Congresswoman Jane harman - Press Release

May 18, 1995

Mr. Chairman, I supported the balanced budget amendment and, over two Congresses, I have a strong record of supporting budget cuts and budget process reforms.

In doing so, I have not been afraid to stand up to my own party, the President, important interest groups, and, in some cases, my own husband.

I have often sided with the chairman of the Budget Committee, Mr. Kasich, as he well knows. One example is my support last year of Penny-Kasich, which would cut another $90 billion from the budget. Another is his proposal on baseline budgeting, but I cannot join him today.

The budget resolution as reported from the Budget Committee lacks the fairness and bipartisanship of many prior proposals.

The resolution assaults with equal bluntness programs which nurture investment in technologies for our country and programs which help students and workers acquire skills and knowledge and the tools they will need to succeed in the 21st century.

The resolution makes no distinction in targeting investments in infrastructure, science, and health-related research, environmental protection, veterans, or fighting crime. In fact, to some it is a badge of honor that all areas of the budget are targeted.

To be sure, current budget constraints force us to make difficult choices, but they should not force us to make stupid choices--choices like cutting taxes when budget savings should go to deficit reduction or critical investments we have too-long delayed;

choices that cut Medicare in the absence of reforms to mitigate the factors that drive up costs;

choices that retreat from investments in technology and science and the educational resources which will make or break our Nation's ability to compete in the next century,

and choices that hurt children.

I have demonstrated that I can take tough votes. But I do so when I feel the option is fair and far-sighted.

I cannot vote for the Budget Committee's proposal.

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