World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 07:03:33 (GMT -0500)

Totals for Summary Period: Oct 4 2000 to Oct 31 2000

Files Transmitted During Summary Period           21838
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       193543206
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     780
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 6912257

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 3.94  4.55      8800890      861 | Oct  4 2000
12.23  8.07     15619316     2670 | Oct  5 2000
 1.99  1.74      3358323      434 | Oct  6 2000
 5.16 11.30     21860843     1127 | Oct  7 2000
 1.41  1.07      2067509      307 | Oct  8 2000
 3.22  3.08      5961090      703 | Oct  9 2000
 2.12  3.57      6901486      462 | Oct 10 2000
 4.57  2.69      5210410      999 | Oct 11 2000
 5.26  7.78     15063659     1148 | Oct 12 2000
 1.85  1.51      2926482      403 | Oct 13 2000
 2.61  3.58      6919695      569 | Oct 14 2000
 4.37  3.34      6469927      954 | Oct 15 2000
 2.09  1.35      2616791      456 | Oct 16 2000
 3.37  5.54     10713984      737 | Oct 17 2000
 4.53  2.84      5488260      990 | Oct 18 2000
 2.95  1.87      3620890      644 | Oct 19 2000
 1.65  2.97      5748908      360 | Oct 20 2000
 1.13  1.79      3455185      246 | Oct 21 2000
 1.05  2.32      4486272      230 | Oct 22 2000
 2.22  2.50      4831564      485 | Oct 23 2000
 2.82  2.63      5090585      616 | Oct 24 2000
 4.70  3.23      6244119     1026 | Oct 25 2000
 5.08  3.91      7573251     1110 | Oct 26 2000
 3.17  3.00      5809656      692 | Oct 27 2000
 7.00  3.67      7107391     1528 | Oct 28 2000
 2.10  2.08      4016055      459 | Oct 29 2000
 4.15  4.24      8206686      906 | Oct 30 2000
 3.28  3.81      7373979      716 | Oct 31 2000

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 3.26  4.16      8044464      711 |  00
 9.03  5.53     10703418     1971 |  01
 3.26  2.87      5546778      712 |  02
 2.14  1.68      3255032      468 |  03
 2.77  2.81      5432565      604 |  04
 3.55  3.60      6969133      775 |  05
 4.51  2.73      5281465      985 |  06
 6.82 13.57     26272280     1490 |  07
 3.97  5.13      9923207      868 |  08
 3.57  3.80      7359927      780 |  09
 4.53  4.03      7791279      989 |  10
 5.53  3.48      6733542     1208 |  11
 4.91  6.18     11968515     1073 |  12
 3.61  6.42     12432985      789 |  13
 4.19  4.03      7798445      915 |  14
 3.78  4.82      9329292      826 |  15
 4.50  3.74      7246641      983 |  16
 4.09  3.59      6941398      893 |  17
 4.06  1.86      3593911      887 |  18
 3.64  2.46      4767289      794 |  19
 2.60  2.02      3909931      567 |  20
 3.59  3.79      7338905      785 |  21
 4.79  5.17      9998455     1047 |  22
 3.29  2.53      4904349      718 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ae    United Arab Emirates
 0.01  0.00         7115        2 | ar    Argentina
 0.05  0.01        22279       11 | at    Austria
 0.78  0.57      1099634      171 | au    Australia
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ba    Bosnia and Herzegovina
 0.29  0.78      1514205       63 | be    Belgium
 0.18  0.06       110058       39 | br    Brazil
 0.45  0.28       540004       98 | ca    Canada
 0.19  0.19       362574       41 | ch    Switzerland
 0.01  0.01        22551        3 | cl    Chile
 0.01  0.01        28671        2 | co    Colombia
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | cu    Cuba
 0.09  0.10       191611       20 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.80  0.71      1371406      174 | de    Germany
 0.07  0.03        61588       15 | dk    Denmark
 0.11  0.04        79666       25 | ec    Ecuador
 0.04  0.04        79692        8 | ee    Estonia
 0.45  0.31       597557       98 | es    Spain
 0.04  0.06       110667        8 | fi    Finland
 0.37  0.71      1368318       81 | fr    France
 0.03  0.03        52636        6 | gr    Greece
 0.03  0.05        88481        7 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.16  0.04        78685       35 | hu    Hungary
 0.05  0.04        75194       10 | id    Indonesia
 0.06  0.09       174142       14 | ie    Ireland
 0.03  0.16       307612        6 | il    Israel
 0.18  0.17       320046       40 | in    India
 0.00  0.00         5417        1 | is    Iceland
 0.21  0.27       516932       46 | it    Italy
 0.57  0.57      1108752      125 | jp    Japan
 0.01  0.01        22710        2 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.02  0.02        41121        5 | lb    Lebanon
 0.16  0.07       135729       34 | lu    Luxembourg
 0.27  0.19       358240       58 | mx    Mexico
 0.18  0.19       376786       39 | my    Malaysia
 0.73  1.13      2179464      159 | nl    Netherlands
 0.03  0.03        61686        7 | no    Norway
 0.08  0.06       111135       18 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.09  0.07       127870       20 | pe    Peru
 0.06  0.02        42463       14 | pl    Poland
 0.03  0.04        73192        6 | pt    Portugal
 0.04  0.03        57733        8 | ro    Romania
 0.08  0.07       143530       18 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.05  0.03        67740       10 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.12  0.12       228091       26 | se    Sweden
 0.01  0.04        86075        3 | sg    Singapore
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | si    Slovenia
 0.05  0.30       574492       11 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.01  0.01        22551        3 | th    Thailand
 0.05  0.13       248561       10 | tr    Turkey
 0.01  0.00         8211        2 | tw    Taiwan
 1.53  1.21      2344703      335 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.32  0.14       263462       70 | us    United States
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | uy    Uruguay
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | yu    Yugoslavia
 0.17  0.28       538359       37 | za    South Africa
58.47 56.74    109808406    12769 | com   US Commercial
 2.78  2.31      4473042      608 | edu   US Educational
 2.17  2.68      5195236      473 | gov   US Government
 0.02  0.03        52017        4 | int   International
 1.57  0.89      1725575      342 | mil   US Military
 5.28 13.11     25377252     1153 | net   Network
 0.20  0.18       348057       43 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.02  0.01        24930        5 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.98  1.60      3095700      213 | 
19.13 12.91     24985762     4178 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.04  0.01        22455        9 |
 0.73  0.36       695418      160 |
 0.09  0.06       107360       19 |
 0.08  0.03        49428       18 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24195        3 |
 0.02  0.01        28068        4 |
 0.04  0.04        75828        9 |
 0.02  0.02        29665        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1243        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.08  0.19       359990       17 |
 0.55  0.34       650172      120 |
 0.00  0.00         6986        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.01  0.25       475414        2 |
 0.76  0.54      1050996      165 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.06  0.01        27405       14 |
 0.05  0.07       134702       11 |
 0.03  0.03        55531        6 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.56  0.12       234585      123 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.00         8697        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24820        3 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.02  0.06       120509        4 |
 0.71  0.10       198421      155 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.16  0.14       263577       34 |
 0.05  0.01        13243       10 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        17034        2 |
 0.05  0.04        76946       11 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        22767        2 |
 0.02  0.02        38183        4 |
 0.05  0.00         7436       10 |
 0.01  0.00         7525        2 |
 0.02  0.02        32807        4 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.14  0.03        48956       31 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1105        1 |
 0.01  0.00          360        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.02        32079       12 |
 0.00  0.00         1827        1 |
 0.07  0.15       284390       16 |
 0.06  0.16       311603       13 |
 0.03  0.03        49235        7 |
 0.05  0.01        27533       10 |
 0.01  0.01        16235        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.72      1387122       10 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5836        1 |
 0.01  0.00         7115        2 |
 0.03  0.03        54440        7 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.06  0.02        41728       14 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.05  0.04        74201       12 |
 0.01  0.04        70935        3 |
 0.02  0.03        50183        5 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.05        99446       11 |
 0.02  0.02        46742        5 |
 0.01  0.03        67625        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3583        1 |
 0.02  0.03        65408        4 |
 0.01  0.05        88667        3 |
 0.03  0.04        78528        6 |
 0.00  0.01        21654        1 |
 0.04  0.03        58895        9 |
 0.07  0.02        32462       16 |
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 |
 0.05  0.05       100554       11 |
 0.01  0.01        19389        3 |
 1.60  0.32       626374      349 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.01        10899        1 |
 0.02  0.03        66809        4 |
 0.42  0.10       192823       91 |
 0.00  0.01        12788        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.06  0.02        37722       13 |
 0.05  0.01        10850       10 |
 0.06  0.02        32842       13 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 |
 0.00  0.01        15557        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9422        1 |
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.04  0.04        71249        8 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.14  0.10       186533       30 |
 0.02  0.04        83078        4 |
 0.01  0.01        17357        2 |
 0.05  0.01        12080       10 |
 0.67  0.08       148566      146 |
 0.02  0.02        47014        5 |
 0.05  0.01        26392       10 |
 0.00  0.06       119811        1 |
 0.09  0.04        75430       20 |
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2371        1 |
 0.01  0.02        34471        2 |
 0.03  0.03        50227        6 |
 0.02  0.02        43884        4 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1150        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3717        1 |
 0.17  0.36       687340       38 |
 0.11  0.33       642972       24 |
 0.00  0.00         3529        1 |
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 |
 0.01  0.00         7197        2 |
 0.00  0.01         9847        1 |
 0.23  0.20       383330       51 |
 0.00  0.00         8028        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        11808        1 |
 0.01  0.05        91312        3 |
 0.01  0.02        41151        2 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.00  0.01        11462        1 |
 0.16  0.07       145135       35 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.02  0.02        38167        5 |
 0.00  0.01        11457        1 |
 0.26  0.22       426659       57 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.03        53527        2 |
 0.00  0.00         2669        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.46  0.04        68700      100 |
 0.00  0.00         8141        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8797        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26216        3 |
 0.01  0.00         7197        2 |
 0.01  0.02        47818        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1148        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.05  0.00         9598       10 |
 0.00  0.03        48889        1 |
 0.00  0.02        40171        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1011        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9631        1 |
 0.10  0.05        87236       21 |
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 |
 0.01  0.01        10190        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1339        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.05  0.01        16253       10 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.01        23686       12 |
 0.01  0.01        21367        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        22527        1 |
 0.00  0.00          297        1 |
 0.34  0.21       414300       74 |
 0.00  0.00         2669        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.09  0.09       164759       20 |
 0.50  0.12       223621      110 |
 0.11  0.05        95674       23 |
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 |
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3097        3 |
 0.01  0.03        66774        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 |
 0.02  0.04        69358        5 |
 0.01  0.00         5589        2 |
 0.01  0.01        26676        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.03        48889        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24051        3 |
 0.01  0.01        19441        3 |
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 |
 0.02  0.01        25798        4 |
 0.00  0.00          269        1 |
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 |
 0.01  0.00         7963        2 |
 0.01  0.00          532        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.02        45548        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4778        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.06  0.02        31063       13 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.02        41140        1 |
 0.04  0.04        86478        9 |
 0.01  0.01        14034        2 |
 0.02  0.02        47568        5 |
 0.16  0.03        65336       35 |
 0.01  0.05       102127        2 |
 0.07  0.03        53727       16 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.01        11013        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27836        2 |
 0.00  0.01        15862        1 |
 0.09  0.00         2917       20 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        14952        3 |
 0.01  0.01        24034        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6284        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        16333        3 |
 0.01  0.03        57153        2 |
 0.10  0.04        80420       22 |
 0.01  0.01        11092        2 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9422        1 |
 0.02  0.02        33741        4 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 |
 0.00  0.01        12320        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3659        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8534        1 |
 0.50  0.68      1319172      110 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.03        56990        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 |
 0.01  0.01        23204        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        21086        3 |
 0.26  0.12       232603       57 |
 0.00  0.00         5417        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 |
 0.08  0.03        60873       17 |
 0.08  0.05        92266       17 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.02  0.03        58820        5 |
 0.00  0.00         4534        1 |
 0.00  0.01        14180        1 |
 0.01  0.02        36906        3 |
 0.05  0.01        11618       10 |
 0.02  0.03        52349        5 |
 0.01  0.01        14854        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.01        28935       10 |
 0.00  0.00         3717        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27836        2 |
 0.05  0.02        40897       10 |
 0.01  0.01        15634        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7508        1 |
 0.00  0.02        34693        1 |
 0.06  0.12       231741       14 |
 0.01  0.01         9758        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.05  0.04        72139       12 |
 0.01  0.02        31996        2 |
 0.00  0.02        34313        1 |
 0.00  0.01        12587        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26216        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2788        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24195        3 |
 0.01  0.00         7600        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.01        15499        1 |
 0.01  0.01        22648        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.03  0.02        36778        6 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 |
 0.02  0.13       248734        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6118        1 |
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 |
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.14  0.02        48334       30 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.01        13902        1 |
 0.01  0.00         8615        2 |
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 |
 0.00  0.01        11462        1 |
 0.21  0.00         8100       45 |
 0.21  0.00         8100       45 |
 0.01  0.01        15145        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.21  0.00         8280       46 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.20  0.00         7920       44 |
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 |
 0.07  0.02        46438       15 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 1.29  0.33       636187      282 |
 0.11  0.06       124671       23 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2606        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.05  0.01        21880       12 |
 0.02  0.02        47882        4 |
 0.74  0.38       733791      161 |
 0.12  0.06       119884       26 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.04  0.03        58895        9 |
 0.05  0.04        76018       10 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9273        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 |
 0.01  0.01        18611        3 |
 0.03  0.02        42890        6 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.07  0.01        25458       15 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.05  0.01        19211       11 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24058        3 |
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 |
 0.02  0.00         5413        5 |
 0.00  0.00         6430        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26676        3 |
 0.09  0.09       171536       20 |
 0.02  0.02        38603        5 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.02  0.00         3205        5 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26731        3 |
 0.05  0.01        11032       10 |
 0.00  0.02        40171        1 |
 0.02  0.49       955496        5 |
 0.00  0.00         9631        1 |
 0.02  0.11       213030        4 |
 0.19  0.14       272073       42 |
 0.01  0.01        22767        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.07  0.43       836391       15 |
 0.06  0.07       130977       13 |
 0.05  0.06       110202       11 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.03        48987        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        13461        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1154        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.02        48027        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24510        3 |
 0.01  0.02        40989        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.05  0.02        31162       11 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2165        2 |
 0.01  0.01        22765        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.05  0.01        14852       10 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.02  0.02        37652        4 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.02  0.01        21552        4 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.01        25459        3 |
 0.07  0.08       151770       16 |
 0.01  0.01        19389        3 |
 0.11  0.08       155608       24 |
 0.09  0.03        58267       19 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5676        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.01        19989        3 |
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 |
 0.01  0.01        12024        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.29  0.10       199441       64 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 |
 0.02  0.06       110728        5 |
 0.00  0.00         2371        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8291        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26676        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 |
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.16  0.67      1288537       34 |
 0.01  0.00         8615        2 | be.dma.gatekeeper
 0.01  0.00         7342        2 | be.kbr.paulan2
 0.01  0.05        88667        3 | be.kpnbelgium.195-95-38-5
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 | be.skynet.antwerpen.dialup738
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | be.skynet.turboline.adsl-6732
 0.01  0.01        26676        3 | be.telenet-ops.nchass01
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | be.telenet-ops.nchobo01
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | be.telenet-ops.nchobo02
 0.06  0.01        24569       13 | be.uunet.unknown.uu194-7-124-246
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | be.vanbunnen-law.mail
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 | br.anhembi.asterix
 0.06  0.01        23098       13 |
 0.01  0.00          540        3 |
 0.09  0.02        42162       20 |
 0.01  0.00         9388        2 | br.rct-sc.pop-unesc.routersatc
 0.01  0.01        21698        3 | ca.ab.cbe.bess1
 0.05  0.01        12781       11 | ca.agr.agrgate
 0.01  0.01        20327        2 | ca.bloodservices.proxy
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 | ca.equifax.efxdns2
 0.01  0.01        23368        3 |
 0.00  0.01        22527        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | ca.intergate.26.242.181.gateway-208
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ca.nlc-bnc.pc041052
 0.04  0.03        60066        9 |
 0.06  0.01        18847       13 | ca.qc.pandore.vzdz
 0.01  0.01        25900        3 |
 0.02  0.02        35290        4 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-cal-58-1-674
 0.01  0.04        70733        2 | ca.sympatico.hse-kitchener-ppp120023
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ca.ualberta.library.cam067146
 0.06  0.05        92078       13 | ca.ubc.stjohns.sjc100
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | ca.utoronto.ecf.mc402ws27
 0.09  0.01        23410       20 | ca.utoronto.mie.aries
 0.00  0.00         9422        1 | ca.utoronto.oise.rgwav
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | ca.uwindsor.libf.jmalone-2
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.05  0.10       189162       12 |
 0.01  0.01        25364        2 | ch.freesurf.pop-mu-8-2-dialup-95
 0.00  0.01        15060        1 | ch.freesurf.pop-zh-13-2-dialup-170
 0.01  0.01        23704        2 | ch.freesurf.pop-zh-14-2-dialup-136
 0.01  0.01        13926        2 | ch.itu.sanaga
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ch.span.mp2-c85-p46
 0.05  0.03        61459       10 | ch.tis.tisdial02
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ch.unige.cacheng
 0.05  0.01        19045       10 | ch.winterthur.c002000
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | cl.psinet.dialup.stgo.tnt01-200-29-25-154
 0.01  0.01        14034        2 | cl.terra.ecache09
 0.00  0.01        21654        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.02        41581        1 |
 0.00  0.01        22527        1 | com.accuweather.minnetonka
 0.00  0.01        19877        1 | com.alcatel.cable.host1722
 0.00  0.00         3448        1 | com.alertcom.fw
 0.27  0.12       239013       60 | com.alexa.crawl1
 0.73  0.59      1144548      159 | com.alexa.crawl2
 0.31  0.40       774140       68 | com.alexa.crawl3
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3661        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26731        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.03  0.03        60045        7 |
 0.00  0.03        66477        1 |
 0.02  0.03        54640        5 |
 0.01  0.01        18868        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.06       121108       12 |
 0.00  0.01        11256        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.01        16560        1 |
 0.00  0.01        16478        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 |
 0.00  0.01        10343        1 |
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 |
 0.01  0.00         7115        2 |
 0.00  0.01         9837        1 |
 0.00  0.01        11395        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 |
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        15918        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00          297        1 |
 0.00  0.00          419        1 |
 0.01  0.01        13349        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6210        1 |
 0.00  0.00          423        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 |
 0.01  0.01        18774        2 |
 0.00  0.02        36506        1 |
 0.01  0.01        17034        2 |
 0.00  0.00          422        1 |
 0.00  0.01         9837        1 |
 0.00  0.00          428        1 |
 0.01  0.01        10876        2 |
 0.01  0.01        11801        2 |
 0.01  0.01        20788        3 |
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7124        1 |
 0.00  0.01         9837        1 |
 0.00  0.01        11395        1 |
 0.01  0.00         4164        2 |
 0.01  0.01        21952        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        15918        2 |
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 |
 0.01  0.01        21103        2 |
 0.01  0.01        11493        2 |
 0.00  0.01        12948        1 |
 0.01  0.01        11659        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1117        1 |
 0.00  0.01        16478        1 |
 0.02  0.01        12902        4 |
 0.02  0.02        30127        5 |
 0.02  0.01        16123        4 |
 0.01  0.01        14738        3 |
 0.00  0.01         9837        1 |
 0.00  0.01        11395        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 |
 0.00  0.00          396        1 |
 0.01  0.00         1209        3 |
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 |
 0.01  0.00         7115        2 |
 0.01  0.01        15918        2 |
 0.00  0.00          583        1 |
 0.00  0.02        41581        1 |
 0.00  0.03        48889        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2087        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5002        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5287        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7954        1 |
 0.00  0.01        23848        1 |
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2483        2 |
 0.03  0.02        44505        6 |
 0.00  0.00          419        1 |
 0.00  0.00          297        1 |
 0.01  0.00         1902        2 |
 0.00  0.00          406        1 |
 0.01  0.00         4928        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1918        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5040        1 |
 0.00  0.00          422        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1983        1 |
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 |
 0.01  0.00         1980        2 |
 0.10  0.21       403197       21 | com.artelecom.belle
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.arthurandersen.lonfw4104
 0.49  0.26       505513      108 |
 1.09  0.75      1458568      239 |
 0.54  0.39       759941      119 |
 0.62  0.41       788929      135 |
 5.08  2.29      4425490     1110 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.avantgo.amp01
 0.01  0.01        23881        3 | com.avantgo.amp04
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | com.avid.hydra
 0.01  0.01        15534        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3457        1 | com.azstarnet.dsl.mc01.dhcp51
 0.04  0.02        44111        9 | com.azstarnet.tus.dialup001ip462
 0.01  0.01        15534        2 | com.ball.webcache1
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.baxter.unknown-23-148
 0.00  0.01        11013        1 | com.bazillion.dyn-dsl2-104-chi
 0.03  0.03        63156        7 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa39-resalebloomingtonil2-1r7061
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa70-resalesanantoniob2-2r7069
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.bear.s3-1
 0.19  0.15       295385       42 | com.bechtel.hou-proxy
 0.00  0.00         5524        1 | com.bellglobal.ch4blm
 0.00  0.00         5524        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.besteroticart.www
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.bfg.gateway
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.bhauptman.gatekeeper
 0.01  0.01        26006        3 | com.bigpond.bpb.dc-73-39
 0.00  0.00         1538        1 |
 0.04  0.04        70596        9 | com.bmsus.bitbuckets
 0.00  0.10       198324        1 | com.boeing.blv-proxy-01
 0.03  0.02        39358        6 |
 0.00  0.10       198324        1 | com.boeing.stl-proxy-03
 0.01  0.01        17583        2 |
 0.07  0.11       211735       16 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.btinternet.host213-123-67-205
 0.04  0.01        22455        9 | com.btinternet.host62-172-170-146
 0.00  0.00         6858        1 | com.btinternet.host62-7-104-64
 0.05  0.01        23496       10 | com.btinternet.host62-7-81-67
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.cableco-op.cm20816350205
 0.05  0.01        16253       10 | com.cadvision.gen.h-207-228-108-74
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 | com.cai.assysu00
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 | com.cai.assysu01
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 | com.caribsurf.barcache1
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.ccpci.natu1
 0.17  0.07       144019       38 | com.cec-us.mail
 0.10  0.21       399665       22 | com.cerfnet.dsl.sea.sea-29-a-115
 0.05  0.05        91304       11 | com.cinbell.tjbeck
 0.00  0.01        10899        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.class.lan
 0.04  0.02        40799        9 | com.cnet.83-217
 0.05  0.05       105463       11 | com.cnsp.sf80
 0.01  0.02        35895        2 | com.compaq.emea.proxy
 0.01  0.00         8615        2 | com.compaq.inehou-pxy05
 0.02  0.02        39745        4 | com.concept5.h142-218
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.cpinternet.cp-cache1
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.crawco.fw
 0.27  0.24       465838       60 | com.ctaz.ts10-211
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.cts.danber
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | com.cummins.firewall17
 0.00  0.02        34313        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.cyberec.ip-248-022
 0.01  0.03        60657        3 | com.danfoss.mailx
 0.00  0.00         8168        1 | com.datasync.msp1-2-109
 3.82  8.17     15815785      834 |
 2.07  3.50      6781942      451 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        15534        2 | com.dirtdevil.opus
 0.01  0.02        36906        3 | com.disclosure.outbound
 0.00  0.02        41581        1 | com.dnai.cust.dnai-207-181-250-246
 0.00  0.01        10899        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.dtgnet.216-16-40.dtg-130
 0.01  0.01        26505        3 | com.dtsi
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.dy4.mail
 0.01  0.01        23368        3 | com.enso.mainproxy
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.erols.riverviewtowers03
 0.12  0.03        62650       26 | com.essentus.external
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | com.excite.easye
 0.00  0.00         2298        1 | com.excite.kazoo
 0.00  0.08       155828        1 | com.excite.maturana
 0.02  0.04        84542        4 | com.excite.petal
 0.00  0.00         2388        1 | com.excite.sabian
 0.01  0.01        14034        2 | com.excite.voltaire
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.fkslaw.ny1
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | com.frcpc.user162
 0.00  0.02        29033        1 |
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 | com.genam.american.general
 0.00  0.02        34693        1 | com.geneer.host115
 0.00  0.00         1533        1 | com.gespro.solaire
 0.01  0.01        26006        3 | com.globalpac.
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.goes.a242
 0.00  0.06       115057        1 | com.googlebot.crawl-30
 0.00  0.06       115057        1 | com.googlebot.crawl-55
 0.02  0.00          392        4 | com.googlebot.crawler2
 1.59  1.35      2618223      348 | com.googlebot.crawler6
 3.37  2.93      5662027      737 | com.googlebot.crawler7
 1.57  1.53      2959306      343 | com.googlebot.crawler8
 0.20  0.13       245288       43 | com.gvtc.att2-188
 0.08  0.11       216761       18 | com.haack.pc12
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 |
 0.00  0.01        17432        1 | com.home.ct.mrdn1.cx381085-c
 0.01  0.01        16235        2 | com.home.ct.plainfield1.ce3006530-a
 0.09  0.18       357669       19 | com.home.fl.srst1.proxy1-external
 0.00  0.01        17532        1 |
 0.01  0.00          540        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 | com.home.on.ym1.proxy2-external
 0.01  0.01        12182        2 | com.home.ri.crans1.cx193144-b
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.home.ri.wwck1.proxy3-external
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | com.home.sdca.escnd1.cx386465-a
 0.00  0.03        48889        1 | com.home.sdca.ocnsd1.cx14231-c
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 | com.home.sfba.frmt1.c828889-a
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.01  0.01        11672        2 |
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | com.home.tx.alntn1.c97286-a
 0.01  0.00          360        2 | com.home.wa.olmpi1.c1013946-a
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | com.home.wa.vncvr1.c687683-a
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.home.wave.bc.
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 | com.home.wave.bc.crdva1.cr1002671-a
 0.01  0.01        14034        2 | com.home.wave.bc.surrey1.cr969568-a
 0.01  0.01        27836        2 | com.home.wave.on.flfrd1.cr904026-a
 0.04  0.00         4266        8 | com.home.wave.on.mtnk1.proxy1
 0.01  0.00          720        2 | com.home.wave.on.mtnk1.proxy2
 0.02  0.01        17602        4 | com.home.wave.on.mtnk1.proxy3
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 | com.home.wave.on.shprd1.cr185962-a
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.home.wave.on.ym1.cr46016-a
 0.00  0.00         1194        1 | com.home.wave.on.ym1.cr687509-a
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | com.hp.core.atlwebproxy2
 0.00  0.00           98        1 |
 0.01  0.00         8615        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1617        1 | com.hp.hpl.hplabs
 0.01  0.01        17034        2 |
 0.01  0.00         8615        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.01        14854        2 |
 0.02  0.00         3752        4 |
 0.04  0.02        32276        9 |
 0.00  0.00         6538        1 |
 0.02  0.06       112522        4 |
 0.08  0.01        26983       17 | com.idcnet.regent
 0.24  0.47       901237       52 | com.identitech.fred
 0.01  0.02        40254        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7508        1 | com.imprint.mail
 0.12  0.05        96457       26 | com.indiana-gas.indiana-gas9
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.infohwy.182-research
 0.00  0.01         9837        1 | com.infoseek.cca2607c
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.infoseek.cca26262
 0.05  0.04        74746       10 | com.infoseek.cca262a8
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.inktomi.ec009
 0.01  0.01        21051        3 | com.inktomi.j300
 0.05  0.01        24566       12 | com.inktomi.j3001
 0.05  0.01        27567       11 | com.inktomi.j3002
 0.05  0.02        38960       10 | com.inktomi.j3003
 0.06  0.02        44800       13 | com.inktomi.j3004
 0.03  0.01        13979        6 | com.inktomi.j3005
 0.06  0.02        35126       13 | com.inktomi.j3006
 0.05  0.02        34570       12 | com.inktomi.j3007
 0.04  0.01        25968        9 | com.inktomi.j3008
 0.05  0.03        51487       10 | com.inktomi.j3009
 0.04  0.03        63153        9 | com.inktomi.j301
 0.05  0.03        51463       10 | com.inktomi.j3010
 0.07  0.03        56630       16 | com.inktomi.j3011
 0.04  0.01        19134        9 | com.inktomi.j3012
 0.04  0.03        66417        9 | com.inktomi.j3013
 0.05  0.05        93982       11 | com.inktomi.j3014
 0.05  0.02        38013       11 | com.inktomi.j3015
 0.08  0.02        36478       18 | com.inktomi.j3016
 0.06  0.02        44142       14 | com.inktomi.j3017
 0.05  0.01        21089       11 | com.inktomi.j3018
 0.05  0.02        38755       12 | com.inktomi.j3019
 0.02  0.02        35085        5 | com.inktomi.j520
 0.02  0.02        35085        5 | com.inktomi.j521
 0.04  0.02        29098        9 | com.inktomi.wm3008
 0.02  0.01        23844        5 | com.inktomi.wm3016
 0.04  0.05        90032        8 | com.inktomi.wm3019
 0.13  0.04        70053       29 | com.inktomi.wm3020
 0.03  0.03        51900        6 | com.inktomi.wm3021
 0.18  0.00         7677       39 | com.inktomi.wm3022
 0.03  0.02        42102        6 | com.inktomi.wm3023
 0.73  0.01        26752      159 | com.inktomi.wm3024
 8.87  6.06     11729993     1938 | com.inktomi.y2404
 0.14  0.12       237268       31 | com.inktomisearch.j4011
 0.18  0.12       223771       40 | com.inktomisearch.j4012
 0.18  0.13       248464       40 | com.inktomisearch.j4013
 0.14  0.07       142857       31 | com.inktomisearch.j4014
 0.19  0.12       232819       41 | com.inktomisearch.j4015
 0.19  0.14       265538       41 | com.inktomisearch.j4016
 0.19  0.11       211234       42 | com.inktomisearch.j4017
 0.16  0.12       223523       35 | com.inktomisearch.j4018
 0.16  0.10       188512       35 | com.inktomisearch.j4019
 0.14  0.12       241066       31 | com.inktomisearch.j4020
 0.17  0.08       160798       37 | com.inktomisearch.j4021
 0.20  0.08       159528       43 | com.inktomisearch.j4022
 0.21  0.11       215277       45 | com.inktomisearch.j4023
 0.20  0.24       457527       44 | com.inktomisearch.j4024
 0.18  0.13       250380       40 | com.inktomisearch.j4025
 0.01  0.00         8176        2 | com.interaccess.nas3-mcl.a93
 0.04  0.46       891497        8 | com.invision.dsl.cl63-078
 0.34  0.30       585529       75 | com.ip3000.www
 0.13  0.11       205545       28 | com.jennison.sleepy
 0.00  0.00         7111        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        16560        1 | com.jocoks.fw3
 0.01  0.02        40002        3 |
 0.01  0.00         7012        2 |
 0.01  0.02        42830        2 | com.kemperinsurance.kicfire
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.kingwoodcable.alpha14180
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.kscable.wks-94-201-112
 0.02  0.02        36435        4 | com.l-3com.csw.helios
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.lab-safety.ntslssfw
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.lanminds.tempy
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 | com.lightlink.
 0.05  0.00         1800       10 | com.linkalarm
 0.01  0.01        26006        3 | com.lizardtech.host3
 0.01  0.01        15587        2 | com.lmco.proxy3a
 0.12  0.19       367076       27 | com.lmco.proxycf2a
 0.01  0.00          540        3 | com.looksmart.wallaroo
 0.01  0.01        11792        3 | com.lotsofhelp.spider4
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.lubrizol.interlock
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 | com.lucent.proxy.cbproxy1
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.lvcm.73.dhcp219
 0.02  0.01        25594        4 | com.lycos.bos.bos-bc02s04
 0.01  0.02        43210        2 | com.lycos.bos.bos-bc02s06
 0.01  0.01        12664        3 | com.lycos.bos.bos-bc02s07
 0.00  0.00         6228        1 | com.lycos.bos.bos-bc02s08
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.lycos.bos.bos-bc02s09
 0.03  0.07       137371        7 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider1
 0.03  0.03        61950        7 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider2
 0.01  0.01        23165        3 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider3
 0.02  0.08       154779        5 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider5
 0.04  0.14       261402        8 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider6
 0.04  0.04        72391        8 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider7
 0.04  0.12       223233        8 | com.lycos.bos.bos-spider9b
 0.12  0.02        47143       26 |
 0.01  0.02        32012        3 | com.matrox.morrison
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2324        1 |
 0.01  0.00         4001        3 |
 0.01  0.00         8700        3 |
 0.02  0.00         7892        5 |
 0.02  0.01        13772        4 |
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 |
 0.00  0.00          428        1 |
 0.01  0.01        10835        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6832        2 |
 0.00  0.00         2073        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1454        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1599        1 |
 0.01  0.01        19686        2 |
 0.06  0.01        16135       13 | com.milbank.mthm-ny-gw1
 0.02  0.02        32989        4 | com.milliken.mlknfrw1
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-2ive6nt
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-33qtel6
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37ka35g
 0.00  0.02        41581        1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc9f4
 0.32  0.21       407100       69 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lcmn3
 0.01  0.01        16235        2 | com.mindspring.dsl.user-vcaugr5
 0.00  0.00         1617        1 | com.mot.sps.w3inet-phx
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 | com.mozcom.ppp02-scz
 0.04  0.02        40799        9 | com.mtco.mths-server
 0.00  0.01        12698        1 | com.mustang.msi133
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.ncr.tan7
 0.00  0.01        23561        1 |
 0.01  0.02        43404        2 |
 0.03  0.01        24789        6 |
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 | com.negopartner.nego-nat
 0.00  0.00         2669        1 |
 0.00  0.01        13513        1 | com.netapp.nat-198-95-226-224
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 | com.netsetter.aus.proxy
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.netsetter.iad3.proxy
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.netvigator.imscache04
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.nichols.152-136-090-100
 0.01  0.02        40028        2 |
 7.22  0.15       289803     1577 | com.northernlight.marvin
 0.05  0.02        30029       10 | com.novell.provo.dnsdhcp.nhansen
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.novell.provo.st23
 0.01  0.01        14034        2 | com.novell.provo.st24
 0.01  0.01        17476        3 | com.ntl.big.m696-mp1-cvx1a
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | com.ntl.server.inktomi1-bir
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.ntl.server.inktomi1-bri
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.ntl.server.inktomi1-gui
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.ntl.server.inktomi1-mid
 0.00  0.01        19664        1 | com.ntl.server.inktomi1-nor
 0.00  0.02        35054        1 | com.nyct.proxy-250
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.objectspace.dal-01-frw
 0.24  0.09       181746       53 | com.oc.external2
 0.01  0.02        47972        3 | com.omitron.daldridge
 0.01  0.01        22551        3 | com.orbital.orbva
 0.00  0.02        41581        1 | com.peoplesoft.unk-17-14-42
 0.01  0.00         2424        2 |
 0.01  0.01        22162        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.pixar.fama
 0.03  0.03        58517        7 | com.planetweb.ip77
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 | com.prc.thecount03
 0.58  0.25       489526      126 | com.preferred.butler74
 0.00  0.01        10313        1 | com.preferred.sullivan2.pm9
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.radian.internal.225.180
 0.05  0.01        15171       10 | com.ratioarchitects.ip230
 0.05  0.01        19211       11 | com.raytheon.lax-gate2
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | com.regusus.glendale.questia.mike
 0.01  0.01        14034        2 | com.rr.carolina.clt79-003
 0.01  0.01        26676        3 | com.rr.cfl.altamonte.131.4.ubr-33
 0.01  0.00         2767        2 | com.rr.cfl.ocoee.157.222.ubr-27
 0.05  0.01        19045       10 | com.rr.columbus.dhcp9532107
 0.01  0.01        24820        3 | com.rr.houston.cs160106-178
 0.00  0.02        41581        1 | com.rr.houston.cs2781-234
 0.02  0.02        43923        4 | com.rr.maine.ptldme-cmt3-66-30-19-132
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.rr.midsouth.m8hds3n228
 0.00  0.04        69300        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.rr.san.dt080nc6
 0.05  0.01        28935       10 | com.rr.san.dt0c5n7d
 4.02 10.59     20488378      877 | com.rr.satx.cs160140-185
 0.00  0.00         3659        1 | com.rr.stny.bgm-24-95-153-181
 0.05  0.01        16253       10 | com.rr.tampabay.24161248hfc51
 0.00  0.00          752        1 | com.saic-arlington.gate
 0.01  0.01        18243        3 | com.sbphrd.ns01
 0.20  0.13       259281       44 | com.sbphrd.ns05
 0.11  0.00         2254       23 | com.sbphrd.ns08
 0.01  0.01        21768        3 | com.seanet.dialup.ip-64-38-140-139
 0.01  0.01        20327        2 |
 0.02  0.02        35796        4 | com.siebel.siebel200
 0.19  0.18       339791       42 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.silverline.gate
 0.01  0.03        52586        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1533        1 | com.southcoastplaza.ip107
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 | com.sprint.daecfp02
 0.01  0.01        19178        2 | com.sprint.kcecfp02
 0.02  0.01        14122        4 | com.stortek.antero
 0.01  0.02        31043        3 | com.swcp.dsl-22-144
 0.12  0.04        80134       27 | com.tateandsnyder.tsa-fire
 0.00  0.01        17432        1 | com.telia.t1o63p315
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.tfn.151-152
 0.00  0.01        23876        1 | com.thoughtworks.user-41
 0.06  0.09       168896       13 | com.tivoli.dmz-191
 3.58  6.64     12855411      781 | com.tivra.crawler
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | com.travelshowroom.ftp
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 | com.trilogy.dyn11-98
 0.01  0.01        25459        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.unilever.inet43
 0.04  0.02        40799        9 | com.unipac.servicer
 0.00  0.01        10313        1 | com.uucom.neo
 0.07  0.13       248733       16 | com.vitts.inaddr.064-031-118-014
 0.01  0.01        15012        2 | com.webkorner.p47-max3-clt
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | com.websense.sluggo2
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.westinghouseelectric.ewecn07c
 0.01  0.01        22013        3 | com.wheatintl.dhcp-host096
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 | com.wordofnet.spoonbill
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | com.wysdom.unknown
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | com.x-echo.blackhole
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1194        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 | com.zyan.dslspeed.node-64-144-250-134
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24220        2 | cz.cesnet.i2k-84.ts-208
 0.01  0.02        41344        2 | cz.ckdblansko.ckd
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5979        1 | cz.iol.dialup.a54-132
 0.01  0.01        19488        3 | cz.pvt.fw
 0.00  0.01        10313        1 | cz.ten.c-engine6
 0.02  0.01        27309        4 | cz.vol.budejicea-7
 0.02  0.02        47014        5 | cz.vol.plzena-102
 0.04  0.04        83325        9 | de.aip.stp3
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | de.arbeitsamt.relay
 0.00  0.01        17432        1 | de.atm-bb.ffm2-t3-2
 0.02  0.03        55421        5 | de.ddb.bermudix
 0.00  0.01        23958        1 |
 0.02  0.02        32245        4 |
 0.38  0.14       274688       84 | de.fh-reutlingen.bv05
 0.05  0.11       215185       12 |
 0.01  0.01        13058        2 | de.lalula.hobbes
 0.02  0.00          720        4 | de.nefonline.dialup198
 0.00  0.00         1044        1 |
 0.08  0.13       258553       17 | de.rp-plus.as6-053
 0.00  0.00         1241        1 | de.siemens.erlm.cache00
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | de.siemens.erlm.cache01
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 | de.t-online.srv.ef1.cw04
 0.00  0.00         2082        1 | de.t-online.srv.s1.cw01
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 | de.t-online.srv.s1.cw05
 0.00  0.01        10976        1 | de.t-online.srv.s1.cw07
 0.00  0.01        23848        1 | de.t-online.srv.s1.cw08
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | de.tli.fra.a1as06-p228
 0.02  0.05       104148        5 | de.tli.fra.a1as06-p244
 0.01  0.01        18243        3 | de.tli.fra.a1as07-p31
 0.03  0.02        48152        6 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.manray
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | de.uni-muenchen.usm.deepthought
 0.01  0.03        56218        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.mpa.mpa32m
 0.01  0.01        17185        3 | de.uni-trier.dns
 0.02  0.02        35604        5 | de.uunet.me2.tnt6.pec-46-4
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | dk.bib.sbt.gateway
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 | dk.ku.hum.dhcp.121-190
 0.00  0.01        23876        1 | dk.novo.research.it1025
 0.00  0.00         4856        1 | dk.semco.fw
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | dk.worldonline.ppp1-26.120
 0.11  0.04        79666       25 |
 0.00  0.01        12698        1 | edu.armstrong.aasu-180102
 0.00  0.01        16478        1 | edu.berkeley.dsp.cave10
 0.05  0.01        13919       10 | edu.berkeley.lib.doe-212-35
 0.02  0.02        37652        4 | edu.buffalo.math.hassard
 0.01  0.00         1686        2 | edu.caltech.charter-dhcp-176
 0.05  0.03        63890       10 | edu.caltech.elmo
 0.00  0.00         3133        1 | edu.cmu.library.hl2bb265
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.cornell.cs.dhcp99-245
 0.06  0.01        16398       13 | edu.cornell.dialup.d7a112
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.cornell.library.pres33reformat
 0.00  0.00         3659        1 | edu.firn.pens-trans129
 0.20  0.09       165649       44 | edu.fsu.lis.slis-tlab1
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | edu.gatech.iac.scarletwitch
 0.11  0.03        59488       23 | edu.gatech.res.r73h39
 0.01  0.01        10673        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.harvard.mgh.w0021770
 0.12  0.85      1646444       26 | edu.harvard.ospr16
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | edu.kettering.polaris
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | edu.lsu.ocs.zehra-tr
 0.00  0.01        11013        1 | edu.maine.umecit.ldell22
 0.01  0.01        25796        2 | edu.maine.umenfa.mial02
 0.01  0.02        36906        3 | edu.mayo.fw1xlate1
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 | edu.memphis.goofy
 0.02  0.01        22405        4 |
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.13  0.22       421411       29 | edu.montana.physics.nova
 0.02  0.02        36435        4 | edu.msstate.erc.labbie
 0.01  0.01        15145        2 | edu.msu.hst.hs53
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.msu.user.matrix-16
 0.01  0.03        56045        3 | edu.ncsu.fis.ncs132-163
 0.06  0.06       121234       14 | edu.nyu.datanet.e45-106
 0.06  0.01        24270       13 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e50ba
 0.02  0.02        47014        5 | edu.orst.ece.anduin
 0.00  0.00         1194        1 | edu.ous.conet.unitylake
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.peachnet.rath.minton
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | edu.princeton.student.andrewj
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8865        1 | edu.rutgers.denim
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.rutgers.konrad
 0.00  0.00         1239        1 | edu.rutgers.mbergman
 0.55  0.04        76873      121 | edu.rutgers.scilsnet1-204
 0.00  0.00         3133        1 | edu.rutgers.scilsnet1-206
 0.20  0.04        76026       43 | edu.rutgers.scilsnet1-219
 0.02  0.03        60130        4 | edu.rutgers.sheni
 0.24  0.07       129368       53 | edu.rutgers.squid-alx
 0.00  0.02        35977        1 | edu.seattleu
 0.00  0.01        12587        1 | edu.stanford.spoke
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.stanford.sul-ts-rlunnon
 0.09  0.07       133709       20 | edu.tamu.monia
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.tamu.wehn-dhcp-475
 0.00  0.00         9422        1 | edu.tmc.bcm.rkmgt.bcm02030
 0.01  0.01        26216        3 | edu.uchicago.saras-place
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.ucla.gseis.swetland-g212-g3
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.ucsd.cul91-15
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.ufl.uflib.smn-117
 0.08  0.17       320964       17 | edu.uiuc.beckman.w-harri
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 | edu.uiuc.geology.garnet
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 | edu.umass.cs.toowoomba
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | edu.umd.epsl-306
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | edu.umd.erf-72
 0.00  0.02        34693        1 | edu.umd.student.grackle
 0.01  0.00          360        2 | edu.umich.itd.ns.adsl-242-25
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.umr.dynamic.d-131-151-128-6
 0.06  0.02        35037       13 | edu.umsl.umsldial-164
 0.01  0.01        16312        3 | edu.unc.ils.pc45
 0.05  0.01         9909       10 | edu.unl.cse-ferg16
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 |
 0.02  0.02        33414        4 |
 0.01  0.01        24314        3 | edu.upr.rcm.hephaestus
 0.00  0.03        57524        1 | edu.usu.sdl.csd.stauder
 0.01  0.01        19178        2 | edu.uta.lib1072527
 0.14  0.05       100940       30 | edu.uwm.slis.pc-43-24
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-200-241
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        26006        3 | edu.wednet.tahoma.csa0111ttsi02
 0.01  0.01        25459        3 | edu.wisc.doit.proxy1
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | edu.wustl.wuh.s40b186
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ee.cyber.atsgw
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ee.eha.tara
 0.02  0.01        22541        4 | ee.estpak.cache
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | ee.uninet.cache2
 0.01  0.04        71031        2 | es.amena.www
 0.02  0.02        34360        4 |
 0.28  0.07       133087       62 | es.jcyl.bcl.pancorbo
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | es.junta-andalucia.proxy1
 0.05  0.01        13295       11 |
 0.01  0.05        91312        3 | es.sumi.surf150
 0.07  0.13       247455       15 | es.upc.dublin
 0.01  0.02        29544        2 | fi.fmi.fmigate
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | fi.inet.cache-hki-7
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | fi.minutor.mainari
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 | fi.narc.node180
 0.00  0.00         1194        1 | fi.narc.node207
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | fi.saunalahti.aitta
 0.00  0.01        11013        1 | fi.tokem.tokem42-241
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | fr.asso.essca.proxy
 0.01  0.01        20477        3 | fr.cea.saclay.surcouf039
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | fr.cesr.pc-113
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | fr.cesr.pc-21
 0.01  0.05        88667        3 | fr.cie-signaux.proxycs1
 0.01  0.01        13926        2 | fr.cnes.cst.suffren
 0.03  0.05       105618        7 | fr.cnes.cst.vasco
 0.01  0.03        65896        2 | fr.cybercable.dhcp212-196.e013
 0.10  0.40       769428       22 | fr.cybercable.volta
 0.01  0.01        27889        2 | fr.dtr.ar7
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | fr.esiee.cache
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | fr.genset.gatekeeper
 0.01  0.01        25459        3 | fr.ifp.ifp
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24600        3 | fr.inria.layon
 0.04  0.03        50455        9 | fr.inria.vamos
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | fr.lirmm.arawak
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | fr.obspm.cluster-yc
 0.01  0.01        19596        3 | fr.u-bordeaux2.umr5543.predator
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | fr.u-nancy.esstin.dhcp046
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | fr.u-psud.ias.pandora
 0.01  0.01        13926        2 | fr.u-psud.medoc-ias.sven
 0.01  0.01        22765        3 | fr.unice.aubade
 0.01  0.01        18688        3 | fr.voove.www
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.aclermont-ferrand-101-1-91
 0.00  0.00         9422        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.amiens-9-95
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.atoulouse-201-2-226
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.02  0.02        35796        4 |
 0.04  0.04        70024        9 | gov.doe.doegate
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | gov.dol-esa.keymaster
 0.00  0.00         6722        1 | gov.fed.cis.fw2
 0.09  0.08       150552       19 | gov.lanl.dosbocas
 0.20  0.13       254354       44 | gov.lanl.intrepid
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | gov.loc.hhas
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | gov.loc.lgraham
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | gov.loc.pmic2
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | gov.loc.rs7
 0.65  1.46      2824283      142 | gov.loc.thom
 0.00  0.00         1105        1 | gov.nara.mschmidt
 0.01  0.00         2210        2 | gov.nara.mwhite
 0.05  0.07       127754       11 | gov.nasa.arc.oph
 0.01  0.02        41624        2 | gov.nasa.ecs.eoc.mopc046
 0.02  0.00         9458        5 | gov.nasa.gsfc.darien
 0.01  0.00         6412        2 | gov.nasa.gsfc.eoscdhsun
 0.04  0.05        92199        9 | gov.nasa.gsfc.evillyn
 0.03  0.02        30164        7 | gov.nasa.gsfc.henryz
 0.01  0.05        88429        2 | gov.nasa.gsfc.iis1990712
 0.04  0.17       333698        9 | gov.nasa.gsfc.king
 0.09  0.10       186182       19 | gov.nasa.gsfc.macreich
 0.01  0.01        22281        3 | gov.nasa.gsfc.macshirley
 0.01  0.00          360        2 | gov.nasa.gsfc.messier
 0.00  0.00         4041        1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.olive
 0.08  0.08       160879       18 | gov.nasa.gsfc.rings
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.sparechange
 0.01  0.02        36906        3 | gov.nasa.gsfc.sumstu9
 0.01  0.03        50410        3 | gov.nasa.jpl.beckmac
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | gov.nasa.jpl.pc00090130058
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | gov.nasa.jpl.pc00278083514
 0.04  0.03        63138        9 | gov.nasa.jpl.ssanbab
 0.22  0.66      1275575       47 | gov.nasa.jsc.wsp024201wss
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | gov.nasa.ksc.kow0001468
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | gov.nasa.ksc.n1978371
 0.05  0.05       104794       11 | gov.nasa.larc.azul
 0.17  0.19       362582       37 | gov.nasa.larc.demeter
 0.02  0.02        40922        5 | gov.nasa.lerc.seraph2
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 | gov.nasa.nsstc.drizzle
 0.00  0.00         1282        1 | gov.nasa.ssc.ssc1939221
 0.00  0.00         4534        1 | gov.nasa.wff.mecrm211b
 0.00  0.02        29033        1 | gov.nih.niddk.brown
 0.06  0.12       227321       14 | gov.nih.od.orsdhcp-b31-235252
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | gov.noaa.sec.kprendergastws
 0.00  0.00         1685        1 | gov.ssa.s00dab8
 0.01  0.01        17340        2 | gov.state.acheson-b
 0.93  0.20       382625      204 | gov.treas.tcs-gateway11
 0.01  0.05        91700        3 | gov.usda.nal.ip132-179
 0.05  0.47       901406       10 | gov.usda.nal.ip132-70
 0.04  0.07       142551        8 | gov.usda.nal.ip222-76
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | gov.usda.nal.ip222-81
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        12788        1 | gr.forthnet.the.ariston
 0.01  0.01        24314        3 | gr.grnet.cache3
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | gr.otenet.athe530-q223
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | gr.otenet.proxy
 0.02  0.02        40120        4 | hr.pliva.gate
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | hr.srce.gita
 0.01  0.02        41344        2 |
 0.15  0.03        64241       33 | hu.c3.cache-engine
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | hu.externet.cache0-1
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.04  0.03        66677        9 |
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | ie.rte.rtefw
 0.06  0.09       166424       13 | ie.wit.ns
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 |
 0.02  0.13       248079        4 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1615        1 |
 0.11  0.11       206276       24 |
 0.05  0.04        86854       12 |
 0.01  0.01        25301        3 |
 0.02  0.03        52017        4 | int.intelsat.gate
 0.00  0.00         5417        1 | is.mwr.alfa36
 0.03  0.16       318164        7 | it.esa.esrin.esacom40-ext
 0.11  0.04        80231       23 | it.inet.acstudio
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | it.libero.21-151.ppp-157-231
 0.01  0.01        23204        3 | it.libero.25-151.ppp-140-13
 0.01  0.01        14854        2 | it.mclink.net128-082
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | it.mclink.net145-240
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | it.mclink.net147-008
 0.01  0.01        23735        3 | it.sbn.firenze.bncf.squid
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | it.tin.a-co10-19
 0.01  0.01        11092        2 | it.tin.a-si6-26
 0.01  0.01        14854        2 | it.unipi.stm.doc30
 0.01  0.01        27217        3 |
 0.04  0.03        67482        8 |
 0.04  0.02        34133        8 |
 0.01  0.00         7623        3 |
 0.00  0.00          966        1 |
 0.02  0.02        31089        4 |
 0.01  0.00         7525        2 |
 0.01  0.00         7115        2 |
 0.21  0.23       444998       45 |
 0.08  0.09       165187       18 |
 0.01  0.00          540        3 |
 0.00  0.01        13663        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8534        1 |
 0.01  0.05        93860        3 | jp.go.nasda.tksc.usr01
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | jp.go.nasda.tksc.usr18
 0.01  0.01        16405        3 |
 0.00  0.00         2763        1 |
 0.01  0.01        17068        2 |
 0.01  0.01        17068        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        13443        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.04  0.04        76299        8 | jp.or.asahi-net.ppp.f067117
 0.01  0.01        22710        2 |
 0.01  0.02        32506        3 |
 0.01  0.00         8615        2 |
 0.15  0.07       127212       33 | lu.crpht.crpdhcp012
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | lu.vo.ppp57
 0.00  0.01        22527        1 |
 0.10  0.03        56921       22 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24859        2 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.40  0.18       345351       87 |
 0.05  0.03        60389       12 | mil.dtic.sys723
 0.00  0.01        12788        1 |
 0.02  0.03        53588        4 |
 0.16  0.16       309740       36 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2170        2 | mil.nima.relay4
 0.71  0.36       705198      155 | mil.nipr.norfolk.wcs2
 0.05  0.04        74819       12 | mil.nipr.norfolk.wcs3
 0.01  0.01        16805        3 | mil.nipr.wcs2-cbus
 0.01  0.01        14132        3 | mx.buap.cs.diplo-15
 0.01  0.01        24195        3 |
 0.01  0.01        21698        3 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.01        21654        1 |
 0.02  0.02        47014        5 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.15  0.05       105738       33 |
 0.02  0.01        28587        4 | mx.unam.atmosfcu.ruperto
 0.01  0.04        74171        3 | mx.uson.proxy
 0.06  0.01        28005       13 |
 0.01  0.00         7525        2 | my.jaring.bkj-cache82
 0.10  0.14       262045       22 | my.jaring.bkj-cache86
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 | my.jaring.ptl-cache6
 0.00  0.02        34756        1 |
 0.39  0.18       344206       86 | net.2iij.ts.
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.9tel.cache1
 0.01  0.00         1982        2 | net.accessfast.proxy
 0.01  0.01        19365        3 | net.accesstoledo.mdmgrp3-113
 0.00  0.00         1105        1 | net.achilles.ottawa4.port-1
 0.08  0.28       538346       18 | net.algx.customer.209-19-244-162
 0.00  0.00         8028        1 |
 0.00  0.02        35054        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.ameritech.mi.detroit.adsl-pool29-209
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.ameritech.mi.detroit.dyn1-tnt3-154
 0.01  0.00          540        3 |
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2388        1 | net.atlantech.client.cfb7d1.83
 0.01  0.01        14937        2 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.00  0.01        21654        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24314        3 |
 0.05  0.01        16253       10 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.att.dial-access.tx.houston-26-27rs.37
 0.00  0.03        52516        1 | net.bellatlantic.adsl-141-156-33-147
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.bellatlantic.adsl.baltmd.adsl-151-196-11-50
 0.00  0.01        18779        1 | net.bellatlantic.adsl.dc.adsl-151-200-18-46
 0.02  0.05       100691        4 | net.bellatlantic.adsl.dc.adsl-151-200-22-55
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.bellatlantic.client-151-197-117-3
 0.29  0.86      1671571       63 | net.bellsouth.asm.adsl-214-21-39
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.bellsouth.asm.adsl-76-169-124
 0.01  0.01        16235        2 | net.bellsouth.mco.adsl-78-185-120
 0.00  0.01        11008        1 | net.bellsouth.mia.adsl-63-238-41
 0.01  0.00         3362        2 |
 0.01  0.01        22961        3 | net.beotel.ase0-p17
 0.05  0.01        20570       12 | net.blackfoot.pm1
 0.05  0.07       142889       10 | net.bora.cache
 0.03  0.04        72472        6 | net.bright.dial.ashb-cas1-cs-34
 0.01  0.01        19416        2 |
 0.05  0.06       113607       11 | net.cableinet.cache-haw-e3a
 0.01  0.01        24820        3 | net.cais.sdsl.63-217-212-176
 0.00  0.02        29033        1 | net.campuscwix.atlanta2.s18-pm01
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.cgocable.home.d226-91-170
 1.04  8.24     15956878      227 | net.clari.tuba
 0.00  0.02        40171        1 | net.clevelandnet.ppp34
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.cloh.ts-1.port-64
 0.05  0.01        19211       11 | net.cnc.dsl.bos-ma.z064220244.w233
 0.00  0.00         8534        1 | net.cnc.dsl.chi-il.z064001204.w066
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.cnw.static.ntugs
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.coam.xtreme30
 0.02  0.02        30572        4 | net.concentric.dsl.dynatec3
 0.05  0.01        13223       10 | net.concentric.sea-wa.ts004d13
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | net.copper.d235
 0.02  0.00         6202        5 |
 0.00  0.01        12376        1 | net.ctel.aug-as3-1-modem23
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8534        1 | net.cwx.squibb
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | net.dialsprint.sdn-ar-001txfworp018
 0.00  0.00         4500        1 | net.digitaldune.wl-cl-30
 0.00  0.01        10899        1 | net.earthlink.at001.pool006.hsa234
 0.06  0.06       112686       14 | net.earthlink.at101.pool009.hsa003
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.earthlink.mis.dhcp165
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.eastlink.ppp0
 0.10  0.01        18967       21 | net.entelchile.cnt.tcarc-62-068
 0.06  0.05       102707       13 | net.entelchile.netcache6
 0.00  0.02        35054        1 | net.ev1.cache1
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.exodus.ot
 0.01  0.01        22438        3 | net.fastlane.210.flcdsl
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 | net.freei.wa.sea.tnt4.b1.dial25
 0.34  0.77      1497450       74 | net.ftn.cnibblin
 0.02  0.02        31391        4 | net.fuse.archon-216-68-47-118
 0.00  0.01        10146        1 | net.gatewest.wpg.56k.ppp200
 0.00  0.02        44455        1 | net.gblx.roc.nas1.209-130-221-17
 0.00  0.00         7521        1 | net.grid.rlgh.99.102.50.pool-63
 0.01  0.01        15587        2 |
 0.05  0.02        30029       10 | net.gtei.dsl.crtntx1-ar5-076-065
 0.06  0.06       112525       13 | net.home.athm-216-217-xxx-180
 0.09  0.02        38051       19 | net.hsacorp.24-216-3-190
 0.01  0.00         7197        2 | net.hsacorp.24-240-105-107
 0.01  0.01        19389        3 | net.hsacorp.24-240-55-214
 0.05  0.01        11395       10 | net.icg.bsg-ma-cache2
 0.01  0.01        10027        2 | net.idt.nwk.ts-1.ppp-28
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.imagin.user202
 0.25  0.12       223842       54 |
 0.08  0.02        33872       17 |
 0.01  0.01        18326        2 | net.ja.wwwcache.leeds.haymaker
 0.01  0.04        68602        2 | net.ja.wwwcache.leeds.owd-roger
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.leeds.peculier
 0.02  0.01        22726        4 | net.ja.wwwcache.leeds.ruddles
 0.00  0.04        85656        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.leeds.wergilb
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.mcc.bellona
 0.00  0.00         5419        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.mcc.bread
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.mcc.curtius
 0.01  0.00         7822        3 | net.ja.wwwcache.ulcc.anchovy
 0.01  0.01        22419        2 | net.ja.wwwcache.ulcc.jalapeno
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.ulcc.olive
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.ulcc.oregano
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.ulcc.pepperoni
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.ja.wwwcache.ulcc.tomato
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.jump.customer.cust-60-50
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.level3.philadelphia1.125.209.246.dialup-209
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.level3.washington2.182.215.244.dialup-209
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | net.level3.weehawken1.86.113.208.dialup-63
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.lightrealm.sea.r177-252-dsl
 0.00  0.02        34756        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8740        1 | net.manila-online.proxy
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.mcbone.kln2-t3-2
 0.01  0.05       105032        2 | net.means.shbtl.dlup.c3m51
 0.01  0.01        20528        2 |
 0.05  0.01        11618       10 |
 0.06  0.03        55879       14 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.03  0.03        50208        6 |
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 |
 0.05  0.03        64656       11 |
 0.02  0.02        47014        5 |
 0.00  0.01        17432        1 | net.mich.dialip.pm678-43
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.mitts.carolina
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.monitor.pm3.rp18
 0.01  0.01        18326        2 | net.mpinet.ppp.216-53-175-159
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.netrax.ppp238-yorkpa
 0.00  0.02        40944        1 | net.nursat.ala2.gw4.dial-195-82-27-31
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.optonline.dyn.ool-18bdea12
 0.01  0.01        22063        3 | net.orbis.mpls.2ndave.mplscore0.28.ser0
 0.00  0.00         2037        1 | net.owcc.webaccess
 0.05  0.01        13620       10 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl.adsl-63-194-69-122
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl.adsl-63-194-87-151
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl.adsl-63-200-128-12
 0.36  0.19       361874       78 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl.adsl-63-201-59-199
 0.01  0.02        34240        3 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl.adsl-63-202-21-171
 0.01  0.01        20023        3 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl.adsl-63-203-231-90
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.pdq.maxtnt1.56k-020
 0.07  0.03        49715       15 | net.planetcable.ppp.dl28-crlsl-du001
 0.00  0.00         9379        1 | net.popsite.015.c08-057
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | net.pore.singa.156ce.jece1
 0.00  0.02        31898        1 | net.powerinter.node-40249af9
 0.00  0.00         6722        1 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.psi.canada.dialup.quebec6.ip221
 0.05  0.01        16253       10 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.01  0.01        24820        3 |
 0.06  0.01        25366       14 |
 0.01  0.01        22438        3 | net.rose.rn136-74
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.saix.nt.ver53-01-p128
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.saix.wc.ctb53-03-34
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 | net.sify.maa.ec1pix-outside
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6380        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 | net.socket.como.nat1
 0.07  0.13       247455       15 | net.soft.wipsys.suraksha
 0.01  0.01        26216        3 | net.splitrock.clba.b103-02
 0.01  0.01        27836        2 | net.splitrock.hstn.a030-0011
 0.00  0.00         8141        1 | net.splitrock.phl2.a040-0507
 0.00  0.01        12698        1 | net.splitrock.slvd.a010-0247
 0.00  0.00         7427        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8141        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9422        1 | net.swbell.hstntx.dsl.adsl-208-191-176-189
 0.01  0.02        36906        3 | net.t-dialin.dip.p3e9d1e8e
 0.01  0.01         9758        2 | net.t-dialin.dip.p3e9d2404
 0.00  0.00         8534        1 | net.t-dialin.dip.p3e9e7779
 0.00  0.02        34870        1 | net.t-dialin.dip.p3ee1e7dc
 0.00  0.03        48889        1 | net.telinco.cvx6.ppp-1-63
 0.01  0.01        15944        2 | net.telstra.cache.pad-cache1-1
 0.00  0.00         2388        1 | net.telusplanet.hs.edtn007855
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.txed.gtw01
 0.02  0.03        57219        5 | net.u-net.is7.nas1.p63
 0.00  0.01        17532        1 | net.uplink.pm3sc2-21
 0.00  0.00         2669        1 | net.usabestnet.pontiac.max8-195
 0.03  0.03        65809        7 | net.uswest.clsp.clspdslgw2poold64
 0.00  0.01        22527        1 | net.uswest.mpls.mplsdslgw9poola118
 0.11  0.37       715751       23 | net.uswest.phnx.vdsl-130-13-79-234
 0.00  0.00         7017        1 | net.uswest.slkc.edialup79
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | net.uswest.sttl.gdsl127
 0.00  0.00         1154        1 | net.uu.da.atl2.tnt6.1cust213
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.uu.da.den2.tnt1.1cust26
 0.00  0.00         1617        1 | net.uu.da.dfw2.tnt2.1cust74
 0.00  0.00         6380        1 | net.uu.da.fl.north-port.tnt2.1cust11
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | net.uu.da.mia1.tnt4.2cust41
 0.01  0.05        88667        3 | net.uu.da.ny.farmingdale.tnt3.1cust19
 0.01  0.00         2194        2 | net.uu.da.tco2.tnt34.1cust215
 0.02  0.02        30738        4 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | net.wcnet.elcampo-nortel-0131
 0.01  0.01        17290        3 |
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | net.web-access.wb-198-68-209-88
 0.01  0.01        18243        3 | nl.capgemini.ns
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 0.00  0.00         3087        1 | /nost/isoas/./awiics/OpeningIntroduction/
 0.00  0.00         4475        1 | /nost/isoas/./awiics/OpeningMoore/
 0.07  0.09       175524       16 | /nost/isoas/./dads/
 0.01  0.01        23662        3 | /nost/isoas/./dads/../
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./dads/../us/
 0.01  0.01        14699        2 | /nost/isoas/./dads/presentations/
 0.00  0.00         6224        1 | /nost/isoas/./dads/presentations/OAISRMTutorial/
 0.13  0.09       177113       28 | /nost/isoas/./french/
 0.12  0.09       166295       26 | /nost/isoas/./french/../
 0.05  0.03        64112       11 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././dads/
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././french/
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././int01/
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././int03/
 0.00  0.00         5826        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././int04/
 0.00  0.00         3529        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././int05/
 0.00  0.00         3656        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././int06/
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/.././us/
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../awiics/
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../dads/
 0.02  0.01        24876        5 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french/
 0.02  0.01        19467        4 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french/../
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french/../french/
 0.00  0.00         2908        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french/../french01/
 0.02  0.01        18075        4 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french01/
 0.01  0.01        15167        3 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french01/../
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../french01/../french/
 0.00  0.00         3234        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../presentations/
 0.00  0.00         3234        1 | /nost/isoas/./french/../presentations/USDA_19990219/
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 | /nost/isoas/./int01/
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | /nost/isoas/./int03/
 0.00  0.00         5826        1 | /nost/isoas/./int04/
 0.00  0.00         3529        1 | /nost/isoas/./int05/
 0.00  0.00         3656        1 | /nost/isoas/./int06/
 0.13  0.03        58979       29 | /nost/isoas/./presentations/
 0.13  0.03        58979       29 | /nost/isoas/./presentations/USDA_19990219/
 0.62  0.46       897115      136 | /nost/isoas/./us/
 0.59  0.44       854868      128 | /nost/isoas/./us/../
 0.05  0.04        75011       12 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././dads/
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././french/
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././int01/
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././int03/
 0.00  0.00         5826        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././int04/
 0.00  0.00         3529        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././int05/
 0.00  0.00         3656        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././int06/
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././us/
 0.00  0.01        10899        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/.././us01/
 0.12  0.16       307435       26 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/
 0.02  0.01        27045        5 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/../
 0.01  0.01        11101        3 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/../us/
 0.00  0.00         2298        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/ClosingCertification/
 0.00  0.00         1902        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/OpeningCertification/
 0.00  0.00         1820        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/OpeningIdentification/
 0.00  0.00         2037        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/OpeningIngest/
 0.00  0.00         3087        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/OpeningIntroduction/
 0.00  0.00         4475        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../awiics/OpeningMoore/
 0.07  0.09       175524       16 | /nost/isoas/./us/../dads/
 0.01  0.01        23662        3 | /nost/isoas/./us/../dads/../
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../dads/../us/
 0.01  0.01        14699        2 | /nost/isoas/./us/../dads/presentations/
 0.00  0.00         6224        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../dads/presentations/OAISRMTutorial/
 0.13  0.03        58979       29 | /nost/isoas/./us/../presentations/
 0.13  0.03        58979       29 | /nost/isoas/./us/../presentations/USDA_19990219/
 0.00  0.00         6986        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us01/
 0.00  0.00         6228        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us02/
 0.00  0.00         4259        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us03/
 0.00  0.00         5040        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us04/
 0.00  0.00         4172        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us05/
 0.00  0.00         5417        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us06/
 0.00  0.00         5675        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us07/
 0.00  0.00         4600        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us08/
 0.00  0.00         4205        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us09/
 0.00  0.00         5374        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us10/
 0.00  0.00         4506        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us11/
 0.00  0.00         4132        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us13/
 0.00  0.00         3694        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us14/
 0.00  0.00         3702        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us15/
 0.04  0.03        53669        9 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us17/
 0.01  0.01        17476        3 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us17/../
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us17/../us/
 0.04  0.02        47364        9 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us18/
 0.01  0.01        11189        3 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us18/../
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us18/../us/
 0.00  0.00         2230        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us18/../us17/
 0.04  0.02        47364        9 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us19/
 0.01  0.01        11189        3 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us19/../
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us19/../us/
 0.00  0.00         2230        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/../us19/../us17/
 0.02  0.01        22906        5 | /nost/isoas/./us/./
 0.00  0.00         8517        1 | /nost/isoas/./us/./../
 0.26  0.22       423149       56 | /nost/isoas/./us01/
 0.25  0.21       401351       54 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../
 0.05  0.03        55595       10 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././dads/
 0.00  0.00         5409        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././french/
 0.00  0.00         8271        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././int01/
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././int03/
 0.00  0.00         5826        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././int04/
 0.00  0.00         3529        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././int05/
 0.00  0.00         3656        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././int06/
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/.././us/
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../awiics/
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../dads/
 0.06  0.04        82130       13 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../int01/
 0.01  0.01        20657        3 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../int01/../
 0.00  0.01        10899        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../int01/../us01/
 0.04  0.03        53202        9 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../int01/./
 0.00  0.00         3234        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../presentations/
 0.00  0.00         3234        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../presentations/USDA_19990219/
 0.07  0.06       108246       16 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/
 0.05  0.04        82234       10 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../
 0.00  0.02        32827        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../awiics/
 0.00  0.00         9066        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../dads/
 0.00  0.00         3234        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../presentations/
 0.00  0.00         3234        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../presentations/USDA_19990219/
 0.00  0.00         5171        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../us17/
 0.00  0.00         5202        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../us18/
 0.00  0.00         5202        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/../us19/
 0.02  0.01        14389        4 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us/./
 0.04  0.05        96148        9 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us01/
 0.01  0.01        17476        3 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us01/../
 0.00  0.00         7718        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us01/../us/
 0.02  0.04        71686        5 | /nost/isoas/./us01/../us01/./
16.81 19.65     38034931     3671 | /nost/isoas/awiics/
 1.41  0.37       717217      309 | /nost/isoas/awiics/ClosingCertification/
 1.36  0.32       617385      296 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningCertification/
 1.30  1.04      2017676      283 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningIdentification/
 2.39  1.24      2398915      523 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningIngest/
 2.31  0.92      1789331      504 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningIntroduction/
 5.64  6.28     12152111     1231 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningMoore/
29.85 18.38     35573973     6519 | /nost/isoas/dads/
 0.32  0.80      1545827       70 | /nost/isoas/dads/barkstrom/
25.98  9.01     17444748     5674 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/
 2.97  0.71      1373582      649 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Dollar/
 1.53  0.31       594168      334 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Frew/
 0.67  0.13       242119      146 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Lippincott/
 4.43  2.36      4575973      968 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Newlin/
 8.32  2.24      4332121     1818 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/OAISRMTutorial/
 4.20  1.83      3547787      918 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/VanBogart/
 0.90  0.22       429917      197 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/VanCamp/
 2.39  0.40       769739      522 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Waters/
 0.39  0.08       151839       85 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Williams/
 0.22  0.12       228094       48 | /nost/isoas/french/
 0.83  0.51       978870      181 | /nost/isoas/int01/
 0.34  0.35       685222       74 | /nost/isoas/int02/
 0.38  0.56      1076866       82 | /nost/isoas/int03/
 0.27  0.42       804667       58 | /nost/isoas/int04/
 0.44  0.42       809485       96 | /nost/isoas/int05/
 0.43  0.79      1532736       93 | /nost/isoas/int06/
 5.49  3.30      6385509     1199 | /nost/isoas/presentations/
 0.16  1.59      3080900       35 | /nost/isoas/presentations/IEEE/
 5.28  1.70      3294579     1154 | /nost/isoas/presentations/USDA_19990219/
 0.93  0.58      1130146      204 | /nost/isoas/us/
 0.51  0.64      1238348      111 | /nost/isoas/us01/
 0.28  0.24       455830       62 | /nost/isoas/us02/
 0.26  0.51       979727       56 | /nost/isoas/us03/
 0.43  0.52       999635       94 | /nost/isoas/us04/
 0.17  0.09       183055       37 | /nost/isoas/us05/
 0.38  0.48       928366       83 | /nost/isoas/us06/
 0.28  0.43       825801       61 | /nost/isoas/us07/
 0.40  0.40       774489       87 | /nost/isoas/us08/
 0.33  0.29       555594       72 | /nost/isoas/us09/
 0.46  0.30       587379      100 | /nost/isoas/us10/
 0.22  0.13       253381       49 | /nost/isoas/us11/
15.40 12.47     24136046     3362 | /nost/isoas/us12/
 0.40  2.79      5406705       88 | /nost/isoas/us12/barkstrom/
13.05  2.81      5448082     2850 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/
 1.80  0.28       533834      394 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Dollar/
 0.69  0.10       187028      150 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Frew/
 0.67  0.08       159276      147 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Lippincott/
 0.99  0.34       648760      217 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Newlin/
 5.11  0.95      1843620     1117 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/OAISRMTutorial/
 1.12  0.14       268945      244 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/VanBogart/
 1.12  0.13       260191      244 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/VanCamp/
 1.01  0.14       264058      220 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Waters/
 0.41  0.07       126031       89 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Williams/
 0.27  0.13       244119       59 | /nost/isoas/us13/
 0.33  0.21       409308       73 | /nost/isoas/us14/
 0.24  0.10       202941       52 | /nost/isoas/us15/
 1.57  0.81      1570900      343 | /nost/isoas/us16/
 0.22  0.14       277775       47 | /nost/isoas/us16/ClosingCertification/
 0.14  0.02        36316       31 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningCertification/
 0.10  0.01        25609       21 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningIdentification/
 0.14  0.02        44340       31 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningIngest/
 0.30  0.05        87369       66 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningIntroduction/
 0.42  0.07       126085       92 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningMoore/
 0.30  0.54      1036430       66 | /nost/isoas/us17/
 0.18  0.12       227791       40 | /nost/isoas/us18/
 1.73 15.36     29735635      377 | /nost/stats/
 0.01  0.01        11517        2 | /nost/stats/../
 0.00  0.00         4500        1 | /nost/stats/.././
 1.09  8.61     16661376      239 | /nost/stats/./
 0.27  0.36       697152       58 | /nost/workbench/
 0.04  0.00         3159        8 | All Icons (server)
 0.02  0.00         3205        5 | Code 400 Bad Requests
 0.01  0.00         1749        3 | Code 403 Forbidden Requests
 2.05  0.76      1469764      448 | Code 404 Not Found Requests

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0.4