Table of contents for Hesperos : studies in ancient Greek poetry presented to M. L. West on his seventieth birthday / edited by P.J. Finglass, C. Collard, N.J. Richardson.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

List of abbreviations x
Notes on Contributors xiii
 Enconium xix
K. J. Dover
 `Forward into the Past' xx
Martin Litchfield West
 The Academic Publications of M. L. West xxix
 1. Terminal Problems 3
Stephanie West
 2. The Monster and the Monologue: Polyphemus from Homer to Ovid 
G. O. Hutchinson
 3. Low Words in High Places: Sex, Bodily Functions and Body Parts in Homeric Epic and Other Higher Genres 
†David Bain
 4. Smileumata Iliaka: Three Puzzling Verses 
Walter Burkert
 5. Hesiod's Theogony and the Folk Tale 
Malcolm Davies
 6. The Homeric Hymn to Hermes 
N. J. Richardson
 7. Night Thoughts (Archilochus 23 and 196a West) 
Eric Handley
 8. A Human Fable and the Justice of Beasts in Archilochus 
Paul da Cunha Corrêa
 9. Hipponactea quaedam 
Calvert Watkins
10. Pindaric Accompaniments 
W. B. Henry
11. Lucian and Archilochus, or: How to Make Use of the Ancient Iambographers in the Context of the Second Sophistic 
Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
12. Housman's Greek 
James Diggle
13. Greek Tragedy: Text and Context 
A. F. Garvie
14. Desperate Straits and the Tragic Stage 
Jasper Griffin
15. Sophocles' Learning Curve 
Christopher Pelling
16. `Darkness, my Light': Enigmatic Ajax 
S. J. Instone
17. Problems in the Prologue and Parodos of Bacchae 
Scott Scullion
18. Tragic Interpolation and Philip II: Pylades' Forgotten Exile and Other Problems in Euripides' Orestes 
David Kovacs
19. Some Poetic Connections of Lycophron's Alexandra 
Adrian Hollis
20. Dionysius' Ear 
L. P. E. Parker
21 What's in a Line? Papyrus Formats and Hephaestionic Formulae 
Kiichiro Itsumi
22. Reconstructing Archetypes: A New Proposal and an Old Fallacy 
Michael D. Reeve
23. Critical Notes on the Greek Paroemiographers 
Winfried Bühler
24. Erasmus on Homer's Moly 
Rudolf Kassel
25. Homage to G&R 2nd ser. 11 (1964): 185–7, or: The Sibyl Prophesies the Slaying of the Jabberwock 
J. L. Lightfoot
Bibliography 356
Index of Passages 399
Index of Greek 000
General Index 000

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Greek poetry -- History and criticism.
West, M. L. (Martin Litchfield), 1937-.