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Searched:  Author Contains ("Glade, S")
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Results:  1–7 of exactly 7 matches. in 0.058 seconds.

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UCRL-PROC-200965 Characterization of Uranium Particles Produced via Pulsed Laser Deposition Glade, S C ; Trelenberg, T W ; Tobin, J ; 2003 Nov 11
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UCRL-JC-151984 Evolution of Defects in Pu during Isochronal Annealing and Self Irradiation Asoka-Kumar, P ; Glade, S ; Sterne, P A ; 2003 Feb 05
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UCRL-TR-203563 Resolving Nuclear Reactor Lifetime Extension Questions: A Combined Multiscale Modeling and Positron Characterization approach Wirth, B ; Asoka-Kumar, P ; Denison, A ; 2004 Apr 06
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UCRL-JC-154520 Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy of Nanostructural Features in Model Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels Glade, S C ; Wirth, B D ; Asoka-Kumar, P ; 2003 Jul 16
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UCRL-PROC-217746 Oxidation of uranium nanoparticles produced via pulsed laser ablation Trelenberg, T W ; Glade, S C ; Tobin, J G ; 2005 Dec 07
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UCRL-JC-152567 Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Small Angle Neutron Scattering Characterization of the Effect of Mn on the Nanostructural Features formed in Irradiated Fe-Cu-Mn Alloys Glade, S C ; Wirth, B D ; Asoka-Kumar, P ; 2003 Feb 27
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UCRL-JC-151599 Bulk Materials Analysis Using High-Energy Positron Beams Glade, S C ; Asoka-Kumar, P ; Nieh, T G ; 2002 Nov 11
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