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Office of Public Affairs


I-35 Bridge Collapse, Minneapolis, MN

Structurally Deficient 




Inspection History and Results







The National Bridge Inspection Program:


·        The National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), in place since the early 1970s, requires biennial safety inspections for bridges in excess of approximately 20 feet in total length on public roads.


·        Safety is ensured through hands-on inspections and rating of components, such as the deck, superstructure, and sub-structure.  This composition and condition information is maintained in the national bridge inventory (NBI) database, maintained by the FHWA.


·        Certain structures can be inspected every 4 years if they are deemed to be in very good condition.   Approximately 83 percent of bridges are inspected once every 2 years, 12 percent are inspected annually, and 5 percent are inspected on a 4 year cycle.


·        Over $4 billion is apportioned annually from the Federal government to State DOTs for bridge replacement, rehabilitation and preventative maintenance.   


Bridge Facts:



Length:  1907 ft (structure length; 458 ft (length of max. span)

Width:  8 traffic lanes, 108 ft

Height:  64 ft above water






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