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Server Description
Title: Canada Land Inventory - Land Capability for Ungulates
Short Title: Canada
Abstract: The mapping of land capability for ungulates follows a national system developed with the aid of the Canadian Wildlife Service and the game branches of the provinces. The ungulate sector uses seven classes, like the others. In addition to class and subclass, the system indicates the ungulate species to which the classification refers. Capability for ungulate production implies a sufficient quantity and quality of food, protective cover, and space to meet the needs for survival, growth, and reproduction. Capability mapping is accomplished through interpretation of air photographs and by field surveys. Capability ratings are also established on the basis of the optimum vegetational stage that can be maintained with good wildlife management practices.
Cost: free-gratuit
Active Status: True
Categories: Agriculture and Farming, Biologic and Ecologic Information, Earth Surface Characteristics and Land Cover
Server Host Information
Host Name:
Host IP:
Port: 6675
DB Name: CLI
Software Implementation: FGDC GEO Profile
Software Version: 4.0.0b (YAZ 1.6)
Platform: Unknown
Website WebURL:
Server Latitude: 43.55 Decimal Degrees
Server Longitude: -96.7 Decimal Degrees
Data Coverage: Canada
Does this collection include data that covers the United States in part or full? No
Collection Scope: International
Predominant Geographic Extent of Data Served
Max latitude
min longitude max longitude
min latitude
Server Contact Information
Name: GeoGratis Client Services
Organization: Government of Canada,Natural Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Sector, Data Management and Disseminat
Address: Room 650, 615 Booth
City: Ottawa
State: Ontario
Postal Code: K1A 0E9
Country: Canada
E-mail address: E-mail :GeoGratis Client Services
User Support Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM CST
Telephone: +01-613-947-0709
Fax: +01-613-947-2410

The FGDC Clearinghouse Registry Feb 15, 2009