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David C. Klein, PhD, Head, Section on Neuroendocrinology

Steven L. Coon, PhD, Staff Scientist

Surajit Ganguly, PhD, Research Fellow

Pascaline Gaildrat, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Jong-So Kim, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Fabrice Morin, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Estella Munoz, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Qiong Shi, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Joan L. Weller, BA, Senior Research Assistant

Jack Falcón, PhD, Guest Researchera

Anthony Ho, PhD, Guest Researcherb

M.A.A. Namboodiri, PhD, Guest Researcherc

Harvey Pollard, MD, PhD, Guest Researcherc

We are primarily interested in the pineal gland and the role it plays in chronobiology. Our work is of special interest to clinical scientists studying human diseases relating to circadian rhythms, including sleep physiology, mood disorders, and alertness.

Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, the melatonin rhythm enzyme

Ganguly, Coon, Namboodiri, Falcón, Ho, Morin, Pollard, Weller, Klein; in collaboration with Baler, Bernard, Chemineau, Chong, Cole, Dawid, Dyda, Gothilf, Hickman, Iuvone, Jaffe, Koonin, Malpaux, Schomerus, Toyama, Zhen

We pioneered investigations into arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT), the first enzyme in melatonin synthesis from serotonin (Figure 12.1). A major advance in our work was the early identification of that enzyme as critical to the control of the rhythm in melatonin synthesis. In all species examined to date, the large increase in melatonin synthesis at night causes an increase in the production of melatonin. Another major advance was the cloning of the gene encoding AANAT, allowing significant progress in understanding the transcriptional and translational control of the enzyme.

The regulation of the enzyme has two features: the mechanisms that generate large daily changes in the enzyme and those that control the selective expression of the AANAT-encoding gene both in the pineal gland and, to a lesser and more variable degree, in the retina; the gene is essentially silent in other tissues. Regulation of the daily rhythm in expression of the enzyme occurs in some but not all vertebrates. In rodents, birds, and some fish (e.g., pike), a 10- to 100-fold change occurs in the abundance of mRNA encoding the enzyme. However, in primates and ungulates, mRNA levels remain relatively similar during the day and night. The reason appears to be that, in the first group, the requirement for new mRNA synthesis provides a “security” system that prevents rapid changes in melatonin production during the day. In addition, in the second group, the availability of mRNA at the beginning of the night provides an opportunity for melatonin production to increase immediately at night, without a delay reflecting the time necessary to synthesize sufficient amounts of mRNA to support protein synthesis.

A group led by Ruben Baler discovered that the daily increase in mRNA that occurs in the rat pineal gland reflects the effect of cyclic AMP, which acts via cyclic AMP–response elements in the AANAT gene. Marianne Bernard, Nelson Chong, and Mike Iuvone have found that, in birds, cyclic AMP plays a lesser role; rather, expression of the AANAT gene is turned on by the biological clock, which is also the case in fish as indicated by the work of Yoav Gothilf and Jack Falcón. In both cases, E-box elements in the AANAT gene mediate the effects of the biological clock.

Tissue-selective expression of the pineal gland clock components appears to reflect a contribution from photoreceptor conserved elements (PCE), which also control retinal-specific expression of genes. This expression is a reflection of the common origin of the pinealocyte and retinal photoreceptor from a primitive photoreceptor cell. Current studies by Reiko Toyama and Igor Dawid in conjunction with Yoav Gothilf, together with studies by Ruben Baler, have provided evidence that the PCE elements function by mediating the effects of members of the CRX/OTX family of homeobox genes. In situ analysis, performed by Fabrice Morin in collaboration with Morten Møller, of OTX2, a member of this family, has revealed a high level of expression in the rat pineal gland. The international group involving workers in Tel Aviv and NICHD has identified a specific region in the zebrafish AANAT gene that confers rhythmicity and tissue specificity. The region, as depicted in Figure 12.2, is termed the Pineal-Restrictive Downstream Module (PRDM). It contains a functional E-box (E) and three PCEs (P) and is of interest because it is atypically located somewhat distantly downstream of the coding region of the gene.

As indicated above, transcriptional factors controlling the expression of AANAT are important in some but not all species. In contrast, regulation of the stability and activity of the enzyme is controlled in all species by cyclic AMP, which causes phosphorylation of the enzyme and leads to the immediate binding of the enzyme to the protein 14-3-3. Joan Weller has developed a set of highly specific antisera to monitor phosphorylation of two cyclic AMP–dependent protein kinase sites in the AANAT, T31, and S205. Using the antisera, she has established that both sites are phosphorylated at night; further work by Suragit Ganguly has made it clear that phosphorylation leads to binding of 14-3-3 proteins and that phosphorylation at both sites is required to position AANAT precisely in the 14-3-3 binding pocket so as to prevent destruction of the enzyme and to activate it by enhancing the affinity for arylalkylamine substrates. As outlined in Figure 12.3, a balance exists between the destruction and protection of AANAT. Figure 12.3 does not show, however, that the kinetics of the enzyme also change when AANAT is bound to 14-3-3. The changes are thought to reflect structural changes in the conformation of a floppy loop of protein that is part of the arylalkylamine binding site, as revealed by structural studies performed in collaboration with Fred Dyda and Allison Hickman. Recent studies with Philip Cole that used semisynthetic AANATs have underscored the importance of phosphorylation in controlling the degradation of AANAT and demonstrated that the substitution confers stability. There are seven isoforms of 14-3-3 proteins; Qiong Shi has initiated efforts to identify which isoform has the highest affinity of AANAT and to determine the molecular basis of their specificity. More specifically, Shi, working with Alastair Aitken and Suragjit Gangluly, is using selective antisera and expression vectors to probe the interaction. The importance of such post-translational regulatory mechanisms is clear from studies on the monkey pineal AANAT performed by Steven Coon. Those studies have clearly established that large changes occur in the abundance of AANAT protein and activity and that AANAT mRNA, i.e., gene expression, does not change. Accordingly, it appears that in primates the primary mechanism for regulation of AANAT protein is post-translational.

Appelbaum L, Toyama R, Dawid IB, Klein DC, Baler R, Gothilf Y. Zebrafish serotonin-N-acetyltransferase-2 gene regulation: pineal-restrictive downstream module (PRDM) contains a functional E-box and three photoreceptor conserved elements. Mol Endocrinol 2004;18:1210-1221.

Chong NW, Chaurasia SS, Haque R, Klein DC, Iuvone PM. Temporal-spatial characterization of chicken clock genes: circadian expression in retina, pineal gland, and peripheral tissues. J Neurochem 2003;85:851-860.

Gothilf Y, Toyama R, Coon SL, Du SJ, Dawid IB, Klein DC. Pineal-specific expression of green fluorescent protein under the control of the serotonin-N-acetyltransferase gene regulatory regions in transgenic zebrafish. Dev Dynam 2002;225:241-249.

Zheng W, Zhang Z, Ganguly S, Weller JL, Klein DC, Cole PA. Cellular stabilization of the melatonin rhythm enzyme induced by nonhydrolyzable phosphonate incorporation. Nat Struct Biol 2003;10:1054-1057.

Global analysis of pineal, retinal, and brain gene expression

Coon, Gaildrat, Ganguly, Morin, Kim, Weller, Munoz, Klein; in collaboration with Baler, Blackshaw, Carter, Hogenesch, Humphries, Møller, Munson

We have initiated several projects aimed at both obtaining a global picture of differences in gene expression that occur on a night/day basis and identifying genes that are highly enriched in the pineal gland. Use of microarrays has provided an opportunity to analyze tens of thousands of genes. In addition to using commercially available microarrays, we played a key role in establishing an NICHD/Affymetix partnership, which resulted in the development of a zebrafish microarray that is now in use in laboratories throughout the world and that we and our collaborators are using to study developmental and rhythmic expression of genes in the pineal gland, retina, and brain.

Our efforts toward understanding pineal gene expression have involved several species and have led to the identification of a set of genes highly expressed in the pineal gland. Steven Coon is coordinating the work, which involves most members of the section and a collaborative effort with Peter Munson. The group of pineal-specific genes expressed in the pineal gland of several vertebrates includes the well-known genes that are associated with both melatonin production and visual signal transduction. In addition, we have identified a number of genes that are new to the pineal literature, leading to a rapid increase in knowledge of the biochemical profile of the pineal gland conserved across species and of features not found in all species. A striking observation is that large rhythmic changes in gene expression in several hundred genes occur in the rat pineal gland, but not in the primate pineal gland, suggesting a global difference in the role of transcriptional control between primates and rodents in the pineal gland.

The microarray work is pointing to new transcriptional pathways controlled by transcription factors that have not been previously studied in the pineal gland. An example is the transcription factor NeuroD, which is strongly enriched in the pineal gland and has been known to exist in the cerebellum (see Figure 12.4). The existence of NeuroD in the pineal gland as revealed by pineal microarray analysis has led Estella Munoz to knock down the expression of the gene and study downstream effects.

Humphries A, Klein DC, Baler R, Carter DA. cDNA array analysis of pineal gene expression reveals circadian rhythmicity of the dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein-encoding gene, Id-1. J Neuroendocrinol 2002;14:101-108.

Humphries A, Weller J, Klein DC, Baler R, Carter DA. NGFI-B (Nurr77/Nr4a1) orphan nuclear receptor in rat pinealocytes: circadian expression involves an adrenergic-cyclic AMP mechanism. J Neurochem 2004;91:946-955.

Regulation of S-adenosyl methionine synthesis

Kim, Klein; in collaboration with Charlton

Our gene profiling efforts have focused on the enzyme that produces the S-adenosylmethionine (SMA), methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT). As the co-factor of the last enzyme in the melatonin pathway, SAM is essential for melatonin synthesis. Work spearheaded by Jong-So Kim and involving Clivel G. Charlton has revealed that the level of MAT2A, one form of MAT, rises at night as a result of increased gene expression. The increase is a response to neural stimulation of the pineal gland by norepinephrine, which causes elevation of cyclic AMP. The increase in SMA synthesis at night is obviously linked to the increased requirement for this methyl donor. Regulation of the synthesis of SMA by neural mechanisms has not been previously described, although SMA plays a central role in the synthesis and metabolism of many transmitters (catecholamines, indoles, histamine, and so forth). Accordingly, evidence from the pineal gland that the activity of MAT 2a can be regulated by a neural circuit via a cyclic AMP mechanism points to the possibility that activity of MAT 2a is regulated by transmitters in other brain regions and that SMA levels are controlled through pharmacological manipulation of MAT 2a expression.

Kim JS, Coon SL, Blackshaw S, Charlton CG, Klein DC. Neural regulation of a 24-hour rhythm in methionine adenosyl transferase (MAT): beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated regulation of MAT expression in the pineal gland. J Biol Chem 2005, in press.

Regulation of acetyl coenzyme A synthesis

Morin, Klein; in collaboration with Benjamin

In collaboration with William Benjamin and Morten Møller, Fabrice Morin has studied ATP-dependent citrate lyase (ACL), the enzyme that regulates the formation of acetyl coenzyme A. The work clearly established that the pineal gland expresses much higher levels of the enzyme relative to other tissues (see Figure 12.5) and that it represents a major protein in the pineal gland (about 2 percent of total protein). Morin obtained evidence of a physical interaction between ACL and AANAT, which would bring the source of acetyl coenzyme A directly into contact with AANAT and promote efficient ace-tylation of serotonin as well as melatonin production. It appears possible that this association might be regulated by phosphorylation and that it could provide an important element in the general activation of the pineal gland in support of the nocturnal increase in melatonin production. Morin recently developed methods to analyze acetyl coenzyme A and found very rapid light-induced changes at night, pointing to a new mechanism to control melatonin production.

Induction of membrane protein

Gaildrat, Klein; in collaboration with Ganapathy, Inui

One outcome of our microarray studies was the finding that the expression of the gene encoding the oligopeptide transporter (PEPT1) is markedly increased at night (about 100-fold). In collaboration with Vadivel Ganapathy, Pascaline Gaildrat has found that the gene is expressed at night in the pineal gland and that this expression produces a truncated version of the intestinal gene product (see Figure 12.6). Regulation reflects neural activation of the pineal gland by cyclic AMP, which produces changes in both the mRNA encoding the protein and the protein itself. These actions represent a unique mechanism of regulation of a membrane protein; it is also unusual that the protein product, which is associated with the membrane, is relatively unstable and disappears rapidly. Moreover, Gaildrat discovered that the expression of the truncated gene product is highly restricted to the pineal gland and identified the section of the gene (an internal promoter) that is responsible for this pattern of tissue distribution, for the night/day pattern of expression, and for the truncated nature of the gene product. The internal promoter shares features with the rat AANAT promoter, such as the presence of cyclic AMP–response elements and putative sites for the binding of CRX/OTX transcription factors. These results have uncovered a unique mechanism for selectively providing the pinealocyte with a membrane-linked function that may involve a regulatory role of the PEPT1 product that is linked to melatonin production.


Metal biology

Klein, Shi, Gaildrat, Ganguly

Enzymes involved in indole synthesis and metabolism require metals. The concentration of divalent ions including copper and zinc are governed by metallothionines, small proteins dedicated to binding and buffering these ions. Qiong Shi discovered that expression of one form of these proteins is governed by an adrenergic cyclic AMP mechanism in the pineal gland. He determined that both the protein and mRNA encoding the enzyme are under the control of this second messenger. These developments point to broad integration of the biochemical function of the pineal gland and demonstrate that, although large changes in the production of melatonin are controlled by changes in AANAT activity, there is little doubt that other factors contribute to the rhythm in melatonin.

Formation of conjugates of arylalkylamine and retinaldehyde

Klein, Coon; in collaboration with Kirk

According to our revolutionary theory of the evolution of the pineal gland, both the pineal gland and retina evolved from the same primitive photoreceptor cell after that cell acquired AANAT and HIOMT, the enzymes required to make melatonin. Originally, the enzymes were thought to be important only in detoxification of arylalkylamines, which can be dangerous in all tissues because of amine’s reactivity and that of the aldehyde that arises from oxidation of the amine. Detoxification led to the production of melatonin and eventually to the development of the rhythm in melatonin as a day/night signal. However, the theory proposes that the requirement for high levels of melatonin was destructive to the primitive photoreceptor because it required high levels of serotonin, the melatonin precursor, which was especially toxic to photoreceptor function; serotonin could react with and remove retinaldehyde, the key photodetection molecule. The theoretical product formed by the reaction would contain two molecules of retinaldehyde and one molecule of serotonin (see Figure 12.7); homologous compounds would be formed from other arylalkylamines. These products belong to a larger family of N-bis-retinyl compounds, including bis-retinal-ethanolamine, which is thought to be toxic to the retina through effects of the retinal side chains.

The formation of A2S in the primitive photoreceptor would reduce photosensitivity by removing retinaldehyde; in addition, the product would be toxic. Segregation of the processes to the pinealocyte and retinal photoreceptor made it possible for melatonin production and photodetection to evolve and improve. Steve Coon and David Klein, working with Ken Kirk, have synthesized A2S and related compounds by using LC/MS/MS to monitor their formation. They are testing the hypothesis that the compounds’ formation in the retina is a function of AANAT activity. They are also examining whether the compounds might play a role in human retinal disease, specifically macular degeneration.

Iyer LM, Aravind L, Coon SL, Klein DC, Koonin EV. Evolution of cell–cell signaling in animals: did late horizontal gene transfer from bacteria have a role? Trends Genet 2004;20:292-299.

Klein DC. The 2004 Aschoff/Pittendrigh Lecture: Theory of the origin of the pineal gland—a tale of conflict and resolution. J Biol Rhythms 2004;19:264-279.

aCNRS, Université Curie, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France

bUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

cUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD



Alastair Aitken, PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK

Ruben Baler, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Regulation, NIMH, Bethesda, MD

William B. Benjamin, PhD, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY

Marianne Bernard, PhD, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie et Neuroendocrinologie Cellulaires, Université Poitiers, France

Seth Blackshaw, PhD, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA

David Carter, PhD, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK

Clivel G. Charlton, PhD, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL

Philippe Chemineau, PhD, INRS, Nouzilly, France

Constance L. Chik, MD, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Nelson Chong, PhD, University of Leicester, UK

Philip Cole, MD, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Igor Dawid, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Fred Dyda, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

Vadivel Ganapathy, PhD, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA

Yoav Gothilf, PhD, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Allison Hickman, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

Anthony Ho, PhD, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

John Hogenesch, PhD, Genome Institute of the Novartis Foundation, San Diego, CA

Ann Humphries, PhD, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK

Ken-Ichi Inui, PhD, Kyoto University Hospital, Japan

P. Michael Iuvone, PhD, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

Howard Jaffe, PhD, Laboratory of Neurochemistry, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

Ken Kirk, PhD, Laboratory of Chemistry, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

Eugene V. Koonin, PhD, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NLM, Bethesda, MD

Benoit Malpaux, PhD, INRS, Nouzilly, France

Sandford Markey, PhD, Laboratory of Neurotoxicology, NIMH, Bethesda, MD

Morten Møller, PhD, Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Randall T. Moon, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Peter Munson, PhD, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NLM, Bethesda, MD

Tomas, Obsil, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

Benjamin Ron, PhD, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Eilat, Israel

Christof Schomerus, PhD, J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany

Reiko Toyama, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Weiping Zhen, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


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