From: Bruce M. Barrett Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:05 AM Subject: file SR-DTC-2003-12 / sec release number 34-47365 Companies should be allowed to leave the dTC as voted on by their stock holders. the DTC doesnt want to fix their loopholes, but, make it more difficutl by only letting the individual stockholders exit. that is wrong. the DTC needs to fix it's system that is being jerked around and loopholed by the market makers. the dtc needs to be reformed and fixed. the BB and Pink sheet stocks, as well as Gray are being run into the ground by lack of controls . the SEC should make the dTC fix the problem. The SEC should have the same rules on naked shorting as they have at the nasdaq the nyse and the amex. you are allowing Market Makers and bermuda short types, to rob the american small business' blind by this wild west approach. if it is right for the amex, nyxe and nasdaq, do it for the pinks, bulletin board and gray market. time to act. too many are into these baby stocks since the web came into being. time to adapt to the changes in the market and the peopl! e that demand equality under the SEC thank you, bruce barrett 787-707-3069 days Bruce M. Barrett