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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  4386448 Stellar classification: calibration in absolute magnitudes Chalonge, D. ; Divan, L. 1973 Feb 01 -
  4382973 Spectrophotometric studies of nonstable stars. II. On the spectrum of RW Aurigae in the region 3080 to 6100 A Chalonge, D. ; Divan, L. ; Mirzoyan, L.V. 1971 Jan 01 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-106531 Fabrication of uniformly redundant arrays and Young's slits for coherence measurements in x-rays. Moldovan, N. ; Paterson, D. ; Divan, R. ; 2002 Sep 06 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-110280 Improvements in graphite-based x-ray mask fabrication for ultradeep x-raylithography. Divan, R. ; Mancini, D. C. ; Gallagher, S. M. ; 2004 Dec 01 -
  15016485 Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio hydrogel microstructures. Tirumala, V. R. ; Divan, R. ; Mancini, D. C. ; 2005 Apr 01 -
  15020491 Fabrication of grids and collimators using SU-8 as a mold. Makarova, O. ; Zyryanov, V. ; Divan, R. ; -
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ANL/XFD/CP-106519 Progress in the fabrication of high aspect ratio zone plates by soft x-ray lithography. Divan, R. ; Mancini, D. C. ; Moldovan, N. A. ; 2002 Aug 13 -
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ANL/XFD/CP-108763 X-ray lenses fabricated by deep x-ray lithography. Mancini, D. C. ; Moldovan, N. ; Divan, R. ; 2002 Sep 26 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-105180 Side wall roughness in ultradeep x-ray lithography. Moldovan, N. ; Mancini, D. C. ; Divan, R. ; 2001 Jun 26 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-110705 X-ray patterned deposition of gold nanoparticles from solution. Divan, R. ; Mancini, D. C. ; Moldovan, N. ; 2003 Jun 02 -
  898686 Magnetic vortex core dynamics in cylindrical ferromagnetic dots. Guslienko, K. Yu. ; Han, X. F. ; Keavney, D. J. ; -
  15003074 Microfabrication of freestanding metal structures using graphite substrate. Makarova, O. V. ; Mancini, D. C. ; Moldovan, N. ; 2003 Jul 01 -
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ANL/XFD/CP-105749 Microfabrication of freestanding metal structures released from graphite substrates. Makarova, O. V. ; Tang, C.-M. ; Mancini, D. C. ; 2002 Feb 22 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-111944 Development of a freestanding copper antiscatter grid using deep x-ray lithography. Makarova, O. V. ; Tang, C.-M. ; Mancini, D. C. ; 2003 Nov 14 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-111113 Optimization of su-8 processing parameters for deep x-ray lithography. Barber, R. L. ; Ghantasala, M. K. ; Divan, R. ; 2003 Jul 17 -
  15020985 Fabrication of focused two dimensional grids. Makarova, O. V. ; Mancini, D. C. ; Divan, R. ; -
  ANL/XFD/CP-105562 Micromachining of ultrananocrystalline diamond. Moldovan, N. ; Auciello, O. ; Carlisle, J. ; 2001 Sep 13 -
  5281001 A three-phase soft-switched high-power-density dc/dc converter for high power applications DeDoncker, R.W.A.A. ; Divan, D.M. ; Kheraluwala, M.H. 1991 Jan 01 -
  15009539 Development and Monte Carlo analysis of antiscatter grids for mammography. Boone, J. M. ; Makarova, O. V. ; Zyryanov, V. N. ; 2002 Dec 01 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-112880 Fabrication of collimators for gamma-ray imaging. Makarova, O. V. ; Yang, G. ; Tang, C.-M. ; 2004 Jan 01 -
  15009670 Folded waveguide traveling wave tube sources for THz radiation. Bhattacharjee, S. ; Booske, J. H. ; Kory, C. L. ; 2004 Jun 01 -
  ANL/XSD/JA-57138 Magnetic instability regions in patterned magnetic structures : Influence of element shape on magnetization reversal dynamics. Han, X. F. ; Grimsditch, M. ; Meersschaut, J. ; 2007 Apr 06 -
  ANL/MSD/JA-60091 Synthesis and superconducting properties of niobium nitride nanowires and nanoribbons. Patel, U. ; Avci, S. ; Xiao, Z. L. ; 2007 Oct 15 -
  CONF-9601119-- 1996 international conference on power electronics, drives and energy systems for industrial growth: Proceedings. Volume 1 Murthy, S.S. ; Roy, S. ; Divan, D. ; 1995 Dec 31 -
  CONF-9601119-- 1996 international conference on power electronics, drives and energy systems for industrial growth: Proceedings. Volume 2 Murthy, S.S. ; Roy, S. ; Divan, D. ; 1995 Dec 31 -
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