DECEMBER, 1900. Stilt iun. I ISb(1. I ISH. I,, c'mlar I nnia nntl Mississippi and in southern Illinois, 2 st.ornis t,oii~(.ili[-l:~t.iii~ over Indiana by the morning of t.he 13t,h, zuid t.heiice nioving t.0 Massachusetts, acconipanictl by general rains in tlic 1liatric:t. from the 12th to l&h, which efiectually hrokr t.tic tlronght., hat1 prevailed in inany sect.ions. Heavy rains, rscrecling 2.50 inches in 24 hours, occurred a t severa.1 stat.ions in Florirla and Mississippi on the 13t.h and in North C'arolina ani1 Yirginia on t.he 13th. Tlie rains of the 15th t.o 30t.h accompanied a niotler- ate barometric depression t,hat iiiovetl froin t lie niout,h of t,hc Mississippi River to cent.ra1 Florida on tlie 19th. Christmas day throughout the district was cold ant1 Idustery in consequence of the sucldcn clevelopni~nt of a severe st.oriti in t.he Ohio Valley on the niorningof t.he 2St.h. The s t o m inoreusvtl in force as it iiiovecl eastward to t.he nor611 Atluiitic co:wt,, t.lw pressure falling to 28.57 inches at At.1aiit.k City on t,lle early morning of the 26th. Rain occurred tllrougliout. t.he clistrict. and co~isiderable snow in the west,ern port.ions of Virginia and North Carolina and in northern Georgia, Alabnnin, and Missis- sippi. High west to nort,hwest winds prevailed on C'liristiixw clay ancl the following Sunday. The lowest nt,niospheric pressure \vas 1012 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1909 Carolina and the least in Florida; on the othcr hand the State averages for Alabama and hfississippi show a moderate escess in those States. The total rainfall for the month was under 2.00 inches a t many stations in Florida and eastern North Carolina and a t afem points in South ('arolina. I n the region of heaviest rainfall, comprising western Florida, southern antl southwestern Alahania, southeastern hlississippi, and the northern portion of Georgia the niontlily totals of precipitation ranged frani 6.00 to slightly over 10.00 inches. The miallrst monthly amount was 0.14 inch a t Hilliard, Fla., and the niasiinuiii was 10.94 iiichcs a t Spring Hill, Ala. Over most of the district the rains fell during Iwief fairly dis- tinct periods, iiainely, 2tl to 3cl, Gtli to Sth, 12th to l4th, 18th to 20th, and 24th to 26th. The most gclneral and copious rains fell on the 12th to l i t h , ant1 wliile the amounts w r c escesbivc a t some stations the ground was so dry that a largr 1)erccnttig;c of the rainfall was ahsorbecl. The nuinher of (lays with rain averaged about 6 in the States bortlering tlic Atlantic. antl 10 in Alabama and Mississippi. The niminiiini 24-hoorly rainfall in connection with the storin of Decemhr 6-7 was 3.45 inches at. Diamond, Ga.; during the storm of 12-13th heavy rains occurred at 3 stations in Virginia, 2 in North Carolina, 2 in Florida, and 4 in Mississippi. The niasiaium fall W'BS 4.S inches on the 11th ant1 12th at hlolino, 1%. In the northern portions of RIissibsippi, Al:~lit~liia. :d Georgia and in western North ('nrolina ant1 Virginia consitlvr- able sliow fell 011 the lSth to 19th a 1 ~1 24th to 25th. Tlic greatest depth in Virginia was 7.0 inclies at ('hnrlottnvillr. all of which fell on the 25th; in North C'arolin:i the larpcst montlily total was 1.6 inches at Ftatesvillc, in (korgin i .0 inches at Diamond, in Mississippi G.2 inches a t Boonevillc. RIVER CONDITIONS. When the rivers are low thc stream flow is Inaint:iiricvl chiefly by the untlergrountl w:ttCrs, hut rivcrs lag in reflccting either the abunclancci or scarcity of the supply. Tlie itvcrtigc stages in all the rivers in the district w r c very low in Deceni- ber. In some cases thc mean was far helow the normal stngr for December, as for esample at! ('lieraw, on the Pedee River, in South Carolina, where thc mean for l i years is 5 .i fwt, Iiut the December average was only 3.2 feet. In a fcw c:ws the loivcbt river stages surpassed all prcvious rccortls. MISCELLANEOVS PHENOMENA. The number of bright clays was quite large in all sections; t,lie average number of clear clays in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida was 18 and in t.he rest, of the district 14 to 16. The wind niovenient was largca and seven regular st,at,ions reported masiniuni wind velocities esceerliiig 40 niilcs an hour. At Hnt,t.rres, N. C., a ina.sinium velocit,y of 58 iiniles from t,he west occurred on the 3St,h ; at. At,lant,a, 50 miles from the northwefit on t,lie 36th; snrl at. Peasacola. 62 iniles froin t,he southeast on t.he 12th. The avrrngr InontMy niovenient esceetlccl 10 miles an hour a t At.lant.a, Hat,t,eras, Pensacola, and The prevailing winds wcre from t,lic northwest. NEWS ITEMS. Tlic tlraiiiing of the Everglarles hy the of Florida was ~)roscwit~rcI vigoroilsly during t,hc 1nont.h. The purchase of two atltlit~ionsl clrcclges is conteniplatcd in order t.o atlvancc the work more rapidly. Wibh the eoniplet,e equipments S0,OOO cubic ynrtls will be cut, per mont,h. It, is estiinat,ecl that, ultimately 5,000,000 acres will he niatlr. uralde. In a c~omiiiiiiiicatioi~ t.o t.he official in charge of thc local office of the Weather Bureau at, Jacl~sonvillr, Mr. E. H. Sellards, St,:it.e (kologist, of Florii-In, gives an accoiunt. of his invest.igat.icrn of the tcnipornry or disappearing lakes of Florida, from which t.he following cstraet, is made: ('i-rt.:iiii 1aki:~s in t.lir S t .:i t .r b , notalily .M:icIiun Lnkv in Alarhiia (lount,y, Rliccosukiv~ Lnkr in Jrffersoii ('ounty. L:tf:iyc-ttr, J:wkson, and Iamonia I:iki?r in Lron Clount.y, oerwiimtlly I i i w m c . dry. It. is commonly helieved t h i w 1:tkcs disapptw :mil rr:tIqw:ir wit.hout n.ny rsvident c a w and with no r~lntioo to the r:iinfnll of the-swtion. From rrrortls of rainfall at. the \Ilc~:itIic.r 13urv:iu sttition :it. J:wknonvill(~, I%., iiiforinat.ior WM ohtaiiiril (i f murli iniport:inei~ hiwing mi t.lw Iiiut.ory of t,Iicw lskcr as well :is on t hc uiiilvrgroiind wvntrr suplily in gcni*~tl. The rvirlcni-c is conrlu- sivi. that. t.hc 1:tki.s go dry whcm tlic- r:iinfnll h:w I,t.c.ii Iwlow noriiial for a few sriwc4 vi' ycam. l'li:it this l:tkw go dry iiriilrr t I i c w cvmrlitionr: m:ty snm quite natural; Iio\wvi:r, in thr (w e of t,rinpi)r:ir.v I:iken in Florith the watcr finds ita i s s i t 1)s suhtc*rrxnc~:tii ilr:iiii:Lgi*. It. is pi)piiltirly supposed t.hat. t.tie m a p ilqwntls ,h i p l y upon the I:di(. finding eonnwtion wit,li an aswined under- grciiinil strewn. ITiioii this wiippodion c~stc~nsivi~ plans of drainage have I ~w r i 1i:ised nnd :it.t.cwiptc~rl. 1, is at. prcwnt known in regard to t.hcfor- Instion aiitl of t 1ic.w I:ikc% nntl t o disruss xnrl present. the su1:ijeet. it is ncrtwarg t o have f:icts and not iiifercncrs. Tlir whole problem t r f unrlr.rgrriuntl watcr aupply is iiiii)nrt:int. in t.his f3t.nt.r in ronnrct.ion with irrig:tt.ion and gcncr:iI purpows :uid t .l i r ~ rcrords of t.lie Wwt her 13ureau are of gre:it \::due in connc:ct.ion 1vit.h t.hc- subject. DECEMBER, 1909 _- .... ... [ MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Clirnahbgied data for December, 1909. Dislriet No. 3, South Atlaniic and east Gulf Stales. .. ' i Temperature, In degrees Fahrenheit. 1013 -. - . Arvonla.. . .-... ........... 3ucklngham.. .......... Buchanan ................ Botetourt ............... Callnvllle ................. Brunswlck ............... Cape Henry.. ............ Princess Ann ............ Ashland! ................ .( Hanover.. .............. 350 221 Sa 250 20 Petersburg.. ............. i Dinwiddle ............... Randolph ................. Charlotte ................ Rlohmond ................ Henrlco ................. Rocky Mount.. .......... Franklln.. .............. Sabot .................... Goochland .............. Saxe ...................... Charlotte ................ 8 ottsville (near). ....... Surry.. .................. dlllamsburg ............. James Clty.. ............ Norlh Carolina. Beaufort.. ................ Certeret .................. Goldsboro ................ Grnham .................. Greensboro ............... Grernvllle ................ Hatteras ................. Wayne.. ................. Alamance ............... Gullford ................. Pltt ..................... Dare .................... 73 7; bJ i t . 4tl 5 5 ~ 111 :I 1I 5 1.5 s ' 16 S 211 22 ........... ........... A 5 5 1 4 Moncure. ............... ..I Chatham ................ Monroe.. ........... ......I Unlon ................... Morganton ................ Burke... ................ Mt. Alry .................. I Surry .................... Mt. Holly ................ Gaston .................. Newhern ........... ......I Craven .................. PlnehurstS. ............... Moore ................... Plttaboro ................. Chntham ................ Ralelah ................... Wake .................... Ramseur.. ......... ......I Randolph ............... Randleman ............... Randolph ............... Reldsvllle ................ Rocklngham ............ Rocklngham ............. Richmond ............... Roxboro .................. Person ................... Salem .................... Foraythe ................ Sallsbury ................. Rowan .................. Saxon .................... Stokes ................... Scotland Neck.. ......... Hallfax.. ................ Eelma .................... Johnston ................ Bettle ..................... Iredell ................... Sloan ..................... Duplln .................. Snowhlll .................. Greene .................. Southern P l w . .......... Noore. .................. Southport ................ Brunswlck ............... Stateavllle ................ Iredell ................... Tarboro .................. Edgecornhe .............. Troy ..................... Montgomery.. .......... Weldon ................... Halifax .................. Whltedle ................ Columbua ............... Wlllard ................... Pender .................. WUmlngton.. ............ New Ranover.. ......... Yanceyvllle .............. Ceswell .................. Alken.. .................. Atken ................... Allendale ................. Barnwell ................ Anderson ................. Anderson ................ Nashville ................. I Naah .................... South C d n a . I I ..... I 77 i 3 ....I ..... 7 19 7 12 211 9 17 3 14 I 1 1 11 10 id I% I Preclpltatlon. in Inches. I Countlea. ..... ! Obaerven. Statlona. 5 1s 5 15 35 20 15 11 9 5 26 17 32 3Y 0 39 22 5 30 15 0 21 18 I .. 12 9 3 51 33 2 4 15 39 7 2s 35 16 11 36 8 4 18 26 4 17 15 15 29 21 12 5 27 5 IS 4 10 14 11 14 25 17 5 19 13 16 4 19 54 41 24 37 4 1 38 25 21 8 21 23 8 21 4 8 22 'B 3; .. 7.5 2.0 7.2 0.5 5.0 1.4 0.5 0.2 4.0 4.5 5.0 0.3 0.2 T. 3.3 2. I) 1.0 11.4 2.5 T. T. 2 .0 T. T. 4.1 T. 1.3 T. T. T. 1. 8 T. T. T. 1.3 1.0 T. T. T. 1.0 .... .... n. s .... .... .... n. s .... .... n. 2 .... .... n. 2 .... .... EO T. T. T. T. 1.5 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 2.0 T. 3.6 T. T. T. T. 4. 6 T. 0.3 0.8 T. T. 0.0 .... .... .... n. o n. 0 n. n n. n 0.0 0.0 0.0 .... . n. .... .... SW. UN. W. N. nw. .... .... .... nN. .... .... .... nN. nw. .... nw. n. nw. .... nw. .... nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. W. W. W. sw. nw. n. nw. nw. nw. nw. W. .... .... .... W. W. Sm'. nw. w. nN. .... nw. ne. nw. sw. sw. ne. .... n. nw. w. .... nw. n. nw. .... .... .... .... n. nw. .... .... Be. n. n. nw. IIN. sw. RW. W. nw. nw. nw. nw. .... nw. .... W. Be. ne. nw. nw. .... W. I 32.6 I - 4.5 ......I ....... I ...I... ... 1.:. 30 30 ...... 30 37 31 I 45 30 , 23 ...... 31) 30 3u 33 31) I 3 7 ii+.'ii 30 3 i 30 I 31 ...... 3n , .a in.i.ii 311 ' 36 311 ' 35 31 I 35 30 ' 41) 30 I n ..... 91) ' 3" ...I .. . 3n 24 3u 39 311 28 31 ! 48 30 I 44 30 I 46 30ti 3ti ant. 41) 30 42 30 I 30 ifl'l'3S 30 35 30 ' 37 30tl 41 311 27 31 I 41 ... I .. . ...... RII Jn 4 d l .......... 60 A:! 64 84 64 til 61 5s 89 155 ljlj 64 I54 tili ti 1 IjS 63 67 61 fi7 72 li0 1: 69 89 i 5 6 i 1;4 74 ill 7' 1% ti5 71 iil 69 67 74 61; iti .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... -- l a It .... .... .... 5 3 5 1 4 5 3 0 2 4 6 5 3 5 1 5 4 4 4 6 3 3 5 6 9 3 I3 4 4 4 7 4 4 4 5 3 fi 6 4 7 4 4 4 3 4 9 2 5 .6 5 4 5 7 4 5 3 ? 3 2 6 ri 3 I3 4 4 3 6 3 3 s 4 6 4 5 4 5 10 7 6 9 s 6 19 5 6 .............. 3.92 ' 2.12 3.78 1.67 1.11 3.52 1: 11.30 2.51 (l""" 1.69 0.82 a. 35 I - n. :ji 2.20 2.95 :- 0 .~9 I 5.m 2.211 I ., .. :. ... 0.s9 2.67 I ........ 2.00 .............. 1.12 ........ 1.12 ........ 1.a" 1.81 - 1.4% 1.46 ?.SA 1 - 0.52 1.85 2.75 ....... 1.28 3.39 I+ 11.29 2.52 3.8Il I- 0. 18 1.SS ..... 5 ' ."' i i 7 I 16 rt, 9 4 t 7 47' 15 I3 I 12 5 3 5 ' s 5 I 12 67 13 13 13 st 11 4 I 11) ........ ,._I .... 4 1 % ._I ..... ._I ..... ....... %.I.. .''! ?1 d l I 5 t . 7 6 I 17 i ! 14 4 ' 6 5tl 6 4 i 12 4 Ill i I 13 7 I 13 ti 12 5 11 ,3 3!1 4 t ' 12 5 ' 5 :! 1s ;+/ :: ._! ..... ..I ..... ...... ,I ........ ....... I:::: 9 1 1 6 1 6 ... ...... I ....... 37.0 ' - 3.S 31.9.11 - 1j.z 3s.7 - 5.n ...... I ... .... ..... I ....... 30.S! ....... 38.11 - 4.1 2 i .2 i - 5 .5 35.3 I ....... B I . 5 - 5. 1 32:s , - 4.6 ............. ..... 3S.8 - 4.11 37.2.' 4 II 35.9 I - 5.1 33. 6 - 6.4 .. .._I :..:. .,.,..- .... .,. ............... ..-"".P.'""...e) ............ Columbla I.. ............. Fluvanna.. ............. Danvllle ................. Pittsvlvanla ............. ..... 246 413 30 5 2,195 87 1.060 6Y5 1,3110 55 91 110 334 144 1.150 12s 350 15 70 10 4 1.950 806 500 500 808 1. 150 156 00 30 170 656 843 75 11 490 46 1,lSB 810 994 375 102 12 1,435 145 586 1.135 1.045 016 190 I? 050 450 390 442 810 828 210 600 1, OOO 760 900 80 225 7m 50 80 519 18 950 50 81 59 51 52 565 186 764 650 a0 151 290 293 10 467 102 ...... ...... Diamond Springs.. ..... .I PrlnfesP Anne ........... Dinwlddie ................ Dlnwlddle ............... Hampton.. ............. .I Ellrabeth City.. ....... .I i Ivor ...................... I Southampton.. ......... Hot Yprlngs ............... Bath.. .................. Lerlnntonl. ............. .I Rockbrid m... .......... .I Lynch%urg. ........... ...I CampbellT. .............. ' New Caatle.. ............. Craig.. .................. Norfolk .................. Norfolk .................. Newport News!.. ........ Warwick. ................ I ..... ...... - 5.n - 5.1 - 4.5 - 2.8 - 2 .i - 3.; ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... - 4.11 - 2.4 - 3.8 ............. .... 2. I12 2. IM 0. 98 II. Sli 1.H5 2. n9 1. I 4 1.!10 1.59 2 .G 75 -. 56 1.011 0.95 1.39 II. !I6 1.55 1. I11 1. n3 n. 91 i .u n ..... 34.5 3.5. I 313. 4 44.1' 40.0 36.4 37. s 3% 3 30.5 39.2 39. I1 41. ti 3 i . 4 30.0 41.3 4n. I I R. D. AIlen. Wllllam 8. Hopklns. W. L. Brewer. S. B. Tanner. 3.33 !- 0,s': 1.4; ....... 3 .4 i - q. S? 4.26 ........ 2.18 I ....... 2.6s - 1.13 2.51 I - 1.35 5.114 ;. ....... 1. 64 ........ 3. os ....... 1.S1 - 1 .X 1.3s !- 3.011 1.911 1. su 3.111 1 - ..... 2.35 1- 1.06 1.72 1.76 2. 15 1: 2.96 1.65 i - 2.26 Belhaven ................. Beaufort ................ Brewers. ................. Wllkea ................... Caroleen ................. Rutherford .............. Chalybeate Sprlngs.. .... , Harnett.. ............... Chapel HI11 ............... I Ornnge. ................. 1 ............. 31j. 9 4. [I 37.3 - 3.4 ...... 1: .... 44.11 I - 4.S A. R. Harry--- C. V. York. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Enoch Powell. Rev J. R. Rountree. 0. M. Goforth. H. R. Berrkr. L. B. Thompson. T. B. Wilder. B. M. Davls. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Thomas McGulre. B. J. Utley. T. A. Ashcraft. H. D. Judd. Prof. A. H. Merrltt. John W. Holland. J. B. Boddb. James B. H111. General Oftics.. J. E. Morgan. U. 8. Weather Bureau. P. P. Turner. John R. Wdton. E. M. Redd. R. 8. Ledbettar. T. C. Bradmher. Rev. H. E. Rondthaler. M h Thelma Wllklnson R. P. MaAnndy. J Y Sava Dr. k. J. E b b . C. H. Smith. D. Y. Sholar. Lev. J. H. Mewborn. Mn. P. H. Beck. Mn. Charlea E. Taylor. D. M. Thompon. E. V. Zoeller. Mm. 0. B. Denton. H. 8.8. Cooper. Rev. C. C. Smlth. J. R. Jeff-. U. 8. Weather Bureau. A. Y. Km. ......I ........ 35.0 I - 3.b .%.!I ...... 8 i .S ....... 37.8 I - 8 .1 4'1. li - 3.5 4n.6 ,... .... 37.2 I - 3.2 38.4 - 3.4 3s n 3.8 35.5 - 3.2 3a:s ! 1 4.7 ..... 8.5ti I+ ii:oi' i:i" 5.3s 11 u. 93 I). 9:3 1.04 I .. ...... 11.5s 4.27 + o 3s I ?.nn 3.53 I- i n * 1.72 3.34 - 0 .S 1.34 9.20 I ........ I 1 .6 4 ?.a3 - 1.60 , 1.0s 4.0 ........ I 1 47 2.51 I - 0.25 1:Sl 1.89 I - 1.28 1.30 2.95'1 I 2.00 4.35 I::::::? 1.64 2.89 I ........ I .4 i 1.*2 ......... 1.11 1 .5 i 1.S3 1.113 4.35 0,s'' ?. 18 1.71 11 1.51 , 1.17 2.94 !- 11.53 ' 5.1111 2.55 i - 1.33 I 1.91 ............ 3 i .8 I:. ..... 4I.O 1.. ..... 37.6 - 3.!1 39 4 - 3.3 31;: 4.1. ...... 4n.s - 5.9 i 3 I39 19 50 51 51 69 I j A i' RY 50 i 7 74 7' 69 70 il 69 69 76 i 6 73 70 73 69 84 os 57 76 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 5 ' 11 5 , 11 ;! 1; i :l :: B ! 9 ....... ii "'i6 5 10 ........... ........... ...I ........ I I lo ............. 37.s I - n.s 39.!+ - 4 .2 ..... I ........ I ..... ........ ..... ...... 34.2 I - 4.8 li' 1 .. i.l.. .. 1 i I i ! -. 311 30 31 30 31 31 30 30 30 31 30 51 4u 27 45 38 38 35 2s 37 39 31 ...I ........ ........ ............. 3X.9"I - 8.5 3 5 .9 . - 4.4 .... 44.9 - 4.3 3%. 1 ........ 3!l.5cI - 3.5 39.7 ....... 37.2 - 3.6 41.0 43.8 42. n ...... ...... - 3.4 - 5.? - 3,s - 5.2 - 2.2 - 6.4 - 2. I ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... .... ..... 3.10 I- 11.49 1.07 2 .~7 ,....I + 0 .s i 1.22 2.74 :- 1.00 0.95 2 .~4 I ........ I i .i n ........ I ..... 5.41 ....... 0.65 ..... 43.1 38.9 44.4 45.6 44.9 42.9 . 44. n ..... ..... ....... stl 9 6 , 14 4 s ....... 4 , 12 5 11 ..I ..... .............. Batuburg ................ Lexington ............... Beaufort ................. Beaufort ................ Bennettadle ............. Marlboro ................ Blackdle ................ Barnwell ................ B l a h .................... Fairfield ................. Bowman.. ............... Orangeburg.. ........... 83 -2 1014 i ; ii 1 20 LO 1 IO 91 5 1 ..... .; . 11 I - 5 I 15 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABL~ I.-Climatdoaieal data for December. 1909. District No. #-Continued. nw. I n. ..... 1 n. nw. DECEMBER, 1909 Fort Gained .............. QahetavW ............... -d e .. ............... Ghnvtlle ................ O m ...................... Glresmbwo ............... Qd5n .................... Hmbon.. ............... Earhrell..... ............ Hawkhmdle. ............ Helena ................... LBF- ................ Lbbon ................... Lo& Mountain.. ......... L o ~v l l l e ................ Lumber City ............. Lumpkin ................. Macon .................... mar dull^ ............. Marup .................... Clsv ..................... 166 Hall ..................... I 1.254 R ~I I ............. ........I 1.052 Tattnell ....................... , Chattooga Greene .................. 598 S alding ................ 975 #shlngton.. ........... 24.5 Hart .................... 838 Pulaski .................. 235 Telfatr ................... 280 Walker .................. 871 Llncoln ......................... Cobb.. ......................... Jefienon ................ 259 Telfair.. ....................... steasrt .................. Bso Bibb .................... 370 Macon ................... 500 colqultt ........................ ..................... - -- Sky. -- d J -0" C* 1: M - - - E n4 .- . mv. nn'. nn.. w. w. w. W. .... .... U W . U.. SW. .... .... nw. nw. nw. ne. a\\.. \\*. .... w. 11. UU'. w. w. w. .... .... .... .... SW. w. n. .... .... sw. w. nw. YW. .... .... sw. .... n. .... nw. w. ..... w w. \v . U. .... n. ..... \\'. ..... ..... w. w. .... ..... ne. nw. ..... ..... ..... ..... w. nu-. w. ..... ..... ..... ..... nw . w. \\*. nw . sw. w. nw. nw. sw. nn-. w. nw. ..... _- .... .. ......... I ' Temperature. la degreea Fahrenheit. Precipitatlon. In inches. .. i i E j: IC ,s I C js 9 S p ; 8 S 6 9 9 S 5 5 1 5 5 s 6 S 5 6 S !I !) li II 7 5: 7 R t; I !! I ; F F 10 r; 8 13 5 'i Y I ii I" 1n I 1 li 4 !3 7 - i ;< 84 2 b 2 4 _. ?? IS 21 14 13 li 14 1 I; "I 21 21 "1 17 1% 17 1 li 21 18 l i 18 15 15 25 20 li: 14 "2 19 18 1lJ 10 11 13 19 ... in I Observers. -. - . . -. . __ _- 0. 72 1.41) 0. s4 1.10 11.3s l .l B 11. 64 2.06 1.iIS It. 65 It. 95 I). II. 45 1.w 1. i t : 1. ili 1. l i 0.85 2. 111 0. i S 1. LIS I). 411 1.34 1.11 1.41 1.1% 0. 7s 1.59 0. Y? 0. i 5 1. SO 1. 15 1.c: 0.86 2.52 11. 9 i l.u: .... .... i.ns n. 5" n. (12 ._._ n. 91 n. 811 0. ~l j ..... n. m -. 0. 0 T. T. 11.0 It. 0 11.0 T. .... .... 0. n T. 11. 0 T. 11. 0 0.0 n. o n. n n. n 2. n 0. n II. 0 0. L 0.0 .... 2. IJ T. 11. n II. I I 11.0 0. (I 0.0 T. (1. II 0.0 0. n IJ. n 0. n n. n n. I! n. 0 n. i t T. T. II. n 2. I1 11.11 I I . I 1 ... i n vr . 0. II n. n 11. ii 11. II n:il n. IJ a. n 11. n 11. I) .... ... 0. 11 11. I1 1.5 i. (I .... n. t i 1i.n 11.11 (I. 0 11. n n. (I 0.0 0.0 1'. T. 1.5 (I. 0 0. 0 T. 2. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 T. 0.0 .... n. n 0. n n. o n. o 1.0 n. o n. o .- 16 3 43 4 4 39 21 16 7 1s 22 17 14 5 17 2 21 16 17 21 8 1 15 31 15 16 5 4 16 21 21 7 15 14 18 18 1% 16 23 18 5 30 10 14 6 17 24 20 26 32 44 43 17 1 18 11 7 I6 16 10 12 I6 22 16 10 17 15 7 1s 6 18 9 11 27 22 33 19 4 11 7 20 11 1 14 I 3 3 9 17 1 16 32 17 11 1: . --- --- I 50s 222 562 402 48 141 144 456 850 351 25 175 100 51 136 13 969 671 568 13 54 54 900 711 502 873 54 Io9 209 530 512 62 192 875 75 6% 85 1.061 69 545 690 23 772 230 293 36% 694 1,218 180 119 875 300 14 650 613 894 557 2,100 262 800 446 1.519 2,020 500 452 ....... in0 ....... ....... &ah Cdina-Cont'd. Calhoun Falls ............ Abbeville.. ............. Camden( 1) ............... Kernhaw.. ............. Camden(3). .............. Kernhaw.. ............. Catawba ................. York ................... Chx- ............... Charleston .............. C h a w ( 1 ). ............... Chesterfield. ............ C h a w 8). ............... Cheaterfield.. ........... Clarks klll.. ............. EdgeLld ................ Clemmon College.. ........ Ooonee.. ................ Columbia ................ Richland ................ Conway .................. H o w ................... DarlIngton ............... Darlington .............. DUlon. ................... Marion.. ................ Effinglism ................ Florence ................. Ferguson ................. Berkeley ................. Flmnm .................. Florence ................. Gemgetown .............. Georgetown ............. (4reenville ................ Greenville ............... Greenwood ............... Greenwood .............. Heath Sprlngs ............ Lancsster.. ............. Jackaonboro .............. Colleton. ................ i Klngstree( 1). ............. Wil~iamsburg.. .......... Kingstree(2) .............. Wllliamsburg ............ .......... Newberry ................ Newberry.. .............. Newberry.. ............. pelrer.. .................. Andemon Plno olls ................. Berkeley ................. St. Matt WB ............. Calhoun ................. Saluda ................... g-aluda .................. Chap h ................ Newberry ............... i .................. ................ i St. &o r g ............... Dorehester.. ............ I I ................ P. J. Pfiefer. J. B. Mickle. J. C. Brown. Jas. C. Faris. M. C. Rlvers. U. S. Weather Bureau. W. R. Godfrey. Jno H. Powe. Wm. S. Middleton. Prof. John N. Hook. U. 8. Weather Bureau. P. D. C. C. Quattlebaum. McCall. A. E. Rowell. H. B. MrCaII. D. B. Gilllland. jr. H. IC. Gilbert. Wm. Alden James. Mrs. 8. A. Crlttenden. P. M. Calhoun. J. A. Weaner. W. E. Haakell. jr. J. A. Scott. A. 0. Matthews. Jno T. Boggs. Dr. J. M. &me. W. 0. Peterson. John M. Ward. Mlsa E. P. Ravenel. G. T. Lewis. J. 5. Wannamaker. Alvln Etherldge. E. W. Jeter. W. G. Walker. J. .I. Lucss. F. P. Rohinaon. MI= E. H. Gadsden. C. A. Long. Etaell Galllard N. L. Fant. ........ ....... ..... I ........ ...... .... .... ....... ..... I ........ ...... I .... ...... .... .............. .... i..;.i 80 45 31 i 3 i I 311 I 38 I an , 3:j ...... I . ...... 4. !Ill + I). 1 I 2.m I- n.84 3 .s ~ :- 1.64 - 1.43 1.li6 - 1.96 $sn + 1.19 I. I;n 1 .. ..... 2. ;s I - 11.33 1.M I- 1.9.5 4.m + 0.18 3.S5 I- 1.13 3. I 1 2.03 I ....... 2.90 l-'i:ik 5.07 ,+ 11.17 2.39 - 1.05 4.53 - 1.15 3.44 ........ I.?? I_ 1.78 3.20 - 1.m - 0.54 3.013 ....... ?.in I- 1.31 4.13 - 11.23 2.1s I - 1 03 :j.2:3 n. 'li 2.71 1: I:& 2.66 i- 1.47 2.20 - 11.89 $$ + 0 .4 i _. till ....... i:l3i'!- 0.!15 ............ _..- ....... ....... ........ 1 31 1 .:..1 I . ..... ................... .....I ......... I ...... I .... i ...... I .... I .... I 3 ~..f l . 1. ~ '3: 42.2 I - 3 .B 41.2 , - 8.1 .....I... ... I. ...... 39.8 I - n.a ........... 40.5 I - 5.1 43.6 I - 4.5 45.3 I - 2.9 39.2 : - 4.1 46.3'(. ...... ......I ....I .... 7 30 3 i 10 I 3IJ 11 I :m 31 34 ... ... m 3Y 411: 33 s4 ao BK 34 3B 35 3s 3' 3.5 321 3 i 411 "7 :o 2 .~4 1:. .... ./ 0.99 5.92 ' . . I 2.75 5.06 ......... 3 .w 2. 06 - 0.57 I 0. !I8 3.92 - 0.m I 1.fW 2.60 1.87 0.75 3 .S 1: 0.39 ! 1.33 2.83 1 :::: .... 1.111 3.m 1 ::::::..1 1.28 2.31 1.. ...... I n.m 2. I4 I- 2.27 I 0.67 ...... ..... ...I ... I 12 .5.1.!? x s 39.4 I - 5.6 I 73 ......... 47.0' ........ I i 6 35.4 I ......... 09 4I.S I ........ 36.6 ........ ' :: 44.2 - 3.7 I il 46.6 , - 2.5 1 "' ;f l 42.1 - 4.7 i o 43.3.1 - 5.4 I i l ............. 49.7 I - 2.6 I 81 DECEMBER, 1909. Mllledgevllle. ............. MUlen. ................... Monteruma.. ............ MontlmUo ................ Morgan ................... Newnan.. ................ MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLII l.--Climatdogicd data for December, 1909. Dietrid No. #-Continued. 1 1015 .................... 7 46.0 - 5.7 25 ....... I ........ I.. 15 I 39.7 i - 4.7 I 23 J R .R - 0.9 30 I *? 4 - 6.3 I 13 ' 39.21 - 5.2 ' 8 ................. I.. ...... ....I.._ 22 30 18 ' 30 ... 15.50 ........ 1.55 30 7.50 i+ 2.93 1 3.42 32 5 $8 I+ 1.28 1.i5 Mentone.. ................ Mllatead.. ................ Mobile. ................... Montgomery.. ........... Newbern. ................ oneonta.. ................ I Opellka.. ................. Osark.. .................. ...... -~ - - _. ._ .................... _- ..... I ' I 23 44.8 - 3.9 1 21 ' 42.0'i - 4.5 4 1 ................. 13 ' 41.6 - 6.2 17 i 45.1 ! - 4.2 I 31 I 40.2 - 2 .7 , 9 ....... ' ........ !.. 20 i 40.5 - 3.4 IS i 47.2 - 3.0 10 44.4.' - 3.7 25 I 49.4 - 3. 1 16 311.2 ' - 5.1 18 I ... ............ 51 ' 38.4 - 8.0 3 ............... 15 51.0 - 2.0 59 , 47.6 ! - 3.7 9 , 46.4 ........ 16 42.Sb - 4.3 I1 3s.4 - 4.9 26 47.5 - 5.5 24 36.4 ~ - 6.6 4 48.2 ........ 23 40.4 : - 4.4 20 ' 47.5 15 ' 46.: 1 1.5 9 1 47.nm ........ - 3.9 I 21 40.- : 5.9 i 9 1 4 0 .s ' ........ I ,' I ' - 1.34 I- 0.35 - 0.91 ;- 1.09 - 1.57 I- 0.03 - 0.(16 - 1.w ' - 1.03 , - 1. 0II I. ...... ........ I; 0":;; I ........... !- 0.34 - 1.2s I 0.65 1 0.0 8 1.10 0.0 5 1.09 0.0 6 0.41 0.0 1 10 1.521 0.0 5 1.43 0.0 4 0.S3 11.0 10 1.21) 0.0 B 1.30 0.0 6 1. io 7 2.40 5 2.10 8 0.66 I 0.0 7 0.90 1 0.0 I s ! 14 ~ 4 13 ~ nw. ............ nw. ............. I ..... 30 1 O ! ..... ~ ............ nw. .............. nw. 15 8 8 I w. 113 8 , io ..... ......... ...., w. ,.i i . ..... ....I ne. 6 11 j n. I ............ n. ........ ....I nw. ............. w. Baldwln ................. 276 Jenklns .................. 158 Macon ................... 292 oun .................. 337 Coweta .................. 959 0 ethorpe .............. I 1 OOO d r t h ................... I '365 Marinn ................. .I.. .... Brooks .................. I 173 Murray .................. 1,363 Floyd ................... ! 578 Charlton... ............ .!. ..... Camden ................ : 20 Chathsm ................ 65 Rullock ............. .....I 253 Talbot.. ................ 750 Haralson. ................ 1,150 Thomas ................. 273 Stephe ns... ............. 1,050 Lowndea ................ I 219 McIntosh ................ 10 WUkea .................... 630 i .TTF ................... I 800 N t o n .................. I 810 Gordon ................. I 657 Prof. 0. M. Cone. M. Q. McComb. W. N. Drewry. Mias Maud C. Penn. J. J. Beak. Mnr. I. J. Mllner. W. R. B. Whltth. c. M. witaher. Dr. J. F. Wilson. Mnr. J. M. Collum. A. B. J o w . D. E. Humphreya. D. A. Norton. W. M. Towers. John Harrki. David C. Sterling. J. U. C. 8. Cromley. Weather.Bumau. Dr. W. T. Den&. R. M. Stridand. U. E. A. 8. W e a t h Newton. Bureau. M k Annie L. Twltty. J. M. Atwood. Mias Ella B. Smlth. Thos. Samer. Mm. H. W. Blount. E. N. Dunn. G. A. Wrlght. I ' 70 5 j 14 130 I35 I2.78 76 j 3 12 30 35 3.00 ....................... i 2.54 74 ! 5 15 31) 34 ,.07 73 4 I 9 I 30 ~ 38 13.38 69 ' 4 I1 I 311 I 30 1 3 .9 SI 5 I 13 I30 ' 41 3.52 3 10 30 41 I 3.33 1 I 17 41 3.45 4 10 39 3.33 33 5.16 73 4 1 11 i 30 , 39 $"6 ..... I .................. 4.35 ....I 4.95 79 s1 65 BS i 9 i? i 5 .... .... 70 $2 I I I # -- 68 I , 30 30 30 30 311 30 30 30 30 30 30 :io 1.0 2.0 3.0 u. 0 0.0 0.0 T . 0.0 ..... 0. n m ........ 3 . 9 ..... u. 84 0.91 1.10 1.75 1.23 2.01 1. 0. 92 (I. 0 n. SII 1.401 1.05 ' n.o 0.0 0.91 , (1.0 i n 1.381 11.0: 7 1.94 0.n 9 0.Sl I 0.0 I 8 ... S s : I1 0 6 ........ ....I e. 24 4 i 3 , sw. ................... ~ 17 7 . 7 nw. 16 6 ' 9 ' w. I 11 . 1 7 , 3 I ..... i 17 5 I 9 nw. i 18 5 8 ' n w . ............. ~ w. ............. I nw. .... 5t 5 t 6 4 5 5 . 4 5 1 i s 5 73 4 691 3 71 5 681 4 .... 16 i3yi:ii 14 34 I 2.89 r; 4n 3.25 17 37 1.12 10 31 3.43 17 87 I 4 .1 9 5 41 6.09 16 41 12.99 15 41 2.33 16 30 35 I 2.39 13 I 30d 41 2.35 11 30 33 ' 4.26 10 , 30 I 44 I 2.98 10 30 37 I 3.73 I .......... ' - 1.26 ! - 0.64 .+ 0.50 1 + 0.89 I , ........ ........ .I !- 0.32 ' - 0.87 ! I- 1.?3 .- 0.19 ......... 4 8 ............ ! ne. !....I ne. ......... !.. .. nw. 11 4 16 w. .... ::::#::::I nw. 4 ......... 15 i 39.0 16 38.5 20 42.2s, ....... I.. - 5.0 - 5.1 i ....... I .. - 5.3 ' - 5.2 1 - 7.4 1 I 1.48 2.22 ;::: I I ....... 1.15 1.25 1. 65 2. os 1.56 ~~ 1.35 - 4.1 17" 30 I 32". 6.41 + 1.71 I 2 .N .......I ...... I .... I ...... I ......... 5.96 ,+ 1.21 . 1.50 ....... j 7 5 1 4 1 8 i a o .a ~ 4 .9 3 . ........ 12.30 ................................. 15.13 1 ........ 2.05 i s h , 4 ~ I 4 .6 2 ' ......... 5.56 /+ 1.03 5.25 +a l l 5.m .- 0.11 6.89 i ........ 9.34 i-I- 4.71 ' i 4.41 - 0.19 I 0.0 ' 11 ~ is ! o j 13 0.3 I 19 I 11 ' 7 13 ' 0.n , s 15 8 13 3.0 I Y ' 14 6 11 0.0 9 13 3 15 I 0.u 10 10 , 5 10 ' 3.1 I15 9 S i 14 I n. n. nw. nw. nu.. n. n. ne. nw. ..... Jam- L. WUa. U. 8. Weather Bureau. George R. Cather. James T. Andemon. 8. T. Prultt. M. J. Morrlr. U. 8. Weather Bureau. G P Brugh. Dr. Lyman Ward. Joe L. DanY. George A. Maloney. Wallm C. Edler. Scott M a d . Eugene Dr. W. B. A. Fulton. Wet. John H. Young. George E. Pegram. Charlea D. Hudghs. Dr. J. B. Whitlock. Robert L. Whitcomb. W. V. Bum. L X . k v e t t . s. : T. J.Fsrris. .... I ........... .... 73 I 4 9 30 6s 4 10 I i2.1 4 30 30 I : .... 33 31 I 33 ' 8 .......... 5 ............... ... ! .............................. ! 6 ......... 22 44.4 21 I 39.9 I , , , , 8 1 4 2 .4 . ........ i 4 : 4 10;8013412.42! ......... 1;: ......... 48.9h 5 ............... 1 ::::::I: ................. 4.16 j ........ 21 4i.0 16 ! 41.43 15 39.7b 2 37.1 . 17 !... ..... ....! ............... 75 3 14 30 7 1 1 4 : 121301 .... ;; ! ..................... 0.U i I 9 5 17 0.0 , 0 17 3 Ill 1.5 I 4 2 24 5 0.0 S 15 0 16 0.U 10 17 I 3 11 0.0 I 11 I 19 1 , 11 ...... .!. ... ..I.. . ./. .... .(. .. .' . ... 3.95 ....... .! - 6.0 ' 76 I 6 I6 . 30 3fl 8.07 :+ 4.32 ! - 4.9 - 4.4 i 7stni s , sbl :m , :w 4.29 - 0.7: I a s 4 , i3a, 3u I 34 14.97 I+ 0.59 .... nu-. nw. nw. nw. n s . s. w. I Daphne ................. .' Demopoh.. ............. Double Springs.. ......... ......... I ............ 0.0 ~ 11 i 15 7 9 0.0 7 ' 19 0 12 .... ..o.!.ii .... nw. n. .... ....I _.._I ......... so 't 16 I 30 70 SO RS 75 I 75 lis 70 78 7'2 73 7n 74 71 72 ... ... .... .... ...I ...... ~ ........... 40 4.28 I 0.60 I 2.W J. L. Pariah. D. P. Goodhue. D. S. Brown. W. E. W. Ywby. E. M. Lsnls. Prof. H. 0. Bargent. Prof. Samuel Jordan. Robert U. S. Endneem. L. King. A L Croab ?&.'A. E. Mason. L. &brey. Evle Oawalt. U. 8. Weather Bureau. U. 8. Weather Bureau. ~i i l s Dr J Hug J. $d u m . M. A. H. Read Jr. Mlss Lucy &h. Jos. B. Bell. E. A. Cam. Charles F. Brlrlln. Rev. J. B. Ranekbaumr. Rola Bartholomew. P. A. Noble. J. G. Forster. C. 8. Tutwlk. w. 8. wyman. Prof. Geo. W. Carver. P. L. cowan. F. D. Stevens. Dr. E. P. Nlchokion. A. L. Boom. U. 8. Endneers. .......... I... 1 1 1 3 ~3 0 l t 10 311 3 16 1 30 .............. i ............. .__..I .... .... ............... 0 .0 ' 7 i 1 2 , O (1 9 ,n . ...I .......... 4 Ob 30 4 i 14 I 30 4 ! 13 I 30 4 10 30 4 i 12 I 30 4 ( 12 ! 29 ............ ..... ?I 4 4 ' 4 1 5 13 ?! 116 9 9 13 6 10 15 I? 4 16 8 5 ......I ............... 42.2 ........I 70 40.4 I - 6.7 , ;3 40.4: - 7.9 ' r S 48.3 ........ 6 41.40 - 3.8 ~ 72' ,. ................. 11 1.30 I 38 5 83 13 3n 44 610.- .......... ! .... 5.43 11 I30 ! 40 5.34 19 30 ' 43 10.04 15c 21 I 36cj 4.33 13 I 30 ' 41 4 .M 13 30 I 36 4.93 14 , 30t1 39 7.70 14 ! 30 ' 36 5.89 14 ' 30 33 5.57 14 . 30 38 4.55 6 , 30 39 4.11 ......... ..... 2.30 1.15 1. BP 4. w 1. 82 2.1s 1.10 1.54 2.00 2.45 1.35 0. 96 1.58 s 18 9 5 10 15 18 1 as 0 22 2.9 24 4 17 6 8 24 11 13 2 8 17 13 + 0.79 !+ 0.04 + 0.9s I ........ j '+ 0.21 .... 3t :i i t ' 2 4 ! .............. 41.7 I - 7.1 45.5 ........I.. . 39 3 7.3 , 76 44:s 1.1 .....: 76 43.7 - 5.0 69 ...... ..... ...... 44.4 - 3.3 73 !+.i: j,. ' !+'O.',i'I i+ 0.30 :- 0.76 I 37 33 40 41 38 43 36 35 37 ,.. ............ 4 13 30 53.1 I ........ j 8n.d ........ 55.n - 2.4 w).II . - 1.5 58.S j - 4.7 49.0 i ........ 49.6 ....... .I 58.3. - 0.7 : ................ I 6.44 ........ ! 2.00 1.58 !- 0.71 ' 0.40 3.41 + 0.06 ~ fl.93 1.85 ........ I O .6 5 4.42 ,+ 1.21 ! 24 30 22 31 H I 31 25 31 22 , 31 ?(, , 30 17 I 30 22b 30 18 I 30 0.0 5 I is ' 4 9 I n. ' c.A.w~~w~E. 0.01 9 .1 S 1 7 1 6 ,e . ,C.S.BudmeJl. 0.0 8 ....I ........ I ...... R B H o d n. 0.0 11 I 14 , 13 I 4 ne. , Wm.Hood. 0 .0 ' 5 ,XI 5 ' 6 ' s . C.L.Hobbo. 0.0 nw. ' c.c.Peak. 0.0 1 0 ' 2 1 4 . 8 ' ...... 0 :R :T h S . ..... 7 , 12 I 7 : 13 I nw. I Wm.Rwh. .......... , ............ .I.. ... .! J. J. BlomquIat. 6 I 14 ' 8 I 9 6.41 ........ 1.98 6.47 ........ 13.45 3.30 i- 0.05 ' 0.85 ~~ Bonlfay ................... Brookcdle.. ............. Cmabelle ............... .; ..................... .......... 1016 cadarKeyI3 .............. Clwmont. ................ DeFuniak Sprlnga ....... D e h d .................. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1909 District No. $-Continued. TABLE I.-Climatdogical dda for December, 1909. Levy ................... Lake.. ................. Walton ................. Volluda.. .............. E a .................... I Federal Polnt ............. Fenhdoway ............. Fernandlna ............... Flamingo ................. Fort Medeade ............... Fort Myem ................ Fort plaa, ............... Gdw~ville ............... Grrumere ................. Hllllard.. ................ Huntington .............. Hypoluxo ................ Inverneaa ................. Jaokoonvllle .............. Jasper .................... Johmtown ............... Jupbter ................... Key West ................. Khdmse.. Lab Clty Live Oak Mumletmy Madlson. ................. Malabar .................. Manatee .................. Marlanna ................. Merrltt's Ldand.. ......... Mia ml .................... Mlddleburg ............... Mollno ................... Montldlo ................ Mt. Pleasant. ............ Nmort.. ............... New Smyrna ............. Oeda ..................... Or- City .............. Orlando.. ................. P e ~~o l a .. .............. Plant Clty ................ St. Andrew ............... 8 t .h wtlm ............. Sand& ................ S t .h ................... Satsuma Helghta. ........ Swlmlmd .............. T d a h u e e ............... Tampa ................... TuponSprlnga .......... Tltusvllle ................. Wauuu.. ................ Aberdmn Agrleulturd Colle ge... Bay St hula ............. Blloxi ..................... Boonevllla ................ Brookhaven .............. Columbla ................ Columbus ................ Sprlnp ........... %&. ................ Entarpriae ................ Fulton ................... Hattlesburg .............. Hrulehurst ............... J a c h n .................. Lake ..................... LskeComo ............... Laurel .................... IarLasvllle ............... LoulavUle ................ MaNelll .................. Macon .................... Magaolla ................. Merldlan ................. M d .................... Montido ................ Okolona .................. Pvayoula ............... Peullngton. ............. Porkadle ................ Shubuta .................. Waynusboro .............. Woodland ................ W a n a . Pearl Rlvar ............... ............... ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ................. ... m-n'ppi. Lake ................. Putnam.. ............. Taylor. ................ Nassau. ................ Monroe ................. Polk. ................... Lee.. ................... St. Lucle.. ............. Alachua ................ Orange ................. Nawaau ................. Putnarn ................ Palm Bench.. .......... Cltrus.. ................ Duval .................. HamUton.. ............ Bradford ................ Palm Beach ............. Monroe ................... Oeceola Columbla.. Suwanee.. Baker.. Madlaon.. ............... Brevard ................. Manatee ................. Jackson ................. Brevard.. ............... Dade ..................... Clay.. ................... ~ Eseambia ................. Jeflerson.. ............... Gadeden.. ............... Volusla. ................. ll Marlon .................. 8S Voluda .................. 39 Orange.. ................ 111 Eacambla.. ............. 149 Hlllsboro.. .............. 191 Brevard ................. 2s Marion .................. 10 Huntington ............. 14 .................. ............. ............... ................. 1 Wakulla ................. i.. .... St. Johns ................ I 10 Monroe .................. ! 46 Psaco .................... 140 Putnam.. ............... Leon.. .................. Hillsbon, ................ I HUlsboro ................ I 20 Brevard ................. : 6 Washlngton.. ........... 350 M o m 210 Oktlbbeha.. 424 Hanceock.. .............. 28 Harrison ................ 24 Prentlss ................. 1 5M LIncoln ................... 500 Maroon .................. ' 100 Lowndes ................ 1 250 Coplah .................. 468 hake.. ....................... Clarke ................... 248 Itawamba ......................... Forest .................... 154 16 Coplah .................. ! 460 19 Hlnds ................... ! 280 22 Scott .................... I 446 31 Jasper .......................... 6 Jonea .................... 241 5 Greene ......................... 15 Wlnston ................. 561 20 PearlRlver .............. 185 21 Nosubee ................ 330 Plke ..................... I 415 Lauderdale .............. 375 Greene... ............... 76 Lawrence.. .............. 208 chlckasaw.. ............ 311 Jackson ................. 15 Hencock.. .............. 10 Kemper.. Clarke ................... 201 Wayne ................... 181 Chickasaw. ................... St. Tammany .................. St. Johns ................ I ;i .................. ............. ~ ..................... i I 50.2 50.5- 59.0 - 3 .i - 4.3 ........ .............. 21 22* 29 30 311 31 43 31 32 5.55 1.12 0.42 + 4.35 2.76 - 11.6s n.70 ....... 0.26 .2' '- I ' - x s5 3s I $4 W 2.00 1.78 0. 33 1. 20 (I. ii 1 . 12 I). 49 I I . (15 0. 57 0. SO 1. 20 n. 30 n. 42 n. 52 n. 79 n. 4s ... .... n. 54 a $1 5 s 5 : a - 3.3 - 2.5 - 1.7 - 3.4 - 3.2 - 2.7 - 4.0 ...... ). J d s % 5 10 105 193 27 56 5 75 10 4 135 13 6 176 17s 69 56 4 43 101 152 125 34 14 65 210 108 1% -xxJ 24 8 80 20 5 10 49 207 ?eo Countlem. ). 3 bo !i 12 16 14 13 17 17 3 12 7 17 17 8 23 13 1 I? 8 8 37 I1 14 21 3s l i M ' 8 13 6 S 17 8 30 13 8 8 4 5 S 31 32 19 17 31 17 1 10 14 59 6 14 1 13 24 18 16 17 12 21 19 16 IS 15 21 5 31 17 1 4 d f 55.3 58. fi 50.21 55.1 56. i 54.4 48. s 52. I 5s. 4 61.2 62.0 ..... __ ........... I 30 25 30 35 31 44 30 3Y 30 I9 31 $2 30 31 30 :37 J. B. Lutterloh. 5. S. Feder. R. W. Storm. 0. B. Webster. C. T. Smlth. E. 8. Huhbard. J Wlg lesworth W. B. 8. Duryw. E. R. Bradley. G. L. Brodrlck. M. M. Gardner. R. L. Goodwln. J. P. H. Bell. J. B. Eac0t.t. D. W. Grtffing. E. C. Walker. G. A. Angervine. W. H. Miller. U. S. Weather Bureau. G. W. Duncan. A. M. C. Branch. U. S. Weather Bureau. U. 5. Weather Bureau. J. A. Slmpson. W. B. Knight. D. 0. Henry. Grlffing Bros. Co. E. J. Vann. J. F. Farley. F. C. Whltaker. J. L. Behymer. C. D. Provost. E. V. Blackman. G. A. Chalker. W. H. Trlmmer. E. C. Potter. Mlss A. Grubb. J. W. Ladd. F. Nordman. F. T. Schrelber. J. D. Graham. James Thomson. U. S. Weather Bureau. E. B. Trask. J. H. White. Dunellon Phm. Co. W. A. Emmons. J. R. Palmer. U. 8. Weather Burvau. G. Schnelder. Satsuma Co. W. C. Steele. W. H. Marliham. U. 8. Weather Bureau. A. P. Albaugh. F. M. Taylor. C. Jones. 5 5 11 19 4 a 5 5 3 3' 5 5 20 IS 5 5 si 20 10 19 5 6 : ... ... 23 25 17' 19 22 22 17 19 21 31 28 19 .... 3.23 + 0.11 0 3 4 - 1 .i l 7.91 i + ?.SI n. o n. o u. n (I. I 1 0. II 0.0 0.0 0.0 11. 0 .... n. n 0. n n. n 11. n 0. n n. 0 n. n n. n n. n n. n n. n 0. n n.0 o. n .... .... II. I I 11.0 0.0 0.11 .... n. o n. (I n. n o. 0 n. n n. n n. n n. n n. n n. n n. n 0. u .... 0.0 11. 0 u. 0 .... nw. n. n. nw. nw. nw. ne. ne. nw. ne. nu'. ne. nw. ne. nw. ne. nu.. nw. ne. n. ne. nw. n. ne. .... .... .... .... .... 65'. .... Ill... W. nu'. .... .... 1.15 I _.. .... 1.SP I I .s (I 1.35 ' - 1.39 2.75 ........ 2.w - 0.45 ............. 2.20 n.?3 1.10 I: 0.07 2.80 ;- 0.03 1.18 ....... n. 14 ........ 1. IS I - 1.85 1 .s ~ :- n.99 2 .~3 + n.w 2.30 - 0.69 2.51 - n.79 n.81 - 1.8s n.33 1.61 1 - n.?j 1.12 1 .~3 i- 1.19 0.83 3.65 + 0.41 1.211 3.24 + n. 911 n.02 a.oi I- n. IS 1.m 3. ti0 - u .4 ~ 1.m - 1.49 0.86 ............. ................. 1.3s ........ n.3s 2.44 + 0.U7 : 0.75 ............. I ..... 1.M - 1.03 1.211 2.05 ......... 1.35 9.81 ........ 4.x3 4.00 ' I ........ 1.34 5 .... ....I .... 12 I4 Y S ........I .... i .... *:2 4 4 3 5 1i1 7 7 7 ............ 5 IS 1 11 2 7 1 1 ' 1 .1 i 9 ,l G 8 1 7 ............. - 1.5 83 - 3.3 79 'i' ....... L- 31 31 511 311 ?i I :w 17 I 3il l!P 31 31 27 81 42 18 30 ... 43 27 a7 3!1 40 4.1 3 i 43 2iJ ....... 15 15 : 1 17 5 9 19 , (I 12 9 s 5 9 G 9 I2 8 7 6 1 3 7 7 5 0 6 1 5 Id 5 ........... 14 5 I 12 i3' q ' a ' ...... 4S.4 I ........ i s 5 58.Y ! - 4.9 so 3 tlrl.0=. ...... .I SI' 3 .............. 49.G - 4.2 5i.P - 2.9 55.4 ' - 2.0 .... ... I. ....... nw. 21 5 .5 :..... 2n ! 6 5 6. 15 17 6 7 1 9 1 n . X nw. ,...I ............. ....I ....: .... ....... S1 5 74 i " SO+l 19 SO 3' ... .!. .. 7 7 : 7 7SL 5 i? 5 7S11 4 i 3 4 75 2 733 3. i l : 4 ....I... 78 4 7 i ! 5 i 6 4 .... I... ....... ....... 51 i i S l . 771 4 77 4 S3*, 1 7 8 ' 4 751 4 7 3 , 4 7 .... ..i.l..i./.n:.. I I ?I , .... 1.88 I I . 3s 0. i7 11.35 0. lis 1.411 .... n. 31 n. si n. 21 ?.OS 1.2s 1.55 2. IS 1.m 3. nti ..... I ....... 19 : 30 37 20 j 30 8.1 .....I ....... 7.117 '+ 1.91 1.26 I- 1.25 ...I .... I .... I .... I ..... 11 ?31 4 1 4 1 n . 0.1) I! 16 S I 7 w. o.n 15 1 3 3 ..... n .n . A ........... 7 I 11 s 9 I IIP. ........... ....I .... 1 ..... .. I ... I ... .............. 56.8 - 3.0 51,s I ........ 5-.J -2 .: 47.S -5 .- 5i 6 5 0 .0 ~! - 2.4 5:.k"l - ;p w: 21.1 1 i: i I ........ ?3 I 31 1S I 30 20 31 23 31 24 I 30 16 i 30 19s 31 2 1 h :$n ....... I ....... 31 1.3s ....... 37 1.65 ' - 1.3(1 41: BO - 0. in as 4. 6s I+ n.w .... n. nw. n. n. n. n. n. nw. n. n. W. nw. nw. .... n. nw. 11. 11. 11. se. 11. nw. ne. .... .... nu'. nu.. nw. n. D. ow. 0. 11. D. D. ne. n. .... n. 8.0 I 9 1s I 3 I 10 13 i 3n 3n 24 3n 311 13 "1 10 19 ........ 12 30 15 30 16 311 16% 311 18 3il 20 30 l?bl 31 18 30 ll=! 30 38.2 i - 4.6 39.91' - 7. 1 4S.7 - 3.6 4ll.4* - 2.7 86.2 -S .4 12.4 I - i .9 .............. .............. 41.9 -6 .5 41.6 ........ 46.7 - 4.4 41.6 1.: ..... 43.4 4.1 44.3 ........ 45. S ........ 47.9 - 3.4 41.5 -5 ,s 4s. 7 ........ 39.4bi - 6.9 47.4 ~ - 3.1 42.0 ~ - 4.9 .............. .............. 39.w - 7.6 L. D. Godfrey 'r. Brother Stanlslaua. Miss Dr. D. M. T. Josle Prlce. Pope. W. J. Bee. N. R. Drummond. J. B. Love. D. H. Miller. J. Y. Blocker. J. B. Thornpaon. A. L. Summers. T. C. Spence. J. D. Granberry. Frank J. Helntz. J. A. Freeman. C Thlg en Dr. Samuel Pool. B. T. Webster. Flnla E. Carleton. Prof. E. B. Ferrla. Miss Ruby V. Roterb. U. 8. Weather Bureau. L. C. Helm. Dr. G. A. Teunlsson. D. H. Shell. Tom Swartwout. Mlaa Annette Koch. W. G. Sanders. Geo. A. Floyd. R. 8. Burke. Tallahatchle Draln. Com. Geo. F. Bancka. Prof. W. R. P A L . T L ~. vr9 Fiynt. - . ..... -. . ii I? 12 12 S 12 12 9 12 14 I1 ... 6 13 18 4 a 21 21 4 4 32 4 .. .................... 44.5 ........ 7 9 . 1 30.5 - 7.3 74 I 4 49.0~ ........ 7f% 4 48.2 ' - 4.5 I 74 1' 44.2-4 ........I i 5 c ' 4 ........ 0.95 ...... ........ 11.10 ......I ........!...... ~ .... ...... .... .... 15.64; ........ 13.00 0.0 13 I 18 I 2 , DECEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 1017 TABLE 2.--Daily preeipilalwn for December, 1909. District No. 9, South Allantic and eaat Gulf Stdss. .. ... _ .... - ...... - ... ~ Day of month. ... ........... . . ... Stations. j Riverbasms. I -- ,. ,,. I .,,, I l i - ,I - .- j ! i 1 2 3 i 4 1 5 ’ 8 1 7 I S 1 9 I Q I 2 0 /2 l I -/ “2 23 I 24125 I 26 I 27 I 28 I 29 I 80 I 31 I 2 I I ................ .................. ................... .................. Virginia. Arvonis James Ashland. do. 1018 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1909 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for December, 1909. Distrid No. #-Continued. . . . . . -_ - . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . - . . .. . -~ __ Day of month. . . . . .- . . . . . . -. .- -. . . . . . . - .. . DECEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 1019 TABLE 2.-Daily prm'pilalion for December, 190Q. Disfrid No. d-Continued. - . . . . . .. .. - . . . .. Day of month. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . DECEMBER. 1909 1020 __ TABLE 2.-Daily preeipilalwn for Decenlber. 1909 . Distriet No . ¶?-Continued . .... .... ... ... Day of month . :I I I I I-.- .- 8tStlOnS . River baalns . ~l i .!3 j 4 ~5 ,6 ~i 8 /9 1 1 0 I l I I ? 13i14 1 5 /1 8 i 1 7 ~1 S !1 9 20 2 1 ;??' 2 3 241% 26 37128 18 ... ... ........ . ... I - *F'redpltatlon included In that of the nest measurement . t h o on other dates . f Data are from ntandard lnstrumenb not aupplled by the U . 5 . Weather Bureau . **Temperature extremes M from observed readinga of the dry-bulb; means are computed from observed readings . f Instrument. M read in the mornlng; the mallmum temperature then read Is charged to the precedlng day, on which I t almost always occun Ertlmated by observer . h l p l t a t l o n for the 24 hours endlng on the mornlng when It l a measured . .. b . . eta., Indicate . raspectlvely . 1,2, 3, etc .. day a mlsslng from the mord . . PreclpltatIon la leas than 0.01 inch raln or melted snow . 4 t . ' A I 30 31 I I . . I !I ' I ........... 4.25 . I 1 .... I .... ' ..... ..... .I ......... .......... 6.04 .......... 5.24 ......... 4.83 .......... 5.21 ........... 3 .Bo .....I .... 5.71 . ....I .... 4.45 ......... 14.71 ......... 5.10 ...... T .. 5.30 .......... I 4.41 ...... I .... ! 5.50 .I.... ! ..... 7.50 . 8 ....I .... 15.78 .I.... .... i 5.04 .. ........ 1. ..... .....I .... .I ........ .I. .. .I. ... .I .... I .... 14 32 .I .... I .... 15:43 .I .... I .... 4.46 ......I .... 4.93 .....I .... 7.70 ..... I. ... .!.... I .... 4.89 ......... 4.72 ......... 7.32 ......... : 5.32 ......... j 6.14 ......... 4.63 ........ 6.10 ......... 4.66 ......... 5.90 ......... ~ 4.78 ......... 16.40 .......... 4.53 ........ .I 3.45 ........ .I 3.51 ......... ' 721 ......... ! 6116 ......... j 7.47 .......... 4.35 .......... ! 7.90 ......... 13.45 ......... 4.22 .I ........ 4.34 .I........ 7.00 ........... 4.90 .I ........ 4.83 ......... I ' 5.64 ..... 1.. ... 3.98 ............... ......... 8.88 ......I .... 16.48 3.17 11; 1: 1::::: 7.40 ........ 13.20 .I .. .... i .... j 8.,64 . DECEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 1021 TABLE 3.--.Uacimum and minimum teinperatures at selded atdions, December, 1909. Diatriet No. 9, South Allantie and east G q Staics. 3... 4 . _. . Vlrplnla. 51 66 66 43 44 40 32 32 40 32 : 38 19 I 28 28 I 40 North Carollna . --- d m m Yax. Mln ._ . 53 * m" I I Max. Yln. Mln. - 31 34 30 37 39 41 37 32 25 19 N h . 27 24 3s 32 34 42 40 30 34 21 20 27 44 34 33 36 22 28 30 30 -_ I - I - Yln. 1 Max. I Nln. - Kin. 26 29 41 34 34 36 41 30 30 20 25 33 35 31 32 26 31 30 32 32 29 22 19 23 25 27 22 26 20 9 22 18.1 - - K h . 31 35 43 40 45 53 55 41 33 25 30 37 49 36 38. 35 32 38 34 32 27 31 25 28 36 33 28 36 a0 I6 10 14.3 - - Kax 55 59 54 67 65 71 73 54 51 42 54 63 65 58 63 53 55 53 38 37 45 46 46 57 57 46 - Max. - 54 5Y 55 67 60 67 68 47 41 39 47 46 G4 54 58 45 52 48 36 37 dal - 61 51 56 64 65 88 61 55 41 40 4a 43 55 54 58 49 45 45 40 38 41 40 44 49 43 39 46 44 36 29 38 17.5 - _- .. Kax, 65 69 52 65 73 71 72 64 53 44 52 55 68 56 66 55 57 58 39 35 45 45 45 49 58 43 51 51 40 28 45 i3.2 - - - Uas. 57 69 85 64 88 68 88 Bo 55 48 57 65 68 58 66 57 58 61 45 40 48 51 46 50 58 47 53 53 42 33 50 i5.4 - - .. -_ Kin. 40 44 a3 49 49 Bo 59 41 39 32 38 54 48 36 44 37 36 42 - :. 33 32 30 32 38 34 30 38 25 16 a5 19. 0 - .. Max - 51 52 48 64 63 63 60 46 36 39 36 43 62 53 53 I 1 I 42 I 70 35 42 ! 71 I 41 1 1 .1 48 I 36 46 37 50 37 38 30 36 I 24 40 29 48 , 37 64 I 46 56 I 38 53 I 40 30 36 34 33 32 32 22 19 24 30 32 35 32 25 XI 29 19 17 23 25 28 33 26 24 27 14 12 16 !5.7 23 ~. . 5 . 6.. 7.. . 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. IS.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 33.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. Ins -_ i a" _- I.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. !. . I .. 8.. 9 .. 33 64 ' 48 62 4s 43 34 36 37 38 45 50 52 '40 4.3 39 32 36 40 33 40 ' 46 38 ' 37 41 34 27 21 42.8 40 - 5 0 i 6 7 /4 5 45 Bo 36 52 28 64 45 45 33 41 26 44 22 51 32 47 37 Bo I 36 51 32 58 1 36 63 I. 14 32 40 28 45 ' 24 65 67 60 4" 3s 3s 26 26 25 13 16 26 34 31 .... .... 15 16 16 14 10 20 18 19 30 30 24 19 33 27 21 21 31 41 33 36 33 30 32 32 32 25 25 22 26 34 24 ' 41 33 41 37 ! 51 36 51 37 I..... I '$ ; 18 24 64 43 62 36 5? I 25 44 29 43 32 52 30 Bo ~ 31 45 27 52 I 54 43 i 31 38 ; 27 35 I 29 I 38 29 46 14 18.0 I 27.5 -__ Georpls. 56 44 48 48 37 35 3s 42 45 43 46 45 43 43 31 27 39 :A 0 34 32 ?" 30 31 27 17 32 24 20 30 33 2s 26 24 1.5 13 68 , 33 I 60 I 46 30 I...... 24 58 30 46 23 35 33 34 24 ! 39 24 i 44 23 40 30 I 39 19 I 42 41 39 28 36 80 I 3R I 37 43 I 21 ~ 43 32 45 I 23 41 33 20 I 42 22 40 :; 31 45 30 28 26 16 10 15 27. 8 - _^I _. I __I ^_ 41 44 4' .. 42 I 21 43 j 10 45 j 20 47.91. 21.7 4u 31 43 35 51 24 4Y 33 51 50 I 27 1 48 I 30 50 58 23 43 ! 26 40 42 I 14 ' 41 i 24 2s 1 14 28 20 34 I 46 15.3 I $2. 2 j 43.9 !6.9 ~ 53.6 ' 29.0 28.4 I 48.2 I 30.5 .. South Carollna. 0. 7 ?i n B 0 Kax. Nln. Max. Min. - I ----I i -- d * _- .- - Mln. I Max. j Nln. I Max. I Mln. Mln. _ . .. 23 27 42 38 38 -. Mln. 33 35 48 43 41 50 43 34 29 25 27 46 37 33 38 - . lax. Mln. -~ E 4 1 3 5 56 1 37 63 44 70 -. Mln. - 30 46 46 44 43 55 39 34 29 25 30 49 35 31 39 30 57 34 37 30 54 as 22 26 35 30 24 33 18 14 22 $2.5 - . - Yln 42 49 54 46 51 38 54 3R 37 38 38 50 46 38 44 36 37 43 42 40 34 31 28 31 40 34 28 39 23 17 24 18.6 - - dax ._ 54 54 54 ti? 17 67 70 52 48 44 51 63 64 51 (IO 42 .In - Max 59 54 6.5 71 62 62 62 39 32 49 49 50 56 53 55 __ -_ Mln. -_ 40 54 54 53 53 so 49 34 33 26 33 40 50 35 30 32 28 29 42 40 2s 28 26 31) 39 31 24 35 32 14 In 36.1 - 58 57 65 70 72 - 63 &3 61 67 70 65 65 46 43 48 56 67 62 54 56 47 56 48 41 40 44 47 45 43 47 41 53 43 38 32 52 i1.7 - - 58 66 66 88 Ti 72 69 56 53 50 50 69 88 57 e9 53 57 61 45 44 50 48 40 58 46 55 51 43 34 51 i6.5 5a - - -_ 27 I 60 43 58 37 70 37 I 55 55 is 30 70 35 I 78 I .- 59 I 32 59 34 66 j 34 66 39 66 ! 37 i 77 76 78 78 80 80 74 59 54 60 65 70 61 64 Bs 51 58 57 45 43 51 5" 4s .w 55 46 49 51 39 I 61 46 58 46 66 49 ~ 69 $3 71 35 70 28 48 ?? 46 19 47 36 I 51 33 66 28 ~ 56 35 , 58 50 71 43 ~ 64 64 40 68 38 67 47 I I 72 I 38 38 42 39 41 37 21 XI 26 41 34 36 36 26 25 32 32 31 21 25 21 26 26 u In) 58 43 37 46 59 45 50 46 52 46 50 45 37 42 41 37 51 04 j 37 57 : 64 I 38 71 70 47 48 lo...' 47 19 ...' 40 20 ... 38 21 ... 46 22 ... 46 23 ... .44 25...1 49 26 ... 45 2s ..., 47 29 ... 35 31 ... 49 24 ... i 50 27...i 50 14 32 53 24 :; 1 58 I 24 5% I 29 36 58 39 34 ' 39 34 02 I 38 56 ! 31 fa 39 46 35 46 I 29 48 i 39 47 ! 21 56.4 1 37.0 33 j 42 I 26 23 52 . 23 57 : 32 35 I 27 23 55 57 ~. .. 24 50 ~ 36 38 , 32 3s j 26 -" I "" 25 24 24 24 32 32 27 34 30 17 15 31.1 __ :i: 1 2 45 21 47 24 45 I 36 51 53 53 43 47 57 53 4s 35 38 50 53.8 - 35 23 23 24 31 27 21 24 19 9 13 27.2 __ 44 31 54 I 26 51 33 -- 46 ' 29 44 I 27 49 , 21 48 33 45 29 47 30 .I ~- ~- i 28 I 35 I 23 35 I 12 34 21 33 14 27 10 31 : 13 45 I 21 I 51 ~ 20 I 2 I 1; 26 29 10 I 36 .....I 11 I 5 5 46.7 129.7 153.1 133.0 145.9 138.8 I 1 1022 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1909 B... 7... s... 9... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13... 14 ... 15 ... I &.. 17. .. 18 ... 19 ... a,.. 21 ... 22 ... B ... 24 ... 25 ... 26 ... 27 ... 28 ... 29 ... 30 ... 31. .. Mns TAELE 3.-Mazitnum and minimum temperdurea d ae&&d atdwm, h n b e r , 1909. Distriel No. %-Continued. ~~ 67 55 54 64 64 73 62 59 72 52 59 52 47 45 52 51 49 59 61 48 62 p 46 37 56 58.6 d 0 P 24 * i a z F 53 46 4s 7'3 , 58 i 5 51 80 : 59 63 38 40 31 21 22 I 32 39 30 41 I 23 54 24 ' I ' 11 ............................. 67 . 43 I 72 ! 64 12 ............................. i 3 62 74 ! 68 13 .............................. 69 ~ 48 I 79 I 65 14 .............................. 61 39 I 68 53 16 ............................. ' 58 41 !O ! 53 17 .............................. 62 37 r5 ; 54 18 ............................. I 60 43 76 64 19 .............................. 51 47 S? 68 20 ............................. i 51 45 83 I 66 15 .............................. i o 43 i 75 j 49 76 7s S0 73 T" 74 76 81 59 SO 65 I 30 72 71 41 I 76 60 ' 56 I i 1 33 I 63 8 : 85 I 70 44 57 57 47 43 53 ..... ..... ..... ..... 20 45 35 27 31 21 ............................. 54 22 ............................. 55 23 ............................. 48 24 ............................. 58 25 ............................. 71 42 55 84 I 74 36 67 59 : 50 82 66 44 j 68 33 71 48 79 12 75 54 I 75 35 ' 55 24 ' 49 34 26 GG lii 05 67 71 69 r4 59 , 70 33 I 67 ~ 14 i S 59 I 67 , 43 ' 50 34 76 55 I l$S I 34 54 39 79 63 I 70 49 ~ 58 44 65 65 80 I34 44 39 S3 65 I 76 I 5S I 4U 31 52 . 35 . 05 I 4 i ..... ..... ...... 74 ' 64 ...... ?" 24 27 24 51 31 50 33 55 32 54 35 I 43 ~ 38 49 ~ 30 59 I 5 3 i ....... 17 59 49 ....... 17 6D 39 ...... 20 68 41 ...... I 2 1 67 51 ...... I 3 4 54 41 ...... 24 50 . 28 I 6 1 63 33 I 6 3 36 ...... 25 49 ...... 23 44 35 . 5s 35 I .. .... 36 , IS . 44 I 27 ~ ...... ?Y 12 i; I t! 25 51 27 42 15 I 39 28 26 28 ?I 16 I Georgla. Alabams. Florlda. I ld I p1 Max. Mln. I P I .. -_ 68 65 66 41 47 30 47 2s 58 25 67 28 00 36 48 37 55 41 51 27 59 49 I 3s 40 ! 83 6s 36 I 25 35 ! so 45 : 45 49 I 28 51 25 58 x: 51 40 I 4 .... fax. I Mln. 67 1 34 38 29 49 19 59 48 60 28 57 I 26 53 I 31 37 I 21 53 I 32 _- Mln - 44 52 50 47 51 62 44 35 34 28 32 55 40 31 43 30 28 38 43 37 30 30 27 28 40 28 25 34 24 17 92 36.4 Mln 33 33 51 43 42 43 50 32 28 23 27 32 49 28 33 36 27 33 39 27 bar. Mln. Max. Mln. I -- .-I ... Max. I Mln. 1 Mar. I Mln. - fax. 74 6s 64 74 7s 76 63 58 57 57 84 75 68 59 71 55 60 56 48 47 56 53 52 55 01 49 00 54 46 37 54 19.6 - - - .- Mln. Max -- I 53 7s 57 76 75 67 66 Mar 63 63 65 68 62 OB 63 43 41 48 53 60 51 56 57 45 56 43 35 37 45 44 43 43 43 40 55 44 33 33 47 19.8 __ - _- I tax. Mln. Max. Mln. Max I ' _ ,,I - 39 40 54 49 45 4s 80 36 36 37 27 39 54 32 33 37 25 20 41 42 41 81 2s 26 28 32 26 29 33 16 17 15.4 - - 44 53 51 50 52 50 36 33 28 26 3s 53 33 30 30 30 29 36 32 55 ............ 54 ............ 64 ............ 59 ............ 59 .......... 56 I ... . ..I. .... 71 I 57 6G 52 59 50 70 48 50 30 9s 2 1 ns ; 43 48 I 44 30 30 39 , 23 51 23 Q 54 37 45 56 GI 46 36 44 44 55 64 55 55 53 40 44 54 43 31 54 44 2s 25 19.1 - ._- 62 44 54 w 38 59 49 47 64 36 36 35 40 43 43 43 43 43 54 40 31 35 5:s 73 78 7s 6s 68 71 73 76 77 77 70 67 62 70 71 Go 66 i o 65 57 4s '0.5 - - 25 I 02 ~ 50 56 34 I 63 ' 53 1 59 2s 41 63 34 I 48 34 I 18 39 17 36 37 55 I ip 36 Go 30 43 I 57 37 , 28 24 I 51 I 35 76 31 , 58 50 75 34 59 I 35 79 u5 j 20 67 5s I 14 73 50 ..... .I.. .... 53 ............. 65 ............ 53 ............ 44 ............. I 28 29 25 25 24 24 24 19 10 21 34 24 24 27 2G 14 14 9.1 -.4 2.5 I 51 25 60 26 51 35 39 3:s 39 21 4s 24 49 ?Y 53 25 ti4 34 0:s 54 I 35 ~ 52 27 I 22 I 40 45 26 ' 49 35 22 44 I 31 28 31 31 41 44 33 87 37 2s "2 34 63 I 51 I 49 5s I 58 I 44 55 57 j 35 (3 i 54 33 43 I 63 . 31 50 ~ 69 ~ 43 20 41 20 46 43 24 47 43 19 44 3s 33 . 52 4U 30 48 46 22 4Y 31 47 94 92 ! 40 2s 34 , 43 I 32 I ;; g 2 26 44 I 26 11 ~ 31 9 15 47 i 26 29 39 , 14 84 ~ 73 3Y I 71 ,I 49 I 53 I 36 ............ 29.0 58.0 ~ 32.S 72.7 I . 52.5 I 34.5 , 49.6 I , __ ._ . . -. ._ ~ .- ....... Florlda. M h h l p p l . ! Date. -- - -- . . Mnx. Min. I Mas I .... Mln. - 45 54 39 40 42 48 44 35 27 24 40 44 29 32 32 26 27 33 32 28 .- Mln. 48 50 53 50 55 60 80 43 40 31 -. . Max - 70 67 71 $2 i o 67 65 53 54 69 ..... Max. Min. Mar. Min. I Mar. I Mln. -~ Iln. -_ fii ti4 I* li5 lis 89 I 7 R7 ,I 1 ............................. 69 2 ............................. 1 6 6 3. ............................ 5 ............................. I i 5 6 ............................. 75 7 ............................. 73 8 ............................. 69 9 ............................. 58 10 ............................. 53 4 ............................. 1 E 74 SO 64 i X i s 64 so 79 63 78 SO 65 so 80 ' 63 78 67 I 51 75 io I 46 73 43 lw 65 60 49 69 59 55 58 49 29 34 10 S3 64 83 on 57 60 63 53 54 60 45 3s 20 . 41 52 19 83 i 43 26 ............................. 50 35 61 43 67 a i ............................. 62 33 68 28 ............................. 58 42 I !: I !: 74 29 ............................. 52 26 66 42 69 30 ............................ 1 39 1 19 51 30 ~ 63 31 ............................. 50 .I 27 59 . 32 58 I I 50 I 30 61 io. 6 I 38. 8 i 55.0 :1.7 52.6 ' 31.3 I I Means ......................... 80.8 . 42.1 72.5 55. I I i4.1 1 .1