j i 2-8 applicable to both statistical and semantic processing since the meaning 0£ a word is ~enerally invariant over its morphological variants. Much more ambitious syntactic processing procedures are also under * investigation, including the use 0£ £ully automatic syntactic analysis. A £ull sentence by sentence syntactic analysis could, £or example, provide explicit dependency relations among the various semantic elements 0£ a sentence, and could be us~ed £or phrase recogaition or £or the reco~rijtion 0£ structurally constrained associations among semantic terms. At thepresent time it~is not clear whether the complexity ~e~uired £or the reco~riition 0£ complex structural constraints is justi£ied in terms 0£ the additional in£ormation extracted thereby. 4. The Structure 0£ Index Representations The index trans£ormation represents a mapping £rom the natural langua~ 0£ the source text to the tar~t or index la~~e. The index ima~e 0£ a source document is thus a representation 0£ the content 0£ * the document~in this target langnagee~ The most commonly used index * lai~ge structure is the description list, or property vector, in which the indez image consists 0£ a list 0£ those properties 0£ a £inite set which characterize'the document. Index images 0£ this type are used, £or example, in Uniterm systems~where the document representation is an unordered set of keywords (descriptors,,uniterms, etc.). 1£ the property set is~ordered, £or example, by a 1 to 1 mapping to the set 0£ * integers, the index image may be encoded as a binary vector. A more general. representation 0£ the same type allows £or a quantization 0£ the