Systematic Evidence Review Number 19

Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

File Inventory

Prepared by:

RTI International
Evidence-Based Practice Center,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

   Russell P. Harris, M.D., M.P.H.
   Linda J. Lux, M.P.A.
   Audrina J. Bunton, B.A.
   Sonya F. Sutton, B.S.P.H.
   Kathleen N. Lohr, Ph.D.
   Katrina P. Donahue, M.D.
   B. Lynn Whitener, Dr.P.H., M.S.L.S.
   Saif S. Rathore, B.A.

File Name	Description			Software	Version		File	Size
01front.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		40KB	5 pages
Contents: Cover, Title Page, Preface
02abstr.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		29KB	3 pages
Contents: Structured Abstract: Context, Objective, Data Sources, Study Selection, 
Data Extraction, Data Synthesis, Conclusion
03conts.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		570KB	2 pages
Contents: Table of Contents
04chap1.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		42KB	3 pages
Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction
05chap2.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		30KB	3 pages
Contents: Chapter 2. Methods: Analytic Framework and Key Questions, Search Strategy, 
Production of the Systematic Evidence Review
06chap3.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		865KB	24 pages
Contents: Chapter 3. Results: Presence of a Detectable Preclinical Period; Accuracy and Acceptability 
of Screening Tests; Efficacy and Effectiveness of Treatment; Severe Visual Impairment; 
Chronic Renal Failure; Lower Extremity Amputations; Cardiovascular Events; Early Treatment of 
Impaired Fasting Glucose/Impaired Glucose Tolerance; Harms of Screening and Treatment; 
Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Earlier Treatment
07chap4.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		30KB	3 pages
Contents: Chapter 4. Discussion: Effects of Screening, Recommendations for Further Research
08refs.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		100KB	13 pages
Contents: References
09appa.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		27KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix A. Acknowledgements
10etbl1.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		79KB	4 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 1. Properties and Yield of Screening Tests
11etbl2.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		52KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 2. Studies of Laser Photocoagulation
12etbl3.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		89KB	1 page
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 3. Studies of Tight Glycemic Control
13etbl4.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		152KB	5 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 4. Studies of Antihypertensive, ACE Inhibitors and ARB Medications
14etbl5.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		61KB	4 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 5. Studies of Foot Care
15etbl6.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		76KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 6. Studies of Lipid Control
16etbl7.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		94KB	6 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 7. Studies of IFG/IGT Screening and Treatment
17etbl8.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		43KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 8. Studies of Harms of Screening or Treatment
18etbl9.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		81KB	6 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Table 9. Studies of Cost, Cost-Effectiveness, or Modeling
19gloss.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		564KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix B: Evidence Tables Glossary
20fig1.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		35KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 1. The "Delta Question" in Screening for Type 2 Diabetes
21fig2.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		30KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 2. Screening for Type 2 Diabetes: Analytic Framework
22tbl1.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		35KB	1 page
Contents: Table 1. Screening for Type 2 Diabetes: Key Questions
23tbl2.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		47KB	1 page
Contents: Table 2. Number Needed to Screen (NNS) for Diabetes to Prevent One Case of Blindness 
in One Eye by Tight Glycemic Control
24tbl3.doc	Microsoft Word®   Document	MS Word®  	2002		47KB	1 page
Contents: Table 3. Number Needed to Screen (NNS) for Diabetes to Prevent One Cardiovascular Event 
by Tight Blood Pressure Control

Current as of February 2003

Internet Citation:

Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. File Inventory, Systematic Evidence Review Number 19. February 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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