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"     L "   " " " ` xfseog .fwsHperkins  ;A T _FiscalYear Appropriation AllocationAmountEarned Number of RecipientsAverage Number of Participating InstitutionsFederal Work-Study ProgramNOTE:PFunds earned include the percentage the institutions are required to contribute.rFor some years, the allocation is greater than the appropriation. This reflects carryover from the previous year. Amount Lent BorrowersFederal Perkins Loan ProgramSelected Historical StatisticssAppropriation FCC does not include funds appropriated to reimburse institutions for Teacher/Military Cancellations.7For Fiscal Year 1966 expenditure data is not available. AllocationsAwardsGrant to StudentsAward2000-011999-001998-991997-981996-971995-961994-951992-931991-921990-911989-901988-891987-881986-871965-661966-671967-681968-691970-711971-721969-701972-731973-741974-751975-761977-781978-791979-801980-811981-821982-831983-841984-851985-861976-771993-941959-601960-611961-621962-631963-641964-651/2001-022/3/1. Award Year 1966-67 through 1981-82, the Number of Participating Institutions is the number of institutions requesting Federal funds.I3. Includes $10 million in emergency funds reserved for disaster relief2. Award Year 1982-83 forward, Number of Participating Institutions is the number of institutions that reported expenditures from their FSEOG authorization. their FWS authorization.1. Award Year 1965-66 through 1981-82, the Number of Participating Institutions is the number of institutions requesting Federal funds.1. Award Year 1959-60 through 1981-82, the Number of Participating Institutions is the number of institutions requesting FCC funds.2. Award Year 1982-83 forward, Number of Participating Institutions is the number of institutions that reported loans advanced to students.:Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant ProgramFCC*jFederal Capital Contribution (FCC): New Federal funds allocated to a school for deposit in its loan fund.:3. Includes allocations from the Federal Revolving Fund.2002-033. Award Year 1982-83 forward, Number of Participating Institutions is the number of institutions that reported expenditures from ($ thousands)Y2. The Grant Period in 1971 was eighteen months - January 1, 1971 through June 30, 1972.2003-04Fiscal Years 1966 - 20032003-03Fiscal Years 1959 - 2003Fiscal Years 1965 - 2003b P ds   4 H  $ 8j ~&:=Q u'ɀ :~;% .  dMbP?_*+%&(\?'ףp= ?((\?)\(\?MHP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL4C od,,Letter DINU"4qWI "U,,??U} I} } :  h                              &R&&&&&&&& ''''''''' '[''''''''              X X X    ~ @ * E R@`H@  @ D  + * X@@@`@@w@@ @   + L , * )AAD@8Ay@<@ Ğ@  / * k@A@Ap{@Л@ Ȟ@ - * AApOAhAx@x@̞@ .*xAȥA8A%A@h@О@ 0*` A A-AčA@0@Ԟ@ 1* A A@A3A؁@@؞@ 2* A AjAA@p@ܞ@ 3*`U A`U A@AA@t@@ =*N AN A Azz Ri|eeeeeeeeeeeeewooooo ! 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