ACKNOWLEDGMENTS__________________________CHARACTERISITCS OF BUSINESS OWNERS Many persons participated in conducting the 1992 Charateristics of Business Owners Survey. Primary direction was performed by Frederick T. Knickerbocker, Associate Director for Economic Programs; and Thomas L. Mesenbourg, Assistant Director for Economic Programs. This report was prepared in the Agriculture and Financial Statistics Division (AGFS) under the general direction of Dr. Ewen Wilson, Chief; and Ruth A. Runyan, Assistant Division Chief for Financial Statistics. The overall project development and planning of this report were under the direction of Eddie J. Salyers, Chief, Company Statistics Branch. Mary G. Frauenfelder directed and implemented planning procedures, specification development, data collection, editing, and compilation of this report. Staff assistance was provided by Melody Atkinson, Ahmad Bakhshi, David Cooper, Elaine Emanuel, Barbara Esworthy, Durwin Knutson, Sungsoo Oh, and Valerie Strang. Development and implementation of the statistical methodology were performed under the general supervision of Ruth Detlefsen, Assistant Division Chief for Research and Methodology (AGFS). Direction in those areas was provided by Carol Caldwell, Chief, Frame Research and Development Branch (AGFS). Richard Moore, preceded by David Raglin, was assigned primary responsibility for sample design, imputation, and estimation. Keying procedures were developed by Charles Fowler and Bejamin Stephens of the Mailout and Data Capture Branch, Ecoonomic Planning and Coordination Division. Computer programs were developed in the Economic Statistical Methods and Programming Division under the general supervision of Charles P. Pautler, Jr., Chief; and Martin S. Harahush, Assistant Division Chief for Quinquennial Programs; with assistance from Steven G. McCraith, Chief, Quinquennial Surveys Branch; and Gary A. Sweetland, Chief, Mailout and Data Collection Branch. Daniel A. Vacca was assigned primary programming responsibility with assistance from Ed Carr, Diane Conley, Thaddeus S. Hess, Stephen D. Jarvis, Robert S. Jewitt, John E. McCormick, Hoa Nyugen, Robert A. Penrod, and Jerry Richards. The staff of the Technical Services Division, Teresa Angueira, Chief, captured the response data electronically using a Film Optical Sensing Device for Input to Computer (FOSDIC) operation. The staff of the Administrative and Publications Services Division, Walter C. Odom, Chief, performed publication planning, design, composition, editorial review, and procurement for publications. Frances B. Scott provided publication coordination and editing. Evelyn Fedorko and Shirley Boswell were responsible for design and procurement of the report forms, respectively. Mailout preparation and receipt operations, clerical activities, and data keying were performed by the staff of the Data Preparation Division, Judith N. Petty, Chief. Computer processing was performed in the Computer Services Division, Marvin D. Raines, Chief. Computer processing was performed in the Computer Services Division, Debra D. Williams, Chief. Photocomposition programs for the statistical tables were developed in the Systems Support Division, Richard W. Swartz, Chief. The overall planning and review of the census operations were performed by the staff of the office of the Assistant Director for Economic and Agriculture Censuses. This survey was funded by the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA). Richard L. Stevens of Advocacy, Research and Information at MBDA and Bruce Phillips of the Office of Advocay at SBA served as liaisons for these agencies. Special acknowledgment is also due to the many business owners whose cooperation has contributed to the publication of these data. If you have any questions concerning the statistics in this report, call 301-763-5726. ###