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Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations

Download Congressman Meek’s FY 2010 appropriations form. The deadline for submission is February 27, 2009.  Please contact my office if you have any questions.


U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek Travels with President Barack Obama to Ft. Myers on Tuesday in Support of the Economic Recovery Plan
(February 9, 2009) U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL) will travel with President Barack Obama aboard Air Force One on Tuesday to Ft. Myers in support of the economic recovery plan currently before Congress.  More...»

U.S. Representative Kendrick B. Meek Helps Pass Legislation Providing Health Care Coverage for 11 Million Children
(February 4, 2009) Rep. Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL) today joined a bipartisan majority in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass legislation providing health care coverage for 11 million children. Like the original House-passed version, the Senate-passed bill preserves the coverage of 7.1 million children currently covered by the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and extends coverage to 4.1 million uninsured children who are currently eligible for, but not enrolled in, SCHIP and Medicaid.  The bill passed by a vote of 290 to 135. More...»

LA FLORIDA NECESITA UN PLAN DE RECUPERACIÓN E INVERSIÓN El Congresista Kendrick Meek apoya el plan del Presidente para crear empleos y estimular la economía, La Cámara de Representantes le envía el plan al Senado con un voto de 244-188
(January 29, 2009) El Congresista Kendrick Meek votó con la mayoría de la Cámara de Representantes apoyando una legislación que salvará y creará entre 3 y 4 millones de empleos en este país.  El proyecto de ley de Recuperación é Inversión fue aprobado por un voto de 244-188.  Formulada con la ayuda del la Administración del Presidente Obama, esta legislación creará empleos; reconstruirá este país; nos hará más competitivos a nivel mundial; establecerá nuestra independencia energética; cambiará nuestra economía hacia el crecimiento a largo plazo; y le dará una reducción de impuestos al 95% de los trabajadores de este país. También hace una inversión inmediata en nuestra economía. More...»

Congressman Kendrick Meek Votes to Support Florida’s Struggling Families and Small Businesses by Working to Pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Florida is a Primary Beneficiary of the Bill’s Passage with Billions of Federal Dollars Set to Flow into the State to Stimulate the Sagging Economy
(January 28, 2009) Congressman Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL) voted to support struggling families, small businesses, cash strapped states and local governments by helping pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. More...»

Congressman Kendrick Meek Introduces the Broadband Access Equality Act of 2009 to Close the Digital Divide
(January 28, 2009) Congressman Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL) introduced H.R. 691, the Broadband Access Equality Act of 2009, which would amend the Internal Revenue Code to provide a credit against income tax for businesses furnishing broadband services to underserved and rural areas. More...»


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