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Accession No 00707787
Authors Dutton, J L
Publication Date   19940000
Languages English
Abstract This paper addresses certain issues relating to the viability of contrarotating (CR) electric drive for attack submarines. Topics include CR propulsion's potential benefits, electric drive advantages, and combining contrarotation with electric drive engine room concepts. CR propellers provide propulsive coefficient (PC) increases compared to open-type and performance-enhanced single propellers. The maximum submarine propulsion plant power capacity could therefore be reduced with the PC increase, potentially resulting in a smaller, lighter propulsion plant. This paper concludes, however, than contrarotation show no propulsion plant weight savings against electric drive attack submarines with performance- enhanced single propeller designs. Weight improvements in the power generation plant and certain steam plant and electric plant systems are offset by weight increases from the additional shafting and hearing requirements for the CR shaft. Contrarotation is currently more advantageous for nonnuclear ships, where significant fuel savings are achievable with its higher PC.
Naval Engrs J, v 106 n 2, March 1994, p 45 [6 p, 8 ref, 3 tab, 4 fig]
TRT Terms Electric drives information; Submarines information
Document Source British Maritime Technology
Source Data: 94030726
Database TRIS Online
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