2009AA0000000 Fuels and Power Systems FE0948 2009AA1000000 Fuels FE0948 2009AA1005000XXSolid Fuels and Feedstocks FE0948 2009AA1010000 XDirect Liquefaction FE0948 2009AA1010810X Inventory Changes - Precious Metals FE0948 2009AA1020000XXAdvanced Fuels Research FE0948 2009AA1025000XXSystem For Coproducts FE0948 2009AA1030000XXSteelmaking FE0948 2009AA1035000XXTransportation Fuels and Chemicals FE0948 2009AA1040000XXPresident's Hydrogen from Coal Research Fuels FE0948 2009AA1045000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Fuels FE0948 2009AA1045010X Center for Advanced Separation Technologies FE0948 2009AA1045020X Continuous Solvent Extraction Processes for Coal Derived Carbon Projects FE0948 2009AA1045030X WVU Coal Liquefaction Study in China FE0948 2009AA1045040X WVU Lightweight Composite Materials for Heavy Duty Vehicles Project FE0948 2009AA1045050X National Center for Hydrogen Technology FE0948 2009AA1045060X ITM/Syngas Project FE0948 2009AA1500000 Advanced Research FE0948 2009AA1505000XXCoal Utilization Science FE0948 2009AA1510000 XMaterials And Components FE0948 2009AA1510050X Components FE0948 2009AA1510100X Materials FE0948 2009AA1520000 XTechnology Crosscut FE0948 2009AA1520050X Budget And Administration FE0948 2009AA1520150 Environmental Activities FE0948 2009AA1520151X Environmental Activities - Studies And Analyses FE0948 2009AA1520152X Environmental Activities - Environment, Safety & Health Compliance FE0948 2009AA1520200X Exploratory Technology Base Research FE0948 2009AA1520250X Instrumentation And Diagnostics FE0948 2009AA1520300X Technical And Economic Analysis FE0948 2009AA1520350X Bioprocessing Of Coal FE0948 2009AA1520400X International Program Support FE0948 2009AA1520450X Coal Technology Export FE0948 2009AA1520700X Focus Area for Computational Energy Science FE0948 2009AA1525000 University/National Laboratory Coal Research FE0948 2009AA1525050XXUniversity Coal Research FE0948 2009AA1525100XXUniversity/National Laboratory Cooperative Program FE0948 2009AA1525150XXHistorically Black Colleges And Universities (Hbcus), Education And Training FE0948 2009AA1525200XXLNG Report FE0948 2009AA1530000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Advanced Research FE0948 2009AA1530010X Jupiter Oxy Fuel Technology FE0948 2009AA1530020X New York City Parks Randall's Island FE0948 2009AA1530030X Power Plant Flue Gas Cleaning/Pollution Elimination Project FE0948 2009AA1530040X GEDAC Packaged Gas Engine-Driven Heat Pump FE0948 2009AA1530050X Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Project FE0948 2009AA1530060X UNDEERC FE0948 2009AA1530070X Arctic Energy Office FE0948 2009AA1530080X National Biofuel Energy Laboratory FE0948 2009AA1530090X WVU Lightweight Composite Materials for Heavy Duty Vehichles Project FE0948 2009AA1530100X Coal to Liquids Program - Phase II FE0948 2009AA2000000 Central Systems FE0948 2009AA2005000XXAdvanced Systems - Low-Emission Boiler Systems (LEBS) FE0948 2009AA2010000XXAdvanced Systems - Indirect Fired Cycle FE0948 2009AA2015000XXAdvanced Systems - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle FE0948 2009AA2020000XXAdvanced Systems - Combustion Systems FE0948 2009AA2025000 XInnovations for Existing Plants FE0948 2009AA2025100X Advanced Research FE0948 2009AA2025200X Environmental Technology FE0948 2009AA2030000XXEnergy Technology Engineering Center (Etec) FE0948 2009AA2045000XXTurbines FE0948 2009AA2050000XXPower Plant Improvement Initiative FE0948 2009AA2055000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Innovations for Existing Plants FE0948 2009AA2055010X Powerspan Electro Catalytic Oxidation Project FE0948 2009AA2055020X Coal Waste Slurry Reburn Project FE0948 2009AA2055030X Hardin Generating Station Coal-Fired Powerplant FE0948 2009AA2060000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Turbines FE0948 2009AA2060010X Ramgen Engine Development FE0948 2009AA2500000 Fuel Cells FE0948 2009AA2510000XXFuel Cell Systems FE0948 2009AA2520000XXPhosphoric Acid Systems FE0948 2009AA2525000XXAdvanced Research FE0948 2009AA2530000XXInnovative Concepts FE0948 2009AA2535000XXVision 21 Hybrids FE0948 2009AA2540000XXNovel Generation FE0948 2009AA2545000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Fuel Cells FE0948 2009AA2545010X MW-Scale Oxide Fuel Cell Gas Turbine Hybrid System FE0948 2009AA2545020X MW-Scale Solid Oxide Fuell Cell Stat. Power Generation FE0948 2009AA2545030X Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Tec. Stat Power Applications Project FE0948 2009AA2545040X Solid Oxide Fuel Cells FE0948 2009AA2545050X High Temperature Electrochemistry Center (MT) FE0948 2009AA3000000 Sequestration FE0948 2009AA3010000XXGreenhouse Gas Control FE0948 2009AA3015000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Carbon Sequestration FE0948 2009AA3015100X Jupiter Oxy Fuel Technology FE0948 2009AA3015200X Utah Center for Ultra Clean Coal Utilization FE0948 2009AA5500000 XHeat Engines FE0948 2009AA5505000 Central Power Systems FE0948 2009AA5505100X Open Cycle Systems FE0948 2009AB0000000 Gas FE0449 2009AB0500000 Natural Gas Technologies FE0449 2009AB0505000XXEastern Gas Shales FE0449 2009AB0510000XXWestern Tight Gas Sands FE0449 2009AB0515000XXMethane From Coal Beds FE0449 2009AB0520000XXEnvironmental And Advanced Research FE0449 2009AB0540000XXExploration And Production FE0449 2009AB0545000XXInfrastructure FE0449 2009AB0550000XXEmerging Processing Technology Applications FE0449 2009AB0555000XXEffective Environmental Protection FE0449 2009AB0565000XXGas Hydrates FE0449 2009AB0570000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Natural Gas Research FE0449 2009AB0570020X Arctic Energy Office - Gas Hydrates FE0449 2009AB0570030X Arctic Energy Office - Env. Protection FE0449 2009AB0570040X Univ. of Mississippi Hydrates Research FE0449 2009AB0570050X Univ. of Wyoming-Multi-Disc Coalbed FE0449 2009AC0000000 Petroleum FE0450 2009AC1000000 Oil Technology FE0450 2009AC1005000XXExploration And Production FE0450 2009AC1010000XXReservoir Life Extension/Management FE0450 2009AC1015000XXEffective Environmental Protection FE0450 2009AC1020000XXEmerging Processing Technology Applications FE0450 2009AC1025000XXUltra Clean Fuels FE0450 2009AC1030000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Oil Technologies FE0450 2009AC1030010X Risk Based Data Management System FE0450 2009AC1030020X Utah Center Heavy Oil Research FE0450 2009AC1035000XXInterstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission FE0450 2009AC2000000 XOil Shale FE0450 2009AC2005000X In-Situ Conversion FE0450 2009AC2010000X Surface Conversion FE0450 2009AC2020000X Environmental Mitigation FE0450 2009AC2040000X Oil Shale Technology Base FE0450 2009AC2050000X Modified In-Situ Facility FE0450 2009AD0000000 XFossil Energy Program Direction FE9992 2009AD1100000 Personal Services FE9992 2009AD1101000X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE9992 2009AD1102000X All Other Personal Services FE9992 2009AD1103000X Employee Incentive Awards FE9992 2009AD1200000 Personnel Benefits FE9992 2009AD1202000X Moving Expenses FE9992 2009AD1203000X All Other Personnel Benefits FE9992 2009AD1300000X Benefits For Former Personnel FE9992 2009AD2000000 Contractual Services And Supplies FE9992 2009AD2004000X Printing And Reproduction FE9992 2009AD2005000X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE9992 2009AD2006000X Other Services FE9992 2009AD2007000X Supplies And Materials FE9992 2009AD2100000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE9992 2009AD2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE9992 2009AD2200000 Goods And Services Provided Through Wcf FE9992 2009AD2201000 Goods And Services Provided Through Wcf FE9992 2009AD2201140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs FE9992 2009AD2201150X Payroll Processing To Be Performed By Non-Federal Contractorand/Or Other Federal Agency FE9992 2009AD2201160X Payroll and Personnel FE9992 2009AD2201240 Administrative Services FE9992 2009AD2201241X Supplies FE9992 2009AD2201242X Postage FE9992 2009AD2201243X Photocopying FE9992 2009AD2201244X Printing And Graphics FE9992 2009AD2201245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance FE9992 2009AD2201340 Information Management Systems And Operations FE9992 2009AD2201341X Telecommunication FE9992 2009AD2201342X Office Automation Equipment And Support FE9992 2009AD2201343X Networking FE9992 2009AD2201440 Procurement Services FE9992 2009AD2201441X Contract Audits FE9992 2009AD2201442X Contract Closeout FE9992 2009AD2201520X Executive Information Services FE9992 2009AD2201530X Online Learning Center FE9992 2009AD2201540X Personnel And Training Services FE9992 2009AE0000000 Advanced Metallurgical Processes FE0948 2009AE0500000 XHealth And Safety FE0948 2009AE0501000X Worker Health FE0948 2009AE0502000X Worker Safety FE0948 2009AE0503000X Disaster Prevention FE0948 2009AE0504000X Environmental Technology FE0948 2009AE1000000XXAdvanced Metallurgical Processes FE0948 2009AE1500000XXCongressional Directed Projects - Advanced Metallurgical Research FE0948 2009AF0000000 Nuclear Energy Research And Development NE04100 2009AF0100000 Radiological Facilities Management NE0915 2009AF0110000 XSpace and Defense Nuclear Power Systems Infrastruture Maintenance NE0915 2009AF0110100X Facility Infrastructure Maintenance NE0915 2009AF0110150X Pu-238 Consolidation Project NE0915 2009AF0110200X Safety Testing/Analysis Infrastructure Maintenance NE0915 2009AF0110300X Transportation and Infrastructure Support Maintenance NE0915 2009AF0110400X Pu-238 Acquisition/Production Infrastrcuture Maintenance NE0915 2009AF0140000 XIsotope Support and Misc Activities NE0915 2009AF0140100X Isotope Support NE0915 2009AF0140200X Bethel Valley Hot Cell Complex NE0915 2009AF0140300 Uranium-233 Program NE0915 2009AF0140301X U-233 Operations, Maintenance & Improvements NE0915 2009AF0140302X U-233 Safe Storage and Inspections NE0915 2009AF0140303X U-233 Project Support NE0915 2009AF0140304X Security NE0915 2009AF0140305X All Other Costs NE0915 2009AF0140306X Program Management NE0915 2009AF0150000 XEnrichment Facility and Uranium Management NE0915 2009AF0150100X Monitor USEC's Operation and Maintenance of the Paducah Gasesous Diffusion Plant NE0915 2009AF0200000 XINL Operations and Infrastructure NE0915 2009AF0201000X Reactor Technologies Complex NE0915 2009AF0202000X Sitewide Infrastructure Program Operations NE0915 2009AF0203000X Materials and Fuels Complex NE0915 2009AF0204000 Capital Equipment NE0915 2009AF0204010X Reactor Technologies Complex Capital Equipment NE0915 2009AF0204020X Sitewide Capital Equipment NE0915 2009AF0204030X Materials and Fuels Complex Capital Equipment NE0915 2009AF0205000 Construction Projects NE0915 2009AF0205010X Reactor Technologies Complex Projects NE0915 2009AF0205020X Sitewide Projects NE0915 2009AF0205030X Materials and Fuels Complex Projects NE0915 2009AF0206000X Crosscutting Activities NE0915 2009AF0207000X Radiological and Environmental Services Lab (RESL) Corporate Performance Assessment NE0915 2009AF0300000XXSpent Nuclear Fuel Management NE0915 2009AF1100000 XLight Water Reactors NE0915 2009AF1110000 Safety And Licensing NE0915 2009AF1110100X Occupational Radiation Dose Reduction NE0915 2009AF1110200X Extended Burnup NE0915 2009AF1110300X Safety And Licensing NE0915 2009AF1110400X Loss-Of-Fluid Test (Loft) NE0915 2009AF1110600X General Support NE0915 2009AF1130000X Advanced Light Water Reactor NE0915 2009AF1200000 XPlutonium Burning NE0915 2009AF1210000X Light Water Reactors NE0915 2009AF1230000X Liquid Metal Reactors NE0915 2009AF1700000XXNuclear Security/Russian Production Reactor Shutdown Program NA0240 2009AF1900000XXChornobyl Sarcophagus, Decontamination And Decommissioning And Other Costs Associated With Chornobyl Plant NA0240 2009AF2000000 XAdvanced Reactor R&D NE0915 2009AF2050000 High Temperature Gas Reactor (Htgr) NE0915 2009AF2050100X Design NE0915 2009AF2050200X Technology Development NE0915 2009AF2060000 Liquid Metal Reactors (Lmr'S) NE0915 2009AF2060100X Design NE0915 2009AF2060200X Technology Development NE0915 2009AF2070000 Fuel Cycle Research And Development NE0915 2009AF2070100X Metal Fuel Cycle Research And Development NE0915 2009AF2070150X Doe/Pnc (Japan) Oxide Fuel R&D Cooperative Work NE0915 2009AF2070200X Oxide Fuel Cycle Research And Development NE0915 2009AF2070300X Actinide Recycle NE0915 2009AF2500000XXBy-Products Utilization NE0915 2009AF3000000 XBreeder Reactor Technology NE04100 2009AF3020000X Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project NE04100 2009AF3500000 XNuclear Energy Research Initiative NE0914 2009AF3510000X Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) NE0914 2009AF3600000 XGeneration IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative (Generation IV) NE0914 2009AF3610000 Next Generation Nuclear Project NE0914 2009AF3610100X NGNP Project Management NE0914 2009AF3610200X NGNP Fuel Development NE0914 2009AF3610300X NGNP Materials Development NE0914 2009AF3610400X NGNP Design Methods Development NE0914 2009AF3610500X University Costs – NGNP NE0914 2009AF3610600X Support to NRC for NGNP Licensing NE0914 2009AF3610700X NGNP Preconceptual Studies NE0914 2009AF3610800X NGNP Regulatory Compliance NE0914 2009AF3610900X Component Test Facility (CTF) NE0914 2009AF3620000 Generation IV R&D NE0914 2009AF3620100X Generation IV R&D NE0914 2009AF3620200X University Costs – Generation IV R&D NE0914 2009AF3620300X Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR) NE0914 2009AF3620400X Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor (SCWR) NE0914 2009AF3620500X Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor – GFR NE0914 2009AF3620600X Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor – LFR NE0914 2009AF3620700X Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor – SFR NE0914 2009AF3620800X Molten Salt Reactor – MSR NE0914 2009AF3625000 Crosscutting Research Activities NE0914 2009AF3625100X Design and Evaluation Methods NE0914 2009AF3625200X Materials NE0914 2009AF3625300X Energy Conversion NE0914 2009AF3625400X Systems Analysis NE0914 2009AF3630000 International Nuclear Energy Research and Development (I-NERI) NE0914 2009AF3630100X Bilateral and Multilateral Research NE0914 2009AF3630200X All Other – I-NERI NE0914 2009AF3630300X University Costs – I-NERI NE0914 2009AF3640000 Universities NE0914 2009AF3640100X NERI NE0914 2009AF3640200X Grants/Cooperative Agreements/Contracts NE0914 2009AF3640300X Human Capital Development NE0914 2009AF3640400X Nuclear Infrastructure NE0914 2009AF3640500X Administration and Support NE0914 2009AF3650000 All Other Gen IV Activities NE0914 2009AF3650100X Technical Integration NE0914 2009AF3650200X Generation IV International Nuclear Forum (GIF) Support NE0914 2009AF3650300X Generation IV Program Reserves Held at HQ NE0914 2009AF3660000 Congressionally Directed FY 2008 Earmarks NE0914 2009AF3660100X Single-crystal Diamond Optical Switch (MD) NE0914 2009AF3660200X Technologies Ventures Corporation (NM) NE0914 2009AF3670000 Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) NE0914 2009AF3670100X VHTR Design & Evaluation Methods NE0914 2009AF3670200X VHTR Materials NE0914 2009AF3670300X VHTR Energy Conversion NE0914 2009AF3670400X VHTR Fuels NE0914 2009AF3670500X VHTR Deep-Burn NE0914 2009AF3670600X Russian Gas Reactor Collaboration NE0914 2009AF3690000 Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWR) NE0914 2009AF3690100X Nuclear Materials Aging and Degradation NE0914 2009AF3690200X Advanced Nuclear Fuels and Cladding Development NE0914 2009AF3690300X Advanced Instrumentation and Controls NE0914 2009AF3690400X Risk-Based Safety Margin Characterization NE0914 2009AF3690500X Light Water Reactor Reserves NE0914 2009AF3700000 XNuclear Power 2010 Program NE0914 2009AF3705000 Nuclear Power 2010 – Early Site Permit Demonstration Projects NE0914 2009AF3705100X Dominion North Anna ESP Demonstration Project NE0914 2009AF3705200X Exelon Clinton ESP Demonstration Project NE0914 2009AF3705300X Entergy Grand Gulf ESP Demonstration Project NE0914 2009AF3715000 Nuclear Power 2010 – Construction and Operating License (COL) Demonstration Projects NE0914 2009AF3715100X Dominion North Anna COL Demonstration Project NE0914 2009AF3715200X NuStart COL Demonstration Project NE0914 2009AF3715300X EPRI/NEI COL Application Guidance and generic Issues Project NE0914 2009AF3715400X General Electric ESBWR NE0914 2009AF3715500X Westinghouse AP1000 NE0914 2009AF3725000X Standby Support Program NE0914 2009AF3750000X Advanced Reactor Development NE0914 2009AF3760000X Licensing NE0914 2009AF3780000X All Other NE0914 2009AF3800000 XNuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NHI) NE0914 2009AF3810000 Technical Integration NE0914 2009AF3810100X Technical Integration NE0914 2009AF3810200X University Costs – Technical Integration NE0914 2009AF3820000 Thermochemical System NE0914 2009AF3820100X Thermochemical System NE0914 2009AF3820200X University Costs – Thermochemical System NE0914 2009AF3830000 High-Temperature Electrolysis System NE0914 2009AF3830100X High-Temperature Electrolysis System NE0914 2009AF3830200X University Costs – High-Temperature Electrolysis System NE0914 2009AF3840000 Supporting Systems & System Interface NE0914 2009AF3840100X Supporting Systems NE0914 2009AF3840200X University Costs – Supporting Systems & System Interface NE0914 2009AF3850000X All Other NHI Program Activities NE0914 2009AF3860000 Universities NE0914 2009AF3860100X Grants/Cooperative Agreements/Contracts NE0914 2009AF3860200X Human Capital Development NE0914 2009AF3860300X Nuclear Infrastructure NE0914 2009AF3860400X Administration and Support NE0914 2009AF3860500X All Other - University NE0914 2009AF4000000 XUniversity Reactor Infrastructure and Education Assistance NE0915 2009AF4010000 University Nuclear Infrastructure (UNI) NE0915 2009AF4010100X University Nuclear Infrastructure (UNI) - Fuel NE0915 2009AF4010200X University Nuclear Infrastructure (UNI) - University Reactor Sharing NE0915 2009AF4010300X University Nuclear Infrastructure (UNI) - University Reactor Upgrades NE0915 2009AF4010400X University Nuclear Infrastructure (UNI) - Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) NE0915 2009AF4010410X Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) - Texas Engineering Experiment Station Consortium NE0915 2009AF4010420X Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) - Northeast Consortium NE0915 2009AF4010430X Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) - Big Ten Consortium NE0915 2009AF4010440X Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) - Southeast Consortium NE0915 2009AF4010450X Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) - Midwest Consortium NE0915 2009AF4010460X Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (INIE) - Western Nuclear Science Alliance Consortium NE0915 2009AF4010500X University Nuclear Infrastructure (UNI) - Other NE0915 2009AF4020000X DOE/Industry Matching Grants Program NE0915 2009AF4030000 Fellowships/Scholarships to Nuclear Science and Engineering Programs at Universities NE0915 2009AF4030100X Fellowships to Nuclear Science and Engineering Programs at Universities NE0915 2009AF4030200X Scholarships to Nuclear Science and Engineering Programs at Universities NE0915 2009AF4030300X University Partnership Program NE0915 2009AF4040000 Health Physics Fellowships & Scholarships NE0915 2009AF4040100X Health Physics Fellowships NE0915 2009AF4040200X Health Physics Scholarships NE0915 2009AF4050000X Nuclear Engineering Education Research (NEER)Grants NE0915 2009AF4060000X Nuclear Engineering Education Opportunities NE0915 2009AF4070000 Radiochemistry Awards NE0915 2009AF4070100X Radiochemistry Awards NE0915 2009AF4070200X Junior Faculty Awards NE0915 2009AF4080000X All Other NE0915 2009AF4100000XXResearch Reactor Infrastructure NE0915 2009AF4500000 XNuclear Energy Plant Optimization NE0914 2009AF4530000X Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization Research and Development NE0914 2009AF5000000 XNuclear Technology Research And Development NE0915 2009AF5010000X Technology Development & Support NE0915 2009AF5020000X International Safety Center NE0915 2009AF5500000XXCivilian Research and Development (ATW) NE0915 2009AF5700000 XSpent Fuel Pyroprocessing and Transmutation NE0914 2009AF5760000X Disposition of Spent Fuel and Legacy Materials NE0914 2009AF5800000 XAdvanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI)/Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) NE0914 2009AF5805000X Separations Research and Development NE0914 2009AF5810000X Advanced Fuels Research, Development and Testing NE0914 2009AF5820000X Transmutation Research and Development NE0914 2009AF5830000 Systems Analysis/Advanced Computing and Simulation NE0914 2009AF5830010X Modeling and Simulation NE0914 2009AF5830020X Technical Integration and System Analysis NE0914 2009AF5835000X Safeguards NE0914 2009AF5840000 Transmutation Education NE0914 2009AF5840010X Grants/Cooperative Agreements/Contracts NE0914 2009AF5840020X Human Capital Development NE0914 2009AF5840030X Nuclear Infrastructure NE0914 2009AF5840040X Administration and Support NE0914 2009AF5840050X All Other Universities NE0914 2009AF5845000X Fast Neutron Test Capability NE0914 2009AF5850000 All Other NE0914 2009AF5850100X HQ Program Management NE0914 2009AF5850200X AFCI Technical Integration NE0914 2009AF5855000X GNEP Technology Development NE0914 2009AF5860000X Consolidated Fuel Treatment Center NE0914 2009AF5870000X Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility NE0914 2009AF5880000X Advanced Burner Reactor NE0914 2009AF5890000 Global Partnership Development NE0914 2009AF5890050X Fuel Cycle Management Global Partnership Development NE0914 2009AF5890100X Corporate Global Partnership Development NE0914 2009AF5891000X MOX Irradiation, Feedstock, & Transport NE0914 2009AF5892000X MOX Other Project Costs NE0914 2009AF5900000 Other Project Costs NE0245 2009AF5905000XXMOX Irradiation, Feedstock, & Transport NE0245 2009AF5910000XXMOX Other Project Costs NE0245 2009AF6500000 XSpace Reactor Power Systems NE0914 2009AF6505000X Technology Development And Facility Maintenance NE0914 2009AF6510000 Sp-100 Space Reactor NE0914 2009AF6510100X Management And Technology Audit NE0914 2009AF6510200X System Contract NE0914 2009AF6510300X Fuel Development NE0914 2009AF6510400X Fuel Pin Test And Evaluation NE0914 2009AF6510500X Materials Test And Evaluation NE0914 2009AF6510600X Test Site Operations NE0914 2009AF6510700X Supporting Facilities NE0914 2009AF6510800X Project Office Technical Support NE0914 2009AF6510900X General Support NE0914 2009AF6540000 Multimegawatt/Space Power Systems (Mmw) NE0914 2009AF6540100X Mmw Space Reactor NE0914 2009AF6540200X Thermionic Fuel Element (Tfe) Verification NE0914 2009AF6540300X Thermionic Systems NE0914 2009AF6540900X General Support NE0914 2009AF6550000X Multimegawatt Terrestrial Powerplant Project NE0914 2009AF7000000 XAdvanced Radioisotope Power Systems NE0915 2009AF7010000 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators NE0915 2009AF7010100X Flight Systems Development NE0915 2009AF7010200X Isotope Power Systems Support NE0915 2009AF7020000X Radioisotope Power System Facility NE0915 2009AF7030000X Special Applications NE0915 2009AF7040000X General Support NE0915 2009AF7050000X Turbine Energy Conversion System (Tecs) NE0915 2009AF7060000X Plutonium-238 Supply NE0915 2009AF7070000X Special Purpose Fission Power NE0915 2009AF7081000 Changes In Inventories NE0915 2009AF7081050X Other Special Materials NE0915 2009AF7500000 XSpace Exploration Initiative NE0915 2009AF7510000 Nuclear Propulsion NE0915 2009AF7510100X Nuclear Electric NE0915 2009AF7510150X Nuclear Thermal NE0915 2009AF7520000 Nuclear Surface Power NE0915 2009AF7520100X Space Reactors NE0915 2009AF7520150X Radioisotopes NE0915 2009AF7520200X Alternate Power Sources NE0915 2009AF7530000 Concepts & Technologies NE0915 2009AF7530100X Nuclear Propulsion Fuel NE0915 2009AF7530150X Innovative Concepts & Technologies NE0915 2009AF7540000X General Support NE0915 2009AF8000000 XFacilities NE0915 2009AF8010000X Facilities Operations NE0915 2009AF8020000X General Support NE0915 2009AF8081000 Changes In Inventories NE0915 2009AF8081100X Common Use Stores NE0915 2009AF8081200X Other Special Materials NE0915 2009AF8081300X Change In Collateral Funds And Other Deposits NE0915 2009AF8082000X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NE0915 2009AF8083000X Change In Inventories - Fuel Fabrication NE0915 2009AF8500000XXTra Hot Cells NE0915 2009AF9000000 XState Dept. Funded International Nuclear Safety Activities NE99149 2009AF9010000X State Department Funded International Nuclear Safety Activities in Ukraine NE99149 2009AF9020000X State Department Funded International Nuclear Safety Activities in Armenia NE99149 2009AF9030000X State Department Funded International Nuclear Safety Activities in Bulgaria NE99149 2009AF9040000X State Department Funded Activities to shutdown the BN-350 breeder reactor in Kazakhstan NE99149 2009AF9050000X State Department Funded International Nuclear Safety Misc HQ Activities NE99149 2009AG0000000XXPlant and Capital Equipment FE9992 2009AI0000000XXBlack Liquor Gasification Technologies FE0948 2009AJ0000000 Naval Reactors NA0346 2009AJ0500000 XNaval Reactors Development NA0346 2009AJ0501000X Plant Technology NA0346 2009AJ0502000X Reactor Technology & Analysis NA0346 2009AJ0503000X Evaluation And Servicing NA0346 2009AJ0505000X Materials Development And Verification NA0346 2009AJ0506000X Infrastructure NA0346 2009AJ0581000 Change In Inventories NA0346 2009AJ0581010X Common Use Stores NA0346 2009AJ0581020X Other Special Materials NA0346 2009AJ0581030X All Other Inventories NA0346 2009AJ0581040X Change In Collateral Funds And Other Deposits NA0346 2009AJ0600000 XNaval Reactors Program Direction NA0346 2009AJ0604000 Program Direction - Naval Reactors NA0346 2009AJ0604110 Personal Services NA0346 2009AJ0604111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries NA0346 2009AJ0604112X All Other Personal Services NA0346 2009AJ0604113X Employee Incentive Awards NA0346 2009AJ0604120 Personnel Benefits NA0346 2009AJ0604122X Moving Expenses NA0346 2009AJ0604123X All Other Personnel Benefits NA0346 2009AJ0604130X Benefits For Former Personnel NA0346 2009AJ0604200 Contractual Services And Supplies NA0346 2009AJ0604201X Transportation Of Things NA0346 2009AJ0604202X Standard Level User Charges NA0346 2009AJ0604203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities NA0346 2009AJ0604204X Printing And Reproduction NA0346 2009AJ0604205X Services Performed By Other Agencies NA0346 2009AJ0604206X Other Services NA0346 2009AJ0604207X Supplies And Materials NA0346 2009AJ0604210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0346 2009AJ0604211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0346 2009AJ0604212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools NA0346 2009AJ0604310X Equipment NA0346 2009AJ0609000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) NA0346 2009AJ0609150X Payroll Processing(To Be Performed By Contractor And/Or Other Federal Agencies) NA0346 2009AJ0609160X CHRIS NA0346 2009AJ0609240 Administrative Services NA0346 2009AJ0609241X Supplies NA0346 2009AJ0609242X Postage NA0346 2009AJ0609243X Photo Copying NA0346 2009AJ0609244X Printing Graphics NA0346 2009AJ0609245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance NA0346 2009AJ0609340 Information Management Systems And Operations NA0346 2009AJ0609341X Telecommunication NA0346 2009AJ0609342X Office Automation Equipment And Support NA0346 2009AJ0609343X Networking NA0346 2009AJ0609440 Contract Closeout NA0346 2009AJ0609442X Contract Closeout NA0346 2009AJ0609530X On Line Learning Center (OLC) NA0346 2009AK0000000 XClean Coal Program Direction FE0948 2009AK1100000 Personal Services FE0948 2009AK1101000X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0948 2009AK1102000X All Other Personal Services FE0948 2009AK1103000X Employee Incentive Awards FE0948 2009AK1200000 Personnel Benefits FE0948 2009AK1202000X Moving Expenses FE0948 2009AK1203000X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0948 2009AK1300000X Benefits for Former Personnel FE0948 2009AK2000000 Clean Coal Contractual Services and Supplies FE0948 2009AK2004000X Printing And Reproduction FE0948 2009AK2005000X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0948 2009AK2006000X Other Services FE0948 2009AK2007000X Supplies And Materials FE0948 2009AK2100000 Clean Coal Travel and Trasnportation of Persons FE0948 2009AK2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0948 2009AM0000000XXFutureGen FE0948 2009AN0000000 XField Program Direction - FE FE9992 2009AN1100000 Personal Services FE9992 2009AN1101000X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE9992 2009AN1102000X All Other Personal Services FE9992 2009AN1103000X Employee Incentive Awards FE9992 2009AN1200000 Personnel Benefits FE9992 2009AN1202000X Moving Expenses FE9992 2009AN1203000X All Other Personnel Benefits FE9992 2009AN1300000X Benefits For Former Personnel FE9992 2009AN2000000 Contractual Services And Supplies FE9992 2009AN2001000X Transportation Of Things FE9992 2009AN2003000X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE9992 2009AN2004000X Printing And Reproduction FE9992 2009AN2005000X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE9992 2009AN2006000X Other Services FE9992 2009AN2007000X Supplies And Materials FE9992 2009AN2100000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE9992 2009AN2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE9992 2009AN2102000X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools FE9992 2009AQ0000000XXNational Academy of Science Program Review FE99149 2009AR0000000XXU.S./China Energy and Environmental Center FE0948 2009AS0000000 Energy Efficiency Science Initiative FE99149 2009AS0500000XXEnergy Efficiency Science Initiative FE99149 2009AT0000000 XFusion Energy Sciences SC0622 2009AT5000000 FES - Science SC0622 2009AT5010000 Tokamak Experimental Research SC0622 2009AT5010100 Science/Tok Exp Res/Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) SC0622 2009AT5010101X Science/Tok Exp Res/TFTR Physics Program SC0622 2009AT5010200X Science/Tok Exp Res/Doublet III-D Research SC0622 2009AT5010300X Science/Tok Exp Res/Alcator-C Modification Research SC0622 2009AT5010500X Alcator C SC0622 2009AT5010700X Science/Tok Exp Res/International SC0622 2009AT5010800X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/Diagnostics SC0622 2009AT5010900X Science/Tok Exp Res/Other SC0622 2009AT5015000 Science/Alternative Concept Experimental Research SC0622 2009AT5015010X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/NSTX Research SC0622 2009AT5015020X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/Experimental Plasma Research SC0622 2009AT5015030 Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/HEDLP SC0622 2009AT5015031X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/HEDLP/Heavy Ion Beams SC0622 2009AT5015032X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/HEDLP/Engineering and Technology SC0622 2009AT5015033X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/HEDLP/Driver Concept Development SC0622 2009AT5015034X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/HEDLP/Targets for HEDLP SC0622 2009AT5015050X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/Madison Symmetrical Torus (MST) SC0622 2009AT5015060X Science/Alt Concept Exp Res/NCSX Research SC0622 2009AT5020000 Science/Theory SC0622 2009AT5020100X Science/Theory/Tokamak Theory SC0622 2009AT5020200X Science/Theory/Alternative Theory SC0622 2009AT5020300X Science/Theory/Generic Theory SC0622 2009AT5025000 Science/Advanced Fusion Simulations (SciDAC & FSP) SC0622 2009AT5025010X Science/Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) SC0622 2009AT5025020X Science/Fusion Simulation Program (FSP) SC0622 2009AT5030000 Science/General Plasma Science SC0622 2009AT5030100X Science/Gen Plasma Science/Atomic Physics SC0622 2009AT5030200X Science/Gen Plasma Science/Junior Faculty Development SC0622 2009AT5030300X Science/Gen Plasma Science/NSF-DOE Partnership SC0622 2009AT5030500X Science/Gen Plasma Science/Applied Plasma Science SC0622 2009AT5030600X Science/Gen Plasma Science/Science Centers SC0622 2009AT5500000 Facility Operations SC0622 2009AT5502000X Facility Ops/Doublet III-D SC0622 2009AT5503000X Facility Ops/Alcator-C Modification SC0622 2009AT5505000X Facility Ops/NSTX SC0622 2009AT5506000X Facility Ops/NCSX SC0622 2009AT5508000X Facility Operations/Other SC0622 2009AT5511000X Facility Ops/ITER Preparation SC0622 2009AT5512000 Facility Ops/U.S. Contributions to ITER SC0622 2009AT5512010X Research & Development for ITER (OPC) SC0622 2009AT5512020X MIE for ITER (TEC) SC0622 2009AT6000000 Enabling Research and Development SC0622 2009AT6010000 Enabling R&D/Engineering Research SC0622 2009AT6010200 International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor SC0622 2009AT601020FX Ich Heating Systems SC0622 2009AT601020GX Neutron Interactive Materials SC0622 2009AT601020PX Design-Physics SC0622 2009AT601020RX Home Team Management SC0622 2009AT6010300 Enabling R&D/Engineering Res/Plasma Technologies SC0622 2009AT6010301X Enabling R&D/Engineering Res/MFE for Plasma Technologies SC0622 2009AT6010400 Enabling R&D/Engineering Res/Fusion Technologies SC0622 2009AT6010401X Enabling R&D/Engineering Res/MFE for Fusion Technologies SC0622 2009AT6010402X Inertial Fusion Energy for Fusion Technologies SC0622 2009AT6010500 Enabling R&D/Engineering Res/Advanced Design SC0622 2009AT6010501X Enabling R&D/Engineering Res/MFE for Advanced Design SC0622 2009AT6010502X Inertial Fusion Energy for Advanced Design SC0622 2009AT6012000X Enabling R&D for ITER (Other Project Costs) SC0622 2009AT6020000 Enabling R&D/Materials Research SC0622 2009AT6020100X Enabling R&D/Materials Res/MFE for Materials Research SC0622 2009AU0000000 XImport/Export Authorization FE0449 2009AU0200000X Natural Gas And Electricity FE0449 2009AV0000000 Cooperative Research And Development FE99149 2009AV0100000XXCooperative R&D FE99149 2009AW0000000 XFossil Energy Environmental Restoration FE99149 2009AW0100000X Resource Conservation And Recovery Act (RCRA) Remedial Actions FE99149 2009AW0200000X Comprehensive Emergency Response Compensation And Liability Act (CERCLA) Remedial Actions FE99149 2009AW0300000 Other Environmental, Safety and Health Actions FE99149 2009AW0301000X National Energy Technology Laboratory - Morgantown FE99149 2009AW0302000X National Energy Technology Laboratory - Pittsburgh (NETL-P) FE99149 2009AW0303000X National Petroleum Technology Office (NPTO) FE99149 2009AW0400000X Support FE99149 2009AW0500000X Magnetohydrodynamics (Mhd) FE99149 2009AY0000000 XClean Coal Power Initiative FE0948 2009AY0500000X Clean Coal Power Initiative FE0948 2009AZ0000000 XInnovative Clean Coal Technology FE0948 2009AZ0100000 Clean Coal Cooperative Agreements FE0948 2009AZ0110000X Underground Coal Gasification FE0948 2009AZ0120000X Igcc With Hot Gas Cleanup FE0948 2009AZ0130000X Limb Demonstration Project FE0948 2009AZ0140000X Gas Reburning And Sorbent Injection Retrofit FE0948 2009AZ0145000X Coal-Oil Coprocessing FE0948 2009AZ0150000X Advanced Slagging Combustor Utility Demonstration FE0948 2009AZ0155000X Nucla Cfb Demonstration Project FE0948 2009AZ0170000X Low Rank Coal Cleaning Demonstration Project FE0948 2009AZ0175000X Coal Cleaning Database And Computer Model FE0948 2009AZ0185000X Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion FE0948 2009AZ0200000 Clean Coal Program Direction FE0948 2009AZ0211000 Personal Services FE0948 2009AZ0211010X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0948 2009AZ0211020X All Other Personal Services FE0948 2009AZ0211030X Employee Incentive Awards FE0948 2009AZ0212000 Personnel Benefits FE0948 2009AZ0212020X Moving Expenses FE0948 2009AZ0212030X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0948 2009AZ0213000X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0948 2009AZ0220000 Clean Coal Contractual Services And Supplies FE0948 2009AZ0220040X Printing And Reproduction FE0948 2009AZ0220050X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0948 2009AZ0220060X Other Services FE0948 2009AZ0220070X Supplies And Materials FE0948 2009AZ0221000 Clean Coal Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0948 2009AZ0221010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0948 2009AZ0400000 Innovative Technology, Clean Coal Ii Projects FE0948 2009AZ0401000 Repowering, So2/Nox Emission Control Projects FE0948 2009AZ0401030X Philip Sporn Plant Pfbc Repowering Project FE0948 2009AZ0402000 Retrofitting, So2/Nox Emission Control Projects FE0948 2009AZ0402010X Wsa-Snox Technology--Advanced Flue Gas Cleanup (Catalytic) FE0948 2009AZ0402020X Sox-Nox-Rox Box (Snrb) Process--Combined So2/Nox And Particulate Control FE0948 2009AZ0402030X Low Nox/So2 Burner Retrofit For Utility Cyclone Boilers FE0948 2009AZ0403000 Retrofitting, So2 Emissions Control Projects FE0948 2009AZ0403010X Chiyoda Thoroughbred--121 Flue Gas Desulfurization--So2 Control FE0948 2009AZ0403020X Advanced On-Site Flue Gas Desulfurization Project FE0948 2009AZ0403060X Otisca Fuel (Coal/Water Slurry) So2 Control FE0948 2009AZ0404000 Retrofitting, Nox Emissions Control Projects FE0948 2009AZ0404010X Advanced Wall-Fired Combustion Techniques For Nox Control FE0948 2009AZ0404020X Selective Catalytic Reduction (Scr) Technology For Nox Control FE0948 2009AZ0404030X Advanced Tangentially-Fired Combustion Techniques For Nox Control FE0948 2009AZ0500000 Clean Coal Solicitation No. 3 Projects FE0948 2009AZ0501000 Advanced Pollution Control Technologies FE0948 2009AZ0501020X Low-Nox Cell Burner Retrofit FE0948 2009AZ0502000 Clean Power Generating Technologies FE0948 2009AZ0502020X Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Demo FE0948 2009AZ0502030X Pressurized Circulating Fluidized Bed FE0948 2009AZ0502040X Evaluation Of Gas Reburning And Low-Nox Burners FE0948 2009AZ0502050X Lifac Flue Gas Desulfurization FE0948 2009AZ0502060X Noxso So2/Nox Removal Flue Gas Cleanup FE0948 2009AZ0502070X Integrated Dry Sorbent Injection FE0948 2009AZ0503000 New Coal-Based Fuel Forms FE0948 2009AZ0503010X Liquid Phase Methanol Process FE0948 2009AZ0503020X Blast Furnace Granulated Coal Injection FE0948 2009AZ0503030X Mild Gasification Demo Project FE0948 2009AZ0600000 Clean Coal Solicitation No. 4 Projects FE0948 2009AZ0601000 High Efficiency Power Generation FE0948 2009AZ0601010X Toms Creek Igcc Demonstration Project FE0948 2009AZ0601020X Pinon Pine Igcc Project FE0948 2009AZ0601030X Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project FE0948 2009AZ0602000 Advanced, High Performance Pollution Control Technologies FE0948 2009AZ0602020X Self-Scrubbing Coal: An Integrated Approach To Clean Air FE0948 2009AZ0602030X Milliken Clean Coal Technology Project FE0948 2009AZ0603000 Fuel Forms Of Coal FE0948 2009AZ0603010X Demonstration Of Pulse Combustion In An Application For Steam Gasification Of Coal FE0948 2009AZ0700000 Clean Coal Solicitation FE0948 2009AZ0701000X Camden Clean Energy Demonstration Project FE0948 2009AZ0702000X Calvert City Advanced Energy Project FE0948 2009AZ0703000X Warren Station Externally Fired Combined Cycle Demonstration Project FE0948 2009AZ0704000X Clean Coal Diesel Technology FE0948 2009AZ0705000X Integrated Coal-Based Ore Reduction FE0948 2009BM0000000 Biomass Energy Technologies EE0408 2009BM0100000 XBiomass/Biofuels Energy Systems EE0408 2009BM0101000 Platforms R&D EE0408 2009BM0101010X Thermochemical Platform R&D EE0408 2009BM0101020X Bioconversion Platform R&D for Sugars EE0408 2009BM0102000 Systems Integration and Production EE0408 2009BM0102030X Feedstock Infrastructure EE0408 2009BM0102060X Integration of Biorefinery Technologies EE0408 2009BM0102070X Products Development EE0408 2009BM0103000X Regional Biomass Energy Program EE0408 2009BM0104000 Biomass Congressional Earmarks EE0408 2009BM0104010X Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (CPBR) EE0408 2009BM0104020X E-Diesel Research by National Corn Growers Association EE0408 2009BM0104030X Iowa State University Center for Catalysis EE0408 2009BM0104040X University of Louisville Ethanol Production from Biomass Large-Scale Facility Design Project EE0408 2009BM0104050X Purdue University in Cooperation with Midwest Consortium for Sustainable Biobased Products and Bioenergy EE0408 2009BM0104060X Gridley Rice Straw Project EE0408 2009BM0104070X McMinnville Biodiesel Project EE0408 2009BM0104080X Mount Mass CC Bio Wood Gasification Project EE0408 2009BM0104090X North Central Texas Dairy Waste Control Pilot Plant EE0408 2009BM0104100X Mississippi State Biodiesel Production Project EE0408 2009BM0104110X Maine Forest Bioproducts R&D EE0408 2009BM0104120X University Tennessee Switchgrass Demonstration Project EE0408 2009BM0104130X Iowa State University- Clean Energy from Gasification of Switchgrass EE0408 2009BM0104140X Missouri Soybean Association Biodiesel Demonstration EE0408 2009BM0104150X Research in Nebraska on Improved Soybean Oil for Biodiesel Fuel EE0408 2009BM0104160X Regional Biomass Energy Program EE0408 2009BM0104170X On-Farm Small Scale Waste Energy Demonstration EE0408 2009BM0104180X Oxydiesel Demonstration Program in California and Nevada EE0408 2009BM0104190X Biorefinery at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center EE0408 2009BM0104200X University of North Dakota- Center for Biomass Utilization EE0408 2009BM0104210X Vermont Biomass Energy Resource Center EE0408 2009BM0104220X North Country Hospital- Biomass/Cogeneration Project EE0408 2009BM0104230X Univ of Iowa Switchgrass Gasification EE0408 2009BM0104240X Ag-Based Industrial Lubricants Center at University of Northern Iowa EE0408 2009BM0104250X Michigan Biotechnology Initiative EE0408 2009BM0104260X Iowa Switchgrass Project-Chariton Valley EE0408 2009BM0104270X BioBased Products- Belvidere, IL, New Uses Information and Entrepreneur Development Center EE0408 2009BM0104280X White Pine County, NV School Biomass Htg EE0408 2009BM0104290X E. NV Landscape Coaliton- Biomass Restoration EE0408 2009BM0104300X Fuels from Agricultural and Animal Wastes EE0408 2009BM0104310X Univ of NV-Reno ThermoEnergy Research EE0408 2009BM0104320X Vermont Biofuels Initiative EE0408 2009BM0104330X City of Wells, NV Recycling for Energy Conservation EE0408 2009BM0104340X Livingston Parish Alternative Fuel Plant Construction EE0408 2009BM0104350X Alaska Wood Biomass EE0408 2009BM0104360X Mississippi Technology Alliance-Alternative Energy Enterprise Program EE0408 2009BM0104370X Kentucky Rural Energy Supply Program EE0408 2009BM0104380X Southeastern & North Central Sun Grant Centers EE0408 2009BM0104390X Texas A&M Renewable Energy From Biowaste EE0408 2009BM0104400X Biotech-to-Ethanol EE0408 2009BM0104410X National Biofuel Energy Laboratory EE0408 2009BM0104420X North Carolina Research Triangle Biomass EE0408 2009BM0104430X LSU Sugar-Based Ethanol Biorefinery EE0408 2009BM0104440X SUNY-Morrisville Anaerobic Digester EE0408 2009BM0104450X NREL Small-Scale Biomass System-BioMax EE0408 2009BM0104460X Ohio Ag RD Ctr/City of Wooster-Anaerobic Digestion EE0408 2009BM0104470X Alabama Alternative Fuel Source Study EE0408 2009BM0104480X Georgia Biorefinery & Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research EE0408 2009BM0104490X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE0408 2009BM0104500X Wood Debris Bioenergy Program (CO) EE0408 2009BM0104510X Clarkson University Waste Public/Private Partnership (NY) EE0408 2009BM0104520X Madison County Landfill Gas to Energy Project(NY) EE0408 2009BM0104530X Asphalt Roofing Shingles to Energy Project, Xenia, OH EE0408 2009BM0104540X Ohio State University 4-H Green Building Project (OH) EE0408 2009BM0104550X University of Northern Iowa National Ag-Based Industrial Program EE0408 2009BM0104560X Solid Waste Authority Pyramid Resource Center (OH) EE0408 2009BM0104570X City of Stamford Waste-to-Energy Project (CT) EE0408 2009BM0104580X Iroquois Bio-Energy Consortium Ethanol Project (IN) EE0408 2009BM0104590X New York Biomass/Methane Gas Power Fuel Cell (NY) EE0408 2009BM0104600X Western Massachusetts Biomass Project (MA) EE0408 2009BM0104610X Greenville Composite Biomass Project (ME) EE0408 2009BM0104620X Laurentian Bio-Energy Project (MN) EE0408 2009BM0104630X Kona Carbon Biomass Project (HI) EE0408 2009BM0104640X Mississippi State University Sustaintable Energy Center (MS) EE0408 2009BM0104650X Missouri Biodiesel Demonstration Project (MO) EE0408 2009BM0104660X Canola-based Automotive Oil (PA) EE0408 2009BM0104670X Center for Advanced Bio-based Binders (IA) EE0408 2009BM0104680X Development of Applied Membrane Technology for Processing Ethanol from Biomass (DE) EE0408 2009BM0104690X Washington State Ferries Biodiesel Demonstration Project (WA) EE0408 2009BM0104700X UNLV Development of Biofuels Utilizing Ionic Transfer Membranes (NV) EE0408 2009BM0104710X Iowa State University-Biomass Energy Conservation Project (BEACON)Earmark EE0408 2009BM0104720X State University of New York at Syracuse (ESF) Woody Biomass Earmark EE0408 2009BM0105000X Cellulosic Ethanol Reverse Auction EE0408 2009BM0200000 XBiomass and Biorefinery Systems R&D EE0408 2009BM0201000 Utilization of Platform Outputs R&D EE0408 2009BM0201010X Thermochemical Conversions R&D- Products EE0408 2009BM0201020X Bioconversion R&D- Products EE0408 2009BM0202000X Industrial Gasification EE0408 2009BM0203000X Technical Program Management Support EE0408 2009BT0000000 XBuilding Technologies EE1104 2009BT0100000 Residential Buildings EE1104 2009BT0101000X Research and Development EE1104 2009BT0102000X Residential Building Energy Codes EE1104 2009BT0200000 Commercial Buildings Integration EE1104 2009BT0201000X Research and Development EE1104 2009BT0202000X Commercial Building Energy Codes EE1104 2009BT0300000 Emerging Technologies EE1104 2009BT0301000X Lighting Research and Development EE1104 2009BT0302000X Space Conditioning and Refrigeration R&D EE1104 2009BT0303000X Appliances and Emerging Technology R&D EE1104 2009BT0304000 Building Envelope R&D EE1104 2009BT0304010X Competitive Solicitations EE1104 2009BT0304020X Thermal Insulation and Building Materials EE1104 2009BT0304030X Windows Technology EE1104 2009BT0305000X Analysis Tools and Design Strategies EE1104 2009BT0306000X Road Maps and Competitive R&D EE1104 2009BT0307000X Solar Heating and Cooling EE1104 2009BT0400000X Equipment Standards and Analysis EE1104 2009BT0500000X Technical Program Management Support EE1104 2009BT0600000 Building Tech- Congressional Earmarks EE1104 2009BT0601000X National Fenestration Rating Council EE1104 2009BT0602000X Carnegie Mellon University Advanced Building Testbed (PA) EE1104 2009BT0603000X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE1104 2009BT0604000X University of Louisville-Sustainable Buildings Project (KY) EE1104 2009BT0700000 Technology Validation and Market Distribution EE1104 2009BT0701000X Rebuild America EE1104 2009BT0702000X Energy Star EE1104 2009BT0703000X Building Energy Codes EE1104 2009BT0704000X Solar Decathlon EE1104 2009CA0000000 Elk Hills School Land Fund FE0451 2009CA0100000XXElk Hills School Land Fund FE0451 2009CB0000000 Naval Petroleum And Oil Shale Reserves FE0451 2009CB0100000 XProduction & Operations FE0451 2009CB0101000X Operation And Maintenance (Npr-1) FE0451 2009CB0102000X Development Drilling (Npr-1) FE0451 2009CB0103000X Exploratory Drilling (Npr-1) FE0451 2009CB0104000X Facilities Construction (Npr-1) FE0451 2009CB0105000X Reimbursements By Unit Partner (Npr-1) FE0451 2009CB0106000X Other (Npr-2) FE0451 2009CB0107000 NPR-3 Operations & Maintenance FE0451 2009CB0107010X Operations & Maintenance FE0451 2009CB0107020X Development (Drilling & Facilities) FE0451 2009CB0107810X Changes in Inventories FE0451 2009CB0108000X Environmental Restoration (NPR-3) FE0451 2009CB0109000X Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC) Operations FE0451 2009CB0110000X Environmental Remediation (NPR-1) FE0451 2009CB0181000 Changes In Inventories FE0451 2009CB0181010X Common Use Stores FE0451 2009CB0200000 XNaval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 (Wyoming) FE0451 2009CB0201000 Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 Projects FE0451 2009CB0201020X Development Drilling (Npr-3) FE0451 2009CB0201030X Development Facilities (Npr-3) FE0451 2009CB0300000 XNaval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves Program Direction FE0451 2009CB0301000 Headquarters Management FE0451 2009CB0301110 Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0301111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0451 2009CB0301112X All Other Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0301113X Employee Incentive Awards FE0451 2009CB0301120 Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0301122X Moving Expenses FE0451 2009CB0301123X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0301130X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0451 2009CB0301200 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0451 2009CB0301203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE0451 2009CB0301204X Printing And Reproduction FE0451 2009CB0301206X Other Services FE0451 2009CB0301207X Supplies And Materials FE0451 2009CB0301210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0451 2009CB0301211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0451 2009CB0304000 NPR-3 Management (Casper)- Program Direction FE0451 2009CB0304110 Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0304111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0451 2009CB0304112X All Other Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0304113X Employee Incentive Awards FE0451 2009CB0304120 Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0304122X Moving Expenses FE0451 2009CB0304123X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0304130X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0451 2009CB0304200 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0451 2009CB0304201X Transportation Of Things FE0451 2009CB0304203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE0451 2009CB0304204X Printing And Reproduction FE0451 2009CB0304205X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0451 2009CB0304206X Other Services FE0451 2009CB0304207X Supplies And Materials FE0451 2009CB0304210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0451 2009CB0304211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0451 2009CB0304300X Business Management & Support FE0451 2009CB0304310X RMOTC Project Support FE0451 2009CB0307000 NPR-1 Management (California) - Program Direction FE0451 2009CB0307110 Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0307111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0451 2009CB0307112X All Other Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0307113X Employee Incentive Awards FE0451 2009CB0307120 Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0307122X Moving Expenses FE0451 2009CB0307123X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0307130X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0451 2009CB0307200 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0451 2009CB0307201X Transportation Of Things FE0451 2009CB0307203X Communications, Other Rents And Utilities FE0451 2009CB0307204X Printing And Reproduction FE0451 2009CB0307205X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0451 2009CB0307206X Other Services FE0451 2009CB0307207X Supplies And Materials FE0451 2009CB0307210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0451 2009CB0307211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0451 2009CB0307212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools FE0451 2009CB0307300X Business Management & Support FE0451 2009CB0308000 Headquarters Equity FE0451 2009CB0308010X Investment Banking Services FE0451 2009CB0308110 Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0308112X All Other Personal Services FE0451 2009CB0308113X Employee Incentive Awards FE0451 2009CB0308120 Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0308123X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009CB0308200 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0451 2009CB0308203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE0451 2009CB0308206X Other Services FE0451 2009CB0308207X Supplies And Materials FE0451 2009CB0308210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0451 2009CB0308211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0451 2009CB0309000X Other Npr Assets FE0451 2009CB0310000X NPRC Equity FE0451 2009CB0400000XXNaval Oil Shale Reserves FE0451 2009CB0500000XXBalances Transferred To The General Fund FE0451 2009CB0600000 XCongressional Directed Projects - Petroleum Reserves FE0451 2009CB0601000X Inbasin Scale Environmental Impacts for Oil Shale FE04154 2009CC0000000 XGeothermal EE0407 2009CC1000000 Geothermal Resources Development Fund EE0407 2009CC1010000X Loan Evaluation EE0407 2009CC1020000 Guarantee Reserve Fund EE0407 2009CC1020110 Guarantee Losses - Interest And Principal Assistance EE0407 2009CC1020111X Advances EE0407 2009CC1020112X Interest EE0407 2009CC1020120 Guarantee Losses - Loan EE0407 2009CC1020121X Principal EE0407 2009CC1020122X Interest EE0407 2009CC1020123X Administrative Costs EE0407 2009CC1020200X Interest Differential Payments EE0407 2009CC1020400 Guarantee Revenues EE0407 2009CC1020401X Recovery From Collateral EE0407 2009CC1020402X Interest On Interest Assistance EE0407 2009CC1020403X Guarantee Fees EE0407 2009CC1020500 Guarantee Payments And Receipts Information EE0407 2009CC1020501X Payments EE0407 2009CC1020502X Receipts EE0407 2009CC1020503X Payments And Receipts Contra EE0407 2009CC3000000 Program Direction EE0407 2009CC3020000X Contractual Services And Supplies EE0407 2009CE0000000 XCongressionally Directed Projects - Fossil Energy FE04154 2009CE0100000X Carbon Sequestration Study (OH) FE04154 2009CE0200000X Center for Instrumental Criticial Infrastuructures (PA) FE04154 2009CE0300000X Center for Zero Emissions Technology - Montana State FE04154 2009CE0400000X Coal Fuels Alliance FE04154 2009CE0500000X Direct Carbon Fuel Cell Prototype FE04154 2009CE0600000X Eastern Illinois University Powerplant FE04154 2009CE0700000X Fuel Research and Development at Northern Illinois University FE04154 2009CE0800000X ITM Reaction-Driven Ceramic Membrance Systems FE04154 2009CE0900000X NE Ohio Carbon Sequestration Pipeline Scoping Study FE04154 2009CE1000000X Ohio River Clean Fuels CO2 Production & Emissions Study FE04154 2009CE1100000X Stripper Well Consortium (PA) FE04154 2009CE1200000X The Gulf Petro Initiative (LA) FE04154 2009CE1300000X Colorado School of Mines FE04154 2009CE1400000X North Dakota Energy & Environmental Center FE04154 2009CE1500000X Ramgen - Compression Initiative FE04154 2009CE1600000X North Dakota Energy & Environmental Center FE04154 2009CE1700000X West Virginia University - Advanced Coal Technology in China FE04154 2009CE1800000X Interdisciplinary Clean Energy Program FE04154 2009CE1900000X Shallow Carbon Sequestration Pilot Demonstration FE04154 2009CE2000000X Gulf of Mexico Hydrates Research Consortium FE04154 2009CE2100000X Membrane Technology for Produced Water FE04154 2009CE2200000X Carbon Sequestration Monitoring Activities FE04154 2009CE2300000X Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Penn State FE04154 2009CE2400000X Arctic Energy Office FE04154 2009CE2500000X Center for Advanced Separation Technologies FE04154 2009CE2600000X Arrowhead Center FE04154 2009CF0000000 Power Marketing CF04100 2009CF0100000 Alaska Power Administration CF10140 2009CF0101000XXProgram Direction CF10140 2009CF0102000XXTransition And Termination CF10140 2009CF0103000XXTaku Inlet Power Cables CF10140 2009CF0104000XXEmergency Fund CF10140 2009CF0110000XXCapital Assets Acquisition CF10140 2009CF0200000XXBonneville Power Administration CF10141 2009CF0300000 Western Area Power Administration CF10142 2009CF0301000 Western Area Power Administration Fund CF10142 2009CF0301010XXSystem Operation And Maintenance CF10142 2009CF0301030XXPurchase Power And Wheeling CF10142 2009CF0301040XXConstruction And Rehabilitation CF10142 2009CF0301050XXProgram Direction CF10142 2009CF0302000XXColorado River Basins Fund CF10142 2009CF0303000XXUtah Mitigation And Conservation CF10142 2009CF0304000XXFalcon And Amistad Operation And Maintenance CF10142 2009CF0305000 Offsetting receipts CF10142 2009CF0305010XXPurchase Power and Wheeling Financed from Offsetting Receipts CF10142 2009CF0305020XXColorado River Dam Offsetting Collections CF10142 2009CF0306000 XSpectrum Relocation CF10142 2009CF0306010X SRF System 1 (SNR) CF10142 2009CF0306020X SRF System 2 (RMR) CF10142 2009CF0306030X SRF System 3 (DSWR) CF10142 2009CF0306040X SRF System 4 (UGPR-MT) CF10142 2009CF0306050X SRF System 5 (UGPR-ND) CF10142 2009CF0306060X SRF System 6 (UGPR-SD) CF10142 2009CF0400000 Southwestern Power Administration CF10143 2009CF0401000XXOperation And Maintenance CF10143 2009CF0402000XXPurchase Power And Wheeling CF10143 2009CF0403000XXConstruction CF10143 2009CF0404000XXContinuing Fund CF10143 2009CF0405000XXOffsetting Collections CF10143 2009CF0406000XXProgram Direction CF10143 2009CF0407000XXSpectrum Relocation CF10143 2009CF0500000 Southeastern Power Administration CF10140 2009CF0501000XXProgram Direction CF10140 2009CF0502000XXContinuing Fund CF10140 2009CF0503000XXPurchase Power And Wheeling CF10140 2009CF0504000XXOffsetting Collections CF10140 2009CF0505000XXOperations and Maintenance/Program Direction CF10140 2009CF0600000XXEmergency Fund - Wapa CF0453 2009CG0000000 Cerro Grande Fire Activities NA0136 2009CG0100000 XPhysical Damage, Destruction Repair, and Risk Mitigation NA0136 2009CG0101000X Buildings (Facility Infrastructure & D&D) NA0136 2009CG0102000X Lab Erosion Control NA0136 2009CG0103000X Planning - Risk Management/Replacement Projects NA0136 2009CG0200000 XRestoring Services NA0136 2009CG0201000X Utilities NA0136 2009CG0202000X Temporary Housing/Crisis Management NA0136 2009CG0203000X Transportation NA0136 2009CG0204000X Communications NA0136 2009CG0300000 XEmergency Response NA0136 2009CG0301000 Staff Assignments and Overtime NA0136 2009CG0301010X Federal NA0136 2009CG0301020X Laboratory and Work for Others NA0136 2009CG0301030X Guard Force NA0136 2009CG0301040X Fire Fighters NA0136 2009CG0302000X Fire Risk Reduction and Mitigation NA0136 2009CG0303000X Fire Alarms NA0136 2009CG0304000X Radiological Monitoring Center NA0136 2009CG0305000X Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC) NA0136 2009CG0306000X Remote Sensing Laboratory NA0136 2009CG0307000X Consequence Management Support Team NA0136 2009CG0308000X Waste Management NA0136 2009CG0400000 XResuming Laboratory Operations NA0136 2009CG0401000X Site-Wide EIS, Cultural Resources, and Endangered Species NA0136 2009CG0402000X Resumption of Laboratory Programmatic Operations NA0136 2009CH0000000 Alternate Fuels Production FE99149 2009CH0200000 XFeasibility Study Awards FE99149 2009CH0203000X Medium-Low Btu Gas FE99149 2009CH0212000X Other FE99149 2009CH0300000 XCooperative Agreements FE99149 2009CH0312000X Other FE99149 2009CH0400000 XLoan Guarantee Default Reserve FE99149 2009CH0402000X High Btu Gas FE0948 2009CH0412000X Other FE99149 2009CH0500000 XProgram Management FE99149 2009CH0502000 High Btu Gas FE99149 2009CH0502010X Great Plains Advisory Committee FE99149 2009CH0513000X Multi-Resource FE99149 2009CH0514000 Program Direction FE99149 2009CH0514200X Contractual Services And Supplies FE99149 2009CH0514210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE99149 2009CH0514211X Advisory Committee Travel FE99149 2009CK0000000 XNETL Coal R&D Direct Program Direction FE0948 2009CK1100000 Personal Services FE0948 2009CK1101000X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0948 2009CK1102000X All Other Personal Services FE0948 2009CK1103000X Employee Incentive Awards FE0948 2009CK1200000 Personnel Benefits FE0948 2009CK1202000X Moving Expenses FE0948 2009CK1203000X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0948 2009CK1300000X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0948 2009CK2000000 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0948 2009CK2001000X Transportation Of Things FE0948 2009CK2003000X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE0948 2009CK2004000X Printing And Reproduction FE0948 2009CK2005000X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0948 2009CK2006000X Other Services FE0948 2009CK2007000X Supplies And Materials FE0948 2009CK2100000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0948 2009CK2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0948 2009CK2102000X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools FE0948 2009CL0000000 XField Program Direction - FE FE0449 2009CL1100000 Personal Services FE0449 2009CL1101000X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0449 2009CL1102000X All Other Personal Services FE0449 2009CL1103000X Employee Incentive Awards FE0449 2009CL1200000 Personnel Benefits FE0449 2009CL1202000X Moving Expenses FE0449 2009CL1203000X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0449 2009CL1300000X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0449 2009CL2000000 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0449 2009CL2001000X Transportation Of Things FE0449 2009CL2003000X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE0449 2009CL2004000X Printing And Reproduction FE0449 2009CL2005000X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0449 2009CL2006000X Other Services FE0449 2009CL2007000X Supplies And Materials FE0449 2009CL2100000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0449 2009CL2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0449 2009CL2102000X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools FE0449 2009CN0000000 XCounterintelligence IN15160 2009CN0400000 DOE Counterintelligence Program IN15160 2009CN0401000X DOE Analysis Program IN15160 2009CN0402000X DOE Investigations Program IN15160 2009CN0403000X DOE Awareness and Training IN15160 2009CN0404000X Laboratory And Other Contractor Support IN15160 2009CN0405000X Other Counterintelligence Support IN15160 2009CN0406000X Information and Special Technologies Program (ISTP) IN15160 2009CN0407000X Technical Support Not Related To Adp IN15160 2009CN0408000X DOE Information Infrastructure Program IN15160 2009CN0409000X DOE CI Evaluation Program IN15160 2009CN0410000X DOE OCI Inspection Program IN15160 2009CN0411000X DOE OCI Polygraph Program IN15160 2009CN0500000 Counterintelligence Program Direction IN15160 2009CN0510000 Program Direction IN15160 2009CN0510110 Personal Services And Benefits IN15160 2009CN0510111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries IN15160 2009CN0510113X Other Than Full-Time Permanent IN15160 2009CN0510115X Other Personnel Compensation IN15160 2009CN0510118X Special Personal Services Payments IN15160 2009CN0510120 Personnel Benefits IN15160 2009CN0510121X Civilian Personnel Benefits IN15160 2009CN0510200X Contractual Services And Supplies IN15160 2009CN0510210X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations IN15160 2009CN0510230 Communications And Utilities IN15160 2009CN0510233X Communications, Utilities, And Miscellaneous Charges IN15160 2009CN0510250 Other Contractual Services IN15160 2009CN0510251X Advisory And Assistance Services IN15160 2009CN0510252X Other Services IN15160 2009CN0510253X Purchases Of Goods And Services From Government Accounts IN15160 2009CN0510259X Training IN15160 2009CN0510310X Acquisition Of Assets IN15160 2009CN0520000 Counterintelligence Working Capital Fund IN15160 2009CN0520150X Payroll Processing IN15160 2009CN0520160X CHRIS IN15160 2009CN0520240 Administrative Services IN15160 2009CN0520241X Supplies IN15160 2009CN0520242X Postage IN15160 2009CN0520243X Photocopying IN15160 2009CN0520244X Printing And Graphics IN15160 2009CN0520245X Buiding Rental, Operations, And Maintenance IN15160 2009CN0520340 Information Management Systems And Operations IN15160 2009CN0520341X Telecommunication IN15160 2009CN0520342X Office Automation Equipment And Support IN15160 2009CN0520343X Networking IN15160 2009CN0520440 Procurement Services IN15160 2009CN0520442X Contract Closeout IN15160 2009CN0520530X On Line Learning IN15160 2009CN0520540X Personnel And Training Services IN15160 2009CN0700000 Counterintelligence NNSA IN15160 2009CN0701000X NNSA Analysis Program IN15160 2009CN0702000X NNSA Investigations Program IN15160 2009CN0703000X NNSA Awareness and Training IN15160 2009CN0706000X Information and Special Technologies Program (ISTP) IN15160 2009CS0000000 XCyber Security Program IM99101 2009CS3000000X Cyber Security - CIO Administrative Management IM99101 2009CS5000000 CS - Program Services IM99101 2009CS5010000X Policy and Planning IM99101 2009CS5020000X Engineering and Assessments IM99101 2009CS5040000X Technical Capability IM99101 2009CS5050000X CIO-Sponsored Cyber Security Training IM99101 2009CS5060000X Communications Center IM99101 2009DB0000000 XCivilian Radioactive Waste Management - Program Direction RW0723 2009DB0900000 Personnel Compensation and Support Services RW0723 2009DB0904000 Systems Analysis & Strategy Development RW0723 2009DB0904100 Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0904101X Waste Acceptance RW0723 2009DB0904102X Regulatory Coordination RW0723 2009DB0904103X Systems Engineering Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0904200X Fee Verification & Data Collection RW0723 2009DB0905000 Program Management RW0723 2009DB0905100 Program Management & Control RW0723 2009DB0905101X Program Management Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0905102X Reports & Audits Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0905103X NWF Management Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0905104X Program & Policy Integration Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0905200 Information Management RW0723 2009DB0905201X HQ Information Management Support RW0723 2009DB0905202X IM Direct & IM Credit Card RW0723 2009DB0905300 Human Resources & Education RW0723 2009DB0905301X HR Credit Card RW0723 2009DB0906000 Science and Technology, and International RW0723 2009DB0906200X Science & Technology, & International Technical Support RW0723 2009DB0940000 Goods And Services Provided Through Wcf RW0723 2009DB0940140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs RW0723 2009DB0940150X Payrollprocessing Performed By Non-Federal Contractor And/Or Other Federal Agency RW0723 2009DB0940160X Corporate Human Resources Information System RW0723 2009DB0940240 Administrative Services RW0723 2009DB0940241X Supplies RW0723 2009DB0940242X Postage RW0723 2009DB0940243X Photocopying RW0723 2009DB0940244X Printing And Graphics RW0723 2009DB0940245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance RW0723 2009DB0940340 Information Management Systems And Operations RW0723 2009DB0940341X Telecommunication RW0723 2009DB0940342X Office Automation Equipment And Support RW0723 2009DB0940343X Networking RW0723 2009DB0940440 Procurement Services RW0723 2009DB0940441X Contract Audits RW0723 2009DB0940442X Contract Closeout RW0723 2009DB0940520X Executive Information System RW0723 2009DB0940530X On Line Learning RW0723 2009DB0940540X Personnel And Training Services RW0723 2009DB0940940X Indirect Operating Costs RW0723 2009DB0941000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Direct Charges RW0723 2009DB0951000 Program Direction RW0723 2009DB0951110 Personnel Compensation RW0723 2009DB0951111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries RW0723 2009DB0951112X All Other Than Full Time Permanent Salaries RW0723 2009DB0951113X Employee Incentive Awards RW0723 2009DB0951114X Other Personnel Compensation RW0723 2009DB0951120 Personnel Benefits RW0723 2009DB0951122X Moving Expenses RW0723 2009DB0951123X All Other Personnel Benefits RW0723 2009DB0951130X Benefits For Former Personnel RW0723 2009DB0951210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons RW0723 2009DB0951211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations RW0723 2009DB0951212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motorpools RW0723 2009DB0951213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons RW0723 2009DB0952000 Administrative Support RW0723 2009DB0952200 Contractual Services RW0723 2009DB0952201X Transportation Of Things RW0723 2009DB0952202X Standard Level User Charges (Sluc) RW0723 2009DB0952203X Communications, Other Rent, And Utilities RW0723 2009DB0952204X Printing And Reproduction RW0723 2009DB0952205X Services Performed By Other Agencies RW0723 2009DB0952206X Other Services RW0723 2009DB0952207X Supplies And Materials RW0723 2009DB0953000 Yucca Mountain Support Service RW0723 2009DB0953040 Chief Scientist Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953041X Chief Scientist Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953050 Engineering Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953051X Engineering Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953060 Regulatory Authority Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953061X Regulatory Authority Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953070 Construction Mgt & Site Ops Spt Services RW0723 2009DB0953071X Construction Mgt & Site Ops Spt Services RW0723 2009DB0953100X Yucca Mountain Technical, Management And Business Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953110 Project Controls and Procurement Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953111X Project Controls and Procurement Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953140 External Affairs Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953141X External Affairs Support Services RW0723 2009DB0953200 Yucca Mountain Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) RW0723 2009DB0953201X Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) RW0723 2009DB0953202X Post-Final Environmental Impact Statement Issuance Activities RW0723 2009DB0953210 Yucca Mountain Site Recommendation RW0723 2009DB0953215X Technical, Management And Operational Support RW0723 2009DB0953216X Administrative Support RW0723 2009DB0953220 Yucca Mountain License Application RW0723 2009DB0953226X Technical, Management And Operational Support RW0723 2009DB0953227X Administrative Support RW0723 2009DB0953300 Yucca Mountain Monitored Geologic Repository RW0723 2009DB0953301X Regulatory, Infrastructure, And Managment Support RW0723 2009DB0955000X Quality Assurance Support Services RW0723 2009DB0958000X Transportation Support Services RW0723 2009DB0959000 Disposal Operations Support Services RW0723 2009DB0959100X Safeguards and Security Support Activities RW0723 2009DB0959200X Disposal Operations Support Activities RW0723 2009DC0000000 Civilian Radioactive Waste R&D RW0723 2009DC1000000 XSpent Fuel Storage Development RW0723 2009DC1011000X Program Management RW0723 2009DC1012000 Cooperative Demonstrations RW0723 2009DC1012010X Dry Storage Development And Demonstration RW0723 2009DC1012020X Rod Consolidation Development And Demonstration RW0723 2009DC1012030X Dry Storage Shipping/Storage Cask Demonstration RW0723 2009DC1013000 Spent Fuel Generic R&D RW0723 2009DC1013010X Modeling And Code Development RW0723 2009DC1013020X Spent Fuel Verification Testing RW0723 2009DC1013030X Data Base Development RW0723 2009DC1014000 International Cooperation RW0723 2009DC1014010X Coordination And Information Exchange RW0723 2009DC1015000 Federal Interim Storage (Fis) Planning RW0723 2009DC1015030X Transportation Requirements And Analysis RW0723 2009DC5000000XXAccelerator Transmutation Of Waste RW0723 2009DF0000000 XWaste Management System RW0723 2009DF0100000 First Repository RW0723 2009DF0101000 Basalt (Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP)) RW0723 2009DF0101110X Other - BWIP Contract in closeout RW0723 2009DF0102000 Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) RW0723 2009DF0102300 Monitored Geologic Repository RW0723 2009DF0102305X Nevada Transportation RW0723 2009DF0103000 Salt (Salt Repository Project) RW0723 2009DF0103010X Systems RW0723 2009DF0103020X Waste Package RW0723 2009DF0103030X Site RW0723 2009DF0103040X Repository RW0723 2009DF0103050X Regulatory and Institutional RW0723 2009DF0103060X Exploratory Shafts RW0723 2009DF0103070X Test Facilities RW0723 2009DF0103080X Land Acquisition RW0723 2009DF0103090X Project Management RW0723 2009DF0103100X Financial And Technical Assistance RW0723 2009DF0103110X Other RW0723 2009DF0104000 Technical Support And Analytical Studies RW0723 2009DF0104010X Systems RW0723 2009DF0104020X Waste Package RW0723 2009DF0104030X Site RW0723 2009DF0104040X Repository RW0723 2009DF0104050X Regulatory and Institutional RW0723 2009DF0104060X Exploratory Shafts RW0723 2009DF0104070X Test Facilities RW0723 2009DF0104080X Land Acquisition RW0723 2009DF0104090X Project Management RW0723 2009DF0104100X Financial And Technical Assistance RW0723 2009DF0104110X Other RW0723 2009DF0104120 Repository Technology Program (RTP) RW0723 2009DF0104121X Program Administration/Resource Management RW0723 2009DF0104122X Facility Siting And Development RW0723 2009DF0104123X Systems Integration And Regulations RW0723 2009DF0104124X External Relations And Policy RW0723 2009DF0105000 Yucca Mountain Project RW0723 2009DF0105010X Project Support RW0723 2009DF0105020 Project Support RW0723 2009DF010502CX Construction Mgt & Site Ops Project Support RW0723 2009DF010502EX Engineering Project Support RW0723 2009DF010502GX Government Services Project Spt RW0723 2009DF010502IX External Affairs Project Spt RW0723 2009DF010502PX Project Cntrl & Procurement Project Support RW0723 2009DF010502RX Regulatory Authority Project Spt RW0723 2009DF010502SX Safeguards, Security, & Emerg Mgt Project Spt RW0723 2009DF0105030X Safety Analyses RW0723 2009DF0105040 Repository Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105041X Surface Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105042X Subsurface Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105043X Engineered Barriers RW0723 2009DF0105044X Repository Facilities Integration RW0723 2009DF0105050X Initial Infrastructure Readiness RW0723 2009DF0105060X Balance of Plant (BOP) Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF0105070X Site Operations RW0723 2009DF0105080X Repository Pre-Operations RW0723 2009DF0105090 Safety Analyses And Assessment RW0723 2009DF0105091X Post-Closure Safety Analysis RW0723 2009DF0105092X Pre-Closure Safety Analysis RW0723 2009DF0105100X Financial Assistance RW0723 2009DF0105110X Other RW0723 2009DF0105120X License Application RW0723 2009DF0105130X Waste Packages & Emplacement Equipment RW0723 2009DF0105140 Non-Nuclear Surface Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105141X Non-Nuclear Surface Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105142X S&S and EM for Non-Nuclear Surface Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105180X M&O Contract Services RW0723 2009DF0105190X Nuclear Facilities RW0723 2009DF0105200X Pre Construction Authorization (CA) Operations RW0723 2009DF0105210X Engineer, Procure, Construct (EPC) Distributables RW0723 2009DF0105500 Repository Operations RW0723 2009DF0105504X Transition To Initial Operational Capability RW0723 2009DF0105520X Subsurface Repository RW0723 2009DF0105580X Aging Facilities and Equipment RW0723 2009DF0105810 Stores Inventories RW0723 2009DF0105811X Common Use Stores RW0723 2009DF0105990X Operations & Maintenance RW0723 2009DF0105CH0 Initial Operating Capacity - Canister Handling Facility RW0723 2009DF0105CH1X Canister Handling Facility – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF0105CH2X Canister Handling Facility – Subsurface Repository RW0723 2009DF0105CH3X Canister Handling Facility – Waste Package RW0723 2009DF0105CH4X Canister Handling Facility – Canister Handling RW0723 2009DF0105DT0 Expanded Capabilities - Dry Transfer Facility 1 RW0723 2009DF0105DT1X Dry Transfer Facility – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF0105DT2X Dry Transfer Facility – Dry Transfer 1 RW0723 2009DF0105FH0 Initial Operating Capacity - Fuel Handling Facility RW0723 2009DF0105FH1X Fuel Handling Facility – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF0105FH2X Fuel Handling Facility – Subsurface Repository RW0723 2009DF0105FH3X Fuel Handling Facility – Waste Package RW0723 2009DF0105FH4X Fuel Handling Facility – Fuel Handling RW0723 2009DF0105FO0 Full Operational Capability – Phase II RW0723 2009DF0105FO1X Full Operational Capability – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF0105FO2X Full Operational Capability – Subsurface Repository RW0723 2009DF0105FO3X Full Operational Capability – Waste Package RW0723 2009DF0105FO4X Full Operational Capability – Dry Transfer 2 RW0723 2009DF0200000 Second Repository RW0723 2009DF0204000 Repository Technology Development Program RW0723 2009DF0204060X Project Management RW0723 2009DF0300000 Waste Acceptance, Storage And Transportation RW0723 2009DF0301000 Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) RW0723 2009DF0301050X Regulatory RW0723 2009DF0301100X Financial Assistance RW0723 2009DF0301150X Support Services RW0723 2009DF0302000 Transportation System RW0723 2009DF0302050X Regulatory RW0723 2009DF0302090X Project Management RW0723 2009DF0302100X Financial Assistance RW0723 2009DF0302110X Quality Assurance RW0723 2009DF0302120X Information Management RW0723 2009DF0302130X Environment, Safety and Health RW0723 2009DF0302150X Support Services RW0723 2009DF0304000X Multi-Purpose Canister Subsystem RW0723 2009DF0306000X Spent Fuel Storage RW0723 2009DF0307000X M&O Contract Services RW0723 2009DF0900000 Program Support RW0723 2009DF0907000 Safeguards & Security and Emergency Management Program Management RW0723 2009DF0907100X Safeguards & Security and Emergency Management Integration and Support RW0723 2009DF0910000X Quality Assurance (QA) RW0723 2009DF0940000X Systems Analysis & Strategy Development RW0723 2009DF0941000X Systems Engineering RW0723 2009DF0942000X Systems Analysis RW0723 2009DF0943000X Total System Life-Cycle Cost (TSLCC) RW0723 2009DF0944000X Waste Acceptance RW0723 2009DF0945000X Regulatory Coordination RW0723 2009DF0946000X System Configuration Management RW0723 2009DF0947000X Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canister-Based System RW0723 2009DF0950000 Program Management RW0723 2009DF0950600X M&O Contract Services RW0723 2009DF0951000 Program Management and Control RW0723 2009DF0951010X Program Management RW0723 2009DF0951100X Program Management, Planning, and Control RW0723 2009DF0951110X Program Planning and Control RW0723 2009DF0951130X Program Budget Management RW0723 2009DF0951200X Nuclear Waste Fund Audits RW0723 2009DF0952000X Information Management RW0723 2009DF0953000 Human Resources & Education RW0723 2009DF0953100X Graduate Fellowship Program RW0723 2009DF0953200X Minority Institutions Undergraduate Scholarship Program RW0723 2009DF0953300X Public Outreach and Communication RW0723 2009DF0953400X Human Resources Development RW0723 2009DF0961000X Technical Alternatives RW0723 2009DF0962000X International Program & Coordination RW0723 2009DF4000000 Transportation System RW0723 2009DF4001000 National Transportation RW0723 2009DF4001100X Cask Systems RW0723 2009DF4001200X Rolling Stock RW0723 2009DF4001300X Transportation Operations Center RW0723 2009DF4001400X Fleet Management Facility RW0723 2009DF4001500X Other Acquisitions RW0723 2009DF4002000 Nevada Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF4002100X Nevada Rail Line RW0723 2009DF4002200X Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) RW0723 2009DF4002300X Design/EIS Supporting Field Investigations and Analyses RW0723 2009DF4002400X End of Line Facility RW0723 2009DF4003000 System Support RW0723 2009DF4003100X System Design and Operations RW0723 2009DF4003200X Operations System Development RW0723 2009DF4003300X Institutional Planning, Policy, & Analysis RW0723 2009DF4003400X Stakeholder Relations/Interactions RW0723 2009DF4003500X 180 (c) Development & Funding RW0723 2009DF4003600X Program Management RW0723 2009DF4004000X Operations Execution (Future) RW0723 2009DF4005000 Safeguards & Security and Emergency Management Programs-Transportation RW0723 2009DF4005100 Safeguards & Security and Emergency Management-Transportation Integration and Support RW0723 2009DF4005101X National Transportation Project SS&EM RW0723 2009DF4005102X Nevada Rail Line Project SS&EM RW0723 2009DF4006000X National Transportation Project RW0723 2009DF4007000X Nevada Rail Line Project RW0723 2009DF4008000X Transportation Logistics Development RW0723 2009DF4010000 National Transportation RW0723 2009DF4010100 National Transportation Infrastructure RW0723 2009DF4010101X Cask Systems RW0723 2009DF4010102X Rolling Stock RW0723 2009DF4010103X Support Facilities RW0723 2009DF4010200 National Transportation Operations RW0723 2009DF4010201X Transportation Operations Planning & Analysis RW0723 2009DF4010202X Transportation Operations System Development RW0723 2009DF4010203X Transportation Operations System Execution RW0723 2009DF4020000 Nevada Transportation RW0723 2009DF4020100X Nevada Transportation National Environmental Policy Act RW0723 2009DF4020200X Nevada Transportation Engineering & Design RW0723 2009DF4020300X Nevada Transportation Land Acquisition RW0723 2009DF4020400X Nevada Transportation Design/Construct RW0723 2009DF4020500X Nevada Transportation Testing & Certification RW0723 2009DF4030000 Transportation Program & Project Management RW0723 2009DF4030100X Transportation Planning & Integration RW0723 2009DF4030200X Transportation Project Management & Control RW0723 2009DF4030300X Transportation Institutional RW0723 2009DG0000000 Donations, Gifts, and Bequests CF99101 2009DG6000000 XDonations to the Save America's Treasures Program CF99101 2009DG6010000X Donations for "V Site" at the Los Alamos National Laboratory CF99101 2009DG6020000X Donations for the Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 at Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory CF99101 2009DG7000000XXDonations to the Northern New Mexico Fire Recovery Program CF99101 2009DG8000000XXCosts from Donations to the American Museum of Science and Energy CF99101 2009DH0000000 XIntegrated Spent Fuel Cycle RW0723 2009DH1000000X GNEP Site Selection RW0723 2009DH2000000X GNEP NEPA Activities RW0723 2009DH3000000X GNEP Technology Development RW0723 2009DP0000000 Weapons Activities NA0132 2009DP0900000 Readiness In Technical Base and Facilities (RTBF) NA0132 2009DP0901000 Operations of Facilities NA0132 2009DP0901370 XKansas City Plant NA0132 2009DP0901371X Kansas City Plant NA0132 2009DP0901373X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901374X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901375X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901376X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901377X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090137BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090137CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090137DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090137EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090137FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090137GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901380 XLawrence Livermore National Laboratory NA0132 2009DP0901381X Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory NA0132 2009DP0901383X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901384X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901385X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901386X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901387X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090138BX M&O Contractors at HQs Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090138CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090138DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090138EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090138FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090138GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901390 XLos Alamos National Laboratory NA0132 2009DP0901391X Los Alamos National Laboratory NA0132 2009DP0901393X Change In Inventories Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901394X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901395X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901396X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901397X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090139BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090139CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090139DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090139EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090139FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090139GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901400 XNevada Test Site NA0132 2009DP0901401X Nevada Test Site NA0132 2009DP0901403X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901404X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901405X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901406X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901407X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090140BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090140CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090140DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090140EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090140FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090140GX Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901410 XPantex Plant NA0132 2009DP0901411X Pantex Plant NA0132 2009DP0901413X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901414X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901415X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901416X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901417X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090141BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090141CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090141DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090141EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090141FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090141GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901420 XSandia National Laboratories NA0132 2009DP0901421X Sandia National Laboratories NA0132 2009DP0901423X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901424X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901425X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901426X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901427X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090142BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090142CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090142DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090142EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090142FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090142GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901430 XSavannah River Site NA0132 2009DP0901431X Savannah River Site NA0132 2009DP0901433X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901434X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901435X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901436X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901437X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090143BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090143CX Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090143DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090143EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090143FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090143GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901440 XY-12 National Security Complex NA0132 2009DP0901441X Y-12 National Security Complex NA0132 2009DP0901443X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901444X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901445X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901446X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901447X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP090144BX M&O Contractors at HQs - Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP090144CX M&O Contractors at HQs - Dislocation Allowance NA0132 2009DP090144DX M&O Contractors at HQs - Travel NA0132 2009DP090144EX M&O Contractors at HQs - Office Support NA0132 2009DP090144FX M&O Contractors at HQs - Equipment NA0132 2009DP090144GX M&O Contractors at HQs - Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0901450 XInstitutional Site Support NA0132 2009DP0901451X Institutional Site Support NA0132 2009DP0901453X Change In Inventories - Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0901454X Change In Inventories - Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0901455X Change In Inventories - Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0901456X Change In Inventories - Other Special Materials NA0132 2009DP0901457X Change In Inventories - Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP0902000 XProgram Readiness NA0132 2009DP0902010X Program Readiness NA0132 2009DP0902040X TA-18 Relocation NA0132 2009DP0902050X Program/Baseline Management NA0132 2009DP0902060X Critical Production and Engineering Skills NA0132 2009DP0902090X Criticality Safety (DNFSB 97-2) NA0132 2009DP09020W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0125 2009DP09020WAX Salaries/Benefits NA0132 2009DP09020WBX Dislocation/Allowance NA0132 2009DP09020WCX Travel NA0132 2009DP09020WDX Office Support NA0132 2009DP09020WEX Equipment NA0132 2009DP09020WFX Other Costs NA0132 2009DP0902810 Change in Inventories NA0132 2009DP0902812X Special Process Spares NA0132 2009DP0902813X Common Use Stores NA0132 2009DP0902814X Special Reactor Materials NA0132 2009DP0902816X Change In Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0132 2009DP0903000 XSpecial Projects NA0132 2009DP0903010 Education NA0132 2009DP0903011X Los Alamos County Schools NA0132 2009DP0903012X New Mexico Educational Enrichment Foundation NA0132 2009DP0903013X Direct Education NA0132 2009DP0903020X Land Transfer Direct Costs NA0132 2009DP0903030X Other NA0132 2009DP0903050X Intersite Stockpile Stewardship Institutional Requirements NA0132 2009DP0903060X Preservation of Manhattan Project NA0132 2009DP0903070X Critical Skills Development Program NA0132 2009DP0904000XXMaterial Recycle and Recovery NA0132 2009DP0905000 XContainers NA0132 2009DP0905040X Containers NA0132 2009DP0905050X TA-18 Early Move Initiaitive NA0132 2009DP0906000XXStorage NA0132 2009DP1000000 XFacilities and Infrastructure Recapitalization Program NA0136 2009DP1001000X Recapitalization NA0136 2009DP1002000X Facility Disposition NA0136 2009DP1003000X Infrastructure Planning NA0136 2009DP1010000 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0136 2009DP10100W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0136 2009DP10100W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0136 2009DP10100W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0136 2009DP10100W3X Travel NA0136 2009DP10100W4X Office Support NA0136 2009DP10100W5X Equipment NA0136 2009DP10100W6X Other Costs NA0136 2009DP1100000 Directed Stockpile Work NA0127 2009DP1105000 XLife Extension Programs NA0127 2009DP1105010 B61 Life Extension Program NA0127 2009DP1105011X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1105012X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1105020 W76 Life Extension Program NA0127 2009DP1105021X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1105022X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1105030 W80 Life Extension Program NA0127 2009DP1105031X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1105032X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1105040 W87 Life Extension Program NA0127 2009DP1105041X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1105042X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107000 XStockpile Systems NA0127 2009DP1107010 B61 NA0127 2009DP1107011X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107012X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107020 W62 NA0127 2009DP1107021X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107022X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107030 W76 NA0127 2009DP1107031X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107032X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107040 W78 NA0127 2009DP1107041X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107042X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107050 W80 NA0127 2009DP1107051X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107052X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107060 B83 NA0127 2009DP1107061X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107062X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107070 W84 NA0127 2009DP1107071X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107072X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107080 W87 NA0127 2009DP1107081X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107082X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1107090 W88 NA0127 2009DP1107091X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1107092X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1119000 XWeapons Dismantlement and Disposition NA0127 2009DP1119010X Research and Development NA0127 2009DP1119020X Stockpile Management NA0127 2009DP1119030 Pit Disassembly and Conversion NA0125 2009DP1119031X PDCF OPC NA0125 2009DP1119032X PDCF ARIES Activities NA0125 2009DP1119033X Waste Solidification Building OPC NA0125 2009DP1119034X Surplus Plutonium Storage and Transportation NA0125 2009DP1119035X Common Technologies and Integration NA0125 2009DP1119040X Device Assembly Facility (DAF) NA0125 2009DP1130000 XStockpile Services NA0127 2009DP1130010X Research and Development Certification and Safety NA0127 2009DP1130020X Management, Technology, and Production NA0127 2009DP1130030X Reliable Replacement Warhead NA0127 2009DP1130040 Advanced Concepts NA0127 2009DP1130041X Advanced Concepts Initiative NA0127 2009DP1130042X Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator NA0127 2009DP1130050X Production Support NA0127 2009DP1130060X Research and Development Support NA0127 2009DP1130070X Responsive Infrastructure NA0127 2009DP1130080X DOE/NNSA Nuclear Counterterrorism Design Support (NCDS) Program NA0127 2009DP11300W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0127 2009DP11300W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0127 2009DP11300W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0127 2009DP11300W3X Travel NA0127 2009DP11300W4X Office Support NA0127 2009DP11300W5X Equipment NA0127 2009DP11300W6X Other Costs NA0127 2009DP1130810 Change in Inventories NA0128 2009DP1130811X Special Process Spares NA0128 2009DP1130812X Common Use Stores NA0128 2009DP1130813X Special Reactor Materials NA0128 2009DP1130814X Other Special Materials NA0128 2009DP1130815X Change in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0128 2009DP1150000 XReliable Replacement Warhead NA0127 2009DP1150010 WR1 NA0127 2009DP1150011X Research and Development (R&D) NA0127 2009DP1150012X Stockpile Management (SM) NA0127 2009DP1150020 RRW-2 NA0127 2009DP1150021X R&D NA0127 2009DP1150022X SM NA0127 2009DP1200000 Science Campaign NA0126 2009DP1201000 XPrimary Assessment Technologies NA0126 2009DP1201010X Test Readiness NA0126 2009DP1201020X Other Primary Assessment Technologies NA0126 2009DP12010W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0126 2009DP12010W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0126 2009DP12010W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0126 2009DP12010W3X Travel NA0126 2009DP12010W4X Office Support NA0126 2009DP12010W5X Equipment NA0126 2009DP12010W6X Other Costs NA0126 2009DP1202000 XDynamic Materials Properties NA0126 2009DP1202010X Dynamic Materials Properties NA0126 2009DP1202020X Joint Program in High Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas NA0126 2009DP12020W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0126 2009DP12020W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0126 2009DP12020W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0126 2009DP12020W3X Travel NA0126 2009DP12020W4X Office Support NA0126 2009DP12020W5X Equipment NA0126 2009DP12020W6X Other Costs NA0126 2009DP1203000 XAdvanced Radiography NA0126 2009DP1203010X DARHT NA0126 2009DP1203020X Transformational Assessment Technologies NA0126 2009DP1204000 XSecondary Assessment Technologies NA0126 2009DP1204010X Secondary Assessment Technologies NA0126 2009DP12040W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0126 2009DP12040W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0126 2009DP12040W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0126 2009DP12040W3X Travel NA0126 2009DP12040W4X Office Support NA0126 2009DP12040W5X Equipment NA0126 2009DP12040W6X Other Costs NA0126 2009DP1207000XXTest Readiness NA0126 2009DP1208000XXAdvanced Certification NA0126 2009DP1300000 Engineering Campaign NA0127 2009DP1301000 XEnhanced Surety NA0127 2009DP1301010X Enhanced Surety NA0127 2009DP13010W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0127 2009DP13010W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0127 2009DP13010W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0127 2009DP13010W3X Travel NA0127 2009DP13010W4X Office Support NA0127 2009DP13010W5X Equipment NA0127 2009DP13010W6X Other Costs NA0127 2009DP1302000 XWeapons Systems Engineering Assessment Technology NA0127 2009DP1302010X Weapons Systems Engineering Assessment Technology NA0127 2009DP13020W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0127 2009DP13020W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0127 2009DP13020W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0127 2009DP13020W3X Travel NA0127 2009DP13020W4X Office Support NA0127 2009DP13020W5X Equipment NA0127 2009DP13020W6X Other Costs NA0127 2009DP1303000XXNuclear Survivability NA0127 2009DP1304000 XEnhanced Surveillance NA0127 2009DP1304010X Enhanced Surveillance NA0127 2009DP13040W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0127 2009DP13040W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0127 2009DP13040W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0127 2009DP13040W3X Travel NA0127 2009DP13040W4X Office Support NA0127 2009DP13040W5X Equipment NA0127 2009DP13040W6X Other Costs NA0127 2009DP1305000 XEngineering Campaign Construction Activities NA0127 2009DP1305010X MESA - OPCs NA0127 2009DP1400000 Inertial Confinement Fusion Ignition and High Yield Campaign NA0128 2009DP1401000 XIgnition NA0128 2009DP1401020X Ignition NA0128 2009DP14010W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0128 2009DP14010W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0128 2009DP14010W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0128 2009DP14010W3X Travel NA0128 2009DP14010W4X Office Support NA0128 2009DP14010W5X Equipment NA0128 2009DP14010W6X Other Equipment NA0128 2009DP1402000XXSupport of Stockpile Program NA0128 2009DP1403000 XNIF Diagnostics, Cryogenics, and Experimental Support NA0128 2009DP1403010X NIF Diagnostics, Cryogenics, and Experimental Support NA0128 2009DP14030W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0128 2009DP14030W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0128 2009DP14030W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0128 2009DP14030W3X Travel NA0128 2009DP14030W4X Office Support NA0128 2009DP14030W5X Equipment NA0128 2009DP14030W6X Other Equipment NA0128 2009DP1404000XXPulsed Power ICF NA0128 2009DP1405000XXUniversity Grants/Other Support NA0128 2009DP1406000XXNIF Other Project Costs NA0128 2009DP1407000 XFacility Operations and Target Production NA0128 2009DP1407010X Facility Operations and Target Production NA0128 2009DP14070W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0128 2009DP14070W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0128 2009DP14070W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0128 2009DP14070W3X Travel NA0128 2009DP14070W4X Office Support NA0128 2009DP14070W5X Equipment NA0128 2009DP14070W6X Other Costs NA0128 2009DP1408000XXInertial Fusion Technology NA0128 2009DP1409000XXNIF Assembly and Installation Program NA0128 2009DP1410000XXHigh-Energy Petawatt Laser Development NA0128 2009DP1411000XXJoint Program in High Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas NA0128 2009DP1500000 XAdvanced Simulation and Computing Campaign NA0129 2009DP1501000X Advanced Applications Development NA0129 2009DP1502000X Verification and Validation NA0129 2009DP1503000X Physics and Material Models NA0129 2009DP1504000X Problem Solving Environmemt (PSE) NA0129 2009DP1505000X Distance Computing (DisCom) NA0129 2009DP1506000X PathForward NA0129 2009DP1507000X Data and Visualization Sciences NA0129 2009DP1508000X Physical Infrastructure and Platforms NA0129 2009DP1509000X Computational Systems NA0129 2009DP1510000X Simulation Support NA0129 2009DP1511000X Advanced Architectures NA0129 2009DP1512000 University Partnerships NA0129 2009DP1512010X Academic Strategic Alliances Program NA0129 2009DP1512020X Institutes NA0129 2009DP1512030X Fellowships NA0129 2009DP1513000X 1 Program/3Labs NA0129 2009DP1514000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0129 2009DP15140W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0129 2009DP15140W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0129 2009DP15140W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0129 2009DP15140W3X Travel NA0129 2009DP15140W4X Office Support NA0129 2009DP15140W5X Equipment NA0129 2009DP15140W6X Other Costs NA0129 2009DP1515000 Integrated Codes NA0129 2009DP1515010X Modern Multi-Physics Codes NA0129 2009DP1515020X Legacy Codes NA0129 2009DP1515030X Engineering Codes NA0129 2009DP1515040X Focused Research, Innovation, and Collaboration NA0129 2009DP1515050X Emerging and Specialized Codes NA0129 2009DP1516000 Physics and Engineering Models NA0129 2009DP1516010X Theoretical Models and Experimental Integration NA0129 2009DP1516020X Model Implementation NA0129 2009DP1516030X Fundamental Physics Codes and Application NA0129 2009DP1516040X Material Data Libraries NA0129 2009DP1516050X Russian Programs NA0129 2009DP1517000 Verification and Validation NA0129 2009DP1517010X V&V Methods NA0129 2009DP1517020X Primary V&V Assessments NA0129 2009DP1517030X Secondary V&V Assessments NA0129 2009DP1517040X Engineering V&V Assessments NA0129 2009DP1517050X Specialized V&V Assessments NA0129 2009DP1517060X Data Validation and Archiving NA0129 2009DP1518000 Computational Systems and Software Environment NA0129 2009DP1518010X Capability Systems NA0129 2009DP1518020X Capacity Systems NA0129 2009DP1518030X Advanced Systems NA0129 2009DP1518040X System Software and Tools NA0129 2009DP1518050X Input/Output, Storage Systems, and Networking NA0129 2009DP1518060X Post-Processing Environments NA0129 2009DP1518070X Common Computing Environment NA0129 2009DP1519000 Facility Operations and User Support NA0129 2009DP1519010X Facilities, Operations, and Communications NA0129 2009DP1519020X User Support Services NA0129 2009DP1519030X Collaborations NA0129 2009DP1600000 Pit Manufacturing and Certification Campaign NA0130 2009DP1601000XXW88 Pit Manufacturing NA0130 2009DP1602000XXW88 Pit Certification NA0130 2009DP1603000XXPit Manufacturing Capability NA0130 2009DP1604000XXModern Pit Facility NA0130 2009DP1605000XXPit Campaign Support Activities at Nevada Test Site (NTS) NA0130 2009DP1700000 Readiness Campaign NA0131 2009DP1701000 XAdvanced Design and Production Technologies NA0131 2009DP1701010X Advanced Design and Production Technologies NA0131 2009DP17010W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0131 2009DP17010W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0131 2009DP17010W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0131 2009DP17010W3X Travel NA0131 2009DP17010W4X Office Support NA0131 2009DP17010W5X Equipment NA0131 2009DP17010W6X Other Costs NA0131 2009DP1702000 XStockpile Readiness NA0131 2009DP1702010X Stockpile Readiness NA0131 2009DP17020W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0131 2009DP17020W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0131 2009DP17020W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0131 2009DP17020W3X Travel NA0131 2009DP17020W4X Office Support NA0131 2009DP17020W5X Equipment NA0131 2009DP17020W6X Other Costs NA0131 2009DP1703000XXHigh Explosives and Weapon Operations (HEWO) NA0131 2009DP1704000XXNonnuclear Readiness NA0131 2009DP1705000XXFuture Technologies and Materials Program NA0131 2009DP1706000XXTritium Readiness NA0131 2009DP1800000 Secure Transportation Asset NA0134 2009DP1801000 XProgram Direction - Federal Support NA0134 2009DP1801010X Personal Services NA0134 2009DP1801020X Personnel Benefits NA0134 2009DP1801030X Contractual Services and Supplies NA0134 2009DP1801040X Travel and Transportation of Persons NA0134 2009DP1801050X Training NA0134 2009DP1802000 XOperations and Equipment NA0134 2009DP1802010X Mission Capacity NA0134 2009DP1802020X Security/Safety Capability NA0134 2009DP1802030X Infrastructure and C3 Systems NA0134 2009DP1802040X Design Basis Threat Implementation NA0134 2009DP1802050X Program Management NA0134 2009DP18020W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0134 2009DP18020W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0134 2009DP18020W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0134 2009DP18020W3X Travel NA0134 2009DP18020W4X Office Support NA0134 2009DP18020W5X Equipment NA0134 2009DP18020W6X Other Costs NA0134 2009DP1802810 Change in Inventories NA0134 2009DP1802811X Special Process Spares NA0134 2009DP1802812X Common Use Stores NA0134 2009DP1802813X Special Reactor Materials NA0139 2009DP1802814X Other Special Materials NA0134 2009DP1802815X Change in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0134 2009DP4000000 XNuclear Weapons Incident Response NA0135 2009DP4001000 Emergency Response Support and Logistics (ERS&L) NA0135 2009DP4001010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4001011X Program Oversight NA0135 2009DP4001012X Fiscal Management NA0135 2009DP4001013X Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4001014X Meetings NA0135 2009DP4001015X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4001016X Mission Analyses NA0135 2009DP4001017X After Action Tracking/Correction Tracking NA0135 2009DP4001020 Training NA0135 2009DP4001021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4001022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4001030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4001031X New Equipment Purchases NA0135 2009DP4001032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4001033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4001034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4001035X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4001040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4001041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4001042X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4001050 Response NA0135 2009DP4001051X Planned NA0135 2009DP4001052X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4002000 Nuclear Radiological Advisory Team NA0135 2009DP4002010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4002011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4002012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4002013X Retention/Recruitment NA0135 2009DP4002014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4002015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4002016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4002017X Mission Analyses NA0135 2009DP4002018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development NA0135 2009DP4002019X After Action Tracking/Correction Tracking NA0135 2009DP4002020 Training NA0135 2009DP4002021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4002022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4002030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4002031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4002032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4002033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4002034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4002035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4002036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4002040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4002041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4002042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4002043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4002044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4002050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4002060 Response NA0135 2009DP4002061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4002062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4003000 JTOT-ARG NA0135 2009DP4003010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4003011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4003012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4003013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4003014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4003015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4003016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4003017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4003018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4003019X After Action Tracking/Correction Tracking NA0135 2009DP4003020 Training NA0135 2009DP4003021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4003022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4003030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4003031X New Equipment Purchases NA0135 2009DP4003032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4003033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4003034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4003035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4003036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4003040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4003041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4003042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4003043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4003044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4003050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4003060 Response NA0135 2009DP4003061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4003062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4004000 Consequence Management Teams NA0135 2009DP4004010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4004011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4004012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4004013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4004014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4004015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4004016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4004017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4004018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4004019X After Action Tracking/Correction NA0135 2009DP4004020 Training NA0135 2009DP4004021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4004022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4004030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4004031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4004032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4004033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4004034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4004035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4004036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4004040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4004041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4004042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4004043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4004044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4004050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4004060 Response NA0135 2009DP4004061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4004062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4005000 Disposition NA0135 2009DP4005010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4005011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4005012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4005013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4005014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4005015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4005016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4005017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4005018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4005019X After Action Tracking/Correction Tracking NA0135 2009DP4005020 Training NA0135 2009DP4005021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4005022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4005030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4005031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4005032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4005033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4005034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4005035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4005036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4005040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4005041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4005042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4005043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4005044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4005050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4005060 Response NA0135 2009DP4005061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4005062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4006000 Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability NA0135 2009DP4006010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4006011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4006012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4006013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4006014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4006015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4006016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4006017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4006018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4006019X After Action Tracking/Correction Tracking NA0135 2009DP4006020 Training NA0135 2009DP4006021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4006022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4006030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4006031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4006032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4006033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4006034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4006035X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4006040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4006041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4006042X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4006050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4006060 Response NA0135 2009DP4006061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4006062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4007000 Aerial Measurement System NA0135 2009DP4007010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4007011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4007012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4007013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4007014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4007015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4007016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4007017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4007018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4007019X After Action Tracking/Correction NA0135 2009DP4007020 Training NA0135 2009DP4007021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4007022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4007023X Proficiency NA0135 2009DP4007030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4007031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4007032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4007033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4007034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4007035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4007036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4007040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4007041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4007042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4007043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4007044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4007050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4007060 Response NA0135 2009DP4007061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4007062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4008000 Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site NA0135 2009DP4008010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4008011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4008012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4008013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4008014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4008015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4008016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4008017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4008018X Personnel Qualification Standards NA0135 2009DP4008019X After Action Tracking/Correction NA0135 2009DP4008020 Training NA0135 2009DP4008021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4008022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4008030 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4008031X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4008032X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4008040 Response NA0135 2009DP4008041X Planned NA0135 2009DP4008042X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4009000 Radiological Assistance Program NA0135 2009DP4009010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4009011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4009012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4009013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4009014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4009015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4009016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4009017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4009018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4009019X After Action Tracking/Correction NA0135 2009DP4009020 Training NA0135 2009DP4009021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4009022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4009030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4009031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4009032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4009033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4009034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4009035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4009036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4009040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4009041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4009042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4009043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4009044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4009050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4009060 Response NA0135 2009DP4009061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4009062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4010000 SRT NA0135 2009DP4010010 Program Management NA0135 2009DP4010011X Program Oversight/Meetings NA0135 2009DP4010012X Fiscal Management/Monthly Reporting NA0135 2009DP4010013X Retention/recruitment NA0135 2009DP4010014X On-call Pay NA0135 2009DP4010015X Supplemental Insurance NA0135 2009DP4010016X Space Charges/Facility Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4010017X Mission Analysis NA0135 2009DP4010018X Personnel Qualification Standards Development and Tracking NA0135 2009DP4010019X After Action Tracking/Correction Tracking NA0135 2009DP4010020 Training NA0135 2009DP4010021X Classroom (Course development and attendance) NA0135 2009DP4010022X Drill (Development and Attendance) NA0135 2009DP4010030 Maintenance of Equipment NA0135 2009DP4010031X New Equipment Purchase NA0135 2009DP4010032X Repair NA0135 2009DP4010033X Replacement NA0135 2009DP4010034X Routine Maintenance NA0135 2009DP4010035X Palletization NA0135 2009DP4010036X Inventory/Tracking NA0135 2009DP4010040 Exercises NA0135 2009DP4010041X Scenario Development NA0135 2009DP4010042X Training Aide Development NA0135 2009DP4010043X Other Tool Development NA0135 2009DP4010044X Exercise Attendance NA0135 2009DP4010050X Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4010060 Response NA0135 2009DP4010061X Planned NA0135 2009DP4010062X Unplanned NA0135 2009DP4011000 Emergency Management NA0135 2009DP4011010X Emergency Management Operating NA0135 2009DP4011020X Contracts/Interagency Agreements NA0135 2009DP4011030X Training NA0135 2009DP4011040X Continuity Programs NA0135 2009DP4011050X Emergency Management Implementation NA0135 2009DP4011060X NWIR Emerging Requirements NA0135 2009DP4011070 National Technical Nuclear Forensics Program NA0135 2009DP4011071X Disposition Program NA0135 2009DP4011072X Forensics Pre-Det Program NA0135 2009DP4011073X Forensics Post-Det Program NA0135 2009DP4012000X DOE Operations Center NA0135 2009DP4013000 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0135 2009DP40130W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0135 2009DP40130W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0135 2009DP40130W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0135 2009DP40130W3X Travel NA0135 2009DP40130W4X Office Support NA0135 2009DP40130W5X Equipment NA0135 2009DP40130W6X Other Costs NA0135 2009DP4014000 Change in Inventories NA0135 2009DP4014810 Change in Inventories NA0135 2009DP4014811X Special Process Spares NA0135 2009DP4014812X Common Use Stores NA0135 2009DP4014813X Special Reactor Materials NA0135 2009DP4014814X Other Special Materials NA0135 2009DP4014815X Change in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits NA0135 2009DP4015000 Emergency Response NA0135 2009DP4015010 First Responder Program NA0135 2009DP4015011X Radiological Assistance Program NA0135 2009DP4015012X RAP Search Team NA0135 2009DP4015013X Specialized Search Team NA0135 2009DP4015014X Other First Responder NA0135 2009DP4015020 Render Safe Program NA0135 2009DP4015021X Accident Response Group NA0135 2009DP4015022X Joint Technical Operations Team NA0135 2009DP4015023X Disposition Program NA0135 2009DP4015024X Render Safe Attribution Pre-Det Program NA0135 2009DP4015025X Other Render Safe NA0135 2009DP4015026X Render Safe Research and Development NA0135 2009DP4015027X Stabilization Implementation NA0135 2009DP4015030 Consequence Management Program NA0135 2009DP4015031X Consequence Management Team NA0135 2009DP4015032X Aerial Measurement Sytem NA0135 2009DP4015033X Atmospheric Release Adivsory Capability NA0135 2009DP4015034X Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site NA0135 2009DP4015035X Consequence Management Attribution Post-Det Program NA0135 2009DP4015036X Other Consequence Management NA0135 2009DP4015040 Operations Program NA0135 2009DP4015041X Nuclear Radiological Advisory Team NA0135 2009DP4015042X Nuclear Incident Team NA0135 2009DP4015043X Exercise and Training Programs NA0135 2009DP4015044X Other Operations Program NA0135 2009DP4015050 Technology Integration Program NA0135 2009DP4015051X Other Technology Integration NA0135 2009DP4015060 Readiness Program NA0135 2009DP4015061X Emergency Response Emerging Requirements NA0135 2009DP4015062X Other Readiness Program NA0135 2009DP5000000 XEnvironmental Projects and Operations NA0131 2009DP5001000X Long-Term Stewardship (LTS) NA0131 2009DP6000000XXCongressionally Directed Projects - Weapons Activities NA01151 2009DR0000000 Departmental Representative to the DNFSB (Defense) HS15139 2009DR1000000 XProgram Direction HS15139 2009DR1001000 Departmental Representative to the DNFSB HS15139 2009DR1001110 Personal Services HS15139 2009DR1001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS15139 2009DR1001112X All Other Personal Services HS15139 2009DR1001113X Employee Incentive Awards HS15139 2009DR1001120 Personnel Benefits HS15139 2009DR1001122X Moving Expenses HS15139 2009DR1001123X All Other Personnel Benefits HS15139 2009DR1001124X Training HS15139 2009DR1001130X Benefits for Former Personnel HS15139 2009DR1001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons HS15139 2009DR1001211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS15139 2009DR1002000X Departmental Representative to the DNFSB HS15139 2009DR1009000X Special Projects HS15139 2009DR1011000 Goods and Services Provided through WCF HS15139 2009DR1011140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs HS15139 2009DR1011150X Payroll Processing HS15139 2009DR1011160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) HS15139 2009DR1011240 Administrative Services HS15139 2009DR1011241X Supplies HS15139 2009DR1011242X Postage HS15139 2009DR1011243X Photocopying HS15139 2009DR1011244X Printing and Graphics HS15139 2009DR1011245X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance HS15139 2009DR1011340 Information Management Systems and Operations HS15139 2009DR1011341X Telecommunication HS15139 2009DR1011342X Office Automation Equipment and Support HS15139 2009DR1011343X Networking HS15139 2009DR1011440 Procurement Services HS15139 2009DR1011441X Contract Audits HS15139 2009DR1011442X Contract Closeout HS15139 2009DR1011520X Corporate Executive Information System HS15139 2009DR1011530X Online Learning Center (OLC) HS15139 2009DR1011540X Personnel and Training Services HS15139 2009DR1011940X Indirect Operating Costs HS15139 2009DR2000000 XDepartmental Representative to the DNFSB HS15139 2009DR2002000X Departmental Representative to the DNFSB HS15139 2009DU0000000 XES&H OE - NA - Other Defense Activities NA0134 2009DU1000000 Corporate Safety Programs NA0134 2009DU1002000X Facility Safety NA0134 2009DU1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment NA0134 2009DU1007000X Information Management NA0134 2009DU1010000X PA Enforcement NA0134 2009DW0000000 XEnvironmental Safety & Health Program Direction - NA - Other Defense Activities NA15140 2009DW3000000 Program Direction - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Activities - NA15140 2009DW3001000 Salaries and Benefits NA15140 2009DW3001110 Personal Services NA15140 2009DW3001111X Full Time Permanent - ES&H - ODA NA15140 2009DW3001112X All Other Personal Services NA15140 2009DW3001113X Employee Incentive Awards - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Activities - NA15140 2009DW3001120 Personnel Benefits - ES&H MA - ODA NA15140 2009DW3001122X Moving Expenses - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Programs NA15140 2009DW3001123X All Other Personal Benefits - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Programs NA15140 2009DW3001124X Training - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Programs NA15140 2009DW3001130X Benefits for Former Personnel - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Activities - NA15140 2009DW3001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons - Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Programs - NA15140 2009DW3001211X Environmental, Safety and Health - Other Defense Activities - Travel NA15140 2009DY0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Program Direction - NA - Energy Supply NA0134 2009DY1000000 Policy, Standards and Guidance NA0134 2009DY1002000 Environment NA0134 2009DY1002100X Environment NA0134 2009DY1002200X Facility Safety NA0134 2009DY1004000X Health Worker Safety NA0134 2009DY7000000 DOE-Wide ES&H Programs NA0134 2009DY7006000X Information Management (eXcite) NA0134 2009DY7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment NA0134 2009DY7040000X Environment NA0134 2009DY7060000X Enforcement NA0134 2009DZ0000000 XEnvironmental Safety & Health Program Direction - NA - - Energy Supply NA15140 2009DZ6000000 ES&H - Energy Supply - Program Direction NA15140 2009DZ6001000 ES&H - Energy Supply - Salaries and Benefits NA15140 2009DZ6001110 ES&H - Energy Supply - Personal Services NA15140 2009DZ6001111X ES&H - Energy Supply - FT Permanent NA15140 2009DZ6001112X ES&H - Energy Supply - All other pers services NA15140 2009DZ6001113X ES&H - Energy Supply - Employee Incentive Awards NA15140 2009DZ6001120 ES&H - Energy Supply - Personnel Benefits NA15140 2009DZ6001122X ES&H - Energy Supply - Moving Expenses NA15140 2009DZ6001123X ES&H - Energy Supply - All Other Pers. Benefits NA15140 2009DZ6001124X ES&H - Energy Supply - Training NA15140 2009DZ6001130X ES&H - Energy Supply - Benefits for Former Pers. NA15140 2009DZ6001210 ES&H - Energy Supply - Travel and Transportation of Persons NA01151 2009DZ6001211X ES&H - Energy Supply - Travel NA15140 2009DZ6009000X ES&H - Energy Supply - Special Projects NA15140 2009DZ6011000 ES&H - Energy Supply - Goods and Services Provided Through the Working Capital Fund (WCF) NA15140 2009DZ6011140X ES&H - Energy Supply - Payroll&Other Pers Costs NA15140 2009DZ6011150X ES&H - Energy Supply - Payroll Processing NA15140 2009DZ6011160X CHRIS NA15140 2009DZ6011240 ES&H - Administrative Services NA15140 2009DZ6011241X ES&H - Energy Supply - Supplies NA15140 2009DZ6011242X ES&H - Energy Supply - Postage NA15140 2009DZ6011243X ES&H - Energy Supply - Photocopying NA15140 2009DZ6011244X ES&H - Energy Supply - Printing and Graphics NA15140 2009DZ6011245X ES&H - Energy Supply - Building Rental Ops. NA15140 2009DZ6011340 ES&H - Information Management System and Operations NA15140 2009DZ6011341X ES&H - Spend Plan - Telecommunications NA15140 2009DZ6011342X ES&H - Spend Plan - Office Automation NA15140 2009DZ6011343X ES&H - Energy Supply - Networking NA15140 2009DZ6011440 ES&H - Procurement Services NA15140 2009DZ6011441X ES&H - Energy Supply - Contract Audits NA15140 2009DZ6011442X ES&H - Energy Supply - Contract Closeouts NA15140 2009DZ6011520X ES&H - Energy Supply - Corp Exec Info Systems NA15140 2009DZ6011530X ES&H - Energy Supply - Online Learning Ctr NA15140 2009DZ6011540X ES&H - Energy Supply - Pers and Training Serv NA15140 2009DZ6011940X ES&H - Energy Supply - Indirect Operating Costs NA15140 2009EA0000000 Solar EE0403 2009EA0400000XXFederal Buildings EE0403 2009EA0500000XXMarket Analysis EE0403 2009EB0000000 Solar And Renewable Resource Technologies EE0403 2009EB2100000 XSolar Energy EE0403 2009EB2101000 Solar Building Technology Research EE0403 2009EB2101010X Solar Heating EE0403 2009EB2101020X Zero Energy Building Design EE0403 2009EB2102000 Photovoltaic Energy Systems EE0403 2009EB2102010X Applied Research EE0403 2009EB2102020X Systems Development EE0403 2009EB2102030X Technology Applications EE0403 2009EB2102040X Technology Evaluation EE0403 2009EB2102810 Changes in Inventories EE0403 2009EB2102811X Common Use Stores EE0403 2009EB2102812X Change in Collateral Funds and other Deposits EE0403 2009EB2103000X Concentrating Solar Power Program EE0403 2009EB2104000 Solar Energy Congressional Earmarks EE0403 2009EB2104010X Solar Energy Project in Yucca Valley, CA EE0403 2009EB2104020X Center for Ecological Technology EE0403 2009EB2104030X Hachensack University Green Building Medical Center EE0403 2009EB2104040X Southeast and Southwest Photovoltaic Experiment Stations EE0403 2009EB2104050X Mark Twain House & Museum-PV Panels EE0403 2009EB2104060X Univ of NV-Las Vegas Solar Tech Center EE0403 2009EB2104070X Univ of NV-Las Vegas Photonics R&D EE0403 2009EB2104080X UNLV Solar-Powered Thermo-Chem Hydrogen Production EE0403 2009EB2104090X Univ of Louisville Sustainable Buildings EE0403 2009EB2104100X Conductive Coatings for Solar Cells EE0403 2009EB2104110X National Ctr on Energy Mgt and Building Tech EE0403 2009EB2104120X Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute/Syracuse University- Green Building (NY) EE0403 2009EB2104130X Crowder College-Alternative Renewable Energy Center (MO) EE0403 2009EB2104140X University of Arkansas-Research in Solar Energy Field EE0403 2009EB2104150X Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechologies Institute EE0403 2009EB2104160X Ultra Thin Film Photovoltaic Charging System (FL) EE0403 2009EB2104170X Brightfield Solar Energy (MA) EE0403 2009EB2104180X National Orange Photovoltaic Demonstration (CA) EE0403 2009EB2104190X Sandia Natl Laboratory- Development of Advanced Cells and Modules (NM) EE0403 2009EB2104200X Sandia National Laboratories-Megawatt Demonstration of Concentrating Solar Project (NM) EE0403 2009EB2500000 XWind Energy Systems EE0405 2009EB2501000 Wind Energy Technology Viability EE0405 2009EB2501010X Low Wind Speed Technology EE0405 2009EB2501020X Distributed Wind Technology EE0405 2009EB2501030X Supporting Research and Testing EE0405 2009EB2502000 Wind Energy Technology Application EE0405 2009EB2502010X System Integration EE0405 2009EB2502020X Resource Assessment EE0405 2009EB2502030X Technology Acceptance EE0405 2009EB2502040X Support Engineering and Analysis EE0405 2009EB2503000 Wind Energy Congressional Earmarks EE0405 2009EB2503010X Wind Farm Feasibility Study by Saint Francis University EE0405 2009EB2503020X Saginaw Chippewa Wind Energy Development Project EE0405 2009EB2503030X Vermont Wind Energy Program EE0405 2009EB2503040X Ongoing Wind Turine Effort in Bellevue, WA EE0405 2009EB2503050X Wind Energy Transmission Study EE0405 2009EB2503060X North Dakota Hydrogen Wind Pilot EE0405 2009EB2503070X Great Plains Wind Energy Transmission Development EE0405 2009EB2503080X Alaska Wind Energy EE0405 2009EB2503090X Utah State Univ Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development EE0405 2009EB2503100X Iowa Lakes Community College Wind Turbine EE0405 2009EB2503110X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE0405 2009EB2503120X Mt Washusett Community College Wind Project (MA) EE0405 2009EB2503130X Wyandotte Wind Energy on Brownfields Initiative (MI) EE0405 2009EB2503140X Illinois State University Wind Energy Resources (IL) EE0405 2009EB2503150X Texas Tech University Great Plains Wind Power Facility (TX) EE0405 2009EB2503160X Brigham City Turbine (UT) EE0405 2009EB2503170X TowerPower Wind Project (MD) EE0405 2009EB2503180X White Earth Tribal Nation Wind Project (MN) EE0405 2009EB2503190X Coastal Ohio Wind Project (OH) EE0405 2009EB2503200X Randall's and Ward's Island Wind Project (NY) EE0405 2009EB2503210X Brigham City, UT Wind Energy Project EE0405 2009EB2503230X Synchronous Wind Turbines (ID) EE0405 2009EB2503240X Texas Tech University Great Plains Power Test Facility (TX) EE0405 2009EB2503260X Fox Ridge Renewable Energy Education Center (SD) EE0405 2009EB2503270X PowerJet Wind Turbine Project (NV) EE0405 2009EB2600000XXOcean Energy Systems EE0405 2009EB2800000 XSolar Technology Transfer EE0403 2009EB2801000X Information And Communications EE0403 2009EB2802000X Commercialization Ventures EE0403 2009EB2803000X Tribal Grants EE0403 2009EB3400000 XAlcohol Financial Assistance EE0403 2009EB3401000X Assistance Program Management EE0403 2009EB3402000X Loan Guarantees EE0403 2009EB3403000X Purchase Agreements EE0403 2009EB3404000X Price Guarantees EE0403 2009EB3500000XXResource Assessment EE0403 2009EB3600000 XNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) EE0403 2009EB3601000X NREL Gen. Facilities & Equipment EE0403 2009EB3602000 NREL Congressional Earmarks EE0403 2009EB3602010X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE0403 2009EB3700000XXNREL Solar Equipment Recapitalization EE0403 2009EB4000000 XGeothermal EE0407 2009EB4002000X Geothermal Heat Pump EE0407 2009EB4003000X Energy Technology Engineering Center (Etec) EE0407 2009EB4004000 Geothermal Congressional Earmarks EE0407 2009EB4004010X Full Circle Project in Lake County, CA EE0407 2009EB4004020X Geothermal Research at Univ of Nevada Reno EE0407 2009EB4004030X Tuscarora Geothermal EE0407 2009EB4004040X Klamath & Lake CO Geothermal Ag Ind Park in OR EE0407 2009EB4004050X Geothermal Mill Redevelopment in MA EE0407 2009EB4004060X Univ of Texas Permian Basin Ctr for Energy & Economic Diversification EE0407 2009EB4004070X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE0407 2009EB4004080X Ohio Wesleyan University Geothermal Demonstration Project (OH) EE0407 2009EB4004090X Springfield Equestrian Center Energy Efficiency Project (OH) EE0407 2009EB4004100X Lipscomb University, Geothermal System (TN) EE0407 2009EB4004110X Geothermal & Renewable Energy Laboratory in Nevada (NV) EE0407 2009EB4005000 Technology Development EE0407 2009EB4005010X Resource Development EE0407 2009EB4005020X Enhanced Geothermal Systems EE0407 2009EB4005030X Systems Development EE0407 2009EB4006000 Technology Applications EE0407 2009EB4006010X Technology Verification EE0407 2009EB4006020X Technology Deployment EE0407 2009EB4200000 XHydrogen Research R&D EE0403 2009EB4201000X Production and Delivery R&D EE0403 2009EB4202000X Storage R&D EE0403 2009EB4203000X Infrastructure Validation EE0403 2009EB4204000X Safety, Codes & Standards and Utilization EE0403 2009EB4205000X Education and Cross-Cutting Analysis EE0403 2009EB4206000 Hydrogen Congressional Earmarks EE0401 2009EB4206010X Lansing Community College Alternative Energy Center EE0401 2009EB4206020X Edison Materials Technology Center EE0401 2009EB4206030X National Center for Manufacturing Sciences EE0401 2009EB4206040X Hi-Way Initiative in New York State EE0401 2009EB4206050X Shared Technology Transfer by Nicholls State University EE0401 2009EB4206060X Florida Hydrogen Partnership EE0401 2009EB4206070X Fuel Cell Research by University of South Florida EE0401 2009EB4206080X Fuel Cell Development for Distributed Generation and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Northwest Indiana EE0401 2009EB4206090X Hydrogen Regional Infrastructure Program in Pennsylvania EE0401 2009EB4206100X Evermont Hydrogen Electrolyzer Project EE0401 2009EB4206110X Residential Fuel Cell Demonstration by the Delaware County Electric Coop EE0401 2009EB4206120X Expanding Clean Energy Research and Education Program at the University of South Carolina EE0401 2009EB4206130X Hydrogen Futures Park at the University of Montana EE0401 2009EB4206140X Fuel Cell Mine Loader and Prototype Locomotive EE0401 2009EB4206150X Solar-Powered Thermo-Chemical Production of Hydrogen from Water at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas EE0401 2009EB4206160X University of Nevada at Las Vegas- Renewable Hydrogen Fueling Station System EE0401 2009EB4206170X Startech Hydrogen Production Project EE0401 2009EB4206180X Hydrogen Fuel Cell Project for the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, Nevada EE0401 2009EB4206190X Hawaii Hydrogen Center for Development and Deployment of Distributed Energy Systems EE0401 2009EB4206200X Smart Energy Management Control Systems EE0401 2009EB4206210X HI Hydrogen Ctr for Dev & Deploy of Dist Ene Sys EE0401 2009EB4206220X Chattanooga, TN Fuel Cell Demonstration Project EE0401 2009EB4206230X Univ of NV-Las Vegas Hydrogen Storage & Fuel Cells EE0401 2009EB4206240X Zero Emission Bus Demonstration Program Evaluation EE0401 2009EB4206250X Ohio Distributed Hydrogen EE0401 2009EB4206260X Univ of Toledo/Bowling Green Fuel Cell Research EE0401 2009EB4206270X CA Hydrogen Infrastructure/Lake Tahoe Basin EE0401 2009EB4206280X Solid Oxide for Co-production of Hydrogen/Elect & Storage EE0401 2009EB4206290X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE0401 2009EB4206300X Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage in California EE0401 2009EB4206320X Fuel Cell Freeze/Cold Start Program (CT) EE0401 2009EB4206330X Center for Intelligent Fuel Cell Materials Design (Multi-State) EE0401 2009EB4206350X Delaware State University Center for Hydrogen Storage (DE) EE0401 2009EB4206360X Florida International University- Center for Energy & Technology of the Americas (FL) EE0401 2009EB4206370X City of Auburn Energy Production Issues at Wastewater Plant (NY) EE0401 2009EB4206380X Hydrogen Fleet Infrastructure Demonstration (MI) EE0401 2009EB4206390X Purdue Hydrogen Technologies Program (IN) EE0401 2009EB4206400X Detroit Commuter Hydrogen Project (MI) EE0401 2009EB4206410X City of Chicago Ethanol to Hydrogen Project (IL) EE0401 2009EB4206430X University of Arkansas-Little Rock Hydrogen Storage Project (AR) EE0401 2009EB4206440X University of Akron Fuel Cell Laboratory (OH) EE0401 2009EB4206450X Kettering University Fuell Cell Project (MI) EE0401 2009EB4206460X Hydrogen Optical Fiber Sensors (CA) EE0401 2009EB4206470X Montana Palladium Research Center EE0401 2009EB4206480X University of Arkansas-Little Rock- Nanotechnology Center- Production of Hydrogen (AR) EE0401 2009EB4206490X UNLV- Development of Photoelectric Chemical Production of Hydrogen (NV) EE0401 2009EB4206500X University of Mississippi School of Polymers and High Performance Materials- Improved Materials for Fuel Cell Membrane EE0401 2009EB4206510X Univ of Nevada-Reno- Photoelectrochemical Generation of Hydrogen by Solid Nanporous Titanium Dioxide EE0401 2009EB4206520X Southern Nevada Alternative Fuels Demo (NV) EE0401 2009EB4207000X Hydrogen Education EE0403 2009EB4208000X Hydrogen Systems Analysis EE0403 2009EB4209000X Fuel Cell Stack Component R&D EE0403 2009EB4210000X Technology Validation EE0403 2009EB4211000X Transportation Fuel Cell Systems EE0403 2009EB4212000X Distributed Energy Fuel Cell Systems EE0403 2009EB4213000X Fuel Processor R&D EE0403 2009EB4214000X Manufacturing R&D EE0403 2009EB4400000 XHydropower EE0406 2009EB4401000 Technical Viability EE0406 2009EB4401010X Advanced Hydropower Technology EE0406 2009EB4401020X Supporting Research and Testing EE0406 2009EB4402000 Technical Applications EE0406 2009EB4402010X Systems Integration and Technology Acceptance EE0406 2009EB4402020X Supporting Engineering and Analysis EE0406 2009EB4403000 Congressional Earmarks EE0406 2009EB4403010X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE0406 2009EB4500000XXWater Power Energy R&D EE0406 2009EB5000000 XElectric Energy Systems And Storage EE0403 2009EB5003000X Electric And Magnetic Fields R&D EE0403 2009EB5004000X Climate Challenge EE0403 2009EB5006000X Distribution and Interconnection R&D EE0403 2009EB5100000XXEnergy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program Direction EE0403 2009EB5200000 XBiofuels: Transportation EE0408 2009EB5202000X Biodiesel Production EE0408 2009EB5300000XXFederal Building/Remote Power Initiative EE1104 2009EB5400000 XRenewable Energy Program Support EE1012 2009EB5402000X Renewable Technology solicitations EE1012 2009EB5403000X Competitive Solicitation EE1012 2009EB5404000 RE Support- Congressional Earmarks EE1012 2009EB5404010X Southwestern U.S. Multi-Program Activities with NREL Virtual Office in Nevada. EE1012 2009EB5404020X Energy Ctr of Wisconsin Renewable Fuels Project EE1012 2009EB5404030X Lead Animal Shelter-Renewable Energy Demo EE1012 2009EB5500000 XDepartment Energy Management Program EE1113 2009EB5501000X Energy Management Project Support EE1113 2009EB5502000X Energy Management Model Program Development EE1113 2009EB5503000 DEMP Congressional Earmarks EE1113 2009EB5503010X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE1113 2009EB5600000XXNational Climate Change Technology Initiative-Competitive Solicitation EE0403 2009EB5700000 XEnergy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Program Support EE99104 2009EB5701000X Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Planning, Analysis and Evaluation EE99104 2009EB5702000X Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Communications and Outreach EE99104 2009EB5703000 EERE Program Support Congressional Earmarks EE99104 2009EB5703010X Renewable Energy Resources Development Through Southwestern Virtual Office in Nevada Earmark EE99104 2009EB5800000XXResearch Support Buildings - Golden, Colorado EE99104 2009EC0000000 Building Technology, State And Community Sector EE1110 2009EC1600000 Podra Funding EE1110 2009EC1601000XXWeatherization Assistance Program EE1110 2009EC1602000 XState Energy Programs EE1110 2009EC1602010X State Energy Program EE1110 2009EC1602020 Institutional Conservation Program (ICP) EE1110 2009EC1602021X ICP Energy Audits EE1110 2009EC1602022X ICP Technical Assitance EE1110 2009EC1602023X ICP Energy Conservation Measures EE1110 2009EC1602024X ICP Administration EE1110 2009EC1602025X ICP Innovative Financing EE1110 2009EC1602026X ICP Marketing EE1110 2009EC1602027X ICP Program Assistance EE1110 2009ED0000000 XIndustry Sector - Total EE04100 2009ED1800000 Industries Of The Future (Specific) EE1153 2009ED1801000 Forest & Paper Products Vision EE1153 2009ED1801010X Forest and Paper Products Vision Non-Gasification EE1153 2009ED1802000X Steel Vision EE1153 2009ED1803000X Aluminum Vision EE1153 2009ED1804000X Metal Casting Vision EE1153 2009ED1805000X Glass Vision EE1153 2009ED1806000X Chemicals Vision EE1153 2009ED1807000X Petroleum Refining Vision EE1153 2009ED1809000X Mining Vision EE1153 2009ED1811000X Supporting Industries EE1153 2009ED1900000 Industries Of The Future (Crosscutting) EE1153 2009ED1902000X Interagency Manufacturing R&D EE1153 2009ED1904000 Enabling Technologies EE1153 2009ED1904010 Combustion EE1153 2009ED1904011X High-Efficiency Combustion Systems EE1153 2009ED1904020X Sensors and Automation EE1153 2009ED1904030 Materials EE1153 2009ED1904031X Engineered Ceramics/CFCCs - OIT EE1153 2009ED1904032X Advanced Industrial Materials (AIM) EE1153 2009ED1904033X Engineered Ceramics/CFCCs - DER EE1153 2009ED1904040X Thermo-Mechanical Processing EE1153 2009ED1905000 Distributed Generation EE1153 2009ED1905010 Industrial Power Generation EE1153 2009ED1905011X Industrial Gas Turbines (ATS) EE1153 2009ED1905012X Ceramic Engine EE1153 2009ED1905013X Low Emissions EE1012 2009ED1905014X Microturbines EE1153 2009ED1905015X Reciprocating Engines EE1153 2009ED1905016X Technology Base EE1153 2009ED1905020X Industrial Distributed Energy EE1012 2009ED1907000 Technical Assistance EE1153 2009ED1907010X Industrial Assessment Centers EE1153 2009ED1907020X Technical Assistance Activities EE1153 2009ED1907030X Combined Heat and Power EE1012 2009ED1907040 Best Practices EE1153 2009ED1907041X Motors & Compressed Air EE1153 2009ED1907042X Steam EE1153 2009ED1908000X Energy-Intensive Process R&D EE1153 2009ED1909000X Fuel and Feedstock Flexibility EE1153 2009ED1910000X Energy Efficient Information Technologies EE1153 2009ED2200000X Technical Program Management Support EE1153 2009ED2300000X Black Liquor Gasification EE1153 2009ED2400000 Industrial Technologies Congressional Earmarks EE1153 2009ED2401000X Metals Processing Lab User Facility EE1153 2009ED2402000X Timken Co. Robotics EE1153 2009ED2403000X Ohio Ag RD Ctr/City of Wooster-Anaerobic Digestion (Plus 20% Biomass Budget Earmark Reallocation) EE1153 2009ED2404000X National Biofuel Energy Laboratory (Plus 20% Biomass Budget Earmark Reallocation) EE1153 2009ED3100000X Municipal Solid Waste EE10140 2009EF0000000 Emergency Energy Conservation Act Of 1979 PI15130 2009EF0700000XXEmergency Energy Conservation Act Of 1979 PI99980 2009EG0000000 Multi-Sector EE99104 2009EG0700000XXEnergy Impact Assistance EE99104 2009EH0000000 XPolicy And Management EE9991 2009EH0100000 Program Direction - Cre EE9991 2009EH0111000 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0111010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0111020X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0111030X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0112000 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0112020X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0112030X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0113000X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0120000 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0120010X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0120020X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0120030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0120040X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0120050X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0120060X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0120070X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0121000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0121010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0121020X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0121030X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0130000X Small Business Innovative Research (Sbir) EE9991 2009EH0200000 National Energy Technology Laboratory-NETL (Morgantown and Pittsburgh Field Offices) EE9991 2009EH0201000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0201110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0201111X Full Time Permanent- Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0201112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0201113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0201120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0201122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0201123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0201130X Benefits to Former DOE Personnel EE9991 2009EH0201200 Contractual Services and Supplies EE9991 2009EH0201201X Transportation of Things EE9991 2009EH0201202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0201203X Communications, Other Rent and Utilities EE9991 2009EH0201204X Printing and Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0201205X Services Performed by Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0201206X Other Contracted Services EE9991 2009EH0201207X Supplies and Materials EE9991 2009EH0201210 Travel and Transportation of Persons EE9991 2009EH0201211X Travel Subject to Regulations EE9991 2009EH0201212X Rental of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0201213X Other Costs for Transportation of Persons EE9991 2009EH0300000 Golden Field Office - Policy & Management EE9991 2009EH0301000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0301110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0301111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0301112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0301113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0301120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0301122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0301123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0301130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0301200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0301201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0301202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0301203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0301204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0301205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0301206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0301207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0301210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0301211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0301212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0301213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0400000 Atlanta Regional Support Office EE9991 2009EH0401000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0401110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0401111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0401112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0401113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0401120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0401122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0401123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0401130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0401200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0401201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0401202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0401203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0401204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0401205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0401206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0401207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0401210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0401211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0401212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0401213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0500000 Boston Regional Support Office EE9991 2009EH0501000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0501110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0501111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0501112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0501113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0501120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0501122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0501123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0501130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0501200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0501201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0501202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0501203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0501204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0501205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0501206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0501207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0501210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0501211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0501212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0501213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0600000 Chicago Regional Support Office EE9991 2009EH0601000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0601110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0601111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0601112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0601113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0601120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0601122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0601123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0601130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0601200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0601201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0601202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0601203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0601204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0601205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0601206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0601207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0601210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0601211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0601212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0601213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0700000 Denver Regional Support Office EE9991 2009EH0701000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0701110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0701111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0701112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0701113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0701120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0701122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0701123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0701130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0701200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0701201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0701202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0701203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0701204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0701205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0701206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0701207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0701210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0701211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0701212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0701213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0800000 Philadelphia Regional Support Office EE9991 2009EH0801000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0801110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0801111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0801112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0801113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0801120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0801122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0801123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0801130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0801200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0801201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0801202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0801203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0801204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0801205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0801206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0801207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0801210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0801211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0801212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0801213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0900000 Seattle Regional Support Office EE9991 2009EH0901000 Program Direction EE9991 2009EH0901110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0901111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EH0901112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EH0901113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EH0901120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0901122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EH0901123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EH0901130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EH0901200 Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EH0901201X Transportation Of Things EE9991 2009EH0901202X Standard Level User Charges EE9991 2009EH0901203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EE9991 2009EH0901204X Printing And Reproduction EE9991 2009EH0901205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EE9991 2009EH0901206X Other Services EE9991 2009EH0901207X Supplies And Materials EE9991 2009EH0901210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH0901211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EH0901212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EE9991 2009EH0901213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EH2100000 Information And Communications EE9991 2009EH2101000X Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse EE9991 2009EH2102000X Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network EE9991 2009EH2200000X Centers Of Excellence EE9991 2009EH2300000X Strategic Policy Inititatives EE9991 2009EH2500000X Planning, Evaluation and Analysis EE9991 2009EH2600000X Cooperative Programs with States EE9991 2009EH2700000X Energy Efficiency Science Initiative EE9991 2009EH2800000 Policy & Mgt- Congressional Earmarks EE9991 2009EH2801000X Energy & Research Consortium of the Western Carolinas for Technology Transfer EE9991 2009EH2802000X National Academy of Science EE9991 2009EH9900000 Working Capital Fund - EERE EE9991 2009EH9910000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) EE9991 2009EH9910140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs EE9991 2009EH9910150X Payroll Processing (To Be Performed By Non-Federal Contractoand/Or Other Federal Agency) EE9991 2009EH9910160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) EE9991 2009EH9910240 Administrative Services EE9991 2009EH9910241X Supplies EE9991 2009EH9910242X Postage EE9991 2009EH9910243X Photocopying EE9991 2009EH9910244X Printing And Graphics EE9991 2009EH9910245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance EE9991 2009EH9910340 Information Management Systems And Operations EE9991 2009EH9910341X Telecommunication EE9991 2009EH9910342X Office Automation Equipment & Support EE9991 2009EH9910343X Networking EE9991 2009EH9910440 Procurement Services EE9991 2009EH9910441X Contract Audits EE9991 2009EH9910442X Contract Closeout EE9991 2009EH9910520X Executive Information System (WCF) EE9991 2009EH9910530X On Line Learning EE9991 2009EH9910540X Personnel Training & Services EE9991 2009EH9910940X Indirect Operating Expenses EE9991 2009EK0000000 Utility Sector EE1109 2009EK6000000 XIntegrated Resource Planning EE1109 2009EK6001000X Demand Side Management EE1109 2009EK6002000X Regulatory Analysis EE1109 2009EK6003000X Planning Processes EE1109 2009EK6100000XXDistrict Heating And Cooling EE1109 2009EL0000000 Federal Energy Management Program EE1113 2009EL1700000 XFederal Energy Management Program EE1113 2009EL1701000X Federal Energy Efficiency Fund EE1113 2009EL1702000 Project Financing EE1113 2009EL1702010X Energy Savings Performance Contracts EE1113 2009EL1702020X Utilities Program EE1113 2009EL1703000 Technical Guidance And Assistance EE1113 2009EL1703010X Direct Technical Assistance EE1113 2009EL1703020X Training and Information EE1113 2009EL1704000X Planning, Reporting, And Evaluation EE1113 2009EL1705000X Technical Program Management Support EE1113 2009EL1706000 Departmental Energy Management EE1113 2009EL1706010X Energy Management Project Support EE1113 2009EL1707000X Federal Fleet EE1113 2009EL1708000X DOE Specific Investments EE1113 2009EL1900000 FEMP Project Financing Program EE1113 2009EL1901000XXFederal Facility Energy Efficiency EE1113 2009EL1902000 XFEMP Program Direction EE9991 2009EL1902110 Personal Services EE9991 2009EL1902111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EE9991 2009EL1902112X All Other Personal Services EE9991 2009EL1902113X Employee Incentive Awards EE9991 2009EL1902120 Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EL1902122X Moving Expenses EE9991 2009EL1902123X All Other Personnel Benefits EE9991 2009EL1902130X Benefits For Former Personnel EE9991 2009EL1902200X Contractual Services And Supplies EE9991 2009EL1902210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EE9991 2009EL1902211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EE9991 2009EL1902212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motorpools EE9991 2009EN0000000 XIndian Energy Resources Programs EE1109 2009EN0100000X Navajo Transmission Project EE1109 2009EN0200000X Tazimina Hydroelectric Project EE1109 2009EN0300000X Haida Alaska Hydroelectric Project EE1109 2009EN0400000X Crow Energy Project EE1109 2009EN0500000X Eyak Power Creek Hydroelectric Project EE1109 2009EN0600000X Klawock-Thorne Bay-Kasaan Intertie Project EE1109 2009EN0700000X Upper Lynn Canal Regional Electric Project EE1109 2009EN0800000X Old Harbor Hydroelectric Project EE1109 2009EN0900000X Village Of Scammon Bay, Alaska EE1109 2009EN1000000X Power Creek Hydroelectric Project EE1109 2009EN1100000X Pyramid Creek Hydroelectric Project EE1109 2009EN1200000X Sitka Alaska Diesel Backup System EE1109 2009EN1300000X Nome Diesel Upgrade EE1109 2009EN1400000X Swan Lake Intertie EE1109 2009EN1500000X Indian River Hydroelectric Turbine Upgrades EE1109 2009EO0000000 Power Technologies EE1012 2009EO0100000 XDistributed Energy Resources EE1012 2009EO0101000 Distributed Generation Technology Development EE1012 2009EO0101010X DER Technology Development EE1012 2009EO0101030X Industrial Gas Turbines EE1012 2009EO0101040X Microturbines EE1012 2009EO0101050X Advanced Reciprocating Engines EE1012 2009EO0101060X Technology Based-Advanced Materials and Sensors EE1012 2009EO0101070X Fuel Combustion EE1012 2009EO0101080X Thermal Energy Technologies EE1012 2009EO0102000 End-Use Systems Integration & Interface EE1012 2009EO0102010X Distributed Energy Systems Applications Integration EE1012 2009EO0102020X Cooling, Heating and Power (CHP) Integration EE1012 2009EO0103000X Technical Program Management Support EE1012 2009EO0104000 DER- Congressional Earmarks EE1012 2009EO0104010X National Accounts Energy Alliance EE1012 2009EO0104020X Rocky Research Inc. Heat Pump EE1012 2009ET0000000XXSales of Uranium EM0718 2009EU0000000 Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund EM0716 2009EU0200000 XUranium Enrichment D&D Fund - D&D Activities EM0716 2009EU0221000 East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EU0221100X OR-0102 East Tennessee Technology Park Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities Administration EM0716 2009EU0221400X OR-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - East Tennessee Technology Park (UED&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0223000 Oak Ridge Operations Office EM0716 2009EU0223900X OR-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EU0224000 Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EU0224100 OR-0103 Oak Ridge Reservation Community and Regulatory Support (UED&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0224103X OR-0103 Oak Ridge Reservation Community and Regulatory Support (UED&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0226000 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EU0226130X PA-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EU02261A0X PA-0102 Paducah Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities/Administration (D&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU02261B0X PA-0103 Paducah Community and Regulatory Support (D&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0226400X PA-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning Paducah (UED&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0227000 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EU0227130X PO-0013 Solid Waste Stabiliztion and Disposition EM0716 2009EU02271A0X PO-0103 Portsmouth Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities/Administration (D&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU02271B0X PO-0104 Portsmouth Community and Regulatory Support (D&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0227400X PO-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning-Portsmouth (UED&D Fund) EM0716 2009EU0249000X Headquarters EM0716 2009EU0300000 XUranium Enrichment D&D Fund-U/Th Reimbursements EM0716 2009EU0349000 Headquarters EM0716 2009EU0349100X HQ-UR-0100 Reimbursement to Uranium/Thorium Licensees EM0716 2009EV0000000XXPike County Ohio Fog Road Upgrade (FHWA Allocation to DOE) EM0718 2009EW0000000 Defense ER&WM EM0716 2009EW0600000 XDefense Environmental Restoration And Waste Management - Y2K Requirements EM0716 2009EW0688000X Y2K Requirements EM0716 2009EW0700000 XDefense Facilities Closure Projects - Y2K Projects EM0716 2009EW0788000X Y2K Requirements EM0716 2009EW0900000 XDefense ER&WM - Multi-Site Activities EM0716 2009EW09MM000 Multi-Site EM0716 2009EW09MM090X OPS/HQ-PP Pollution Prevention EM0716 2009EW1000000 XDefense Environmental Services - Program Direction EM0716 2009EW1001000 HQ-PD-0100 Program Direction EM0716 2009EW1001110 Personal Services EM0716 2009EW1001111X Full Time Permanent EM0716 2009EW1001112X Other Than Full-Time Permanent EM0716 2009EW1001113X Employee Incentive Awards EM0716 2009EW1001114X Other Personnel Compensation EM0716 2009EW1001120 Personnel Benefits EM0716 2009EW1001122X Moving Expenses EM0716 2009EW1001123X All Other Personnel Benefits EM0716 2009EW1001130X Benefits To Former Personnel EM0716 2009EW1001200 Contractual Services And Supplies EM0716 2009EW1001201X Transportation Of Things EM0716 2009EW1001202X Standard Level User Charges EM0716 2009EW1001203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EM0716 2009EW1001204X Printing And Reproduction EM0716 2009EW1001205X Services Performed By Other Agencies EM0716 2009EW1001206X Other Services EM0716 2009EW1001207X Supplies And Materials EM0716 2009EW1001208X Training EM0716 2009EW1001209X Advisory And Assistance Services - Field Office Use EM0716 2009EW100120AX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Assistance Secretary for Environmental Management, EM-1 EM0716 2009EW100120BX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, EM-2 EM0716 2009EW100120CX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Chief Operations Officer, EM-3 EM0716 2009EW100120DX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Office of Project Recovery, EM-3.01 EM0716 2009EW100120EX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Office of Safeguards and Security/Emergency Management, EM-3.1 EM0716 2009EW100120FX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Office of Site Support, EM-3.1 EM0716 2009EW100120GX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Office of Small Sites Projects, EM-3.3 EM0716 2009EW100120HX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Office of Communications and External Affairs, EM-5 EM0716 2009EW100120IX Advisory and Assistance Services for the Office of Management Analysis, EM-6 EM0716 2009EW100120JX Advisory and Assistance Services for the DAS Regulatory Compliance, EM-10 EM0716 2009EW100120KX Advisory and Assistance Services for the DAS Engineering and Technology, EM-20 EM0716 2009EW100120LX Advisory and Assistance Services for the DAS Program Planning and Budget, EM-30 EM0716 2009EW100120MX Advisory and Assistance Services for the DAS Human Capital and Business Services, EM-40 EM0716 2009EW100120NX Advisory and Assistance Services for the DAS Acquisition and Project Management, EM-50 EM0716 2009EW100120OX Advisory and Assistance Services for the DAS Management and Operations, EM-60 EM0716 2009EW1001210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EM0716 2009EW1001211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EM0716 2009EW1001212X Rental Of Passenger Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motorpools EM0716 2009EW1099000 Goods And Services Provided Through Wcf EM0716 2009EW1099140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs EM0716 2009EW1099150X HQ Working Capital Fund Payroll EM0716 2009EW1099160X Working Capital Fund CHRIS EM0716 2009EW1099240 Administrative Services EM0716 2009EW1099241X Supplies EM0716 2009EW1099242X Postage EM0716 2009EW1099243X Photocopying EM0716 2009EW1099244X Printing And Graphics EM0716 2009EW1099245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance EM0716 2009EW1099340 Information Management Systems And Operations EM0716 2009EW1099341X Telecommunication EM0716 2009EW1099342X Office Automation Equipment And Support EM0716 2009EW1099343X Networking EM0716 2009EW1099440 Procurement Services EM0716 2009EW1099441X Contract Audits EM0716 2009EW1099442X Contract Closeout EM0716 2009EW1099520X Executive Information System EM0716 2009EW1099530X Working Capital Fund On-Line Learning EM0716 2009EW1099540X Personnel And Training Services EM0716 2009EW1099940X Indirect Operating Costs EM0716 2009EX0000000 Non-Defense Environmental Management EM0716 2009EX0200000 XPost 2006 Completion EM0716 2009EX02MM000 Multi-Site Activities EM0716 2009EX02MM090 OPS/HQ-PP-N Pollution Prevention EM0716 2009EX02MM09AX OPS/HQ-PP-N Pollution Prevention - Complex-Wide Activities EM0716 2009EY0000000 Environmental Management - Defense EM0716 2009EY0600000 XDefense Site Acceleration Completion - 2006 Accelerated Completions EM0716 2009EY0601000 Albuquerque Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0601900X VL-FAO-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0603000 Kansas City Plant EM0716 2009EY0603300X VL-KCP-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Kansas City Plant EM0716 2009EY0606000 Sandia National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY0606300X VL-SN-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Sandia National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY0618000 Idaho Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0618900X ID-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0623000 Oak Ridge Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0623900X OR-0900-D Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0624000 Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EY0624130X OR-0013A Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition-2006 EM0716 2009EY0624300X OR-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Melton Valley EM0716 2009EY0626000 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EY0626900X PA-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0627000 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EY0627900X PO-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0632000 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY0632130X VL-LLNL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - LLNL EM0716 2009EY0632300X VL-LLNL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation LLNL Main Site EM0716 2009EY0636000 Ashtabula EM0716 2009EY0636300X OH-AB-0030 Soil and Water Remediaiton - Ashtabula EM0716 2009EY0637000 Columbus EM0716 2009EY0637400X OH-CL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - West Jefferson EM0716 2009EY0638000 Fernald EM0716 2009EY0638130X OH-FN-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Fernald EM0716 2009EY0638300X OH-FN-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Fernald EM0716 2009EY0638500X OH-FN-0050 Non-Nuclear Facility D&D - Fernald EM0716 2009EY0639000 Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY0639130X OH-MB-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY0639300X OH-MB-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY0639400X OH-MB-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY0640000 Ohio Field Office EM0716 2009EY0640900X OH-OPS-0900-D Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0642000 Richland Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0642900 RL-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0642901X RL-0900 Pre-2004 Completions (non-inventory costs) EM0716 2009EY0642902X RL-0900 Pre-2004 Completions - Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY0645000 Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site EM0716 2009EY0645110X RF-0011 NM Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY0645130X RF-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY0645300X RF-0030 Soil and Water Remediation EM0716 2009EY0645400X RF-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - North Side Facility Closures EM0716 2009EY0645410X RF-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - South Side Facility Closures EM0716 2009EY0647000 Savannah River Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0647900X SR-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0648000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY0648110X SR-0011A NM Stabilization and Disposition - 2006 EM0716 2009EY0700000 XDefense Environmental Services Spent Nuclear Fuel Management EM0716 2009EY0701000 HQ-PD-0100 Program Direction (SNF) EM0716 2009EY0701110 Personal Services EM0716 2009EY0701111X Full-Time Permanent EM0716 2009EY0701112X Other Than Full-Time Permanent EM0716 2009EY0701113X Employee Incentive Awards EM0716 2009EY0701114X Other Personnel Compensation EM0716 2009EY0701120 Personnel Benefits EM0716 2009EY0701122X Moving Expenses EM0716 2009EY0701123X All Other Personnel Benefits EM0716 2009EY0701130X Benefits to Former Personnel EM0716 2009EY0701200 Contractual Services and Supplies EM0716 2009EY0701201X Transportation of Things EM0716 2009EY0701202X Standard Level User Charges EM0716 2009EY0701203X Communications, Other Rent and Utilities EM0716 2009EY0701204X Printing and Reproduction EM0716 2009EY0701205X Services Performed by Other Agencies EM0716 2009EY0701206X Other Services EM0716 2009EY0701207X Supplies and Materials EM0716 2009EY0701208X Training EM0716 2009EY0701209X Advisory and Assistance Services EM0716 2009EY0701210 Travel and Transportation of Persons EM0716 2009EY0701211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations EM0716 2009EY0701212X Rental of Passenger Carrying Vehicles from Interagency Motorpools EM0716 2009EY0749000 Headquarters EM0716 2009EY0749010X HQ-SNF-0012X Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition-Storage Operations Awaiting Geologic Repository (INL) EM0716 2009EY0800000 XDefense Environmental Services - Non-Closure Environmental Activities EM0716 2009EY0801000 Albuquerque Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0801100X VL-FAO-0100-D Nuclear Mateiral Stewardship EM0716 2009EY0807000 South Valley EM0716 2009EY0807100X VL-SV-0100 South Valley Superfund EM0716 2009EY0816000 Grand Junction EM0716 2009EY0816100X HQ-GJ-0102 Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge and Museum EM0716 2009EY0824000 Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EY0824100X OR-0101 Oak Ridge Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities/Administration EM0716 2009EY0838000 Fernald EM0716 2009EY0838100X OH-FN-0100 Fernald Post-Closure Administration EM0716 2009EY0846000 Rocky Flats Field Office EM0716 2009EY0846100X RF-0100 Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Contract Liabilities EM0716 2009EY0847000 Savannah River Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0847100X SR-0100 Non-Closure Mission Support EM0716 2009EY0849000 Headquarters EM0716 2009EY0849010 HQ-SNF-0012X Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - Storage Operations Awaiting Geologic Repository EM0716 2009EY0849011X HQ-SNF-0012X (INEEL) Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - Storage Operations Awaiting Geologic Repository EM0716 2009EY0849015X HQ-SNF-0012X (RL) SNF Stabilization and Disposition-Storage Operations Awaiting Geologic Repository EM0716 2009EY0849016X HQ-SNF-0012X (SRS) Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - Storage Operations Awaiting Geologic Repository EM0716 2009EY0849020 HQ-SNF-0012Y Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - New/Upgraded Facilities Awaiting Geologic Repository EM0716 2009EY0849021X HQ-SNF-0012Y (ID) Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabiliztion and Disposition - New/Upgraded Facilities Awaiting Geologic RepositoryEM0716 2009EY0849030 HQ-HLW-0014X Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition-Storage Operator Awaiting Geologic Repository EM0716 2009EY0849034X HQ-HLW-0014X Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Storage Operator Awaiting Geologic RepositoryEM0716 2009EY0849050 HQ-SW-0013X Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Science Current Generation EM0716 2009EY0849053X HQ-SW-0013X Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Science Current Generation (OR) EM0716 2009EY0849060 HQ-SW-0013Y Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - National Nuclear Security Administration Current Generations EM0716 2009EY0849062X HQ-SW-0013Y Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - National Nuclear Seucrity Administration Current Generation EM0716 2009EY0849067X HQ-SW-0013Y Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - National Nuclear Security Administration Current Generation EM0716 2009EY0849100 HQ-MS-0100 Policy, Management, and Technical Support EM0716 2009EY084910AX EM1 Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management EM0716 2009EY084910BX EM2 Chief Operating Officer EM0716 2009EY084910CX EM2.1 S&S / Emergency Management EM0716 2009EY084910DX EM2.2 ISM/Operations Oversight EM0716 2009EY084910EX EM2.3 Consolidated Business Center EM0716 2009EY084910FX EM3 Corporate Strategy EM0716 2009EY084910GX EM10 Logistics and Waste Disposal Enhancements EM0716 2009EY084910HX EM11 Transportation EM0716 2009EY084910IX Hazardous Waste Worker Training (HAZWOPER) EM0716 2009EY084910JX EM12 Commercial Disposition Options EM0716 2009EY084910KX EM13 Federal Disposition Options EM0716 2009EY084910LX EM20 Environmental Cleanup and Acceleration EM0716 2009EY084910MX EM21 Cleanup Technologies EM0716 2009EY084910NX EM22 Engineering EM0716 2009EY084910OX EM23 Core Technical Group EM0716 2009EY084910PX EM24 Licensing EM0716 2009EY084910QX EM30 Business Operations EM0716 2009EY084910RX EM31 Budget EM0716 2009EY084910SX EM32 Project Planning & Controls EM0716 2009EY084910TX EM33 Internal/External Coordination (Stakeholder Activities) EM0716 2009EY084910UX EM34 Business Services EM0716 2009EY084910VX EM40 Performance Intelligence & Improvement EM0716 2009EY084910WX EM41 Strategic Imperatives EM0716 2009EY084910XX EM42 Acquisition Management EM0716 2009EY084910YX EM43 Performance Assessment EM0716 2009EY0849900X HQ-OPS-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY0900000 XDefense Environmental Services - Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0901000 Albuquerque Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0901100 VL-FAO-0101 Misc Programs and Agreements-in-Principle EM0716 2009EY0901101X VL-FAO-0101 New Mexico AIP EM0716 2009EY0901102X VL-FAO-0101 Norfolk State Grant EM0716 2009EY0909000 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant EM0716 2009EY0909100X CB-0100 U.S./Mexico/Border/Material Partnership Initiative EM0716 2009EY0909110X CB-0101 Economic Assistance to the State of New Mexico EM0716 2009EY0917000 Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY0917100X ID-0100 Idaho Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0919000 Nevada Off-Sites / Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0919100X VL-NV-0100 Nevada Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0924000 Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EY0924100X OR-0100 Oak Ridge Reservation Community and Regulatory Support (Defense) EM0716 2009EY0933000 Oakland Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0933100X VL-FOO-0100-D Oakland Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0938000 Fernald EM0716 2009EY0938100X OH-FN-0101 Fernald Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0939000 Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY0939100X OH-MB-0101 Miamisburg Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0942000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EY0942100X RL-0100 Richland Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0944000 River Protection EM0716 2009EY0944100X ORP-0100 River Protection Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0946000 Rocky Flats Field Office EM0716 2009EY0946100X RF-0101 Rocky Flats Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY0947000 Savannah River Operations Office EM0716 2009EY0947100X SR-0101 Savannah River Communtiy and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY1100000 XDefense Site Acceleration Completion Alternative High-Level Waste Actions EM0716 2009EY1117000 Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY1117010X Idaho Alternative HLW Actions EM0716 2009EY1144000 River Protection EM0716 2009EY1144010X River Protection Alternative HLW Actions EM0716 2009EY1148000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY1148010X Savannah River Site Alternative HLW Actions EM0716 2009EY1200000 XDefense Site Acceleration Completion - 2012 Accelerated Completions EM0716 2009EY1204000 Los Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY1204130X VL-LANL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - LANL Legacy EM0716 2009EY1205000 Pantex EM0716 2009EY1205300X VL-PX-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Pantex EM0716 2009EY1205400X VL-PX-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Pantex EM0716 2009EY1217000 Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY1217110X ID-0011 NM Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY1217120X ID-0012B-D SNF Stabilization and Disposition 2012 EM0716 2009EY1217130X ID-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY1217140X ID-0014B Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1217300X ID-0030B Soil and Water Remediation - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1217400X ID-0040B Nuclear Facility D&D - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1217500X ID-0050B Non-Nuclear Facility D&D - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1220000 Nevada Test Site EM0716 2009EY1220130X VL-NV-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Nevada Test Site EM0716 2009EY1221000 East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EY1221430 OR-0043 Nuclear Facility D&D - East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EY1221431X OR-0043 Project Costs (Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EY1221432X OR-0043 Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY1224000 Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EY1224130X OR-0013B Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1224310X OR-0031 Soil and Water Remediation - Offsites EM0716 2009EY1232000 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY1232310X VL-LLNL-0031 Soil and Water Remediation - LLNL Site 300 EM0716 2009EY1233000 Oakland Operations Office EM0716 2009EY1233130X VL-FOO-0013B-D Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition-Oakland Sites - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1242000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EY1242110 RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP EM0716 2009EY1242111X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition-PFP - Non-Inventry Costs EM0716 2009EY1242112X RL-011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition-PFP - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY1242113X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition-PFP - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY1242114X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition-PFP - Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY1242115X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition-PFP - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY1242116X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition-PFP - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY1242120 RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY1242121X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY1242122X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY1242123X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY1242124X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY1242125X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY1242126X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY1242410 RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project EM0716 2009EY1242411X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY1242412X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY1242413X RL-0041 Nucear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY1242414X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other DepositEM0716 2009EY1242415X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY1242416X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY1244000 River Protection EM0716 2009EY1244600X ORP-0060 Major Construction-Waste Treatment Plant EM0716 2009EY1248000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY1248110X SR-0011B NM Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY1300000 XDSAC High-Level Waste (WIR) Proposal EM0716 2009EY1317000 Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY1317010X ID-0014B-T Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition-HLW Proposal EM0716 2009EY1344000 River Protection EM0716 2009EY1344010X ORP-0014-T Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition-HLW Proposal EM0716 2009EY1348000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY1348010X SR-0014C-T Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition-HLW Proposal EM0716 2009EY1500000 XDefense Environmental Services - Federal Contribution to the Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning FundEM0716 2009EY1550000 D&D Fund Deposit EM0716 2009EY1550100X HQ-DD-0100 Federal Contribution to the Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund EM0716 2009EY3500000 XDefense Site Acceleration Completion - 2035 Accelerated Completions EM0716 2009EY3504000 Los Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY3504300X VL-LANL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - LANL EM0716 2009EY3509000 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant EM0716 2009EY3509800 CB-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - WIPP EM0716 2009EY3509801X CB-0080 Project Costs EM0716 2009EY3509802X CB-0080 Mass of the Neutrino EM0716 2009EY3509810X CB-0081 Central Characterization Project EM0716 2009EY3509900X CB-0090 Transporation - WIPP EM0716 2009EY3517000 Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY3517120X ID-0012C SNF Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3517140X ID-0014C Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3517300X ID-0030C Soil and Water Remediation - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3517400X ID-0040C Nuclear Facility D&D - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3517500X ID-0050C Non-Nuclear Facility D&D - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3519000 Nevada Off-sites/Operations Office EM0716 2009EY3519300 VL-NV-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Nevada Test Site and Off-sites EM0716 2009EY351930FX VL-NV-0030 Soil & Water Remediation-Former Nuclear Testing Sites EM0716 2009EY351930IX VL-NV-0030 Soil & Water Remediation-Industrial Release Sites EM0716 2009EY351930PX VL-NV-0030 Soil & Water Remediation - Duration of Projects EM0716 2009EY351930SX VL-NV-0030 Soil & Water Remediation - Soils EM0716 2009EY351930UX VL-NV-0030 Soil & Water Remediation - UGTA EM0716 2009EY3519800 VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - Nevada EM0716 2009EY351980LX VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - LLW Disposal Ops EM0716 2009EY351980MX VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - MLLW EM0716 2009EY3522000 Oak Ridge National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY3522420X OR-0042 Nuclear Facility D&D - Oak Ridge National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY3525000 Y-12 Plant EM0716 2009EY3525410 OR-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - Y-12 EM0716 2009EY3525411X OR-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - Y-12 (ER/Legacy) EM0716 2009EY3525412X OR-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - Y-12 (Other) EM0716 2009EY3534000 Separations Process Research Unit EM0716 2009EY3534400X VL-SPRU-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Separations Process Research Unit EM0716 2009EY3542000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EY3542130X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area EM0716 2009EY3542300 RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone EM0716 2009EY3542301X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY3542302X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY3542303X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY3542304X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Changes In Collaterial Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY3542305X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY3542306X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation-Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY3542400 RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford EM0716 2009EY3542401X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford (Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EY3542402X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford (Inventory Common Use Stores) EM0716 2009EY3542403X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford (Inventory Other Special Material) EM0716 2009EY3542404X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford (Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits) EM0716 2009EY3542405X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford (Inventory Process Spares) EM0716 2009EY3542406X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford (Inventory Special Reactor Material) EM0716 2009EY3542800X RL-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility EM0716 2009EY3544000 Office of River Protection EM0716 2009EY3544140 ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY3544141X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition (Non-Inventory Project Costs) EM0716 2009EY3544142X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition (Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits) EM0716 2009EY3544143X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition (Inventory Other Special Material) EM0716 2009EY3544144X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition (Inventory Common Use Stores) EM0716 2009EY3544145X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition (Inventory Process Spares) EM0716 2009EY3544146X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition (Inventory Special Reactor Material) EM0716 2009EY3548000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY3548110X SR-0011C NM Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3548120X SR-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY3548130X SR-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY3548140X SR-0014C Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY3548300X SR-0030 Soil and Water Remediation EM0716 2009EY3548400X SR-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D EM0716 2009EY4000000 XDefense Site Acceleration Completion - Technology Development and Deployment EM0716 2009EY4049000 Headquarters - Technology DEvelopment and Deployment EM0716 2009EY4049110X Projects to Reduce Technical Risk EM0716 2009EY4049120X Closure Support EM0716 2009EY4049130X Technical Solutions/Assistance EM0716 2009EY4500000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Post Closure EM0716 2009EY4536000 XAshtabula EM0716 2009EY4536300X OH-AB-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Ashtabula EM0716 2009EY4537000 XColumbus EM0716 2009EY4537400X OH-CL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - West Jefferson EM0716 2009EY4538000 XFernald EM0716 2009EY4538100X OH-FN-0101 Fernald Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY4538130X OH-FN-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Fernald EM0716 2009EY4538300X OH-FN-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Fernald EM0716 2009EY4538500X OH-FN-0050 Non-Nuclear Facility D&D - Fernald EM0716 2009EY4538900X OH-OPS-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY4539000 XMiamisburg EM0716 2009EY4539010X OH-MB-0100, Miamisburg Post - Closure Administration EM0716 2009EY4539100X OH-MB-0101 Miamisburg Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY4539130X OH-MB-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY4539300X OH-MB-0030 Soil and Water Remediation -Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY4539400X OH-MB-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Miamisburg EM0716 2009EY4540000XXOhio Operations Office EM0716 2009EY4541000 XClosure Site Administration EM0716 2009EY4541010X CBC-0100-FN, CBC Post Closure Administration - Fernald EM0716 2009EY4541020X CBC-0100-MD, CBC Post Closure Administration - Mound EM0716 2009EY4541030X CBC-0100-RF, CBC Post Closure Administration - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009EY4545000 XRocky Flats EM0716 2009EY4545010X RF-0101 Rocky Flats Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY4545100X RF-0100 Rocky Flats Environmetal Technology Site Contract Liabilities EM0716 2009EY4545110X RF-0011 NM Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY4545130X RF-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY4545300X RF-0030 Soil and Water Remediation EM0716 2009EY4545400X RF-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - North Side Facility Closures EM0716 2009EY4545410X RF-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - South Side Facility Closures EM0716 2009EY5000000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Hanford Site - 2012 Completion Projects EM0716 2009EY5042000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EY5042110 XRL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP EM0716 2009EY5042111X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY5042112X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY5042113X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY5042114X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP - Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY5042115X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY5042116X RL-0011 Nuclear Material Stabilization and Disposition - PFP - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY5042120 XRL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY5042121X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY5042122X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY5042123X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY5042124X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY5042125X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY5042126X RL-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY5042130XXRL-0013B Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY5042410 XRL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project EM0716 2009EY5042411X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY5042412X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY5042413X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY5042414X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds EM0716 2009EY5042415X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY5042416X RL-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - River Corridor Closure Project - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY5042430XXRL-0043 Hazardous Materials Management and Emergency (HAMMER) EM0716 2009EY5042440XXRL-0044 B-Reactor EM0716 2009EY5042900 XRL-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY5042901X RL-0900 Pre-2004 Completions (Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EY5042902X RL-0900 Pre-2004 Completions (Common Use Stores) EM0716 2009EY5100000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Hanford Site - 2035 Completion Projects EM0716 2009EY5142000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EY5142020XXHQ-SNF-0012X-RL Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - Storage EM0716 2009EY5142100XXRL-0100 Richland Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY5142130 XRL-0013C Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY5142131X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY5142132X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY5142133X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY5142134X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area - Inventory Changes in Collaterial Funds EM0716 2009EY5142135X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY5142136X RL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 200 Area - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY5142300 XRL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone EM0716 2009EY5142301X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Non-Inventory Costs EM0716 2009EY5142302X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY5142303X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Goundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY5142304X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Changes in Collaterial Funds EM0716 2009EY5142305X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY5142306X RL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Groundwater/Vadose Zone - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY5142310XXRL-0031, Columbia River Cleanup Technologies EM0716 2009EY5142400 XRL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford EM0716 2009EY5142401X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford - Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EY5142402X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY5142403X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY5142404X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility - Remainder of Hanford - Inventory Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY5142405X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY5142406X RL-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Remainder of Hanford - Inventory Special Reactor Material EM0716 2009EY5142800XXRL-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility EM0716 2009EY5500000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY5517000 Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY5517020XXHQ-SNF-0012X-ID Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition/Storage EM0716 2009EY5517040XXHQ-SNF-0012Y-ID Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY5517100XXID-0100 Idaho Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY5517110XXID-0011 NM Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY5517120 XID-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY551712BX ID-0012B-D SNF Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY551712CX ID-0012C SNF Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY5517130XXID-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY5517140XXID-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY5517300 XID-0030 Soil and Water Remediation EM0716 2009EY551730BX ID-0030B Soil and Water Remediation - 2012 EM0716 2009EY551730CX ID-0030C Soil and Water Remediation - 2035 EM0716 2009EY5517400 XID-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D EM0716 2009EY551740BX ID-0040B Nuclear Facility D&D - 2012 EM0716 2009EY551740CX ID-0040C Nuclear Facility D&D - 2035 EM0716 2009EY5517500 XID-0050 Non-Nuclear Facility D&D EM0716 2009EY551750BX ID-0050B Non-Nuclear Facility D&D - 2012 EM0716 2009EY551750CX ID-0050C Non-Nuclear Facility D&D - 2035 EM0716 2009EY5518000 Idaho Operations Office EM0716 2009EY5518900XXID-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY6000000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - NNSA Sites EM0716 2009EY6003000 XKansas City Plant EM0716 2009EY6003300X VL-KCP-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Kansas City Plant EM0716 2009EY6003400X VL-KCP-0040 EM0716 2009EY6004000 XLos Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY6004130X VL-LANL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - LANL Legacy EM0716 2009EY6004300X VL-LANL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - LANL EM0716 2009EY6004400X VL-LANL-0040-D Nuclear Facility D&D - LANL EM0716 2009EY6005000 XPantex Plant EM0716 2009EY6005300X VL-PX-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Pantex EM0716 2009EY6005400X VL-PX-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Pantex EM0716 2009EY6006000 XSandia National Laboratories EM0716 2009EY6006300X VL-SN-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Sandia National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY6019000 XNevada Off-Sites EM0716 2009EY6019100X VL-NV-0100 Nevada Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY6019300X NV-0030 - Soil and Water Remediation - Nevada Off-Sites EM0716 2009EY6019800 VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - Nevada EM0716 2009EY601980LX VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - Low-Level Waste Disposal Ops EM0716 2009EY601980MX VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - Mixed Low-Level Waste EM0716 2009EY6020000 XNevada (Test Site) EM0716 2009EY6020100X VL-NV-0100 Nevada Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY6020130X VL-NV-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Nevada Test Site EM0716 2009EY6020300 VL-NV-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Nevada Test Site EM0716 2009EY602030AX VL-NV-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Other Environmental Restoration Activities EM0716 2009EY602030IX VL-NV-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Industrial Release Sites EM0716 2009EY602030PX VL-NV-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Duration of Projects EM0716 2009EY602030SX Soil and Water Remediation - Soils EM0716 2009EY602030UX VL-NV-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - UGTA EM0716 2009EY6020800 VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - Nevada EM0716 2009EY602080LX VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - LLW Disposal Ops EM0716 2009EY602080MX VL-NV-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Faciltiy - MLLW EM0716 2009EY6025000 XY-12 Newly Generated Waste EM0716 2009EY6025060X HQ-SW-0013Y-OR Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - NNSA Current Generation EM0716 2009EY6032000 XLawrence Livermore National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY6032060X HQ-SW-0013Y-LLNL Solid waste Stabilization and Disposition - National Nuclear Security Administration Current GenerationEM0716 2009EY6032130X VL-LLNL-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - LLNL EM0716 2009EY6032300X VL-LLNL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - LLNL Main Site EM0716 2009EY6032310X VL-LLNL-0031 Soil and Water Remediation - LLNL Site 300 EM0716 2009EY6033000 XCalifornia Site Support EM0716 2009EY6033100X VL-FOO-0100-D LLNL Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY6033130X VL-FOO-0013B-D Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY6053000 XPinellas (Post Closure Benefits) EM0716 2009EY6053100X VL-PL-0100 Pinellas Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY6057000 XNNSA Service Center EM0716 2009EY6057100X VL-FAO-0100-D Nuclear Material Stewardship EM0716 2009EY6057110 VL-FAO-0101 Misc Programs and Agreements-in-Principle EM0716 2009EY6057111X VL-FAO-0101 New Mexico AIP EM0716 2009EY6057112X VL-FAO-0101 Norfolk State Grant EM0716 2009EY6057400X VL-SPRU-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - Separations Process Research Unit EM0716 2009EY6057900X VL-FAO-0900 Pre 2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY6070000 XSouth Valley EM0716 2009EY6070100X VL-SV-0100 South Valley Superfund EM0716 2009EY6500000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EY6521000 East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EY6521430 XOR-0043 Nuclear Facility D&D - East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EY6521431X OR-0043 Project Costs (Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EY6521432X OR-0043 Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY6522000 Oak Ridge National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY6522110XXOR-0011Z Downblend of U-233 in Building 3019 EM0716 2009EY6522420XXOR-0042 Nuclear Facility D&D - Oak Ridge National Laboratory EM0716 2009EY6523000 Oak Ridge Operations EM0716 2009EY6523900XXOR-0900-D Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY6524000 Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 2009EY6524030XXHQ-SW-0013X-OR Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Science Current Generation EM0716 2009EY6524100XXOR-0100 Oak Ridge Reservation Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY6524130 OR-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY652413AXXOR-0013A Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2006 EM0716 2009EY652413BXXOR-0013B - Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY6524300XXOR-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Melton Valley EM0716 2009EY6524310XXOR-0031 Soil and Water Remediation - Off-Sites EM0716 2009EY6525000 Y-12 Plant EM0716 2009EY6525410 XOR-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - Y-12 EM0716 2009EY6525411X OR-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - Y-12 (ER/Legacy) EM0716 2009EY6525412X OR-0041 Nuclear Facility D&D - Y-12 (Other) EM0716 2009EY7100000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Office of River Protection - Tank Farm Activities EM0716 2009EY7144000 Office of River Protection EM0716 2009EY7144050XXHQ-HLW-0014X-ORP HLW Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition/Storage EM0716 2009EY7144100XXORP-0100 River Protection Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY7144140 XORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY7144141X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Non-Inventory Project Costs) EM0716 2009EY7144142X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits EM0716 2009EY7144143X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Other Special Material EM0716 2009EY7144144X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Common Use Stores EM0716 2009EY7144145X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Process Spares EM0716 2009EY7144146X ORP-0014 Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Inventory Special Reactor EM0716 2009EY8000000 XDefense Environmental Cleanup - Program Support EM0716 2009EY8049000 Headquarters EM0716 2009EY8049100 HQ-MS-0100 Policy, Management, and Technical Support EM0716 2009EY804910AX EM1 Assistant Secretary for EM EM0716 2009EY804910BX EM2 Chief Operating Officer EM0716 2009EY804910CX EM2.1 S&S / Emergency Management EM0716 2009EY804910DX EM2.2 ISM/Operations Oversight EM0716 2009EY804910EX EM2.3 Consolidated Business Center EM0716 2009EY804910FX EM3 Corporate Strategy EM0716 2009EY804910GX EM10 Logistics and Waste Disposal Enhancements EM0716 2009EY804910HX EM11 Transportation EM0716 2009EY804910IX Hazardous Waste Worker Training (HAZWOPER) EM0716 2009EY804910JX EM12 Commercial Disposition Options EM0716 2009EY804910KX EM13 Federal Disposition Options EM0716 2009EY804910LX EM20 Environmental Cleanup and Acceleration EM0716 2009EY804910MX EM21 Cleanup Technologies EM0716 2009EY804910NX EM22 Engineering EM0716 2009EY804910OX EM23 Core Technical Group EM0716 2009EY804910PX EM24 Licensing EM0716 2009EY804910QX EM30 Business Operations EM0716 2009EY804910RX EM31 Budget EM0716 2009EY804910SX EM32 Project Planning and Controls EM0716 2009EY804910TX EM33 Internal/External Coordination (Stakeholder Act.) EM0716 2009EY804910UX EM34 Business Services EM0716 2009EY804910VX EM40 Performance Intelligence and Improvement EM0716 2009EY804910WX EM41 Strategic Imperatives EM0716 2009EY804910XX EM42 Acquisition Management EM0716 2009EY804910YX EM43 Performance Assessment EM0716 2009EY8049900X HQ-OPS-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY8056000 Consolidated Business Center EM0716 2009EY8056100X CBC-RF-0102 Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge and Museum EM0716 2009EY8100000XXHQ-CDP-0100, Congressionally Directed Activities - Environmental Management EM0716 2009EY8500000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Savannah River Site - 2012 Completion Projects EM0716 2009EY8547000 Savannah River Operations EM0716 2009EY8547090XXSR-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EY8548000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY8548110 XSR-0011 NM Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY8548111X SR-0011A NM Stabilization and Disposition - 2006 EM0716 2009EY8548112X SR-0011B NM Stabilization and Disposition - 2012 EM0716 2009EY8548400XXSR-0040B, Nuclear Facility D&D - 2012 EM0716 2009EY8600000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Savannah River Site - 2035 Completion Projects EM0716 2009EY8647000 Savannah River Operations Office EM0716 2009EY8647010XXSR-0101 Savannah River Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY8647100XXSR-0100 Non-Closure Mission Support EM0716 2009EY8648000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY8648020XXHQ-SNF-0012X-SR Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition/Storage EM0716 2009EY8648110XXSR-0011C NM Stabilization and Disposition - 2035 EM0716 2009EY8648120XXSR-0012 SNF Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY8648130XXSR-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY8648300XXSR-0030 Soil and Water Remediation EM0716 2009EY8648400XXSR-0040C Nuclear Facility D&D EM0716 2009EY8700000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Savannah River Site - Tank Farm Activities EM0716 2009EY8748000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009EY8748140XXSR-0014C Radioactive Liquid Tank Waste Stabilization and Disposition EM0716 2009EY9000000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant EM0716 2009EY9009000 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant EM0716 2009EY9009100XXCB-0101 Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EY9009800 XCB-0080 Operate Waste Disposal Facility - WIPP EM0716 2009EY9009801X CB-0080 Project Costs EM0716 2009EY9009802X CB-0080 Mass of the Neutrino EM0716 2009EY9009810XXCB-0081 Central Characterization Project EM0716 2009EY9009900XXCB-0090 Transportation - WIPP EM0716 2009EZ0000000 Environmental Management - Non-Defense EM0716 2009EZ0600000 XNon-Defense Site Acceleration Completion - 2006 Accelerated Completions EM0716 2009EZ0602000 Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0602300 VL-ITL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0602301X VL-ITL-0030-A ITL Environmental Restoration EM0716 2009EZ0602302X VL-ITL-0030-B ITL Waste Management EM0716 2009EZ0610000 Argonne National Laboratory - East EM0716 2009EZ0610300X CH-ANLE-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Argonne National Laboratory-East EM0716 2009EZ0611000 Argonne National Laboratory-West EM0716 2009EZ0611300X CH-ANLW-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Argonne National Laboratory-West EM0716 2009EZ0612000 Brookhaven National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0612300X CH-BRNL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Brookhaven National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0612400X CH-BRNL-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Brookhaven Graphite Research Reactor EM0716 2009EZ0613000 Chicago Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ0613900X CH-OPS-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EZ0614000 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0614300X CH-PPPL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Princeton Site A/B EM0716 2009EZ0623000 Oak Ridge Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ0623900X OR-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EZ0629000 General Atomics EM0716 2009EZ0629120X VL-GA-0012 Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - General Atomics EM0716 2009EZ0630000 Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research EM0716 2009EZ0630400X VL-LEHR-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research EM0716 2009EZ0631000 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0631300X VL-LBNL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0633000 Former Oakland Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ0633900X VL-FOO-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions (Non-Defense) EM0716 2009EZ0635000 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center EM0716 2009EZ0635300X VL-SLAC-0030 Soil and Water Remediaiton - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center EM0716 2009EZ0640000 Ohio Field Office EM0716 2009EZ0640900X OH-OPS-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EZ0641000 West Valley EM0716 2009EZ0641120X OH-WV-0012 Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - West Valley EM0716 2009EZ0800000 XNon-Defense Environmental Services - Non-Closure Environmental Activities EM0716 2009EZ0801000 Albuquerque Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ0801100X VL-FAO-0100-N Nuclear Material Stewardship EM0716 2009EZ0821000 East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EZ0821110X OR-0011Y Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - East Tennessee Technology Park Uranium Facilities Management EM0716 2009EZ0826000 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EZ0826100X PA-0101 Paducah Contract / Post-Closure Liabilities / Administration EM0716 2009EZ0826110X PA-0011 Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - Paducah Uranium Facilities Management EM0716 2009EZ0826120X PA-0011X NM Stabilization and Disposition-Depleted Uranium Hexaflouride Conversion EM0716 2009EZ0827000 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EZ0827100 PO-0101/0102 Portsmouth EM0716 2009EZ0827101X PO-0101 Portsmouth Cold Standby EM0716 2009EZ0827102X PO-0102 Portsmouth Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities/Administration EM0716 2009EZ0827110X PO-0011 Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - Portsmouth Other Uranium Facilities Management EM0716 2009EZ0827120X PO-0011X Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion EM0716 2009EZ0827410X PO-0041 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Portsmouth Gaseous Centrifuge Experimental Process EM0716 2009EZ0900000 XNon-Defense Environmental Services - Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ0912000 Brookhaven National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ0912100X CH-BRNL-0100 Brookhaven Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ0926000 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EZ0926100X PA-0100 Paducah Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ0927000 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 2009EZ0927100X PO-0100 Portsmouth Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ0933000 Oakland Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ0933100X VL-FOO-0100-N Oakland Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ1200000 XNon-Defense Site Acceleration Completion - 2012 Accelerated Completions EM0716 2009EZ1210000 Argonne National Laboratory-East EM0716 2009EZ1210400X CH-ANLE-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Argonne National Laboratory-East EM0716 2009EZ1212000 Brookhaven National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ1212410X CH-BRNL-0041 Nuclear Facility Decontamiantion and Decommission High Flux Beam Reactor EM0716 2009EZ1228000 Energy Technology Training Center EM0716 2009EZ1228400X VL-ETEC-0040 Energy Technology Training Center EM0716 2009EZ1233000 Oakland Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ1233130X VL-FOO-0013B-N Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Oakland Sites - 2012 EM0716 2009EZ1241000 West Valley EM0716 2009EZ1241130X OH-WV-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - West Valley EM0716 2009EZ1241400X OH-WV-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - West Valley EM0716 2009EZ1300000 XNon-Defense Environmental Services - Environmental Cleanup Projects EM0716 2009EZ1342000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EZ1342270 RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility EM0716 2009EZ1342271X RL-0042 Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EZ1342272X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Common Use Stores) EM0716 2009EZ1342273X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Other Special Material) EM0716 2009EZ1342274X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning (Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits) EM0716 2009EZ1342275X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Process Spares) EM0716 2009EZ1342276X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Special Reactor Material) EM0716 2009EZ1342277X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning (Changes in Inventories-Fuel Supply) EM0716 2009EZ3500000 XNon-Defense Site Acceleration Completion - 2035 Accelerated Completions EM0716 2009EZ3504000 Los Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ3504400X VL-LANL-0040-N Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Los Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ3515000 Atlas Site EM0716 2009EZ3515310X HQ-GJ-0031 Soil and Water Remediation - Moab EM0716 2009EZ3555000 General Electric EM0716 2009EZ3555400X VL-GE-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D-General Electric EM0716 2009EZ4000000 XNon-Defense Environmental Cleanup - Fast Flux Test Reactor Facility D&D EM0716 2009EZ4042000 Hanford Site EM0716 2009EZ4042420 RL-0042 - Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility EM0716 2009EZ4042421X RL-0042 Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Non-Inventory Costs) EM0716 2009EZ4042422X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Common Use Stores) EM0716 2009EZ4042423X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Other Special Material) EM0716 2009EZ4042424X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning (Changes in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits) EM0716 2009EZ4042425X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Process Spares) EM0716 2009EZ4042426X Nuclear Facility Decontamiantion and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Special Reactor Material) EM0716 2009EZ4042427X RL-0042 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Fast Flux Test Facility (Changes in Inventories-Fuel SuppEM0716 2009EZ4500000 XNon-Defense Environmental Cleanup - Gaseous Diffusion Plants EM0716 2009EZ4521000 East Tennessee Technology Park EM0716 2009EZ4521110X OR-0011Y Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - East Tennessee Technology Park Uranium Facilities Management EM0716 2009EZ4526000 Paducah EM0716 2009EZ4526010X PA-0101 Paducah Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities/Administration EM0716 2009EZ4526100X PA-0100 Paducah Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ4526110X PA-0011 Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - Paducah Uranium Facilities Management EM0716 2009EZ4526120X PA-0011X NM Stabilization and Disposition - Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion EM0716 2009EZ4527000 Portsmouth EM0716 2009EZ4527010X PO-0101 Portsmouth Cold Standby EM0716 2009EZ4527020X PO-0102 Portsmouth Contract/Post-Closure Liabilities/Administration EM0716 2009EZ4527100X PO-0100 Portsmouth Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ4527110X PO-0011 Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - Portsmouth Other Uranium Facilities Management EM0716 2009EZ4527120X PO-0011X Nuclear Materials Stabilization and Disposition - Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion EM0716 2009EZ4527410X PO-0041 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Portsmouth Gaseous Centrifuge Experimental Process EM0716 2009EZ5000000 Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup - Small Sites EM0716 2009EZ5001000XXAlbuquerque Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ5002000 XInhalation Toxicology Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5002300 CBC-ITL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5002301X CBC-ITL-0030-A Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory - Environmental Restoration EM0716 2009EZ5002302X CBC-ITL-0030-B Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory - Waste Management EM0716 2009EZ5004000 XLos Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5004400X VL-LANL-0040-N Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Los Alamos National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5012000 XBrookhaven National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5012100X BRNL-0100 Brookhaven Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ5012300X BRNL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Brookhaven National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5012400X BRNL-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Brookhaven Graphite Research EM0716 2009EZ5012410X BRNL-0041 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning High Flux Beam Reactor EM0716 2009EZ5013000 XChicago Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ5013900X CH-OPS-0900 Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EZ5014000 XPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5014300X CH-PPPL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Princeton Site A/B EM0716 2009EZ5015000 XMoab - Atlas EM0716 2009EZ5015310X CBC-MOAB-0031 Soil and Water Remediation - Moab EM0716 2009EZ5017000 XIdaho National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5017120X ID-0012B-N Idaho Non-Defense EM0716 2009EZ5017300X Soil and Water Remediation - Argonne National Laboratory-West EM0716 2009EZ5022000 XOak Ridge National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5022110X OR-0011Z Downblend of U-233 in Building 3019 EM0716 2009EZ5023000 XOak Ridge Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ5023900X OR-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EZ5028000 XEnergy Technology Engineering Center EM0716 2009EZ5028400X CBC-ETEC-0040 Energy Technology Training Center EM0716 2009EZ5029000 XGeneral Atomics EM0716 2009EZ5029120X VL-GA-0012 Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - General Atomics EM0716 2009EZ5030000 XLaboratory for Energy-Related Health EM0716 2009EZ5030400X VL-LEHR-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research EM0716 2009EZ5031000 XLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5031300X CBC-LBNL-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5033000 XCalifornia Site Support EM0716 2009EZ5033100X CBC-CA-0100-N Oakland Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 2009EZ5033130X CBC-CA-0013B-N Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - Oakland Sites (2012) EM0716 2009EZ5033900X VL-FOO-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions (Non-Defense) EM0716 2009EZ5035000 XStanford Linear Accelerator Center EM0716 2009EZ5035300X CBC-SLAC-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center EM0716 2009EZ5040000 XOhio Operations Office EM0716 2009EZ5040900X OH-OPS-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009EZ5055000 XGeneral Electric EM0716 2009EZ5055400X VL-GE-0040 Nuclear Facility D&D - General Electric EM0716 2009EZ5056000 XConsolidated Business Center EM0716 2009EZ5056010X CBC-UM-0100 UMTRA Sit Litigation EM0716 2009EZ5056020X CBC-ND-0100 / CBC-Non-Defense Post Closure Administration and Program Support EM0716 2009EZ5056400X CBC-SEFOR-0040-N Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor EM0716 2009EZ5057000 XNNSA Service Center EM0716 2009EZ5057100X VL-FAO-0100-N Nuclear Material Stewardship EM0716 2009EZ5058000 XArgonne National Laboratory EM0716 2009EZ5058300X CH-ANLE-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Argonne National Laboratory-East EM0716 2009EZ5058310X CH-ANLW-0030 Soil and Water Remediation - Argonne National Laboratory-West EM0716 2009EZ5058400X CH-ANLE-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - Argonne National Laboratory-East EM0716 2009EZ5500000 XNon-Defense Environmental Cleanup - West Valley Demonstration Project EM0716 2009EZ5541000 West Valley EM0716 2009EZ5541120X OH-WV-0012 Spent Nuclear Fuel Stabilization and Disposition - West Valley EM0716 2009EZ5541130X OH-WV-0013 Solid Waste Stabilization and Disposition - West Valley EM0716 2009EZ5541400X OH-WV-0040 Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning - West Valley EM0716 2009EZ5541900X OH-OPS-0900-N Pre-2004 Completions EM0716 2009FC0000000 XOffice of the Chief Financial Officer - Program Direction CF99101 2009FC1000000 Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services CF99101 2009FC1010000 Immediate Office Of The Director CF99101 2009FC1010010X Contractual Services for Office of the Director CF99101 2009FC1010020X Awards Ceremonies CF99101 2009FC1010930X Staff Training CF99101 2009FC1027000X Residual Programs CF99101 2009FC1032000 Corporate Information Systems CF99101 2009FC1032010X Corporate Information Systems Contractual Services CF99101 2009FC1032930X Staff Training - Corporate Information Systems CF99101 2009FC1033000 Financial Policy CF99101 2009FC1033010X Financial Policy Contractual Services CF99101 2009FC1033930X Staff Training - Financial Policy CF99101 2009FC1034000 Office of Finance and Accounting CF99101 2009FC1034040X Energy Finance & Accounting Service Center Contractual Services CF99101 2009FC1034930 Staff Training - Finance and Accounting CF99101 2009FC103493AX Staff Training - Director's Office CF99101 2009FC103493CX Staff Training - Finance and Oversight CF99101 2009FC103493DX Staff Training - Energy Finance & Accounting Service Center CF99101 2009FC1035000 Program Analysis and Evaluation CF99101 2009FC1035010X Contractual Services - Program Analysis and Evaluation CF99101 2009FC1035930X Staff Training CF99101 2009FC1036000 Budget Office CF99101 2009FC1036010X Contractual Services - Budget Office CF99101 2009FC1036930X Staff Training CF99101 2009FC1037000 Office of Cost Analysis CF99101 2009FC1037010X Contractual Services- Office of Cost Analysis CF99101 2009FC1037930X Staff Training- Office of Cost Analysis CF99101 2009FC1038000 Office of Internal Review CF99101 2009FC1038010X Contractual Services - Internal Review CF99101 2009FC1038930X Staff Training - Internal Review CF99101 2009FC1080000 Goods And Services Provided Through WCF For CFO CF99101 2009FC1080150X Payroll Processing (Wcf) CF99101 2009FC1080160X CHRIS CF99101 2009FC1080240 Administrative Services CF99101 2009FC1080241X Supplies CF99101 2009FC1080242X Postage CF99101 2009FC1080243X Photocopying CF99101 2009FC1080244X Printing And Graphics CF99101 2009FC1080245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance CF99101 2009FC1080340 Information Management CF99101 2009FC1080341X Telecommunications CF99101 2009FC1080342X Office Automation CF99101 2009FC1080343X Networking CF99101 2009FC1080440 Procurement Services CF99101 2009FC1080441X Contract Audits CF99101 2009FC1080442X Contract Closeout CF99101 2009FC1080520X Executive Information Services CF99101 2009FC1080530X On Line Learning CF99101 2009FC1080540X Personnel And Training Services CF99101 2009FC1080940X Indirect Operating Costs CF99101 2009FC1100000 Personal Services CF99101 2009FC1101000X Full-Time Permanent CF99101 2009FC1102000 All Other Than Full-Time Permanent CF99101 2009FC1102010X Other Salaries CF99101 2009FC1102020X Ses Rank and Performance Award CF99101 2009FC1102030X Other Personnel Compensation CF99101 2009FC1103000 Personnel Benefits CF99101 2009FC1103020X Moving Expenses CF99101 2009FC1103030X All Other Personnel Benefits CF99101 2009FC1103040X Benefits For Former Employees CF99101 2009FC1103050X Worker's Compensation CF99101 2009FC2100000 Travel CF99101 2009FC2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF99101 2009FS0000000 Field Security HS99100 2009FS1000000 XSafeguards and Security - Science SC06138 2009FS1001000X Protective Forces SC06138 2009FS1002000X Security Systems SC06138 2009FS1004000X Information Security SC06138 2009FS1005000X Cyber Security SC06138 2009FS1006000X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) SC06138 2009FS1007000X Material Control and Accountability SC06138 2009FS1009000X Program Management SC06138 2009FS2000000 XDefense Nuclear Security NA0137 2009FS2001000X Protective Forces NA0137 2009FS2002000X Physical Security Systems NA0137 2009FS2003000X Transportation NA0137 2009FS2004000X Information Security NA0137 2009FS2006000X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) NA0137 2009FS2007000X Materials Control and Accountability NA0137 2009FS2008000X Physical Security Technology Deployment NA0137 2009FS2009000X Program Management NA0137 2009FS2010000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0137 2009FS20100W0 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0137 2009FS20100W1X Salaries/Benefits NA0137 2009FS20100W2X Dislocation/Allowance NA0137 2009FS20100W3X Travel NA0137 2009FS20100W4X Office Support NA0137 2009FS20100W5X Equipment NA0137 2009FS20100W6X Other Costs NA0137 2009FS2011000 DBT-Protective Measures NA0137 2009FS2011010X DBT-Protective Forces NA0137 2009FS2011020X DBT-Physical Security Systems NA0137 2009FS2011030X DBT-Program Management NA0137 2009FS2012000X Security Infrastructure NA0137 2009FS2100000 XCyber Security NA0139 2009FS2101000 Cyber Infrastructure NA0139 2009FS2101010X Site Infrastructure NA0139 2009FS2101020X Enterprise Infrastructure NA0139 2009FS2101030X Program Assessments NA0139 2009FS2102000X Enterprise Secure Computing NA0139 2009FS2103000X Cyber Security Initiatives NA0139 2009FS2104000X Diskless Workstation Operations NA0139 2009FS2200000XXSpecial Nuclear Materials Consolidation NA0137 2009FS2500000XXProgram Direction - Safeguards and Security NA0137 2009FS3000000 XDefense Environmental Cleanup - Safeguards and Security -Environmental Management EM0716 2009FS3001000X Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3002000X Security Systems EM0716 2009FS3003000X Transportation EM0716 2009FS3004000X Information Security EM0716 2009FS3005000X Cyber Security EM0716 2009FS3006000X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) EM0716 2009FS3007000X Material Control and Accountability EM0716 2009FS3008000X Technology and Systems Development EM0716 2009FS3009000X Program Management EM0716 2009FS3010000 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant EM0716 2009FS3010010X WIPP - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3010020X Security Systems - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010030X Transportation - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010040X Information Security - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010050X Cyber Security - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010070X Material Control and Accountability - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010080X Technology and Systems Development - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3010090X Program Management - WIPP EM0716 2009FS3024000 Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024010X Oak Ridge - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3024020X Security Systems - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024030X Transportation - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024040X Information Security - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024050X Cyber Security - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024070X Material Control and Accountability - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024080X Technology and Systems Development - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3024090X Program Management - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS3026000 Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026010X Paducah - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3026020X Security Systems - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026030X Transportation - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026040X Information Security - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026050X Cyber Security - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026070X Material Control and Accountability - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026080X Technology and Systems Development - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3026090X Program Management - Paducah EM0716 2009FS3027000 Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027010X Portsmouth - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3027020X Security Systems - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027030X Transportation - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027040X Information Security - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027050X Cyber Security - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027070X Material Control and Accountability - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027080X Technology and Systems Development - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3027090X Program Management - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS3038000 Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038010X Fernald - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3038020X Security Systems - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038030X Transportation - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038040X Information Security - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038050X Cyber Security - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038070X Material Control and Accountability - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038080X Technology and Systems Development - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3038090X Program Management - Fernald EM0716 2009FS3041000 West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041010X West Valley - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3041020X Security Systems - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041030X Transportation - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041040X Information Security - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041050X Cyber Security - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041070X Material Control and Accountability - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041080X Technology and Systems Development - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3041090X Program Management - West Valley EM0716 2009FS3042000 Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042010X Richland/Hanford Site - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3042020X Security Systems - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042030X Transportation - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042040X Information Security - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042050X Cyber Security - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042060X Personnel Secuirty (excluding Security Investigations) - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042070X Material Control and Accountability - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042080X Technology and Systems Development - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3042090X Program Management - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS3045000 Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045010X Rocky Flats - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3045020X Security Systems - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045030X Transportation - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045040X Information Security - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045050X Cyber Security - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045070X Material Control and Accountability - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045080X Technology and Systems Development - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3045090X Program Management - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS3048000 Savannah River Site EM0716 2009FS3048010X Savannah River Site - Protective Forces EM0716 2009FS3048020X Security Systems - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048030X Transportation - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048040X Information Security - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048050X Cyber Security - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048070X Material Control and Accountability - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048080X Technology and Systems Development - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS3048090X Program Management - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5000000 Defense Environmental Cleanup - Safeguards and Security - Environmental Management EM0716 2009FS5010000 XWaste Isolation Pilot Plant EM0716 2009FS5010010X Protective Forces - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010020X Security Systems - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010030X Transportation - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010040X Information Security - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010050X Cyber Security - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010070X Material Control and Accountability - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010080X Technology and Systems Development - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5010090X Program Management - WIPP EM0716 2009FS5024000 XOak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024010X Protective Forces - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024020X Security Systems - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024030X Transportation - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024040X Information Secuirty - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024050X Cyber Security - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024070X Material Control and Accountability - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024080X Technology and Systems Development - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5024090X Program Management - Oak Ridge EM0716 2009FS5026000 XPaducah EM0716 2009FS5026010X Protective Forces - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026020X Security Systems - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026030X Transportation - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026040X Information Security - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026050X Cyber Security - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026060X Personnel Secuirty (excluding Seucrity Investigations) - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026070X Material Control and Accountability - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026080X Technology and Systems Development - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5026090X Program Management - Paducah EM0716 2009FS5027000 XPortsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027010X Protective Forces - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027020X Security Systems - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027030X Transportation - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027040X Information Security - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027050X Cyber Security - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027070X Material Control and Accountability - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027080X Technology and Systems Development - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5027090X Program Management - Portsmouth EM0716 2009FS5038000 XFernald EM0716 2009FS5038010X Protective Forces - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038020X Security Systems - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038030X Transportation - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038040X Information Security - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038050X Cyber Security - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038070X Material Control and Accountability - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038080X Technology and Systems Development - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5038090X Program Management - Fernald EM0716 2009FS5041000 XWest Valley EM0716 2009FS5041010X Protective Forces - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041020X Security Systems - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041030X Transportation - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041040X Information Security - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041050X Cyber Security - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041070X Material Control and Accountability - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041080X Technology and Systems Development - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5041090X Program Management - West Valley EM0716 2009FS5042000 XRichland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042010X Protective Forces - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042020X Security Systems - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042030X Transportation - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042040X Information Security - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042050X Cyber Security - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042070X Material Control and Accountability - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042080X Technology and Systems Development - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5042090X Program Management - Richland/Hanford Site EM0716 2009FS5045000 XRocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045010X Protective Forces - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045020X Security Systems - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045030X Transportation - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045040X Information Security - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045050X Cyber Security - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045070X Material Control and Accontability - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045080X Technology and Systems Development - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5045090X Program Management - Rocky Flats EM0716 2009FS5048000 XSavannah River Site EM0716 2009FS5048010X Protective Forces - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048020X Security Systems - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048030X Transportation - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048040X Information Security - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048050X Cyber Security - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048060X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048070X Material Control and Accountability - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048080X Technology and Systems Development - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5048090X Program Management - Savannah River EM0716 2009FS5500000 XSafeguards and Security - Nuclear Energy NE9999 2009FS5501000X Protective Forces NE9999 2009FS5502000X Security Systems NE9999 2009FS5503000X Transportation NE9999 2009FS5504000X Information Security NE9999 2009FS5505000X Cyber Security NE9999 2009FS5506000X Personnel Security (excluding Security Investigations) NE9999 2009FS5507000X Material Control and Accountability NE9999 2009FS5508000X Technology and Systems Development NE9999 2009FS5509000X Program Management NE9999 2009GD0000000 Nuclear Safeguards And Security HS15137 2009GD0300000 XClassification/Declassification Resources HS15137 2009GD0301000X Policy and Technical Guidance HS15137 2009GD0302000X Classification/Declassification HS15137 2009GD0303000X Classification and Control Training HS15137 2009GD0500000 XOperations And Support HS15137 2009GD0501000 Nuclear Materials Accountability Systems HS15137 2009GD0501010X Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (Nmmss) HS15137 2009GD0501020X Local Area Network Materials Accounting System (LANMAS) HS15137 2009GD0503000 Information Security HS15137 2009GD0503010X Operation Security HS15137 2009GD0503020X Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (Tscm) HS15137 2009GD0503030X Computer Security HS15137 2009GD0503050X All Other HS15137 2009GD0504000X Personnel Security HS15137 2009GD0506000 National Training Center (NTC) HS15137 2009GD0506010X Training, Business, and Support Activities HS15137 2009GD0506070X Business and Support Activities HS15137 2009GD0506090X NTC - Planning and Professional Development Program (PPDP) HS15137 2009GD0507000 Safeguards and Security Awareness HS15137 2009GD0507010X Security Education HS15137 2009GD0507020X Security Awareness HS15137 2009GD0508000 Additional Support HS15137 2009GD0508010X Program Assistance And Analysis HS15137 2009GD0508020X Safeguards And Security Management Planning HS15137 2009GD0508030X Management Analysis, Technical Studies And Support Services HS15137 2009GD0508040X All Other HS15137 2009GD0508060X Foreign Visits and Assignments HS15137 2009GD0508080X Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government (COOP/COG) HS15137 2009GD0600000 XTechnology Systems Development/Deployment HS15137 2009GD0604000 Science And Technology Base HS15137 2009GD0604010X Physical Security HS15137 2009GD0604020X Material Control & Accounting HS15137 2009GD0604030X Information Security HS15137 2009GD0604040X Technical Support Working Group Support HS15137 2009GD0605000 Concept and Demonstrational Development HS15137 2009GD0605010X Physical Security HS15137 2009GD0605020X Material Control & Accounting HS15137 2009GD0605030X Information Security HS15137 2009GD0606000 Full Scale Development HS15137 2009GD0606010X Physical Security HS15137 2009GD0606020X Material Control & Accounting HS15137 2009GD0606030X Information Security HS15137 2009GD0606040X Integrated Systems HS15137 2009GD0607000 Technology Deployment HS15137 2009GD0607010X Deployment HS15137 2009GD0700000XXProject Engineering and Design HS15137 2009GD2100000 XProgram Direction - Office of Vulnerability and Threat ET15137 2009GD2110000 Personnel Compensation and Benefits ET15137 2009GD2110110 Personnel Compensation ET15137 2009GD2110111X Full-time Permanent ET15137 2009GD2110113X Other Than Full Time Permanent ET15137 2009GD2110115X Other Personnel Compensation ET15137 2009GD2110120 Personnel Benefits ET15137 2009GD2110121X Civilian Personnel Benefits ET15137 2009GD2110210X Travel and Transportation of Persons ET15137 2009GD2110250 Other Contractual Services ET15137 2009GD2110251X Advisory and Assistance Services ET15137 2009GD2110252X Other Services ET15137 2009GD2110253X Purchases of Goods and Services From Government Accounts ET15137 2009GD2110259X Training ET15137 2009GD2119000X WCF Summary ET15137 2009GD2120000 Working Capital Fund ET15137 2009GD2120150X Payroll Processing ET15137 2009GD2120240 Administrative Services ET15137 2009GD2120245X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance ET15137 2009GD2500000 XVulnerability and Threat Program ET15137 2009GD2540000 DOE Program Activity ET15137 2009GD2540100X Analysis ET15137 2009GD2540200X Operations & Investigations ET15137 2009GD2540300X Training & Awareness ET15137 2009GD2540400X IT Infrastructure ET15137 2009GD2540500X Evaluations ET15137 2009GD2540600X Cyber ET15137 2009GD2540700X Inspections ET15137 2009GD2540800X Polygraph ET15137 2009GD2540900X Deputy Director Directed Activities for Vulnerability and Threat ET15137 2009GD2540950X Technical Support ET15136 2009GD2540990X M&O Contractors at HQ ET15137 2009GD2570000 NNSA Program Activity ET15137 2009GD2570100X Analysis ET15137 2009GD2570200X Investigations ET15137 2009GD2570300X Training & Awareness ET15137 2009GD2570400X IT Infrastructure ET15137 2009GD2570500X Evaluations ET15137 2009GD2570600X Cyber ET15137 2009GD2570990X NNSA M&O at Headquarters ET15137 2009GD2600000XXDefense Vulnerability and Threat ET15137 2009GD3000000 XEnergy and Proliferation ET15137 2009GD3001000X Security ET15137 2009GD3002000X Energy Security ET15137 2009GD3003000X Proliferation ET15137 2009GD3004000X Counterterrorism ET15137 2009GD3005000X DDI Directed Activities ET15137 2009GD3006000X Collection & Operations ET15137 2009GD3008000 Information Systems ET15137 2009GD3008010X Information Systems ET15137 2009GD3008050X FISMA ET15137 2009GD3008060X Communications Center/Special Facility ET15137 2009GD3009000X M&O Contractors ET15137 2009GD3010000X Director Directed Activities ET15137 2009GD3011000X Applied Technology Program ET15137 2009GD3012000X Science and Technology ET15137 2009GD3013000X Environmental and Energy Security ET15137 2009GD3022000X Working Capital Fund ET15137 2009GD3100000 XProgram Direction ET15137 2009GD3120000 Program Direction ET15137 2009GD3120100X Personal Services and Benefits ET15137 2009GD3120210X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations ET15137 2009GD3120250 Other Contractual Services ET15137 2009GD3120251X Assistance and Advisory Services ET15137 2009GD3120252X Other Miscellaneous Services ET15137 2009GD3120259X Training ET15137 2009GD3120260 Supplies and Materials ET15137 2009GD3120263X Magazines, Books, and other Publications ET15137 2009GD4000000 XProgram Direction ET15137 2009GD4011000 Personnel Services and Benefits ET15137 2009GD4011010X Personnel Services and Benefits Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4011020X Personnel Services and Benefits Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4011030X Personnel Services and Benefits Management ET15137 2009GD4011040X Personnel Services Energy and Environmental Security ET15137 2009GD4021000 Travel and Transportation of Persons ET15137 2009GD4021010X Travel Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4021020X Travel Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4021030X Travel Management ET15137 2009GD4021040X Travel Energy & Environmental Security ET15137 2009GD4022000 Training ET15137 2009GD4022010X Training Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4022020X Training Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4022030X Training Management ET15137 2009GD4022040X Training Energy & Environmental Security ET15137 2009GD4023000 Supplies and Materials ET15137 2009GD4023010X Supplies and Materials Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4023020X Supplies and Materials Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4023030X Supplies and Materials Management ET15137 2009GD4024000 Other Miscellaneous Services ET15137 2009GD4024010X Other Miscellaneous Services Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4024020X Other Miscellaneous Services Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4024030X Other Miscellaneous Services Management ET15137 2009GD4025000 Advisory and Assistance Services ET15137 2009GD4025010X Advisory and Assistance Services Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4025020X Advisory and Assistance Services Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4025030X Advisory and Assistance Services Management ET15137 2009GD4026000 Equipment ET15137 2009GD4026010X Equipment Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4026020X Equipment Technical Analysis ET15137 2009GD4026030X Equipment Mnagement ET15137 2009GD4027000 Federal Field Sites ET15137 2009GD4027010X Federal Field Sites Verification and Control ET15137 2009GD4028000X Information Systems ET15136 2009GD4029000X Security ET15136 2009GD4030000X Working Capital Fund ET15137 2009GD4031000X M&O Contractors at HQ ET15136 2009GH0000000 XSecurity Investigations HS9998 2009GH0100000X Federal Bureau Of Investigation (Fbi) HS9998 2009GH0200000X Office Of Personnel Management HS9998 2009GH0300000X Related Security Investigations Activities HS9998 2009GP0000000 XFederal Inspector - Alaska Gas Pipeline FE0948 2009GP2000000 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0948 2009GP2006000X Other Services FE0948 2009GQ0000000XXOffice of Loan Guarantee for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects FE0449 2009GR0000000XXOffice of the Federal Coordinator for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects FE0449 2009GU0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - GC - Other Defense Activities GC15140 2009GU1000000 Corporate Safety Programs GC15140 2009GU1002000X Facility Safety GC15140 2009GU1003000X Corporate Perfomance Assessment GC15140 2009GU1007000X Info Management GC15140 2009GU1010000X PA Enforcement GC15140 2009GV0000000 XUltra Deep Water and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources FE0449 2009GV0500000X Consortium-Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources FE0449 2009GV1000000X NETL-Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources FE0449 2009GY0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - GC - Energy Supply GC15140 2009GY1000000X Policy, Standards and Guidance GC15140 2009GY7000000 DOE-Wide EH Programs GC15140 2009GY7006000X Information Management (eXcite) GC15140 2009GY7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment GC15140 2009GY7040000X Environment GC15140 2009GY7060000X Enforcement GC15140 2009GZ0000000 XES&H Program Direction - GC -Energy Supply GC15140 2009GZ6000000 Program Direction GC15140 2009GZ6001000 Salaries and Benefits GC15140 2009GZ6001110 Personal Services GC15140 2009GZ6001111X FT Permanent GC15140 2009GZ6001112X All Other Pers Services GC15140 2009GZ6001113X Employee Incentive Awards GC15140 2009GZ6001120 Personnnel Benefits GC15140 2009GZ6001122X Moving Expenses GC15140 2009GZ6001123X All Other Pers. Benefits GC15140 2009GZ6001124X Training GC15140 2009GZ6001130X Benefits for Former Pers GC15140 2009GZ6001210 Travel and Transporation of Persons GC15140 2009GZ6001211X Travel GC15140 2009GZ6009000X Special Projects GC15140 2009GZ6011000 Goods and Services Provided Through the Working Capital Fund GC15140 2009GZ6011140X Payroll & Other Personnel Costs GC15140 2009GZ6011150X Payroll Processing GC15140 2009GZ6011160X CHRIS GC15140 2009GZ6011240 Administrative Services GC15140 2009GZ6011241X Supplies GC15140 2009GZ6011242X Postage GC15140 2009GZ6011243X Photocopying GC15140 2009GZ6011244X Printing and Graphics GC15140 2009GZ6011245X Building Rental, Ops GC15140 2009GZ6011340 Information Management Systems and Operations GC15140 2009GZ6011341X Telecommunications GC15140 2009GZ6011342X Office Automation GC15140 2009GZ6011343X Networking GC15140 2009GZ6011440 Procurement Services GC15140 2009GZ6011441X Contract Audits GC15140 2009GZ6011442X Contract Closeouts GC15140 2009GZ6011520X Corp Exec Info Systems GC15140 2009GZ6011530X Online Learning Ctr GC15140 2009GZ6011540X Pers and Training Serv GC15140 2009GZ6011940X Indirect Operating Costs GC15140 2009HA0000000 XEmployee Compensation Initiative HS1569 2009HA1000000 Worker Advocacy HS1569 2009HA1001000X Worker Advocacy HS1569 2009HA1009000X Special Projects HS1569 2009HC0000000 XEnergy Supply (Operating) HS1569 2009HC1000000 Policy, Standards and Guidance HS1569 2009HC1002000 Environment, Safety and Health HS1569 2009HC1002100X Environment (EH-4) HS1569 2009HC1002200X Facility Safety (EH-2) HS1569 2009HC1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment (EH-3) HS1569 2009HC1004000X Health (EH-5) HS1569 2009HC1006000X Price-Anderson Enforcement HS1569 2009HC1009000X Special Projects HS1569 2009HC7000000 DOE-Wide ES&H Programs HS1569 2009HC7006000X Information Management HS1569 2009HC7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment HS1569 2009HC7040000X Environment HS1569 2009HC7060000X Nuclear/Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement HS1569 2009HD0000000 XOther Defense Activities (Operating) HS1569 2009HD1000000 Other Defense Activities (Operating) HS1569 2009HD1002000X Facility Safety HS1569 2009HD1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment (EH-3) HS1569 2009HD1007000X Information Management HS1569 2009HD1008000X Nuclear Safety Research Program HS1569 2009HD1009000X Special Projects HS1569 2009HD1010000X Price-Anderson Enforcement HS1569 2009HD2000000 Health HS1569 2009HD2006000 Health HS1569 2009HD2006100X Occupational Medicine HS1569 2009HD2006200X Epidemiologic Studies HS1569 2009HD2006300X International Programs HS1569 2009HD2006400X Marshall Islands HS1569 2009HD2006500X Public Health Programs HS1569 2009HD4000000 Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) HS1569 2009HD4006000X RERF HS1569 2009HD6000000X Worker Safety HS1569 2009HE0000000 XProgram Direction - ES&H (Non-Defense) HS1569 2009HE6000000 Program Direction HS1569 2009HE6001000 Environment, Safety And Health HS1569 2009HE6001110 Personal Services HS1569 2009HE6001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS1569 2009HE6001112X All Other Personal Services HS1569 2009HE6001113X Employee Incentive Awards HS1569 2009HE6001120 Personnel Benefits HS1569 2009HE6001122X Moving Expenses HS1569 2009HE6001123X All Other Personnel Benefits HS1569 2009HE6001124X Training HS1569 2009HE6001130X Benefits For Former Personnel HS1569 2009HE6001210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons HS1569 2009HE6001211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations HS1569 2009HE6009000X Special Projects HS1569 2009HE6011000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) HS1569 2009HE6011140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs HS1569 2009HE6011150X Payroll Processing To Be Performed By Non Federal Contractor And/Or Other Federal Agency HS1569 2009HE6011160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) HS1569 2009HE6011240 Administrative Services HS1569 2009HE6011241X Supplies HS1569 2009HE6011242X Postage HS1569 2009HE6011243X Photocopying HS1569 2009HE6011244X Printing And Graphics HS1569 2009HE6011245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance HS1569 2009HE6011340 Information Management Systems And Operations HS1569 2009HE6011341X Telecommunication HS1569 2009HE6011342X Office Automation Equipment And Support HS1569 2009HE6011343X Networking HS1569 2009HE6011440 Procurement Services HS1569 2009HE6011441X Contract Audits HS1569 2009HE6011442X Contract Closeout HS1569 2009HE6011520X Corporate Executive Information System HS1569 2009HE6011530X Online Learning Center (OLC) HS1569 2009HE6011540X Personnel And Training Services HS1569 2009HE6011940X Indirect Operating Costs HS1569 2009HF0000000 XProgram Direction - ES&H HS1569 2009HF3000000 Program Direction HS1569 2009HF3001000 Environment, Safety And Health HS1569 2009HF3001110 Personal Services HS1569 2009HF3001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS1569 2009HF3001112X All Other Personal Services HS1569 2009HF3001113X Employee Incentive Awards HS1569 2009HF3001120 Personnel Benefits HS1569 2009HF3001122X Moving Expenses HS1569 2009HF3001123X All Other Personnel Benefits HS1569 2009HF3001124X Training HS1569 2009HF3001130X Benefits For Former Personnel HS1569 2009HF3001210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons HS1569 2009HF3001211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations HS1569 2009HF3009000X Special Projects HS1569 2009HG0000000XXAtomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (Avlis) CF99101 2009HI0000000 XFuel Cell Technologies EE0401 2009HI0100000X Transportation Systems EE0401 2009HI0200000X Distributed Energy Systems EE0401 2009HI0300000X Stack Component R&D EE0401 2009HI0400000X Fuel Processor R&D EE0401 2009HI0500000X Technology Validation EE0401 2009HI0600000X Technical/Program Management Suport EE0401 2009HI0700000 Fuel Cell Congressional Earmarks EE0401 2009HI0701000X Porvair Carbon/Carbon Composite Bipolar Plates EE0401 2009HI0702000X Cathode Catalyst EE0401 2009HI0703000X University of South Carolina Fuel Cell Design Project- SC (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0704000X Fuel Cell Freeze/Cold Start Program -CT (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0705000X Center for Intelligent Fuel Cell Materials-Multi State (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0706000X Indigeous Energy Development Center -PA (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0707000X Florida International University-Center for Energy & Technology of the Americas- FL (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0708000X City of Aurburn Energy Production Issues at Wastewater Plant -NY (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0709000X Hydrogen Fleet Infrastructure Demonstration- MI (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0710000X Purdue Hydrogen Technologies Program- IN (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0711000X Detroit Commuter Hydrogen Project -MI (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0712000X California Hydrogen Storage and Systems Technologies (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0713000X University of Akron Fuel Cell Laboratory -OH (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0714000X Kettering University Fuel Cell Project -MI (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0715000X Hydrogen Optical Fiber Sensors -CA (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0716000X Montana Palladium Research Center- MT (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0717000X University of Arkansas at Little Rock- Nanotechnology Center Production of Hydrogen (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0718000X Univ of Mississippi -Improved Materials for Fuel Cell Membrane (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HI0719000X Southern Nevada Alternative Fuels Demonstration (FC Earmark) EE0401 2009HQ0000000 XEmployee Compensation Initiative HS15140 2009HQ1000000 Employee Compensation HS15140 2009HQ1001000X Worker Advocacy HS15140 2009HQ1009000X Special Projects HS15140 2009HR0000000 XOffice of Human Capital Management Program Direction HC99101 2009HR1000000 Office of Human Capital Management Contractual & WCF HC99101 2009HR1044000X Office of Human Capital Management Contractual Services HC99101 2009HR1080000X Office of Human Capital Management Working Capital Fund HC99101 2009HR1100000X Office of Human Capital Management Payroll & Salary Related HC99101 2009HR2100000X Office of Human Capital Management Travel HC99101 2009HU0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - HS - Other Defense Activities HS15140 2009HU1000000 Corporate Safety Program HS15140 2009HU1002000X Facility Safety HS15140 2009HU1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment HS15140 2009HU1007000X Information Management HS15140 2009HU1008000X Nuclear Safety Research Program HS15140 2009HU1009000X Special Projects HS15140 2009HU1010000X Price-Anderson Enforcement HS15140 2009HU2000000 Health HS15140 2009HU2006000 Health HS15140 2009HU2006100X Occupational Medicine HS15140 2009HU2006200X Epidemiologic Studies HS15140 2009HU2006300X International Programs HS15140 2009HU2006400X Marshall Islands HS15140 2009HU2006500X Public Health Programs HS15140 2009HU4000000 Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) HS15140 2009HU4006000X RERF HS15140 2009HU6000000X Worker Safety HS15140 2009HU7000000X Health (VPP Programs) HS1569 2009HW0000000 XProgram Direction - HS -Other Defense Activities HS15140 2009HW3000000 Program Direction HS15140 2009HW3001000 Salaries and Benefits HS15140 2009HW3001110 Personal Services HS15140 2009HW3001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS15140 2009HW3001112X All Other Personal Services HS15140 2009HW3001113X Employee Incentive Awards HS15140 2009HW3001120 Personnel Benefits HS15140 2009HW3001122X Moving Expenses HS15140 2009HW3001123X All Other Personnel Benefits HS15140 2009HW3001124X Training HS15140 2009HW3001130X Benefits for Former Personnel HS15140 2009HW3001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons HS15140 2009HW3001211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS15140 2009HW3009000X Special Projects HS15140 2009HY0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - HS - Energy Supply HS15140 2009HY1000000 Policy, Standards and Guidance HS15140 2009HY1002000 Environment, Safety and Health HS15140 2009HY1002100X Environment HS15140 2009HY1002200X Facility Safety HS15140 2009HY1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment HS15140 2009HY1004000X Health HS15140 2009HY1009000X Special Projects HS15140 2009HY7000000 DOE-Wide ES&H Programs HS15140 2009HY7006000X Information Management (eXcite) HS15140 2009HY7010000X Health HS15140 2009HY7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment HS15140 2009HY7040000X Environment HS15140 2009HY7060000X Enforcement HS15140 2009HZ0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health - HS - Program Direction - Energy Supply HS15140 2009HZ6000000 Program Direction HS15140 2009HZ6001000 Salaries and Benefits HS15140 2009HZ6001110 Personal Services HS15140 2009HZ6001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS15140 2009HZ6001112X All Other Personal Services HS15140 2009HZ6001113X Employee Incentive Awards HS15140 2009HZ6001120 Personnel Benefits HS15140 2009HZ6001122X Moving Expenses HS15140 2009HZ6001123X All Other Personnel Benefits HS15140 2009HZ6001124X Training HS15140 2009HZ6001130X Benefits for Former Personnel HS15140 2009HZ6001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons HS15140 2009HZ6001211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS15140 2009HZ6009000X Special Projects HS15140 2009HZ6011000 Good and Services Provided Through the Working Capital Fund (WCF) HS15140 2009HZ6011140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs HS15140 2009HZ6011150X Payroll Processing to be performed by Non-Federal Contractor and/or Other Federal Agency HS15140 2009HZ6011160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) HS15140 2009HZ6011240 Administrative Services HS15140 2009HZ6011241X Supplies HS15140 2009HZ6011242X Postage HS15140 2009HZ6011243X Photocopying HS15140 2009HZ6011244X Printing and Graphics HS15140 2009HZ6011245X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance HS15140 2009HZ6011340 Information Management Systems and Operations HS15140 2009HZ6011341X Telecommunications HS15140 2009HZ6011342X Office Automation Equipment and Support HS15140 2009HZ6011343X Networking HS15140 2009HZ6011440 Procurement Services HS15140 2009HZ6011441X Contract Audits HS15140 2009HZ6011442X Contract Closeout HS15140 2009HZ6011520X Corporate Executive Information Ssytem HS15140 2009HZ6011530X Online Learning Center (OLC) HS15140 2009HZ6011540X Personnel and Training Services HS15140 2009HZ6011940X Indirect Operating Costs HS15140 2009IA0000000 INTERNATIONAL POLICY STUDIES PI99101 2009IA0100000XXInternational Policy Studies PI99101 2009IA0400000XXInternational Environmental Analysis PI99101 2009IM0000000 XCHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER - INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IM99101 2009IM1000000 Information Management Personnel and Administrative Services IM99101 2009IM1010000 Salaries and Benefits IM99101 2009IM1010110X Full Time Permanent Base Salaries - RO IM99101 2009IM1010120X All Other Full-Time Permanent Salaries IM99101 2009IM1010130X Awards to Employees IM99101 2009IM1010140X Other Personal Compensation IM99101 2009IM1010150X Personal Benefits IM99101 2009IM1010160X Benefits to Former Personnel IM99101 2009IM1010170X All Other Personal Benefits IM99101 2009IM1010180X Full Time Permanent Base Salaries - MEO IM99101 2009IM1010220X Relocation Expenses IM99101 2009IM1020000 Travel and Transportation of Things IM99101 2009IM1020210X Domestic Travel IM99101 2009IM1020220X Foreign Travel IM99101 2009IM1030000 CIO Personnel Training (Non-WCF) IM99101 2009IM1030010X Development Training (Non-WCF) IM99101 2009IM1030020X Management Training (Non-WCF) IM99101 2009IM1030030X Project Training (Non-WCF) IM99101 2009IM1030040X Systems Training (Non-WCF) IM99101 2009IM1030050X Training - Other (Non-WCF) IM99101 2009IM1040000 Services Provided By Working Capital Fund (WCF) IM99101 2009IM1040150X WCF - Payroll Processing IM99101 2009IM1040160X WCF - CHRIS Support IM99101 2009IM1040240 WCF Administrative Services IM99101 2009IM1040241X WCF - Supplies IM99101 2009IM1040242X WCF - Postage IM99101 2009IM1040243X WCF - Photocopying IM99101 2009IM1040244X WCF - Printing and Graphics IM99101 2009IM1040245X WCF - Building Rental, Operations, and Maintance IM99101 2009IM1040340 WCF Information Management Systems and Operations IM99101 2009IM1040341X WCF - Telecommunication IM99101 2009IM1040342X WCF - Office Automation Equipment and Support IM99101 2009IM1040343X WCF - Networking IM99101 2009IM1040420X WCF - Contract Closeout IM99101 2009IM1040530X WCF - On Line Learning Center IM99101 2009IM2000000 IM - CIO Administrative Management IM99101 2009IM2010000 Immediate Office of the CIO IM99101 2009IM2010010X Management Planning and Strategic Initiatives IM99101 2009IM2010020X Strategic Planning Initiatives IM99101 2009IM2010030X Systems Planning and Design IM99101 2009IM2010050X Interagency Councils and Committees IM99101 2009IM2010060X Shared Government Programs and Assessments IM99101 2009IM2010090X Other Management Oversight IM99101 2009IM3000000 IM - Records and Resource Management IM99101 2009IM3010000 Resource Management IM99101 2009IM3010010X Budget and Finance Support IM99101 2009IM3010020X Acquisition Support IM99101 2009IM3010030X Commercial Timesharing Services IM99101 2009IM3010040X Workforce Planning/Strategic Management IM99101 2009IM3010090X Other Resource Management Services and Administrative Management IM99101 2009IM3020000 Records Management IM99101 2009IM3020010X Forms Management IM99101 2009IM3020020X Records Management IM99101 2009IM3020030X CIO-Sponsored Training IM99101 2009IM4000000 IM - Architecture, Standards, and Planning IM99101 2009IM4010000 Information Architecture IM99101 2009IM4010010X DOE Information Architecture IM99101 2009IM4010020X Information Technology (IT) Standards IM99101 2009IM4010030X Software Quality Engineering IM99101 2009IM4020000 Spectrum Management IM99101 2009IM4020020X Spectrum Licensing and Certification IM99101 2009IM4020040X Spectrum Relocation IM99101 2009IM4020090X All Spectrum Services IM99101 2009IM4050000X Strategic Information Management (SIM) IM99101 2009IM6000000 IM - Operations IM99101 2009IM6010000X ACIO Operations Support Services IM99101 2009IM6020000 E-Mail and Messaging Infrastructure and Support IM99101 2009IM6020090X All Electronic Messaging Services and Infrastructure IM99101 2009IM6030000 Network Infrastructure and Support Services IM99101 2009IM6030010X All HQ Network, Infrastructure, Security Engineering, and Support Services IM99101 2009IM6030020X Common Network Initiatives (CNI) IM99101 2009IM6030030X Virtual Private Network (VPN) Remote Access IM99101 2009IM6030040X Video Conferencing Support IM99101 2009IM6030070X Local Area Network Infrastructure and Support Services IM99101 2009IM6040000 HQ Communications Support IM99101 2009IM6040050X Pager Services IM99101 2009IM6040060X Cellular Telephone Services IM99101 2009IM6040090X All HQ Communications Support IM99101 2009IM6050000 HQ Office Systems and End-User Support IM99101 2009IM6050010X Technology Refreshment / Upgrade IM99101 2009IM6050020X Desktop Configuration and Support IM99101 2009IM6050090X All HQ Office Systems and End-User Support IM99101 2009IM6060000 HQ Data Center Support and Services IM99101 2009IM6060020X Service and Software Licensing Agreements IM99101 2009IM6060090X All HQ Data Center Support and Services IM99101 2009IM6070000 DOE Corporate Systems Support IM99101 2009IM6070080X Departmental Web Services IM99101 2009IM6070090X All DOE Corporate Systems Support IM99101 2009IM6080000 HQ Cyber Security Support IM99101 2009IM6080010X Cyber Security Support IM99101 2009IM7000000 IM - Special Projects IM99101 2009IM7010000X Special Projects IM99101 2009IM7030000 Capital Investment Planning IM99101 2009IM7030010X I-TIPS Project IM99101 2009IM7040000X Workforce Planning IM99101 2009IN0000000 XIntelligence IN15150 2009IN0100000 Program Activities IN15150 2009IN0102000X Energy Security IN15150 2009IN0103000X Weapons Program IN15150 2009IN0104000X Proliferation Intelligence IN15150 2009IN0106000X Applied Technology Program IN15150 2009IN0107000X Technical Support Not Related To Adp IN15150 2009IN0108000X Technical Support Related To Adp IN15150 2009IN0109000X M&O Contractors in the D.C. Area IN15150 2009IN0130000X Foreign Chemical Weapons Analysis - ND IN15150 2009IN0200000 Intelligence Program Direction IN15150 2009IN0210000 Program Direction IN15150 2009IN0210110 Personal Services And Benefits IN15150 2009IN0210111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries IN15150 2009IN0210113X Other Than Full-Time Permanent IN15150 2009IN0210118X Special Personal Services Payments IN15150 2009IN0210120 Personnel Benefits IN15150 2009IN0210121X Civilian Personnel Benefits IN15150 2009IN0210210X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations IN15150 2009IN0210230 Communications And Utilities IN15150 2009IN0210233X Communications, Utilities, And Miscellaneous Charges IN15150 2009IN0210250 Other Contractual Services IN15150 2009IN0210251X Advisory And Assistance Services IN15150 2009IN0210252X Other Services IN15150 2009IN0210253X Purchases Of Goods And Services From Government Accounts IN15150 2009IN0210257X Operation And Maintenance Of Equipment IN15150 2009IN0210259X Training IN15150 2009IN0210260 Supplies and Materials IN15150 2009IN0210261X Office Supplies IN15150 2009IN0210263X Publications IN15150 2009IN0210310 Acquisition Of Assets IN15150 2009IN0210311X Non-Capitalized Equipment IN15150 2009IN0210312X Other Equipment IN15150 2009IN0220000 Intelligence Working Capital Fund IN15150 2009IN0220150X Payroll Processing IN15150 2009IN0220240 Administrative Services IN15150 2009IN0220243X Photocopying IN15150 2009IN0220245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance IN15150 2009IN0220340 Information Management Systems And Operations IN15150 2009IN0220341X Telecommunication IN15150 2009IN0220530X Subscription to the On-Line Learning Center IN15150 2009IN0220940X Indirect Operating Costa IN15150 2009IN0400000 Homeland Security Intelligence IN15150 2009IN0401000X Support to Counterterrorism IN15150 2009IN0404000X Chemical/Biological Support IN15150 2009IN0500000 Intelligence Electronic Infrastructure IN15150 2009IN0501000X Secure Energy Analysis System IN15150 2009IN0502000X Intelligence Community-Wide Area Network Support IN15150 2009IN0503000X Virtual Library/Knowledge Management System IN15150 2009IN0504000X Continuity of Operations IN15150 2009IN0505000X Defense Messaging System IN15150 2009IN0506000X Communications Center IN15150 2009IN0507000X Special Facility IN15150 2009IN0509000X DOE Open Source Connectivity IN15150 2009IT0000000 XCorporate Management Information Program IM99101 2009IT2000000 CMIP - CIO Administrative Management IM99101 2009IT2010000X Immediate Office of the CIO IM99101 2009IT8000000 CMIP - Program Services IM99101 2009IT8010000X Systems Architecture Design IM99101 2009IT8020000X Systems Development Planning and Policy IM99101 2009IT8030000X Strategic Systems Management IM99101 2009IT8040000 Corporate Systems Development Projects IM99101 2009IT8040020X Accounting Systems IM99101 2009IT8040030X Personnel and Human Resources Systems IM99101 2009IT8040040X Procurement Systems IM99101 2009IT8040050X Budget Systems IM99101 2009IT8040060X Financial Management Line of Business (FMLOB) IM99101 2009KA0000000 High Energy Physics SC0617 2009KA1100000 XProton Accelerator-Based Physics SC0617 2009KA1101000 Proton Research SC0617 2009KA1101010X Proton Research, Grants SC0617 2009KA1101020X Proton Research, National Laboratory SC0617 2009KA1101030X Proton Research, University Service Accounts SC0617 2009KA1101040X Proton Research, Other SC0617 2009KA1102000 Proton Facilities SC0617 2009KA1102010 Proton Facilities - Accelerator Complex Operations SC0617 2009KA1102011X Proton Facilities - Accelerator Operations SC0617 2009KA1102012X Proton Facilities - Detector Operations SC0617 2009KA1102020 Proton Facilities - Accelerator Complex Support SC0617 2009KA1102021X Proton Facilities - Accelerator Support SC0617 2009KA1102022X Proton Facilities - Detector Support SC0617 2009KA1102023X Proton Facilities - Other Support SC0617 2009KA1102030 Proton Facilities - Accelerator Facility Projects SC0617 2009KA1102031X Proton Facilities - Accelerator R&D SC0617 2009KA1102032X Proton Facilities - Technology R&D, Detector R&D SC0617 2009KA1102033X Proton Facilities - Projects, Current Facility Projects SC0617 2009KA1102034X Proton Facilities - Projects, Future Facility R&D SC0617 2009KA1102040 Proton Facilites - Large Hadron Collider SC0617 2009KA1102041X Proton Facilities - Large Hadron Collider, Accelerator SC0617 2009KA1102042X Proton Facilities - Large Hadron Collider, Procurements from Industry SC0617 2009KA1102043X Proton Facilities - Large Hadron Collider, ATLAS Detector SC0617 2009KA1102044X Proton Facilities - Large Hadron Collider, CMS Detector SC0617 2009KA1102050 Proton Facilities - Large Hadron Collider Support SC0617 2009KA1102051X Proton Facilities - LHC Support, Software and Computing SC0617 2009KA1102052X Proton Facilities - LHC Support, Experimental Support (M&O) SC0617 2009KA1102053X Proton Facilities - LHC Support, Accelerator R&D SC0617 2009KA1102054X Proton Facilities - LHC Support, ATLAS Detector & Computing Support SC0617 2009KA1102055X Proton Facilities - LHC Support, CMS Detector & Computing Support SC0617 2009KA1102060X Proton Facilities - AGS Operations SC0617 2009KA1102070X Proton Facilities - AGS Support SC0617 2009KA1102080X Proton Facilities - Other SC0617 2009KA1102810 Proton Facilities - Change in Inventories SC0617 2009KA1102811X Proton Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Special Process Spares SC0617 2009KA1102812X Proton Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Common Use Stores SC0617 2009KA1102813X Proton Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Other Special Materials SC0617 2009KA1102814X Proton Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Change in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits SC0617 2009KA1200000 XElectron Accelerator-Based Physics SC0617 2009KA1201000 Electron Research SC0617 2009KA1201010X Electron Research, Grants SC0617 2009KA1201020X Electron Research, National Laboratory SC0617 2009KA1201030X Electron Research, University Service Accounts SC0617 2009KA1201040X Electron Research, Other SC0617 2009KA1202000 Electron Facilities SC0617 2009KA1202010 Electron Facilities - Operations SC0617 2009KA1202011X Electron Facilities - Accelerator Operations SC0617 2009KA1202012X Electron Facilities - Detector Operations SC0617 2009KA1202020 Electron Facilities - Complex Support SC0617 2009KA1202021X Electron Facilities - Accelerator Support SC0617 2009KA1202022X Electron Facilities - Detector Support SC0617 2009KA1202023X Electron Facilities - Other Support SC0617 2009KA1202030 Electron Facilities - Accelerator Projects SC0617 2009KA1202031X Electron Facilities - Accelerator R&D SC0617 2009KA1202032X Electron Facilities - Detector R&D SC0617 2009KA1202033X Electron Facilities - Projects, Current Facility Projects SC0617 2009KA1202034X Electron Facilities - Projects, Future Facility R&D SC0617 2009KA1202040X Electron Facilities - Other SC0617 2009KA1202810 Electron Facilities - Change in Inventories SC0617 2009KA1202811X Electron Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Special Process Spares SC0617 2009KA1202812X Electron Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Common Use Stores SC0617 2009KA1202813X Electron Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Other Special Materials SC0617 2009KA1202814X Electron Facilities - Chng in Inventories, Chng in Collateral Funds and Other Deposits SC0617 2009KA1300000 XNon-Accelerator-Based Physics SC0617 2009KA1301000 Non-Accelerator Physics Research SC0617 2009KA1301010X Non-Accelerator Physics Research, Grants SC0617 2009KA1301020X Non-Accelerator Physics Research, National Laboratory SC0617 2009KA1301030 Non-Accelerator Physics Research, Projects SC0617 2009KA1301031X Non-Accelerator Physics Research, Projects, Current SC0617 2009KA1301032X Non-Accelerator Physics Research, Projects, Future R&D SC0617 2009KA1301040X Non-Accelerator Physics Research, Other SC0617 2009KA1400000 XTheoretical Physics SC0617 2009KA1401000 Theoretical Physics Research SC0617 2009KA1401010X Theoretical Physics Research, Grants SC0617 2009KA1401020X Theoretical Physics Research, National Laboratory SC0617 2009KA1401030X Theoretical Physics Research, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) SC0617 2009KA1401040X Theoretical Physics Research, Other SC0617 2009KA1401050X Theoretical Physics Research, Computational HEP SC0617 2009KA1500000 XAdvanced Technology R&D SC0617 2009KA1501000 Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Science SC0617 2009KA1501010X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Science, Grants SC0617 2009KA1501020X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Science, National Laboratory SC0617 2009KA1501030X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Science, Other SC0617 2009KA1502000 Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development SC0617 2009KA1502010 Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, General SC0617 2009KA1502011X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, General Accelerator Development SC0617 2009KA1502012X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, Superconducting RF R&D SC0617 2009KA1502020 Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, International Linear Collider SC0617 2009KA1502021X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, International Linear Collider Accelerator R&D SC0617 2009KA1502022X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, International Linear Collider Detector R&D SC0617 2009KA1502023X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, International Linear Collider Other Supporting R&D SC0617 2009KA1502030X Advanced Technology Research, Accelerator Development, Muon Accelerators SC0617 2009KA1503000 Advanced Technology Research, Other Technology R&D SC0617 2009KA1503010X Advanced Technology Research, Other Technology R&D, Advanced Detector SC0617 2009KA1503020X Advanced Technology Research, Other Technology R&D, Detector Development SC0617 2009KA1503030X Advanced Technology Research, Other Technology R&D, Coneptual Design Reports SC0617 2009KA1503040X Advanced Technology Research, Other Technology R&D, Other SC0617 2009KB0000000 XNuclear Physics SC0618 2009KB0100000 Medium Energy Physics SC0618 2009KB0101000 Medium Energy, Research SC0618 2009KB0101010 Medium Energy, University Research SC0618 2009KB0101011X Medium Energy, Bates Research SC0618 2009KB0101012X Medium Energy, Other University Research SC0618 2009KB0101020 Medium Energy, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0101021X Medium Energy, Tjnaf Research SC0618 2009KB0101022X Medium Energy, Other National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0101030X Medium Energy, Other SC0618 2009KB0101050 Medium Energy Accelerator R&D Research SC0618 2009KB0101051X Medium Energy Accelerator R&D University Research SC0618 2009KB0101052X Medium Energy Accelerator R&D Natl Lab Research SC0618 2009KB0102000 Medium Energy, Operations SC0618 2009KB0102010 Tjnaf Operations SC0618 2009KB0102011X Tjnaf Accelerator Operations SC0618 2009KB0102012X Tjnaf Experimental Support SC0618 2009KB0102013X TJNAF 12 GeV Upgrade Other Project Costs SC0618 2009KB0102020X Bates Operations SC0618 2009KB0102030X Other Operations SC0618 2009KB0181000 Medium Energy, Change In Inventories SC0618 2009KB0181010 Special Process Spares SC0618 2009KB0181012X Nuclear Physics - Bnl-Tandem SC0618 2009KB0181013X Nuclear Physics - Anl-Tandem SC0618 2009KB0181015X Nuclear Physics - Tjnaf SC0618 2009KB0181020X Common Use Stores SC0618 2009KB0200000 Heavy-Ion Physics SC0618 2009KB0201000 Heavy Ion, Research SC0618 2009KB0201010X Heavy Ion, University Research SC0618 2009KB0201020 Heavy Ion, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0201021X Heavy Ion, Rhic Research SC0618 2009KB0201022X Heavy Ion, Other National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0201030X Heavy Ion, Other SC0618 2009KB0201050 Heavy Ion Accelerator R&D Research SC0618 2009KB0201051X Heavy Ion Accelerator R&D University Research SC0618 2009KB0201052X Heavy Ion Accelerator R&D Natl Lab Research SC0618 2009KB0202000 Heavy Ion, Operations SC0618 2009KB0202010 Heavy Ion, Rhic Operations SC0618 2009KB0202011X Heavy Ion, Rhic Accelerator Operations SC0618 2009KB0202012X Heavy Ion, RHIC Experimental Support SC0618 2009KB0202020X Heavy Ion, National Laboratory Facility Operations SC0618 2009KB0202030X Heavy Ion, Other Operations SC0618 2009KB0281000 Heavy Ion, Change In Inventories SC0618 2009KB0281010 Heavy Ion, Special Process Spares SC0618 2009KB0281011X Nuclear Physics - Rhic SC0618 2009KB0281020X Heavy Ion, Common Use Stores SC0618 2009KB0281030X Heavy Ion, Other Special Materials SC0618 2009KB0281040X Heavy Ion, Change In Collateral Funds And Other Deposits SC0618 2009KB0300000 Nuclear Theory SC0618 2009KB0301000 Theory, Research SC0618 2009KB0301010X Theory, University Research SC0618 2009KB0301020X Theory, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0301030X Theory, Other SC0618 2009KB0301040 Theory, Nuclear Data SC0618 2009KB0301041X Theory, Nuclear Data, University Research SC0618 2009KB0301042X Theory, Nuclear Data, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0301043X Theory, Nuclear Data, Other SC0618 2009KB0301050 Theory, Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) SC0618 2009KB0301051X Theory, SciDAC, University Research SC0618 2009KB0301052X Theory, SciDAC, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0400000 Low Energy Physics SC0618 2009KB0401000 Low Energy, Research SC0618 2009KB0401010X Low Energy, University Research SC0618 2009KB0401020 Low Energy, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0401021X Low Energy, HRIBF Research SC0618 2009KB0401022X Low Energy, Other National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0401023X Low Energy, ATLAS Research SC0618 2009KB0401024X Low Energy, 88 Inch Cyclotron SC0618 2009KB0401030X Low Energy, Other SC0618 2009KB0401040X Low Energy, Nuclear Data SC0618 2009KB0401050 Low Energy, Accelerator Research and Development SC0618 2009KB0401051X Low Energy, Accelerator R&D, University Research SC0618 2009KB0401052X Low Energy, Accelerator R&D, National Laboratory Research SC0618 2009KB0402000 Low Energy, Operations SC0618 2009KB0402010 Low Energy, Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility Operations SC0618 2009KB0402011X LE, HRIBF Accelerator Ops SC0618 2009KB0402012X LE, HRIBF Experimental Support SC0618 2009KB0402020 Low Energy, National Laboratory Facility Operations SC0618 2009KB0402021X Low Energy, Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility Operations SC0618 2009KB0402023X Low Energy, ATLAS SC0618 2009KB0402024X Low Energy, 88 Inch Cyclotron SC0618 2009KB0402030X Low Energy, Other Operations SC0618 2009KB0402050 Low Energy, Rare Isotope Accelerator Operations SC0618 2009KB0402051X Low Energy, RIA Accelerator Operations SC0618 2009KB0402052X Low Energy, RIA Experimental Support SC0618 2009KB0402053X Low Energy, RIA Other Project Costs SC0618 2009KB0402060 LE, ATLAS Operations SC0618 2009KB0402061X LE, ATLAS Accelerator Ops SC0618 2009KB0402062X LE, ATLAS Experimental Support SC0618 2009KB0500000 Isotope Production and Applications SC0618 2009KB0501000X Isotope Operations and Production SC0618 2009KB0502000X Research Isotope Development and Production SC0618 2009KB0503000X Other SC0618 2009KC0000000 Basic Energy Sciences SC0620 2009KC0200000 XMaterials Sciences and Engineering SC0620 2009KC0201000 Metallurgy And Ceramics SC0620 2009KC0201010X Structure Of Materials SC0620 2009KC0201020X Mechanical Properties SC0620 2009KC0201030X Physical Properties SC0620 2009KC0201050X Engineering Materials SC0620 2009KC0202000 Solid State Physics SC0620 2009KC0202010X X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Research SC0620 2009KC0202020X Experimental Condensed Matter Physics SC0620 2009KC0202030X Condensed Matter Theory, Particle-Solid Interactions, and Engineering Physics SC0620 2009KC0203000 Materials Chemistry SC0620 2009KC0203010X Materials Chemistry SC0620 2009KC0204000 Major Facilities Operations SC0620 2009KC0204010 Major Facilities Operations SC0620 2009KC0204011X National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) SC0620 2009KC0204012X High Flux Beam Reactor (Hfbr) SC0620 2009KC0204013X Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (Ipns) SC0620 2009KC0204014X Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (Ssrl) SC0620 2009KC0204015X Manuel Lujan, Jr., Neutron Scattering Center (Mljnsc) SC0620 2009KC0204016X Advanced Light Source (Als) SC0620 2009KC0204017X 6-7 Gev Synchrotron Light Source SC0620 2009KC0204018X Bulk Shielding Reactor (Bsr) SC0620 2009KC0204019X Spallation Neutron Source SC0620 2009KC020401AX High Flux Isotope Reactor SC0620 2009KC020401BX ANL Center for Nanoscale Materials SC0620 2009KC020401CX LBNL Molecular Foundry SC0620 2009KC020401DX ORNL Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences SC0620 2009KC020401EX SNL/LANL Center for Integrated Nano Facilities SC0620 2009KC020401FX SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source SC0620 2009KC020401GX BNL National Synchrontron Light Source II SC0620 2009KC020401HX Center for Functional Nanomaterials SC0620 2009KC0204020X Waste Management SC0620 2009KC0205000 Experimental Program To Stimulate Research (Epscor) SC0620 2009KC0205010X Experimental Program To Stimulate Research (Epscor) SC0620 2009KC0206000 Engineering Research SC0620 2009KC0206010X Mechanical Sciences SC0620 2009KC0206020X Systems Sciences SC0620 2009KC0206030X Engineering Data and Analysis SC0620 2009KC0210000 Facilities Research SC0620 2009KC0210010X Electron-beam Microcharacterization SC0620 2009KC0211000 Accelerator and Detector Research SC0620 2009KC0211010X Accelerator and Detector Research SC0620 2009KC0281000 Changes In Inventories SC0620 2009KC0281010 Special Process Spares SC0620 2009KC0281011X Bnl-Hfbr SC0620 2009KC0281012X Anl-Ipns-I SC0620 2009KC0281013X Bnl-Nsls SC0620 2009KC0281014X Anl-Aps SC0620 2009KC0281015X SLAC - LCLS SC0620 2009KC0281020 Fuel Fabrication SC0620 2009KC0281023X Bnl-Hfbr SC0620 2009KC0281024X Ornl-Bsr SC0620 2009KC0281030 Other Special Materials SC0620 2009KC0281032X All Other Special Materials SC0620 2009KC0281033X Protactinium-231 and Thorium SC0620 2009KC0281040X Common Use Stores SC0620 2009KC0281050X Change In Collateral Funds And Other Deposits SC0620 2009KC0300000 XChemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Energy Biosciences SC0620 2009KC0301000 Fundamental Interactions SC0620 2009KC0301010X Photochemical And Radiation Sciences SC0620 2009KC0301020X Chemical Physics SC0620 2009KC0301030X Atomic Physics SC0620 2009KC0301040 Major Facilities Operations SC0620 2009KC0301041X Electromagnetic Isotope Separation SC0620 2009KC0301044X Combustion Research Facility (Crf) SC0620 2009KC0302000 Processes And Techniques SC0620 2009KC0302010X Chemical Energy SC0620 2009KC0302020X Separations And Analyses SC0620 2009KC0302030X Heavy Element Chemistry SC0620 2009KC0302040X Chemical Engineering Sciences SC0620 2009KC0302050X General Purpose Equipment SC0620 2009KC0303000 Geosciences SC0620 2009KC0303010X Geology, Geophysics and Earth Dynamics SC0620 2009KC0303020X Geochemistry SC0620 2009KC0303030X Energy Resource, Recognition, Evaluation and Utilization SC0620 2009KC0303040X Hydrologic and Marine Sciences SC0620 2009KC0303050X Solar - Terrestrial/Atmospheric Interactions SC0620 2009KC0304000X Energy Biosciences SC0620 2009KC0900000 XUsed Nuclear Equipment Grants (Nonfund) SC0620 2009KC0902000X Used Nuclear Equipment Grants (Nonfund) - Accumulated Depreciation (Cr) SC0620 2009KE0000000 XAdvanced Neutron Source SC06138 2009KE0100000X Research And Development SC06138 2009KG0000000 Science Laboratories Infrastructure SC06138 2009KG0400000 XInfrastructure Support SC06138 2009KG0401000X General Purpose Facilities SC06138 2009KG0402000X Environment, Safety & Health Support SC06138 2009KG0403000X Inactive And Surplus Facilities SC06138 2009KG0404000X General Purpose Equipment SC06138 2009KG0405000X Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (Pilt) SC06138 2009KG0500000 XOak Ridge Landlord SC99100 2009KG0501000X Oak Ridge Landlord - All Other SC99100 2009KG0581000 Changes in Inventories SC99100 2009KG0581010X Common Use Stores SC99100 2009KG0600000 XExcess Facilities Disposition SC06138 2009KG0601000X Excess Facilities Disposition SC06138 2009KG0800000 XSafety-Related Corrective Actions SC06138 2009KG0801000X Health and Safety Improvement SC06138 2009KG0900000XXGeneral Plant Projects SC06138 2009KG1000000 XInfrastructure Support SC06138 2009KG1001000X Payment in Lieu of Taxes SC06138 2009KG1002000X Excess Facilities Disposition SC06138 2009KG1003000X Oak Ridge Landlord SC06138 2009KJ0000000 XAdvanced Scientific Computing Research SC0621 2009KJ0100000 Mathematical, Information, And Computational Sciences SC0621 2009KJ0101000 Mathematical, Computational, And Computer Sciences and Distributed Network Environment Research SC0621 2009KJ0101010X Applied Mathematics SC0621 2009KJ0101020X Computer Science SC0621 2009KJ0101030X Computational Partnerships SC0621 2009KJ0101040X Next Generation Networking For Science SC0621 2009KJ0102000X High Performance Computing and Network Facilities SC0621 2009KJ0200000X Laboratory Technology Research SC0621 2009KJ0300000X Advanced Energy Projects SC0621 2009KJ0400000 Mathematical, Computational, and Computer Sciences Research SC0621 2009KJ0401000X Applied Mathematics Research SC0621 2009KJ0402000X Computer Sciences Research SC0621 2009KJ0403000X Computational Partnerships SC0621 2009KJ0404000X Next Generation Networking for Science SC0621 2009KJ0500000 High Performance Computing and Network Facilities SC0621 2009KJ0501000X High Performance Production Computing SC0621 2009KJ0502000X Leadership Computing Facilities SC0621 2009KJ0503000X Research and Evaluation Prototypes SC0621 2009KJ0504000X High Performance Network Facilities and Testbeds SC0621 2009KK0000000 Program Direction - Nuclear Energy NE9993 2009KK0500000 XProgram Direction - Nuclear Energy NE9993 2009KK0501000 Program Direction NE9993 2009KK0501110 Personal Services NE9993 2009KK0501111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries NE9993 2009KK0501112X All Other Personal Services NE9993 2009KK0501113X Employee Incentive Awards NE9993 2009KK0501120 Personnel Benefits NE9993 2009KK0501122X Moving Expenses NE9993 2009KK0501123X All Other Personnel Benefits NE9993 2009KK0501130X Benefits For Former Personnel NE9993 2009KK0501200 Contractual Services And Supplies NE9993 2009KK0501201X Transportation Of Things NE9993 2009KK0501202X Standard Level User Charges NE9993 2009KK0501203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities NE9993 2009KK0501204X Printing And Reproduction NE9993 2009KK0501205X Services Performed By Other Agencies NE9993 2009KK0501206X Other Services NE9993 2009KK0501207X Supplies And Materials NE9993 2009KK0501208X Training NE9993 2009KK0501210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NE9993 2009KK0501211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NE9993 2009KK0501212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools NE9993 2009KK0501213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons NE9993 2009KK0501220 Contractual Support Services NE9993 2009KK0501221X Contractual Support Services - Ne-10 NE9993 2009KK0501222X Contractual Support Services - Ne-20 NE9993 2009KK0501223X Contractual Support Services - NE-30 NE9993 2009KK0501224X Contractual Support Services - Ne-40 NE9993 2009KK0501225X Contractual Support Services - Ne-50 NE9993 2009KK0501226X Contractual Support Services - NE-60 NE9993 2009KK0501227X Contractual Support Services - Ne-70 NE9993 2009KK0501228X Contractual Support Services - NE-80 NE9993 2009KK0501229X Contractual Support Services - NE-1 NE9993 2009KK0599000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) NE9993 2009KK0599150X Payroll Processing To Be Performed By Non-Federal Contractor And/Or Other Federal Agency NE9993 2009KK0599240 Administrative Services NE9993 2009KK0599241X Supplies NE9993 2009KK0599242X Postage NE9993 2009KK0599243X Photocopying NE9993 2009KK0599244X Printing And Graphics NE9993 2009KK0599245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance NE9993 2009KK0599340 Information Management Systems And Operations NE9993 2009KK0599341X Telecommunication NE9993 2009KK0599342X Office Automation Equipment And Support NE9993 2009KK0599343X Networking NE9993 2009KK0599440 Procurement Services NE9993 2009KK0599442X Contract Closeout NE9993 2009KK0599540X Project Management Career Development Program NE9993 2009KK3000000 XProgram Direction - International Nuclear Safety NA99148 2009KK3001000 Program Direction NA99148 2009KK3001110 Program Direction NA99148 2009KK3001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries NA99148 2009KK3001112X All Other Personal Services NA99148 2009KK3001113X Employee Incentive Awards NA99148 2009KK3001120 Personnel Benefits NA99148 2009KK3001122X Moving Expenses NA99148 2009KK3001123X All Other Personnel Benefits NA99148 2009KK3001130X Benefits For Former Personnel NA99148 2009KK3001200 Contractual Services And Supplies NA99148 2009KK3001201X Transportation Of Things NA99148 2009KK3001202X Standard Level User Charges NA99148 2009KK3001203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities NA99148 2009KK3001204X Printing And Reproduction NA99148 2009KK3001205X Services Performed By Other Agencies NA99148 2009KK3001206X Other Services NA99148 2009KK3001207X Supplies And Materials NA99148 2009KK3001210 Travel Adn Transportation Of Persons NA99148 2009KK3001211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA99148 2009KK3001212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools NA99148 2009KK3001213X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons NA99148 2009KK3099000 Goods And Services Provided Through The Working Capital Fund (Wcf) NA99148 2009KK3099140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs NA99148 2009KK3099150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costa (Wcf) NA99148 2009KK3099240 Administrative Services NA99148 2009KK3099241X Supplies NA99148 2009KK3099242X Postage NA99148 2009KK3099243X Photocopying NA99148 2009KK3099244X Printing And Graphics NA99148 2009KK3099245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance NA99148 2009KK3099340 Information Management Systems And Operations NA99148 2009KK3099341X Telecommunication NA99148 2009KK3099342X Office Automation Equipment And Support NA99148 2009KK3099343X Networking NA99148 2009KK3099440 Procurement Services NA99148 2009KK3099441X Contract Audits NA99148 2009KK3099442X Contract Closeout NA99148 2009KK3099540X Personnel And Training Services NA99148 2009KK3099940X Indirect Operating Costs NA99148 2009KL0000000 XWorkforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) SC06138 2009KL0100000 Undergraduate Research Internships SC06138 2009KL0101000X URI/Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) SC06138 2009KL0102000X URI/Community College Institute of Science & Technology (CCI) SC06138 2009KL0103000X URI/Pre-Service Teachers (PST) SC06138 2009KL0104000X National Science Bowl SC06138 2009KL0200000 Graduate/Faculty Fellowships SC06138 2009KL0201000X Grad/Fac Fellowships-(ACTS) Academies Creating Teacher Scientists SC06138 2009KL0202000X Grad/Fac Fellowship-(FaST) Faculty and Student Teams SC06138 2009KL0203000X Grad/Fac Fellowships-Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship SC06138 2009KL0204000X Grad/Fac Fellowships-(ERLE) Energy Related Laboratory Equipment SC06138 2009KL0205000X Grad/Fac Fellowships-Laboratory Graduate Science Fellowship SC06138 2009KL0206000X Grad/Fac Fellowship-Faculty Sabbatical Fellowship SC06138 2009KL0300000 Pre-College Activities SC06138 2009KL0301000X Pre-College Activities/National Science Bowl SC06138 2009KL0302000X Pre-College Activities/Middle School Science Bowl SC06138 2009KL0500000 Program Administration & Evaluation SC06138 2009KL0501000X Laboratory Equipment Donation Program SC06138 2009KL0502000X Evaluation SC06138 2009KL0503000X Technology Development & On-Line Application Systems SC06138 2009KL0504000X Outreach SC06138 2009KL0505000X Workforce Studies SC06138 2009KL0506000X DOE Mentorship Awards SC06138 2009KM0000000XXSmall Business Innovation Research SC06138 2009KN0000000XXSmall Business Technology Transfer Pilot Research SC06138 2009KP0000000 Biological And Environmental Research SC0619 2009KP1100000 XLife Sciences SC0619 2009KP1101000 Structural Biology SC0619 2009KP1101010X Structural Biology SC0619 2009KP1102000 Molecular And Cellular Biology SC0619 2009KP1102010X Molecular Biology SC0619 2009KP1102020X Cellular Biology SC0619 2009KP1103000 Human Genome SC0619 2009KP1103010X Human Genome SC0619 2009KP1104000 Health Effects SC0619 2009KP1104010X Biological Research SC0619 2009KP1104020X Radiological And Chemical Physics SC0619 2009KP1200000 XClimate Change Research SC0619 2009KP1201000 Climate And Hydrology SC0619 2009KP1201010X Modeling SC0619 2009KP1201020X Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics And Model Physics (Chammp) SC0619 2009KP1201030X Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) SC0619 2009KP1201040X Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Research SC0619 2009KP1202000 Atmospheric Chemistry And Carbon Cycle SC0619 2009KP1202010X Atmospheric Science SC0619 2009KP1202020X Terrestrial Carbon Processes SC0619 2009KP1202030X Oceans Sciences SC0619 2009KP1203000 Ecological Processes SC0619 2009KP1203010X Ecosystem Functioning And Response SC0619 2009KP1203020X Vegetation SC0619 2009KP1204000 Human Interactions SC0619 2009KP1204010X Information and Integration SC0619 2009KP1204020X Integrated Assessment SC0619 2009KP1204030X Education SC0619 2009KP1205000 Climate Forcing SC0619 2009KP1205010X Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research SC0619 2009KP1205020X Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Infrastructure SC0619 2009KP1205030X Atmospheric Science SC0619 2009KP1205040X Terrestrial Carbon Processes SC0619 2009KP1205050X Ocean Sciences SC0619 2009KP1205060X Information and Integration SC0619 2009KP1206000X Climate Change Modeling SC0619 2009KP1207000 Climate Change Response SC0619 2009KP1207010X Ecosystem Function and Response SC0619 2009KP1207020X Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Facility SC0619 2009KP1207030X Integrated Assessment SC0619 2009KP1207040X Education SC0619 2009KP1208000X Climate Change Mitigation (Carbon Sequestration-CCTI) SC0619 2009KP1300000 XEnvironmental Remediation SC0619 2009KP1302000X Environmental Remediation Sciences Research Program SC0619 2009KP1303000X Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) SC0619 2009KP1400000 XMedical Applications and Measurement Science SC0619 2009KP1401000 Medical Applications SC0619 2009KP1401010X Radioisotope Development SC0619 2009KP1401020X Radiopharmaceuticals SC0619 2009KP1401030X Instrumentation SC0619 2009KP1401040X Clinical Feasibility SC0619 2009KP1401050X Novel Cell-Directed Cancer Therapies SC0619 2009KP1401060X Molecular Nuclear Medicine SC0619 2009KP1401070X Congressionally Directed Projects SC0619 2009KP1402000 Measurement Science SC0619 2009KP1402010X Measurement Science SC0619 2009KP1500000 XBiological Research SC0619 2009KP1501000 Life Sciences SC0619 2009KP1501010X Structural Biology SC0619 2009KP1501020 Molecular Biology SC0619 2009KP1501021X Molecular Biology SC0619 2009KP1501022X GTL Bioenergy Research Centers SC0619 2009KP1501030X Cellular Biology SC0619 2009KP1501040X Human Genome SC0619 2009KP1501050X Health Effects - Biological Research SC0619 2009KP1503000 Medical Applications and Measurement Science SC0619 2009KP1503010X Radiopharmaceuticals and Imaging SC0619 2009KP1503020X Biomedical Instrumentation Research SC0619 2009KP1504000 Environmental Remediation SC0619 2009KP1504010X Environmental Remediation Sciences Research Program SC0619 2009KP1504020X Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) SC0619 2009KP1581000X Change in Inventories - Collateral Funds and Other Deposits SC0619 2009KP8100000 XChange In Inventories SC0619 2009KP8102000X Other Special Materials SC0619 2009KP8103000X Change In Collateral Funds And Other Deposits SC0619 2009KQ0000000XXCongressionally Directed Projects - Science SC06138 2009KS0000000 Superconducting Super Collider (Ssc) SC06138 2009KS0100000 XResearch, Development And Operations SC06138 2009KS0101000X Accelerator And Experimental Facilities Research And Development SC06138 2009KV0000000 University And Science Education SC06138 2009KV0100000 XLaboratory Cooperative Science Education Centers SC06138 2009KV0101000 Laboratory Cooperative Science Education Centers SC06138 2009KV0101010 Precollege Programs SC06138 2009KV0101011X Teacher Research Associates Program SC06138 2009KV0101012X Teacher Institute Programs SC06138 2009KV0101014X Mathematics Science Education Program SC06138 2009KV0101018X Laboratory Coop Programs SC06138 2009KV0101019X Grants/Other SC06138 2009KV0101020 Undergraduate SC06138 2009KV0101023X Laboratory Cooperative Appointments SC06138 2009KV0101025X Grants/Other SC06138 2009KV0200000 XUniversity Programs SC06138 2009KV0201000 University Programs SC06138 2009KV0201010 Precollege SC06138 2009KV0201011X Prefreshmen Enrichment Program SC06138 2009KV0400000XXUniversity Research Instrumentation SC06138 2009KX0000000 Office Of Science - Program Direction SC99910 2009KX0100000 XScience Program Direction SC99910 2009KX0101000 Office Of Science SC99910 2009KX0101110 Science Program Direction, Personal Services SC99910 2009KX0101111X Science Program Direction, Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries SC99910 2009KX0101112X Science Program Direction, All Other Than Full-Time Salaries SC99910 2009KX0101113X Science Program Direction, Employee Incentive Awards SC99910 2009KX0101120 Science Program Direction, Personnel Benefits SC99910 2009KX0101122X Science Program Direction, Moving Expenses SC99910 2009KX0101123X Science Program Direction, All Other Personnel Benefits SC99910 2009KX0101130X Science Program Direction, Benefits For Former Personnel SC99910 2009KX0101200 Science Program Direction, Contractual Services SC99910 2009KX0101201X Science Program Direction, Training SC99910 2009KX0101202X Science Program Direction, Administrative Services SC99910 2009KX0101203X Science Program Direction, Technical Support SC99910 2009KX0101204X Science Program Direction, Other Goods and Services SC99910 2009KX0101210 Science Program Direction, Travel And Transportation Of Persons SC99910 2009KX0101211X Science Program Direction, Travel Subject To Travel Regulations SC99910 2009KX0101212X Office of Science Advisory Committee Travel SC99910 2009KX0102000X Goods & Services provided through Science Program Direction, Working Capital Fund SC99910 2009KX0106000 Science Program Direction, Corporate R&D Portfolio Management Environment SC99910 2009KX0106110 Personal Services SC99910 2009KX0106111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries SC99910 2009KX0106113X Employee Incentive Awards SC99910 2009KX0106120 Personnel Benefits SC99910 2009KX0106123X All Other Personnel Benefits SC99910 2009KX0106200 Contractual Services SC99910 2009KX0106203X Technical Support SC99910 2009KX0109000 SCPD, Planning and Analysis SC99910 2009KX0109010X Program Technology Assessment SC99910 2009KX0141000 SCPD, Technical Information Management Program Direction SC99910 2009KX0141110 SCPD, TIM Personal Services SC99910 2009KX0141111X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries SC99910 2009KX0141112X All Other Personal Services SC99910 2009KX0141113X Employee Incentive Awards SC99910 2009KX0141120 SCPD, TIM Personnel Benefits SC99910 2009KX0141122X Moving Expenses SC99910 2009KX0141123X All Other Personnel Benefits SC99910 2009KX0141130X Benefits for Former Personnel SC99910 2009KX0141200X Contractual Services and Supplies SC99910 2009KX0141210 SCPD, TIM Travel And Transportation Of Persons SC99910 2009KX0141211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations SC99910 2009KX0199000X Science Program Direction, TIM, Working Capital Fund SC99910 2009KX0300000 XSCPD, Field Operations Activities - Science Program Direction SC9989 2009KX0310000 SCPD, Field Operations Program Direction SC9989 2009KX0310110 SCPD, Field Operations, Personal Services SC9989 2009KX0310111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries SC9989 2009KX0310112X All Other Than Full Time Permanent Salaries SC9989 2009KX0310113X Employee Incentive, Ses Rank, And Performance Awards SC9989 2009KX0310120 SCPD, Field Operations, Personnel Benefits SC9989 2009KX0310122X Moving Expenses SC9989 2009KX0310123X All Other Personnel Benefits SC9989 2009KX0310130X Benefits For Former Personnel SC9989 2009KX0310200 SCPD, Field Operations, Contractual Services And Supplies SC9989 2009KX0310201X Training SC9989 2009KX0310202X Building Infrastructure, Operations, And Maintenance SC9989 2009KX0310203X Telecommunications And Information Management Systems SC9989 2009KX0310204X Printing And Reproduction SC9989 2009KX0310206X Other Services SC9989 2009KX0310207X Supplies And Materials SC9989 2009KX0310209X Administrative Services SC9989 2009KX0310210 SCPD, Field Operations, Travel And Transportation Of Persons SC9989 2009KX0310211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations SC9989 2009KX0310212X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools SC9989 2009KX0310400X SCPD, Field Operations, Training SC9989 2009KX0340000 Science Program Direction, New Brunswick Lab, Program Direction SC9989 2009KX0340110 Science Program Direction, New Brunswick Lab, Personal Services SC9989 2009KX0340111X Full Time Permanent Base Salaries (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340112X All Other Than Full Time Permanent Base Salaries (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340113X Employee Incentive Awards (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340114X Overtime (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340120 Science Program Direction, New Brunswick Lab, Personnel Benefits SC9989 2009KX0340122X Permanent Change of Stations (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340123X All Other Personnel Benefits (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340130X Science Program Direction, New Brunswick Lab, Benefits for Former Personnel SC9989 2009KX0340200 Science Program Direction, BNL, Contractual Services and Supplies SC9989 2009KX0340201X Training (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340206X Other Goods and Services (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340209X Support Services (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340210 Science Program Direction, NBL, Travel and Transportation of Persons SC9989 2009KX0340211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0340500 Science Program Direction, NBL, Nuclear Safeguards and Security SC9989 2009KX0340501X Nuclear Materials Accountability-All Other (NBL) SC9989 2009KX0399000X Science Program Direction, Field Operations, Working Capital Fund SC9989 2009LG0000000 XTitle 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program CF1581 2009LG1000000X LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM SALARIES AND RELATED EXPENSES CF1581 2009LG2000000X LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM CONTRACT SUPPORT CF1581 2009LG3000000X LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM TRAINING CF1581 2009LG4000000X LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM TRAVEL CF1581 2009LG9000000X Goods and Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (WCF) CF1581 2009LH0000000 Loan Guarantee Financing CF1581 2009LH1000000XXCarbon Capture and Sequestration Practices and Technologies CF1581 2009LH1500000XXRenewable Energy Systems CF1581 2009LH2000000XXProduction Facilities for Fuel Efficient Vehicles CF1581 2009LH2500000XXAdvanced Fossil Energy Technology CF1581 2009LH3000000XXEfficient Electrical Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Technologies CF1581 2009LH3500000XXHydrogen Fuel Cell Technology CF1581 2009LH4000000XXAdvanced Nuclear Energy Facilities CF1581 2009LH4500000XXEfficient End-Use Technologies CF1581 2009LH5000000XXPollution Control Equipment CF1581 2009LH5500000XXRefineries-Crude Oil Refined to Gasoline CF1581 2009LH9000000XXOther Loan Activity CF1581 2009LI0000000 Loan Guarantee Subsidies CF1581 2009LI1000000XXLoan Guarantee Original Subsidy CF1581 2009LI2000000XXLoan Guarantee Reestimated Upward Subsidy CF1581 2009LJ0000000 Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Financing CF1581 2009LJ1000000XXAdvanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loans CF1581 2009LJ9000000XXOther Loan Activity CF1581 2009LM0000000 Legacy Management LM0824 2009LM0100000 XLegacy Management Activities - Defense LM0824 2009LM0101000 GOAL 1 - Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance (LTSM) LM0824 2009LM0101010X GOAL 1 - Long-Term Surveillance and Management, Defense LM0824 2009LM0101020X GOAL 1 - Long - Term Surveillance and Maintenance - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0102000 GOAL 3 - Continuation of Pensions and Benefits for former ODA contractors LM0824 2009LM0102010X GOAL 3 - Pension and Benefits Continuity Policy and Management - Defense LM0824 2009LM0102100X GOAL 3 - P&B Policy and Management LM0824 2009LM0102200 GOAL 3 - P&B Pinellas LM0824 2009LM0102201X GOAL 3 - P&B Pinellas Pensions LM0824 2009LM0102202X GOAL 3 - P&B Pinellas Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0102204X GOAL 3 - P&B Pinellas Administration LM0824 2009LM0102205X GOAL 3 - Pinellas P&B pre 2005 LM0824 2009LM0102206X Goal 3 Pinellas Worker Compensation Claims LM0824 2009LM0102300 GOAL 3 - Pension and Benefits Closure Sites LM0824 2009LM0102301X GOAL 3 - Pensions and Benefits - Fernald Pensions LM0824 2009LM0102302X GOAL 3 - P&B Fernald Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0102304X GOAL 3 - P&B Fernald Administration LM0824 2009LM0102400 GOAL 3 P&B Mound LM0824 2009LM0102401X GOAL 3 - P&B Mound Pensions LM0824 2009LM0102402X GOAL 3 - P&B Mound Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0102404X GOAL 3 - P&B Mound Administration LM0824 2009LM0102500 GOAL 3 - P&B Rocky Flats LM0824 2009LM0102501X GOAL 3 - P&B Rocky Flats Pensions LM0824 2009LM0102502X GOAL 3 - P&B Rocky Flats Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0102504X GOAL 3 - P&B Rocky Flats Administration LM0824 2009LM0102600 GOAL 3 - P&B Administration LM0824 2009LM0102601X GOAL 3 - P&B Administration Identified Closure Contractor LM0824 2009LM0102602X GOAL 3 - P&B Administration National Stewardship Entity (Inactive - FY08 and beyond) LM0824 2009LM0102700X GOAL 3 - P&B Uncosted Obligation Authority LM0824 2009LM0102800X GOAL 3 - Closure Sites pre 2005 LM0824 2009LM0103000 GOAL 2 - Records Management LM0824 2009LM0103100X GOAL 2 - AIM Program Management LM0824 2009LM0103200 GOAL 2 - Archives Management & Operations LM0824 2009LM0103201X GOAL 2 - Archives Management & Operations Programmatic Infrastructure LM0824 2009LM0103202X GOAL 2 - Archives Management & Operations LA Operations - East LM0824 2009LM0103203X GOAL 2 - Archives Management & Operations - LA Operations - West LM0824 2009LM0103210X GOAL 2 - Archives Records Management - Rocky Flats (Transfer) LM0824 2009LM0103220X GOAL 2 - Archives Records Management - Mound (Transfer) LM0824 2009LM0103230X GOAL 2 - Archives Records Management - Fernald (Transfer) LM0824 2009LM0103240X GOAL 2 - Legacy Management Records Management - Nevada Offsites (Transfer) LM0824 2009LM0103300 GOAL 2 - Legacy Archives Records Storage Facility LM0824 2009LM0103301X GOAL 2 - Records Storage Facility - Real Property Procurement LM0824 2009LM0103302X GOAL 2 - Records Storage Facility - Building/Contractor Support LM0824 2009LM0103303X GOAL 2 - Records Facility - Project Management LM0824 2009LM0103360X GOAL 2 - Consolidated Data Center LM0824 2009LM0103370X GOAL 2 - Stakeholder Relations LM0824 2009LM0103400 GOAL 2 - Information Technology Management & Operations LM0824 2009LM0103401X GOAL 2 - Information Technology Asset Acquistion & Mgmt LM0824 2009LM0103402X GOAL 2 - Enterprise Architeture Development & Maintenance LM0824 2009LM0103403X GOAL 2 - Cyber Security LM0824 2009LM0104000 GOAL 4 -Real Estate Activities at former Defense Sites LM0824 2009LM0104100X GOAL 4 Real Estate Activities at former Defense sites / Real and Personal Property LM0824 2009LM0104200X GOAL 4 - Real Estate Actvities at former Defense Sites/Re-Use Activities (Inactive - FY08 and beyond) LM0824 2009LM0105000 GOAL 1 - Environmental Justice including Massey Chairs LM0824 2009LM0105100X GOAL 1 - Environmental Justice LM0824 2009LM0105200X GOAL 1 - Massey Chairs LM0824 2009LM0107000X GOAL 1 - Colorado Stakeholder Organization (earmark) LM0824 2009LM0108000X GOAL 4 - Community Improvement LM0824 2009LM0109000X Other Legacy Management Functions LM0824 2009LM0200000 XLegacy Management Activities - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0201000X GOAL 1 - Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0202000 GOAL 3 - Pensions & Benefits Continuity at former Non-Defense sites LM0824 2009LM0202110X GOAL 3 - PandB Grand Junction Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0202130X GOAL 3 - PandB Grand Junction Administration LM0824 2009LM0202200 GOAL 3 - Pension and Benefit Continuity Sites - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0202202X GOAL 3 - P&B Paducah Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0202203X GOAL 3 - P&B Paducah Life Insurance LM0824 2009LM0202204X GOAL 3 - P&B Paducah Administration LM0824 2009LM0202300 GOAL 3 - Pensions and Benefits at Closure Sites - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0202302X GOAL 3 - P&B Portsmouth Post Retirement Benefits LM0824 2009LM0202303X GOAL 3 - P&B Portsmouth Life Insurance LM0824 2009LM0202304X GOAL 3 - P&B Portsmouth Administration LM0824 2009LM0202400X GOAL 3 - P&B Closure Sites - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0203000 GOAL 2 - Records Management - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0203100X GOAL 2 - AIM Program Management LM0824 2009LM0203200X GOAL 2 - Archives & Operations LM0824 2009LM0203210X GOAL 2 - Archives Records Management -LEHR (Transfer) LM0824 2009LM0203300X GOAL 2- Archives Records Storage Facility LM0824 2009LM0203400 GOAL 2 - Information Technology Management & Operations LM0824 2009LM0203401X GOAL 2 - Information Management Asset Acquisition & Mgmt LM0824 2009LM0203402X GOAL 2 - Enterprise Architecture Development & Maintenance LM0824 2009LM0203403X GOAL 2 - Cyber Security LM0824 2009LM0204000 GOAL 4 - Real Estate Activities - Non-Defense LM0824 2009LM0204100X Real Estate Actvities for Non-Defense sites / Real and Personal Property Re-Use Activities LM0824 2009LM0204200X GOAL 4 - Real Estate Activities - Non-Defense/Re-Use Activities (Inactive - FY08 and beyond) LM0824 2009LM0209000X Other Legacy Management Functions LM0824 2009LM0500000 XProgram Direction LM0824 2009LM0501000 Personal Services and Related Items LM0824 2009LM0501110X Federal Salaries and Awards LM0824 2009LM0501120X Personnel Benefits LM0824 2009LM0501130X Benefits for Former Personnel LM0824 2009LM0501200 Contractual Services and Supplies LM0824 2009LM0501201X Transporation of Things LM0824 2009LM0501202X Standard Level User Charges LM0824 2009LM0501203X Communications, other rent and utilities LM0824 2009LM0501204X Printing and Reproduction LM0824 2009LM0501205X Services performed by other agencies LM0824 2009LM0501206X Other services including contracts LM0824 2009LM0501207X Supplies & Materials LM0824 2009LM0501210X Travel and Training LM0824 2009LM0502000 Working Capital Fund Series LM0824 2009LM0502140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs LM0824 2009LM0502150X Payroll processing to be performed by Non-Federal Contractor and/or Other Federal Agency LM0824 2009LM0502160X CHRIS LM0824 2009LM0502240 Administrative Services LM0824 2009LM0502241X Supplies LM0824 2009LM0502242X Postage LM0824 2009LM0502243X Photocopying LM0824 2009LM0502244X Printing and Graphics LM0824 2009LM0502245X Building Rental, Operations and Maintenance LM0824 2009LM0502340 Information Management Systems and Operations LM0824 2009LM0502341X Telecommunication LM0824 2009LM0502342X Office Automation LM0824 2009LM0502343X Networking LM0824 2009LM0502440 Procurement Services LM0824 2009LM0502441X Contract Audits LM0824 2009LM0502442X Contract Closeout LM0824 2009LM0502520X Executive Information System (WCF) LM0824 2009LM0502530X On Line Learning Center LM0824 2009LM0502540X Personnel and Training Services LM0824 2009LM0502940X Indirect Operating Costs LM0824 2009LM0800000 XWorker and Community Transition Activities LM0824 2009LM0801000X GOAL 3 - Supplemental Training LM0824 2009LM0802000X GOAL 3 - Relocation Assistance LM0824 2009LM0803000X GOAL 4 - Community Transition LM0824 2009LM0804000X GOAL 3 - Retirement Incentives LM0824 2009LM0805000X GOAL 3 - Outplacement Assistance LM0824 2009LM0806000X GOAL 3 - Severance Pay LM0824 2009LP0000000 XVehicles Manufacturing Loan Program CF1581 2009LP1000000X Vehicle Loan Program- Salaries and Related Expenses CF1581 2009LP2000000X Vehicle Loan Program- Contractual Services CF1581 2009LP3000000X Vehicle Loan Program- Training CF1581 2009LP4000000X Vehicle Loan Program- Travel CF1581 2009LP9000000X Vehicle Loan Program- Goods and Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (WCF) CF1581 2009MA0000000 XOffice of Management - Program Direction MA99101 2009MA1000000 Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services MA99101 2009MA1010000 Immediate Office Of The Director MA99101 2009MA1010010X Contractual Services - Office of the Director MA99101 2009MA1010020X Awards Ceremonies MA99101 2009MA1010930X Staff Training - Office of the Director MA99101 2009MA1011000X Official Reception And Representation MA99101 2009MA1022000 Competitive Sourcing MA99101 2009MA1022010X Contractual Services - Competitive Sourcing MA99101 2009MA1022930X Staff Training - Competitive Sourcing MA99101 2009MA1023000 Administration MA99101 2009MA1023090X Child Development Center MA99101 2009MA1023300X Library Services MA99101 2009MA1023310X Library Equipment Maintenance MA99101 2009MA1023320X Library Supplies & Materials MA99101 2009MA1023500X Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS) MA99101 2009MA1023510X SAIC Support to Foreign Visits & Travel MA99101 2009MA1023520X MEDEX MA99101 2009MA1023530X Foreign Travel and Exchange Visitor Program - Other Services MA99101 2009MA1023700X Messenger Service MA99101 2009MA1023740X Furniture, Furnishings & Equipment MA99101 2009MA1023750X GSA Truck Rental MA99101 2009MA1023760X Parcel Post & Express Ground Shipments MA99101 2009MA1023770X Moving Services MA99101 2009MA1023780X PCS Relocation Contract MA99101 2009MA1023800X Logistics Equipment Rental MA99101 2009MA1023810X Logistics Equipment Maintenance MA99101 2009MA1023820X Other Logistics Services MA99101 2009MA1023830X Carpet Recycling MA99101 2009MA1023840X Other Logistics Service Assets MA99101 2009MA1023850X Operational Administrative Support MA99101 2009MA1023860X Warehouse MA99101 2009MA1023900X Household Goods Movement MA99101 2009MA1023910X Household Goods Storage MA99101 2009MA1023920X Other Administrative Services MA99101 2009MA1023930 Staff Training - Office of Admin MA99101 2009MA102393AX Staff Training - Office of Admin (MA-40) MA99101 2009MA102393BX Staff Training - Office of Admin (MA41-45) MA99101 2009MA1023950X Tort Claims MA99101 2009MA1023960X PCS Relocation Service -Sale of House MA99101 2009MA1023990 Capital Equipment - Office of Admin MA99101 2009MA102399AX Capital Equipment - Office of Admin (MA40) MA99101 2009MA102399BX Capital Equipment - Office of Admin (MA41-45) MA99101 2009MA1024000 Resource Management and Planning MA99101 2009MA1024010X Contractual Services - Resource Management and Planning MA99101 2009MA1024930X Staff Training - Resource Management & Planning MA99101 2009MA1025000 Information Resources MA99101 2009MA1025010X Contractual Services - Information Resources MA99101 2009MA1025930X Staff Training - Information Resources MA99101 2009MA1029000 Executive Secretariat MA99101 2009MA1029010X Contractual Services - Executive Secretariat MA99101 2009MA1029020X eDOCS System MA99101 2009MA1029930X Staff Training - Executive Secretariat MA99101 2009MA1031000 Aviation Management MA99101 2009MA1031010X Contractual Services - Aviation Management MA99101 2009MA1031930X Staff Training - Aviation Management MA99101 2009MA1037000 Engineering and Construction Management MA99101 2009MA1037010X Contractual Services - OECM MA99101 2009MA1037020X Career Development Program MA99101 2009MA1037930X Staff Training - OECM MA99101 2009MA1048000 Procurement, Assistance and Program Management MA99101 2009MA1048010X Administration MA99101 2009MA1048020X Audit Services MA99101 2009MA1048050X HQ Procurement Services MA99101 2009MA1048070X Contractor HR/Personal Property Management MA99101 2009MA1048080X ACMP Training MA99101 2009MA1048090X Procurement Information Management Systems MA99101 2009MA1048100X Competitve Sourcing MA99101 2009MA1048930X Staff/Certification Training - Procurement MA99101 2009MA1048940X STRIPES Training MA99101 2009MA1050000 Secretary of Energy Advisory Board MA99101 2009MA1050010X Contractual Services - SEAB MA99101 2009MA1050930X Staff Training - SEAB MA99101 2009MA1080000 Goods and Services provided through WCF for MA MA99101 2009MA1080150X Payroll Processing (WCF) MA99101 2009MA1080160X CHRIS MA99101 2009MA1080240 Administrative Services MA99101 2009MA1080241X Supplies MA99101 2009MA1080242X Postage MA99101 2009MA1080243X Photocopying MA99101 2009MA1080244X Printing and Graphics MA99101 2009MA1080245X Building rental, Operations and Maintenance MA99101 2009MA1080340 Information Management MA99101 2009MA1080341X Telecommunications MA99101 2009MA1080342X Office Automation MA99101 2009MA1080343X Networking MA99101 2009MA1080440 Procurement Services MA99101 2009MA1080441X Contract Audits MA99101 2009MA1080442X Contract Closeout MA99101 2009MA1080520X Executive Information Services MA99101 2009MA1080530X On Line Learning MA99101 2009MA1080540X Personnel and Training Services MA99101 2009MA1080940X Indirect Operating Costs MA99101 2009MA1082000 Goods and Services provided through WCF for SEAB MA99101 2009MA1082150X Payroll Processing (WCF) MA99101 2009MA1082240 Administrative Services MA99101 2009MA1082241X Supplies MA99101 2009MA1082242X Postage MA99101 2009MA1082243X Photocopying MA99101 2009MA1082244X Printing and Graphics MA99101 2009MA1082245X Building rental, Operations, and Maintenance MA99101 2009MA1082340 Information Management MA99101 2009MA1082341X Telecommunication MA99101 2009MA1082342X Office Automation MA99101 2009MA1082343X Networking MA99101 2009MA1083000 Goods and Services provided through WCF for OSE MA99101 2009MA1083150X Payroll Processing (WCF) MA99101 2009MA1083160X CHRIS MA99101 2009MA1083240 Administrative Services MA99101 2009MA1083241X Supplies MA99101 2009MA1083242X Postage MA99101 2009MA1083243X Photocopying MA99101 2009MA1083244X Printing and Graphics MA99101 2009MA1083245X Building rental, Operations, and Maintenance MA99101 2009MA1083340 Information Management MA99101 2009MA1083341X Telecommunication MA99101 2009MA1083342X Office Automation MA99101 2009MA1083343X Networking MA99101 2009MA1083440 Procurement Services MA99101 2009MA1083441X Contract Audits MA99101 2009MA1083442X Contract Closeouts MA99101 2009MA1083520X Executive Information Services MA99101 2009MA1083530X On Line Learning MA99101 2009MA1083540X Personnel and Training Services MA99101 2009MA1083940X Indirect Operating Costs MA99101 2009MA1100000 Personal Services MA99101 2009MA1101000X Full-Time Permanent MA99101 2009MA1102000 All Other Than Full-Time Permanent MA99101 2009MA1102010X Other Salaries MA99101 2009MA1102020X SES Rank and Performance Award MA99101 2009MA1102030X Other Personnel Compensation MA99101 2009MA1103000 Personnel Benefits MA99101 2009MA1103020X Moving Expenses MA99101 2009MA1103030X All Other Personnel Benefits MA99101 2009MA1103040X Benefits For Former Employees MA99101 2009MA1103050X Worker's Compensation MA99101 2009MA2100000 Travel MA99101 2009MA2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations MA99101 2009MA2102000X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pool MA99101 2009MA2103000X Other Personnel Travel Costs MA99101 2009MU0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - MA - Other Defense Activities MA15140 2009MU1000000 Corporate Safety Programs MA15140 2009MU1002000X Facility Safety MA15140 2009MU1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment MA15140 2009MU1007000X Info Management MA15140 2009MU1010000X PA Enforcement MA15140 2009MW0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Program Direction - MA - Other Defense Activities MA15140 2009MW3000000 Program Direction MA15140 2009MW3001000 Salaries and Benefits MA15140 2009MW3001110 Personal Services MA15140 2009MW3001111X Full Time Permanent MA15140 2009MW3001112X All Other Personal Services MA15140 2009MW3001113X Employee Incentive Awards MA15140 2009MW3001120 Personnel Benefits MA15140 2009MW3001122X Moving Expenses MA15140 2009MW3001123X All Other Personnel Benefits MA15140 2009MW3001124X Training MA99990 2009MW3001130X Benefits For Former Personnel MA15140 2009MW3001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons MA15140 2009MW3001211X Travel MA15140 2009MX0000000 Obligation Adjustments For Closed Appropriations CF99101 2009MX0100000XXEnergy Information CF99101 2009MX0200000XXEconomic Regulation CF99101 2009MX0300000XXHearings And Appeals CF99101 2009MX0400000 Emergency Preparedness CF99101 2009MX0401000XXOffice Of Intelligence And National Security CF99101 2009MX0402000XXAssistant Secretary For Policy, Planning, And Program Evaluation CF99101 2009MX0500000XXOffice of Science CF99101 2009MX0600000XXEnergy Efficiency & Renewable Energy CF99101 2009MX0700000XXNuclear Energy CF99101 2009MX0800000XXEnvironment Safety and Health CF99101 2009MX0900000XXOther CF99101 2009MY0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - MA - Energy Supply MA15140 2009MY1000000X Policy, Standards and Guidance MA15140 2009MY7000000 DOE-Wide ES&H Programs MA15140 2009MY7006000X Info Mgt (eXcite) MA15140 2009MY7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment MA15140 2009MY7040000X Environment MA15140 2009MY7060000X Enforcement MA15140 2009MZ0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Program Direction - MA - Energy Supply MA15140 2009MZ6000000 Program Direction MA15140 2009MZ6001000 Salaries and Benefits MA15140 2009MZ6001110 Personal Services MA15140 2009MZ6001111X FT Permanent MA15140 2009MZ6001112X All Other Personal Services MA15140 2009MZ6001113X Employee Incentive Awards MA15140 2009MZ6001120 Personnel Benefits MA15140 2009MZ6001122X Moving Expenses MA15140 2009MZ6001123X All Other Personnel Benefits MA15140 2009MZ6001124X Training MA15140 2009MZ6001130X Benefits For Former Personnel MA15140 2009MZ6001210 ES, Program Direction, Travel MA15140 2009MZ6001211X Travel MA15140 2009MZ6009000X Special Projects MA15140 2009MZ6011000 Goods and Services Provided Through the WCF MA15140 2009MZ6011140X Payroll and other personnel costs MA15140 2009MZ6011150X Payroll Processing MA15140 2009MZ6011160X CHRIS MA15140 2009MZ6011240 Administrative Services MA15140 2009MZ6011241X Supplies MA15140 2009MZ6011242X Postage MA15140 2009MZ6011243X Photocopying MA15140 2009MZ6011244X Printing and Graphics MA15140 2009MZ6011245X Building Rental, Ops MA15140 2009MZ6011340 Information Management Systems and Operations MA15140 2009MZ6011341X Telecommunications MA15140 2009MZ6011342X Office Automation MA15140 2009MZ6011343X Networking MA15140 2009MZ6011440 Procurement Services MA15140 2009MZ6011441X Contract Audits MA15140 2009MZ6011442X Contract Closeouts MA15140 2009MZ6011520X Corporate Executive Info Systems MA15140 2009MZ6011530X On Line Learning Center MA15140 2009MZ6011540X Pers and Training Services MA15140 2009MZ6011940X Indirect Operating Costs MA15140 2009NA0000000 International Affairs And Energy Emergencies PI99101 2009NA0200000 XProgram Support - International Affairs and Energy Emergencies PI99101 2009NA0201000X International Policy Studies PI99101 2009NA0202000X Reduced Enrichment Research Test Reactor Program PI99101 2009NA0203000X Export Assistance Contract Support PI99101 2009NA0204000X Integrated Management Program for Radioactive Sealed Sources (IMPRSS) PI99101 2009NB0000000 XEmergency Preparedness NA0141 2009NB0300000X Emergency Planning Contractual Activity NA0141 2009NB0400000X Emergency Operations Contractual Activity NA0141 2009NB0500000 Program Direction NA0141 2009NB0511000 Personal Services NA0141 2009NB0511010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries NA0141 2009NB0511020X All Other Personal Services NA0141 2009NB0520000 Contractual Services And Supplies (Other Than Contractual Services Provided By Hr) NA0141 2009NB0520060X Other Services NA0141 2009NB0520070X Supplies And Materials NA0141 2009NB0521000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NB0521010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NB0522000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Indirect NA0141 2009NB0523000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Direct NA0141 2009NC0000000 XEmergency Planning PI0141 2009NC0300000X Emergency Planning Contractual Activity PI0141 2009NC0400000X Emergency Operations Contractual Activity PI0141 2009NC0500000 Program Direction PI0141 2009NC0520000 Contractual Services And Supplies (Other Than Contractual Services Provided By Ma) PI0141 2009NC0520060X Other Services PI0141 2009NC0521000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons PI0141 2009NC0521010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations PI0141 2009NC0522000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Indirect PI0141 2009NC0523000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Direct PI0141 2009ND0000000 XEmergency Management NA0141 2009ND0200000 Emergency Management Program - Contractual Services And Supplies NA0141 2009ND0201000X Liquefied Gaseous Fuels Spill Test Facility (Hazmat Spill Center) NA0141 2009NN0000000 Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA0242 2009NN1000000 XProgram Direction NA99148 2009NN1018000 NNSA Information Technology NA99148 2009NN1018010X Information Technology Related Avisory and Assistance Services NA99148 2009NN1018020 Enterprise and Site Specific Information Technology Services NA99148 2009NN1018022X Other NNSA Site Information Technology Services NA99148 2009NN1500000XXInternational Nuclear Fuel Bank NA02153 2009NN1800000XXCongressionally Directed Projects - Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA02152 2009NN2000000 XNonproliferation And Verification Research And Development NA0238 2009NN2001000X Nonproliferation Detection NA0238 2009NN2003000X Nuclear Explosion Monitoring NA0238 2009NN2004000X Chemical and Biological National Security NA0238 2009NN2005000X Supporting Activities NA0238 2009NN200W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0238 2009NN200W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0238 2009NN200W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0238 2009NN200W030X Travel NA0238 2009NN200W040X Office Support NA0238 2009NN200W050X Equipment NA0238 2009NN200W060X Other Costs NA0238 2009NN2100000 Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development NA0238 2009NN3000000 XInternational Nuclear Safety and Cooperation NA0240 2009NN3001000 Soviet Designed Reactor Safety NA0240 2009NN3001010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3001020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3001030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0240 2009NN3002000X Nuclear Safety Infrastructure Support NA0240 2009NN3003000X Proliferation Resistant Nuclear Technologies NA0240 2009NN3004000 Technical Support Activities NA0240 2009NN3004010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3004020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3004030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0240 2009NN3005000 International Emergency Management and Cooperation NA0240 2009NN3005010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3005020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3005030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0240 2009NN3006000 Nuclear Safety Analyses NA0240 2009NN3006010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3006020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3006030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0240 2009NN3007000 Corrective Measures and Technical Cooperation NA0240 2009NN3007010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3007020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN3007030X Non Russia NA0240 2009NN300W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0240 2009NN300W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0240 2009NN300W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0240 2009NN300W030X Travel NA0240 2009NN300W040X Office Support NA0240 2009NN300W050X Equipment NA0240 2009NN300W060X Other Costs NA0240 2009NN3100000 XHEU Transparency Implementation NA0255 2009NN3101000X HEU Transparency Implementation NA0255 2009NN310W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0255 2009NN310W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0255 2009NN310W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0255 2009NN310W030X Travel NA0255 2009NN310W040X Office Support NA0255 2009NN310W050X Equipment NA0255 2009NN310W060X Other Costs NA0255 2009NN3200000 XElimination of Weapons Grade Plutonium Production in Russia NA0240 2009NN3201000 Seversk Plutonium Production Elimination Program NA0240 2009NN3201010X Russia US Costs NA0240 2009NN3201020X Russia In-Country NA0240 2009NN3202000 Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination Program NA0240 2009NN3202010X Russia US Costs NA0240 2009NN3202020X Russia In-Country NA0240 2009NN3203000 Russian Plutonium Production Reactors Safety Upgrades NA0240 2009NN3203010X Russia US Costs NA0240 2009NN3203020X Russia In-Country NA0240 2009NN3204000 Crosscutting and Technical Support Activities NA0240 2009NN3204010X Russia US Costs NA0240 2009NN3204020X Russia In-Country NA0240 2009NN3204030X Non Russia NA0240 2009NN3205000 Int'l Contributions - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205010 Netherlands Contributions - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205011X Russia US Costs: Netherlands Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205012X Russia In-Country: Netherlands Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205020 U.K. Contribution - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205021X Russia US Costs: United Kingdom Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205022X Russia In-Country: United Kingdom Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205030 Canadian Contributions - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205031X Russia US Costs: Canada Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205032X Russia In-Country: Canada Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205040 Republic of Korea Contributions - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205041X Russia U.S. Costs - Republic of Korea Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205042X Russia in Country - Republic of Korea Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205050 Republic of Finland Contributions - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205051X Russia U.S. Costs - Republic of Finland Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205052X Russia in Country - Republic of Finland Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205060 European Commission Contributions - Zheleznogorsk Plutonium Production Elimination NA0240 2009NN3205061X Russia U.S. Costs - European Commission Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205062X Russia in Country - European Commission Contributions NA0240 2009NN3205070 New Zealand Contribution NA0240 2009NN3205071X Russia US Cost: New Zealand Contribution NA0240 2009NN3205072X Russia In-Country: New Zealand Contribution NA0240 2009NN320W000 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0240 2009NN320W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0240 2009NN320W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0240 2009NN320W030X Travel NA0240 2009NN320W040X Office Support NA0240 2009NN320W050X Equipment NA0240 2009NN320W060X Other Costs NA0240 2009NN4000000 XNonproliferation and International Security NA0242 2009NN4001000 Nonproliferation Policy NA0242 2009NN4001010 Fuel Cycle Activities NA0242 2009NN4001011X Fuel Cycle Analysis NA0242 2009NN4001012X Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor NA0242 2009NN4001013X Russian Fuel Return NA0242 2009NN4001014X Kazakhstan Spent Fuel NA0242 2009NN4001020X Global Regimes NA0242 2009NN4001030 Regional Nonproliferation NA0242 2009NN4001031X Regional Security NA0242 2009NN4001032X Democratic People of Republic Korea (DPRK) Spent Fuel NA0242 2009NN4001040X Warhead Dismantlement & Fissile Material Transparency NA0242 2009NN4001050X HEU Transparency Implementation NA0242 2009NN4001070X Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Acceptance NA0242 2009NN4001080X Other Global Threat Reduction NA0242 2009NN4001090X Weapons-Usable Material Removal NA0242 2009NN4003000 International Safeguards NA0242 2009NN4003010X Nuclear Safeguards NA0242 2009NN4003020X International Cooperation NA0242 2009NN4003030X Democratic People of Republic Korea (DPRK) Safeguards NA0242 2009NN4003040X Plutonium - 244 Recovery NA0242 2009NN4003050X International Nuclear Security NA0242 2009NN4003060X Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction Elimination NA0242 2009NN4003070X Nuclear Noncompliance Verification NA0242 2009NN4004000 Export Control NA0242 2009NN4004010 Export Control Operations NA0242 2009NN4004011X Export Control Licensing Operations NA0242 2009NN4004012X Export Control Multilateral NA0242 2009NN4004020X International Nonproliferation Export Control Program NA0242 2009NN4004030X Interdiction/Enforcement NA0242 2009NN4005000X Treaties And Agreements NA0242 2009NN4006000 Global Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention NA0242 2009NN4006010X GIPP/U.S. and Non-Former Soviet Union NA0242 2009NN4006020X GIPP/Former Soviet Union NA0242 2009NN4007000 International Security NA0242 2009NN4007030X Spent Fuel Storage and Geologic Repository NA0242 2009NN4007040X Separated Civil Plutonium NA0242 2009NN4007050 HEU Research Reactor Fuel Purchase NA0242 2009NN4007051X Russia U.S. Cost NA0242 2009NN4007052X Russia In-Country NA0242 2009NN4008000 International Emergency Management and Cooperation NA0242 2009NN4008010X International Emergency Management NA0242 2009NN4008020 Kazakhstan BN-350 Reactor Shutdown NA0242 2009NN4008021X U.S. Costs for Russian/Newly Independent States programs NA0242 2009NN4008022X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States programs NA0242 2009NN400W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0242 2009NN400W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0242 2009NN400W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0242 2009NN400W030X Travel NA0242 2009NN400W040X Office Support NA0242 2009NN400W050X Equipment NA0242 2009NN400W060X Other Costs NA0242 2009NN4100000 XGlobal Initiative for Proliferation Prevention NA0243 2009NN4101000 Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention NA0243 2009NN4101010X Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (US) NA0243 2009NN4101020X Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (Former Soviet Union) NA0243 2009NN4102000 Nuclear Cities Initiatives NA0243 2009NN4102010X Nuclear Cities Initiatives (US) NA0243 2009NN4102020X Nuclear Cities Intiatives (Russia/NIS) NA0243 2009NN410W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0243 2009NN410W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0243 2009NN410W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0243 2009NN410W030X Travel NA0243 2009NN410W040X Office Support NA0243 2009NN410W050X Equipment NA0243 2009NN410W060X Other Costs NA0243 2009NN5000000 XInternational Nuclear Materials Protection and Cooperation NA0244 2009NN5001000 Navy Complex NA0244 2009NN5001010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5001020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5001030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5002000 Rosatom Weapons Complex NA0244 2009NN5002010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5002020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5002030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5003000 Civilian Nuclear Sites NA0244 2009NN5003010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5003020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5003030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5004000 National Programs and Sustainability NA0244 2009NN5004010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5004020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5004030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5005000 Assessment, Detection and Cooperation NA0244 2009NN5005010 Second Line of Defense NA0244 2009NN5005011X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5005012X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5005013X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5005020X Nuclear Assessment NA0244 2009NN5005030X Emergency Cooperation NA0244 2009NN5005040X MegaPorts NA0244 2009NN5006000 Strategic Rocket Forces NA0244 2009NN5006010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5006020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5006030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5007000 Material Consolidation and Conversion NA0244 2009NN5007010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5007020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5007030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5008000 Radiological Dispersal Devices NA0244 2009NN5008010 Radiological Dispersal Devices NA0244 2009NN5008011X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5008012X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0244 2009NN5008013X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0244 2009NN5008020X MPC&A Activities in Iraq NA0244 2009NN5009000X International Contributions from Norway NA0244 2009NN500W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0244 2009NN500W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0244 2009NN500W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0244 2009NN500W030X Travel NA0244 2009NN500W040X Office Support NA0244 2009NN500W050X Equipment NA0244 2009NN500W060X Other Costs NA0244 2009NN5010000X International Contributions UK NA0244 2009NN6000000 U.S. Surplus Fissile Materials Disposition NA0245 2009NN6001000 XU.S. Plutonium Disposition NA0245 2009NN6001010 Pit Disassembly & Conversion NA0245 2009NN6001011X PDCF OPC NA0245 2009NN6001012X PDCF ARIES Activities NA0245 2009NN6001020X Immobilization & Associated Processing NA0245 2009NN6001030X MOX Fuel Utilization Technologies NA0245 2009NN6001040X Repository Analyses NA0245 2009NN6001050X Plutonium Disposition Infrastructure NA0245 2009NN6001060X Plutonium Vulnerability Assessment NA0245 2009NN6001070X MOX Other Project Costs NA0245 2009NN6001080X Waste Solidification Building OPC NA0245 2009NN60010W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0245 2009NN60010W1X Salaries and Benefits NA0245 2009NN60010W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0245 2009NN60010W3X Travel NA0245 2009NN60010W4X Office Support NA0245 2009NN60010W5X Equipment NA0245 2009NN60010W6X Other Costs NA0245 2009NN6002000 XU.S. Uranium Disposition NA0245 2009NN6002010X Highly Enriched Uranium NA0245 2009NN6002020X Uranium 233 NA0245 2009NN6002030X Direct Geologic Disposition NA0245 2009NN60020W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0245 2009NN60020W1X Salaries and Benefits NA0245 2009NN60020W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0245 2009NN60020W3X Travel NA0245 2009NN60020W4X Office Support NA0245 2009NN60020W5X Equipment NA0245 2009NN60020W6X Other Costs NA0245 2009NN6003000 XSupporting Activities NA0245 2009NN6003010 Storage NA0245 2009NN6003011X Surplus HEU Storage NA0245 2009NN6003012X U-233 Storage NA0245 2009NN6003013X Surplus Plutonium Storage NA0245 2009NN6003020X NEPA NA0245 2009NN6003030X Common Technologies And Integration NA0245 2009NN60030W0 M&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0245 2009NN60030W1X Salaries and Benefits NA0245 2009NN60030W2X Dislocation Allowance NA0245 2009NN60030W3X Travel NA0245 2009NN60030W4X Office Support NA0245 2009NN60030W5X Equipment NA0245 2009NN60030W6X Other Costs NA0245 2009NN600W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0245 2009NN600W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0245 2009NN600W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0245 2009NN600W030X Travel NA0245 2009NN600W040X Office Support NA0245 2009NN600W050X Equipment NA0245 2009NN600W060X Other Costs NA0245 2009NN6100000 Russian Surplus Fissile Materials Disposition NA0245 2009NN6101000 XRussian Surplus Plutonium Disposition NA0245 2009NN6101010X Plutonium Conversion (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101020X Immobilization (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101030X MOX Fuel Fablication (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101040X VVER-1000 Reactors (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101050X BN-600 Reactors (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101060X Licensing and Regulation (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101070X Policy Program Management and Logistical Support (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101090X Technical Program Management & Logistical Support (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101100X Packaging, Storage and Transportation and Waste Management(RF) NA0245 2009NN6101110X Implementation of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility Design NA0245 2009NN6101120X Russian Pu Disposition Technologies (RF) NA0245 2009NN6101130X Russian Support for Pu Disposition (RF) NA0245 2009NN6102000 XAdvanced Reactor Technology NA0245 2009NN6102010X Work in Russia NA0245 2009NN6102020X U.S. Support to Work in Russia NA0245 2009NN6103000 XU.S. Support and Oversight NA0245 2009NN6103010X Plutonium Conversion (US) NA0245 2009NN6103020X Immobilization (US) NA0245 2009NN6103030X MOX Fuel Fabrication (US) NA0245 2009NN6103040X VVER-1000 Reactors (US) NA0245 2009NN6103050X BN-600 Reactors (US) NA0245 2009NN6103060X Policy Program Management and Logistical Support (US) NA0245 2009NN6103070X Licensing and Regulations (US) NA0245 2009NN6103080X Parallex NA0245 2009NN6103090X Technical Program Management and Logistical Support (US) NA0245 2009NN6103100X Packaging, Storage, Transportation and Waste Management (US) NA0245 2009NN6103110X Nuclear Regulatory Commission Support NA0245 2009NN6103120X Implementation of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility Design NA0245 2009NN6103130X Development and Ratification of International and Bilateral Framework. NA0245 2009NN6103140X US Technical Support for Russian Pu Disposition (US) NA0245 2009NN6103150X US Management Support for Russian Pu Disposition (US) NA0245 2009NN6104000 XMandated Russian Surplus Plutonium Disposition NA0245 2009NN6104010X Plutonium Conversion (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104030X MOX Fuel Fabrication (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104040X VVER-1000 Reactors (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104050X BN-600 Reactors (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104060X Licensing and Regulation (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104070X Policy Program Management and Logistical Support (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104090X Technical Program Management and Logistical Support (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104100X Packaging, Storage, Transportation and Waste Management (RF) NA0245 2009NN6104120X Implementation of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility Design NA0245 2009NN610W000 XM&O Contractor Employee Cost (at Headquarters) NA0245 2009NN610W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0245 2009NN610W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0245 2009NN610W030X Travel NA0245 2009NN610W040X Office Support NA0245 2009NN610W050X Equipment NA0245 2009NN610W060X Other Costs NA0245 2009NN6200000 U.S. Surplus Fissile Materials Disposition NA0245 2009NN6400000 U.S. Surplus Fissile Materials Disposition NA0245 2009NN7000000 XAccelerated Highly Enriched Uranium Disposition NA0240 2009NN7001000 HEU/LEU Purchase and Stockpile NA0240 2009NN7001010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7001020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7002000 HEU Research Reactor Fuel Purchase NA0240 2009NN7002010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7002020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7003000 Accelerate RERTR NA0240 2009NN7003010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7003020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7003030X Non-Russia/Newly Independent States NA0240 2009NN7004000 Accelerate MCC NA0240 2009NN7004010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7004020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7005000 Technical Support Activities NA0240 2009NN7005010X U.S. Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN7005020X In-Country Costs for Russia/Newly Independent States Programs NA0240 2009NN9000000 XGlobal Threat Reduction Initiative NA0242 2009NN9001000 U.S. Radiological Threat Reduction NA0242 2009NN9001010X Domestic Material Protection NA0242 2009NN9001020X Domestic Radiological Material Removal NA0242 2009NN9002000X HEU Reactor Conversion NA0242 2009NN9003000X Russian-Origin Nuclear Material Removal NA0242 2009NN9004000X BN-350 Nuclear Material Protection NA0242 2009NN9005000X U.S.-Origin Nuclear Material Removal NA0242 2009NN9006000 International Radiological Threat Reduction NA0242 2009NN9006010X U.S. Costs for Russia/NIS Program NA0242 2009NN9006020X In-Country Costs for Russia/NIS Programs NA0242 2009NN9006030X Non-Russia Cost/NIS Programs NA0242 2009NN9006100X International Material Protection NA0242 2009NN9006200X International Radiological Material Removal NA0242 2009NN9007000 Emerging Threats and Gap Materials NA0242 2009NN9007010X Emerging Threats Nuclear Material Removal NA0242 2009NN9007020X Gap Nuclear Material Removal NA0242 2009NN9008000 International Contributions from Designed Countries for Threat Reduction Work NA0242 2009NN9008010X Canada Contributions NA0242 2009NN9008020X Korean Contributions NA0242 2009NN9008030 United Kingdom Contributions NA0242 2009NN9008031X UK Threat Reduction Activites NA0244 2009NN9009000X Protect: Nuclear Research Reactors NA0242 2009NN900W000 M&O Contractor Employee Costs (at Headquarters) NA0242 2009NN900W010X Salaries and Benefits NA0242 2009NN900W020X Dislocation Allowance NA0242 2009NN900W030X Travel NA0242 2009NN900W040X Office Support NA0242 2009NN900W050X Equipment NA0242 2009NN900W060X Other Costs NA0242 2009NP0000000 XNew Production Reactors NA0141 2009NP0100000 Heavy Water Reactor NA0141 2009NP0101000X Other Costs NA0141 2009NP0121000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0121010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0200000 Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor NA0141 2009NP0201000X Other Costs NA0141 2009NP0221000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0221010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0300000 Light Water Reactor NA0141 2009NP0301000X Other Costs NA0141 2009NP0321000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0321010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0400000 Environmental NA0141 2009NP0401000X Other Costs NA0141 2009NP0421000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0421010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0500000 Program Support & Alternative Technologies NA0141 2009NP0501000X Program Support NA0141 2009NP0502000X Alternative Technologies NA0141 2009NP0521000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0521010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0600000 Program Direction NA0141 2009NP0611000 Personal Services NA0141 2009NP0611010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries NA0141 2009NP0611020X All Other Personal Services NA0141 2009NP0611030X Employee Incentive Awards NA0141 2009NP0612000 Personnel Benefits NA0141 2009NP0612020X Moving Expenses NA0141 2009NP0612030X All Other Personnel Benefits NA0141 2009NP0613000X Benefits For Former Personnel NA0141 2009NP0620000 Contractual Services And Supplies NA0141 2009NP0620010X Transportation Of Things NA0141 2009NP0620020X Standard Level User Charges NA0141 2009NP0620030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities NA0141 2009NP0620040X Printing And Reproduction NA0141 2009NP0620050X Services Performed By Other Agencies NA0141 2009NP0620060X Other Services NA0141 2009NP0620070X Supplies And Materials NA0141 2009NP0620080X Training Expenses NA0141 2009NP0620090X Technical Support NA0141 2009NP0621000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0621010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0700000 Safety And Quality NA0141 2009NP0701000X Other Costs NA0141 2009NP0721000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons NA0141 2009NP0721010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations NA0141 2009NP0800000X Safeguards And Security NA0141 2009NU0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - NE - Other Defense Activities NE15140 2009NU1000000 Corporate Safety Programs NE15140 2009NU1003000X Radiological and Environmental Services Lab (RESL) Corporate Performance Assessment NE15140 2009NW0000000 XES&H Program Direction - NE - Other Defense Activities NE15140 2009NW3000000 Program Direction NE15140 2009NW3001000 Salaries and Benefits - ES&H NE15140 2009NW3001110 Personal Services NE15140 2009NW3001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001112X All Other Personal Services (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001113X Employee Incentive Awards (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001120 Personnel Benefits (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001122X Moving Expenses (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001123X All Other Personnel Benefits (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001124X Training (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001130X Benefits for Former Personnel (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons (ES&H) NE15140 2009NW3001211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations (ES&H) NE15140 2009NY0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety & Health Operating Expenses - NE - Energy Supply NE15140 2009NY1000000X Policy, Standards and Guidance NE15140 2009NY7000000 DOE-Wide ES&H Programs NE15140 2009NY7006000X Information Management (eXcite) NE15140 2009NY7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment NE15140 2009NY7040000X Environment NE15140 2009NY7060000X Nuclear/Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement NE15140 2009NZ0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health - NE - Program Direction - Energy Supply NE15140 2009NZ6000000 Program Direction NE15140 2009NZ6011000 Goods and Services Provided Through Working Captiatl Fund (WCF) NE15140 2009NZ6011140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs NE15140 2009NZ6011150X Payroll Processing to be Performed by Non-Federal Contractor and/or Other Federal Agency (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011240 Administrative Services (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011241X Supplies (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011242X Postage (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011243X Photocopying (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011244X Printing and Graphics (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011245X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011340 Information Management Systems and Operations (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011341X Telecommunications (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011342X Office Automation Equipment and Support (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011343X Networking (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011440 Procurement Services (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011441X Contract Audits (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011442X Contract Closeouts (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011520X Corporate Executive Information System (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011530X Online Learning Center (OLC) (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011540X Personnel and Training Services (ES&H) NE15140 2009NZ6011940X Indirect Operating Costs (ES&H) NE15140 2009OD0000000 NSS Program Direction - NA - ODA NA99980 2009OD1000000 XProgram Direction NA99980 2009OD1001000 Salaries and Benefits NA99980 2009OD1001010 Security & Safety Performance - Personal Services NA99980 2009OD1001011X Security & Safety Performance - Full Time Permanent NA99980 2009OD1001012X Security & Safety Performance - All other personnel services NA99980 2009OD1001013X Security & Safety Performance - Overtime NA99980 2009OD1001014X Security & Safety Performance - Employee Incentive Awards NA99980 2009OD1001020 Security & Safety Performance - Personnel Benefits NA99980 2009OD1001021X Security & Safety Performance - Permanent Change of Station NA99980 2009OD1001022X Security & Safety Performance - All other personnel benefits NA99980 2009OD1001030X Security & Safety Performance - Training NA99980 2009OD1001040X Security & Safety Performance - Benefits for former personnel NA99980 2009OD1001050X Travel NA99980 2009OD1004000 Goods and Services Provided through the Working Capital Fund (WCF) NA99980 2009OD1004010X Payroll and other personnel costs (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004020X Payroll Processing (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004030X Corporate Human Resources Information Systems (CHRIS)(NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004040 Administrative Services (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004041X Supplies (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004042X Postage (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004043X Photocopying (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004044X Printing and Graphics (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004045X Building Rental, Operations and Maintenance (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004050 Information Management Systems and Operations (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004051X Telecommunications (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004052X Desktop Services (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004053X Networking (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004060 Procurement Services (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004061X Contract Audits (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004062X Contract Closeout (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004070X Corporate Executive Information System (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004080X Corporate Training Services (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004090X Personnel and Training Serices (NSS) NA99980 2009OD1004100X Indirect Operating Costs (NSS) NA99980 2009OH0000000 Office of Health, Safety and Security HS9998 2009OH1000000 XProgram Direction - HSS HS9998 2009OH1001000 Personnel Compensation and Benefits HS9998 2009OH1001010 Personal Services HS9998 2009OH1001011X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS9998 2009OH1001012X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent HS9998 2009OH1001013X Overtime HS9998 2009OH1001014X Employee Incentive Awards HS9998 2009OH1001020 Personnel Benefits HS9998 2009OH1001021X Permanent Change of Station HS9998 2009OH1001022X All Other Personnel Benefits HS9998 2009OH1001030X Training HS9998 2009OH1001040X Benefits for former Personnel HS9998 2009OH1001050X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS9998 2009OH1003000 NTC HS9998 2009OH1003060X Other Goods & Services - NTC HS9998 2009OH1003070X Support Services - NTC HS9998 2009OH1004000X Goods and Services Provided through WCF HS9998 2009OH1005000 Goods and Services HS9998 2009OH1005010X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs HS9998 2009OH1005020X Payroll Processing HS9998 2009OH1005030X Corporate Human Resource Information System HS9998 2009OH1005040 Administrative Services HS9998 2009OH1005041X Supplies HS9998 2009OH1005042X Postage HS9998 2009OH1005043X Photocopying HS9998 2009OH1005044X Printing and Graphics HS9998 2009OH1005045X Building Rental, Operations and Maintenance HS9998 2009OH1005050 Information Management Systems and Operations HS9998 2009OH1005051X Telecommunications HS9998 2009OH1005052X Desktop Services HS9998 2009OH1005053X Networking HS9998 2009OH1005060 Procurement Services HS9998 2009OH1005061X Contract Audits HS9998 2009OH1005062X Contract Closeout HS9998 2009OH1005070X Corporate Executive Information System HS9998 2009OH1005080X Corporate Training Services HS9998 2009OH1005090X Personnel and Training Services HS9998 2009OH1005100X Indirect Operating Costs HS9998 2009OH1006000 Support Services HS9998 2009OH1006010X Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer HS9998 2009OH1006020X Office of Resource Management HS9998 2009OH1006200X Office of Security Operations HS9998 2009OH1006300X Office of Security Technology & Assistance HS9998 2009OH1006400X Office of Independent Oversight HS9998 2009OH1006500X Departmental Representative HS9998 2009OH1006600X Office of Security Policy HS9998 2009OH1006700X Materials and control accountability HS9998 2009OH1009000X Special Projects HS9998 2009OK0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Program Direction - SC - Other Defense Activities SC99980 2009OK1000000 Program Direction SC99980 2009OK1002000 New Brunswick Laboratory Program Direction SC99980 2009OK1002010 Salaries and Benefits SC15190 2009OK1002011X Full-time permanent base salaries (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002012X All other than full-time permanent (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002013X Overtime (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002014X Employee incentive awards (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002020 Personnel Benefits SC15190 2009OK1002021X Permanent change of station (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002022X All other personnel benefits (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002030X Training (NBL) SC99980 2009OK1002040X Benefits for former personnel (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002050X Travel (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002060X Other goods and services (NBL) SC15190 2009OK1002070X Support Services (NBL) SC15190 2009OM0000000 XProgram Direction - MA - Other Defense Activities MA99980 2009OM1000000 Program Direction MA99980 2009OM1001000 Salaries and Benefits MA99980 2009OM1001010 Personal Services MA99980 2009OM1001011X Full Time Permanent MA99980 2009OM1001012X All other personnel services MA99980 2009OM1001013X Overtime MA99980 2009OM1001014X Employee Incentive Awards MA99980 2009OM1001020 Personnel Benefits MA99980 2009OM1001021X Permanent Change of Station MA99980 2009OM1001022X All Other Personnel Benefits MA99980 2009OM1001030X Training MA99980 2009OM1001040X Benefits for former personnel MA99980 2009OM1001050X Travel MA99980 2009OM1004000 Working Capital Fund MA99980 2009OM1004010X Payroll and other personnel costs MA99980 2009OM1004020X Payroll processing MA99980 2009OM1004030X Corporate Human Resource Information System MA99980 2009OM1004040 MA99980 2009OM1004041X Supplies MA99980 2009OM1004042X Postage MA99980 2009OM1004043X Photocopying MA99980 2009OM1004044X Printing and Graphics MA99980 2009OM1004045X Building Rental, Oper, and Maint MA99980 2009OM1004050 MA99980 2009OM1004051X Telecommunications MA99980 2009OM1004052X Desktop MA99980 2009OM1004053X Networking MA99980 2009OM1004060 Procurement Services MA99980 2009OM1004061X Contract Audit MA99980 2009OM1004062X Contract Closeout MA99980 2009OM1004070X Corporate Executive Information System MA99980 2009OM1004080X Corporate Training System MA99980 2009OM1004090X Personnel and Training Services MA99980 2009OM1004100X Indirect Operating Cost MA99980 2009OM1005000X Goods and Services MA99980 2009OM1006000 Support Services MA99980 2009OM1006600X Office of Security Policy MA99980 2009OS0000000 Office of Security HS9994 2009OS1000000 XProgram Direction - Office of Security HS9994 2009OS1010000 Personal Services HS9994 2009OS1010010 Full Time Permanent Base Salaries HS9994 2009OS1010011X Full Time Permanent Base Salaries - Headquarters HS9994 2009OS1010012X Other Than Full Time Permanent - Headquarters HS9994 2009OS1010013X Overtime HS9994 2009OS1010014X Awards - Headquarters HS9994 2009OS1010015X Other Personal Services - Headquarters HS9994 2009OS1010016X Personnel Benefits - Headquarters HS9994 2009OS1010017X Moving Expenses HS9994 2009OS1010018X Other Personnel Benefits HS9994 2009OS1010019X Benefits for Former Personnel - Headquarters HS9994 2009OS1010020 Office of the Director HS9994 2009OS1010021X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010022X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010023X Training HS9994 2009OS1010024X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010025X Other Related Expenses - Other HS9994 2009OS1010030 Office of Resource Management HS9994 2009OS1010031X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010032X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010033X Training HS9994 2009OS1010034X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010035X Other Related Expenses- Other- Resource Management HS9994 2009OS1010040 Office of Special Operations HS9994 2009OS1010041X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010042X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010043X Training HS9994 2009OS1010044X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010045X Other Related Expenses - Other- Special Operations HS9994 2009OS1010050 Personnel Security Administrative Staff HS9994 2009OS1010051X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010052X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010053X Training HS9994 2009OS1010054X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010055X Other Related Expenses - Other HS9994 2009OS1010060 Continuity of Operations/Government HS9994 2009OS1010061X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010062X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010063X Training HS9994 2009OS1010064X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010065X Other Related Expenses - Other HS9994 2009OS1010100 Security Policy Staff HS9994 2009OS1010101X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010102X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010103X Training HS9994 2009OS1010104X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010105X Other Related Expenses- Other - Security Policy Staff HS9994 2009OS1010200 Office of Headquarters Security Operations HS9994 2009OS1010201X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010202X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010203X Training HS9994 2009OS1010204X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010205X Other Related Expenses - Other - HQs Security Ops HS9994 2009OS1010300 Office of Foreign Visits, Assignments & Travel HS9994 2009OS1010301X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010302X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010303X Training HS9994 2009OS1010304X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010305X Other Related Expenses - Other- Foreign Visits, A&T HS9994 2009OS1010400 Office of Operations Support HS9994 2009OS1010401X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010402X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010403X Training HS9994 2009OS1010404X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010405X Other Related Expenses - Other- OS HS9994 2009OS1010600 Office of Departmental Initiatives HS9994 2009OS1010601X Travel- Departmental Initiatives HS9994 2009OS1010602X Support Services - Departmental Initiatives HS9994 2009OS1010603X Other Related Expenses- Training- Departmental Init. HS9994 2009OS1010604X Other Related Expenses - Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010605X Other Related Expenses - Other - Departmental Initi. HS9994 2009OS1010610 Office of Security Training and Education HS9994 2009OS1010611X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010612X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010613X Training HS9994 2009OS1010614X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010615X Other Related Expenses - Other- Departmental Init. HS9994 2009OS1010620 Office of Plutonium, Uranium, and Special Materials Inventory HS9994 2009OS1010621X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010622X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010623X Training HS9994 2009OS1010624X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010625X Other Related Expenses - Other - Departmental Init. HS9994 2009OS1010630 New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) - Chicago Opers. Office HS9994 2009OS1010631X Full Time Permanent Base Salaries - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010632X Other Than Full Time Permanent - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010633X Overtime - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010634X Awards - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010635X Other Personal Services - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010636X Personnel Benefits - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010637X Moving Expenses - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010638X Other Personnel Benefits - NBL HS9994 2009OS1010639X Benefits for Former Personnel - NBL HS9994 2009OS101063AX Travel HS9994 2009OS101063BX Support Services HS9994 2009OS101063CX Training HS9994 2009OS101063DX Information Technology HS9994 2009OS101063EX Other Related Expenses -Other- NBL HS9994 2009OS1010700 Office of Classified & Controlled Information Review HS9994 2009OS1010701X Travel HS9994 2009OS1010702X Support Services HS9994 2009OS1010703X Training HS9994 2009OS1010704X Information Technology HS9994 2009OS1010705X Other Related Expenses - Other - Classified & Controller HS9994 2009OS1088000 Goods & Services Purchased - Working Captial Fund HS9994 2009OS1088150X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs HS9994 2009OS1088160X CHRIS HS9994 2009OS1088240 Administrative Services HS9994 2009OS1088241X Supplies HS9994 2009OS1088242X Postage HS9994 2009OS1088243X Photocopying HS9994 2009OS1088244X Printing and Graphics HS9994 2009OS1088245X Building Rental, Operations and Maintenance HS9994 2009OS1088340 Information Management Systems and Operations HS9994 2009OS1088341X Telecommunication HS9994 2009OS1088342X Office Automation Equipment and Support HS9994 2009OS1088343X Networking HS9994 2009OS1088440 Procurement Services HS9994 2009OS1088441X Contract Audits HS9994 2009OS1088442X Contract Closeout HS9994 2009OS1088520X Excutive Information Service HS9994 2009OS1088530X On-Line Learning HS9994 2009PA0000000 Office of Security & Safety Performance Assurance (SSA) Program Direction HS99101 2009PA1000000 XProgram Direction HS99101 2009PA1001000 SSA Personnel Compensation and Benefits HS99101 2009PA1001010 Personal Services HS99101 2009PA1001011X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS99101 2009PA1001012X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent HS99101 2009PA1001013X Overtime HS99101 2009PA1001014X Employee Incentive Awards HS99101 2009PA1001020 Personnel Benefits HS99101 2009PA1001021X Permanent Change of Station HS99101 2009PA1001022X All Other Personnel Benefits HS99101 2009PA1001030X Training HS99101 2009PA1001040X Benefits for Former Personnel HS99101 2009PA1001050X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS99101 2009PA1002000 NBL Personnel Compensation and Benefits HS99101 2009PA1002010 Personal Services HS99101 2009PA1002011X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS99101 2009PA1002012X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent HS99101 2009PA1002013X Overtime HS99101 2009PA1002014X Employee Incentive Awards HS99101 2009PA1002020 Personnel Benefits HS99101 2009PA1002021X Permanent Change of Station HS99101 2009PA1002022X All Other Personnel Benefits HS99101 2009PA1002030X Training HS99101 2009PA1002040X Benefits for Former Personnel HS99101 2009PA1002050X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS99101 2009PA1002060X Other - Goods and Services HS99101 2009PA1002070X Support Services HS99101 2009PA1003000 NTC Personnel Compensation and Benefits (SP-10) HS99101 2009PA1003010 Personal Services HS99101 2009PA1003011X Full-Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS99101 2009PA1003012X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent HS99101 2009PA1003013X Overtime HS99101 2009PA1003014X Employee Incentive Awards HS99101 2009PA1003020 Personnel Benefits HS99101 2009PA1003021X Permanent Change of Station HS99101 2009PA1003022X All Other Personnel Benefits HS99101 2009PA1003030X Training HS99101 2009PA1003040X Benefits for Former Personnel HS99101 2009PA1003050X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS99101 2009PA1003060X Other - Goods and Services HS99101 2009PA1003070X Support Services HS99101 2009PA1004000 Goods and Services Provided through Working Capital Fund (WCF) HS99101 2009PA1004010X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs HS99101 2009PA1004020X Payroll Processing HS99101 2009PA1004030X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) HS99101 2009PA1004040 Administrative Services HS99101 2009PA1004041X Supplies HS99101 2009PA1004042X Postage HS99101 2009PA1004043X Photocopying HS99101 2009PA1004044X Printing and Graphics HS99101 2009PA1004045X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance HS99101 2009PA1004050 Information Management Systems and Operations HS99101 2009PA1004051X Telecommunication HS99101 2009PA1004052X Desktop Services HS99101 2009PA1004053X Networking HS99101 2009PA1004060 Procurement Services HS99101 2009PA1004061X Contract Audits HS99101 2009PA1004062X Contract Closeout HS99101 2009PA1004070X Corporate Executive Information System HS99101 2009PA1004080X Corporate Training Services HS99101 2009PA1004090X Personnel and Training Services HS99101 2009PA1004100X Indirect Operating Costs HS99101 2009PA1005000 Goods and Services HS99101 2009PA1005010X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs HS99101 2009PA1005020X Payroll Processing HS99101 2009PA1005030X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) HS99101 2009PA1005040 Administrative Services HS99101 2009PA1005041X Supplies HS99101 2009PA1005042X Postage HS99101 2009PA1005043X Photocopying HS99101 2009PA1005044X Printing and Graphics HS99101 2009PA1005045X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance HS99101 2009PA1005050 Information Management Systems and Operations HS99101 2009PA1005051X Telecommunication HS99101 2009PA1005052X Desktop Services HS99101 2009PA1005053X Networking HS99101 2009PA1005060 Procurement Services HS99101 2009PA1005061X Contract Audits HS99101 2009PA1005062X Contract Closeout HS99101 2009PA1005070X Corporate Executive Information System HS99101 2009PA1005080X Corporate Training Services HS99101 2009PA1005090X Personnel and Training Services HS99101 2009PA1005100X Indirect Operating Costs HS99101 2009PA1006000 Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance (SP) HS99101 2009PA1006010X Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance (SP-1) HS99101 2009PA1006020X Office of Resource Management (SP-1.2) HS99101 2009PA1006200X Office of Security Operations (SP-20) HS99101 2009PA1006300X Office of Technology and Field Assistance (SP-30) HS99101 2009PA1006400X Office of Independent Oversight HS99101 2009PA1006500X Departmental Representative to the DNFSB HS99101 2009PA1006600X Office of Security Policy (SP-60) HS99101 2009PA1006700X Office of Materials Control and Accountability (SP-70) HS99101 2009PA1009000X Special Projects HS99101 2009PB0000000 XIndependent Oversight and Performance Assurance (Defense) - Program Direction HS15139 2009PB1000000 Program Direction HS15139 2009PB1001000 Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance HS15139 2009PB1001110 Personal Services HS15139 2009PB1001111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HS15139 2009PB1001112X All Other Personal Services HS15139 2009PB1001113X Employee Incentive Awards HS15139 2009PB1001120 Personnel Benefits HS15139 2009PB1001122X Moving Expenses HS15139 2009PB1001123X All Other Personnel Benefits HS15139 2009PB1001124X Training HS15139 2009PB1001130X Benefits for Former Personnel HS15139 2009PB1001210 Travel and Transportation of Persons HS15139 2009PB1001211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations HS15139 2009PB1002000X Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance Contractual Services HS15139 2009PB1011000 Goods and Services Provided through WCF HS15139 2009PB1011150X Payroll Processing HS15139 2009PB1011160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) HS15139 2009PB1011240 Administrative Services HS15139 2009PB1011241X Supplies HS15139 2009PB1011242X Postage HS15139 2009PB1011243X Photocopying HS15139 2009PB1011244X Printing and Graphics HS15139 2009PB1011245X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance HS15139 2009PB1011340 Information Management Systems and Operations HS15139 2009PB1011341X Telecommunication HS15139 2009PB1011342X Office Automation Equipment and Support HS15139 2009PB1011343X Networking HS15139 2009PB1011440 Procurement Services HS15139 2009PB1011442X Contract Closeout HS15139 2009PB1011530X Online Learning Center (OLC) HS15139 2009PE0000000 Policy Analysis And Systems Studies PI99101 2009PE0100000XXPolicy, Planning And Analysis PI99101 2009PE0400000 XOffice Of Environmental Analysis PI99101 2009PE0401000X Policy Analysis PI99101 2009PE0402000 Program Direction PI99101 2009PE0402110 Personal Services PI99101 2009PE0402111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries PI99101 2009PE0402112X All Other Personal Services PI99101 2009PE0402120 Personnel Benefits PI99101 2009PE0402123X All Other Personnel Benefits PI99101 2009PE0402200 Contractual Services And Supplies PI99101 2009PE0402204X Printing And Reproduction PI99101 2009PE0402205X Training PI99101 2009PE0402206X Other Services PI99101 2009PE0402207X Supplies And Materials PI99101 2009PE0402210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons PI99101 2009PE0402211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations PI99101 2009PE0403000X Country Studies Program PI99101 2009PE0404000X Assisting Deployment Of Energy Practices And Technologies (Adept) PI99101 2009PE0500000XXEnergy Security and Assurance Policy PI99101 2009PE0600000XXClimate Change Technology Program PI99101 2009PF0000000XXPajarito Plateau Homesteaders Compensation NA1581 2009PH0000000XXHistorical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) NA99148 2009PP0000000 XCongressionally Directed Projects - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy EE0408 2009PP0100000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Biomass EE0408 2009PP0101000X Renewable Energy Biomass Utilization Program (AK) EE0408 2009PP0102000X Southeast Bioenergy Initiative (AL) EE0408 2009PP0103000X Arkansas State University Ethanol Fuel Development (AR) EE0408 2009PP0104000X Placer County Biomass Utilization Pilot Project (CA) EE0408 2009PP0105000X Costilla County Economic Development Council, Inc., Biodiesel Project (CO) EE0408 2009PP0106000X Jefferson County Bioenergy Initiative Plant (CO) EE0408 2009PP0107000X Sorghum to Ethanol Research (CO) EE0408 2009PP0108000X Connecticut Biodiesel Power Generator (CT) EE0408 2009PP0109000X DBS Energy Inc., Glastonbury, CT Biofuels Technology Project in Suffield (CT) EE0408 2009PP0110000X Stamford Waste-to-Energy Project (CT) EE0408 2009PP0111000X Dakota Gold Research Association Sioux Falls (SD) Biomass EE0408 2009PP0112000X Alternative Biofuel Infrastructure in Central Georgia (GA) EE0408 2009PP0113000X Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (GA) EE0408 2009PP0114000X MidSouth/Southeast Bioenergy Consortium (GA) EE0408 2009PP0115000X University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Development of High Yield Tropical Feedstock EE0408 2009PP0116000X University of Northern Iowa, National Agriculture-Based Industrial Lubricants (IO) EE0408 2009PP0117000X Illinois State University Biomass Research (IL) EE0408 2009PP0118000X Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Biofuels Research (IL) EE0408 2009PP0119000X Bioenergy Cooperative Ethanol Biomass Fuel Plant EE0408 2009PP0120000X Waste-to-Energy Cogeneration Project, Munster (IN) EE0408 2009PP0121000X University of Kentucky Biofuels Research Laboratory (KY) EE0408 2009PP0122000X U. of Florida, Gainesville, With the Earth University Foundation Biofuel Project EE0408 2009PP0123000X Raceland Raw Sugar Corporation, Bio-Renewable Ethanol and Co-Generation Plant, Biomass (LA) EE0408 2009PP0124000X Intermediary Biochemical's (MI) EE0408 2009PP0125000X MBI International Biomass Research (MI) EE0408 2009PP0126000X Sustainable Energy Center Biodiesel from Algae (MI) EE0408 2009PP0127000X Koochiching County, Renewable Energy Clean Air Project (RECAP), Plasma Gasification Waste-to-Energy Project (MN) EE0408 2009PP0128000X Strategic Biomass Initiative (MS) EE0408 2009PP0129000X Appalachian State University Biofuels and Biomass Research Initiative EE0408 2009PP0130000X Integrated Biomass Refining Institute at North Carolina State University (NC) EE0408 2009PP0131000X University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, Center for Biomass Utilization EE0408 2009PP0132000X University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Bioenergy Demonstration Project: Value-Added Products from Renewable Fuels (NE) EE0408 2009PP0133000X Trenton Fuel Works Biofuels Plant Re-Construction (NJ) EE0408 2009PP0134000X Auburn Regional Bioenergy Enterprise (NY) EE0408 2009PP0135000X Closed Loop Short Rotation Woody biomass (NY) EE0408 2009PP0136000X Chautauqua County - Methane Gas Utilization Project from Landfill at Ellery (NY) EE0408 2009PP0137000X Mill Seat Landfill Bioreactor Renewable Green Power (NY) EE0408 2009PP0138000X SUNY Cobleskill Bio-Waste to Bio-Energy Project (NY) EE0408 2009PP0139000X Woody Biomass Project at SUNY-ESF (NY) EE0408 2009PP0140000X University of Oklahoma Biofuels Refining (OK) EE0408 2009PP0141000X Port of Umatilla Biodiesel Refining Plant (OR) EE0408 2009PP0142000X Biodiesel Injection Blending Facilities (PA) EE0408 2009PP0143000X Messiah College Biodiesel Fuel Generation Project (PA) EE0408 2009PP0144000X Foster-Gloucester Regional School District, Ponaganet Alternative Energy Lab and Biomass Facilities Project (RI) EE0408 2009PP0145000X University of Rhode Island, Research and Technology Development for Genetic Improvement of Switch grass EE0408 2009PP0146000X BioEthanol Collaborative (SC) EE0408 2009PP0147000X Biofuel Production Initiative Claflin (SC) EE0408 2009PP0148000X South Dakota State University, Sun Grant Initiative, Regional Biomass Feedstock Development Partnership (SD) EE0408 2009PP0149000X Advancing Texas Biofuel Production EE0408 2009PP0150000X Biofuels Development at Texas A&M (TX) EE0408 2009PP0151000X Northeast Texas Community College Biodiesel (TX) EE0408 2009PP0152000X Vermont Biomass Energy Resources Center (VT) EE0408 2009PP0153000X Vermont Public Power Supply Authority, Renewable Energy from Animal (VT) EE0408 2009PP0154000X Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, Central Vermont Recovered Biomass Facility (VT) EE0408 2009PP0155000X King County Biogas and Nutrient Reduction Project (WA) EE0408 2009PP0156000X Pierce County, Landfill Gas-to-Clean Fuel Project, Biomass (WA) EE0408 2009PP0157000X Biorefining for Energy Security at Ohio University (OH) EE0408 2009PP0158000X Chariton Valley R.C.&D., Chariton Valley Biomass for Rural Development EE0408 2009PP0159000X Alternative Fuel for Cement Processing at Auburn University (AL) EE0408 2009PP0160000X Compact Membrane Systems, Inc. - Applied Membrane Technology for Processing Ethanol for Biomass (DE) EE0408 2009PP0161000X Florida Renewable Energy Program (FL) EE0408 2009PP0162000X University of Georgia Biorefinery and Fuel Cell Research (GA) EE0408 2009PP0163000X Kentucky Rural Energy Consortium at the University of Louisville, (KY) EE0408 2009PP0164000X Louisiana State University Alternative Energy Research (LA) EE0408 2009PP0165000X Center for Producer-Owned Energy (MN) EE0408 2009PP0166000X Laurentian Energy Authority (MN) EE0408 2009PP0167000X Minnesota Center for Renewable Energy (MN) EE0408 2009PP0168000X Sustainable Energy Research Center at MSU (MS) EE0408 2009PP0169000X Driftless Area Initiative (IL, IA, MN, WI) EE0408 2009PP0170000X Snohomish County, Biodiesel Project (WA) EE0408 2009PP0171000X Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, Vermont Biofuels Initiative (VT) EE0408 2009PP0200000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Buildings EE1104 2009PP0201000X University of Nevada, Las Vegas, National Center on Energy Management (NV) EE1104 2009PP0202000X University of North Alabama Green Campus Initiative (AL) EE1104 2009PP0203000X Jackson Park Hospital Green Medical Office Building (IL) EE1104 2009PP0204000X Sustainable LED Fluorescent Light Replacement Technology (MI) EE1104 2009PP0205000X Advanced Green Design for Museum of National History EE1104 2009PP0206000X Affordable, Energy Efficient, Self Help Housing (MS) EE1104 2009PP0207000X Building Materials Reclamation Program (NC) EE1104 2009PP0208000X Green Roof Project Southwest Brooklyn (NY) EE1104 2009PP0209000X University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Lighting Emitting Diode Display Engineering (NV) EE1104 2009PP0210000X First Responder "Green" House (NY) EE1104 2009PP0211000X Green Visitor Center, Brooklyn Botanic Green (NY) EE1104 2009PP0212000X NYIT Building Efficiency Demonstration Project (NY) EE1104 2009PP0213000X Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Solar Energy System (PA) EE1104 2009PP0214000X Texas A&M Green Campus Research Initiative (TX) EE1104 2009PP0215000X Center for Energy Efficient Design (VA) EE1104 2009PP0216000X Vermont Independent Colleges Zero-Energy Campaign (VT) EE1104 2009PP0217000X NCCR "Green" Building (LA) EE1104 2009PP0218000X Miami Museum of Science Renewable Energy Project (FL) EE1104 2009PP0219000X Sustainable Energy Research Facility Construction (MD) EE1104 2009PP0220000X Western North Carolina Clean Energy Business Incubator (NC) EE1104 2009PP0221000X York College National Energy Resource Center (SC) EE1104 2009PP0300000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Geothermal EE0407 2009PP0301000X Notre Dame Geothermal Ionic Liquids Research (IN) EE0407 2009PP0302000X Alternative Energy Geothermal Technology Demonstration Program EE0407 2009PP0303000X Oregon Institute of Technology Geo-Heat Center (OR) EE0407 2009PP0400000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Hydrogen EE0401 2009PP0401000X Tanadgusix Foundation Hydrogen Project (AK) EE0401 2009PP0402000X Nano-structured Fuel Cell Membrane Electrode Assembly (CA) EE0401 2009PP0403000X Safe Detector Systems for Hydrogen Leaks (CA) EE0401 2009PP0404000X Solid Acid Fuel Cell Research (CA) EE0401 2009PP0405000X Renewable & Logistic Fuels for Fuel Cells at the Colorado School of Mines (CO) EE0401 2009PP0406000X Purdue Hydrogen Technologies Program (IN) EE0401 2009PP0407000X Silicon Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Chip (MA) EE0401 2009PP0408000X Michigan Tech. Nanostructured Materials (MI) EE0401 2009PP0409000X Modular Energy Storage System for Fuel Cells (MI) EE0401 2009PP0410000X Alternate Fuel Cell Membranes for Energy Independence at USM (MS) EE0401 2009PP0411000X Martin County Fuel Cell Development (NC) EE0401 2009PP0412000X NaSi and Na-SG Powder Hydrogen Fuel Cells (NJ) EE0401 2009PP0413000X One Kilowatt Biogas Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack (NY) EE0401 2009PP0414000X RIT Integrated Power Microsystems (NY) EE0401 2009PP0415000X Fuel Cells for High Altitude Airship (OH) EE0401 2009PP0416000X Hydrogen Energy Production and Storage Phase IV (OH) EE0401 2009PP0417000X Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Development (OH) EE0401 2009PP0418000X University of Akron Carbon Based Fuel Cell (OH) EE0401 2009PP0419000X CU-ICAR Hydrogen Infrastructure (SC) EE0401 2009PP0420000X Hydrogen Fuel Cell Development in Columbia (SC) EE0401 2009PP0421000X Texas Hydrogen Highway (TX) EE0401 2009PP0422000X City of Chula Vista, Alternative Fuels Pilot Project (CA) EE0401 2009PP0423000X Center for Renewable Energy, Science, and Technology (TX) EE0401 2009PP0500000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Industrial EE1153 2009PP0501000X Clean Power Energy Research Consortium - Nicholls State University EE1153 2009PP0502000X Northwest Regional Planning Commission, Manufacturing Conversion for Energy Efficiency (WI) EE1153 2009PP0503000X Nanostructural Materials for Safe Alternative Energy (NC) EE1153 2009PP0504000X Cooling, Heating, and Power (CHP) at MSU (MS) EE1153 2009PP0505000X Tools for Nanotechnology Education (OR) EE1153 2009PP0506000X Great Lakes Energy Research Park (MI) EE1153 2009PP0507000X Truckee Meadow Water Reclamation Facility (NY) EE1153 2009PP0508000X Alternative Energy Workforce Applications Training Program EE1153 2009PP0509000X The Greenville Steam Efficiency Project (ME) EE1153 2009PP0600000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Solar EE0403 2009PP0601000X University of Arizona Photovoltaic Concentrator Development (AZ) EE0403 2009PP0602000X San Francisco MUNI Solar Energy Facility (CA) EE0403 2009PP0603000X Photovoltaic Demonstration Project (CT) EE0403 2009PP0604000X Conductive, Transparent Coatings Solar Cell Research Project (MA) EE0403 2009PP0605000X University of Nebraska, CIBS Solar Cell Development (NE) EE0403 2009PP0606000X High Efficiency Cascade Solar Cells (NM) EE0403 2009PP0607000X Sandia National Lab Concentrating Solar (NM) EE0403 2009PP0608000X University of Nevada, Solar Cell Nanotechnology (NV) EE0403 2009PP0609000X Solar Consortium of New York Photovoltaic Research and Development Center (NY) EE0403 2009PP0610000X Sustainable Buildings Project at the University of Louisville (KY) EE0403 2009PP0611000X Greenfield Community College - Sustainable Energy Model EE0403 2009PP0612000X Wisdom Way Solar Village - Rural Development Incs (MA) EE0403 2009PP0613000X MARET Center (MO) EE0403 2009PP0614000X North Dakota State University, Center for Nanoscale Energy EE0403 2009PP0615000X Green Energy, Arts & Education Center (NY) EE0403 2009PP0616000X Nanostructured Solar Cells (AR) EE0403 2009PP0700000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Vehicles EE0402 2009PP0701000X Bipolar Water Cell NIMH Ion Battery (CT) EE0402 2009PP0702000X Energy Efficient Press and Sinter of Titanium Powder (IL) EE0402 2009PP0703000X Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, Demonstration of Plug-In Vehicles, (KS) EE0402 2009PP0704000X National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, Lightweight Automotive Materials for Increased Fuel Efficiency (MI) EE0402 2009PP0705000X Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS) at MSU (MS) EE0402 2009PP0706000X Hybrid Hydraulic Drivetrain Demonstration (OH) EE0402 2009PP0707000X Clean and Efficient Diesel Locomotive (PA) EE0402 2009PP0708000X Juniata Ultra Low Emission Locomotive Demonstrator (PA) EE0402 2009PP0709000X West Virginia University, Lightweight Composite Material for Heavy Duty Vehicles (WV) EE0402 2009PP0710000X West Virginia University, Transportable Emissions Testing Laboratory for Alternative Vehicles Emissions Testing (WV) EE0402 2009PP0711000X Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Demonstration (CA) EE0402 2009PP0712000X Iowa Central Community College Renewable Fuels Testing Lab (IA) EE0402 2009PP0713000X High Energy Batteries for Hybrid Buses (IN) EE0402 2009PP0714000X Michigan State University, Advanced Hybrid Vehicle Technology, Hybrid Electric Vehicle Group EE0402 2009PP0800000 Congressionally Directed Projects - Water Power EE0406 2009PP0801000X Wave Power Demonstration Project, Reedsport (OR) EE0406 2009PP0802000X Hydro Partners in Brazil (OH) EE0406 2009PP0900000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Weatherization EE1109 2009PP0901000X Council of Energy Resource Tribes, (CO) EE1109 2009PP0902000X Navaho Hopi Land Commission Renewable Development (NM) EE1109 2009PP0903000X Department of Energy's Clean Energy Technology Export Program to Export U.S. Clean Energy Technologies (CETE) EE1109 2009PP1000000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Wind EE0405 2009PP1001000X Kotzebue Electric Wind Power System (AK) EE0405 2009PP1002000X Cloud County Community College Wind Turbine (KS) EE0405 2009PP1003000X Wyandotte Green Wind power on Brownfields Project (MI) EE0405 2009PP1004000X Coastal Wind Ohio (OH) EE0405 2009PP1005000X Wind Spires as an Alternative Energy Source (OH) EE0405 2009PP1006000X Great Plains Wind Power Test Facility (TX) EE0405 2009PP1007000X White Earth Tribal Nation Wind Energy (MN) EE0405 2009PP1008000X Wichita State University Sustainable Energy Solutions (KS) EE0405 2009PP1009000X Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development Program (UT) EE0405 2009PP1010000X Casper College Renewable Energy Program (WY) EE0405 2009PP1100000 Congressionally Directed Projects - EERE Crosscut EE0403 2009PP1101000X U. of Maryland Energy Research Center (MD) EE0403 2009PP1102000X Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Hawaii-New Mexico Sustainable Energy Security Partnership (HA) EE0403 2009PP1103000X Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, Renewable Energy Development Venture (HI) EE0403 2009PP1104000X UMass Renewable Energy Economy Expansion Project (MA) EE0403 2009PP1105000X Energy and Sustainability Institute, Illinois Institute of Technology (IL) EE0403 2009PP1106000X Nevada Institute for Renewable Energy Commercialization, (NV) EE0403 2009PP1107000X Nye County Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (NY) EE0403 2009PP1108000X SUNY-Oswego Energy Independence EE0403 2009PP1109000X Risk-Based Data Management System (OK) EE0403 2009PS0000000 XProgram Direction - National Nuclear Security Administration - Office of the Administrator NA99148 2009PS0100000 Personnel Compensation NA99148 2009PS0101000 Salaries NA99148 2009PS0101010X NNSA Salaries (excluding International Offices) NA99148 2009PS0101020X Salaries for International Offices NA99148 2009PS0102000 Benefits NA99148 2009PS0102010X NNSA Benefits (excluding International Offices) NA99148 2009PS0102020X International Offices Benefits NA99148 2009PS0102030X NNSA PCS related benefits NA99148 2009PS0200000 Other NA99148 2009PS0201000 Travel and Transportation of Persons NA99148 2009PS0201010X Travel, Office of the Administrator NA99148 2009PS0201020 Travel, Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0201021X Travel and Transportation, Immediate Office of Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0201022X Travel and Transportation of Persons, Research, Development and Simulation NA99148 2009PS0201023X Travel, Military Application and Stockpile Operations NA99148 2009PS0201024X Program Integration NA99148 2009PS0201025X Travel, ADA for Inertial Confinement Fusion NA99148 2009PS0201026X Travel, ADA for Facility & Infrastructure Acquisition & Operation NA99148 2009PS0201027X ADA For Science, Engineering & Production NA99148 2009PS0201028X ADA for Stragetic Planning, Resouces & Integration NA99148 2009PS0201029X ADA for Nuclear Safety and Operations NA99148 2009PS0201030 Travel, Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0201031X Travel, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (excluding International Offices) NA99148 2009PS0201032X Travel, International Offices NA99148 2009PS0201033X Travel, Nonproliferation Research and Engineering NA99148 2009PS0201034X Travel, Internatinal Nuclear Safety and Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0201035X Travel, Arms Control and Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0201036X Travel, International Materials Protection & Emergency Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0201037X Travel, Fissile Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0201038X Travel, Global Nuclear Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0201040X Travel, Emergency Operations NA99148 2009PS0201050 Travel, Facilities & Operations NA99148 2009PS0201051X Travel, Immediate Office for Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0201052X Travel, Field Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0201053X Travel, Infrastructure & Facilities Management NA99148 2009PS0201054X Travel, Environment, Safety and Health Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0201055X Travel, Project Management and Engineering Support NA99148 2009PS0201056X Travel, Nuclear Safeguard and Security Programs NA99148 2009PS0201057X Environmental Management Transition Travel NA99148 2009PS0201059X Nuclear Materials Integration NA99148 2009PS0201060 Travel, Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0201061X Travel, Immediate Office for Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0201062X Travel, Diversity Programs NA99148 2009PS0201063X Travel, Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation NA99148 2009PS0201064X Travel, Procurement and Assistance Management NA99148 2009PS0201065X Travel, Human Resources NA99148 2009PS0201066X Travel, Chief Information Officer NA99148 2009PS0201067X Travel, Administrative Services NA99148 2009PS0201070X Travel, Field NA99148 2009PS0201080X Defense Nuclear Security Travel NA99148 2009PS0201090X NNSA PCS Travel Related Expenses NA99148 2009PS0202000 Advisory and Assistance NA99148 2009PS0202010X Adv & Asst, Office of the Administrator NA99148 2009PS0202020 Adv & Asst, Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0202021X Adv & Asst, Immediate Office for Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0202022X Adv & Asst, Research, Development & Simulation NA99148 2009PS0202023X Adv & Asst, Military Application and Stockpile Operations NA99148 2009PS0202024X Adv & Asst, Program Integration NA99148 2009PS0202026X Adv & Asst, ADA for Facility & Infrastructure Acquisition & Operation NA99148 2009PS0202027X ADA for Science, Engineering & Production NA99148 2009PS0202028X ADA for Strategic Planning, Resources & Integration NA99148 2009PS0202029X ADA for Nuclear Safety and Operations NA99148 2009PS020202AX Adv & Asst, ADA for Inertial Confinement Fusion NA99148 2009PS0202050 Adv & Asst, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0202051X Adv & Asst, Immediate Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0202052X Adv & Asst, International Offices NA99148 2009PS0202053X Adv & Asst, Nonproliferation Research and Engineering NA99148 2009PS0202054X Adv & Asst, International Nuclear Safety and Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0202055X Adv & Asst, Arms Control and Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0202056X Adv & Asst, International Materials Protection and Emergency Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0202057X Adv & Asst, Fissile Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0202058X Adv & Asst, Global Nuclear Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0202110X Adv & Asst, Emergency Operations NA99148 2009PS0202120 Adv & Asst, Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0202121X Adv & Asst, Office for Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0202122X Adv & Asst, Field Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0202123X Adv & Asst, Infrastructure & Facilities Management NA99148 2009PS0202124X Adv & Asst, Environment, Safety and Health Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0202125X Adv & Asst, Project Management & Engineering Support NA99148 2009PS0202126X Adv & Asst, Nuclear Safeguards and Security Programs NA99148 2009PS0202127X Environmental Managment Transition Advisory and Assistance NA99148 2009PS0202129X Nuclear Materials Integration NA99148 2009PS0202130 Adv & Asst, Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0202131X Advisory and Assistance, Immediate Office for Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0202132X Advisory and Assistance, Diversity Programs NA99148 2009PS0202133X Advisory and Assistance, Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation NA99148 2009PS0202134X Advisory and Assistance, Procurement and Assistance Management NA99148 2009PS0202135X Advisory and Assistance, Human Resources NA99148 2009PS0202136X Advisory and Assistance, Chief Information Officer NA99148 2009PS0202137X Advisory and Assistance, Administrative Services NA99148 2009PS0202140X Adv & Asst, Field NA99148 2009PS0202150X Program Integration NA99148 2009PS0202180X Defense Nuclear Security Advisory and Assistance NA99148 2009PS0203000 Training NA99148 2009PS0203010X Training, Office of the Administrator NA99148 2009PS0203020 Training, Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0203021X Training, Immediate Office for Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0203022X Training, Research, Development and Simulation NA99148 2009PS0203023X Training, Military Application and Stockpile Operations NA99148 2009PS0203024X Program Integration NA99148 2009PS0203025X Training, ADA for Inertial Confinement Fusion NA99148 2009PS0203026X Training, ADA for Facility & Infrastructure Acquisition & Operation NA99148 2009PS0203027X ADA for Science, Engineering & Production NA99148 2009PS0203028X ADA for Strategic Planning, Resources & Integration NA99148 2009PS0203030 Training, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0203031X Training, Immediate Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0203032X Training, International Offices NA99148 2009PS0203033X Training, Nonproliferation Research and Engineering NA99148 2009PS0203034X Training, International Nuclear Safety and Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0203035X Training, Arms Control and Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0203036X Training, International Materials Protection and Emergency Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0203037X Training, Fissile Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0203038X Training, Global Nuclear Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0203040X Training, Emergency Operations NA99148 2009PS0203050 Training, Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0203051X Training, Immediate Office for Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0203052X Training, Field Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0203053X Training, Infrastructure and Facilities Management NA99148 2009PS0203054X Training, Environment, Safety and Health Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0203055X Training, Project Management and Engineering Support NA99148 2009PS0203056X Training, Nuclear Safeguards and Security Programs NA99148 2009PS0203057X Environmental Management Transition Training NA99148 2009PS0203059X Nuclear Materials Integration NA99148 2009PS0203060 Training, Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0203061X Training, Immediate Office for Managment and Administration NA99148 2009PS0203062X Training, Diversity Programs NA99148 2009PS0203063X Training, PPBE NA99148 2009PS0203064X Training, Procurement and Assistance Management NA99148 2009PS0203065X Training, Human Resources NA99148 2009PS0203066X Training, Chief Information Officer NA99148 2009PS0203067X Training, Administrative Services NA99148 2009PS0203070X Training, Field NA99148 2009PS0203080X Defense Nuclear Security Training NA99148 2009PS0204000 Other Related Expenses NA99148 2009PS0204010X Other Related Expenses, Office of the Administrator NA99148 2009PS0204020 Other Related Expenses, Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0204021X Other Related Expenses, Immediate Office for Defense Programs NA99148 2009PS0204022X Other Related Expenses, Research, Development and Simulation NA99148 2009PS0204023X Other Related Expenses, Military Application and Stockpile Operations NA99148 2009PS0204024X Program Integration NA99148 2009PS0204027X ADA for Science, Engineering & Production NA99148 2009PS0204028X ADA for Strategic Planning, Resources & Integration NA99148 2009PS0204029X ADA for Nuclear Safety and Opertions NA99148 2009PS0204030 Other Related Expenses, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0204031X Other Related Expenses, Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0204032X Other Related Expenses, International Offices NA99148 2009PS0204033X Other Related Expenses, Nonproliferation Research and Engineering NA99148 2009PS0204034X Other Related Expenses, International Nuclear Safety and Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0204035X Other Related Expenses, Arms Control and Nonproliferation NA99148 2009PS0204036X ORE, International Materials Protection and Emergency Cooperation NA99148 2009PS0204037X Other Related Expenses, Fissile Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0204038X Other Related Expenses, Global Nuclear Materials Disposition NA99148 2009PS0204040X Other Related Expenses, Emergency Operations NA99148 2009PS0204050 Other Related Expenses, Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0204051X ORE, Immediate Office for Facilities and Operations NA99148 2009PS0204052X ORE, Field Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0204053X ORE, Infrastructure and Facilities Management NA99148 2009PS0204054X ORE, Environment, Safety and Health Operations Support NA99148 2009PS0204055X ORE, Project Management and Engineering Support NA99148 2009PS0204056X ORE, Nuclear Safeguards and Security Programs NA99148 2009PS0204057X Environmental Management Transition Other Related Expenses NA99148 2009PS0204059X Nuclear Materials Integration NA99148 2009PS0204060 Other Related Expenses, Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0204061X ORE, Immediate Office for Management and Administration NA99148 2009PS0204062X ORE, Diversity Programs NA99148 2009PS0204063X ORE, Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation NA99148 2009PS0204064X ORE, Procurement and Assistance Management NA99148 2009PS0204065X ORE, Human Resources NA99148 2009PS0204066X ORE, Chief Information Officer NA99148 2009PS0204067X ORE, Administrative Services NA99148 2009PS0204070X Other Related Expenses, Field NA99148 2009PS0204080X Defense Nuclear Security Other Related Expenses NA99148 2009PS0205000 Other Contractual Services NA99148 2009PS0205010X Federal Facility Operations and Maintenance NA99148 2009PS0205020X Federal Facility Safeguards and Security NA99148 2009PS0205030X Other NA99148 2009PS0288000 Working Capital Fund NA99148 2009PS0288140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs NA99148 2009PS0288150X Payroll Processing to be Performed by Others NA99148 2009PS0288160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) NA99148 2009PS0288240 Administrative Services NA99148 2009PS0288241X Supplies NA99148 2009PS0288242X Postage NA99148 2009PS0288243X Photocopying NA99148 2009PS0288244X Printing and Graphics NA99148 2009PS0288245X Building Rental, Operations and Maintenance NA99148 2009PS0288340 Information Management Systems and Operations NA99148 2009PS0288341X Telecommunication NA99148 2009PS0288342X Office Automation Equipment and Support NA99148 2009PS0288343X Networking NA99148 2009PS0288440 Procurement Services NA99148 2009PS0288441X Contract Audits NA99148 2009PS0288442X Contract Closeout NA99148 2009PS0288520X Executive Information System NA99148 2009PS0288530X On Line Learning NA99148 2009PS0288540X Personnel and Training Services NA99148 2009PS0288940X Indirect Operating Costs NA99148 2009PS0299000 Miscellaneous Activities NA99148 2009PS0299010X NNSA Reception and Representation NA99148 2009PS0299020X Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) NA99148 2009PS0299030X Northern New Mexico Pueblos NA99148 2009PS0299040X PCS Other Related Expenses NA99148 2009PS0299050X Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) NA99148 2009PS0300000 NNSA Information Technology NA99148 2009PS0305000X NNSA Information Technology PLAN NA99148 2009PS0306000X NNSA Information Technology Build NA99148 2009PS0307000 NNSA Information Technology OPERATE NA99148 2009PS0307010X NNSA Information Technology Operate - Service Center Operations NA99148 2009PS0307020X NNSA Information Technology Operate - Headquarters Operations NA99148 2009PS0308000X NNSA Federal Information Technology Operations provided by the DOE NA99148 2009PS0309000 NNSA Federal Information Technology Services provided by NNSA NA99148 2009PS0309010 NNSA Federal Information Technology Services provided by NNSA - Headquarters NA99148 2009PS0309011X NNSA IT Labor Support - DOECOE tasks in support of Headquarters only NA99148 2009PS0309012X NNSA IT Labor Support - Headquarters Mission tasks only NA99148 2009PS0309013X NNSA IT Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Headquarters only NA99148 2009PS0309020 NNSA Federal Information Technology Services provided by NNSA - Service Center NA99148 2009PS0309021X NNSA IT Labor Support - DOECOE tsks in support of Servie Center only NA99148 2009PS0309022X NNSA IT Labor Support - Service Center Mission tasks only NA99148 2009PS0309023X NNSA IT Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Service Center only NA99148 2009PT0000000 XSpectrum Relocation Funds NA99148 2009PT0100000X LANL Video/Audio Robotic Vehicle NA99148 2009PT0200000X LLNL Research Data from Tracy Airport CA NA99148 2009PT0300000X LLNL SCADA Water System NA99148 2009PT0400000X NTS Microwave System NA99148 2009PT0500000X NV Teleoperated Storage System NA99148 2009PT0600000X SEISMIC Link Shopshone MTN/Echo Peak NV NA99148 2009PT0700000X NV Airborne Video NA99148 2009PT0800000X NV Backbone Microwave Link NA99148 2009PT0900000X SEISMIC Link Yucca Mtn/Sober Peak NV NA99148 2009PT1000000X OST Remote Keying NA99148 2009PT1100000X OST Backbone Microwave Link NA99148 2009PT1200000X Pantex Backbone Microwave Link NA99148 2009PT1300000X Sandia Portable Laser Tracker Albuquerque, NM NA99148 2009PT1400000X Sandia Portable Laser Tracker Tonopah Test Range, NV NA99148 2009PT1500000X Sandia Telecommand Link NA99148 2009PT1600000X SNL Video/Audio Robotic Vehicle NA99148 2009RA0000000 XOffice of Inspector General - Program Direction IG1566 2009RA1100000X Full-Time Permanent Salaries IG1566 2009RA1200000 Benefits IG1566 2009RA1202000X Moving Expenses IG1566 2009RA1203000X All Other Personnel Benefits IG1566 2009RA1204000X Benefits For Former Personnel IG1566 2009RA1500000 Other Compensation IG1566 2009RA1501000X Other Than Full-Time Permanent IG1566 2009RA1502000X Employee Incentive Awards IG1566 2009RA1503000X Other Personnel Compensation IG1566 2009RA1504000X Regular Overtime Not Associated With Availability Pay IG1566 2009RA2000000 Services IG1566 2009RA2002000X Contract Audits And Closeouts IG1566 2009RA2003000 Other Contractual Services And Supplies IG1566 2009RA2003030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities IG1566 2009RA2003050X Services Performed By Other Agencies IG1566 2009RA2003060X Other Services IG1566 2009RA2003070X Supplies And Materials IG1566 2009RA2003080X Adp Related Services IG1566 2009RA2003090X Permanant Change Of Station IG1566 2009RA2004000X Training IG1566 2009RA2100000 Travel IG1566 2009RA2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations IG1566 2009RA2102000X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools IG1566 2009RA2103000X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons IG1566 2009RA2300000 Working Capital Fund IG1566 2009RA2301000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) IG1566 2009RA2301140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs IG1566 2009RA2301150X Payroll Processing To Be Performed By Non-Federal Contractorand/Or Other Federal Agency IG1566 2009RA2301160X CHRIS IG1566 2009RA2301240 Administrative Services IG1566 2009RA2301241X Supplies IG1566 2009RA2301242X Postage IG1566 2009RA2301243X Photocopying IG1566 2009RA2301244X Printing And Graphics IG1566 2009RA2301245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance IG1566 2009RA2301340 Information Management Systems And Operations IG1566 2009RA2301341X Telecommunication IG1566 2009RA2301342X Office Automation Equipment And Support IG1566 2009RA2301343X Networking IG1566 2009RA2301440 Procurement Services IG1566 2009RA2301441X Contract Audits IG1566 2009RA2301442X Contract Closeout IG1566 2009RA2301520X Executive Information System (EIS) IG1566 2009RA2301530X ON LINE LEARNING IG1566 2009RA2301540X Personnel And Training Services IG1566 2009RA2301940X Indirect Operating Costs IG1566 2009RD0000000 XHeadquarters Nuclear Safeguards and Security - NA NA0137 2009RD0500000 Operations and Support NA0137 2009RD0508000 Additional Support NA0137 2009RD0508080X Continuity Programs NA0137 2009RH0000000 XNuclear Safegaurds and Security HS15180 2009RH0300000 Policy and Technical Guidance HS15180 2009RH0301000X Policy and Technical Guidance HS15180 2009RH0302000X Special Projects HS15180 2009RH0303000X Classification and Control Training HS15180 2009RH0500000 Operations and Support HS15180 2009RH0501000 Nuclear Materials Accountablity System HS15180 2009RH0501010X Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards HS15180 2009RH0501020X Local Area Network Materials Accounting HS15180 2009RH0503000 Information Security HS15180 2009RH0503010X Operations Security HS15180 2009RH0503020X Technical Surveillance Coutermeasures HS15180 2009RH0503030X Computer Security HS15180 2009RH0503050X Security Policy Analysis HS15180 2009RH0504000X Personnel Security HS15180 2009RH0506000 National Training Center (NTC) HS15180 2009RH0506010X Training, Business and Support Activities HS15180 2009RH0506070X Business and Support Activities (NTC) HS15180 2009RH0506090X Planning and Professional Development Program HS15180 2009RH0507000 Safeguards and Security Awareness HS15180 2009RH0507010X Security Education HS15180 2009RH0507020X Security Awareness (SASIG) HS15180 2009RH0508000 Additional Support HS15180 2009RH0508010X Program Assistance and Analysis HS15180 2009RH0508020X Radiological Source Registry & Tracking (RSRT) HS15180 2009RH0508030X Mgt. Analysis, Tech Studies and Support Services HS15180 2009RH0508040X All Other HS15180 2009RH0508060X Foreign Visits and Assignments HS15180 2009RH0508080X Foreign Ownership & Influence (eFOCI) HS15180 2009RH0600000 Tech Systems Deployment HS15180 2009RH0604000 Science and Technology Base HS15180 2009RH0604010X Physical Security HS15180 2009RH0604020X Materials Control and Accounting HS15180 2009RH0604030X Information Security HS15180 2009RH0604040X Technical Support Working Group Support HS15180 2009RH0605000 Concept and Demonstrational Development HS15180 2009RH0605010X Physical Security HS15180 2009RH0605020X Materials Control and Accounting HS15180 2009RH0605030X Information Security HS15180 2009RH0606000 Full Scale Development HS15180 2009RH0606010X Physical Security HS15180 2009RH0606020X Materials Control & Accounting HS15180 2009RH0606030X Information Security HS15180 2009RH0606040X Integrated Sytems HS15180 2009RH0607000 Technology Deployment HS15180 2009RH0607010X Deployment HS15180 2009RH0700000X Special Projects HS15180 2009RJ0000000 XSecurity Investigations HS99960 2009RJ0100000X Federal Bureau of Investigation HS99960 2009RJ0200000X Office of Personnel Management HS99960 2009RJ0300000X Related Security Investigations Activities HS99960 2009RJ0900000X Special Projects - Security Investigations HS9998 2009RK0000000 XNuclear Safeguards and Security SC15180 2009RK0500000 Nuclear Safeguards and Security SC15180 2009RK0508000 Nuclear Materials Accountability SC15180 2009RK0508040X Nuclear Materials Accountability - All Other SC0139 2009RM0000000 XNuclear Safeguards and Security MA15180 2009RM0500000 Specialized Security Support MA15180 2009RM0508000 Specialized Security Support MA15180 2009RM0508060X Specialized Security Support - FTMS, Foreign Visits & Assignments MA15180 2009RU0000000 Indian Rupees CF99101 2009RUPE00000XXIndian Rupees CF99101 2009SA0000000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve FE0451 2009SA0200000 XPetroleum Acquisition And Transportation FE0451 2009SA0201000X Oil And Ocean Transportation FE0451 2009SA0202000X Marine Terminal And Transportation Services FE0451 2009SA0203000 Other FE0451 2009SA0203120 New Orleans - Operations FE0451 2009SA020312PX Other FE0451 2009SA0203710 St. James - Construction FE0451 2009SA020371AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020371BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020371CX Site Construction FE0451 2009SA020371DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020371RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0203720 St. James - Operations FE0451 2009SA020372GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020372HX Security FE0451 2009SA020372JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020372KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020372LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020372MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020372NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020372PX Other FE0451 2009SA0204000X Administration FE0451 2009SA0205000 Drawdown And Distribution FE0451 2009SA0205120 New Orleans - Operations FE0451 2009SA020512GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020512HX Security FE0451 2009SA020512IX Support Services FE0451 2009SA020512JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020512KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020512LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020512MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020512NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020512PX Other FE0451 2009SA020512TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA020512ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0205130 New Orleans - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA020513HX Security FE0451 2009SA020513JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020513KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020513LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020513PX Other FE0451 2009SA0205140 New Orleans - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA020514AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020514BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020514DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020514PX Other FE0451 2009SA020514RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205150X New Orleans - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0205160 New Orleans - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA020516AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020516BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020516CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA020516DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020516PX Other FE0451 2009SA020516RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205220 Bryan Mound - Operations FE0451 2009SA020522GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020522HX Security FE0451 2009SA020522JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020522KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020522LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020522MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020522NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020522PX Other FE0451 2009SA020522TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA020522ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0205230 Bryan Mound - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA020523HX Security FE0451 2009SA020523JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020523KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020523LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020523PX Other FE0451 2009SA0205240 Bryan Mound - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA020524AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020524BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020524DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020524PX Other FE0451 2009SA020524RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205250X Bryan Mound - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0205260 Bryan Mound - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA020526AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020526BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020526CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA020526DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020526PX Other FE0451 2009SA020526RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205320 West Hackberry - Operations FE0451 2009SA020532GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020532HX Security FE0451 2009SA020532JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020532KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020532LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020532MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020532NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020532PX Other FE0451 2009SA020532TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA020532ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0205330 West Hackberry - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA020533HX Security FE0451 2009SA020533JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020533KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020533LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020533PX Other FE0451 2009SA0205340 West Hackberry - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA020534AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020534BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020534DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020534PX Other FE0451 2009SA020534RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205350X West Hackberry - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0205360 West Hackberry - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA020536AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020536BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020536CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA020536DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020536PX Other FE0451 2009SA020536RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205420 Bayou Choctaw - Operations FE0451 2009SA020542GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020542HX Security FE0451 2009SA020542JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020542KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020542LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020542MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020542NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020542PX Other FE0451 2009SA020542TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA020542ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0205430 Bayou Choctaw - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA020543HX Security FE0451 2009SA020543JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020543KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020543LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020543PX Other FE0451 2009SA0205440 Bayou Choctaw - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA020544AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020544BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020544DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020544PX Other FE0451 2009SA020544RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205450X Bayou Choctaw - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0205460 Bayou Choctaw - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA020546AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020546BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020546CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA020546DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020546PX Other FE0451 2009SA020546RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205720 St. James - Operations FE0451 2009SA020572GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020572HX Security FE0451 2009SA020572JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020572KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020572LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020572MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020572NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020572PX Other FE0451 2009SA020572TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA020572ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0205730 St. James - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA020573HX Security FE0451 2009SA020573JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020573KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020573LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020573PX Other FE0451 2009SA0205740 St. James - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA020574AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020574BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020574DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020574PX Other FE0451 2009SA020574RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205750X St. James - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0205760 St. James - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA020576AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020576BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020576CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA020576DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020576PX Other FE0451 2009SA020576RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205920 Big Hill - Operations FE0451 2009SA020592GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA020592HX Security FE0451 2009SA020592JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020592KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020592LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020592MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA020592NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA020592PX Other FE0451 2009SA020592TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA020592ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0205930 Big Hill - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA020593HX Security FE0451 2009SA020593JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA020593KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA020593LX Operations FE0451 2009SA020593PX Other FE0451 2009SA0205940 Big Hill - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA020594AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020594BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020594DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020594PX Other FE0451 2009SA020594RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0205950X Big Hill - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0205960 Big Hill - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA020596AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA020596BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA020596CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA020596DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA020596PX Other FE0451 2009SA020596RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0206000X Drawdown And Distribution Marine Terminal And Transportation FE0451 2009SA0300000 XHeating Oil - Acquisition & Transportation FE0451 2009SA0301000 Heating Oil Acquis & Trans (Fill/Refill)Cost FE0451 2009SA0301100X Acq & Trans Cost FE0451 2009SA0302000 Acquis & Trans (Sales Support)Costs for Administrative Support for Sale of Heating Oil FE0451 2009SA0302100X Sales Support (Equiva)Cost for Administrative Support for Sales FE0451 2009SA0302200X Sales Support (Morgan Stanley)Cost for Administrative Support for Sales FE0451 2009SA0302300X Sales Support (Amerada Hess)Cost for Administrative Support for Sales FE0451 2009SA0303000 Acquis & Trans (Other)includes any direct cost which cannot be readily identified within the other specified categories FE0451 2009SA0303100X Other (Equiva) FE0451 2009SA0303200X Other (Morgan Stanley) FE0451 2009SA0303300X Other (Amerada Hess) FE0451 2009SA0304000 Heating Oil Receipts FE0451 2009SA0304300X Heating Oil Receipts (Amerada Hess) FE0451 2009SA0700000 XStrategic Petroleum Reserve Management FE0451 2009SA0711000 Personal Services FE0451 2009SA0711010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries FE0451 2009SA0711020X All Other Personal Services FE0451 2009SA0711030X Employee Incentive Awards FE0451 2009SA0712000 Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009SA0712020X Moving Expenses FE0451 2009SA0712030X All Other Personnel Benefits FE0451 2009SA0713000X Benefits For Former Personnel FE0451 2009SA0720000 Contractual Services And Supplies FE0451 2009SA0720010X Transportation Of Things FE0451 2009SA0720020X Standard Level User Charges FE0451 2009SA0720030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities FE0451 2009SA0720040X Printing And Reproduction FE0451 2009SA0720050X Services Performed By Other Agencies FE0451 2009SA0720060X Other Services FE0451 2009SA0720070X Supplies And Materials FE0451 2009SA0720080 Planning FE0451 2009SA0720081X Program Planning And Analysis FE0451 2009SA0720083X Management Information And Support Services FE0451 2009SA0721000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons FE0451 2009SA0721010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations FE0451 2009SA0800000 XStorage Facilities Development FE0451 2009SA0802000 Phase Ii - Expansion Sites FE0451 2009SA0802110 New Orleans - Construction FE0451 2009SA080211BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA0802310 West Hackberry - Construction FE0451 2009SA080231CX Site Construction FE0451 2009SA0803000 Phase Iii - Expansion And New Sites FE0451 2009SA0803120 New Orleans - Operations FE0451 2009SA080312LX Operations FE0451 2009SA0803210 Bryan Mound - Construction FE0451 2009SA080321AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA0803310 West Hackberry - Construction FE0451 2009SA080331CX Site Construction FE0451 2009SA0804000 Non-Phase Specific FE0451 2009SA0804120 New Orleans - Operations FE0451 2009SA080412GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080412HX Security FE0451 2009SA080412IX Support Services FE0451 2009SA080412JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080412KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080412LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080412MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080412NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080412PX Other FE0451 2009SA080412TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080412ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804130 New Orleans - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080413HX Security FE0451 2009SA080413JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080413KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080413LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080413PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804150X New Orleans - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0804160 New Orleans - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA080416AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080416BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080416CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080416DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080416PX Other FE0451 2009SA080416RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804220 Bryan Mound - Operations FE0451 2009SA080422GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080422HX Security FE0451 2009SA080422JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080422KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080422LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080422MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080422NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080422PX Other FE0451 2009SA080422TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080422ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804230 Bryan Mound - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080423HX Security FE0451 2009SA080423JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080423KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080423LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080423PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804240 Bryan Mound - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA080424DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080424PX Other FE0451 2009SA080424RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804250X Bryan Mound - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0804260 Bryan Mound - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA080426AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080426BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080426CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080426DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080426PX Other FE0451 2009SA080426RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804320 West Hackberry - Operations FE0451 2009SA080432GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080432HX Security FE0451 2009SA080432JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080432KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080432LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080432MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080432NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080432PX Other FE0451 2009SA080432TX West Hackberry - Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080432ZX West Hackberry - Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804330 West Hackberry - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080433HX Security FE0451 2009SA080433JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080433KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080433LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080433PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804350X West Hackberry - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0804360 West Hackberry - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA080436AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080436BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080436CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080436DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080436PX Other FE0451 2009SA080436RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804420 Bayou Choctaw - Operations FE0451 2009SA080442GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080442HX Security FE0451 2009SA080442JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080442KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080442LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080442MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080442NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080442PX Other FE0451 2009SA080442TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080442ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804430 Bayou Choctaw - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080443HX Security FE0451 2009SA080443JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080443KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080443LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080443PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804450X Bayou Choctaw - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0804460 Bayou Choctaw - Facilities Maintanence FE0451 2009SA080446AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080446BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080446CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080446DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080446PX Other FE0451 2009SA080446RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804520 Weeks Island - Operations FE0451 2009SA080452GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080452HX Security FE0451 2009SA080452JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080452KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080452LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080452MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080452NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080452PX Other FE0451 2009SA080452TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080452ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804530 Weeks Island - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080453HX Security FE0451 2009SA080453JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080453KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080453LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080453PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804540 Weeks Island - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA080454AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080454BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080454DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA0804560 Weeks Island - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA080456AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080456BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080456CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080456DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080456PX Other FE0451 2009SA080456RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804720 St. James - Operations FE0451 2009SA080472GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080472HX Security FE0451 2009SA080472JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080472KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080472LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080472MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080472NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080472PX Other FE0451 2009SA080472TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080472ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804730 St. James - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080473HX Security FE0451 2009SA080473JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080473KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080473LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080473PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804750X St. James - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0804760 St. James - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA080476AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080476BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080476CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080476DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080476PX Other FE0451 2009SA080476RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804800 Changes In Inventories FE0451 2009SA080480SX Common Use Stores FE0451 2009SA080480TX Special Process Spares FE0451 2009SA080480UX Other Special Materials FE0451 2009SA080480VX Change In Collateral Funds And Other Deposits FE0451 2009SA0804920 Big Hill - Operations FE0451 2009SA080492GX Electricity FE0451 2009SA080492HX Security FE0451 2009SA080492JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080492KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080492LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080492MX Maintenance FE0451 2009SA080492NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080492PX Other FE0451 2009SA080492TX Management And Support FE0451 2009SA080492ZX Major Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0804930 Big Hill - Capital Improvements FE0451 2009SA080493HX Security FE0451 2009SA080493JX Environmental FE0451 2009SA080493KX Safety And Fire Protection FE0451 2009SA080493LX Operations FE0451 2009SA080493PX Other FE0451 2009SA0804940 Big Hill - Distribution Enhancements FE0451 2009SA080494RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0804950X Big Hill - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0804960 Big Hill - Facilities Modernization FE0451 2009SA080496AX Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080496BX Engineering Design FE0451 2009SA080496CX Other Construction FE0451 2009SA080496DX Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA080496PX Other FE0451 2009SA080496RX Terminal Modifications FE0451 2009SA0805000 Non-Phase Specific - SPR Expansion FE0451 2009SA0805R00 Expansion - Richton FE0451 2009SA0805R0AX Richton - Land Acquisition FE0451 2009SA0805R0BX Richton - A-E Engineering Design - Title I/II/III FE0451 2009SA0805R0GX Richton - Electricity FE0451 2009SA0805R0HX Richton - Security FE0451 2009SA0805R0JX Richton - Environmental FE0451 2009SA0805R0MX Richton - Maintenance FE0451 2009SA0805R0PX Richton - Construction Management Services FE0451 2009SA0805R0TX Richton - TSM FE0451 2009SA0805R10 Richton - Cavern/LLE/Leeching FE0451 2009SA0805R1CX Richton - Drilling LLE FE0451 2009SA0805R1DX Richton - Drilling / Cavern Wells FE0451 2009SA0805R1GX Richton - Electricity - Leaching FE0451 2009SA0805R1LX Richton - Operations - Leaching FE0451 2009SA0805R1MX Richton - Maintenance - Leaching FE0451 2009SA0805R20 Richton - BDW/LLE FE0451 2009SA0805R2CX Richton - Site LLE FE0451 2009SA0805R2DX Richton - Drilling / Brine Disposal Wells FE0451 2009SA0805R2LX Richton - Terminal (Liberty Terminal) FE0451 2009SA0805R30 Richton - P-L/LLE/RW Const FE0451 2009SA0805R3CX Richton - Pipeline LLE FE0451 2009SA0805R3DX Richton - Raw Water Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R3LX Richton - Terminal (Pascagoula Terminal) FE0451 2009SA0805R40 Richton - Drilling/Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R4DX Richton - Brine Disposal Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R4LX Richton - Terminal (Other) FE0451 2009SA0805R50 Richton - Continuing Engineering FE0451 2009SA0805R5DX Richton - Crude Oil Pipeline Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R60 Richton - Post Dsn Const Act FE0451 2009SA0805R6DX Richton - Site Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R70 Richton - Const Act RWIS FE0451 2009SA0805R7DX Richton - RWIS Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R80 Richton - Util for Sites FE0451 2009SA0805R8DX Richton - Site Utilities Construction FE0451 2009SA0805R90 Richton - Const Act PSSC FE0451 2009SA0805R9DX Richton - Physical Security Systems Construction FE0451 2009SA0806000 Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve FE0451 2009SA0806120 Operations FE0451 2009SA080612LX Operations (Lease of Commercial Space) FE0451 2009SA080612MX Heating Oil Acquisition FE0451 2009SA080612NX Special Projects FE0451 2009SA080612PX Other Cost FE0451 2009SA080612TX Program Planning & Analysis FE0451 2009SA0806210X Travel FE0451 2009SO0000000 Office of Security and Emergency Operations HS01100 2009SO1000000 XProgram Direction - Office of Security and Emergency Operations HS9994 2009SO1010000 Personal Services HS9994 2009SO1010010 Full Time Permanent Base Salaries HS9994 2009SO1010014X Full Time Permanent Base Salaries - Nevada HS9994 2009SO101001CX Critical Infrastructure Protection, Full-Time Perm Base Salaries HS9994 2009SO101001JX Chief Information Officer, Full-Time Perm Base Salaries HS9994 2009SO1010020 Other Than Full Time Permanent HS9994 2009SO1010022X Other Than Full Time Permanent - New Brunswick Laboratory HS9994 2009SO1010024X Other Than Full Time Permanent - Nevada HS9994 2009SO101002JX Chief Information Officer, Other Than Full-Time Permanent HS9994 2009SO1010030 Awards HS9994 2009SO1010034X Awards - Nevada HS9994 2009SO101003DX Chief Operations Officer, Awards HS9994 2009SO101003FX Safeguards and Security, Awards HS9994 2009SO101003GX Nuclear & National Security Information, Awards HS9994 2009SO101003JX Chief Information Officer, Awards HS9994 2009SO1010050 Personnel Benefits HS9994 2009SO101005JX Chief Information Officer, Benefits HS9994 2009SO1010060 Benefits for Former Personnel HS9994 2009SO101006JX Chief Information Officer, Benefits for Former Personnel HS9994 2009SO1021000 Travel Subject To Travel Regulations HS9994 2009SO1021110X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations - Nevada HS9994 2009SO1021120X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations - Other HS9994 2009SO1021130X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations - Office of Emergency Response (DP) HS9994 2009SO1022000 Other Contractual Services (Advisory & Assistance Services) HS9994 2009SO1022040X Advisory & Assistance Services - Office of Emergency Management HS9994 2009SO1022080X Advisory & Assistance Services - Critical Infrastructure HS9994 2009SO1022110X Advisory & Assistance Services - Nevada HS9994 2009SO1022130X Advisory & Assistance Services - Office of Emergency Response (DP) HS9994 2009SO1023000 Training Costs HS9994 2009SO1023110X Training Costs - Nevada HS9994 2009SO1023120X Training Costs - Other HS9994 2009SO1023130X Training Costs - Office of Emergency Response (DP) HS9994 2009SO1024000 All Other Contractual Services HS9994 2009SO1024050 All Other Contractual Services - Chief Information Officer HS9994 2009SO1024053X Cyber Security Contracts HS9994 2009SO1024060X All Other Contractual Services - Office of Plutonium, Uranium and Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Inventory HS9994 2009SO1024110X All Other Contractual Services - Nevada HS9994 2009SO1024120X All Other Contractual Services - Other HS9994 2009SO1024130X All Other Contractual Services - Office of Emergency Response (DP) HS9994 2009SO4200000 XEmergency Response HS0135 2009SO4202000 Radiological/Nuclear Accident Response HS0135 2009SO4202030 Technical Liaison HS0135 2009SO4202031X Operating HS0135 2009SO4202033X Exercise HS0135 2009SP0000000 Space Research And Development SC06138 2009SP0100000 XDefense Programs SC06138 2009SP0108000X Technical Management Support SC06138 2009SP0109000 Program Direction SC06138 2009SP0109210 Travel And Transportation Of Things SC06138 2009SP0109211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations SC06138 2009SP0200000 XNuclear Energy SC06138 2009SP0209000 Program Direction SC06138 2009SP0209200 Contractual Services And Supplies SC06138 2009SP0209206X Other Services SC06138 2009SP0209207X Supplies And Materials SC06138 2009SP0400000 XEnergy Research - Biological And Environmental Research SC06138 2009SP0409000 Program Direction SC06138 2009SP0409200 Contractual Services And Supplies SC06138 2009SP0409206X Other Services SC06138 2009SR0000000XXSpecial Recruitment Programs FE99149 2009ST0000000 XIsotope Production And Distribution Program NE0915 2009ST0100000 Isotope Production NE0915 2009ST0101000 Radioisotope Production NE0915 2009ST0101010X Fabricate Targets NE0915 2009ST0101020X Irradiate Targets NE0915 2009ST0101030X Hot Cell Operations NE0915 2009ST0101050X Waste Management NE0915 2009ST0101080X Production Packaging NE0915 2009ST0200000 Isotope Services NE0915 2009ST0201000X Radioisotope Services NE0915 2009ST0202000X Stable Isotope Services NE0915 2009ST0300000X Isotope Distribution NE0915 2009ST0400000 Research And Development NE0915 2009ST0401000X Process Development NE0915 2009ST0402000X Research NE0915 2009ST0500000X Isotope Marketing NE0915 2009ST0600000 Isotope Program Direction NE0915 2009ST0604000 Contractual Services And Supplies NE0915 2009ST0604040X Other Services NE0915 2009ST0700000 Other NE0915 2009ST0701000X Depreciation of Isotope Equipment NE0915 2009ST0702000X Bad Debt Expense NE0915 2009ST0703000X Lower of Cost or Market Valuation Allowance NE0915 2009ST0704000X Allowance Valuation Adjustment on Excessive Isotope Inven NE0915 2009ST0705000X Gain Realized on Revaluation of Inventory NE0915 2009ST0706000X Loss Realized on Write-off of Obsolete or Overvalued Inven NE0915 2009ST0707000X Loss Realized for Abnormal Decay Isotope Inventory NE0915 2009ST0708000X Cost of Disposing of Unsaleable Isotopes Inventory NE0915 2009ST0710000X Other NE0915 2009ST0800000X Isotope Sales And Customer Services NE0915 2009ST0900000 Travel NE0915 2009ST0901000X Marketing Costs Of Transportation NE0915 2009ST0902000X Research And Development Transportation Costs NE0915 2009ST0903000X General Program NE0915 2009ST1000000X Equipment NE0915 2009ST2000000 Advanced Nuclear Medicine Initiative- ANMI NE0915 2009ST2001000X ANMI - Research NE0915 2009ST2002000X ANMI - Scholarships and Fellowships NE0915 2009ST2003000X ANMI - Alpha-Emitting Isotopes NE0915 2009ST3000000 Infrastructure NE0915 2009ST3001000X Irradiation Infrastructure NE0915 2009ST3002000X Hot Cell Infrastructure NE0915 2009ST3003000X Infrastructure Upgrades NE0915 2009ST3004000X Isotope Business Center NE0915 2009ST4000000 Isotope Production NE0915 2009ST4001000X Radioactive Isotopes Production NE0915 2009ST4002000X Stable Isotopes Production NE0915 2009ST5000000 Isotope Research NE0915 2009ST5001000 National Lab Research NE0915 2009ST5001010X Isotope Production Facility (IPF) NE0915 2009ST5001020X Brookhaven Linear Isotope Producer (BLIP) NE0915 2009ST5001030X Other National Lab Research NE0915 2009ST5002000X University Research NE0915 2009ST6000000 Isotope Operations NE0915 2009ST6001000 National Lab Operations NE0915 2009ST6001010X Isotope Production Facility (IPF) NE0915 2009ST6001020X Brookhaven Linear Isotope Producer (BLIP) NE0915 2009ST6001030X Other National Lab Ops NE0915 2009ST6001040X National Isotope Data Center NE0915 2009ST6002000X University Operations NE0915 2009TA0000000 XNational Energy Information System (Neis) EI0454 2009TA0100000 National Energy Information System (Neis) Program Support EI0454 2009TA0101000X EIA Contract Dollars EI0454 2009TA0102000X EIA Field Office/Laboratory Transfers EI0454 2009TA0108000X HEADQUARTER MEMO OBLIGATIONS EI0454 2009TA0150000X EIA I.T. Purchases EI0454 2009TA0151000X O&G EC-Web Purchases EI0454 2009TA0152000X CNEAF EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0153000X EMEU EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0154000X OIAF EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0155000X OIT EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0156000X ORM EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0157000X SMG EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0158000X OVERHEAD EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0159000X NEIC EC-WEB PURCHASES EI0454 2009TA0200000 Program Direction EI0454 2009TA0211000 Personal Services EI0454 2009TA0211010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries EI0454 2009TA0211020X All Other Personal Services EI0454 2009TA0211030X Employee Incentive Awards EI0454 2009TA0212000 Personnel Benefits EI0454 2009TA0212020X Moving Expenses EI0454 2009TA0212030X All Other Personnel Benefits EI0454 2009TA0220000 Contractual Services And Supplies (Other Than Contractual Services Provided By Ad) EI0454 2009TA0220010X Transportation Of Things EI0454 2009TA0220020X Standard Level User Charges EI0454 2009TA0220030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities EI0454 2009TA0220040X Printing And Reproduction EI0454 2009TA0220050X Services Performed By Other Agencies EI0454 2009TA0220060X Other Services EI0454 2009TA0220070X Supplies And Materials EI0454 2009TA0221000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons EI0454 2009TA0221010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations EI0454 2009TA0221020X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools EI0454 2009TA0222000X Contractual Services Provided By Ad EI0454 2009TA0223000X Contractual Services And Supplies (Direct Charges) EI0454 2009TA0299000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) EI0454 2009TA0299140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs EI0454 2009TA0299150X Payroll Processing (Tobe Performed By Non-Federal Contractorand/Or Other Federal Agency) EI0454 2009TA0299160X CHRIS EI0454 2009TA0299240 Administrative Services EI0454 2009TA0299241X Supplies EI0454 2009TA0299242X Postage EI0454 2009TA0299243X Photocopying EI0454 2009TA0299244X Printing And Graphics EI0454 2009TA0299245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance EI0454 2009TA0299340 Information Management Systems And Operations EI0454 2009TA0299341X Telecommunication EI0454 2009TA0299342X Office Automation Equipment And Support EI0454 2009TA0299343X Networking EI0454 2009TA0299440 Procurement Services EI0454 2009TA0299441X Contract Audits EI0454 2009TA0299442X Contract Closeout EI0454 2009TA0299520X Executive Information System (Wcf) EI0454 2009TA0299530X ON-LINE LEARNING EI0454 2009TA0299540X Personnel And Training Services EI0454 2009TA0299940X Indirect Operating Costs EI0454 2009TD0000000 Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution OE1012 2009TD5000000 Research and Development OE1012 2009TD5001000 XHigh Temperature Superconductivity R&D OE1012 2009TD5001100X HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCON. R&D OE1012 2009TD5001110X Superconductivity Partnerships OE1012 2009TD5001120X Second Generation Wire Development OE1012 2009TD5001130X Strategic Research OE1012 2009TD5001140X Joint research program between Wright State Univ./Univ. of Albany Second Generation, High Temp. Coated Superconductors OE1012 2009TD5001150X Electric Power Infrastructure and Security OE1012 2009TD5001160X Camo Dawson Planning, Design, and Construction OE1012 2009TD5001170X Western Environmental Technology Office OE1012 2009TD5001180X Advanced Thermal Storage OE1012 2009TD5001190X Ionic Fluids for Power Distribution OE1012 2009TD5001200X Smart Energy Management OE1012 2009TD5001210X Alternative Fuel Source Study OE1012 2009TD5001220X Advanced Grid Applications OE1012 2009TD5001230X City of Nome Power Gen. Replacement Proj. (AK) OE1012 2009TD5001240X Juneau-Green Creek-Hoonah Intertie for Juneau area power system (AK) OE1012 2009TD5001250X Notre Dame Univ. Ionic Liquids Research Collaboration (IN) OE1012 2009TD5001260X Pilot Energy Cost Control Evaluation Project at NETL (WV) OE1012 2009TD5001270X Hawaii/New Mexico Sustainable Energy Security Partnership (HI/NM) OE1012 2009TD5001280X Houston Adv. Research Center for Sec. Gen. Dish Temperature Super Conductor Development (TX) OE1012 2009TD5001290X University of Missouri-Rolla for Electric Grid Modernization (MO) OE1012 2009TD5001300X Emerson Network Power,Columbus Ohio (OH) OE1012 2009TD5001310X Advanced Tech Center IL OE1012 2009TD5001320X HTS 2007 Load Control Reliability-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5001330X Reliable Electric Power-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5001340X Grid Modernization at FSU-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5001350X HV Transmission TN-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5001360X Gonzaga Utility Transformation-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5001370X Power Technologies Project-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5002000 XTransmission Reliability R&D OE1012 2009TD5002110X Real Time Grid Reliability Management OE1012 2009TD5002120X Realiability and Markets OE1012 2009TD5002130X Aluminum Ceramic Fiber Composite Conductors OE1012 2009TD5002140X Swan Lake-Lake Tyee Electrical Intertie OE1012 2009TD5002150X Upper Lynn Canal Power Supply Project OE1012 2009TD5002160X Tok-to-Chistochina Transmission Project OE1012 2009TD5002170X Power Grid Project OE1012 2009TD5002180X Dine Power Authority Navajo Transmission Project OE1012 2009TD5002190X Indian Point Energy Center Study in New York OE1012 2009TD5002200X SCADA Testbed Idaho National Lab OE1012 2009TD5002210X Asymmetric Supercapacitors OE1012 2009TD5002220X Electric Transmission Program OE1012 2009TD5002230X Electric Utility Transmission and Distribution OE1012 2009TD5002240X Univ. of Louisville Electric Grid Monitoring (KY) OE1012 2009TD5002250X Gonzaga Univ. Electric Utility Transformation Pro. (WA) OE1012 2009TD5002260X Load Control System Reliability (MT) OE1012 2009TD5002270X NETL R&D OE1012 2009TD5003000 XElectric Distribution Transformation R&D OE1012 2009TD5003110X Interconnection Standards and Technologies OE1012 2009TD5003120X Test-bed and Field Demonstration OE1012 2009TD5003130X Stakeholder and Institutional Adoption OE1012 2009TD5003140X System Architecture and Standards OE1012 2009TD5003150X Distribution Sensing, Intelligence and Control OE1012 2009TD5003160X System Simulation Analyses OE1012 2009TD5003170X Co-Op Plus of Western MA Installing & Servicing Fuel Cells OE1012 2009TD5003180X Microgrid Distribution Generation Prototype, VT OE1012 2009TD5003190X Development & Deployment of Distributed Energy Sys, HI OE1012 2009TD5003200X Distributed Energy Sys. Integration Demon. & Tech. Transition, PA OE1012 2009TD5003210X Automated Energy Distribution & Reliability Systems, IN OE1012 2009TD5003240X Electric Infrastructure Technology Training and Assessment Project in Pennsylvania OE1012 2009TD5003250X Center for Distributed Generation and Thermal Distribution of Washington State University OE1012 2009TD5003260X Distributed Generation Projects in Northwest Indiana OE1012 2009TD5003270X Navajo Electrification Demonstration Project OE1012 2009TD5003280X Research on Advanced Ceramic Engines and Materials for Energy Application OE1012 2009TD5003290X Research at the Georgia Institute of Technology on the use of Recycled Carpet as fuel for Kilns OE1012 2009TD5003300X Connecticut Demand Response Technologies Project (CT) OE1012 2009TD5003310X Center to Grid Modernization (PA) OE1012 2009TD5003320X Advanced Ceramic Engines and Materials OE1012 2009TD5003330X Dine Power in New Mexico OE1012 2009TD5003340X Distributed Energy Resources OE1012 2009TD5003350X Thermal Energy Technologies OE1012 2009TD5003360X SCADA OE1012 2009TD5003370X Telecom-KS OE1012 2009TD5003380X Cleveland State Center OE1012 2009TD5003390X Advance Energy Storage, PCRT MA OE1012 2009TD5003400X Tenn. Tech. University OE1012 2009TD5003410X SCADA Testbed Idaho National Lab OE1012 2009TD5003420X Complete of Bi-polar Wafer Cell Ni-MH Electric Energy Storage System (CT) OE1012 2009TD5003430X Integrated Distribution Management OE1012 2009TD5004000 XEnergy Storage R&D OE1012 2009TD5004110X Biopolar Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Storage System OE1012 2009TD5004120X Advanced Thermal Energy Storage Technology, NREL OE1012 2009TD5004130X Energy Storage R&D OE1012 2009TD5004140X Electricity Transmission Research at the University of Missouri-Rolla OE1012 2009TD5004150X Research into Lead Carbon Acid Asymmetric Supercapacitors OE1012 2009TD5004160X Iowa Stored Energy Plant Project (IA) OE1012 2009TD5005000 XElectric Markets Technical Assistance OE1012 2009TD5005110X State and Regional Technical Assistance OE1012 2009TD5005120X Transmission Bottleneck ID and Mitigration Process OE1012 2009TD5005130X Analysis of Benefits of Bulk Power "Superhighways" and Alternatives OE1012 2009TD5005140X National Alliance of Clean Energy Incubators OE1012 2009TD5005150X Southwestern U.S. Multi-Program Activities w/NREL OE1012 2009TD5006000 XGridworks OE1012 2009TD5006110X Base OE1012 2009TD5006120X Initiative OE1012 2009TD5006130X National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission OE1012 2009TD5006140X Large Scale Energy Center OE1012 2009TD5006150X Energy Security and Diversification at Savannah River National Lab (SC) OE1012 2009TD5006160X Green Island Power Authority, Advanced Transmission Project (NY OE1012 2009TD5006170X Integrated Distribution Management Systems in Alabama (AL) OE1012 2009TD5007000 XGridwise OE1012 2009TD5007100X Gridwise R&D OE1012 2009TD5007120X Iowa Stored Energy Plant OE1012 2009TD5007130X Gridwise Northwest Demonstration Project (WA) OE1012 2009TD5007140X West Virginia Univ. Integrated Control of Next Generation Power Systems Pro. (WV) OE1012 2009TD5008000 XVISUALIZATION & CONTROL OE1012 2009TD5008010X VISUALIZATION & CONTROL R&D OE1012 2009TD5008020X Missouri Energy Center-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5008030X Grid Modernization at FSU-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5009000 XDISTRIBUTED ENERGY OE1012 2009TD5009010X DISTRIBUTED ENERGY TECH. RES./RESOURCES OE1012 2009TD5009020X SYSTEM INTEGRATION & COOLING, HEATING, POWER OE1012 2009TD5009030X Hawaii Microgrid-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5009040X IL Electric Center-Earmark OE1012 2009TD5010000 XENERGY STORAGE & POWER ELECTRONICS OE1012 2009TD5010010X ENERGY STORAGE & POWER ELECTRONICS R&D OE1012 2009TD5100000 XProgram Direction OE1012 2009TD5101000 Electric Transmission and Distribution Program Direction OE1012 2009TD5101110 Personnel Services OE1012 2009TD5101111X Full Time Permanent-Base Salaries OE1012 2009TD5101112X All Other Personnel Services OE1012 2009TD5101113X Employee Incentive Awards OE1012 2009TD5101114X NETL Program Direction OE1012 2009TD5101120 Personnel Benefits OE1012 2009TD5101121X Civilian Personnel Benefits OE1012 2009TD5101122X Moving Expenses OE1012 2009TD5101123X All Other Personnel Benefits OE1012 2009TD5101130X Benefits for Former Personnel OE1012 2009TD5101140X Training OE1012 2009TD5101200 Contractual Services and Supplies OE1012 2009TD5101201X Transportation of Things OE1012 2009TD5101202X Standard Level Users Charges OE1012 2009TD5101203X Communications, Other Rent and Utilities OE1012 2009TD5101204X Printing and Reproduction OE1012 2009TD5101205X Support Services OE1012 2009TD5101206X Subscriptions OE1012 2009TD5101207X Supplies and Materials OE1012 2009TD5101208X Other OE1012 2009TD5101210 Travel and Transportation of Persons OE1012 2009TD5101211X Travel Subject to Travel Regulations OE1012 2009TD5101213X Other Costs for Transportaiton of Persons OE1012 2009TD5101300X Office Equipment OE1012 2009TD5199000 Goods and Services Provided Through WCF OE1012 2009TD5199140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs OE1012 2009TD5199150X Payroll Processing (To be performed by Non-Federal Contractors and/or Other Federal Agencies OE1012 2009TD5199160X Corporate Human Resources Information System (Chris) OE1012 2009TD5199240 Administrative Services OE1012 2009TD5199241X Supplies OE1012 2009TD5199242X Postage OE1012 2009TD5199243X Photocopying OE1012 2009TD5199244X Printing and Graphics OE1012 2009TD5199245X Building Rental, Operations, and Maintenance OE1012 2009TD5199340 Information Management Systems and Operations OE1012 2009TD5199341X Telecommunications OE1012 2009TD5199342X Office Automation Equipment and Support OE1012 2009TD5199343X Networking OE1012 2009TD5199440 Procurement Services OE1012 2009TD5199441X Contract Audits OE1012 2009TD5199442X Contract Closeout OE1012 2009TD5199520X Executive Information System (WCF) OE1012 2009TD5199530X On Line Learning OE1012 2009TD5199540X Personnel and Training Services OE1012 2009TD5199940X Indirect Operating Costs OE1012 2009TD5200000 XElectricity Restructuring OE1012 2009TD5211000X State and Regional Technical Assistance OE1012 2009TD5215000X Southwestern U.S. Multi-Program Activities w/NREL OE1012 2009TD5216000X Blackout OE1012 2009TD5219000X NW Indiana Electric Infrastructure Project OE1012 2009TD5220000X Pacific NW Planning Initiative OE1012 2009TD5230000X Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration OE1012 2009TD5231000X Navajo Electrification Project (NM) OE1012 2009TD5300000 XEnergy Assurance and Security OE1012 2009TD5311000X Energy Assurance and Security Activity OE1012 2009TD5312000X NETL Energy Assurance Tech. and Electric Grid Modeling OE1012 2009TD5313000X NETL Camp Dawson Physical Improvements OE1012 2009TD5314000X Energy Reliability Congressional Earmark OE1012 2009TD5315000X Energy Infrastructure Security & Emerg. Responsibility Cong. OE1012 2009TD5316000X Operations and Training Congressional Earmark OE1012 2009TD5400000 OPERATIONS & ANALYSIS OE1012 2009TD5401000 XPERMITTING, SITTING & ANALYSIS OE1012 2009TD5401010X PERMITTING, SITTING & ANALYSIS OE1012 2009TD5402000 XINFRASTRUCTURE SEC. & ENERGY RESTORATION OE1012 2009TD5402010X INFRA. SEC. AND ENERGY RESTORATION OE1012 2009TD5402020X STATE & LOCAL GOVT. PARTNERSHIP OE1012 2009TD5402030X EXERCISE & OUTREACH OE1012 2009TD5402040X VISUALIZATION OE1012 2009TD5402050X CRITICALLY/VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT OE1012 2009TD5500000 XCongressionally Directed Activities - Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability OE1012 2009TD5508000 Congressionally Directed Activities - Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability FY 2008 OE1012 2009TD5508010X AK Chenga Bay Generator Replacement OE1012 2009TD5508020X AL Alabama Power Project, Integrated Distribution Management System OE1012 2009TD5508030X AR National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission OE1012 2009TD5508040X AZ Dine Power Authority OE1012 2009TD5508050X AZ Navajo Tribal Utility Authority, Fort Defiance OE1012 2009TD5508060X CA Utility Integration of Distribution Generation OE1012 2009TD5508070X CT Connecticut Energy Savings Technology Project OE1012 2009TD5508080X DE Vehicle to Grid Demonstration Project OE1012 2009TD5508090X FL Florida State University Electric Grid System Study OE1012 2009TD5508100X FL Wauchula Municipal Electric Substation Rehab OE1012 2009TD5508110X IA Iowa Stored Energy Plant OE1012 2009TD5508120X WV, PA, & IN Pilot Energy Cost Control Evaluation OE1012 2009TD5508130X MN Willimar Municipal Utilities Power Generation Study OE1012 2009TD5508140X MO University of Missouri-Rolla Distributed Energy Research Center OE1012 2009TD5508150X MS New Albany Electrical Substation OE1012 2009TD5508160X ND Bismark State College, Center of Excellence OE1012 2009TD5508170X NM Energy Surety Research Center at New Mexico Tech University OE1012 2009TD5508180X NY Electric Transmission Line Improvements OE1012 2009TD5508190X OH Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems (US), Inc., Stark State College of Tech., Fuel Cell Prototyping Center, Canton, OH, SolOE1012 2009TD5508200X TN High Voltage Transmission Lines Phase II OE1012 2009TD5508210X WA Electric Utility Transmission Program OE1012 2009TR0000000 XScientific And Engineering Training And Development CF99101 2009TR0100000 Program Direction CF99101 2009TR0120000 Contractual Services And Supplies CF99101 2009TR0120010X DNFSB Support CF99101 2009TR0120020X All Other Techical Training and Development Costs CF99101 2009TR0120030X CHRIS Training Support CF99101 2009TR0120090X Technical Corporate Programs CF99101 2009TR0121000X Travel And Transportation Of Persons CF99101 2009TR0200000 Technology Applications CF99101 2009TR0201000X Technology Applications CF99101 2009TR0202000X Contract Management CF99101 2009TR0500000 Energy Technical Training Center CF99101 2009TR0512000X Contractual Activity CF99101 2009UC0000000 XCompliance GC99101 2009UC0300000X Contractual Activity GC99101 2009UC0400000 Program Direction GC99101 2009UC0411000 Personal Services GC99101 2009UC0411010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries GC99101 2009UC0411020X All Other Personal Services GC99101 2009UC0411030X Employee Incentive Awards GC99101 2009UC0412000 Personnel Benefits GC99101 2009UC0412030X All Other Personnel Benefits GC99101 2009UC0420000 Contractual Services And Supplies (Other Than Contractual Services Provided By Ma) GC99101 2009UC0420010X Transportation Of Things GC99101 2009UC0420030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities GC99101 2009UC0420040X Printing And Reproduction GC99101 2009UC0420050X Services Performed By Other Agencies GC99101 2009UC0420060X Other Services GC99101 2009UC0420070X Supplies And Materials GC99101 2009UC0421000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons GC99101 2009UC0421010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations GC99101 2009UC0422000X Contractual Indirect Services Provided By Hr GC99101 2009UC0423000X Contractual Direct Services Provided By Hr GC99101 2009UR0000000 XOffice Of Hearings And Appeals HG99101 2009UR0100000 Program Direction HG99101 2009UR0111000 Personal Services HG99101 2009UR0111010X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries HG99101 2009UR0111020X All Other Personal Services HG99101 2009UR0111030X Employee Incentive Awards HG99101 2009UR0112000 Personnel Benefits HG99101 2009UR0112030X All Other Personnel Benefits HG99101 2009UR0120000 Contractual Services And Supplies (Other Than Contractual Services Provided By Ma) HG99101 2009UR0120030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities HG99101 2009UR0120040X Printing And Reproduction HG99101 2009UR0120060X Other Services HG99101 2009UR0120070X Supplies And Materials HG99101 2009UR0121000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons HG99101 2009UR0121010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations HG99101 2009UR0122000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Indirect HG99101 2009UR0123000X Contractual Services Provided By Hr - Direct HG99101 2009UR0124000 Goods And Services Provided Through Wcf HG99101 2009UR0124140X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs HG99101 2009UR0124150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs (WCF) HG99101 2009UR0124240 Administrative Services HG99101 2009UR0124241X Supplies HG99101 2009UR0124242X Postage HG99101 2009UR0124243X Photocopying HG99101 2009UR0124244X Printing And Graphics HG99101 2009UR0124245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance HG99101 2009UR0124340 Information Management Systems And Operations HG99101 2009UR0124341X Telecommunication HG99101 2009UR0124342X Office Automation Equipment And Support HG99101 2009UR0124343X Networking HG99101 2009UR0124440 Procurement Services HG99101 2009UR0124442X Contract Closeout HG99101 2009UU0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - EM - Other Defense Activities EM15140 2009UU1000000 Corporate Safety Programs EM15140 2009UU1002000X Facility Safety EM15140 2009UU1003000X Corporate Performance Assessment EM15140 2009UU1007000X Information Management EM15140 2009UU1010000X PA Enforcement EM15140 2009UW0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Program Direction - EM - Other Defense Activities EM15140 2009UW3000000 Program Direction EM15140 2009UW3001000 Salaries and Benefits EM15140 2009UW3001110 Personal Services EM15140 2009UW3001111X Full Time Permanent EM0718 2009UW3001112X All Other Personal Services EM0718 2009UW3001113X Employee Incentive Awards EM0718 2009UW3001120 Personnel Benefits EM15140 2009UW3001122X Moving Expenses EM15140 2009UW3001123X All Other Personnel Benefits EM15140 2009UW3001124X Training EM15140 2009UW3001130X Benefits for Former Personnel EM15140 2009UW3001210 Travel and Transporation of Persons EM15140 2009UW3001211X Travel EM15140 2009UY0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Operating Expenses - EM - Energy Supply EM15140 2009UY1000000X Policy, Standards and Guidance EM15140 2009UY7000000 DOE-Wide ES&H Programs EM15140 2009UY7006000X Information Management (eXcite) EM15140 2009UY7030000X Corporate Performance Assessment EM15140 2009UY7040000X Environment EM15140 2009UY7060000X Enforcement EM15140 2009UZ0000000 XEnvironmental, Safety and Health Program Direction - EM -Energy Supply EM15140 2009UZ6000000 Program Direction EM15140 2009UZ6011000 Goods and Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund EM15140 2009UZ6011140X Payroll and Other Personnel Costs EM15140 2009UZ6011150X Payroll Processing EM15140 2009UZ6011160X Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) EM15140 2009UZ6011240 Administrative Services EM15140 2009UZ6011241X Supplies EM15140 2009UZ6011242X Postage EM15140 2009UZ6011243X Photocopying EM15140 2009UZ6011244X Printing and Graphics EM15140 2009UZ6011245X Building Rental, Ops EM15140 2009UZ6011340 Information Management Systems and Operations EM15140 2009UZ6011341X Telecommunications EM15140 2009UZ6011342X Office Automation EM15140 2009UZ6011343X Networking EM15140 2009UZ6011440 Procurement Services EM15140 2009UZ6011441X Contract Audits EM15140 2009UZ6011442X Contract Closeouts EM15140 2009UZ6011520X Corporate Executive Information System EM15140 2009UZ6011530X Online Learning Center EM15140 2009UZ6011540X Personnel and Training Services EM15140 2009UZ6011940X Indirect Operating Costs EM15140 2009VR0000000 XFederal Energy Regulatory Commission RC1572 2009VR0100000X Federal Energy Regulatory Commission RC1572 2009VT0000000 XVehicle Technologies EE0402 2009VT0100000 Vehicle Systems EE0402 2009VT0101000 Heavy Vehicle Systems R&D EE0402 2009VT0101010X Heavy Vehicles, System Optimization EE0402 2009VT0101020X Heavy Vehicles/Truck Safety Systems EE0402 2009VT0102000X Ancillary Systems EE0402 2009VT0103000X Simulation and Validation EE0402 2009VT0200000 Technology Integration EE0402 2009VT0201000X GATE EE0402 2009VT0202000X Advanced Vehicle Competitions EE0402 2009VT0203000X Legislative and Rulemaking EE0402 2009VT0204000X Vehicle Technologies Deployment EE0402 2009VT0205000X Biennial Peer Reviews EE0402 2009VT0206000X Education EE0402 2009VT0207000X Safety, Codes and Standards EE0402 2009VT0300000 Hybrid and Electric Propulsion EE0402 2009VT0301000 Energy Storage EE0402 2009VT0301010X Hybrid Systems- High Power Energy Storage EE0402 2009VT0301020X Electric Vehicles- Advanced Battery Development EE0402 2009VT0301030X Electric Vehicles- Exploratory Technology EE0402 2009VT0302000X Advanced Power Electronics EE0402 2009VT0303000 Subsystem Integration and Development EE0402 2009VT0303010X Light Vehicle Propulsion EE0402 2009VT0303020X Heavy Vehicle Propulsion EE0402 2009VT0400000 Advanced Combustion and Engine R&D EE0402 2009VT0401000X Combustion and Emission Control R&D EE0402 2009VT0402000X Light Truck Engine EE0402 2009VT0403000X Heavy Truck Engine EE0402 2009VT0404000X Solid State Energy Conversion EE0402 2009VT0405000X Off-Highway Engine R&D EE0402 2009VT0406000X Health Impacts EE0402 2009VT0500000 Materials Technology EE0402 2009VT0501000 Vehicles Propulsion Materials EE0402 2009VT0501010X Automotive Propulsion Materials EE0402 2009VT0501020X Heavy Vehicle Propulsion EE0402 2009VT0502000 Vehicles Lightweight Materials EE0402 2009VT0502010X Automotive Lightweight Materials EE0402 2009VT0502020X Heavy Vehicle High Strength Weight Reduction Materials EE0402 2009VT0503000X High Temperature Materials Laboratory (HTML) EE0402 2009VT0504000X Propulsion Materials Technology EE0402 2009VT0505000X Lightweight Materials Technology EE0402 2009VT0600000 Fuels Technology EE0402 2009VT0601000X Advanced Petroleum-Based Fuels EE0402 2009VT0602000 Non-Petroleum Fuels and Lubes EE0402 2009VT0602010X Medium Trucks EE0402 2009VT0602020X Heavy Trucks EE0402 2009VT0602030X Fueling Infrastructure EE0402 2009VT0602040X Renewable and Synthetic Fuels EE0402 2009VT0603000X Environmental Impacts EE0402 2009VT0604000X Non-Petroleum Based Fuels & Lubricants (NPBFL) EE0402 2009VT0700000 Technology Introduction EE0402 2009VT0701000 Legislative & Rulemaking EE0402 2009VT0701010X State and Fuel Provider Fleet EE0402 2009VT0701020X Private and Local Fleet EE0402 2009VT0701030X Fuel Petitions EE0402 2009VT0701040X Regulatory Support EE0402 2009VT0701050X Federal Fleets EE0402 2009VT0702000 Testing and Evaluation EE0402 2009VT0702010X Federal Fleets EE0402 2009VT0702020X Vehicle Evaluation EE0402 2009VT0702030X Infrastructure Testing EE0402 2009VT0703000X Advanced Vehicle Competitions EE0402 2009VT0704000X Clean Cities EE0402 2009VT0800000X Technical/Program Management Support EE0402 2009VT0900000X Biennial Freedom Car Peer Review EE0402 2009VT1000000 Vehicle Technologies Congressional Earmarks EE0402 2009VT1001000X Univ of West Virginia Metals Matrix Technology EE0402 2009VT1002000X Phase II Heavy Vehicle Hybrid Propulsion (WI) EE0402 2009VT1004000X Turbocharger Diesel Engine R&D (Multi-State) EE0402 2009VT1005000X National Hybrid Truck Manufacturing Program (CA) EE0402 2009VT1006000X Vehicle Test Strip Equipment Demonstration (NC) EE0402 2009VT1007000X Oak Ridge National Laboratory Highway Transportation Technologies (TN) EE0402 2009VT1008000X Mississippi State University CAVS Center (MS) EE0402 2009VT1100000 Hybrid Electric Systems EE0402 2009VT1101000X Vehicle and Systems Simulation & Testing EE0402 2009VT1102000X Energy Storage R&D EE0402 2009VT1103000X Advanced Power Electronics & Electric Motors R&D EE0402 2009VT1104000X Technology Validation EE0402 2009WA0000000 General Administration - Program Direction CF99101 2009WA1300000 XChief Financial Officer - Program Direction CF99101 2009WA1330000 Contractual Services CF99101 2009WA1330300 Support Services CF99101 2009WA1330301X Managaement Support Services CF99101 2009WA1400000 XField Management Program Direction CF99101 2009WA1401000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits CF99101 2009WA1401110X Personal Services CF99101 2009WA1401120X Personnel Benefits CF99101 2009WA1401130X Benefits For Former Employees CF99101 2009WA1421000X Travel CF99101 2009WA1430000X Contractual Services CF99101 2009WA1440000 Goods & Services Provided Through The Working Capital Fund (Wcf) CF99101 2009WA1440150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs CF99101 2009WA1440240 Administrative Services CF99101 2009WA1440241X Supplies CF99101 2009WA1440242X Postage CF99101 2009WA1440243X Photocopying CF99101 2009WA1440244X Printing And Graphics CF99101 2009WA1440245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance CF99101 2009WA1440340 Information Management CF99101 2009WA1440341X Telecommunications CF99101 2009WA1440342X Office Automation CF99101 2009WA1440343X Networking CF99101 2009WA1440440 Procurement Services CF99101 2009WA1440442X Contract Closeouts CF99101 2009WA1440520X Executive Information Services CF99101 2009WA1440540X Personnel And Training Services CF99101 2009WA1500000 XBoard Of Contract Appeals - Program Direction HG99101 2009WA1501000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits HG99101 2009WA1501110 Personnel Services HG99101 2009WA1501111X Full-Time Permanent HG99101 2009WA1501113X Ses Rank & Performance Award HG99101 2009WA1501120 Personnel Benefits HG99101 2009WA1501123X All Other Personnel Benefits HG99101 2009WA1501125X Benefits For Former Employees HG99101 2009WA1521000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons HG99101 2009WA1521010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations HG99101 2009WA1530000 Contractual Services HG99101 2009WA1530100X Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services HG99101 2009WA1530150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs (Wcf) HG99101 2009WA1530240 Administrative Services (Wcf) HG99101 2009WA1530241X Supplies HG99101 2009WA1530242X Postage HG99101 2009WA1530243X Photocopying HG99101 2009WA1530244X Printing And Graphics HG99101 2009WA1530245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance HG99101 2009WA1530340 Information Management (Wcf) HG99101 2009WA1530341X Telecommunications HG99101 2009WA1530342X Office Automation HG99101 2009WA1530343X Networking HG99101 2009WA1600000 XCongressional & Intergovernmental Affairs - Program Direction CI99101 2009WA1601000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits CI99101 2009WA1601110 Personal Services CI99101 2009WA1601111X Full-Time Permanent CI99101 2009WA1601112X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent CI99101 2009WA1601113X Ses Other Rank & Performance Award CI99101 2009WA1601120 Personnel Benefits CI99101 2009WA1601122X Moving Expenses CI99101 2009WA1601123X All Other Personnel Benefits CI99101 2009WA1601125X Benefits For Former Employees CI99101 2009WA1601126X Unemployment Compensation CI99101 2009WA1621000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons CI99101 2009WA1621010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CI99101 2009WA1630000 Contractual Services CI99101 2009WA1630100X Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services CI99101 2009WA1630150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs (Wcf) CI99101 2009WA1630240 Administrative Services (Wcf) CI99101 2009WA1630241X Supplies CI99101 2009WA1630242X Postage CI99101 2009WA1630243X Photocopying CI99101 2009WA1630244X Printing And Graphics CI99101 2009WA1630245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance CI99101 2009WA1630300 Support Services CI99101 2009WA1630301X Management Support Services CI99101 2009WA1630302X Technical Support Services CI99101 2009WA1630340 Information Management (Wcf) CI99101 2009WA1630341X Telelcommunications CI99101 2009WA1630342X Office Automation CI99101 2009WA1630343X Networking CI99101 2009WA1630400X Training Services CI99101 2009WA1630440 Procurement Services (Wcf) CI99101 2009WA1630442X Contract Closeouts CI99101 2009WA1630520X Executive Information Services (Wcf) CI99101 2009WA1630540X Personnel And Training Services (Wcf) CI99101 2009WA1700000 XPublic Affairs - Program Direction PA99101 2009WA1701000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits PA99101 2009WA1701110 Personal Services PA99101 2009WA1701111X Full-Time Permanent PA99101 2009WA1701112X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent PA99101 2009WA1701113X Ses Rank & Performance Award PA99101 2009WA1701120 Personnel Benefits PA99101 2009WA1701123X All Other Personnel Benefits PA99101 2009WA1701125X Benefits For Former Employees PA99101 2009WA1701126X Unemployment Compensation PA99101 2009WA1721000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons PA99101 2009WA1721010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations PA99101 2009WA1730000 Contractual Services PA99101 2009WA1730100X Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services PA99101 2009WA1730150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs (Wcf) PA99101 2009WA1730240 Administrative Services PA99101 2009WA1730241X Supplies PA99101 2009WA1730242X Postage PA99101 2009WA1730243X Photocopying PA99101 2009WA1730244X Printing And Graphics PA99101 2009WA1730245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance PA99101 2009WA1730300 Support Services PA99101 2009WA1730301X Management Support Services PA99101 2009WA1730302X Technical Support Services PA99101 2009WA1730340 Information Management (Wcf) PA99101 2009WA1730341X Telecommunications PA99101 2009WA1730342X Office Automation PA99101 2009WA1730343X Networking PA99101 2009WA1730400X Training Services PA99101 2009WA1730440 Procurement Services (Wcf) PA99101 2009WA1730442X Contract Closeouts PA99101 2009WA1730520X Executive Information Systems PA99101 2009WA1800000 XGeneral Counsel - Program Direction GC99101 2009WA1801000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits GC99101 2009WA1801110 Personal Services GC99101 2009WA1801111X Full-Time Permanent GC99101 2009WA1801112X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent GC99101 2009WA1801113X Ses Rank & Performance Award GC99101 2009WA1801120 Personnel Benefits GC99101 2009WA1801122X Moving Expenses GC99101 2009WA1801123X All Other Personnel Benefits GC99101 2009WA1801125X Benefits For Former Employees GC99101 2009WA1801126X Unemployment Compensation GC99101 2009WA1821000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons GC99101 2009WA1821010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations GC99101 2009WA1830000 Contractual Services GC99101 2009WA1830100X Other Related Services - Contractual Services GC99101 2009WA1830150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs GC99101 2009WA1830240 Administrative Services GC99101 2009WA1830241X Supplies GC99101 2009WA1830242X Postage GC99101 2009WA1830243X Photocopying GC99101 2009WA1830244X Printing And Graphics GC99101 2009WA1830245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance GC99101 2009WA1830300 Support Services GC99101 2009WA1830302X Technical Support Services GC99101 2009WA1830340 Information Management ()Wcf0 GC99101 2009WA1830341X Telecommunications GC99101 2009WA1830342X Office Automation GC99101 2009WA1830343X Networking GC99101 2009WA1830400X Training Services GC99101 2009WA1830440 Procurement Services (Wcf) GC99101 2009WA1830442X Contract Closeouts GC99101 2009WA1830520X Executive Information Services GC99101 2009WA1830530X On Line Learning Center - WCF GC99101 2009WA2000000 XEconomic & Impact Diversity - Program Direction ED99101 2009WA2001000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits ED99101 2009WA2001110 Personal Services ED99101 2009WA2001111X Fufll-Time Permanent ED99101 2009WA2001112X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent ED99101 2009WA2001113X Ses Rank & Performance Award ED99101 2009WA2001114X Other Personnel Compensation ED99101 2009WA2001120 Personnel Benefits ED99101 2009WA2001122X Moving Expenses ED99101 2009WA2001123X All Other Personnel Benefits ED99101 2009WA2001125X Benefits For Former Employees ED99101 2009WA2001126X Unemployment Compensation ED99101 2009WA2021000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons ED99101 2009WA2021010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations ED99101 2009WA2021030X Other Personnel Travel Costs ED99101 2009WA2021040X Training Program Travel Costs ED99101 2009WA2030000 Contractual Services ED99101 2009WA2030100 Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services ED99101 2009WA2030101X Minority Impact ED99101 2009WA2030102X Small Business ED99101 2009WA2030103X Civil Rights ED99101 2009WA2030104X Employee Concerns ED99101 2009WA2030106X Office of Ombudsperson ED99101 2009WA2030150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs (Wcf) ED99101 2009WA2030160X CHRIS ED99101 2009WA2030240 Administrative Services (Wcf) ED99101 2009WA2030241X Supplies ED99101 2009WA2030242X Postage ED99101 2009WA2030243X Photocopying ED99101 2009WA2030244X Printing And Graphics ED99101 2009WA2030245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintneance ED99101 2009WA2030340 Information Management (Wcf) ED99101 2009WA2030341X Telecommunications ED99101 2009WA2030342X Office Automation ED99101 2009WA2030343X Networking ED99101 2009WA2030400X Training Services ED99101 2009WA2030440 Procurement Services (Wcf) ED99101 2009WA2030442X Contract Closouts ED99101 2009WA2030520X Executive Information Services ED99101 2009WA2030530X On-Line Learning ED99101 2009WA2200000 XOffice of International Affairs - Program Direction PI99101 2009WA2201000 Personnel Compensation And Benefits PI99101 2009WA2201110 Personnel Services PI99101 2009WA2201111X Full Time Permanent PI99101 2009WA2201112X All Other Than Full-Time Permanent PI99101 2009WA2201113X SES Rank & Performance Award PI99101 2009WA2201114X Other Personnel Compensation PI99101 2009WA2201120 Personnel Benefits PI99101 2009WA2201122X Moving Expenses PI99101 2009WA2201123X All Other Personnel Benefits PI99101 2009WA2201124X Workman`s Compensation PI99101 2009WA2201125X Benefits For Former Employees PI99101 2009WA2201126X Unemployment Compensation PI99101 2009WA2221000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons PI99101 2009WA2221010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations PI99101 2009WA2221020X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pool PI99101 2009WA2221030X Other Personnel Travel Costs PI99101 2009WA2221040X Training Program Travel Costs PI99101 2009WA2230000 Contractual Services PI99101 2009WA2230100X Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services PI99101 2009WA2230150X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs (Wcf) PI99101 2009WA2230240 Administrative Services (Wcf) PI99101 2009WA2230241X Supplies PI99101 2009WA2230242X Postage PI99101 2009WA2230243X Photocopying PI99101 2009WA2230244X Printing And Graphics PI99101 2009WA2230245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance PI99101 2009WA2230300 Support Services PI99101 2009WA2230301X Management Support Services PI99101 2009WA2230302X Technical Support Services PI99101 2009WA2230340 Information Management (Wcf) PI99101 2009WA2230341X Telecommunications PI99101 2009WA2230342X Office Automation PI99101 2009WA2230343X Networking PI99101 2009WA2230400X Training Services PI99101 2009WA2230440 Procurement Services (Wcf) PI99101 2009WA2230441X Contract Audits PI99101 2009WA2230442X Contract Closeouts PI99101 2009WA2230520X Executive Information Services PI99101 2009WA2230540X Personnel And Training Services (Wcf) PI99101 2009WA2230940X Indirect Operating Costs PI99101 2009WA5000000 XMinority Economic Impact Program ED99101 2009WA5001000 Research ED99101 2009WA5001010X Data Development And Minority Energy Assessment Model (Meam) ED99101 2009WA5002000 Management And Technical Assistance ED99101 2009WA5002010X Minority Honors Training Program ED99101 2009WA5002020X Minority Educational Institution Assistance ED99101 2009WA5002030X Minority Energy Information Clearinghouse ED99101 2009WA5002040X Minority Business And Community Development ED99101 2009WA5003000 Financial Assistance ED99101 2009WA5003010X Bank Deposit Financial Assistance Program ED99101 2009WB0000000 XIn-House Energy Management (Ihem) EE1113 2009WB0100000X Ihem Program Operations EE1113 2009WE0000000 XOffice Of The Secretary - Program Direction MA99101 2009WE1100000 Salaries And Expenses MA99101 2009WE1101000X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries MA99101 2009WE1500000 Other Expenses MA99101 2009WE1511000 Other Salary Expenses MA99101 2009WE1511010X Other Salaries MA99101 2009WE1511030X Employee Incentive Awards MA99101 2009WE1512000 Personnel Benefits MA99101 2009WE1512020X Moving Expenses MA99101 2009WE1512030X All Other Personnel Benefits MA99101 2009WE1512040X Benefits For Former Personnel MA99101 2009WE1520000 Contractual Services And Supplies MA99101 2009WE1520010X Transportation Of Things MA99101 2009WE1520020X Standard Level User Charges MA99101 2009WE1520030X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities MA99101 2009WE1520040X Printing And Reproduction MA99101 2009WE1520050X Services Performed By Other Agencies MA99101 2009WE1520060X Other Services MA99101 2009WE1520070X Supplies And Materials MA99101 2009WE1521000 Travel And Transportation Of Persons MA99101 2009WE1521010X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations MA99101 2009WE1521020X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pools MA99101 2009WE1521030X Other Costs For Transportation Of Persons MA99101 2009WF0000000 XGoods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) CF1581 2009WF1000000 Payroll And Other Personnel Costs CF1581 2009WF1040000X Payroll And Other Personnel Costs CF1581 2009WF1050000 Payroll And Personnel Wcf Business Line CF1581 2009WF1050210X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1581 2009WF1050300X Contractual Support CF1581 2009WF1060000X CHRIS and Related Operations and Maintenance CF1581 2009WF1080000X Standard Accounting and Reporting System CF1581 2009WF2000000 Administrative Services CF1581 2009WF2041000X Supplies CF1581 2009WF2042000 Mail CF1581 2009WF2042010X Postage and other document distribution internal and external to DOE HQ CF1581 2009WF2042020X Transportation and Bus Service CF1581 2009WF2043000 Photocopying CF1581 2009WF2043350 Copier Roll-up CF1581 2009WF2043351X Misc copy expenses and the allocation program for the WCF Copy business CF1581 2009WF2043352X COPIER SUPPLIES CF1581 2009WF2043353X DIGITIZATION CF1581 2009WF2043354X COPIER EQUIP RENTAL CF1581 2009WF2043356X COPIER EQUIP MTCE CF1581 2009WF2044000 Printing And Graphics CF1581 2009WF2044340 P&G Roll-up CF1581 2009WF2044341X P&G-Federal Register Publication CF1581 2009WF2044342X P&G-Paper CF1581 2009WF2044343X P&G-Other CF1581 2009WF2044345X P&G-Printing Services CF1581 2009WF2044346X P&G-Data CF1581 2009WF2044349X P&G-Support Services CF1581 2009WF2044350 P&G Roll-up CF1581 2009WF2044351X P&G-Graphics Support CF1581 2009WF2044352X P&G-Graphics Supplies CF1581 2009WF2044353X P&G-Graphics Mgt Support CF1581 2009WF2044356X P&G-Graphics Other CF1581 2009WF2045000 Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance CF1581 2009WF2045010X GTN SPACE ALTERATIONS CF1581 2009WF2045020X FORS SPACE ALTERATIONS CF1581 2009WF2045030 WASA - Potable Water for Fors CF1581 2009WF2045031X Transportation Services CF1581 2009WF2045032X Travel Services CF1581 2009WF2045033X Property Services CF1581 2009WF2045050X HQ RENT CF1581 2009WF2045060X MISCELLANEOUS SPACE RENTAL CF1581 2009WF2045070X HQ CONFERENCE SUPPORT CF1581 2009WF2045080X FEOSH, IAG, HEALTH AND SAFETY, ETC CF1581 2009WF2045110X FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS CF1581 2009WF2045120 ELECTRICITY CF1581 2009WF204512FX ELECTRICITY-FORS CF1581 2009WF204512GX ELECTRICITY-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045130X STEAM CF1581 2009WF2045140 NATURAL GAS CF1581 2009WF204514FX NATURAL GAS-Fors CF1581 2009WF204514GX NATURAL GAS-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045150X WATER AND SEWAGE - WSSC CF1581 2009WF2045160 FUEL OIL CF1581 2009WF204516FX FUEL OIL-Fors CF1581 2009WF204516GX FUEL OIL-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045170X CHILLED WATER CF1581 2009WF2045180 BLDG CLEANING CF1581 2009WF204518FX BLDG CLEANING-Fors CF1581 2009WF204518GX BLDG CLEANING-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045190 TRASH REMOVAL CF1581 2009WF204519FX TRASH REMOVAL-Fors CF1581 2009WF204519GX TRASH REMOVAL-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045200 LANDSCAPING CF1581 2009WF204520FX LANDSCAPING-Fors CF1581 2009WF204520GX LANSCAPING-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045210 PEST CONTROL CF1581 2009WF204521GX PEST CONTROL CF1581 2009WF2045230 BLDG ELECT SYSTEMS CF1581 2009WF204523FX BLDG ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS-Fors CF1581 2009WF204523GX BLDG ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045240 HVAC CF1581 2009WF204524FX HVAC-Fors CF1581 2009WF204524GX HVAC-GTN CF1581 2009WF2045250 PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE CF1581 2009WF204525FX PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE-Fors CF1581 2009WF204525GX PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE - GTN CF1581 2009WF2045260 ELEVATOR AND ESCALATOR CF1581 2009WF204526FX ELEVATOR AND ESCALATOR-Fors CF1581 2009WF204526GX ELEVATOR AND ESCALATOR - GTN CF1581 2009WF2045270 FIRE PROTECTION CF1581 2009WF204527FX FIRE PROTECTION-Fors CF1581 2009WF204527GX FIRE PROTECTION-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045280 INCIDENTAL REPAIRS CF1581 2009WF204528FX INCIDENTAL REPAIRS - FORS CF1581 2009WF204528GX INCIDENTAL REPAIRS-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045340 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS CF1581 2009WF204534FX SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS (MTCE)-Fors CF1581 2009WF204534GX SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS (MTCE)-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045350X GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CF1581 2009WF2045360 RECURRING REPAIRS ($10-50 K) CF1581 2009WF204536FX RECURRING REPAIRS ($10 - 50 K)-Fors CF1581 2009WF204536GX RECURRING REPAIRS ($10-50 K)-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045370 RECURRING REPAIRS (ABOVE $50 K) CF1581 2009WF204537FX FORS - RECURRING REPAIRS (ABOVE $50 K) CF1581 2009WF204537GX RECURRING REPAIRS (ABOVE $50 K)-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045380 CYCLICAL PAINTING CF1581 2009WF204538FX CYCLICAL PAINTING-Fors CF1581 2009WF204538GX SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS (MTCE)-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045390 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CF1581 2009WF204539FX PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE - FORS CF1581 2009WF204539GX PREVENTIVE MTCE-Gtn CF1581 2009WF2045990X MOVING SERVICES CF1581 2009WF2046000X Electronic Services CF1581 2009WF3000000 Information Management Systems And Operations CF1581 2009WF3041000X Telecommunication CF1581 2009WF3042000X Office Automation Equipment And Support CF1581 2009WF3043000X Networking CF1581 2009WF4000000 Procurement Services CF1581 2009WF4041000X Contract Audits CF1581 2009WF4042000 Procurement Management CF1581 2009WF4042010X Contract Closeout CF1581 2009WF4042020X Credit Card Surveillance CF1581 2009WF5000000 Doe Corporate Systems And Services CF1581 2009WF5020000X Executive Information System (Wcf) CF1581 2009WF5030000 Corporate Training Services CF1581 2009WF5030010X Online Learning Center (OLC) CF1581 2009WF5030020X Training Delivery and Services CF1581 2009WF5040000X Project Management Career Development Program (PMCDP) CF1581 2009WF6000000 Entities to Provide Reports, Reviews, and Planning CF1581 2009WF6010000X Financial Reports Control Assessments CF1581 2009WF6020000X External Independent Reviews CF1581 2009WF9000000 Indirect Operating Costs CF1581 2009WF9040000X Indirect Operating Costs CF1581 2009WF9900000X Anticipated WCF Authority in Excess of Collections CF1581 2009WG0000000 XStrategic Facilities Utilization Program (Sfup) CF99101 2009WG0100000X Consolidate CF99101 2009WG0400000X Demolish CF99101 2009WG1000000X Other CF99101 2009WH0000000XXCorporate Management Information IM99101 2009WI0000000 Weathernization and Integovernmental Programs EE04100 2009WI0100000 XIntergovernmental Activities EE1109 2009WI0101000X International Renewable Energy Program EE1109 2009WI0102000X Tribal Energy EE1109 2009WI0103000X Renewable Energy Production Incentive EE1109 2009WI0104000 Intergovernmental Activities- Congressional Earmarks EE1109 2009WI0104010X International Utility Efficiency Partnerships (IUEP) EE1109 2009WI0104020X Council of Renewable Energy Resource Tribes (CERT) EE1109 2009WI0104030X Intertribal Council of Utility Policy EE1109 2009WI0104040X Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Renewable Energy Park EE1109 2009WI0104050X Renewable Energy Policy Project EE1109 2009WI0104060X National Center on Energy Management and Building Technologies EE1109 2009WI0200000 XWeatherization Assistance Program (Grants) EE1109 2009WI0201000X Weatherization Assistance EE1109 2009WI0202000X Training and Technical Assistance EE1109 2009WI0300000 XState Energy Program (Grants) EE1110 2009WI0301000X State Energy Program Formula Grants EE1110 2009WI0302000X State Energy Program Special Projects EE1110 2009WI0400000 XOther State Energy Activities EE1110 2009WI0402000X Planning/Evaluation Support to State Programs EE1110 2009WI0500000 XGateway Deployment EE1110 2009WI0501000X Rebuild America EE1110 2009WI0502000X Energy Efficiency Information and Outreach EE1110 2009WI0503000X Building Codes Training and Assistance EE1110 2009WI0504000X Clean Cities EE1110 2009WI0505000X Energy Star EE1110 2009WI0506000X NICE3 EE1110 2009WI0507000X Inventions and Innovations EE1110 2009WI0508000 International Market Development EE1110 2009WI0508010X Clean Energy Technology Export Initiative (CETE) EE1110 2009WI0508020X Energy Efficiency Center Promotion EE1110 2009WI0508030X Energy & Environment Technology Centers (EETIC) EE1110 2009WI0508040X Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) EE1110 2009WI0509000X Technical Program Management Support EE1110 2009WI0510000 Gateway Deployment Congressional Earmarks EE1110 2009WI0510010X Ag-Based Industrial Lubricants Center at University of Northern Iowa (Plus 20% Biomass Budget Earmark Reallocation) EE1110 2009WI0510020X Oxydiesel Demonstration Program In California and Nevada (Plus 20% Biomass Budget Earmark Reallocation) EE1110 2009WI0510030X E-85 Ethanol Vehicle Refueling Expansion (Multi-state) EE1110 2009WI0600000 Intergovernmental Activities EE1109 2009WI0601000 XInternational Renewable Energy Program EE1109 2009WI0601010X International Utility Electricity Partnership Earmark EE1109 2009WI0601020X Other International Renewable Energy EE1109 2009WI0602000 XTribal Energy EE1109 2009WI0602010X Council of Renewable Energy Resource Tribes Earmark EE1109 2009WI0602020X Other Tribal Energy EE1109 2009WI0603000XXRenewable Energy Production Incentive EE1109 2009WI0700000 Weatherization Assistance Program EE1109 2009WI0701000 XWeatherization Assistance EE1109 2009WI0701010X Office of International Energy Market Development Earmark EE1109 2009WI0701020X Other Weatherization EE1109 2009WI0702000XXTraining and Technical Assistance EE1109 2009WI0900000XXAsia Pacific Partnership EE0411 2009WL0000000 XIndependent Review Of Doe Projects CF99101 2009WL1000000X Phase I: Determination Of Need For Independent Assessment CF99101 2009WL3000000 Phase 3: Independent Assessment Of Specific Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3010000 Government And Other Not-For-Profit Research Organizations CF99101 2009WL3010020X General Construction Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3010040X Environmental Restoration Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3020000 Contract Support Services CF99101 2009WL3020020X General Construction Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3020040X Environmental Restoration Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3020060X Privatization Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3030000 Doe Other Support For Program And Project Assessment CF99101 2009WL3030020X General Construction Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WL3030040X Environmental Restoration Programs/Projects CF99101 2009WM0000000 XManagement, Budget and Evaluation - Program Direction CF99101 2009WM1000000 Other Related Expenses - Contractual Services CF99101 2009WM1010000 Immediate Office Of The Director CF99101 2009WM1010010X Contractual Services for Office of the Director CF99101 2009WM1010020X Awards Ceremonies CF99101 2009WM1010930X Staff Training CF99101 2009WM1011000X Official Reception And Representation CF99101 2009WM1022000 Competetive Sourcing CF99101 2009WM1022010X Contractural Services CF99101 2009WM1022930X Staff Training CF99101 2009WM1023000 Administration CF99101 2009WM1023090 Forrestal Child Development Center CF99101 2009WM102309FX Forrestal Child Development Center CF99101 2009WM102309GX Germantown Child Development Center CF99101 2009WM1023300X Library Services CF99101 2009WM1023310X Library Equipment Maintenance CF99101 2009WM1023320X Library Supplies & Materials CF99101 2009WM1023700X Messenger Service CF99101 2009WM1023740 Furniture, Furnishings & Equipment CF99101 2009WM102374FX Furniture, Furnishings & Equipment - Forrestal CF99101 2009WM102374GX Furniture, Furnishings & Equipment - Germantown CF99101 2009WM1023750X GSA Truck Rental CF99101 2009WM1023770X Moving Services CF99101 2009WM1023780X PCS Relocation Contract CF99101 2009WM1023800 Logistics Equipment Rental CF99101 2009WM102380FX Logistics Equipment Rental - Forrestal CF99101 2009WM102380GX Logistics Equipment Rental - Germantown CF99101 2009WM1023810 Logistics Equipment Maintenance CF99101 2009WM102381FX Logistics Equipment Maintenance - Forrestal CF99101 2009WM102381GX Logistics Equipment Maintenance - Germantown CF99101 2009WM1023820 Other Logistics Services CF99101 2009WM102382FX Other Logistic Services - Forrestal CF99101 2009WM102382GX Other Logistics Services - Germantown CF99101 2009WM1023830X Carpet Recycling CF99101 2009WM1023850X Database & Document Management - Forrestal CF99101 2009WM1023860X Warehouse CF99101 2009WM1023900X Household Goods Movement CF99101 2009WM1023910X Household Goods Storage CF99101 2009WM1023920X Other Administrative Services CF99101 2009WM1023930 Staff Training - ME-40 CF99101 2009WM102393AX Staff Training - ME-40 CF99101 2009WM102393BX Staff Training - ME-41 CF99101 2009WM102393CX Staff Training - ME-411 CF99101 2009WM102393DX Staff Training - ME-412 CF99101 2009WM102393EX Staff Training - ME-42 CF99101 2009WM102393FX Staff Training - ME-421 CF99101 2009WM102393GX Staff Training - ME-422 CF99101 2009WM102393HX Staff Training - ME-43 CF99101 2009WM1023950X Tort Claims CF99101 2009WM1023960X PCS Relocation Service - Sale of House CF99101 2009WM1023990 Capital Equipment - ME-40 CF99101 2009WM102399AX Capital Equipment - ME-40 CF99101 2009WM102399BX Capital Equipment - ME-41 CF99101 2009WM102399CX Capital Equipment - ME-411 CF99101 2009WM102399DX Capital Equipment - ME-412 CF99101 2009WM102399EX Capital Equipment - ME-42 CF99101 2009WM102399FX Capital Equipment - ME-421 CF99101 2009WM102399GX Capital Equipment - ME-422 CF99101 2009WM102399HX Capital Equipment - ME-43 CF99101 2009WM1026000X Field/Headquarters Organizations Independent Verification and Validation Program CF99101 2009WM1027000X Residual Programs CF99101 2009WM1029000 Executive Secretariat CF99101 2009WM1029010X Contractual Services CF99101 2009WM1029020X DOCS System CF99101 2009WM1029930X Staff Training CF99101 2009WM1031000 Aviation Management CF99101 2009WM1031010X Contractual Services - Aviation Management CF99101 2009WM1031930X Staff Training - Aviation Management CF99101 2009WM1034000 Finance and Accounting CF99101 2009WM1034010X Financial Policy Contractual Services CF99101 2009WM1034030X Corporate Financial Systems Contractual Services CF99101 2009WM1034040X Energy Finance & Accounting Service Center Contractual Services CF99101 2009WM1034930 Staff Training CF99101 2009WM103493AX Staff Training - Director's Office CF99101 2009WM103493BX Staff Training - Financial Policy CF99101 2009WM103493CX Staff Training - Finance and Oversight CF99101 2009WM103493DX Staff Training - Energy Finance & Accounting Service Center CF99101 2009WM103493EX Staff Training - Corporate Financial Systems CF99101 2009WM1035000 Program Analysis and Evaluation CF99101 2009WM1035010X Contractual Services - Program Analysis and Evaluation CF99101 2009WM1035930X Staff Training CF99101 2009WM1036000 Budget Office CF99101 2009WM1036010X Contractual Services - Budget Office CF99101 2009WM1036930X Staff Training CF99101 2009WM1037000 Engineering and Construction Management CF99101 2009WM1037010X Contractual Services - OCEM CF99101 2009WM1037020X Career Development Program CF99101 2009WM1037930X Staff Training CF99101 2009WM1038000 Program Liason and Financial Analysis CF99101 2009WM1038010X Contractual Services - Program Liaison & Financial Analysis CF99101 2009WM1038930X Staff Training - Program Liaison & Financial Analysis CF99101 2009WM1044000 Human Resources CF99101 2009WM1044060X Office Administration CF99101 2009WM1044100X Corporate HR Initiatives CF99101 2009WM1044120X Other Personnel Services CF99101 2009WM1044130X Drug Testing Program CF99101 2009WM1044150X Employee Assistance Program CF99101 2009WM1044180X Automation Initiatives CF99101 2009WM1044190X CHRIS CF99101 2009WM1044200X Awards Materials CF99101 2009WM1044210X HR Policy & Planning CF99101 2009WM1044250X Headquarters Operational Services CF99101 2009WM1044290X Health Care Services CF99101 2009WM1044300X Employee/Labor Relations CF99101 2009WM1044370X HQ Recycling Funds from GSA CF99101 2009WM1044400X Disability Services CF99101 2009WM1044500X Executive & Technical Services CF99101 2009WM1044610X Training Development & Delivery CF99101 2009WM1044620X Training Analysis & Support CF99101 2009WM1044630X Employee Work Life Center CF99101 2009WM1044640X Other Training & Development CF99101 2009WM1044930 Staff Training - ME-50 CF99101 2009WM1044931X Staff Training - ME-51 CF99101 2009WM1044932X Staff Training - ME-52 CF99101 2009WM1044933X Staff Training - ME-53 CF99101 2009WM1044934X Staff Training - Director's Staff CF99101 2009WM1044935X Staff Training - HQ Personnel Services CF99101 2009WM1044936X Staff Training - Employee Work Life Center Staff CF99101 2009WM1044937X Staff Training - ME-50 CF99101 2009WM1048000 Procurement, Assistance And Program Management CF99101 2009WM1048010X Administration CF99101 2009WM1048020X Audit Services CF99101 2009WM1048050X Procurement Services CF99101 2009WM1048070X Contract & Resource Management CF99101 2009WM1048090X Procurement Information Systems CF99101 2009WM1048930X Staff Training - Procurement & Assistance Management CF99101 2009WM1050000 Secretary Of Energy Advisory Board CF99101 2009WM1050010X Contractual Services - SEAB CF99101 2009WM1050930X Staff Training - SEAB CF99101 2009WM1080000 Goods And Services Provided Through WCF For OMBE CF99101 2009WM1080150X Payroll Processing (Wcf) CF99101 2009WM1080160X CHRIS CF99101 2009WM1080240 Administrative Services CF99101 2009WM1080241X Supplies CF99101 2009WM1080242X Postage CF99101 2009WM1080243X Photocopying CF99101 2009WM1080244X Printing And Graphics CF99101 2009WM1080245X Building Rental, Operations And Maintenance CF99101 2009WM1080340 Information Management CF99101 2009WM1080341X Telecommunications CF99101 2009WM1080342X Office Automation CF99101 2009WM1080343X Networking CF99101 2009WM1080440 Procurement Services CF99101 2009WM1080441X Contract Audits CF99101 2009WM1080442X Contract Closeout CF99101 2009WM1080520X Executive Information Services CF99101 2009WM1080530X On Line Learning CF99101 2009WM1080540X Personnel And Training Services CF99101 2009WM1080940X Indirect Operating Costs CF99101 2009WM1082000 Goods And Services Provided Through WCF For SEAB CF99101 2009WM1082150X Payroll Processing (Wcf) CF99101 2009WM1082160X CHRIS CF99101 2009WM1082240 Administrative Services CF99101 2009WM1082241X Supplies CF99101 2009WM1082242X Postage CF99101 2009WM1082243X Photocopying CF99101 2009WM1082244X Printing And Graphics CF99101 2009WM1082245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance CF99101 2009WM1082340 Information Management CF99101 2009WM1082341X Telecommunication CF99101 2009WM1082342X Office Automation CF99101 2009WM1082343X Networking CF99101 2009WM1082440 Procurement Services CF99101 2009WM1082441X Contract Audits CF99101 2009WM1082442X Contract Closeout CF99101 2009WM1082520X Executive Information Services CF99101 2009WM1082530X On Line Learning CF99101 2009WM1082540X Personnel And Training Services CF99101 2009WM1082940X Indirect Operating Costs CF99101 2009WM1083000 Goods And Services Provided Through Wcf For Ose CF99101 2009WM1083150X Payroll Processing (Wcf) CF99101 2009WM1083160X CHRIS CF99101 2009WM1083240 Administrative Services CF99101 2009WM1083241X Supplies CF99101 2009WM1083242X Postage CF99101 2009WM1083243X Photocopying CF99101 2009WM1083244X Printing And Graphics CF99101 2009WM1083245X Building Rental, Operations, And Maintenance CF99101 2009WM1083340 Information Management CF99101 2009WM1083341X Telecommunication CF99101 2009WM1083342X Office Automation CF99101 2009WM1083343X Networking CF99101 2009WM1083440 Procurement Services CF99101 2009WM1083441X Contract Audits CF99101 2009WM1083442X Contract Closeouts CF99101 2009WM1083520X Executive Information Services CF99101 2009WM1083530X On Line Learning CF99101 2009WM1083540X Personnel And Training Services CF99101 2009WM1083940X Indirect Operating Costs CF99101 2009WM1100000 Personnal Services CF99101 2009WM1101000X Full-Time Permanent CF99101 2009WM1102000 All Other Than Full-Time Permanent CF99101 2009WM1102010X Other Salaries CF99101 2009WM1102020X Ses Rank Dn Performance Award CF99101 2009WM1102030X Pther Personnel Compensation CF99101 2009WM1103000 Personnel Benefits CF99101 2009WM1103020X Moving Expenses CF99101 2009WM1103030X All Other Personnel Benefits CF99101 2009WM1103040X Benefits For Former Employees CF99101 2009WM1103050X Workman'S Compensation CF99101 2009WM2100000 Travel CF99101 2009WM2101000X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF99101 2009WM2102000X Rental Of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles From Interagency Motor Pool CF99101 2009WM2103000X Other Personnel Travel Costs CF99101 2009WM3000000X Inspector General CF1566 2009WM4800000 Field Management CF99101 2009WM4830000 Goods And Services Provided Through Working Capital Fund (Wcf) CF99101 2009WM4830440 Procurement Services CF99101 2009WM4830442X Contract Closeout CF99101 2009WN0000000 XCost Of Work For Others CF15190 2009WN0100000 Cost Of Products Sold CF1581 2009WN0103000 Radioisotopes CF1581 2009WN0103010 Specified Fission Products (Sr-90 And Cs-137) CF1581 2009WN0103011X Foreign CF1581 2009WN0103020 All Other Radioisotopes CF1581 2009WN0103022X Domestic CF1581 2009WN0104000 Stable Isotopes CF1581 2009WN0104010X Foreign CF1581 2009WN0104020X Domestic CF1581 2009WN0104030X Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009WN0105000 Handling Charges CF1581 2009WN0105020 Stable Isotopes CF1581 2009WN0105021X Foreign CF1581 2009WN0105022X Domestic CF1581 2009WN0105023X Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009WN0119000 Miscellaneous Products CF1581 2009WN0119040 Industry CF1581 2009WN0119042X Domestic CF1581 2009WN0119050X Foreign Governments CF1581 2009WN0119060X State And Local Governments And Non-Profit Organizations CF1581 2009WN0119070X Utilities CF1581 2009WN0200000 Cost Of Services Performed CF1484 2009WN0202000X Use Of Doe-Owned Facilities And Equipment CF1484 2009WN0203000X Irradiation Services And Test Reactor Experiments CF1484 2009WN0206000X Special Services And Fabrications CF1484 2009WN0207000X Research For Protection Of Public Health And Safety CF1484 2009WN0219000 Miscellaneous Services CF1484 2009WN0219040 Industry CF1484 2009WN0219041X Foreign CF1484 2009WN0219042X Domestic CF1484 2009WN0219050X Foreign Governments CF1484 2009WN0219060X State And Local Governments And Non-Profit Organizations CF1484 2009WN0219070X Utilities CF1484 2009WN0219080X Universities And Institutes CF1484 2009WN0300000 Cost Of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Sales CF0451 2009WN0301000 Cost Of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Sales CF0451 2009WN0301020X Cost Of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Sales - Domestic CF0451 2009WN0400000X Cost of Heating Oil Sales FE0451 2009WN0500000 Costs Associated with Safeguards and Security Activities Attributed to Work for Others CF1581 2009WN0501000X Work for Others CF1581 2009WN0600000 Cost Of Nuclear Material Sold CF15100 2009WN0601000 Nuclear Material Consumed CF0346 2009WN0601020X Domestic CF0346 2009WN0601030X Other Federal Agencies CF0346 2009WN1000000 Cost From The Sale Of Isotopes And Related Services NE0915 2009WN1001000 Cost From Isotope Sales - Radioisotopes NE0915 2009WN1001010 Inventory - Radioisotopes NE0915 2009WN1001011X Foreign NE0915 2009WN1001012X Domestic NE0915 2009WN1001013X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009WN1001014X Other DOE Programs NE0915 2009WN1001020 Non-Inventory - Radioisotopes NE0915 2009WN1001021X Foreign NE0915 2009WN1001022X Domestic NE0915 2009WN1001023X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009WN1001024X Other DOE Programs NE0915 2009WN1002000 Cost From Isotope Sales - Stable Isotopes NE0915 2009WN1002010 Em Stable Isotopes NE0915 2009WN1002011X Foreign NE0915 2009WN1002012X Domestic NE0915 2009WN1002013X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009WN1002014X Other Doe Programs NE0915 2009WN1002020 Non-Em Stable Isotopes NE0915 2009WN1002021X Foreign NE0915 2009WN1002022X Domestic NE0915 2009WN1002023X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009WN1002024X Other Doe Programs NE0915 2009WN1100000 Costs Associated With Sales Of Russian Origin Uranium (Uf6) CF0240 2009WN1101000X Foreign Sales CF0240 2009WN1102000X Domestic Sales CF0240 2009WN1900000 Other Costs CF15100 2009WN1919000 Cost Of Miscellaneous Work For Others NE0718 2009WN1919010 Related To Uranium Programs Activities NE0716 2009WN1919011X Foreign NE0716 2009WN1919012X Domestic NE0716 2009WN1919013X Other Federal Agencies NE0716 2009WN2200000 Co-Sponsor Contributions To The Superconducting Super Collider SC06138 2009WN2202000X Foreign SC06138 2009WN2500000 Cost Associated With Sales Of Doe Surplus Natural Uranium Hexafloride (Uf6) CF1581 2009WN2501000X Foreign Sales CF1581 2009WN2502000X Domestic Sales CF1581 2009WN3100000X Timber Management CF99997000000 2009WN6500000 Use Of Third Party Receipts From Technology Transfer Activities Performed In Lieu Of Advanced Funding CF1581 2009WN6501000 Cosponsor Supported Research And Development CF1581 2009WN6501010X State & Local Governments CF1581 2009WN6501030X Other CF1581 2009WP0000000 XCompetitive Sourcing Initiative MA99101 2009WP0100000X Competitive Sourcing Initiative MA99101 2009YN0000000 Other Costs And Credits CF99102 2009YN0100000XXUndistributed Costs CF99102 2009YN0200000 XAdjustments To Prior Years Costs Of Operations CF99102 2009YN0203000X Material Adjustments to Prior Years Cost of Operations CF99102 2009YN0204000 Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Costs/Revenues CF99102 2009YN0204010X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Costs of Operations CF99102 2009YN0204020X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Depreciation Costs CF99102 2009YN0204030X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Other Costs CF99102 2009YN0204040 Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities CF99102 2009YN0204041X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Reclassification from unfunded to funded CF1581 2009YN0204042X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Current Year Operating Expenditures CF1581 2009YN0204043X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Current Year Capital Expenditures CF99102 2009YN0204044X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Inflation Adjustment CF99102 2009YN0204045X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Change in Life Cycle Cost Estimate CF99102 2009YN0204046X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Life Cycle Program Direction Cost Adjustment CF99102 2009YN0204047X Non-material Adjustments to Prior Years Environmental Liabilities - Adjustments to Contingencies Estimate CF99102 2009YN0205000X Prior Year Refunds - Miscellaneous CF99102 2009YN0300000 XPlant And Equipment Adjustments (Non-Fund) CF99102 2009YN0301000 Extraordinary Obsolescence CF99102 2009YN0301010 Extraordinary Obsolescence CF99102 2009YN0301011X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0301012X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0302000 Abandoned Projects CF99102 2009YN0302010 Abandoned Projects CF99102 2009YN0302013X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0303000 Extraordinary Losses CF99102 2009YN0303010 Extraordinary Losses CF99102 2009YN0303011X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0303012X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0303013X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0303020X Extraordinary Valuationallowances For Nuclear Materials CF99102 2009YN0304000 Write Down Of Capitalized Legacy Waste Costs CF17106 2009YN0304010 Write Down Of Capitalized Legacy Waste Costs CF17106 2009YN0304011X Completed Plant And Equipment CF17106 2009YN0304013X Construction Work In Progress (Cwip) CF17106 2009YN0305000 Property, Plant & Equipment Write-Offs Due To Changes In Accounting Practices CF99102 2009YN0305010 Property, Plant & Equipment Write-Offs Due To Changes In Accounting Practices CF99102 2009YN0305011X Completed Plant & Equipment CF99102 2009YN0305013X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0305020 Internal Use Software Write-Offs Due To Changes In Accounting Practices CF99102 2009YN0305021X Completed Plant & Equipment CF99102 2009YN0305022X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0305023X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0306000 Department of Homeland Security Transfers CF99102 2009YN0306010X Transfer of Net Book Value of Assets to the Department of Homeland Security CF99102 2009YN0306020X Transfer of Net Book Value of Assets From the Department of Energy CF99102 2009YN0307000 Transfers Of Excess Plant And Equipment To Other Doe Locations For Use CF99102 2009YN0307010 Transfers Of Excess Plant And Equipment To Other Doe Locations For Use CF99102 2009YN0307011X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0307012X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0308000 Transfers Of Excess Plant And Equipment From Other Doe Locations For Use CF99102 2009YN0308010 Transfers Of Excess Plant And Equipment From Other Doe Locations For Use CF99102 2009YN0308011X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0308012X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0308013X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0309000 Miscellaneous CF99102 2009YN0309010 Physical Inventory Adjustments CF99102 2009YN0309011X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0309012X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309020 Recovery Of Experimental Equipment CF99102 2009YN0309021X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0309022X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309030 Service Life Adjustments CF99102 2009YN0309032X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309040 Other Capitalization Of Items Previously Expensed CF99102 2009YN0309041X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0309042X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309043X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0309050 Other Adjustments To Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309052X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309060 Excess Or Surplus Donated Through Hhs CF99102 2009YN0309061X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0309062X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309070 Disposal of Property Plant and Equipment (Fixed Assets) CF99102 2009YN0309071X Gain on Disposal of Property Plant and Equipment (Fixed Assets) CF99102 2009YN0309072X Loss on Disposal of Property Plant and Equipment (Fixed Assets) CF99102 2009YN0309080 Other Adjustments CF99102 2009YN0309081X Completed Plant And Equipment CF99102 2009YN0309082X Accumulated Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0309083X Construction Work In Progress CF99102 2009YN0400000 XUnfunded Expense CF17106 2009YN0401000 Unfunded Environmental Expense CF17106 2009YN0401100X Environmental Liability Estimate Changes CF17106 2009YN0401110X Reclassify Environmental Liability From Unfunded To Funded CF16103 2009YN0401120X Current Year Operating Expenditures CF16103 2009YN0401130X Current Year Capital Expenditures CF17106 2009YN0401140X Inflation Adjustment CF17106 2009YN0401150X Change In Life Cycle Cost Estimate CF17106 2009YN0401160X Life-Cycle Program Direction Cost Adjustment CF17106 2009YN0401170X Adjustments to Contingency Estimates in EMF, ACF, HLW, REL, and OTH Environmental Liabilities CF17106 2009YN0401180X Restructured Environmental Liabilities CF17106 2009YN0402000X Unfunded Safety & Health Expense CF17106 2009YN0403000 Unfunded Actuarial Expense CF17106 2009YN0403010X Contractor Pension Plan CF17106 2009YN0403020X Contractor Post-Retirement Benefits Other Than Pensions CF17106 2009YN0403030X Contractor Disability Insurance Plans CF17106 2009YN0403050X Federal Employees' Compensation Act Actuarial Liabilities CF17106 2009YN0403060 Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) Liabilities CF17106 2009YN0403061X FECA Unfunded Liability CF17106 2009YN0403062X FECA Unfunded Liability Re-classified to a Funded Liability CF17106 2009YN0403063X FECA Current Year Payments CF17106 2009YN0404000X Unfunded Accrued Annual Leave Expense CF17106 2009YN0405000X Unfunded Capital Lease Expense CF17106 2009YN0406000X Contingent Liability Expense CF17106 2009YN0407000 Postemployment Benefits For Doe Employees CF17106 2009YN0407010X Accrued Severance Benefits CF17106 2009YN0407020X Accrued Buyout Payments CF17106 2009YN0408000X Adjustment to Charges CF17106 2009YN0409000X Unfunded Expense - Other CF17106 2009YN0500000XXPayments To States - Use Of Public Land CF99102 2009YN0600000XXResources Transfered To The Working Capital Fund CF1581 2009YN0700000 XGPE Cost Pool CF99102 2009YN07DP000 GPE Cost Pool - NA CF99102 2009YN07DP010X Gpe Cost Pool - Assesments CF99102 2009YN07DP020X GPE Cost Pool - Equipment Purchases CF99102 2009YN07DP030X GPE Cost Pool - Collections CF99102 2009YN07DP040X GPE Cost Pool - Costs CF99102 2009YN0800000 XMiscellaneous Other Costs - Nuclear Waste Fund CF99102 2009YN0801000X Pumped Storage Loss Costs Incurred by Utilities for On-Site Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel. CF99102 2009YN0802000X Intra office transfers of Nuclear Waste Fund Spent Nuclear Fuel Litigation Liability CF99102 2009YN0900000 XMiscellaneous Other Costs - Nonfund CF99102 2009YN0901000 Depreciation CF99102 2009YN0901010X Undistributed Depreciation Expense CF99102 2009YN0901020X Depreciation Distribution Credits CF99102 2009YN0902000 Nuclear Materials Expense CF99102 2009YN0902010X Undistributed Nuclear Materials Expense CF99102 2009YN0902020X Nuclear Materials Expense Distribution Credits CF99102 2009YN0902030X Nuclear Materials Inventory Adjustments CF99102 2009YN0902040X Nuclear Materials Variances CF99102 2009YN0902090X Other Nuclear Materials Expense CF99102 2009YN0903000X Adjustments to SPR Oil Inventory CF99102 2009YN0904000X Adjustments to Distillate Reserve Inventory CF99102 2009YN0909000X All Other CF99102 2009YN1000000 XContra Costs Related To Elimination Entries CF99102 2009YN1001000X Contra Costs Related To D&D Fund Elimination Entry CF99102 2009YN1100000 XIntra-governmental Payroll Related Costs CF99102 2009YN1101000 Costs Related to OPM CF99102 2009YN1101010X DOE’s Share of Benefits Under the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) CF99102 2009YN1101020X DOE’s Share of Benefits Under the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) - Contra Account CF99102 2009YN1102000 DOE’s Share of Benefits for Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance CF99102 2009YN1102010X DOE’s Share of Benefits for Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) CF99102 2009YN1102020X DOE’s Share of Benefits for Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) - Contra Account CF99102 2009YN1103000 DOE’s Share of Benefits Uunder the Civil Service Retirement System CF99102 2009YN1103010X DOE’s Share of Benefits Under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) CF99102 2009YN1103020X DOE’s Sshare of Bbenefits Uunder the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) - Contra Account CF99102 2009YN1104000 DOE’s Share of Benefits Uunder the Federal Employees Retirement System CF99102 2009YN1104010X DOE’s Share of Benefits Under the Federal Employees Retirement System CF99102 2009YN1104020X DOE’s Share of Benefits Under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) - Contra Account CF99102 2009YN1105000 DOE Remittances for Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments CF99102 2009YN1105010X DOE Remittances for Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP) CF99102 2009YN1105020X DOE Remittances for Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP) - Contra Account CF99102 2009YN1200000 XNWF Non-Fund Deferred Revenue Offset CF0723 2009YN1201000X NWF Non-Fund Deferred Revenue Offset CF0723 2009YN1300000 XCurrent Year Unrealized Holding Gains and Losses CF99102 2009YN1301000X Current Year Unrealized Holding Gains CF99102 2009YN1302000X Current Year Unrealized Holding Losses CF99102 2009YN1900000 XWork Performed For Other Doe Locations CF99990 2009YN1901000X Cost Of Work Performed CF1581 2009YN1902000X Earned Revenue Or Collections CF1581 2009YN1903000X Cost of Work Performed for DOE National Laboratories CF99102 2009YN1904000X Earned Revenue or collection from DOE National Laboratories CF99102 2009YN2000000XXUSEC Revolving Fund Revenue Related to Cancellation of Liabilities for USEC Privatization CF99102 2009YN2100000 XTravel Outside The United States CF99102 2009YN2101000X Gross Cost - Doe Employees CF99102 2009YN2102000X Gross Cost - Contractor Employees CF99102 2009YN2104000X Distribution Credits - Contractor Employees CF99102 2009YN4000000 XImputed Costs CF99102 2009YN4010000X Opm Benefits CF99102 2009YN4020000X Judgment Fund CF99102 2009YN4030000X Royalty In Kind Oil Received From The Department of Interior CF99102 2009YN4050000X Energy Employees' Occupational Illness Program - Imputed Costs CF99102 2009YN8100000 XOther Monthly Nonfund Changes CF99102 2009YN8149000X Other Monthly Nonfund Changes CF99102 2009YN9600000 XInterest On Advance Payments - Toll Enriching Contracts (Non-Fund) CF99102 2009YN9601000X Foreign CF99102 2009YN9602000X Domestic CF99102 2009YN9603000X Other Federal Agencies CF99102 2009ZN0000000 XRevenues Applied CF1581 2009ZN0100000 Revenue From Products Sold CF1581 2009ZN0119000 Revenue From Sale Of Miscellaneous Products CF1581 2009ZN0119040 Revenue From Sales To Industry CF1581 2009ZN0119041X Foreign CF1581 2009ZN0119042X Domestic CF1581 2009ZN0119050X Revenue From Sales To Foreign Governments CF1581 2009ZN0119060X Revenue From Sales To State And Local Governments And Non-Profit Organizations CF1581 2009ZN0119070X Revenue From Sales To Utilities CF1581 2009ZN0119080X Revenue From Sales To Universities And Institutes CF1581 2009ZN0200000 Revenue From Services CF1484 2009ZN0202000X Revenue From Use Of DOE-Owned Facilities And Equipment CF1484 2009ZN0203000X Revenue From Irradiation Services And Test Reactor Experiments CF1484 2009ZN0206000X Revenue From Special Services And Fabrications CF1484 2009ZN0207000X Revenue From Research For Protection Of Public Health And Safety CF1484 2009ZN0219000 Revenue From Miscellaneous Services CF1484 2009ZN0219040 Revenue From Sales To Industry CF1484 2009ZN0219041X Foreign CF1484 2009ZN0219042X Domestic CF1484 2009ZN0219050X Revenue From Sales To Foreign Governments CF1484 2009ZN0219060X Revenue From Sales To State And Local Governments And Non-Profit Organizations CF1484 2009ZN0219070X Revenue From Sales To Utilities CF1484 2009ZN0219080X Revenue From Sales To Universities And Institutes CF1484 2009ZN0300000X Repayments From Clean Coal Technology Projects FE0948 2009ZN0400000 Revenues Recognized For Escrow Funds CF1581 2009ZN0401000 Principal CF1581 2009ZN0401010X Petroleum Pricing Violations Escrow Fund (PPVEF) CF1581 2009ZN0402000 Interest CF1581 2009ZN0402010X Petroleum Pricing Violations Escrow Fund (PPVEF) CF1581 2009ZN0403000 Disbursements Out Of Escrow Funds For Repayments To Treausry`S Miscellaneous Receipts, States Or Injured Parties CF1581 2009ZN0403010 Petroleum Pricing Violations Escrow Fund (PPVEF) CF1581 2009ZN0403011X PPVEF Disbursements to Injured Parties CF1581 2009ZN0403012X PPVEF Disbursements to Treasury and Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009ZN0403013X PPVEF Disbursements to States and Territories/MDL 378 Stripper Well Litigation CF1581 2009ZN0404000 Earned Revenues recognized for the Petroleum Pricing Violations Escrow Fund (PPVEF) CF1581 2009ZN0404010 Principal - Earned Revenue recognized for the Petroleum Pricing Violations Escrow Fund (PPVEF) CF1581 2009ZN0404011X Prinicpal Revenue recognized for the PPVEF from Consent Orders CF1581 2009ZN0404020 Interest - Earned Revenue recognized for the Petroleum Pricing Violations Escrow Fund (PPVEF) CF1581 2009ZN0404021X Interest Revenue recognized for the PPVEF from Treasury investments CF1581 2009ZN0404022X Interest Revenue recognized for the PPVEF from MBP investments CF1581 2009ZN0404023X Interest Revenue recognized for the PPVEF from Consent Orders CF1581 2009ZN0404024X Interest Revenue recognized from Sale of PPVEF Investments - Gains CF1581 2009ZN0500000 Revenue Recovered for Safeguards and Security Costs Attributed to Work for Others CF1581 2009ZN0501000X Revenue Recovered for Safeguards and Security Costs Attributed to Work for Others CF1483 2009ZN0600000 Revenue From Sale Of Nuclear Materials CF1581 2009ZN0601000 Charges For Nuclear Material Consumed CF1581 2009ZN0601020X Domestic CF1581 2009ZN0601030X Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009ZN0602000 Other Sales Of Nuclear Materials CF1581 2009ZN0602040 Other Sales CF1581 2009ZN0602041X Foreign CF1581 2009ZN0800000 Revenue From Lease Of Materials CF1581 2009ZN0802000X Stable Isotopes NE0915 2009ZN0900000 Revenue From Recovery Of Nuclear Materials CF1581 2009ZN0903000X Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009ZN1000000 Revenues From The Sale Of Isotopes And Related Services NE0915 2009ZN1001000 Revenues From Isotope Sales - Radioisotopes NE0915 2009ZN1001010 Inventory - Radioisotopes NE0915 2009ZN1001011X Foreign NE0915 2009ZN1001012X Domestic NE0915 2009ZN1001013X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009ZN1001014X Other Doe Programs NE0915 2009ZN1001020 Non-Inventory - Radioisotopes NE0915 2009ZN1001021X Foreign NE0915 2009ZN1001022X Domestic NE0915 2009ZN1001023X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009ZN1001024X Other Doe Programs NE0915 2009ZN1002000 Revenues From Isotope Sales - Stable Isotopes NE0915 2009ZN1002010 Em Stable NE0915 2009ZN1002011X Foreign NE0915 2009ZN1002012X Domestic NE0915 2009ZN1002013X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009ZN1002014X Other DOE Programs NE0915 2009ZN1002020 Non-Em Stable NE0915 2009ZN1002021X Foreign NE0915 2009ZN1002022X Domestic NE0915 2009ZN1002023X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009ZN1002024X Other DOE Programs NE0915 2009ZN1003000 Revenues From Isotope Related Services NE0915 2009ZN1003010X Foreign NE0915 2009ZN1003020X Domestic NE0915 2009ZN1003030X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009ZN1003040X Other Doe Programs NE0915 2009ZN1004000 Other Revenues NE0915 2009ZN1004010X Foreign NE0915 2009ZN1004020X Domestic NE0915 2009ZN1004030X Other Federal Agencies NE0915 2009ZN1004040X Other Doe Programs NE0915 2009ZN1005000X Other Financing Sources NE0915 2009ZN1006000X Offset to Isotope Revenues - Bad Debts NE0915 2009ZN1100000 Revenue From Sales Of Russian Origin Uranium (Uf6) CF1581 2009ZN1101000X Foreign Sales CF1581 2009ZN1104000X Domestic Sales CF1581 2009ZN1300000 Revenue From Incentive Financing Activities CF1581 2009ZN1302000 Interest Income CF1581 2009ZN1302030X Electric And Hybrid Vehicle CF1581 2009ZN1305000 Revenue From Sale Of Assets CF1581 2009ZN1305030X Electric And Hybrid Vehicle CF1581 2009ZN1400000 Revenues For Nuclear Waste Fund CF1581 2009ZN1402000 Revenues From Investments CF1581 2009ZN1402010X Income From Federal Investments CF1581 2009ZN1402020 Gains/Losses From Sale Of Investments CF1581 2009ZN1402021X Revenue from Sale of Federal Investments - Gains CF1581 2009ZN1402022X Revenue from Sale of Federal Investments - Losses CF1581 2009ZN1403000 Revenues For Services CF1581 2009ZN1403010X Revenues From Electrical Generation (Mil/Kwh`S) CF1581 2009ZN1403020 Revenues From Spent Fuel Fees ($/Kg) CF1581 2009ZN1403024X Defense Nuclear Waste Disposal CF1581 2009ZN1403025X Public Nuclear Waste Disposal CF1581 2009ZN1403030X Intragovernmental Revenues From Electrical Generation (Mil/Kwh`S) CF1581 2009ZN1404000 Revenues From Interest Income CF1581 2009ZN1404010 Interest Income From Electrical Generation (Mil/Kwh`S) CF1581 2009ZN1404011X Late/Underpayments CF1581 2009ZN1404020 Interest Income From Spent Fuel Fees CF1581 2009ZN1404024X Defense Interest From Waste Disposal CF1581 2009ZN1404025X Public Interest From Waste Disposal CF1581 2009ZN1404030X Interest Income from Non Federal Sources CF1581 2009ZN1405000 Revenue From Sale of Assets - NWF CF1581 2009ZN1405010X Revenue from Sale of Assets CF1581 2009ZN1406000 Revenue From Other Sources CF1581 2009ZN1406010X Revenue From Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fees CF1581 2009ZN1600000 Revenues From Oil Royalties On Leased Land (Npr U No. 2) CF0451 2009ZN1601000X Naval Petroleum Reserve U No. 2 CF0451 2009ZN1700000 Revenues From Sales Of Petroleum CF0451 2009ZN1701000X Naval Petroleum Reserves CF0451 2009ZN1702000X Sale Of Naval Petroleum Reserve 1 Elk Hills CF0451 2009ZN1800000 Revenues From Sale And Transmission Of Electrical Energy CF1581 2009ZN1801000X Alaska Power Administration CF10140 2009ZN1802000X Bonneville Power Administration CF10141 2009ZN1803000X Western Area Power Administration CF10142 2009ZN1804000X Southwestern Power Administration CF1581 2009ZN1805000X Southeastern Power Administration CF10140 2009ZN1900000 Other Revenue CF1581 2009ZN1907000X Revenue From Sale Of Publications And Other Fees Or Charges CF1581 2009ZN1910000 Revenue from Reimbursable and Co-Operative work CF1581 2009ZN1910010X Federal Administrative Charge - Reimbursable and Co-Operative Work - Public CF1484 2009ZN1910020X Federal Administrative Charge - Technology Transfer Activities - Public CF1484 2009ZN1910030X Federal Administrative Charge - Reimbursable Work - Other Federal Agencies CF1483 2009ZN1911000X Revenue From Donations To The American Museum of Science And Energy CF1581 2009ZN1912000X Revenue from Donations to the Northern New Mexico Fire Recovery Fund CF1581 2009ZN1919000 Miscellaneous Revenue From Other Sources CF1581 2009ZN1919010 Related To Uranium Programs Activities CF1581 2009ZN1919011X Foreign CF1581 2009ZN1919012X Domestic CF1581 2009ZN1919013X Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009ZN1919020X Related To General Administration CF1581 2009ZN1919030X Other Than Uranium Programs Activities And General Administration CF1581 2009ZN1919040X Proceeds of Asset Sales, Offsetting Receipts CF1581 2009ZN2000000 Revenue SPR Oil CF0451 2009ZN2002000X Revenue in Oil from SPR Leases CF0451 2009ZN2003000X Revenue SPR Exchange of Oil CF0451 2009ZN2100000X Revenue - Ferc CF1572 2009ZN2200000 Co-Sponsor Contributions To The Superconducting Super Collider CF1581 2009ZN2201000 Domestic CF1581 2009ZN2201010X State Of Texas CF1581 2009ZN2300000 Decontamination And Decommissiong Fund CF0716 2009ZN2301000X D&D Fund-Utility Assessment CF0716 2009ZN2302000X D&D Fund-Government Contribution CF0716 2009ZN2303000 D&D Fund-Interest CF0716 2009ZN2303010X Income From Investments CF0716 2009ZN2303020 Revenue from Gains/Losses from Sale of Investments CF0716 2009ZN2303021X Revenue from Sale of Investments - Gains CF0716 2009ZN2303022X Revenue from Sale of Investments - Losses CF0716 2009ZN2304000X Revenue from Other Federal Agencies CF0716 2009ZN2305000X Revenue from Late and Underpayment of SWU Fees CF0716 2009ZN2400000 Asset Sales Revenues - Asset Sales Initiative (Asi) CF1581 2009ZN2401000X Revenues Received From The Sale Of Excess Precious Metals (Asi Sales Only) CF1581 2009ZN2402000X Revenues Received From The Sale Of Excess Personal Property (Asi Sales Only) CF1581 2009ZN2403000X Revenues Received From The Sale Of Excess Real Property (Asi Sales Only) CF1581 2009ZN2404000X Revenues Received From The Sale Of All Other Excess Assets (Asi Sales Only) CF1581 2009ZN2500000 Revenue From Sales Of DOE Surplus Natural Uranium Hexafloride (UF6) CF1581 2009ZN2501000X Foreign Sales CF1581 2009ZN2502000X Domestic Sales CF1581 2009ZN2600000 USEC Revolving Fund Investment Activity CF1581 2009ZN2601000X USEC Contribution CF1581 2009ZN2602000 USEC Revenues from Investments CF1581 2009ZN2602010X USEC Income from Investments CF1581 2009ZN2700000X Interest Revenue CF1581 2009ZN2800000 Pajarito Plateau Homesteaders Compensation Fund CF1581 2009ZN2801000X Deposits to Pajarito Plateau Homesteaders Compensation Fund CF1581 2009ZN2802000 Revenues from Investments CF1581 2009ZN2802010X Income from Investments CF1581 2009ZN2802020X Gains/Losses from Sale of Investments CF1581 2009ZN2803000X Disbursements from Pajarito Plateau Homesteaders Compensation Fund. CF1581 2009ZN3000000 Revenues From The HQ Working Capital Fund CF1581 2009ZN3010000 Revenue From Payroll(WCF) CF1581 2009ZN3010150X Revenue From Payroll(WCF) CF1581 2009ZN3010600X Revenues From The Sale Of CHRIS Services CF1581 2009ZN3010800X Revenues From The Sale Of Standard Accounting and Reporting System Services CF1581 2009ZN3020000 Revenues From Sales Of Administrative Services CF1581 2009ZN3020410X Revenues From Sales Of Supplies CF1581 2009ZN3020420X Revenues From Sales Of Mail Services CF1581 2009ZN3020430X Revenues From Sales Of Photocopying Service CF1581 2009ZN3020440X Revenues From Sales Of Printing & Graphics CF1581 2009ZN3020450X Revenues From Sales Of Building Services CF1581 2009ZN3020460X Revenue from Sales of Electronic Services CF1581 2009ZN3030000 Revenues From Sales Of Information Mgmt Services CF1581 2009ZN3030410X Revenues From Sales Of Telecommunications Service CF1581 2009ZN3030420X Revenues From Sales Of Office Automation Services CF1581 2009ZN3030430X Revenues From Sales Of Networking Services CF1581 2009ZN3040000 Revenues From Sales Of Procurement Services CF1581 2009ZN3040410X Revenues From Sales Of Contract Audits CF1581 2009ZN3040420X Revenues From Sales Of Contract Closeouts CF1581 2009ZN3050000 Executive Information Service CF1581 2009ZN3050200X Executive Information Service (WCF) CF1581 2009ZN3050300X Revenues From The Sale Of Access To The Online Learning Center CF1581 2009ZN3050400X Revenues from Project Management Career Development Program (PMCDP) CF1581 2009ZN3060000 Revenues from Reports, Reviews, and Planning CF1581 2009ZN3060100X Revenues from Financial Report Control Assessment Services CF1581 2009ZN3060200X Revenues from External Independent Reviews Services CF1581 2009ZN3100000X Timber Sales Program (Savannah River) CF1581 2009ZN3200000X Uranium Leasing Royalty Revenues (Grand Junction) CF1581 2009ZN4000000 Imputed Financing Sources CF1581 2009ZN4010000X Opm Benefits CF1581 2009ZN4020000X Judgment Fund CF1581 2009ZN4050000X Energy Employees' Occupational Illness Program - Imputed Financing Source CF1581 2009ZN5000000X FEMP Project Financing Program Revenue CF1581 2009010000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Nuclear Weapons Stewardship CF15190 2009011000000 Nuclear Weapons Stewardship CF0127 2009011027000X Directed Stockpile Work CF0127 2009011028000X Science Campaign CF0128 2009011029000X Engineering Campaign CF0129 2009011030000X Inertial Confinement Fusion Ignition and High Yield Campaign CF0130 2009011031000X Advanced Simulation and Computing Campaign CF0131 2009011032000X Pit Manufacturing and Certification Campaign CF0132 2009011033000X Readiness Campaign CF0133 2009011034000X Readiness in Technical Base and Facilities (Operations) CF0134 2009011035000X Readiness in Technical Base and Facilities (Construction) CF0135 2009011036000X Secure Transportation Asset CF0136 2009011037000X Nuclear Weapons Incident Response CF0137 2009011038000X Facilities and Infrastructure Recapitalization Program CF0138 2009011039000X Safeguards and Security CF0139 2009011050000X Office of Adminstrator CF0150 2009011100000X Managerial Cost Allocations CF01100 2009020000000 Cost Allocations For Departmental Goal Nuclear Nonproliferation CF15190 2009021000000 Nuclear Nonproliferation CF0127 2009021040000X Non-Proliferation and Verification R&D CF0240 2009021041000X Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Transparency Implementation CF0241 2009021042000X Elimination of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Production CF0127 2009021044000X Non Proliferation and International Security CF0244 2009021045000X Russian Transition Initiatives CF0245 2009021046000X International Nuclear Materials Protection and Cooperation CF0246 2009021047000X Fissile Materials Disposition CF0247 2009021050000X Office of Administrator CF0250 2009021062000X Off-Site Source Recovery CF0262 2009030000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Naval Reactors CF15190 2009031000000 Naval Reactors CF0349 2009031049000X Naval Reactors CF0349 2009040000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Energy Security CF15190 2009041000000 Reduce Dependence on Energy Imports CF0401 2009041001000X Hydrogen/Fuel Cell Technologies CF0401 2009041002000X Vehicle Technologies CF0402 2009041003000X Solar Energy CF0403 2009041004000X Zero Energy Buildings/Building Technologies CF0404 2009041005000X Wind Energy CF0405 2009041006000X Hydropower CF0406 2009041007000X Geothermal Technology CF0407 2009041008000X Biomass and Biorefinery Systems R&D CF0408 2009041009000X Weatherization CF0409 2009041010000X State Energy Programs CF0410 2009041011000X Intergovernmental Activities CF0411 2009041012000X Electric Transmission and Distribution CF0412 2009041013000X DOE Energy Mgmt Program/Federal Energy Mgmt Program CF0413 2009041014000X Develop New Nuclear Generation Technologies CF0414 2009041015000X Adv Proliferation-Resistant Nuclear Fuel Technologies CF0415 2009041017000X Maintain and Enhance National Nuclear Infrastructure CF0417 2009041024000X Fusion Energy CF0424 2009041051000X Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA) CF0451 2009041052000X Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) CF0452 2009041053000X Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) CF0453 2009041054000X Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) CF0454 2009041055000X Zero Emissions Coal-Based Electricity & Hydrogen Production CF0455 2009041056000X Natural Gas Technologies CF0456 2009041057000X Oil Technology CF0457 2009041058000X Petroleum Reserves CF0458 2009041059000X Distributed Energy Resources CF0459 2009041060000X Industrial Technologies CF0460 2009041061000X Energy Information Administration CF0461 2009041063000X Enhance the Nation's Nuclear Education Infrastructure Capabilities CF0463 2009041100000X Managerial Cost Allocations CF04100 2009060000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal World-Class Scientific Research CF06100 2009061000000 World-Class Scientific Research Capacity CF06100 2009061019000X High Energy Physics CF0619 2009061020000X Nuclear Physics CF0620 2009061021000X Biological and Environmental Research CF0621 2009061022000X Basic Energy Sciences CF0622 2009061023000X Advanced Scientific Computing Research CF0623 2009061024000X Fusion Energy CF0624 2009061100000X Managerial Cost Allocations CF06100 2009070000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Environmental Management CF0718 2009071000000 Environmental Management CF0718 2009071018000X Environmental Management CF0718 2009071026000X Legacy Management CF0726 2009080000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Nuclear Waste CF0127 2009081000000 Nuclear Waste CF0127 2009081025000X Nuclear Waste Disposal CF0825 2009140000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Reimbursable Programs CF14111 2009141100000 Reimbursable Programs CF14111 2009141111000X Reimbursable Programs-Federal CF14111 2009141112000X Reimbursable Programs - Non-Federal CF14112 2009150000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Other Programs CF0127 2009151100000 Other Programs CF15120 2009151120000X Federal Energy Regulatory Commission CF15120 2009151130000X Inspector General CF15130 2009151140000X Environmental Safety and Health CF15140 2009151150000X Intelligence CF15150 2009151160000X Counterintelligence CF15160 2009151170000X Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance CF15170 2009151180000X Nuclear Safeguards and Security CF15180 2009151190000X All Other Programs CF15190 2009160000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Costs Applied to Environmental Liabilities CF16103 2009161200000 Costs Applied to Environmental Liabilities CF16103 2009161210000X Costs Applied to Environmental Liabilities CF16103 2009170000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Costs Not Assigned to Programs CF17106 2009171200000 Costs Not Assigned to Programs CF17106 2009171220000X Costs Not Assigned to Programs CF17106 2009390000000 Plant Acquisition And Construction CF15190 2009392100000XXPlant Engineering And Design - Non-Defense CF1581 200939AA00000XXCoal, Gas And Petroleum FE0948 200939AF00000 Nuclear Energy Research And Development NE0417 200939AF01000 XFacilities Management Construction Projects NE0915 200939AF01400X Isotope Support NE0915 200939AF02000XXLine Item Construction Projects NE0915 200939AF57000XXAccelerator Driven Test (ADT) Facility NE0914 200939AF59000XXMixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility (99-D-143) NE0245 200939AF80000XXFacilities NE0915 200939AF95000XXTermination Costs NE0915 200939AH00000 Oak Ridge Landlord CF99100 200939AH99000XXOak Ridge Landlord CF99100 200939AJ00000 XNaval Reactors NA0346 200939AJ05000X Naval Reactors Development NA0346 200939AT00000XXFusion Energy Sciences SC0622 200939CG00000XXCerro Grande Fire Activities Construction NA0138 200939DC00000 Civilian Radioactive Waste R&D RW0723 200939DC10000XXSpent Fuel Storage Development RW0723 200939DF00000 XWaste Management System RW0723 200939DF01000 First Repository RW0723 200939DF01550 Yucca Mountain Project – Phase I RW0723 200939DF01551X Initial Infrastructure Readiness RW0723 200939DF01552X Initial Operating Capability: Fuel Handling Facility RW0723 200939DF01553X Initial Operating Capability: Canisters Handling Facility RW0723 200939DF01554X Initial Operating Capability: Production RW0723 200939DF01CH0 Initial Operating Capacity - Canister Handling Facility RW0723 200939DF01CH1X Canister Handling Facility – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 200939DF01CH2X Canister Handling Facility – Subsurface Repository RW0723 200939DF01CH3X Canister Handling Facility – Waste Package RW0723 200939DF01CH4X Canister Handling Facility – Canister Handling RW0723 200939DF01DT0 Expanded Capabilities - Dry Transfer Facility 1 RW0723 200939DF01DT1X Dry Transfer Facility – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 200939DF01DT2X Dry Transfer Facility – Dry Transfer 1 RW0723 200939DF01FH0 Initial Operating Capacity - Fuel Handling Facility RW0723 200939DF01FH1X Fuel Handling Facility – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 200939DF01FH2X Fuel Handling Facility – Subsurface Repository RW0723 200939DF01FH3X Fuel Handling Facility – Waste Package RW0723 200939DF01FH4X Fuel Handling Facility – Fuel Handling RW0723 200939DF01FO0 Full Operational Capability – Phase II RW0723 200939DF01FO1X Full Operational Capability – Balance of Plant Infrastructure RW0723 200939DF01FO2X Full Operational Capability – Subsurface Repository RW0723 200939DF01FO3X Full Operational Capability – Waste Package RW0723 200939DF01FO4X Full Operational Capability – Dry Transfer 2 RW0723 200939DP00000 Weapons Activities Construction NA01100 200939DP09000 RTBF - Construction Projects NA0132 200939DP09200 XRTBF - Construction Projects NA0132 200939DP09201X R&D Facilities Construction NA0132 200939DP09202X Production Facilities Construction NA0132 200939DP09203X Other NA0132 200939DP10000XXFIRP Line Item Construction Projects NA0136 200939DP11000 Directed Stockpile Work Construction Projects NA0125 200939DP11190XXDSW - Weapons Dismantlement and Disposition Construction Projects NA0125 200939DP12000XXScience Campaign Construction NA0126 200939DP13000XXEngineering Campaign Construction NA0127 200939DP14000XXInertial Confinement Fusion Ignition and High Yield Campaign Construction NA0128 200939DP15000XXAdvanced Simulation and Computing Construction NA0129 200939DP17000XXReadiness Campaign Construction NA0131 200939EB00000XXFacilities and Infrastructure EE99104 200939EJ00000XXConservation R&D EE0402 200939EX00000 Construction - Non-Defense Environmental Management EM0718 200939EX04000 XConstruction - Non-Defense EM - Site/Project Completion EM0718 200939EX04C20X ANL-East Construction Projects EM0718 200939EX04C40X Brookhaven National Lab Construction Projects EM0718 200939EY00000 Construction - Environmental Management - Defense EM0716 200939EY06000 XConstruction - Defense Site Acceleration Completion / 2006 Accelerated Completions EM0716 200939EY06010X Albuquerque Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06180X Idaho Operations Office Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06230X Oak Ridge Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06240X Oak Ridge Reservation - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06320X Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06380X Fernald - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06390X Miamisburg - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06420X Hanford Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06470X Savannah River Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY06480X Savannah River Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY08000 XConstruction - Defense Environmental Services / Non-Closure Environmental Activities EM0716 200939EY08490X Headquarters - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY09000 XConstruction - Defense Environmental Services / Community and Regulatory Support EM0716 200939EY09420X Hanford Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY11000 XConstruction - DSAC Alternative High-Level Waste Actions EM0716 200939EY11170X Idaho National Laboratory construction projects EM0716 200939EY12000 XConstruction - Defense Site Acceleration Completion / 2012 Accelerated Completions EM0716 200939EY12050X Pantex - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY12170X Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY12240X Oak Ridge Reservation - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY12420X Hanford Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY12440X River Protection - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY12480X Savannah River Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY13000 XConstruction - High Level Waste WIR Proposal EM0716 200939EY13170X Idaho HLW Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY13480X Savannah River HLW Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY35000 XConstruction - Defense Site Acceleration Completion / 2035 Accelerated Completions EM0716 200939EY35040X Los Alamos National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY35090X Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY35420X Hanford Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY35440X River Protection - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY35480X Savannah River Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY35490X Headquarters - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY45000 XConstruction - DEC - Closure Sites EM0716 200939EY45380X Fernald - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY45390X Miamisburg - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY50000XXConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Hanford Site - 2012 Completion Projects EM0716 200939EY51000XXConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Hanford Site - 2035 Completion Projects EM0716 200939EY55000 XConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Idaho National Laboratory EM0716 200939EY55170X Idaho National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY55180X Idaho Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY60000 XConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - NNSA Sites EM0716 200939EY60040X Los Alamos National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY60050X Pantex - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY60320X Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY65000 XConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Oak Ridge Reservation EM0716 200939EY65230X Oak Ridge Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY65240X Oak Ridge Reservation - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY70000XXConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Office of River Protection - Waste Treatment and Immobilization EM0716 200939EY71000XXConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Office of River Protection - Tank Farm Activities EM0716 200939EY85000 XConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Savannah River Site - 2012 Completion Projects EM0716 200939EY85470X Savannah River Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY85480X Savannah River Site - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EY86000XXConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Savannah River Site - 2035 Completion Projects EM0716 200939EY87000XXConstruction - Defense Environmental Cleanup - Savannah River Site - Tank Farm Activities EM0716 200939EZ00000 Construction-EM Non-Defense EM0716 200939EZ06000 XConstruction - Non-Defense Site Acceleration Completion / 2006 Accelerated Completions EM0716 200939EZ06180X Idaho Operations Office - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EZ08000 XConstruction - Non-Defense Site Acceleration Completion / Non-Closure Environmental Activities EM0716 200939EZ08260X Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EZ08270X Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EZ45000 XConstruction - Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup - Gaseous Diffusion Plants EM0716 200939EZ45260X Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 200939EZ45270X Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant EM0716 200939EZ50000 XConstruction - Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup - Small Sites EM0716 200939EZ50180X Idaho National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939EZ50220X Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Construction Projects EM0716 200939FS00000 XSafeguards and Security Construction Projects NA0141 200939FS20000X Safeguards and Security Construction Projects NA0141 200939FS30000X DBT-Related Safeguards and Security Line-Item Construction NA0141 200939GA00000XXFissile Materials Disposition NA0245 200939IN00000XXIntelligence Construction Projects IN15150 200939KA00000XXHigh Energy Physics SC0617 200939KB00000 XNuclear Physics SC0618 200939KB01000X Medium Energy SC0618 200939KB02000X Heavy Ion Physics SC0618 200939KB04000X Low Energy SC0618 200939KC00000 XBasic Energy Sciences SC0620 200939KC02000X Materials Sciences SC0620 200939KC03000X Chemical Sciences SC0620 200939KC04000X Engineering, Mathematical And Geosciences SC0620 200939KC06000X Energy Biosciences SC0620 200939KG00000 XScience Laboratories Infrastructure SC06138 200939KG01000X Multiprogram Energy Laboratories - General Purpose Facilities SC06138 200939KG02000X Environment, Safety & Health Support SC06138 200939KP00000XXBiological And Environmental Research SC0619 200939KX00000XXOffice of Science Program Direction SC9989 200939NN00000 Construction Project NA0240 200939NN20000XXNonproliferation and International Security Center NA0238 200939NN21000XXNational Security Laboratory NA0238 200939NN60000XXPit Disassembly and Conversion Facility (99-D-141) NA0245 200939NN61000XXImmobilization and Associated Processing Facility NA0245 200939NN62000XXMixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility (99-D-143) NA0245 200939NN64000XXHEU Blend Down Project NA0255 200939NN65000XXConsolidated Special Nuclear Materials Storage Plant (97-D-140-000) NA0245 200939NP00000 XNew Production Reactors NA0131 200939NP01000X Heavy Water Reactor NA0131 200939NP02000X Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor NA0131 200939NP06000X Program Management NA0131 200939SA00000XXStrategic Petroleum Reserve (Non-Fund Only) FE0451 200939ST00000XXIsotope Production and Distribution Fund NE0915 200939TD00000XXElectric Transmission and Distribution Construction OE1012 200939TR00000 XScientific And Engineering Training And Development CF99101 200939TR05000X Energy Technical Training Center CF99101 200939WA00000XXGeneral Administration CF99980 200939WB00000XXIn-House Energy Management (Ihem) EE1113 2009400000000 XCost Of Reimbursable Work And Cooperative Work - Other Federal Entities CF1483 2009400100000X Weapons Parts Or Assemblies CF1483 2009400300000 Nuclear Materials And Fuels CF1483 2009400301000X Fuel Fabrication CF1483 2009400400000 Research And Development CF1483 2009400401000X Department Of Agriculture CF1483 2009400402000X Department Of Commerce CF1483 2009400403000 Department Of Defense CF1483 2009400403100 Air Force CF1483 2009400403101X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403102X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403103X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009400403104X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403105X Thermionic Systems CF1483 2009400403109X Other CF1483 2009400403200 Army CF1483 2009400403201X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403202X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403203X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009400403204X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403209X Other CF1483 2009400403300 Navy CF1483 2009400403301X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403302X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403303X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009400403304X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403305X Chalk Orange CF1483 2009400403309X Other CF1483 2009400403400 Marines CF1483 2009400403402X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403403X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009400403409X Other CF1483 2009400403500 Office Of Secretary Of Defense (Osd) CF1483 2009400403501X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403502X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403503X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009400403504X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403509X Other CF1483 2009400403600 Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (Sdio) CF1483 2009400403606X Multimegawatt Space Reactor CF1483 2009400403607X Thermionic Fuel Element CF1483 2009400403608X Power Technology CF1483 200940040360AX Other CF1483 200940040360CX Space Based Interceptor (P2214) CF1483 200940040360DX Limited Defense System (P2215) CF1483 200940040360EX Theater/Atbm (P2216) CF1483 200940040360FX Other Follow-On Systems (P2217) CF1483 200940040360GX Research And Support (P2218) CF1483 2009400403700 Defense Nuclear Agency (Dna) CF1483 2009400403701X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403702X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403704X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403709X Other CF1483 2009400403800 Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (Darpa) CF1483 2009400403801X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403802X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403803X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009400403804X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403809X Other CF1483 2009400403900 Other Dod Agencies CF1483 2009400403901X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009400403902X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009400403904X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009400403909X Other CF1483 2009400405000X Department Of Housing And Urban Development CF1483 2009400406000X Department Of The Interior CF1483 2009400407000X Department Of Transportation CF1483 2009400408000X Environmental Protection Agency CF1483 2009400409000 National Aeronautics And Space Administration CF1483 2009400409100X Galileo/Ulysses CF1483 2009400409200X Craf/Cassini CF1483 2009400409300X Sp-100 Space Reactor CF1483 2009400409400X Space Exploration Initiatives CF1483 2009400409600 Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems Development Program CF1483 2009400409601X Flight Program CF1483 2009400409800X International Science and Technology Center Project (ISTC) CF1483 2009400409900X Other CF1483 2009400410000X National Science Foundation CF1483 2009400411000X Department Of Education CF1483 2009400412000X Department Of Health And Human Services CF1483 2009400413000X MMRTG CF1483 2009400414000X SRG CF1483 2009400415000X MilliWatt CF1483 2009400416000X 55-Watt Stirling CF1483 2009400417000X Special Purpose Fission Technology CF1483 2009400418000X Contingency/Emergency Preparedness for Mars Exploration Rover Launches CF1483 2009400419000X JIMO Project CF1483 2009400420000X Space Fission Reactor Technology CF1483 2009400421000X Low-Mass Reactor CF1483 2009400422000X Radioisotope Power Conversion Technology Program CF1483 2009400423000X Milliwatt and Multiwatt Radioisotope Power Systems CF1483 2009400470000X Other Federal Agencies - Defense-Related Activities CF1483 2009400480000X Other Federal Agencies - Energy-Related Activities CF1483 2009400500000 Technology Reinvestment Project - Advanced Research Project Agency CF1483 20094005DP000 Trp - Asst Secretary For Defense Programs (Dp) CF1483 20094005DP020X Noninvasive Arterial Blood Gas Measurement CF1483 20094005DP030X Electronic Information Services For The Tooling And Machining Industry CF1483 20094005DP040X National Technology And Commerce Initiative CF1483 20094005DP050X Assistive Devices, University Of New Mexico CF1483 20094005DP060X Development Of Monolithic Motion-Detecting Components Made With Mems Technology CF1483 20094005DP070X Technology To Produce High Performance/Low Cost Interconnections For Flip Chip Attachment CF1483 20094005DP080X Adaptive Optics Technology CF1483 20094005DP090X Competitive Low-Cost Packaging For Wireless Communications In A Global Market CF1483 20094005DP100X Legos: Object-Based Software Components For Mission-Critical Systems CF1483 20094005DP110X Low Cost Packaging Based On Area Bonding Adhesives CF1483 20094005DP120X Pad Printer CF1483 20094005EE000 Trp - Assistant Secretary For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy (Ee) CF1483 20094005EE010X Mid-Sized Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (Smes) Technology-Electric Utility Applications CF1483 20094005EE020X Advanced Power Conversion-Aerocapacitor CF1483 20094005EE030X National Assistance Extension Program-Metal Casting CF1483 20094005EE040X Aerogel Commercialization Pilot Project CF1483 20094005EE060X Turboalternator For Electric Hybrid Vehicles CF1483 20094005EE070X The $2,000 Electric Powertrain CF1483 20094005EE090X Zero Emissions Valve CF1483 20094005EE100X Solar Powered Hydrogen Generating Facility CF1483 20094005EE130X Interoperability Testbed For Diagnostic And Prognostic Maintenance CF1483 20094005EM000 Trp - Assistant Secretary For Environmental Restoration And Waste Management (Em) CF1483 20094005EM020X Miniaturized Environmental Monitoring Instrumentation Based Upon The Mass Spectrograph Chip CF1483 20094005EM030X Southeastern Environmental Alliance CF1483 20094005EM040X Imas: An Intelligent Modular-Array System For The Monitoring Of Vocs In The Environment CF1483 20094005EM050X E-Smart System For In-Situ General Atomics Detection Of Environmental Contaminants Gacp 141-120 CF1483 20094005NE000 Trp - Office Of Nuclear Energy (Ne) CF1483 20094005NE010X Apprenticeship-Oriented Education And Extension Training For Semiconductor/Electronics Manufacturing CF1483 20094005NE020X Semiconductors/Electronics Manufacturing Experts In The Classroom CF1483 20094005NE030X Manufacturing Engineering Education Program CF1483 20094005TR000X Miscellaneous Trp Support CF1483 2009400600000 Building Services CF1483 2009400601000X Gsa - Forrestal Building CF1483 2009400602000X Gsa - Germantown Building CF1483 2009400700000X Other - Defense-Related Activities CF1483 2009400800000 Other - Energy-Related Activities CF1483 2009400801000X Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Program Of Technical Assistance For Safeguards (Potas) CF1483 2009400802000X Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Other Safeguards And Nonproliferation CF1483 2009400803000X Department Of State - International Affairs And Energy Emergencies Activities CF1483 2009400804000 Agency For International Development (Aid) CF1483 2009400804100 Lisbon Nuclear Safety Initiative CF1483 2009400804101X Training Centers CF1483 2009400804102X Operational Safety CF1483 2009400804103X Risk Reduction CF1483 2009400804200 Nis Nuclear Safety Initiative - Freedom Support Act CF1483 2009400804201X Training Centers CF1483 2009400804202X Operational Safety CF1483 2009400804203X Risk Reduction CF1483 2009400804300X Other - Agency For International Development (Aid) CF1483 2009400805000X Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Fellowships CF1483 2009400806000X Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Safeguards Equipment CF1483 2009400807000X Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Environmental Analysis CF1483 2009400808000X Department Of State - Nonproliferation Disarmament Fund (Ndf) CF1483 2009400809000X Department Of State - Other CF1483 2009400890000X Other Federal Agencies CF1483 2009400900000 Department of Homeland Security CF1483 2009400903000 Borders and Transportation CF1483 2009400903010X U.S. Customs CF1483 2009400903020X Immigration and Naturalization CF1483 2009400903030X Federal Protective Service CF1483 2009400903040X Transporation Security Administration CF1483 2009400903050X Federal Law Enforcement Training Center CF1483 2009400903060X Animal and Plant Health Inspection CF1483 2009400903070X Domestic Preparedness CF1483 2009400903120X Other CF1483 2009400904000 Science and Technology CF1483 2009400904010X CBRN Countermeasures CF1483 2009400904020X Environmental Measurements Laboratory CF1483 2009400904030X National BW Defense Analysis Center CF1483 2009400904040X Plum Island Animal Disease Center CF1483 2009400904120X Other CF1483 2009400905000 Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection CF1483 2009400905010X Critical Infrastructure Assurance CF1483 2009400905020X Federal Computer Incident Response Center CF1483 2009400905030X National Communications System CF1483 2009400905040X National Infrastructure Protection Center CF1483 2009400905050X Energy Security and Assurance CF1483 2009400905120X Other CF1483 2009400906000 Emergency Preparedness and Response CF1483 2009400906010X Federal Emergency Management CF1483 2009400906020X Strategic National Stockpile and the National Disaster Medical System CF1483 2009400906030X Nuclear Incident Response CF1483 2009400906040X Domestic Emergency Support CF1483 2009400906050X National Domestic Preparedness CF1483 2009400906120X Other CF1483 2009400908000X Secret Service CF1483 2009400910000X Coast Guard CF1483 2009400912000X Intelligence CF1483 2009400913000X Domestic Nuclear Detection Office CF1483 2009400920000X Other CF1483 2009401000000 Regulatory Services CF1483 2009401001000 Nuclear Regulatory Commission CF1483 2009401001020X Nuclear Reactor Regulation CF1483 2009401001040X Office Of Administration And Resources Management CF1483 2009401001050X Nuclear Materials Safety And Safeguards CF1483 2009401001060X Nuclear Regulatory Research CF1483 2009401001070X Commission And Staff Offices CF1483 2009401001080X Executive Director For Operations And Staff Offices CF1483 2009401001100X Office Of Analysis And Evaluation Of Operational Data CF1483 2009401001110X Office Of Personnel CF1483 2009401001120X Office Of Special Projects CF1483 2009401001130X Regions CF1483 2009401001140X Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response CF1483 2009401001150X Office of New Reactors CF1483 2009401100000 NASA CF1483 2009401101000X NASA - Pu-238 Russian Purchases CF1483 2009401500000 Strategic Environmental Research And Development Program - U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers CF1483 20094015DP000 Serdp - Assistant Secretary For Defense Programs (Dp) CF1483 20094015DP010X Plutonium And Uranium Metal Forming Technologies CF1483 20094015DP020X Environmentally Safe Disposal Of Explosive Wastes CF1483 20094015DP030X Capacitive Deionization As A Means Of Eliminating Secondary Wastes CF1483 20094015DP040X Electron Beam Melting And In-Process Scrap Recycling Of Uranium CF1483 20094015DP050X Continuous Oxide Reduction System CF1483 20094015DP060X Joint Dod/Doe Program For Agile, Clean Manufacturing Technology For Propellants, Explosives, And Pyrotechnics CF1483 20094015DP070X Acid Recycle CF1483 20094015DP090X High-Performance, Lead-Free Electrical Sealants CF1483 20094015DP100X Tri-Service Green Gun Barrel Project - PP-1074 CF1483 20094015DP110X Serdp (Dp) - Project Title To Be Determined CF1483 20094015EE000 Serdp - Assistant Secretary For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy (Ee) CF1483 20094015EE010X Photovoltaics For Military Applications CF1483 20094015EE040X Geothermal Heat Pumps/Entranced Building Envelopes CF1483 20094015EE050X Solar Thermal Dish/Sterling For Dod Applications CF1483 20094015EE060X Solar Detoxification As A Means Of Eliminating Secondary Wastes CF1483 20094015EM000 Serdp - Assistant Secretary For Environmental Restoration And Waste Management (Em) CF1483 20094015EM030X Landfill Characterization System Technologies Demonstration At Kirtland Air Force Base CF1483 20094015EM040X In-Situ Immobilization Of Heavy Metals In Apatitic Minerals Formation CF1483 20094015EM050X Groundwater Cleanup Of Organic Contaminants Using Methanotropic Bioreactors CF1483 20094015EM130X Silica Fiberoptics Probe For Site Characterization CF1483 20094015EM140X Subsurface Gas Flowmeter CF1483 20094015EM150X Development Of Simulators For In-Situ Remediation, Evaluation, Design, And Operations CF1483 20094015EM160X Using Modes Of Action To Assess Health Risks From Mixtures Of Chemical/Physical Agents CF1483 20094015EM170X Selective Removal Of Heavy Metals From Aqueous Waste Through Carbon Aerogel CF1483 20094015EM190X Nonaqueous Phase Liquids Using Short-Lived Radiotracers in Partitioning Interwell Tracer Tests CU-1128 CF1483 20094015EM200X Serdp (Em) - Project Title To Be Determined CF1483 20094015ER000 Serdp - Office Of Energy Research (Er) CF1483 20094015ER010X Basic Research And Development In Waste Management CF1483 20094015ER020X Joint Dod/Doe Atmospheric Remote Sensing And Assessment CF1483 20094015ER040X Fundamental Studies Of Hazardous Metal-Ion Separations Chemistry CF1483 20094015ER060X Kinetic Mechanisms For Supercritical Water Oxidation CF1483 20094015ER120X Evaluation Of The Use Of Waste Energetics As Supplemental Fuels CF1483 20094015ER140X Ecological Modeling For Military Land Use Decision Support CF1483 20094015ER150X Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor Technology For Control Of Atmosphere CF1483 20094015ER160X Enhancement Of Image Assessment Capabilities For Natural Resource Characterization CF1483 20094015ER190X Development of a GIS-Based Complex Terrain Model for Atmospheric Dust Dispersion CF1483 2009403000000 United States Enrichment Corporation CF1483 2009403001000X Lease Administration And Related Services CF1483 2009403002000X Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (Avlis) CF1483 2009403004000X Power CF1483 2009403009000 All Others CF1483 2009403009010X Services Sold To Usec CF1483 2009403009020X Benefits Paid For Usec CF1483 2009403009030X Other Services CF1483 2009403010000 Cost Of Program Direction - Usec Activities CF1483 2009403010110 Personal Services CF1483 2009403010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries CF1483 2009403010112X All Other Personal Services CF1483 2009403010113X Employee Incentive Awards CF1483 2009403010120 Personnel Benefits CF1483 2009403010123X All Other Personnel Benefits CF1483 2009403010130X Benefits For Former Personnel CF1483 2009403010200 Contractual Services And Supplies CF1483 2009403010203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities CF1483 2009403010206X Other Services CF1483 2009403010207X Supplies And Materials CF1483 2009403010210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons CF1483 2009403010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1483 2009405000000 Cost Of Cooperative Work With Other Federal Agencies CF1483 20094050AA000 Fuels and Power Systems CF1483 20094050AA150X Advanced Research CF1483 20094050AA200X Central Systems CF1483 20094050AA250X Distributed Generation Systems CF1483 20094050AB000 Gas CF1483 20094050AB450X Fuel Cells CF1483 20094050AF000 Nuclear Energy Research And Development CF1483 20094050AF700X Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems CF1483 20094050AT000 Fusion Energy Sciences CF1483 20094050AT600X Enabling Research and Development CF1483 20094050AV000 Cooperative Research And Development CF1483 20094050AV010X Cooperative R&D CF1483 20094050CF000 Power Marketing CF1483 20094050CF030X Western Area Power Administration CF1483 20094050DP000 WEAPONS ACTIVITIES (STOCKPILE STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM) CF1483 20094050DP010X Core Stockpile Stewardship CF1483 20094050DP040X Weapons Stockpile Management CF1483 20094050DP050X Program Direction CF1483 20094050DP090X READINESS IN TECHNICAL BASE AND FACILITIES (RTBF) CF1483 20094050EC000 Building Technology, State And Community Sector CF1483 20094050EC090X Building Research and Standards CF1483 20094050EC100X Building System Design CF1483 20094050EC150X Building Technology Assistance CF1483 20094050EC170X Building Technology Assistance Management And Planning CF1483 20094050EL000 Federal Energy Management Program CF1483 20094050EL170X Federal Energy Management Program CF1483 20094050EW000 Defense ER&WM CF1483 20094050EW100X Defense Environmental Services - Program Direction CF1483 20094050EX000 Non-Defense Environmental Management CF1483 20094050EX600X Analysis, Education & Risk Management CF1483 20094050GB000 Other Weapons Activities CF1483 20094050GB010X Research, Development, And Testing CF1483 20094050GC000 Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development CF1483 20094050GC040X Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development Activities CF1483 20094050GJ000 Arms Control And Nonproliferation CF1483 20094050GJ090X International Security CF1483 20094050HC000 Energy Supply (Operating) CF1483 20094050HC100X Policy, Standards and Guidance CF1483 20094050HC500X Management & Administration CF1483 20094050HD000 Other Defense Activities (Operating) CF1483 20094050HD200X Health CF1483 20094050HR000 Office of Human Capital Management Program Direction CF1483 20094050HR100X Office of Human Capital Management Contractual & WCF CF1483 20094050HR110X Office of Human Capital Management Payroll & Salary Related CF1483 20094050HR210X Office of Human Capital Management Travel CF1483 20094050IN000 Intelligence CF1483 20094050IN010X Program Activities CF1483 20094050IN020X Intelligence Program Direction CF1483 20094050KC000 Basic Energy Sciences CF1483 20094050KC020X Materials Sciences and Engineering CF1483 20094050KJ000 Advanced Scientific Computing Research CF1483 20094050KJ020X Laboratory Technology Research CF1483 20094050KK000 Program Direction - Nuclear Energy CF1483 20094050KK050X Program Direction - Nuclear Energy CF1483 20094050KP000 Biological And Environmental Research CF1483 20094050KP110X Life Sciences CF1483 20094050KP120X Climate Change Research CF1483 20094050KP140X Medical Applications and Measurement Science CF1483 20094050KT000 University And Science Education CF1483 20094050KT020X University Programs CF1483 20094050KV000 University And Science Education CF1483 20094050KV010X Laboratory Cooperative Science Education Centers CF1483 20094050KX000 Office Of Science - Program Direction CF1483 20094050KX040X Technical Information Management Program CF1483 20094050ND000 Emergency Management CF1483 20094050ND020X Emergency Management Program - Contractual Services And Supplies CF1483 20094050NN000 Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation CF1483 20094050NN200X Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development CF1483 20094050NT000 B&R Placeholder CF1483 20094050NT010X Analytical Support CF1483 20094050NT020X Threat Assessment CF1483 20094050PE000 Policy Analysis And Systems Studies CF1483 20094050PE010X Policy, Planning And Analysis CF1483 20094050PE040X Office Of Environmental Analysis CF1483 20094050SO000 Office of Security and Emergency Operations CF1483 20094050SO420X Emergency Response CF1483 20094050VT000 Vehicle Technologies CF1483 20094050VT050X Materials Technology CF1483 20094050WA000 General Administration - Program Direction CF1483 20094050WA500X Minority Economic Impact Program CF1483 2009500000000 XReimbursement For Reimbursable And Cooperative Work - Other Federal Agencies CF1483 2009500100000X Reimbursement For Weapons Parts Or Assemblies CF1483 2009500300000 Reimbursement For Nuclear Materials And Fuels CF1483 2009500301000X Fuel Fabrication CF1483 2009500400000 Reimbursement For Research And Development CF1483 2009500401000X Reimbursement For Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Agriculture CF1483 2009500402000X Reimbursement For Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Commerce CF1483 2009500403000 Reimbursement For Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Defense CF1483 2009500403100 Air Force CF1483 2009500403101X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403102X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403103X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009500403104X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009500403105X Thermionic Systems CF1483 2009500403109X Other CF1483 2009500403200 Army CF1483 2009500403201X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403202X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403203X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009500403204X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009500403209X Other CF1483 2009500403300 Navy CF1483 2009500403301X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403302X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403303X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009500403305X Chalk Orange CF1483 2009500403309X Other CF1483 2009500403400 Marines CF1483 2009500403402X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403409X Other CF1483 2009500403500 Office Of Secretary Of Defense (Osd) CF1483 2009500403501X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403502X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403504X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009500403509X Other CF1483 2009500403600 Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (Sdio) CF1483 2009500403606X Multimegawatt Space Reactor CF1483 2009500403608X Power Technology CF1483 200950040360AX Other CF1483 200950040360CX Space Based Interceptor (P2214) CF1483 200950040360DX Limited Defense System (P2215) CF1483 200950040360EX Theater/Atbm (P2216) CF1483 200950040360FX Other Follow-On Systems (P2217) CF1483 200950040360GX Research And Support (P2218) CF1483 2009500403700 Defense Nuclear Agency (Dna) CF1483 2009500403701X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403702X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403704X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009500403709X Other CF1483 2009500403800 Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (Darpa) CF1483 2009500403801X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403802X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403803X Armor/Antiarmor CF1483 2009500403804X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009500403809X Other CF1483 2009500403900 Other Dod Agencies CF1483 2009500403901X Strategic Defense Initiatives (Sdi) CF1483 2009500403902X Advanced Conventional Munitions CF1483 2009500403904X Directed Initiatives CF1483 2009500403909X Other CF1483 2009500405000X Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Housing And Urban Development CF1483 2009500406000X Research And Development Performed For The Department Of The Interior CF1483 2009500407000X Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Transportation CF1483 2009500408000X Research And Development Performed For The Environmental Proection Agency CF1483 2009500409000 Research And Development Performed For The National Aeronautics And Space Administration CF1483 2009500409100X Galileo/Ulysses CF1483 2009500409200X Craf/Cassini CF1483 2009500409300X Sp-100 Space Reactor CF1483 2009500409400X Space Exploration Initiative CF1483 2009500409600 Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems Development Program CF1483 2009500409601X Flight Program CF1483 2009500409800X International Science and Technology Center Project (ISTC) CF1483 2009500409900X Other CF1483 2009500410000X Research And Development Performed For The National Science Foundation CF1483 2009500411000X Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Education CF1483 2009500412000X Research And Development Performed For The Department Of Health And Human Services CF1483 2009500413000X MMRTG CF1483 2009500414000X SRG CF1483 2009500415000X MilliWatt CF1483 2009500416000X 55-Watt Stirling CF1483 2009500417000X Special Purpose Fission Technology CF1483 2009500418000X Contingency/Emergency Preparedness for Mars Exploration Rover Launches CF1483 2009500419000X JIMO Project CF1483 2009500420000X Space Fission Reactor Technology CF1483 2009500421000X Low-Mass Reactor CF1483 2009500422000X Radioisotope Power Conversion Technology Program CF1483 2009500423000X Milliwatt and Multiwatt Radioisotope Power Systems CF1483 2009500470000X Research And Development Performed For Other Federal Agencies - Defense CF1483 2009500480000X Research And Development Performed For Other Federal Agencies - Energy Related CF1483 2009500500000 Reimbursement From The Technology Reinvestment Project - Advanced Research Project Agency CF1483 20095005DP000 Trp - Assistant Secretary For Defense Programs (Dp) CF1483 20095005DP020X Noninvasive Arterial Blood Gas Measurement CF1483 20095005DP030X Electronic Information Services For The Tooling And Machining Industry CF1483 20095005DP050X Assistive Devices, University Of New Mexico CF1483 20095005DP060X Development Of Monolithic Motion-Detecting Components Made With Mems Technology CF1483 20095005DP070X Technology To Produce High Performance/Low Cost Interconnections For Flip Chip Attachment CF1483 20095005DP080X Adaptive Optices Technology CF1483 20095005DP090X Competitive Low-Cost Packaging For Wireless Communications In A Global Market CF1483 20095005DP100X Legos: Object-Based Software Components For Mission-Critical Systems CF1483 20095005DP110X Low Cost Packaging Based On Area Bonding Adhesives CF1483 20095005DP120X Pad Printer CF1483 20095005EE000 Trp - Assistant Secretary For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy (Ee) CF1483 20095005EE010X Mid-Sized Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (Smes) Technology-Electric Utility Applications CF1483 20095005EE020X Advanced Power Conversion-Aerocapacitor CF1483 20095005EE030X National Assistance Extension Program-Metal Casting CF1483 20095005EE060X Turboalternator For Electric Hybrid Vehicles CF1483 20095005EE070X The $2,000 Electric Powertrain CF1483 20095005EE090X Zero Emissions Valve CF1483 20095005EE100X Solar Powered Hydrogen Generating Facility CF1483 20095005EE130X Interoperability Testbed For Diagnostic And Prognostic Maintenance CF1483 20095005EM000 Trp - Assistant Secretary For Environmental Restoration And Waste Management (Em) CF1483 20095005EM020X Miniaturized Environmental Monitoring Instrumentation Based Upon The Mass Spectrograph Chip CF1483 20095005EM030X Southeastern Environmental Alliance CF1483 20095005EM040X Imas: An Intelligent Modular-Array System For The Monitoring Of Vocs In The Environment CF1483 20095005EM050X E-Smart System For In-Situ General Atomics Detection Of Environmental Contaminants Gacp 141-120 CF1483 20095005NE000 Trp - Office Of Nuclear Energy (Ne) CF1483 20095005NE010X Apprenticeship-Oriented Education And Extension Training For Semiconductor/Electronics Manufacturing CF1483 20095005NE020X Semiconductors/Electronics Manufacturing Experts In The Classroom CF1483 20095005NE030X Manufacturing Engineering Education Program CF1483 20095005TR000X Miscellaneous Trp Support CF1483 2009500600000 Reimbursement For Building Services CF1483 2009500601000X Reimbursement For Building Services Performed For Gsa - Forrestal Building CF1483 2009500602000X Reimbursement For Building Services Performed For Gsa - Germantown Building CF1483 2009500700000X Other Reimbursement - Defense-Related Activities CF1483 2009500800000 Other Reimbursement - Energy-Related Activities CF1483 2009500801000X Reimbursement-Department Of State-U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Progr Of Tech Assist For Safeguards (Potas) CF1483 2009500802000X Reimbursement - Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Other Safeguards And Nonproliferation CF1483 2009500803000X Reimbursement - Department Of State - International Affairs And Energy Emergencies Activities CF1483 2009500804000 Agency For International Development (Aid) CF1483 2009500804100 Lisbon Nuclear Safety Initiative CF1483 2009500804101X Training Centers CF1483 2009500804102X Operational Safety CF1483 2009500804103X Risk Reduction CF1483 2009500804200 Nis Nuclear Safety Initiative - Freedom Support Act CF1483 2009500804201X Training Centers CF1483 2009500804202X Operational Safety CF1483 2009500804203X Risk Reduction CF1483 2009500804300X Other - Agency For International Development (AID) CF1483 2009500805000X Reimbursement - Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Fellowships CF1483 2009500807000X Reimbursement - Department Of State - U.S. Voluntary Contributions To The Iaea, Environmental Analysis CF1483 2009500808000X Reimbursement - Department Of State - Nonproliferation Disarmament Fund (Ndf) CF1483 2009500809000X Reimbursement - Department Of State - Other CF1483 2009500890000X Reimbursement - Other Federal Agencies CF1483 2009500900000 Department of Homeland Security CF1483 2009500903000 Borders and Transportation CF1483 2009500903010X U.S. Customs CF1483 2009500903020X Immigration and Naturalization CF1483 2009500903030X Federal Protective Service CF1483 2009500903040X Transporation Security Administration CF1483 2009500903050X Federal Law Enforcement Training Center CF1483 2009500903060X Animal and Plant Health Inspection CF1483 2009500903070X Domestic Preparedness CF1483 2009500903120X Other CF1483 2009500904000 Science and Technology CF1483 2009500904010X CBRN Countermeasures CF1483 2009500904020X Environmental Measurements Laboratory CF1483 2009500904030X National BW Defense Analysis Center CF1483 2009500904040X Plum Island Animal Disease Center CF1483 2009500904120X Other CF1483 2009500905000 Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection CF1483 2009500905010X Critical Infrastructure Assurance CF1483 2009500905020X Federal Computer Incident Response Center CF1483 2009500905030X National Communications System CF1483 2009500905040X National Infrastructure Protection Center CF1483 2009500905050X Energy Security and Assurance CF1483 2009500905120X Other CF1483 2009500906000 Emergency Preparedness and Response CF1483 2009500906010X Federal Emergency Management CF1483 2009500906020X Strategic National Stockpile and the National Disaster Medical System CF1483 2009500906030X Nuclear Incident Response CF1483 2009500906040X Domestic Emergency Support CF1483 2009500906050X National Domestic Preparedness CF1483 2009500906120X Other CF1483 2009500908000X Secret Service CF1483 2009500910000X Coast Guard CF1483 2009500912000X Intelligence CF1483 2009500913000X Domestic Nuclear Detection Office CF1483 2009500920000X Other CF1483 2009501000000 Reimbursement For Regulatory Services CF1483 2009501001000 Nuclear Regulatory Commission CF1483 2009501001020X Nuclear Reactor Regulation CF1483 2009501001040X Office Of Administration And Resources Management CF1483 2009501001050X Nuclear Materials Safety And Safeguards CF1483 2009501001060X Nuclear Regulatory Research CF1483 2009501001070X Commission And Staff Offices CF1483 2009501001080X Executive Director For Operations And Staff Offices CF1483 2009501001100X Office Of Analysis And Evaluation Of Operational Data CF1483 2009501001110X Office Of Personnel CF1483 2009501001120X Office Of Special Projects CF1483 2009501001130X Regions CF1483 2009501001140X Office of Nuclear Security and Incident CF1483 2009501001150X Office of New Reactors CF1483 2009501100000 NASA CF1483 2009501101000X NASA - Pu-238 Russian Purchases CF1483 2009501500000 Reimbursement For Strategic Environmental Research And Development Program - U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers CF1483 20095015DP000 Serdp - Assistant Secretary For Defense Programs (Dp) CF1483 20095015DP010X Plutonium And Uranium Metal Forming Technologies CF1483 20095015DP020X Environmentally Safe Disposal Of Explosive Wastes CF1483 20095015DP030X Capacitive Deionization As A Means Of Eliminating Secondary Wastes CF1483 20095015DP040X Electron Beam Melting And In-Process Scrap Recycling Of Uranium CF1483 20095015DP050X Continuous Oxide Reduction System CF1483 20095015DP060X Joint Dod/Doe Program For Agile, Clean Manufacturing Technology For Propellants, Explosives, And Pyrotechnics CF1483 20095015DP070X Acid Recycle CF1483 20095015DP090X High-Performance, Lead-Free Electrical Sealants CF1483 20095015DP100X Serdp (Dp) - Project Title To Be Determined CF1483 20095015DP110X Serdp (Dp) - Project Title To Be Determined CF1483 20095015EE000 Serdp - Assistant Secretary For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy (Ee) CF1483 20095015EE010X Photovoltaics For Military Applications CF1483 20095015EE040X Geothermal Heat Pumps/Entranced Building Envelopes CF1483 20095015EE050X Solar Thermal Dish/Sterling For Dod Applications CF1483 20095015EE060X Solar Detoxification As A Means Of Eliminating Secondary Wastes CF1483 20095015EM000 Serdp - Assistant Secretary For Environmental Restoration And Waste Management (Em) CF1483 20095015EM040X In-Situ Immobilization Of Heavy Metals In Apatitic Minerals Formation CF1483 20095015EM050X Groundwater Cleanup Of Organic Contaminants Using Methanotropic Bioreactors CF1483 20095015EM130X Silica Fiberoptics Probe For Site Characterization CF1483 20095015EM140X Subsurface Gas Flowmeter CF1483 20095015EM150X Development Of Simulators For In-Situ Remediation, Evaluation, Design, And Operations CF1483 20095015EM160X Using Modes Of Action To Assess Health Risks From Mixtures Of Chemical/Physical Agents CF1483 20095015EM190X Serdp (Em) - Project Title To Be Determined CF1483 20095015EM200X Serdp (Em) - Project Title To Be Determined CF1483 20095015EM210X Environmental Impact To The Chemical Signature Eminating From Buried Land Mines CF1483 20095015ER000 Serdp - Office Of Energy Research (Er) CF1483 20095015ER010X Basic Research And Development In Waste Management CF1483 20095015ER020X Joint Dod/Doe Atmospheric Remote Sensing And Assessment CF1483 20095015ER040X Fundamental Studies Of Hazardous Metal-Ion Separations Chemistry CF1483 20095015ER060X Kinetic Mechanisms For Supercritical Water Oxidation CF1483 20095015ER120X Evaluation Of The Use Of Waste Energetics As Supplemental Fuels CF1483 20095015ER140X Ecological Modeling For Military Land Use Decision Support CF1483 20095015ER150X Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor Technology For Control Of Atmosphere CF1483 20095015ER160X Enhancement Of Image Assessment Capabilities For Natural Resource Characterization CF1483 20095015ER190X Development of a GIS-Based Complex Terrain Model for Atmospheric Dust Dispersion CF1483 2009503000000 United States Enrichment Corporation CF1483 2009503001000X Lease Administration And Related Services CF1483 2009503002000X Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (Avlis) CF1483 2009503004000X Power CF1483 2009503009000 All Others CF1483 2009503009010X Services Sold To Usec CF1483 2009503009020X Benefits Paid For Usec CF1483 2009503009030X Other Services CF1483 2009503010000 Reimbursement For Program Direction - Usec Activitites CF1483 2009503010110 Personal Services CF1483 2009503010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries CF1483 2009503010112X All Other Personal Services CF1483 2009503010113X Employee Incentive Awards CF1483 2009503010120 Personnel Benefits CF1483 2009503010123X All Other Personnel Benefits CF1483 2009503010130X Benefits For Former Personnel CF1483 2009503010200 Contractual Services And Supplies CF1483 2009503010203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities CF1483 2009503010206X Other Services CF1483 2009503010207X Supplies And Materials CF1483 2009503010210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons CF1483 2009503010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1483 2009505000000 Reimbursement For Cooperative Work With Other Federal Agencies CF1483 20095050AA000 Fuels and Power Systems CF1483 20095050AA150X Advanced Research CF1483 20095050AA200X Central Systems CF1483 20095050AA250X Distributed Generation Systems CF1483 20095050AB000 Gas CF1483 20095050AB450X Fuel Cells CF1483 20095050AF000 Nuclear Energy Research And Development CF1483 20095050AF700X Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems CF1483 20095050AT000 Fusion Energy Sciences CF1483 20095050AT600X Enabling Research and Development CF1483 20095050AV000 Cooperative Research And Development CF1483 20095050AV010X Cooperative R&D CF1483 20095050CF000 Power Marketing CF1483 20095050CF030X Western Area Power Administration CF1483 20095050DP000 WEAPONS ACTIVITIES (STOCKPILE STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM) CF1483 20095050DP050X Program Direction CF1483 20095050DP090X READINESS IN TECHNICAL BASE AND FACILITIES (RTBF) CF1483 20095050EC000 Building Technology, State And Community Sector CF1483 20095050EC090X Building Research and Standards CF1483 20095050EC100X Building System Design CF1483 20095050EL000 Federal Energy Management Program CF1483 20095050EL170X Federal Energy Management Program CF1483 20095050EW000 Defense ER&WM CF1483 20095050EW100X Defense Environmental Services - Program Direction CF1483 20095050EX000 Non-Defense Environmental Management CF1483 20095050EX600X Analysis, Education & Risk Management CF1483 20095050GB000 Other Weapons Activities CF1483 20095050GB010X Research, Development, And Testing CF1483 20095050GC000 Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development CF1483 20095050GC040X Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development Activities CF1483 20095050GJ000 Arms Control And Nonproliferation CF1483 20095050GJ090X International Security CF1483 20095050HC000 Energy Supply (Operating) CF1483 20095050HC100X Policy, Standards and Guidance CF1483 20095050HC500X Management & Administration CF1483 20095050HD000 Other Defense Activities (Operating) CF1483 20095050HD200X Health CF1483 20095050HR000 Office of Human Capital Management Program Direction CF1483 20095050HR100X Office of Human Capital Management Contractual & WCF CF1483 20095050HR110X Office of Human Capital Management Payroll & Salary Related CF1483 20095050HR210X Office of Human Capital Management Travel CF1483 20095050IN000 Intelligence CF1483 20095050IN010X Program Activities CF1483 20095050IN020X Intelligence Program Direction CF1483 20095050KC000 Basic Energy Sciences CF1483 20095050KC020X Materials Sciences and Engineering CF1483 20095050KJ000 Advanced Scientific Computing Research CF1483 20095050KJ020X Laboratory Technology Research CF1483 20095050KK000 Program Direction - Nuclear Energy CF1483 20095050KK050X Program Direction - Nuclear Energy CF1483 20095050KP000 Biological And Environmental Research CF1483 20095050KP110X Life Sciences CF1483 20095050KP120X Climate Change Research CF1483 20095050KP140X Medical Applications and Measurement Science CF1483 20095050KT000 University And Science Education CF1483 20095050KT020X University Programs CF1483 20095050KV000 University And Science Education CF1483 20095050KV010X Laboratory Cooperative Science Education Centers CF1483 20095050KX000 Office Of Science - Program Direction CF1483 20095050KX040X Technical Information Management Program CF1483 20095050ND000 Emergency Management CF1483 20095050ND020X Emergency Management Program - Contractual Services And Supplies CF1483 20095050NN000 Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation CF1483 20095050NN200X Nonproliferation And Verification Research And Development CF1483 20095050NT000 B&R Placeholder CF1483 20095050NT010X Analytical Support CF1483 20095050NT020X Threat Assessment CF1483 20095050PE000 Policy Analysis And Systems Studies CF1483 20095050PE010X Policy, Planning And Analysis CF1483 20095050SO000 Office of Security and Emergency Operations CF1483 20095050SO420X Emergency Response CF1483 20095050VT000 Vehicle Technologies CF1483 20095050VT050X Materials Technology CF1483 20095050WA000 General Administration - Program Direction CF1483 20095050WA500X Minority Economic Impact Program CF1483 2009600000000 XCost Of Reimbursable And Cooperative Work - Non-Federal Entities CF1484 2009600100000 Atomic Energy Defense Activities CF1484 2009600101000 Weapons Parts Or Assemblies Sold CF1484 2009600101010X Foreign CF1484 2009600103000 Weapons Testing CF1484 2009600103010X Foreign CF1484 2009600200000 Power Marketing Administrations CF1484 2009600201000 Western Area Power Administration (Wapa) CF1484 2009600201010X Transmission Agency Of Northern California (Tanc) CF1484 2009600202000X Southwestern Power Administration (Swpa) CF1484 2009600203000X Southeastern Power Administration (Sepa) CF1484 2009600300000 Other CF1484 2009600301000 Industry CF1484 2009600301010X Domestic CF1484 2009600301020X Foreign CF1484 2009600302000X Foreign Governments CF1484 2009600303000X State And Local Governments And Non-Profit Organizations CF1484 2009600304000X Utilities CF1484 2009600305000X Universities And Institutes CF1484 2009600306000X Other CF1484 2009601000000 FutureGen CF1484 2009601001000X FutureGen - India CF1484 2009601002000X FutureGen - Korea CF1484 2009603000000 United States Enrichment Corporation CF1484 2009603001000X Lease Administration And Related Services CF1484 2009603002000X Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (Avlis) CF1484 2009603004000X Power - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009603006000X Depleted Uranium Received From Usec - Privatization CF1484 2009603007000X Transfer Of Depleted Uranium - Usec Privatization CF1484 2009603009000 All Others CF1484 2009603009010X Services Sold To Usec CF1484 2009603009020X Benefits Paid For Usec CF1484 2009603009030X Other Services CF1484 2009603010000 Cost Of Program Direction - Usec Activities CF1484 2009603010110 Personal Services CF1484 2009603010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries CF1484 2009603010112X All Other Personal Services CF1484 2009603010113X Employee Incentive Awards CF1484 2009603010120 Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009603010123X All Other Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009603010130X Benefits For Former Personnel CF1484 2009603010200 Contractual Services And Supplies CF1484 2009603010202X Standard Level User Charges CF1484 2009603010203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities CF1484 2009603010206X Other Services CF1484 2009603010207X Supplies And Materials CF1484 2009603010210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons CF1484 2009603010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1484 2009604000000 United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604001000X Centrifuge Lease Administration and Related Services CF1484 2009604004000X Power-Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604009000 Services Sold to USEC Related to the Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604009010X Services Sold to USEC Related to the Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604009020X Benefits Paid For Usec-Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604009030X Other Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010000 Cost Of Program Direction - Usec Activities - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010110 Personal Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010112X All Other Personal Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010113X Employee Incentive Awards - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010120 Personnel Benefits - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010122X Moving Expenses - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010123X All Other Personnel Benefits - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010130X Benefits For Former Personnel - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010200 Contractual Services And Supplies - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010202X Standard Level User Charges - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010204X Printing And Reproduction - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010206X Other Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010207X Supplies And Materials - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009604010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009605000000 Cost Of Cooperative Work With Non-Federal Entities CF1484 20096050AA000 Fuels and Power Systems CF1484 20096050AA150X Advanced Research CF1484 20096050AF000 Nuclear Energy Research And Development CF1484 20096050AF110X Light Water Reactors CF1484 20096050AT000 Fusion Energy Sciences CF1484 20096050AT600X Enabling Research and Development CF1484 20096050CB000 Naval Petroleum And Oil Shale Reserves CF1484 20096050CB020X Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 (Wyoming) CF1484 20096050CF000 Power Marketing CF1484 20096050CF030X Western Area Power Administration CF1484 20096050EB000 Solar And Renewable Resource Technologies CF1484 20096050EB440X Hydropower CF1484 20096050EB500X Electric Energy Systems And Storage CF1484 20096050HR000 Office of Human Capital Management Program Direction CF1484 20096050HR100X Office of Human Capital Management Contractual & WCF CF1484 20096050HR110X Office of Human Capital Management Payroll & Salary Related CF1484 20096050HR210X Office of Human Capital Management Travel CF1484 20096050KC000 Basic Energy Sciences CF1484 20096050KC020X Materials Sciences and Engineering CF1484 20096050KP000 Biological And Environmental Research CF1484 20096050KP110X Life Sciences CF1484 20096050KP120X Climate Change Research CF1484 20096050KX000 Office Of Science - Program Direction CF1484 20096050KX040X Technical Information Management Program CF1484 20096050LA000 Technical Information Management Program CF1484 20096050LA200X Information Management - Other CF1484 20096050WA000 General Administration - Program Direction CF1484 20096050WA140X Field Management Program Direction CF1484 2009606000000 GCEP Lease CF1484 2009606001000X Lease Administration and Related Services CF1484 2009606002000X Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) CF1484 2009606004000X Power - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009606007000X Transfer of Depleted Uranium - USEC Privatization CF1484 2009606009000 GCEP Lease CF1484 2009606009010X Services Sold To USEC CF1484 2009606009020X Benefits Paid For USEC-Centrfuge Lease CF1484 2009606009030X Other Services CF1484 2009606010000 USEC Program Direction CF1484 2009606010110 Personal Services CF1484 2009606010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries CF1484 2009606010112X All Other Personal Services CF1484 2009606010113X Employee Incentive Awards CF1484 2009606010120 Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009606010123X All Other Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009606010130X Benefits For Former Personnel CF1484 2009606010200 Contractual Services and Supplies CF1484 2009606010202X Standard Level User Charges CF1484 2009606010203X Communications, Other Rent and Utilities CF1484 2009606010206X Other Services CF1484 2009606010207X Supplies and Materials CF1484 2009606010210 Travel and Transportation of Persons CF1484 2009606010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1484 2009650000000 XUse Of Third-Party Receipts From Technology Transfer Activities CF1484 2009650100000 Cosponsor Supported Research And Development CF1484 2009650101000X State And Local Governments CF1484 2009650102000X Small Businesses CF1484 2009650103000X Other CF1484 2009650200000 Laboratory Sponsored Activities CF1484 2009650201000 Research And Development CF1484 2009650201010X Cooperative Research And Development Agreements CF1484 2009650201020X Other CF1484 2009650202000 Inventor Awards And Fees CF1484 2009650202020X Federal Employees CF1484 2009650202030X Former Lab/Federal Employees CF1484 2009650203000 Other CF1484 2009650203020X Other CF1484 2009700000000 XReimbursement For Reimbursable And Cooperative Work - Non-Federal Entities CF1484 2009700100000 Reimbursement For Atomic Energy Defense Activities CF1484 2009700101000 Reimbursement For Weapons Parts Or Assemblies Sold CF1484 2009700101010X Reimbursement - Foreign CF1484 2009700103000 Reimbursement For Weapons Testing CF1484 2009700103010X Reimbursement - Foreign CF1484 2009700200000 Reimbursement For Power Marketing Administrations CF1484 2009700201000 Reimbursement For Western Area Power Administration (Wapa) CF1484 2009700201010X Reimbursement For Transmission Agency Of Northern California (Tanc) CF1484 2009700202000X Reimbursement For Southwestern Power Administration (Swpa) CF1484 2009700203000X Reimbursement For Southeastern Power Administration (Sepa) CF1484 2009700300000 Reimbursement - Other CF1484 2009700301000 Industry CF1484 2009700301010X Domestic CF1484 2009700301020X Foreign CF1484 2009700302000X Foreign Governments CF1484 2009700303000X State And Local Governments And Non-Profit Organizations CF1484 2009700304000X Utilities CF1484 2009700305000X Universities And Institutes CF1484 2009700306000X Other CF1484 2009701000000 FutureGen CF1484 2009701001000X FutureGen - India CF1484 2009701002000X FutureGen - Korea CF1484 2009703000000 United States Enrichment Corporation CF1484 2009703001000X Lease Administration And Related Services CF1484 2009703004000X Power CF1484 2009703006000X Depleted Uranium Received From USEC - Privatization CF1484 2009703007000X Transfer of Depleted Uranium - USEC Privatization CF1484 2009703009000 All Others CF1484 2009703009010X Services Sold To Usec CF1484 2009703009020X Benefits Paid For Usec CF1484 2009703009030X Other Services CF1484 2009703010000 Reimbursement For Program Direction - Usec Activitites CF1484 2009703010110 Personal Services CF1484 2009703010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries CF1484 2009703010112X All Other Personal Services CF1484 2009703010113X Employee Incentive Awards CF1484 2009703010120 Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009703010123X All Other Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009703010130X Benefits For Former Personnel CF1484 2009703010200 Contractual Services And Supplies CF1484 2009703010202X Standard Level User Charges CF1484 2009703010203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities CF1484 2009703010206X Other Services CF1484 2009703010207X Supplies And Materials CF1484 2009703010210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons CF1484 2009703010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1484 2009704000000 United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704001000X Centrifuge Lease Administration and Related Services CF1484 2009704004000X Power - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704009000 Services Sold to USEC Related to the Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704009020X Benefits Paid For USEC - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704009030X Other Services Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010000 Cost Of Program Direction - Usec Activities - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010110 Personal Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010112X All Other Personal Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010113X Employee Incentive Awards - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010120 Personnel Benefits - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010122X Moving Expenses - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010123X All Other Personnel Benefits - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010130X Benefits For Former Personnel - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010200 Contractual Services And Supplies - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010202X Standard Level User Charges - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010203X Communications, Other Rent And Utilities - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010204X Printing And Reproduction - Centifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010206X Other Services - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010207X Supplies And Materials - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010210 Travel And Transportation Of Persons - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009704010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009705000000 Reimbursement For Cooperative Work With Non-Federal Entities CF1484 20097050AA000 Fuels and Power Systems CF1484 20097050AA150X Advanced Research CF1484 20097050AF000 Nuclear Energy Research And Development CF1484 20097050AF110X Light Water Reactors CF1484 20097050AT000 Fusion Energy Sciences CF1484 20097050AT600X Enabling Research and Development CF1484 20097050CB000 Naval Petroleum And Oil Shale Reserves CF1484 20097050CB020X Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 (Wyoming) CF1484 20097050CF000 Power Marketing CF1484 20097050CF030X Western Area Power Administration CF1484 20097050EB000 Solar And Renewable Resource Technologies CF1484 20097050EB440X Hydropower CF1484 20097050EB500X Electric Energy Systems And Storage CF1484 20097050HR000 Office of Human Capital Management Program Direction CF1484 20097050HR100X Office of Human Capital Management Contractual & WCF CF1484 20097050HR110X Office of Human Capital Management Payroll & Salary Related CF1484 20097050HR210X Office of Human Capital Management Travel CF1484 20097050KC000 Basic Energy Sciences CF1484 20097050KC020X Materials Sciences and Engineering CF1484 20097050KP000 Biological And Environmental Research CF1484 20097050KP110X Life Sciences CF1484 20097050KP120X Climate Change Research CF1484 20097050KX000 Office Of Science - Program Direction CF1484 20097050KX040X Technical Information Management Program CF1484 20097050LA000 Technical Information Management Program CF1484 20097050LA200X Information Management - Other CF1484 20097050WA000 General Administration - Program Direction CF1484 20097050WA140X Field Management Program Direction CF1484 2009706000000 GCEP Lease CF1484 2009706001000X Lease Administration and Related Services CF1484 2009706002000X Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) CF1484 2009706004000X Power - Centrifuge Lease CF1484 2009706007000X Transfer of Depleted Uranium - USEC Privatization CF1484 2009706009000 GCEP Lease CF1484 2009706009010X Services Sold To USEC CF1484 2009706009020X Benefits Paid For USEC-Centrfuge Lease CF1484 2009706009030X Other Services CF1484 2009706010000 USEC Program Direction CF1484 2009706010110 Personal Services CF1484 2009706010111X Full Time Permanent - Base Salaries CF1484 2009706010112X All Other Personal Services CF1484 2009706010113X Employee Incentive Awards CF1484 2009706010120 Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009706010123X All Other Personnel Benefits CF1484 2009706010130X Benefits For Former Personnel CF1484 2009706010200 Contractual Services and Supplies CF1484 2009706010202X Standard Level User Charges CF1484 2009706010203X Communications, Other Rent and Utilities CF1484 2009706010206X Other Services CF1484 2009706010207X Supplies and Materials CF1484 2009706010210 Travel and Transportation of Persons CF1484 2009706010211X Travel Subject To Travel Regulations CF1484 2009750000000 XSource Of Third Party Receipts From Technology Transfer Activities CF1484 2009750100000 Cooperative Research And Development Agreements CF1484 2009750101000X State And Local Governments CF1484 2009750102000X Small Businesses CF1484 2009750103000X Other CF1484 2009750200000 Royalties And Related Revenues CF1484 2009750201000X Patents CF1484 2009750202000X Copyrights CF1484 2009750203000X Other CF1484 2009750300000 Laboratory Sponsored Activities CF1484 2009750301000 Research and Development CF1484 2009750301010X Cooperative Research And Development Agreement CF1484 2009820000000 Reconciling Transfers And Other Reciprocal Items CF1581 2009820100000 Interoffice Transfers CF1581 2009820101000XXTransfers To Others CF1581 2009820102000XXTransfers From Others CF1581 2009820200000 XIntraoffice Transfers CF1581 2009820201000X Transfers To Others CF1581 2009820202000X Transfers From Others CF1581 2009830000000 XChanges In Undelivered Orders CF99101 2009830400000 Working Capital Changes CF99101 2009830403000X Other Working Capital Assets CF99101 2009830404000X Liabilities CF99101 2009840000000 Appropriation Reimbursements Earned CF1581 2009840100000 XNon-Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009840101000X Appropriation Reimbursements Collected CF1581 2009840102000X Changes In Appropriation Reimbursements Receivable CF1581 2009840200000 XOther Federal Agencies CF1581 2009840201000X Appropriation Reimbursements Collected CF1581 2009840202000X Changes In Appropriation Reimbursement Receivable CF1581 2009840300000 Consolidated Work Fund Advances, Transfer Appropriations Received, And Trust Funds CF1581 2009840301000 XReal Property Operations For Gsa CF1581 2009840301010 Cleaning CF1581 2009840301011X Salary/Wages CF1581 2009840301014X Cleaning Service CF1581 2009840301015X Trash Removal CF1581 2009840301016X Supplies And Materials CF1581 2009840301030 Operations And Maintenance CF1581 2009840301031X Salary/Wages CF1581 2009840301034X Electrical Systems CF1581 2009840301035X Heating, A/C Ventilation CF1581 2009840301036X Plumbing And Sewerage CF1581 2009840301037X Elevator And Escalator CF1581 2009840301039X Incidental Repairs CF1581 200984030103AX Supplies And Materials CF1581 2009840303000 XRecurring Repairs For Gsa CF1581 2009840303010 Repairs And Alterations CF1581 2009840303014X Repairs $10,000 To $50,000 CF1581 2009840303015X Repairs Above $50,000 CF1581 2009840303016X Cyclic Painting CF1581 2009840350000XXOther CF1581 2009860000000 XGenerator Set-Aside Pilot Program CF1581 2009860100000 Pollution Prevention Projects CF1581 2009860101000X Capital Equipment CF1581 2009860102000X General Plant Projects CF1581 2009860103000X Operating Expenses CF1581 2009860200000X Pollution Prevention Transfer Credits CF1581 2009880000000 XSpecial Funds Receipts Earned CF1581 2009880100000 Non-Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009880101000X Special Fund Receipts Collected CF1581 2009880102000X Changes In Special Fund Receipts Receivable CF1581 2009880103000X Changes In Deferred Credits CF1581 2009880200000 Other Federal Agencies CF1581 2009880201000X Special Fund Receipts Collected CF1581 2009880202000X Changes In Special Fund Receipts Receivable CF1581 2009880203000X Changes In Deferred Credits CF1581 2009990000000 Cost Allocations For The Departmental Goal Allocable Cost Segments CF0127 2009991900000 Allocable Cost Segments CF99910 2009991910000X Science Program Direction CF99910 2009991915000X Science Safeguards and Security CF99915 2009991920000X EE Program Direction CF99920 2009991925000X Transfers Activity - Fund 00911 CF9999 2009991930000X FE Program Direction CF99930 2009991940000X NE Program Direction CF99940 2009991945000X NE Safeguards and Security CF99945 2009991950000X Security Program Direction CF99950 2009991960000X Security Investigations CF99960 2009991970000X Field Office Landlord CF99970 2009991980000X Departmental Administration CF99980 2009991990000X Other Allocable Non-Fund Costs CF99990 2009995000000X NNSA Office of the Administrator CF99995000000 2009996000000X Energy Program Direction CF99996000000 2009997000000X Environmental Impacts of Energy CF99997000000