The Newman Foundation Koinonia Journal

February 1993

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I reflect on NFK #37, one word comes to mind - WOW!! There were so many little miracles and signs of God's presence in our midst. If someone would have told me that the same group of 34 participants we met on that Friday night in November would be froming a kick line during "God is Love" the next night night at the reunion, I wouldn't have believed it.

I would like to share with you all a quick glimpse of NFK #37: wow, tackle football, bread, bread. and more bread, Spoop, AWESOME food, "If you could be any room in a house...," Koinonia moments, liturgical bingo, " fish, Italy SNOW, Vivian 'clowning around,' glitter, walking down stairs with your eyes closed, prism, "He loves me, He loves me not," "my room's too room's too cold," 19 guitars playing God is Love, the blessing song, sledding on mattresses, one black shoe, one blue shoe, and some visitors in the night to solve the problem.

While I wish you all could have been with us at Pesotum to experience the weekend, I know that you were with us in prayer. There were so many things that happened that I know were possible only because of your prayers and your wheat. And now I would like to introduce you to our newest Koinonians:

	Craig Barnes	Catherine Aleman 
Ali Beezat Martina Baumgartner
Todd Biske Jennifer Butler
Kathleen Doyle Dara Fennell
Karen Fleming Christine Malone
Susan Gibbons Stephen Groppel
Felipe Hall Sheila Dmitriev
Tim Heitzig Joanne Lagattolla
Deb Frank John Margaglione
Chris Mathews Elizabeth Milnarik
Kris Muldovan Paul Murphy
James Nee Jenna Padbury
Katie Schallert Dale Schieman
Kristin Stanton Clovis Sukam
Gina Terrazas Pete VanRens
Christie Volz Maurice Vallejo
Katie Weis Matthew Zeier

I want to thank all of you 37ers for a wonderful weekend. You reflected God to me in so many ways. As I told you Sunday, that weekend really changed my life. I pray that as you continue to go forth the light of Christ will burn in your hearts.

"Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Your every act should be done in love." -1 Cor 16:13-14

Love in Christ,

Jennifer Hermes
Lay Director, NFK 37


As we begin the second semester we always head into a time when people ask themselves deep questions. As the year progresses, demands increase and we find ourselves tired and struggling. Winter days come and go and Spring hints at its arrival and then just as quickly as the cold returns. Sometimes doesn't it seem like we are being teased almost to the point of distraction?

Luckily we have some important ministry to do which gives us just the energy we need to help us in our midwinter doldrums. The Koinonia renewal weekends remind us of what is most important in our lives. Our walk with Jesus Christ is the priority we lose track of because of all the other concerns and distractions.

There is a happy undercurrent around our Newman Center as the two spring Koinonia retreat teams prepare and as candidates sign up for our upcoming weekends. The importance of this undertaking cannot be overestimated. People need to hear a message that will transform Winter into Spring.

If you are far away, remember the awakening you had on your first weekend. If you cannot be here on Saturday night, do some wheat and send us a letter.

Recall the friendships, recall the warmth, recall the saving message of Jesus Christ. May these recollections transform your winter into spring and may these remembrances rekindle the hope and faith that all of us cherish.

Fr. Mark

Dear Koinonians:

"Jesus said to them, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Then they [dropped their books] and followed Him."

And so began team preparations for NFK #38. For the next few weeks we will be busily serving the Lord so that "our joy may be complete" the weekend of February 19, 20, and 21. Those who are working the weekend include:

	Steve Alesch	Alec Schneggenburger 
Jenny Czajka Emilio DeBenedetto
Kari Farrell Rose Mungovan Hoffman
Fr Joe Hogan Monica Janowski
Ellen Jasper Heather Mizeur
Nancy Knupp Jennifer Metz
Maria King Sue Ohotnicky
Amar Patel Candice Pontbriant
Steve Bauer Pete Van Rens
Mike Walker Charley Williams

As you probably already know, this retreat will not be possible without community involvement and support. Your prayers, wheat letters, and reunion attendance are a very necessary part of the weekend.

The reunion will begin with 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, February 20th, followed by dinner at the staff house. Then the reunioners will travel to Pesotum where the reunion will begin around 8:15 pm (God and Steve Alesch willing).

Wheat letters may be sent to either myself (202 S. Lincoln #1, Urbana, IL 61801) or Father Joe Hogan (St. John's Catholic Chapel, 604 E. Armory, Champaign, IL 61820).

A BIG "thank you" to you, the Koinonia Community, who through the years have helped many, including myself, grow strong in God's love.

In Christ,

Diane M. Wynn

Chapel Cover

Chapel Cover for NFK 38 will commence at 5pm on Friday, February 19 in one of the classrooms in the Social Hall. Please check the sign-up sheet on the K-Board for more information or call Karen Bychowski at 332- 3133.



3 9:15pm K-Mass
10 9:15pm K-Mass
19-21 Usual NFK #38
24 9:15pm K-Mass


3 9:15pm K-Mass
7-15 All Spring Break
26-28 Usual NFK #39
31 9:15pm K-Mass