Report of Test Description and Results for NIST Nanoindentation Round Robin, Copper on Silicon, Spring 2005

Principal Investigator:

Email Address:


Date of Test:

SPECIMEN:  2 chips, labeled RRCuOnSi and RRSub

The Cu is coated with a platinum layer for passivation, so it appears metallic or silver in color, not copper-colored.  The underside of both chips has a relatively smooth matte appearance - please make sure to test the smoother, more reflective side.

Please do not return the specimens to me.


Note:  Some copper films are known to anneal at low temperatures; some researchers use a "hot mount" procedure to mount their small hardness specimens. If you heat specimens during mounting, please include in your report an estimate of the time and temperature seen by the specimens.

Report hardness under load, that is, applied force divided by projected contact area under load.

Depth for evaluation of results: one-fifth of the film thickness, = 0.3 micrometer, based on recent reports in the technical literature.

Number of indentations, 10 or more.

Value of Poisson's ration for copper = 0.344, based on G. Simmons and H. Wang, Single crystal Elastic Constants and Calculated Aggregate Properties, A Handbook, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1971.

RESULTS, please give as:


Estimated temperature of the specimen and exposure time, if a "hot mount" procedure was used:

Penetration depth used for evaluation of results?nanometers

Number of indentations averaged?

Poisson's ratio value used?

Indenter tip geometry type (e.g., Berkovich, spherical, etc.)?

General Assessment of the tip condition (please choose one of the following options):

Tip bluntness, please give as tip radius in nanometers if available:

APPARATUS, please give as ONE of the following:

Make and model of commercially-obtained instrument:

Literature Citation:

Brief Description:

EXPERIMENTAL METHOD, please give as ONE of the following:

Title, version, and source of a commercially-supplied procedure:

Literature Citation:

Brief Description:

ANALYSIS METHOD, please give as ONE of the following:

Title and version of commercially-supplied software:

Literature citation, including values of parameters used:

Brief description, including values of parameters used:

MOST RECENT INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION, please give as appropriate:

Estimated date of factory calibration:

Estimated date of on-site calibration by personnel outside the host organization:

Dates of calibration procedures applied, such as:

Force calibration:

Displacement calibration:

Tip area function measurement:

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