' I 76 7S 83 .W etcorological record of voluntary obscplrm. &.-Continued. t.og I Prbvincetown ...... 5.59 Randolph 1.70 Roberts Dam j Roxbury ........... 1.59 I Royalston*l ....... 1.84 (i Salem b 5.22 I savoy .............. 1.33 I Somerset 1 ........ 1.87 ~ South Dennis1 ..... 1.20 i ; ringfield Arm'ry . 1.81 Taunton b .......... 1.9s Tanntonc .......... 1.77 Pauntonal 1.79 Tauntondl ........ 1.49 Wakefield ......... ...................... ! ;:$ I Wa land ........... ......... Waltham 1.53 WeLter ..................... i.59 Wellesley ......... .. 85 Westboro t ......... ... Whntely*l ........ .... Willinnistown1 .... i Worcertera ........ 1-39 Worcasterb ........ 1.40 ! Michigan . Adrian ............. ............ ............ .............. ........ Arbelal ...................... ......... ... ..... , Ball Mountain Stations . .................... ................ 5 1 1 g 0 5 1 0 44 -10 4 3 3 50 - 4 5 3 0 9 0 I- 56 5 0 -2 5 1 -3 5 1 -5 5 2 -2 g -2 5 0 -z 4 2 -7 4 3 -3 41 . -8 2 0 -g 41 -18 .................... $e -3 ' 5 -; 2 e 141 . d I . d i .. 0 14 I1 ... ... ... I1 I1 6 15 4 I2 10 15 9 8 7 7 16 ... ... IO I1 8 ... 1 0 ... 8 7 ... I1 34 32 40 28 35 4 3+ 25 44 38 56 % .... .... .... s 3 .... .... 19 35 z 31 P 33 19 34 34 37 34 32 40 39 21 ' 8 ' 6 8 2 3P ... ... 12 ..a 20 a6 32 16 24 17 15 17 5 I2 22 I2 I 2 12 3 2 2 I2 I1 t _- 9 z _ . 0 41.4 ..... 36.1 40 . I 40.1 32.6 37.9 40- 7 40- 5 35.7 ..... ..... :;:a ..... g:; $:i 357 37.5 38 . 38 . 35.4 36.5 36- 7 41.a 60 . I 54.1 63.3 58.0 50.5 55.8 58.4 57.0 54.2 51-5 62.9 60.0 48 . o 61.0 59.5 49- 0 60.4 60.6 60.2 57.7 61.4 52.4 54.2 55.0 59.4 60.6 50.8 57.9 61.31 58.5 62.3 60.6 53.3 19.4 19.4 18.2 19.0 17.6 9.9 15.6 15.8 6.4 IS . 5 9.9 10.6 1 4 IS . 2 IO . 6 18 .I ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... z: t 3:: ..... ..... 12: I 22.0 g: a $3 2:: 32.8 34-6 31.5 31.3 (I Temperature. I I Fahrenheit . 1 ........ 1 ...... t 5 ..... ......... .... ........ ........ .... .......... .... ..................... ....... 5 2 -1 ........ 5 0 -1 ...... 5 3 -2 Clinton ..................... 52 . 5 .... Lowellb ........... 35 . 8 Lowellc ............ 9 . 5 Ludlow Center .....I g 1-11 ............. 49 . 1 Medford .................... ga 0 .......... 4 6 0 r.36 Monroe ............ g - g 1.61 Monsonl ........... 5 2 -4 Mount Nonotuck ........... ........... ........ h - a ........ ................ .............. . 9 21 . 0 19.' 33. 31.' 34., 33., 31.1 31.: 5 6 -a 56.' Y . 1 30. 33.' 25.. 23.! %.! 23., 14*, 23-! 25 .I Y . ! 24.. 1 6 .1 22.: 24.d q . 1 22.t 22.! 14.1 22 .. 21.. Y.1 19-t 24.4 25.c 23.t 22 .I 22 .I 10.t 14.1 23.1 a3.t 23.2 21.6 25.1 27.E 25.5 $:I .... .... 22.( .... . ..., 1 .., 22.4 , .... 23.5 .... .... 2::z 1 9 .c 23.a .... .... .... 16.6 28 .I 26-3 19.7 9 .8 .... .... .... 26.6 Y.7 16.0 28.3 9 -7 27- w 3 6 .9 6 .7 14.7 22.4 23.8 26.2 .... '3.2 .... .... 2:: '3.4 13.6 11.8 Y.4 21.5 16.4 t1.2 8:; 16.2 . d b 'I d . Inr . t:2 1:t 4.51 2-76 4-14 4-45 4.11 1-30 4-65 4-91 2.60 4.30 5.45 5.51 4.81 6.8. 6.71 .... .... 5.73 8.Y 8.55 6-Y 1-06 7.28 6-43 6.09 4.90 5 .re 5.40 .... ::c 5.M 5.23 8.15 7 -5 0 5.21 6.76 5-32 5.Y 5.35 1-91 1-70 5.35 5.40 1-16 5-63 5.51 5 -3 1 ?-95 1-45 1.51 1-50 1.71 1.72 1.15 5-56 1.15 b.66 i- 37 I. 47 1.19 1.94 / .63 1.77 1.17 1.25 1.94 .07 1.91 .. # 1.39 .65 1 .at 1.33 1-65 1-98 1-72 1-64 1.91 1-99 1-26 *85 -41 '-99 . % .... .... ::E 5:5 .... .... .... ... 1.19 ... ,.2 64 M e t ~o l o g i e d record of Temperature . I (Fahrenheit.) MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . mlunta*y observers. &c.-Conhued. Temperature . d (Fahrenheit.) .$ /I Stations . & FEBRUARY. 1893 . Ni&@a-Cont.d . Bellaire ............ BentonHarhr ..... Berlin41 ........... BerrienS ringaaal Berrien &rings6 Blmh Hun ......... Birmlngh nml ...... Boon1 ............. Bronson ........... BrownCity ........ Galdwell ........... Calumet ........... Charlevolx ......... Clinton ............ Crystal Falls ...... East Tswasl ....... Fairview .......... Fitehburg .......... Flint .............. Gaylord ............ Qlenwood .......... Qrape .............. Qrayling ........... Hanover ........... Harrison .......... . Earrisville 1 ........ Hart ............... Fiastings ........... Ha es .............. Hifisdale*l ........ Bowell ............ Ivan ............... Jeddol ............. Kalamaroo ........ LskeCit ....... Evart ............... Earbor Springa 1 ... 0 $ 3 42 ...... 42 43 40 44 jg 37 41 3 43 41 41 jg . 40 3 3 41 46 $ 47 3 $ 41 3 40 41 41 37 Stations . I- I S I E . . 0 -26 -1 -12 . -4 -14 -5 4 3 ...... -10 -I t --2o -9 -7 4 5 -13 .-? ' -7 -9 -17 -8 -6 -6 -10 -20 33 -21 -10 -10 -12 -11 -11 -17 -9 -17 -7 -15 -5 4 4 -7 -9 -6 4 -2 -11 -1 -12 -10 . -3: ...... -6 -25 -9 -22 -10 ...... -8 -5 '- 8 -8 -8 -43 -2 7 -40 .-9 -30 -31 -30 -26 -35 -30 -33 -32 -45 .-? -30 -39 -26 -33 -30 -28 -40 -42 .-29 -28 -26 -35 -36 -30 -41 4 3 -39 -2.7 -29 -30 -30 ...... ..... I .-a0 -34' ...... ...., ~~ L om .............. d cMillan .......... 35 Madison ........... 42 YarmhJl1 .......... 40 Ins . 1.84 2.93 3.65 2.81 1.10 3.25 3.14 2.82 2.59 2.55 1 .1 1 1.00 3.05 Mmnuroto-Cont'd . 0 i 0 Saint Ololl ........ 34 1-36 Sandy Lake h m l .. 35s i-41 Sheldon * Wabasha* 5 ......... ,--a 4 ~i i r o n n l ........... $ --q Aberdeen t .................. Agricult'ral Col'gel Batrsvlllet 19 Briers ............. Cantont ............ 72 I 28 Columburat .................. .......... *....i.'.. . Mi8-h ........ Brookhavent ...... h i n t Louisa ...... Sedalia ............ She1 bine ............ Stanberry41 Steelville 41 Stetfenville stelladat .......... Sublett.1 .......... Vancleve ................ Vermontttl ........ Virgil City Warrenton ......... Wellsville+ 1 ....... West Plains W heatland Whiteside ......... Xmtana Boulder+tl ........ Boaemant .......... CampPo IarRiver . Choteaur .......... Corbinl ............ Deer Lod eCityt .. Elk Park7 ......... Fort Keogh ....... Fort Logant ....... Fort Miesoula ..... Glendivet ......... Great Fallst ....... Hogan ............. Horrt .............. Martinsdale ..... Powder Rivert .... A ee*l ............. Ahon ............. AnsleyJ1 .......... Arborville*1 ....... A d i a ................. Ashland*tl ....... Ashtoneb .......... Auburnb.1 ........ Bassett" .......... Beatrice! ......... Beaver City ........ ........ ........ ..... 57 - I 54. .I:: :. 57 i- g 49 -13 I ..... 5 I- 6 57 - 5 .................. 51 - 5 43 -36 44 -42 15 -54 56 -42 47 -43 g - 8 37 -33 33 -42 9 I-& G 7: ................... ................... 55 I- 5 ................... -28 I ..... 57 '-14 57 ;10 56 -11 $3 !-z% Mayville ........... Yon ue .......... M o t 3 l e .......... Noble .............. North Marshall .... Olivet .............. Ovid ................ Paris ............... Parkrille ............... Rswsooville 4 1 ..... Rocklandl ......... Romeo ............. kink lgnaee ........ Sand Beach ........ Stockbridge ............. Thornville ......... Vandalia ........... Washington ....... Williamston*l .... Ypsilanti .......... dfimuda . Adat ............... Albert L F t l ...... Alexandrinat .......... I 9 484 46 40 40 39 38 Js 42 50 3 jg 41 40 41 45 46 43 30 36 . ti ::: z 11.8 15.8 17.5 21.7 12.7 17.2 7.8 14.0 21.6 19.0 12.6 19.7 18.3 20.6 24.2 25 . o 12.6 13.4 11.8 20.4 m.4 17 .I 20.8 19.2 13.8 17.8 21.3 14.0 20.5 14.3 23.7 9.8 21.5 21.3 17.4 21.4 10.8 18.7 18.8 18.2 12.4 11.4 10.4 17.6 19.7 20.4 22.9 21.6 -4.8 9.8 1.7 8- 7 9- 6 7.0 7.8 10.8 7-0 9.7 6.0 9.2 -2.2 12.2 8.8 3.2 6.6 7.0 6.7 1.9 4.4 1.8 7.7 9.4 14 .I 6.6 3.6 . 0 .... 20.2 14.0 11.0 10.2 12.2 11.2 21.0 .... 22.2 10.0 .... 22.2 .... , .... I: d IO . I , .... 0.5 2 : Is": g I .... 11.1 7.4 Uambridget ...... Camdent1 ..... i ... Clear Lnket ....... Colle eville ........ Croofstonte ....... -ton1 ............ Farmi tool FergAaIls.la Flat Rock ......... 0 21 . 21.' 25 . 23- I8 . IS . .... 22 . 22., 22 .I 19.< 25., 20 .I I9.t a2 . . 16 . . 23.1 15.1 17.1 13.1 23 . t 21 . : 19 . . 19.1 IS.! 14 . . 19 . . 19.r 20 . i 13. f 23.1 r3.c 23 . f 18 . . 16 . . 22.t .... .... .... .... 2: z 21.4 21.C 15.7 19.3 19 .I .... 2 1 .C .... 21 . 19.1 .... 26.6 25.6 41.4 40.8 42.2 41.4 38.7 44- 5 41.9 39.0 42.1 41-9 .... .... 38.1 .... .... .... .... .... 41.4 4 3. 8 43.4 43.8 43 . 5 43- 4 10.3 13.5 15.7 82.0 11.0 6 4 51.8 v .4 12.a M . 5 12.2 13. 2 6- 8 E.. 8 14.6 .... .... .... E:: .... 2::: '4.3 €6 70 66 . i r rr. bE 1.3 4.9 6.2 2.9 5.5 6.8 7-4 5.5 2.9 6 .I 6 . g, 3.8 3 . II 2- 3 2.5 6.6 2 . B 4.8 1.8, 2 .4 4- 4: 3 .9 2.81 3.7: 1.9 5.9 2.9! 6.71 4.g 7-01 2.4( 3.7i 7 . I1 3.8: I . 8( ! . 2: 7-71 7.0: I . I 1 . q ' * 45 1.44 ? . r ?.IC 1.74 1 . 9 r . ss I . It k 44 '.% 5.41 i . gE [.8C i-% 1.6~ 1.37 1.18 i . 20 ! . 85 .. Q 1-99 ' . 37 1-04 I . 06 . 18 . 14 I . a5 '-35 I . 16 1.40 , . 61 ** e 3 4 * 14 c U .. . 2.2 ... i: i t: : ... ... ... 3 . .... 1 . gi I . oc I: $ ... ... I. 49 . I2 . IO : ;: .IO -34 . 54 . 68 r . r . -47 ............... .......... Gar FileJ mer Glenora ............ Grants Passat ..... GrantsPassb*a .... Bbppy Valle t .... Hood River h e a r ) . Bubbard ........... lunction City' 6 ... Lafa ette'a Lakeview 1 ......... Lane Rock ......... blcMinmille bra ... lonmonth +a ...... llount Angeltl .... Yewberg ........... Vew ort ........... ?ortPand*a ....... ........... Joseph lackaonville t Lac? ralide t ........ Langlois Leland 8 ........ ........... .......... Yew Bridge ........ ........ iUetco*ological record of voluntary observers. &.-Continued. 49 59 51 61 9 48 @ @ 53 40 60 46 63 54 y~ $ 59 59 z $ Temperature . (Fahrenheit.) Lordstownl ........ Lowell .................. McArthur .......... YcConnelsvillel ... YcLuney .......... llanstield t Stations . I -.. 49 :- 8 ' ..... 55 I 8' 59 4 .................... 5 8 1 4 ,.= ,.w 8.90 8.21 1.m ,.70 . 5: 8 E . 0 5 . : 5 : 4 . ( I.! 7.i -4 . : -3.1 2 . : -2 .I -3 . : I0.L -5.4 -3 . : 0 . t -5.5 1.4 4 . : 7 * 27.4 26.5 a6 . e 33 . c 26 .I 16 . S 2 5. c 31.3 25-7 29- 9 31.6 30.7 19 .a 33.6 2% 4 29.5 30.4 35.0 31-4 27.0 35.5 32.3 30 . 3 25.9 Ib . 2 26 . 1 34.7 24.6 34.2 29.9 30.4 34 . 0 25.4 28 . 4 25.1 25 .I 34 . I -I., ...., --0 .1 ..... 2.1 ...., I.( g: 4 2: 1 14.2 ..... ..... , .... , .... I .... I .... , .... 2: ; %: ; .... I 19.8 34.0 25.2 35.5 33.3 31.3 36.4 21- 3 ...., ..... ..... ..... 3: 8 22.0 ..... 30 . I 19.9 ..... E: 2 ..... 16 .I 30 . I 25.5 Shelby ............. 4 Smithtield ......... 75 &a stoneM'tt .... 73 Son!hern Pines t ... 72 Tarboro ........... 76 I Warrentnn .............. . d k 8 d .. . Ins T . 0.4 1.0: 0.61 0 . I1 0.4: I . I! 1.q 0.3. 0.41 1.6: 1.7( 1 .I t 0 . gc 0 .I( 0.2: T . 0.41 0.7( 0 . s; T . 5-15 6 .a 6 .I( 5.31 3.g 5 * s! 3.2: 5.32 2.72 5.5: 4.4( 3 . ss 5.05 4.5: 6 . o( 5 .9 5-31 4 . oq 6 . zc 4.62 6.99 6.5@ 4.81 5.61 4-91 4- 79 5.65 4.16 4 . @ 3-71 4 . 6-39 5-19 4.99 5.25 6.11 5.15 7.00 5.15 5-41 1-60 1-90 5-90 i.97 !. 49 ) . 43 1 .2 6 1.87 j . OX i s a4 ' . 04 i . 59 i . 08 1.45 i . 54 0 .I 1.Q rr . , ..., 1.a 1.1. ;: 2 ::it :: s ;:3 ;: 3 I . 10 174 :: $ j: 2 1-53 '.lo i . 90 .. 00 i . 61 i . 55 NewComerstownl . Vew Holland ...... lorth Lewisburgl . Yorth Royalton Iberlinl: ........... J . 8 . University1 .. hngeville ........ Tempurature I (Fahrenheit.] .................. 9 o 3 54 t .............. 49 .- 3 9 I 4 49 .- 12 ;&ringaeld*s ...... e llalles t ....... Jmatillat .............. iale ............... Wagner ............ West Forks8 ...... ....... ........ ....... ........ lalem b t lheridan J 8 liskirou*a ........ 55 55 50 49 56 e 3 . d x .. - 0 0 0 3 9 ..... 12 0 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 8 8 6 ..... ..... -2 -1 ..... -9 -6 -9 9 3 4 -8 ..... ..... ..... -2 ..... -8 ..... 1 4 5 -3 8 e 6 3 4 6 5 3 19 24 28 -7 33 26 17 4 -7 19 a 14 Io: 20 -4 -IO 11 -$ 22 -11 -2 22 1 0 ... 3 26 18 4 -I 26 20 -20 28 28 8 10 11 12 29 18 28 28 24 .8 IS 3 a4 -6 -5 18 .... 12 .... 0 30- 9. 27. 34. 37. Y . ... ... ... ... ... ... 34- 33. 27. 19. w . 24. 26. 34- 29- 31- 25., 23.~ 27.1 26.' ... ... ... ... 22. ... ... ... $11 3:~ 38- 40.~ 3 6 .5 39.1 37-1 35.. 35-( 40.4 u . 1 1 . 1 35 .I 38-1 61 . . 39.. 9 f 6.' Y*( 1r.f u.1 10.1 59.c 10.1 6 .5 11.C b( .2 15-1 6.5 r1.2 5 .a p.6 P.8 . 1.9 ;9 . 1 .8 a.2 .5.4 5 8 9.1 19.5 .1.4 0.9 0.0 3-2 3.8 6.9 6-0 2.3 1.9 9.1 3.8 3.8 30.! .... .... 17.8 11.0 ... :: : :: t ... 0.0 3.4 0.5 66 VssmonG-Cont'd Wells .............. Woodstock ........ Vkgnna. Abingdon t ............. Ashland 1 ........... Avont... ........... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 0 # 51 E FEBRUARY, 1893. Tazos--Cont'd. Brownwoodf ...... Burnet t1.. ....... Cam -le Pass . . ChilBresstl ........ Uoldwnter t. ....... College Station .... Colorado b ............. Columbiat ......... Corsicanaa ....... Corsicans b f ....... Cuero b t .......... Dallas b e t 1 ........ Devine ............. Durham t.. ............ Duval 1 ........... Eagle Pasut. ........... Eastland+tl ....... Flower Blufft ..... Forestburg t ....... Fort Brownt ....... Fort Clark ......... Fort Hancock ..... Fort McIntosh.. .. Fort R i y l d ..... Frederic sburget1 Qainesvllle t. ...... Qraham t .......... .... ............. .............. .......... .......... Hnntsville t. ...... Kent .................. Laredo t ............... Llano t.. ............... Luling t ............ M d 3 r e .t ........ Menar vi1 e*tl ... Meequitetl ........ Mountain S ringt. New Brannilst ... Ochilbrset ............. Paris t ............. uanaht ........... P ioGrandeCityt.. Rob t ............. l d p o r t ml....... . Ronnd Rockt ...... Ban Antoniob ...... Sierra Blancaat ... MccLorologid r e d of oolrcntcrrgr O b -8 , &e.-Continued. n $ 3 71) Bo 81 3 79 73 80 81 83 95 n 75 75 E 81 79 78 81 64 n 78 75 81 4 79 .... E S4 78 Mdeorologid record of voluntary obaervera-Continued. Coopersburg 1.. .... Oorry Davis Island h m t . Dovlestowo.. ............. - d b e .- u n4 Ins. 3-73 2- 74 4.56 6.7s -_ a: ;: 4.03 5-03 4.- 5.74 1.Q 0.W 0.50 0.50 1.05 0.86 1.40 0.75 0.60 1.72 0.95 0.74 0. Q 1.25 1.40 0. '5 0-75 1.20 I. I8 0.88 0.45 1.36 1.00 1- 75 0.60 1.a 0.73 0.33 0.75 I. 2s a. 15 I.& 0.80 1.30 1-55 1-90 0.48 1.60 1.00 7.06 6- 94 4-30 6-53 5.95 7- 03 5-32 6- 09 4-91 7-66 0.91 5. ol 1-15 6- 53 6.71 4.49 9.40 7.78 8.94 7.90 4-75 5- 85 5- 94 7- 19 6.71 8-17 7- 65 7-31 6. 12 0.50 1-40 0. 4 3.99 0.53 Ir. 0- a 0.39 1-50 tr . I. IO .... .... 1.w f : 9 35: J I : g 2: 2 .... .... 50 5 47 -15 .......... ................ htonl............ JEdinbofom I .... .... Emporium1 ....... Frederick.. Freeport t Qettysburg #. F'krofNeahami'yl. -. , - 51 4 23 -8 49 -13 ................... ................ .......... .................. Hot Spring# ........ Irwin? ............. Lexington t ........ Mariont ........... Nottaway .......... Pet.ersbnr Riohmonfa t ....... ...... Rivertont.. ............ 831em t ............. Saludat ............ 9 ottsville S!anardsvilf~~: 1:: :I Stauntont I ... ..... Stephens City t.... Warsaw t .......... B aodstock t. .......... Wythevillet ....... W l W ~t O n . Aberdeen t1 ....... Chehnlis t.. Chelant ............ CI d e t East Soundt. ...... Elbe t .................. Blensburgt ....... Ferryt.. ........... Fort limcoe ....... Fort S okane ...... Fort 'IPownsend I ... Madrone t .......... Moxee Valleyt.... OlgaZ: ............ Pine 1 l l 4 l ........ P u l l m e n ~t l ....... Rosaliat 1 ......... w t t l e t ........... Silver Creek +I .. ... Tacoma t .......... Vashon * ............... Watervlllet ....... W69t v ma. BluefieldtT. ....... Buckhannon a t.. Buckhannon b t .... Central Stationbtb. Charleston a t .. Danville 48.. Davis .................. Elkliornt .......... Ellat1 Fairmont t ............. Glenville t ......... Urafton t ........... Har rs Ferry t H i n r n t ............... Huntington1 ...... Kingwoodt Mnrlintont ........ Martinsburg t ..... Morgantowo a t Morgantown b tl.. . New Cumberland .. New Martinsv'leqI Nuttallburg.. ...... Parkersburg t I .... Philippi t .............. Pleasant Hill** .... Point Pleesanttl.. Rowlesburk t .......... S ncert .......... Xnnery 4 1.. ....... Westont .............. Wheeliqei b i . :. .... WhiteSn .Springst w-n. Amherst.. ......... Appletont ......... Barnhoot .......... Barront ............ Bayfield ........... Beaver am ........ Beloit1 ............. BlackRiver Fallst. Richmond b$ .......... ........ ............. COLxt ............ ....... ............. ...... Wheelinga .......... 1 66 4 71 72 75 3 f a 4 51 57 43 52 44 51 46 50 49 47 53 52 50 48 51 46 51 51 45 60 ...... 65 62 ........ 4 68 59 60 64 6c, a 59 60 ........ 63 63 61 ........ 76; 9 .... 60 59 60 .... 3 40 40 3 @ 43 Brltsbnrg t ......... Beisholtsville...... Beline Grove 1.. .... Smiths Corners Somerset 1 ......... gonth Eaaton ....... StateCollege1 ...... Stoyestown t Bwarthmore ....... Uniontown1 ....... Warren t ..................... Wellsboro+tl ..... Westcheater...... Weat Newtont Westtown Wilkesbsrrat ..... York Rhod~ Island ......... Wyso. 1. ........... .............. .......... 'g' .............. 9 --Io. .@ 51 - ................. 5 5 6 a I 45 51 6 .............. 5 3 5 53 0 5 --I -5 Deserettl. ......... Fillmoret ......... Fort Dn Chesne Qrouse Creek 't 1.. Eeber*I. ........... Kelton*a .......... Lake Park ......... Levant2 ............... Lost .............. Logan t ............ Losee t 1 ........... Mnntit ............ bloabtl ............ Mountcarmel*tl.. Ogden a +E.. ....... Parowan t.. ........ Promontor Ca.. ... Provo City$¶ ........... Baint Qeorgetl .... Scofieldtl .......... 8 ........ 41 50 51 46 55 & 54 49 47 54' 40 70 49 Lonidale .......... Newport Olneyville Pawtucket 1 Providence a Providence b ....... Providence c ....... ........... ......... ........ ....... .:. ...... 4 6 0 52 3 5 3 5 52 4 5 4 0 52 O Stocktont ............ Terrace". ......... V6l?UOt&t. Brattleboroa.. .... Bnrlington t ....... Chelses+l... ....... Oornwall .............. Enosbur Falls t.. Hartlantt ......... Hyde Parkt ....... Jacknonville ....... Norwich 4 6 . ....... b t o n s River 1 .... Bimonsville ....... b n t h Royaltonal. Btratlbrd+l..... .... Vernon 8.. ........ 40 50 40 46 50 8 50 47 52 m @ 40 & - .r' CL .- E nl Ins. 0.78 0.32 0.15 1-52 1 -3 4 0.09 I. 10 1.82 1- 34 1.50 1.82 1-37 0.05 T. 0.17 1.68 0.52 2.13 - 1.00 0. 01 0.10 0.21 0. IO 0.00 2.40 0.32 0.60 1.54 1.85 0.63 0.72 1.12 0.75 ;: t ::z 0.01 0.15 0.30 1.31 0.69 1.70 1-44 1-93 0.39 0.93 1-19 2-48 0.58 0.00 2.22 0.00 0.21 .... 0.00 i F :: :: L I. I1 0.53 1.51 0.44 1-73 2-95 0.41 1.70 2.60 2- 45 0.30 0.34 1-15 2.72 1.03 1.70 1.25 1.60 a90 I.& I. 12 .... 1.20 ;: 5.61 1- Y 3-59 2-w 3-65 5.64 z. 70 1-41 3- !9 I- w I- OB 5.10 5.51 .... 'reemperhue. (Fahrenheit.) Stations. Temperatnre. I (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. I Il!'ahrenheit.) Temperatnre. (Fahrenheit. - 9 s __ 0 55.9 45.5 49.5 50. I 54- 1 48.6 47.0 8.6 11.4 .... .... .... 11.2 f : t 13.6 3 4 5- 1 8.4 10.3 IO. 5 12.6 16.6 13. I 8.6 6.0 8.4 IO. 6 9.0 11.41 16.7 7.3 12.8 .... 10.0 11.2 '1: : 11.5 13 6 10.3 17.8 4.6 17.6 10.7 16. o 14.3 6.2 12.8 8- 4 ..... 9.8 a: I ::I $2 41.0 ..... ..... ..... 39.4 W-6 45.8 40.8 42.2 W. 4 40.8 W - 6 41-0 45.4 41.9 41.7 41.7 39. 2 6 6 43.4 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 2: : ..... ..... ..... ..... 43.2 45.0 61.4 49.7 c. 2 rs.8 53.6 rs. I 6-51 9- 6 ..... - B :kl z - 0 ..... 38.1 39.1 39. a 38. I 39.6 36.9 40.4 39.4 34.4 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 35- 3 39.9 37.3 39.6 40.8 40.8 39-8 36- 0 3:: ..... ..... 2:: :: 8 ,.... 37.8 34.5 37.3 28. 9 6 .5 34.0 =CJ 36.0 23. I 21.6 35- 9 37. 34.6 23. 6 37.4 21.2 ..... 25.2 i o " 3:: s:: 32. n .... 37.0 37.2 40- 9 40- 6 31.4 36.0 34.9 37- 2 30-8 32. 2' 31.8 36.0 33.0 33.7 40.0 55.6 9 .9 39.0 32.8 55.1 11.8 7.9 9 .4 11.8 .... .... .... .... 8 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... :i: d 1: I - 0 z - 0 29.0 36.9 35.5 30.2 Y. I z: 2 .... 9. I 28- 9 ,.... .... 2: .... .... 23.7 20.7 25.8 21.3 25.5 30.3 .... 27.0 .... .... .... 9 .9 23.5 29' 0 22.8 28. I 30.0 20.5 A. 0 19.4 28. I 21.9 27.0 26.6 35.3 31.3 22.7 28.8 .... 29. I. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 31.9 31.4 30.8 19. 9 9. 3 14.5 22.4 16.9 16.5 Y. 7 15.2 Y. 0 34.4 13.0 30. I 30.0 9 .5 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... g: : 2:: v: 4 ..... 30. 2 a7.6 w. 0 28.0 26. 2 16.0 46.4 47.6 ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... 51.8 rs. 6 ..... ..... - d 5i - 0 -22 -15 .... 14 14 I8 15 17 17 I8 17 ,..., ..... ..... IO ..... ..... ..... I1 14 I2 17 13 I9 I1 ,... . ,..., I9 13 I7 I4 I2 7 IO I3 I7 -15 -7 -17 .... 10 -2 -13 -20 .... 14 -9 5 IO -22 -4 -5 -3 -20 4 22 5 -15 .... 10 .... 8 8 I8 .... .... '2 .... 8 2 .... ..,. I3 -3 7 4 I -1 .... : .... -2 .... .... 9 0 .... .... 6 .... 3 z -Y -30 -10 -28 i l d l a i n ~.~i m -~o n . 0 I 0 PortRoyal*tl ..... 74 j 38 Saint YteDhena t ... I.. ........ 5.00 o !o 49.1 49. S 55- 1 Js. 1 Oregar--Cont'd. Weston ............ .......... Willlains 7 - 16 I simpsoniille*tl..' 72 , zg i .2 1 Jj +cietL:;;t ,....... I 75 30 7.96 States ....... 74 I 3 3 24 29 6 I' 27 .... z 19 15 27 rl 36 14 33 30 14 32 35 Y .... .... If :t s 3 3. .... I.., 32 .... .... .... 16 I8 19 18 I4 9 7 8 9 Y 9 19 320 32' I 9 4 .... IO .... P 20 'IO : -8 3 -15 -14 'I3 -10 5 -12 13 I .... 'IO 2 .... 2 5' -10 21 .... 31 .... "22 0 .... -8 -12 -12 .... -26 '19 -10 '15 'I9 -16 .Y .IO -12 .IO 5.60 I1 Tillers Ferryt.. .. .:.. .. .: . .ii. 51.5 54- a 584 56. 8 4s. (1 54.1 51.8 46- 6 4.0 56.4 51.8 60.8 61.5 50. 2 44.1 43.8 47- 2 52- 9 32. I &. 8 57.2 54- 4 ..... $2 ..... ..... g: f ..... .... .... .... .... 5 6 .1 41.6 46.8 45.5 45.5 53.5 4 3 I 40-4 41.9 43.0 51.6 42.7 46- 9 *4 48.8 .... .... 3: t $2 :;: d 2: : 19.9 28.6 31.7 18.3 20.3 22.3 23.8 19.6 19.4 23. o 33.9 30. 3 21.4 28.4 ..... 21.2 11.0 3: ; ::: g" .... 18.2 14.2 24.0 18.2 12.6 14.2 16.4 15.4 16.3 IS. I 16.3 16. 2 22. I .... 20. I 3: x 6.10 Trial .... ..:.; ...... :IS 1 2 8 6.9 11 Wateree t ...................... 7 4 4.56 9.16 5-74 5.71 Winnsborot ....... I 81 I 27 Yorkville .......... I 70 ! 27 Ab Alexai &ulh Dah ola. erdeent ......... 1 40 i-42. Idriat ....... 148 !-n ........ ....... .......... ........ DIifton f ........... 1 5 3 ~ I-.;. Dn b i s t .................... Dyberryfl ......... 50 - 9 &tntMauchChunk. .YL I 3 ..... Flandreau t ......... & I-iG 5-91 5.36 ! ! Forest Forestburg C$;::::::I .-zg -30 5.11 . I Fort Me e ........ 56 iq 6.77 !I Fortsully ......... dp -32 ......... ...... .:. ........ ........ .... ......... Onida t 1 .......... Parkert ......... ... ........ :-35 -30 :-I8 I Y 2 .... ....... ...... ... 65 15 ....... ...... ..... ........... .... ....... ...... ...... ....... .. ..... 14 20 I2 ........ .... ...... .... ........... ..... .... ......... ........ .......... ~ . ~.. ~~~ Salem&.' ........... i o Sour allst ....... S earfishtl ........ 1 lo A v a r e p.. ....... .I $ Tyndall .......... ss Pmrke Phila Philadelphinb ..... 55 9 Philadelphiac ..... I .YL I 8 Phmoixvil r t ..................... de!phiap.. , , ./:I: I I I I London t.. ........ ..... L nnville+l. ...... 70 I Ny ewport +a ......... Nannell 41 ........ 12 I Parksvilfe*I ....... m I -- Bristoll. ........... 4 8 2 Kingston al... ..... Kingstonbl....... 1 3 1: m t FEBRUARY, 1893. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 57 _______ ~ . Rcpwts received too hie. &.-Continued. Meteorolooid r d crf veluntm obra~ns. &c.-Continued. - Temperature. (Fahrenheit. 1 ~ Temperature. (Fahrenhel t.) Stations. I d h .t .- U a4 h. - 0.02 0.01 22 0- 07 1-24 0- 56 2-98 1.65 ~ ~~ Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) $ Stations. I , I I 0 5.2 12.6 11.8 16.6 0.8 '5.5 13.0 9.8 11.6 15.0 12.0 15.4 10.9 10.7 16.4 15.7 14-9 11.2 16.4 15.0 18.8 12.6 10.8 IO. 6 16.6 10.6 15.2 15.2 7.8 14.0 8.2 ..... ..... ..... 10.0 0 ,.... IS. 6 13.7 15.6 14.4 17.8 15.5 8. I 13.2 ;: t 11. I 13 6 14. I 9.6 9- 6 19.6 17.4 19.8 20.7 15.6 20.7 19.0 17.6 29.0 -4.0 .... 21.0 60.7 63. I .... - Nebraaka-cont'd. 0 Fairbury. ......... 54 Mulleu*l .......... &a New Jerwy. Canrden ........... New Maim. 5g Las Cruces t ....... 73 New Yak. Warkine ........... 50 Or on. LImatidT ............. Vernonia*l........ 50 P e n t w y h m a Altoona ............. 9 Wsconr(n--Cont'd. 0 0 B u t p r n u t t ........ 41 -37 cadrz*r ................. -24 Centralis ........... 40 -28 Chippewa Fallst. ............ Columbus ......... 4 -25 Crandont .......... 37b ..... Delavan Inear)t ... 42 10 Depere ............. @ -76 Florence Fonddu jkyi:::: $ 3 Grsntsburgt ....... 38 -27 Harveyf ........... 3 -23 Hillsboro .......... 41 -25 Hudson ........... 43 -22 Janesville ......... 40 -16 Jnneant ........... 41 -24 Koepenick*tl ..... 56. -22 Lanonatert ........ 39 y Lincoln2 ..................... Madisonti ........ 38 -21 Manitowoctl ....... 38 -21 Xeadow Valleyt ... 45 -9 Medford a t .................. Medfordbt ........ 6 -a6 Menomoniel....... 4 -zg Mineral Point ..... 42 -24 Neillsvillet. ...... 40 4 NewHolstoint .... 37 -z6 Oconomowoc?..... 40 -23 Oconto ............. 42 -17 Osctrolatl ......... Oshkosht .......... Pepin .............. Cumberland ....... 35 -zg Eau Claire ......... 39 -z5 X%nylvania-Con. 0 Lyclppua .............. Winnsborot ....... 64 Brookin ....... 40 Travaref.. ........ 35 Thistle t ............... Ciudad P. Dias.. ... vera Crrz ......... E wed Indias. Qrand Turk Island. . , . . &uU Cardim. &+h Dakota. lah. m-. 0 0 - 2 ...... -10 30.3 -2 2;s 10 43.4 - 7 16.5 13 32.7 2 28.7 .............. 0 0 Ins. ,. ............ 1.11 8 36.3 2.12 z2 I;:: ;:g g P .7 0.w ............. 1.50 .2 1.q ............. 0.e ...... .......... .... ........... ......... ....... ........ ........ .... ....... ........ *Extremes of temperatnre feom observed readings of dry thermometer. t Weather Bureau lnstrumeuts. Data from Canadian stations fw the month of February, 1893. Reports received too late to be used in general discussion of weather for Februoru. 18%. - 0.00 0.53 1-78 0. 10 0. I2 5.36 5-00 0.72 0.91 0.52 1.65 0- 37 1.26 1.32 5. 29 0.35 - I ........ ..... 28.8 73 50.8 48' (-44 12.0 Ahbama. I Jasper t I ........... 75 23 Uniontown ........ ArirOna. I " 31 Calabasast .......... 74 9 Arkansan. Texarkanat ....... I 75 Bigse ................... Oakland a ......... 66 Porternvilleb ........... Point Lobos ....... 61 Williams b ......... 68 Fort Collins t...... 61 l&ho. Martin t ... ...... CwljorRta. I Quinda ...... ......I.. .. ' ~l l d o . I Pressure. I Temperature. Precipitation. I I E e . a 7 1 8 4 - 0 - 2.0 - 1.7 - 2.3 - 0.4 L 2.6 - 1.9 - 5.5 - 2.4 - 2.5 - 2.7 - 4.2 - 0.4 - 4.3 - 8.9 - 7.0 - 3.3 ...... ...... ...... - 2 .0 ...... ...... , 1 t,O ....... ....... ....... ....... - 5.7 ....... ! 32 149.8 i ' :I ... :..I ...... I ........... :) 1 35 148.7 j .98 48.7 i -10 16.9 : ............. 34 19.i -21 I i I 15.1 ! &&sf i. ' 1 Clarksdale r...... Duck:;;..: .....I Fort Cnnter ........ Nebraska. 1 De?oto*I ........... Ewingt ......... ...I Teeumsehrt 1 ..... NEW M&o. Embudo ........... I.as Cruces t ........ T80S t .............. Oregon. Forest Grove ...... IkzW. Panter ......... 50 1-16 19.3 .................. 56 1-10 22.9 60 I I2 38.4 14 44.5 Inche.% 29.81 19.97 19-97 29-99 29.95 4 -9 2 29-91 19.97 30.05 30.09 30.10 30.10 30.12 30.13 30.13 30. I1 30. IO 30.07 30.17 30- 13 30.19 30.21 30.22 30.16 30.20 30. 22 30.20 30- 17 19.95 9 -1 4 mu 5.86 5.61 5.25 7.37 5. = I. 83 1-54 ;:G ::2 s:x 2.66 6.52 3-45 1-74 2.02 1.52 0.95 1.54 0.70 1.26 0.81 0.20 T. 2.02 :..$I 0. Y - I Saint Johns N. F ....... Halifax K. ............ (fraud &anan, N. B ...... Yarmouth N. Y ......... Saint And;ews N. B .... Charlottetown' P. E. I . . Chathnm N.B' .......... Father Phnt, Que ...... Quebec. Que ............ Montreal Que .......... Rockliffi' Ont. .......... Kingston' Ont ........... Toronto bny ............ White R:ver.Ont ........ Port Stanley,Ont ....... 3augeen Out ............ Parry d u n d Out ........ Port Arthur'Ont ........ Winnipeg, J a n .. ........ Minnedosa, Man ......... n Appelle Asslniboia.. ~e'dicrneB;t.Assjnjboia Bwift Current,Assinibola 3 ncasBri B.G.... Battleford 'Saskntchew'n Eamilton'Bermu da.... Battleford ............... Emonton %rta ..... Jadaq, 1893. . Inches 19-66 19.83 19.9 29- 90 19.89 19-94 19.4 m.96 19.54 19.76 3 -7 1 28.64 #).45 19.34 29-35 3.30 19.Y 9 .7 0 W 70 9 -4 0 2% m.13 ::$ 18.30 30.04 28. 16 Montreal.. .............. 23.72 Prince Albert .... ......I 18.46 I n c h . ' 0 ........ lo.1 - .os 19.3 ....... 21.2 - .o6 23.2 - .IO 9.1 7.4 ....... ....... :::t 1.0 .02 14.1 .02 18.0 ....... - 3.2 ....... 19.4 + -05 14.8 + .oq 9.0 - .04 - 1.2 - .OI - 6.4 .os I - 6.8 .q 1.6 ....... 16.6 ....... 62.2 ....... -2 .5 - .I3 4.3 ....... - 7.6 + .OI I - 9.2 + .08 - 1.6 ?.:::. - %:I znehss. ........ - 1.87 - 0.77 - 0 .9 - 1.51 2 ....... 0.55 ........ - 0.26 ........ ........ ........ - 0.80 ........ U. P. W. n. n w. SW. W. uw. W. SW. P I . W. W. W. a. W. W. II. W. W. W. nw. nw. W. ne. e. ne. W. W. nn. Received too Jate for publication in Janriary, 1893. ~~ I Alabama. 72 - I 37.5 72 15 I 42.5 ....... 72 Io 138.7 ............... I.. .... Oaklanda .......... t 32 42-3 ......................... ...... a6 40.6 Rio Viata ........................... Yrekat ............ rS I I 32.7 FortCollinst. ..... 61 - 2 31.6 Pierson ............ 80 21 51.4 Delphi ............ 52 -18 16.4 Laconia*1 ......... 62 -11 23.5 Terre Hautet... ........ I... ......... UpperLake ........ 66 18 45.7 cworado. Plorida. 1- hma. KalMaS. Algona*1 .......... 34 Kirwint ............... Lawrence. ......... 50 Marmaton ......... 62 Pauliue+l.......... 49 Topoha ............ 9 Caledoniat.. ...... 31 Crookston t.. ...... 32 diinncsok. .......... ............ ....... ........ 28 Nekaekn. Beatrice t .......... Creighton*tl ...... Ewingt ................ De $loto*l .......... 46 0.35 0.08 0.48 0.05 1.65 1.48 0.92 0.64 1.70 T. 0.86 0.11 0.12 0.00 0. IO 1.20 , o 22.4 - 4 ...... 4 25.8 - 3 25.4 -23 4.7 -37 -4.5 ............. .............. ............. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. FEBRUARY, 1893. Table of miseeuancoUS meteoroloaieal dnta.for Febniaw, 1893- Weather Bureau observations. ..... __ ........... - ... Pressure, in Temperature ofthe air in degrees incher. Fahrenheit.' Iumidity and precipitatior - d .C .- 1 P 1 ne. n. se. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. a. nW. W. BW. ..... ..... 8. W. nw. ..... nw. nw. nw. nw. ..... nw. W. BW. SW. I W . nw. ne. nw. se. ne. me. n. nw. ..... IW. nu. ..... I W . W. W. BW. .... nw. ne. .... nw. W. W. n. ne. 8. U. BW. W. 8. W. W. nu. W. nw. W. EW. W. BW. nw. nw. 01. I W . BW. W. BW. e. nw. se. se. .... nw. ow. nw. BW. SW. BW. nw. nw. nw. nw. W. i E .- M i - 47 53 51 48 48 50 47 47 51 48 51 54 52 $4 65 67 68 70 67 65 74 72 78 74 82 3 2 i 01 z 8: z 2 .... 70 E 79 79 75 R B E c 2 72 70 70 71 70 54 59 t 47 43 44 50 52 49 46 42 40 41 44 40 42 41 39 41 35 36 $ 33 30 37 37 - I g: - 50 38 42 52 45 53 66 .. 69 46 42 40 .. 2 46 54 45 42 .. .. $ 2 30 .M 34 40 44 33 30 42 29 32 .. .. 2 34 40 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 33 .. .. 2 30 30 33 34 30 60 2 $ 36 41 60 48 38 47 45 4.3 38 40 22 .. 5 $ 4r 60 46 45 35 37 34 % -- I New -land. Eeat ort .......... 53 20 Manchester ....... 247 6 Northfield ......... 872 6 Boston ............ 125 23 Nantucket ........ 14 7 Woods Hall....... ...... 15 Vine urd Haven... ...... 7 Narr nsett Pier. ...... I I New London ...... 47 23 l ~l d duantie matas. Albsn ............ 85 20 185 23 Philadelp la...... 117 23 AtlanticCity ....... 53 20 New Brunswick ............ Bsltimore ........ Washington, 1). 0 . i?: :: Oape Henry ............. rg Lynchburg.. ...... 685 22 Norfolk ........... 57 23 Charlotte .......... 773 15 Eatteraa .......... 11 13 Kittyhank ........ 9 17 hleigh ........... Jss 7 Boathport ......... M 18 Wilmington ....... 78 23 Charleston ........ 52 Colombia.. .............. 22 Augusta ........... 209 22 &rannab .......... g8 23 Jackaonville ...... 4 22 Jnpiter ........... 28 6 Key West ......... 22 23 Mieco .................. 5 Tampa.. ........... 36 ... Titusrille ......... 44 6 b t s m Qdf Stalss. Atlanta ........... I, 131 15 Pensacoh ......... Mobile ............ 57 23 Mont mery ...... 251 21 Vicksburg. ........ 2 9 22 NewOrleans ...... w 23 Port Ends .................. Wselsm QulfSlnlse. Shreveport ........ Fort Smilh ........ Little Rock ....... Corpus Christi .... Qalveston ......... Palestine. .......... Ban Antonio ....... Ohio Vd. & Ibnn. Chattanooga.. ..... Knoxville t ....... Memphis.. ........ Nashville ......... Lexington ......... Louisville. ........ Indianapolis ...... Cincinnati ... : .... Portknd .......... 103 22 Bled Island ...... 27 13 NewSven ........ I q 21 New dork, N. Y ... Burisbur g.. ....... 377 5 8. Atlantic 1statca. Ploridn €%Ulimla. Auburn. .............. ? MeriRan .......... 35s ... 41 % ' I E 18 73 24 SI 23 76 ........... ........... 8,771 nw. 6,232 n. 5348 nw. 7,097 n- 9,476 W- 10,329 nw. 13,453 nw. IS331 nw. 7 ,~ nw. 51575 nw- 6,451 nw. 9,110 nw. 6,801 nw. 6,389 nu. g,bm nw. ...... nw. 6,628 nw. 5,877 3,631 nw. ...... nw. ...... SW. ...... y: 7,440 ne. 5$535 ne. 10,877 sw. 5,168 BW. 7,083 ne. 7,206 ne. 6,732 W. ...... ne. 4,951 ne. 6,474 ne. 5343 awn 7,338 8. 7,173 e. 4,501 ne. 79573 m. 7,829 nu. 6,999 n. 5,878 n. 59572 e. 5329 8. 6,017 sw. 7,143 n. ...... ne. 6,143 nu. 5,203 e. 6.310 n. 10,633 n. ........... ...... sa. 20 IO 10 20 22 20 ,::I 20 ... 22 10 20 20 19 19 19 20 I .. 20 20 22 ... I8 22 10 22 22 22 17 I7 4 ,.. 22 21 22 I2 ,.. 8 22 21 ,.. 17 9 26 21 21 ,.. 21 21 9 3 7 I4 I4 13 :% 21 23 23 14 19 23 3 I9 3 6 19 19 I7 3 28 28 10 IO ,PI 28 j 28 28 28 14 I4 22 20 21.2 28.0- 3.3 30.5- 2.8 28.6- 2.9 27.2- 1.9 25.9- 2.6 5:;z i:! 21.6 - 4.6 29.6 -. 2.6 29. a ...... 32.0- 3.2 32.0 - 2.0 28.6 ...... 34.0- 3.0 35.1 - 1 .0 @.S+ 0.6 39.4- 1.5 ........... E 30.01 30.12 + .oql 29.921 30.13+ .OI 29.74 30.17 ...... 30.03 30 IO 29.96 30.16+ -01 30.05 30.18+ .04 zg4330.20 .06 30.091 30:14$ 1: .................. .................. 30.11 30.18$ m 0 4 .................. n)-99 30.22+ .05 30.13 30.18$ -03 30.08 30.19 .m 18 85 21 69 26 78 :: 2 :: E ........... ........... 32 80 37 86 4.66 ...... 13 5.73 ...... I2 4.43 0.9 I4 4 -2 5 s O -9 13 3.47- 0.1 14 2.49- 2.0 I1 0.14- 1.9 I4 I t .... 13 6.241.21890 25.71885 .................. 9 5.943.41890 28.51885 12 5713.41890 6.91885 11 5.59.4I890 37.21885 I2 ... -9 .2 1890 35.5 1885 I2 6.247.21890 31.6 1885 .... 21 $ ........... 59 I 83 59 I 85 ...... 8 3. I1 1.71 ...... 8 30.13 30.16 ...... 30.14 p 1 6 + .04 30.13 30.17 ...... 9 -1 4 30.18 ...... ...... .................. 29.84 30.11- .oa 29-63 30.17 20.821 a o .1 6 i 1:; 37 1 53 g ........... 51 84 43 73 4 5 - 42 68 5 a .a 3 9 6 9 30 70 31 71 5 3 8 4 54 91 39 74 3 9 5 8 ........... 39.5 1885 50.7 IM5 42.7 I S 5 48.3 1885 45.4 1885 46.7 188.5 53. I I885 ......... ......... 7.43 ...... g 3.65- 1.0 15 4.92- 0.4 I1 8.4.3 ...... I2 4.05- 0.8 10 4.92+ 0.6, IO ........ ....I. 39.9- 3.2 42.6- 3.6 58.4 ...... 50.4 - 2.3 g 6 : 1 .1 46.2. - 0.3 44.0- 0 .3 43.6 - 2.0 41.7- 1.3 36-5- 0.7 36.2- 2.8 30.0- 1.1 34.0- 2.7 30.8- 1.4 31.8- 2.2 21.2- 3.3 19.8- 4.4 21.4- 3.3 4 .5 - 3.7 26.3- 1.9 26.1-2.3 24.6 - 3.6 29.39 30.10 .O 14.6- 2.9 .................. 10.0- 3.6 29.38 pn+ .q 20.6- 3.9 19.38 30.10 ...... 17.8 ...... 29.18 30.04- .oa 12.2- 3.3 19.33 30.08 9. I 29.19 30.13 .q 21.2- 6.5 29.34 30.11 .m 17.9- 5.1 29.34 30.10 .a3 3i a9.39 30.11 -01 - 0.1- 6.0 29.01 30-20$ .O .j - 1.7- 6.6 29-21 30.19 .01- 4.6- 5.6 28.23 3 0 2 0 .q 4.4- 4.7 28.01 30.22 I' 1.6- 7.3 57.0- 0.1 a 1.7 29.39 30.08 ...... 11.4 ...... 29.41 30.15+ -07 20.3- 2.2 ...... ...... 42 93 34 74 34 74 76 73 28 72 2 6 % 9 84 28 75 3 9 ;: Columbus ......... I ......... ...... I Pittsburg Parkersbur Loloa L&%,iOn. Bnffilo ...... .i .... Oswego ............ lbchester.. ....... Erie. .............. Olereland ......... Sandusky ......... Toledo ............ Detroit. ........... apPerLak Region. Alpena ............ Cheboy n ........ Bscanag.. ........ Grand Haven ..... Yauistee .......... Marqnette.. ....... Port Huron ........ Bnult Ste. Marie. .. Ohicago ........... Milwaukee ........ GIreen Bay ......... h l u t h ............ Btirssns Northwsel. Moorhead ......... Saint Vincent ..... Bismarck ......... Fort Buford ....... 5.6 .... ........... I7 I 89 27 25 - 3 4 31 22 -19 2 3 41 2 7 2 8 -9 91 28 I8 1 6 23 4 2 0 1 0 3 5 7 1 5 % I4 25 -10 4 10 34 27 22 -21 4 4 35 14 16 -28 I 0 30 13 7 -3 1-10 33 20 7 -42 1-16 40 I8 I2 -41 I - 4 27 19 II -46 1 7 31 IO 1.77..... 16 2.44+*1 14 1.51 - 0.4 12 1.81 - 1.1 14 i:$? ;:; I5 1-29+ 0-5 14 0.10- 0.4 5 0.20- 0.4 7 0.31- 0.1 5 -8 -10 1 t -1 -2 FJEBRUARY, 1893. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 59 ~ Table of mbdaruow metaorobgical data for February, 1898- Weuther Burcau obm&irn+Continued. Pressure, in I Temperature of the air, in degrees inches. Fahrenheit. - W .- '3 , L .s o a ? 2 s e t - .... I 1 I1 I2 IO I5 31 I9 14 I9 14 IS 2O ..... .... I1 .... .... 9 z 2 2 6 6 14 7 I2 I2 I1 14 -7 I4 15 19 26 1 1 31 I5 I 9 30 17 21 I2 22 11 1 2 17 16 I7 I3 14 21 .... 38 .... .... .... 37 34 35 41 37 41 40 .... .... 40 44 43 - i i i .. no-7- 6.7 12.0 ...... 10.0 ...... 9.1- 6.3 13.9- 4.7 17.4- 5.4 26.4- 2.9 17.4- 7.2 2; = b: I L:Bsr til 25.2- 6.0 24.6 ...... as.4 ...... 26.9 ...... 32.8- 4.1 18.8 ...... ........... 15.2 ...... 13.4 ...... 9.2- 3.9 6.0- 8.9 9.1 ...... 12.2 -10.2 17.0- 5.0 25.2- 1.2 19.2 ...... 22.8 ...... 28.9 ...... 8:: S:J= i:: 31-4- 1.6 0.4 ...... 31.9 ...... v .4 - 1.5 31.0- 1.3 35.8 ...... 41.7- 8.1 44.4- 3.7 33.0 ...... 31-5 ...... 35.7 ...... 18.0- 4.0 28.5- 4.9 3:ir a:$ 24.2 ...... - I ..... 65 , 74 ~ ts, nl B o . E i gi 76 ~ 71 ~ 77 : 74 ...... 73 ~ ..... ...... - I4 13 I3 I3 v v :K 2 16 19 26 16 6 26 26 19 19 .... 21 I9 16 '8 4 I 9 .. I I .................... I j ( I ! .... oppsr dRli8. volusy. Ylnnespolia ................ M W 1 ......... tss.... h i t d ......... 850 13 k L s s e ......... 720 21 Damn ort ......... 613 22 Des d i n e s ....... w 15 Dnbuque .......... 651 20 Keokuk ........... 613 22 Cairo .............. 359 11 ..... 6qq 14 .......... 534 .... h i n t Louis ....... 571 13 dcbsouri V W . Oolnmbia,.. ................. Kansas City ....... 96 5 BprinpReld. YO.. .. Leavenworth. .... 2 'bpeka .................. 6 Omaha. ........... crate .............. .f:ff3 2 Valentine ............... 7 Sioux City ......... I, 165 .... Pierret ............. 1,470 .... Buron ............. 1,310 I1 Yankton ........... 1,232 20 BameZ ............ 2,477 13 Miles City.. ....... 2,374 .... Eelena ............ 4,118 13 Uspideity ........ 280 8 h n d e r ............ 5,377 .... Kame .......... 1,206 .... 1porthm.n suops. Cheyenne ......... 8: 105 22 Rorlh I h t t e ...... 1,841 19 W s S l y s . ColoradoSpringst. 6,099 .... Denver ............ 5,287 Pikes Peak .............. ;; Pueblo ............ 4,734 5 Concordia ......... 1,410 8 Dod eCity ........ 2,523 19 Wicfita ........... 1,366 5 Oklahoma City .... 1.239 .... Abilene ............ 1.748. 8 FortStanton ...... 6,152 8 Southernwops. Amarillo .......... 3,691 .... El Pas0 ........... 3,796 15 BontaFe ........... 7.059 21 Tucson ........... IO Yuma ............. 141 18 Keeler ............ 3,632 8 Carson City ....... 4,720 6 Winnemucoa...... 4340 15 Montrose .......... 5,795 g Southan Ratmu. mwue Rntsau. &It LakeCity ..... 4345 19 Norlhern ETflLsClu. Baker Cit 3,430..,. IdahoFalL.::::::: 4,742 .... 8 okane ........... 1.930 13 I?. P o e .b t R&. J a l l a Walla ....... 1,018 8 .... W. nw. ...... ...... ...... i 1.9 ...... 6 6,150! nw. 31 1.73 ...... g 6,655 nw. 35 1.19- 1.1 8 8,178. se. 37 1 .4 + 0.2 7 7,4141 nw. 39 1.611 ...... g ..... se. :..., o.W+o.z I.22! g 6,633 n. ...... 4 ....... ne. ...... W. SW. I. W. W. SW. W. W. W. nw. nw. nw. uw. W. .... .... .... a. nw. nw. e. ne. nw. SW. SW. 8. SW. nw. W. W. W. nw, n. n. se. n. - n. SW. SW. W. nw. 81. SW. W. SW. .... SW. nw. ne. se. SW. 8. 8. .... me. n. e. .... 8. .... .... .... 0. SW. U. nw. nw. SW. .... nw. a. nw. - 5.41; ... :... ..... ..: ... ; ,4.6j43.9j1882l 26.011875 ,,I 9 /I R 11 71 7! 231 I8 h 37 40 I- 6 I' 18 38 a8 -16 7 11 42 351-16 I 11 46 35 ..I .., 42 34 36 48 32 27 35 37 48 55 60 48 54 48 3.5 42 5 $ 60 60 50 56 46 48 .., 72 37 24 40 14 13 Bo 10 ..I ..I 2 ... ... 78 lo ... 14 s s 2 ... 12 - ,.....I ...... 3,250 sw. 10.172 nw. 7.145 nw. ' 8,wg n. 5,w 8. rr,gp4 sw. 6,186 ne. tz 6,995 11- 7,693 n. ..... ! ......... 0.77' ...... 10 0.461 ...... 8 0.4 IO 0.6 6 1.64 ...... 8 1 -1 0 ...... 6 0.62+ 0. 6 0.08 ...... 5 Om&+ 0.3 8 3.48 ...... 0.11 ...... 0.50- 0.i ...... .... 2 85 71 83 73 74 65 2 F ................. 28.84 30.18 ...... ...... 27.38 30.2r+ .os 17.50 30.20 ...... 25.74 30- 24 - 09 26..a 110.17 .m .... .... .... 8 5 5 7 I1 I2 I1 8 I 24 14 I 2: 9 9 .... ...... 9 -9 2 30.13...... 2g.18 14.65 17.46.....1;;/ 3 0 .1 1 30.15- ...... .OI 28.61 30.no 17.40 30.16 .mi 18-65 30.18 ...... 18.81 30.18 ...... 1:1 8 I1 I 8 9 I1 I2 52 . I1 I2 Y 14 5 I3 9 5 54 73 54 70 6s 72 72 70 70 44 5 E 33 45 i3 75 71 85 IS 63 65 74 4 I 18. 27 26.25 4 -8 9 26.20 13. I7 27.49 2:: :::I 15-67 14-aq 16-45 25.22 as. 00 ag. 01 ...... .................................... 29.85 29.95- -q 37.7- 3.0 51 40.0- 3.0 i: 51 ................. 37-2- 4.2 53 20 .w 41.0- 2.2 9 20 47.6- 1.7 a.10 30.16 6 .2 -0 .7 9 I1 zg.@ p 1 6 f 1: 46.8- 1.5 70 20 30.06 30.13 .w 48.3- 2.0 4 24 19-98 3O*IS$ -05 50-3- 1.7 69 2 19.76 30.13 48.4 70 21 ................. ...... ...... I I I having no departures are not used in latea or ears. t Received too late I )m Fbrt Kisinntmine records. 30.16 ...... 30.06- .OI 30-1~l+ --I 75 E 74 sa 80 87 64 4 45 49 50 44 14.4 ...... 40 24.8-4.2 45 37:7- 4- 4:;. I 55 0 .d 0.0 0.331- 0.8 4 ...... 6 1.33 ...... 7 0.82- 0.1 I1 1.62 ...... II 1.78 ...... 12 3.91+ 1.8 11 ..... i 14.60 ...... 21 i:E; i:; I7 ..... 5.19- 1.5 23 88 ' 6.27- 1.1 17 73 78 j 3.22- 2.66-0.3 0.1 8 7 70 2.75- 1.0 7 6 2.21 ...... 5 2 .9 - 1.1 5 E I 0.47- 1.9 4 t ..... %gx.i:i SI 21 4 5 23 4 16 20 ........... 79% sw. &&a Be. 3,617: ne. 30.12 ..... 30.28 ...... .~ ~ ~. Enat Clallm d: .............. Fort Canby ....... .( 1791 IO Neah Bay ................ IO ..... I. ..... e. 2,466 Be. 3.141 0. $860 I. ..... w. 3,748 e. ........... ..... e. 5,401 I W . 2,153 a. 5,139 n. 5,414 nW. 5,611 sw. ..... nw. 5,755 nw. .. .. Olym i a ........... 9 16 zg g Port Cresaent ............... Pysht ....................... Tatooah Island.. .. 86 Astoria. ................. ! Portland .......... 157 22 Roseburg ........ 523 16 Eureka ............ 6.1 7 Red Bluff. ........ 342 16 8acramento. ...... 6.I 16 Bon Fnanoisco ..... 153 11 Poc. Chat Bsgwr Fresno ............ LOB Angeles ....... 12 Sun Diego ......... 93 22 Port R w l e s ...... I r r a .P o c .L t B W . Point Reyes Light. .......... 3,411 nw. 2,666 ne. 3,430 nw. I I I I I I I I be number of days mirsing from the record. nre, and precipitation normals, and extremw k m g e s . Letters of t h e mrtures, etc. *All barom Nom.-Thedata at static &Two or more direction! of temperature are obtained phabet den er, temper1 60 /i .. Lander Wyo. ............... :' LeavenLoith Kana ......... i Lexiu$$nk:iii :... ........ Little oc .......... i: Los A eles. Gal. ........... 1 8 LouisXPile K 9 1 Manchesdr, d:H'::::.:::::: 1: Meridian, Miss. ............. 1, Miles Uit . Mont ............ I Mobile,A{a .................. 1 ; Yon$gomer Ala ........... I / Montrose, 8110 ............. New London, Conn. ......... Northfield Vt ............... I North Plntte, Nebr .......... ! Oklahonin Okla. T ......... i Oswego, d. Y ............... I Palestiiie Tex. ............. . ParkersbAr W. Va ......... Pensacola, ha. ............. . Pierre, Y. Dnk ............... . Point Bnrrow Alaska ....... I. Port Angelen: Wash ......... I. Port Huron. Mich ........... . Portland Me.... ............ . Ralei dt N. C ................ i Red Bluf?Cnl ............... i Red Win;. Minn ............. . Pueblo dolo ............... . RapidCit . Y. Dak .......... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. R. M. Crawford. L. A. Welsh. V. E. Muncy. F. H. Clarke. G. E. Franklin. Frank Burke. J. H. Melton. Geo. Hass Hagen. H. R. Boynton. Jas A Barr Arch& E. d k e t t . P. J. Bolton. R. 0. Lasenby. Wm. Line. J. U. Piercy.' Jan. I. WidmeyCr. J. G. Linsley. J. M. Sherier. W. W. Dent. E. C. Easton. W. A. Shaw. L. M. Htevenson. Wm. Bell. Wm. M. Edmondson. E. P. Jones. F. H. Brandenburg. C. F. von Herrmann. Wm. Norrington. John .I. McLean. F. T. Williams. FEBRUARY, 1893. Columbia, Tex ............ coreicana, 'rex ............ Cuero Tex ................ I)allai,Tex ................ Hearne. 'rex ............... Houston. 'rex ............ Huntsville, Tex. .......... Lulinq Tex. ............. Longv:ew 'rex ............ orange, T ~X ............... 1 Ier,Tex ................ Weatherford, Tex. ........ 2 aco Tex ................. Little Rock Ark. (center). STATIONS OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. J 8 Ro rm E. I;. G E O ~. Dr. J. M. Reuas. H P Berr W. i. Snelf: D. R Saunderr. W. Y. Barr. J. E. Fisher. 0. W. Krech. J. H. Kelly. W. A. Eartel. W. H. Godber. B. €I. Ledbetter. Station. Observer. I - _. - Slation. ! Observer. I Station. i Ohserver. I - !I ~~ Arlington, Tenn. .......... Batesville, Mins ........... Bolivar, Tenn. ............ Brownsville l'enn ........ Corinth Miis. ............ Covington Tenn .......... Decatur, Ala .............. persburg,Tenn .......... ernando Miss ........... Holly S rhigs, Miss ....... Milan, fenn. .............. Tiiscunibia, Ala ........... Mobile, Ala. (center). A. T. B. Etheridge. W. C. MoCarley. J. M. Cox. W. A. Roberts. W. 0. Henson. W. N. White. J. M. Vickray. €5. G. Wood. L. B. Jones. N. T. Brynnt. 0. F.Gantwel1. John Laaaeter ..... .. . Amarillo Tex. ... ..:. ....... Atlantic6ity N. J Baker City &ego; ::: 1:: Buford. Fort. N. Dak ........ Block IslaAd, R. I. .......... Key W;st Fla. ............ Knoxville: Tenn. ........... L nchbur . Va .............. Memphis, Tenn ............. Mil wnukee W is.. ........... Nantucket, Maas. ........... Nashville, Tenn ............. New Haven, Conn ........... d n i s t e e %ich .............. Marque&, Mich. ........... Yoorhead, kinn.. ........... ... - Cairo i l l : Canbj Fort Wash Carso: City' Nev Ctmrleston,'s. C. Charlotte, N. C.. ............ Chattnnoom. Tenn .......... I OkoloAa, M i i s ............. Thomasville, A!. .......... Waynesboro. Miss ........ Eukula &a ............... Fort Debosit, Ala. ........ Marion, Ala. .............. Opelika, Ala .............. Pine A ple. Ala. .......... Uniontpri AI^ ........ New Alexandria Orleansyi. City, (center). La. ...... Amite. La. ................ Brookhaven Miss ......... Cheyneyvill; La .......... Coushatta. La ............. Mont omer Ala. (center). ChehoygaK Mich ........... Cheyenne Wyo. ............ Concordis; Ran6 ............ Corpus Christi, Tex ........ 8. J. Russell. J. N. Cnmmack. w. R. McKinley 0. T. Moore. W. L. Vnn Pelt. 11% J. Davis. w. L. Carmack. J. B. Raab. T. P. Wade. L. C. Giffe. Florence Hills. E. M. Bee. W. W. Well. L. M. Howard. Dulju ue. Iowa ............. Erie %a. .................... Fresno. Cal.. ................ Grand Haven Mich Qreen Bay. t i s . Eannibal, Mo. Earrisburg, Pa .............. Hatteras, N. 0. .............. Idaho Falls. Idaho .......... Eudka Cnl. ................ Fort Snhth. Ark ............. .......... ............ ............... 1 1 Crete, Nebr ................. Cnrrituck Inlet. N. C.. ...... I East Clnllani Wash ......... Escanaba, Mibh .............. Jnpiter, Fla Keariiey Nebr Keokuk,'Iowa Kittyhawk. N. C ~~ G. A. Loveland. John D. Blngden. H. 8. Dimmick. J. U. Morrell. ............. I La Ciosse. Win :I Ithaca, N. Y ................. Micco. Fla: ................. j Minnenpolis, M,inn. ......... Narr aiisett Pier, R. I ...... 11 Neah%ay Wash. ........... il New BruAswick. N. J ....... Point Reyes Li ht, Cal ...... 1; Port Crescent, bash. ....... 1; Topeka Knns ............... . Pysht. Wash. ............... . Vineyaid Haven, Mas.. ..... 1 Allen Buell. R. M. Hardinge. Hal. P. Hardin. E A Beals M'r8.h. E. conway. Charles Adie. E. W. McQann. '1'. H. Ryan. Otto B. Hart. J. P. Fallihee. T. B. Jennings. W. W. Neifert. ........ i Kirhar. Alban ;Ga ..'.... ... :.. .... Alapaga, Gn ............... Americus Ga. ............ Bainbridie.Ga ............ Cordele. (ia ................ J. Warren Smith. D.Cuthbertson. E. C. Vose. S. 8. Baasler. W. B.Stockman. U. G. Myers. C. M. Strong. F. J. Wals. J. J. Gilligan. 5.8. Hazen. J. S. Clark. 0. I. Jones. L. A. Smith. J. E. Peacock. W. D. Webater. P. Connor. H. E. Wilkinson. H. B. Boyer. Henr Pennywitt. J. N.%yker. 9. L. Doaher. P. McDonough. W. M. Wilson. W. L. Moore. S G DuEe i A: R l u n L . J. B. Marbury. 8. J. Cox. R. E. Kerkam. E. B. Dum. A. B. Crane. H. F. Alciatore. Geo. E. Eunt. L. M. Uev. Eaatmnn. Ga .............. Fort Onines, Ga. .......... I Millen, Ga ................ uitninn, Ga .............. honinsville. Ga .......... Wa Cross, cis ............ Vickskwg, Miss. (center). Jwkson. Miss ............. Lake.Miss ................ Monroe, La ................ Bolling Fork, Miss ........ Wilmington, N. C. (center). Cheraw. 9.0. .............. ! Florence, 8. C. ............ I Goldsboro N C ........... I Greensboro N. C .......... Lumberton' N C .......... I Newbern, d.C. ............ Weldon, N. C .............. .I &gar and ~i m 8tatioRs.+ I New Orlenns. La. [center 1. I/ Gainesville. Fla. .......... Thos. Gibson. W. E. Hnnimon. E.C. Thonipaon. Geo. N. Salisbury. M. L. Hearne. P. 1'. Jenkins. H B Herse C.'L.* Bozself: P. 8. Smyth. Chas. Stewart. Thoniaa J. Considine. E. A. Hnnner. Dr. Robert J. Hyatt. 8. W. Beall. F. P. ChafFee. A. Ashenberger. C. H. Peacock. 8. E. Lewis. James Bell. J . R. Sheppard. A. W. Thomas. Robt Thomas Jr. W. P Whelph;. H. 5. Wri ht. Willie Wfikins. W. W. Renwick. 8. W. Lengford. W. R. Godfrey. P. H. Walsh. NettieThomns. G. W. Prikhett. B. M. Davis. W.G. Boyd. T. A. Clarke. Wa lnnd Bailey. J. 14. Bauer. C. H. Stnller. Wm. Davia. E. C. Hobba. /' Athens,Ga ................ :, Batesburg, 9. C ............ : Blackville 8.0 ............ j . C8mnk.G: ................. I. 0. Gnrdiner. L. M. Pindelt J. I. Clery. E. M. Kavenacraft. L. M. Tarr. Geor e Reeder. S. C. Bmery. Peter Wood. Maurice Connell. R. Q. Urant. J. R. Williams. Oeo. W. Felger. F. W. Conrad. Wm. E. Butler. Frank Ridgway. A. 8. Dick. James H. Smith. A. J. Mitchell. E. €I. Cnrley. F. 2. Gosewisch. Walter H. Scholl. W. U. Simons. W P. Bri s D.'P. HarKB. 9.8. Turner. J. A. Chnpman. Baton Rou-e, G ........... Covington,%a. ............ Donaldsonville. La ........ Franklin. La .............. Lake Charles. La .......... Opelousas. La. ............ Sacranie~%o CnI ............. J. A. Barwick. Saint Vinceht Minn ......... H. W. Graase. Sandusky, Ohio ............. B. F. Eo. h. :, San Antonio:'kex. ........... L. F. Pessailaigue. ti ahreveport. La. ............. 0. A. Sm#. H. A. Morgan. W. B. Franklin. W. D. Park. E. M. Cornay. Wm. Meyer. E. J. Clements. 8acranienlo Barwick. I j Saint Vinceh,Mir K.-Graase. , San Antonio, rssailaigue. Sandusky 0 . iI ahreveport. La. ............. i c. A. Baton R Covingl Donaldsonv Frankli La1 Opelousas. La. ............ ~ Sioux City;Iowa. U. U. Purssell. Southoort. N. U ..:::::::::::I Louis Dorman. Morgan. Franklin. Park. Cornay. Meyer. I E. J. Clements. in Craig. ~ sprin&iel I ' Springtieid. MU .............. I Stnnton, Fort, N. Mex ....... Mrs. M. A. Bailey. Tatoosh Islnnd, Wash. ...... Frank R. Beahan. I : Titusville, Fla. ............. Jos. E. Lanouette. . Tncson Aria ................ Wni. Burrows. ~ Valenthe, Nebr ............. i'einporarily closed.] j W/chitn, Knns ............... Dr. Fred. L. Johnson. . Winnemurca Nev ........... (+eo. D. Boutcher i Woods Holl,knss. ........ .) J. P. Slaughter. I Yankton, 8. Uak ............. A. J . Dnvis. Walln Walla, Wash ......... itshugh Newman. I Third 0rder.i I - - _. 1; Astoria, Oregon. ........... ., ohn Grover. i. Auburn Ala .................. trof. P. H. Mell. . Ca e Hinr . Va. ............ J. P. Sherry. I / Corumbia,%o ............... E. A. McNally. . Columbia. 8. G. .............. I B.R.Ytunrt. I: Coluri nn. Qainesvillc KuGhT. Green Mrs. 8. A. Crittenden. Griffin, Ga.. .............. .I P. H. Menowell. I A. J. Embree. J. G. Moan. ....... Malvein Ark .............. Jos. Coffer. Paris. Tgx ................. C. E. Thorne. Pine Bluff, Ark ............ I J. E. O'Connor. Newport( Ark. ........... ............ i R. C. McMann. ...... M. J. Nash. Hazlehurat, Mia F%Lon. k%r Hunter. Natches, Miss. ............ I C. Steitenroth. Hazlehurat Mia;;;..;;;;;; B Fu te. ~~~ ~~. Natches, Miss. ............ c. Steitenroth. LA ette La .............. 1 J:J. gvidson. Minien, h... .......... ;. . W. 8. Hunter. Nntchitochea La.. ........ Sam Levy. Port Gibson, h i s s ......... €I. H. Crisler. 11 Savannah. Qa. I center 1. R'ayne, Id; ................ I. A. Smith. I/ Schriever, La. ...... ......I John T. Moore. Take two obervations daily, and also reoord qontinuously im ortant meteorological phenomena, such M wiud-direetion and velocity, predpitatlon, temrratutarq barometric pressare, etc b means of self-registering instrnments. t f a k e two observations dnll . $Take one observation, in addition to other special duties. 4 &e one observation daily from A$rirrg to November ewh year, and telegraph i t to district centers (regukr Weather Bureau stations).