                                          |                                         |
                                          | PRELIMINARY TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS |
                                          |         HTS Chapters 50-63 ONLY!        |
                                          |         Preliminary  1/2009 Data        |
                                          |            By Merged-Category           |

(P)  These data are limited preliminary import data based on import figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It will be supplanted by official imports from the Census Bureau as those data become available.  The release of these data 
is to allow preliminary analysis of the impact of total imports into the United States and imports from China into the 
United States to facilitate the administration of the textile safeguard in China's WTO Accession Agreement.

                                           Category 341/641 :  NON-KNIT BLOUSES
                                            Data in Doz , 12.10 M2 per Doz

                Calendar Years               Year-to-Date                        Year-Endings                      YE  1/2009
   Country      2007       2008       1/2008     1/2009  % Change     1/2008    11/2008    12/2008     1/2009  % Change % Share 

                                                   (P)                                                  (P)

 O  WORLD     45350695  39969613     4013110    3842257     -4.26   44584690   40419162   39969613   39798760    -10.73  100.00

 O  CHINA P   20872417  19723603     1916217    2012549      5.03   20810598   19889554   19723603   19819935     -4.76   49.80

 O  INDNSIA    5755513   5325973      549957     504678     -8.23    5580447    5394493    5325973    5280694     -5.37   13.27

 O  INDIA      6341366   5115777      567668     474718    -16.37    6162769    5143945    5115777    5022827    -18.50   12.62

 O  BNGLDSH    2970538   2374393      238046     184330    -22.57    2839844    2465001    2374393    2320677    -18.28    5.83

 O  VIETNAM    1577010   1803189      163524     173475      6.09    1623150    1790890    1803189    1813140     11.71    4.56

 O  MEXICO     1211283    766315       67821      51613    -23.90    1192071     782947     766315     750107    -37.08    1.88

 O  CAMBOD      992992    616397       66600      61901     -7.06     899927     634451     616397     611698    -32.03    1.54

 O  THAILND     722348    591878       65727      52841    -19.61     711463     615947     591878     578992    -18.62    1.45

 O  PHIL R      660289    488490       46389      81314     75.29     614195     497442     488490     523415    -14.78    1.32

 O  SRI LKA     755769    513476       73327      59125    -19.37     743451     517017     513476     499274    -32.84    1.25

 O  HONDURA     514414    386998       28529      18387    -35.55     508757     393490     386998     376856    -25.93    0.95

 O  PAKISTN     431520    334403       41171      31665    -23.09     444096     345130     334403     324897    -26.84    0.82

 O  NICARAG     174219    182353       12519      15627     24.83     175036     176803     182353     185461      5.96    0.47

 O  SALVADR     215663    182571       13962       9470    -32.17     209699     186506     182571     178079    -15.08    0.45

 O  GUATMAL     240269    184268       17682       6979    -60.53     243209     187298     184268     173565    -28.64    0.44

 O  _ASEAN     9848076   8983457      909564     888128     -2.36    9572214    9082242    8983457    8962021     -6.37   22.52

 O  _CBI       1322065   1094168       79609      64798    -18.60    1312426    1107788    1094168    1079357    -17.76    2.71

 O  _CAFTA     1308615   1066373       78259      56779    -27.45    1298074    1082624    1066373    1044893    -19.50    2.63

 O  _SUB-SAHA   199693    210842       24385      16714    -31.46     204828     209796     210842     203171     -0.81    0.51

 O  _ANDEAN     100351     76032        5856       5426     -7.34      93451      77965      76032      75602    -19.10    0.19