Systematic Evidence Review Number 16

Screening for Prostate Cancer

File Inventory

Prepared by:

Research Triangle Institute/University of North Carolina
   Russell Harris, M.D., M.P.H.
   Kathleen N. Lohr, Ph.D.
   Rainer Beck, M.D.
   Kenneth Fink, M.D.
   Paul Godley, M.D., M.P.H.
   Audrina J. Bunton, B.A.

File Name	Description				Software	Version	File	Size
01report.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	1.2MB	156 pages


Front Cover, Title Page, Preface, Structured Abstract, Table of Contents; 

I. Introduction: Background, Burden of Suffering, Epidemiology, Screening Tools, Treatment Modalities, 
Staging and Histologic Grading, Focus of this Review; 

II. Methods: Analytic Framework and Key Questions, Eligibility Criteria for Admissible Evidence, 
Literature Search Strategy and Synthesis, Development of the Final Systematic Evidence Review; 

III. Results: Key Question 1: Efficacy of Screening in Reducing Mortality from Prostate Cancer, 
Key Question 2: Yield of Screening for Prostate Cancer, Key Question 3: Harms of Screening, 
Key Question 4 to 7: Efficacy of Treatment (General Approach), Key Question 4: Efficacy of Treatment 
with Radical Prostatectomy, Key Question 5: Efficacy of Treatment with Radiation, Key Question 6: 
Efficacy of Treatment with Androgen Deprivation, Key Question 7: Efficacy of Treatment with 
Watchful Waiting, Key Question 8: Harms of Treatment, Key Question 9: Costs and Cost-Effectiveness 
of Screening;

IV. Discussion: Context, Major Findings and Limitations of the Literature, Benefits and Harms, 
Future Research Needs;


Appendix A. Acknowledgements;

Appendix B. Evidence Tables: Evidence table glossary; Evidence Table 1A: Health outcomes of 
screening in reducing mortality RCTs (Key Question 1); Evidence Table 1B: Health outcomes of 
screening, case-control studies (Key Question 1); Evidence Table 1C: Health outcomes for screening, 
ecologic studies (Key Question 1); Evidence Table 2A: Yield of screening (Key Question 2); 
Evidence Table 2B: Yield of screening, studies of screening programs (Key Question 2); 
Evidence Table 3: Harms of screening (Key Question 3); Evidence Table 4: Efficacy of treatment 
with radical prostatectomy (Key Question 4); Evidence Table 5A: Efficacy of treatment with 
androgen deprivation therapy (Key Question 6); Evidence Table 5B: Efficacy of treatment with 
androgen deprivation therapy (Key Question 6): systematic review; Evidence Table 6: Efficacy of 
watchful waiting (Key Question 7); Evidence Table 7: Harms of treatment (Key Question 8); 
Evidence Table 8: Cost-effectiveness of screening (Key Question 9)

Current as of December 2002

Internet Citation:

Screening for Prostate Cancer. File Inventory, Systematic Evidence Review Number 16. December 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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