Table of contents for Logorrhea : good words make good stories / John Klima, editor.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

CHIAROSCURO: "The Chiaroscurist"
by Hal Duncan 000
LYCEUM: "Lyceum" by Liz Williams 000
VIVISEPULTURE: "Vivisepulture" by David Prill 000
ECZEMA: "Eczema" by Clare Dudman 000
by Alex Irvine 000
SMARAGDINE: "The Smaragdine Knot"
by Marly Youmans 000
INSOUCIANT: "A Portrait in Ivory"
by Michael Moorcock 000
CAMBIST: "The Cambist and Lord Iron:
A Fairy Tale of Economics" by Daniel Abraham 000
LOGORRHEA: "Logorrhea" by Michelle Richmond 000
POCOCURANTE: "Pococurante" by Anna Tambour 000
AUTOCHTHONOUS: "From Around Here"
by Tim Pratt 000
VIGNETTE: "Vignette" by Elizabeth Hand 000
SYCOPHANT: "Plight of the Sycophant"
by Alan DeNiro 000
ELEGIACAL: "The Last Elegy" by Matthew Cheney 000
EUDAEMONIC: "Eudaemonic" by Jay Caselberg 000
MACERATE: "Softer" by Paolo Bacigalupi 000
TRANSEPT: "Crossing the Seven" by Jay Lake 000
PSORIASIS: "Tsuris" by Leslie What 000
EUONYM: "The Euonymist" by Neil Williamson 000
DULCIMER: "Singing of Mount Abora"
by Theodora Goss 000
APPOGGIATURA: "Appoggiatura" by Jeff VanderMeet 000

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Short stories, American.
American fiction -- 21st century.