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J.C., 1939, Preliminary report on the ore deposits of the Chichagof Mining District, Alaska: American Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Engineering Technical Publication 1051, 20 p. Reed, J.C., and Coats, R.R., 1941, Geology and ore deposits of the Chichagof mining district, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 929, 148 p. Reed. J.C., and Dorr, J V.N., 1942, Nickel deposits of Bohemia Basin and vicinity, Yakobi Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 931-F, p. 105-138. Ricker, S., 1941, Preliminary report and project set-up, Bohemia Basin Nickel, Yakobi Island, Alaska: Unpublished report, 16 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Roehm, J.C., 1936, Investigations - Sitka Mining District vicinities, Lisianski Inlet, and west coast of Chichagof Island, June 29 to July 8, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Itinerary Report 195-30, 11 p. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report, Chichagof Creek Group, Klag Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska, July 5, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-4, 4 p., 2 maps. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Alaska Gold Digger Group no. 2, Klag Bay, west coast Chichagof Island, July 8, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-6, 5 p., 3 maps. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Goldwin Group, Lisianski Inlet, Chichagof Island, Sitka Mining District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-2, 2 p. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of holdings of New Chichagof Mining Syndicate, Pinta Bay, Chichagof Island, July 3, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-3, 3 p., 2 maps. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Lucky Strike prospect, Lisianski Inlet, Chichagof Island, Sitka Mining District, June 30, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-1, 2 p. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Mike Woll prospect, Lake Ann, west coast Chichagof Island, Sitka Mining District, Alaska, July 7, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-5, 1 p. Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report, Slocum-Grunter (Cox-Bolyan) prospect, Slocum Arm, Chichagof Island, Alaska, July 7, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-7, 5 p., 1 map. Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of holdings of the Baranof Mining Company, Halleck Island, Sitka Precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-10, 2 pp, 1 map. Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Krestof group of claims, Krestof Island, Sitka Precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-12, 4 p., 1 map. Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Litt1e Blonde and High Grade Groups, Kruzof Island. Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-11, 3 p. Roehm, J.C., 1938, Report of Bohemia Tunnel, Bohemia Basin, Yakobi Island, Alaska, April 23, 1938: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 114-9,2 p., 1 map. Roehm, J.C., 1938, Summary report of mining investigations in the Juneau and Sitka Mining Districts, October 26-30 and November 8-12, 1938: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Itinerary Report 195-20,3 p. Roehm, J.C., 1938, Summary report of mining investigations in the Sitka and Juneau Mining Districts, vicinities of Yakobi. Chichagof, Kruzof, Krestof, Halleck, and Admiralty islands, Alaska, April 21 to 30, 1938: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Itinerary Report 195-21, 12 p. Roehm, J.C., 1940, Preliminary report of the Lucky Chance Mine, Baranof Island, Sitka Precinct, June 28, 1940: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Property Examination 116-3, 5 p., 1 map. Roehm, J.C., 1945, Strategic and critical mineral occurrences in southeastern Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Miscellaneous Report 191-5, 118 p. Roehm, J C., 1947, Report of investigations in the Sitka Mining Precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Itinerary Report 195-42, 17 p., 1 map. Rogers, J.C., 1917, Alaska Nickel Mines: Unpublished report, 7 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Roppel. Patricia, 1993, The gold at Rodman Bay: Alaska History, v. 8, no. 2, p. 21-35. Roppel, Patricia, 1973, Gypsum: Alaska Journal, V. 3, no. 3, p. 149-152. Rossman, D.L., 1959, Geology and ore deposits of northwestern Chichagof Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1058-E, p. 139-216. Rowan, E.L., Bailey, E.A., and Goldfarb, R.J., 1989, Geochemical orientation study for identification of metallic mineral resources in the Sitka quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1950, p. BI-BI2. Ryason, D J., 1961, Report on Mt. Baker Copper property: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Miscellaneous Report 114-11, 5 p., 1 map. Sanford, R.S., 1942, Preliminary report and project setup, Mirror Harbor nickel deposits, Chichagof Island, Territory of Alaska: Unpublished report, 9 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Ship, C.B.P., and Shipman, E.M., 1938, Cobol prospect: Unpublished report, 14 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Smith, L.H., 1924, A geologic and economic sketch of Doolth Peninsula, west coast of Chichagof Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Miscellaneous Report 114-1, 6 p. Smith, P.S., 1926, Mineral industry of Alaska in 1924: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 783-A, p. 1-30. . Smith, P.S., 1939, Mineral industry of Alaska in 1937: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 910-A, p. 1-113. Smith, P.S., 1939, Mineral industry of Alaska in 1938: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 917-A, p. 1-113. Smith, P.S., 1942, Occurrences of molybdenum minerals in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 926-C, p. 174-176. Smith, S.S., 1917, The mining industry in the Territory of Alaska during the calendar year 1915: U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 142, 65 p. Smith, S.S., 1917, The mining industry in the Territory of Alaska during the calendar year 1916: U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 153, 89 p. Stewart, B D., 1923, Annual report of the Territorial Mine Inspector to the Governor of Alaska, 1922: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, p. 63-66. Stewart, B.D., 1931, Memorandum on the mineral resources of Chichagof Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Miscellaneous Report 114-3, 5 p. Stewart, B.D., 1932, The occurrence of gypsum at Iyoukeen Cove, Chichagof Island: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 824-F, p. 173-177. Still, J.C., 1988, Distribution of gold, platinum, palladium, and silver in selected portions of the Bohemia Basin deposits, southeast Alaska (with an appendix on Mirror Harbor): U. S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 10-88, 42 p., 10 sheets. Still, J.C., and Weir, K.R., 1981, Mineral land assessment of the west portion of western Chichagof Island, Alaska: U. S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 89-81, 168 p. Storm, L.W., 1917, Report on Slim and Jim Copper prospect, Point Urey, Chichagof Island: Unpublished report, 4 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Thorne, R.L., 1952, Slocum Arm molybdenum deposit, southeastern Alaska: Unpublished U. S. Bureau of Mines minerals memorandum, 2 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Thorne, R.L., 1960, Chichagof-Alaskan Mining Corporation, Lucky Devil claims, Chichagof Island, Alaska: Unpublished U. S. Bureau of Mines Examination Report, 9 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Thorne, R.L., 1967, Chichagof Mining District, Sitka quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: Unpublished U. S. Bureau of Mines Situation report, 5 p. Thornsberry, V.V., and DeWilliam, P.P., 1982, Prospectus: Aleco Mining Group nickel-copper property (Bohemia Basin and Mirror Harbor) southeast Alaska: Unpublished report, 19 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Traver, W.M., 1942, Bohemia Basin nickel deposits, Yakobi Island, Alaska. Report to Metallurgical Division: Unpublished report, 3 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Traver, W. M., 1944, Appendix to War Minerals Report, Mirror Harbor nickel deposits, Chichagof Island, Alaska: Unpublished report, 54 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Traver, W.M., 1948, Mirror Harbor nickel deposits, Chichagof Island, Alaska: U. S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4168, 13 p. Twenhofel, W.S., 1953, Potential Alaska mineral resources for proposed electrochemical and electrometallurgical industries in the upper Lynn Canal area, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 252, p. 5, 7. Twenhofel, W.S., Reed, J. C., and Gates, G. 0., 1949, Some mineral investigations in southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 963-A, p. 20-28. U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2002, Alaska mineral locations database report (Sitka quadrangle), July 2, 2002, 205 p. [] U.S. Bureau of Mines, [undated], Mine production records: Unpublished records. (Records held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1944, Yakobi Island, Sitka Mining District, Alaska: War Minerals Report 174, 73 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1944, Mirror Harbor, Chichagof Island, Alaska: War Minerals Report 333, 9 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1962, Results of diamond drilling at the Camel Gypsum deposit, Iyoukeen Cove, Chichagof Island, southeast Alaska: Unpublished report. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1973, Alaska 1:250,000-scale quadrangle map overlays and paper copy showing mineral deposit locations, principal minerals, number and type of claims, and historical information; includes reference to unpublished MAS file information: U. S. Bureau of Mines Open- File Report 20-73, updated in 1986-87. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, Aeromagnetic map of Yakobi and Chichagof islands, Alaska: U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-529, scale 1:250,000. Van Nieuwenhuyse, R., 1984, Geology and geochemistry of the Pyrola massive sulfide deposit, Admiralty Island, Alaska: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.A. thesis, approximately 300 p. Vevelstad, C., (date unknown), Report on Yakobi Island drill logs: Alaska Territorial Dept. of Mines Miscellaneous Report 114-9, 58 p. Walton, M.S., and Kennedy, G.C., 1945, Magnetic exploration of the nickel-copper deposits of Bohemia Basin, southeastern Alaska: Economic Geology, v. 40, no.7, p.496-502. Wells, R.R., 1952, Mineral dressing report, Cobol molybdenum ore: Unpublished report, 3 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Williams, J.A, 1928, Cobol deposit, Slocum Arm, Chichagof Island: Unpublished report, 3 p. (Report held by the Mineral Information Center, Bureau of Land Management, Juneau, Alaska.) Williams, J.A, 1955, Ariel property, Sitka quadrangle, gold and tungsten, El Nido Mine: Alaska Territorial Dept. of Mines Property Examination 114-13, 5 p., 2 maps. Williams, J.A., 1955, President prospect, Admiralty Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Mineral Investigation 114-1, 3 p. Winchell, H.V., 1918, Report on the property of the Alaska Nickel Mines, Mirror Harbor: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, Miscellaneous Report 114-2, 15 p. Wright, C.W., 1906, A reconnaissance of Admiralty Island: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 287, p. 138-161. Wright, C.W., 1907, Lode mining in southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 314-C, p. 59-61. Wright, C.W., 1908, Lode mining in southeastern Alaska, 1907: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 345-D, p. 78-97. Wright, C.W., 1909, Mining in southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 379-D, p. 67-87.. Wright, F.E., and Wright, C.W., 1905, Economic developments in southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 259, p. 47-68. Wright, F.E., and Wright, C.W., 1906, Lode mining in southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 284, p. 30-54.