Alabama No solicitation of state employees for state political activities. City employees may contribute to county/state political activities; county employees may contribute to city/state political activities; judges and judicial employees may not solicit except for their own candidacies  






Prohibited Unlimited Contributions may be solicited only to influence the outcome of an election
Alaska Prohibited for judges and judicial office candidates May not be required of state employees.

Judges and judicial office candidates may not contribute.

Must be $100 or less Prohibited Prohibited Limited to:

$100,000 to candidates for Governor/Lt. Gov.

$15,000 to candidates for state senate

$10,000 to candidates for state house of reps.

$5,000 to all other candidates

Contributions must be received by candidate, treasurer, or deputy treasurer. Contributions may not be earmarked. Lobbyists may not accept, collect, or deliver contributions other than their own personal contributions with respect to a legislative candidate. Lobbyists may only contribute to candidate in lobbyist’s district of residence; caps on amounts candidates may receive from non-residents; nonresident groups may not contribute to candidates.
American Samoa Prohibited, except may actively participate in the management of political campaigns, their own included, if the participation is after normal working hours, off the premises of place of employment, and while on leave  




Prohibited, except for amounts that aggregate less than $250 when obtained by multiple contributions made by 10 or more persons at the same event Prohibited Limited to no more than $250 in aggregate to a candidate, committee, or party




Committee must provide and maintain receipts Implied prohibition by requirement to provide identification Prohibited  


Earmarked contributions generally prohibited; nominated candidate may not accept contributions from all political parties or political organizations combined totaling more than $7,560 for non-statewide office, or $75,610 for statewide office (other candidate limits are the same, ex-cluding political parties).
Arkansas Certain state employees are prohibited from soliciting, as are certain judges (for campaigns other than their own) May not be required of state employees Must be $100 or less Must be less than $50 per year Prohibited Limited to $2,500 per candidate per election Contributions must be made to the candidate or the candidate’s campaign committee. Limits on contributions to political committees and small donor political action committees.
California Local agency employees may not solicit employees of agency except incidentally through a large solicitation No special restrictions Must be less than $100 per year Must not exceed $100 Prohibited Limits of $5,000 per candidate per special election or special runoff only Contributions may not be delivered in a state building. Limitations on receipt of contributions from those involved in licensing, permit, or entitlement proceedings. Special reporting required of lobbyists. A bank account may not be redesignated for election to a different office; a new bank account must be established. Internet contributions must come with all information otherwise required of contributors.
Colorado Judges and employees subject to their direction and control should not solicit funds for a political organization or candidate Judges and employees subject to their direction and control should not pay an assessment or contribute to a political organization or candidate (other than the specific judicial candidate) Must be $100 or less  



Earmarking of contributions through political parties also prohibited

Political party contributions and are subject to aggregate per election cycle limits of $400,000 for governor;

$80,000 for secretary of state, attorney general, or state treasurer;

$20,000 for lt. governor;

$15,000 for the state senate; and

$10,000 for the house of representatives, state board of education, and regent of the University of Colorado

No person may serve as a conduit for contributions; political committees limited to accepting aggregate contributions of $250 or less from any person during a two-year election cycle; no transfers from one candidate committee to another
Connecticut State department heads, their deputies, and judges may not solicit May not be required

Prohibited for judges

Must be $50 or less Must be less than $15 Prohibited Unlimited Contributions by candidate committees may be restricted. Contributions must be deposited in a designated depository within 7 days of receipt. Contributions aggregating $1,000 or more must be accompanied by certain information. Individual contributions of greater than $100 must be by personal check.
Delaware Must be $50 or less Prohibited Prohibited Limited by office Gov’t agencies other than those authorized to make public financing payments in local races may not contribute to candidate committee
District of Columbia May not solicit or collect political contributions Permitted Must be less than $25 Prohibited Prohibited Limited to maximum of $5,000 to any one political committee in any one election
Florida Generally prohibited for state employees during working hours, or within a building owned by a governmental entity.

Judges may not solicit contributions.

Judges should not make contributions Must be $100 or less Prohibited Prohibited Party may not contribute to candidate for judicial office (enforcement enjoined).

Party limited in contributions to candidates receiving public financing. Generally, $50,000 limit, with no more than $25,000 in last 28 days before general election

Contributions must be made through campaign treasurer and deposited by end of 2nd business day after receipt (if greater than $100) or by end of the 5th day after receipt (if less) in a designated campaign depository. Contributions received on election day or less than 5 days before an election by a candidate who is opposed in an election must be returned. Candidates must offer pro rata returns of contributions if they change office sought. Contributions may not be solicited or knowingly accepted in a government building. Certain non-major party candidates may not accept contributions while their ballot eligibility is being determined.
Georgia Prohibited for a state employee to coerce another state employee  




Prohibited Prohibited Limited to $5,000 in the aggregate to statewide candidates in an election year, and $1,000 in the aggregate in a non-election year.

Limited to $2,000 in the aggregate to general assembly and other candidates in an election year, and $1,000 in the aggregate in a non-election year.

Contributions must be made to candidate or committee, and deposited not more than 5 business days after receipt.

Candidates must offer return of contributions if they change office held or sought.

Public agencies and their agents may not make contributions.



Prohibited for judges  


Prohibited, except for amounts that aggregate less than $250 when obtained by multiple contributions made by 10 or more persons at the same event, and at certain events with ticket price or cost of not more than $25 per person Prohibited Limited to no more than $1,000 per candidate or political party


Solicitation of contributions prohibited. Contributions to other employees are prohibited. Contributions of greater than $100 require a receipt to the donor and a record of the transaction Prohibited Prohibited Limited to $50,000 for governor; $40,000 for lt. governor; $25,000 for partisan mayor and prosecuting attorney; $20,000 for state senate and partisan offices of county council; $15,000 for state representative Excess contributions escheat to the Hawaii election campaign fund. Contributions may be made only to treasurers and must be promptly de-posited.
Idaho Prohibited for state employee to coerce another state employee Permitted Must be $50 or less Prohibited Limited to $10,000 each for a candidate in a primary or general election, or $2,000 each for other candidates per election. Contributions of more than $50 must be accompanied by
complete name and address of contributor
Illinois Prohibited under certain circumstances, for certain specified state and local government employees, including contributions from all state employees under the governor’s control to the governor’s campaign committee; generally prohibited for judges and judicial employees Prohibited under certain circumstances including contributions from all state employees under the governor’s control to the governor’s campaign committee; generally prohibited for judges and judicial employees  


Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited Public funds may not be used for political purposes; judicial office candidates can’t raise funds for more than 90 days before becoming a candidate or more than 90 days after their last election
Indiana Certain law enforcement personnel/firefighters may not solicit on duty or in uniform; state employees can’t solicit: (1) when on duty, (2) acting in official capacity, (3) from those employee knows to have a business relationship with the employee’s agency, and (4) from state employees directly supervised by the employee.

Some restrictions on solicitations by certain Department of Natural Resources, State Historical Bureau, State Library, and state Department of Transportation employees.

Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board members should not solicit political contributions from Fund investment managers, consultants, or staff.

Judges may not personally solicit.

May not be required

Some restrictions on contributions by certain Department of Natural Resources, State Historical Bureau, State Library, and state Department of Transportation employees.

Judges should not contribute, and their employees are subject to the same constraints.





Prohibited Unlimited Contributions must be made through treasurers.

Committees for judicial candidates may not solicit funds earlier than 120 before primary nor later than 40 days after last election the candidate participated in.

Iowa Prohibited for state employee to coerce another state employee; prohibited for judges and certain judicial employees Prohibited for judges and certain judicial employees Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited Out-of-state committees subject to special registration
Kansas Certain employees can’t compel contributions  


Must be $100 or less Must be $10 or less, and may not exceed an aggregate of: $1,000 per election for statewide candidates; $500 per election for senate candidates; and $250 per election for all other candidates Prohibited Unlimited in uncontested primaries and general election Limits on aggregate anonymous contributions. Contributions by those under 18 attributed to parents. Out-of-state committees must file special statements before their contributions can be accepted.
Kentucky Solicitations are generally prohibited except as part of a larger solicitation not specifically targeted at state employees

Assessments and coercion of state employees prohibited

Prohibited for judges

May not be required of state employees

School district employees may not contribute to school board candidates in their districts

Must be $50 or less, but cash contribution is entirely prohibited to slate of candidates for governor and lt. governor Must be $50 or less, with any excess aggregating more than $1,000 escheating to the commonwealth Prohibited (note: court held this statute to be unconstitutional) Limited to $1,000 per slate per election Contributions must be made through campaign manager or treasurer and deposited within five business days after receipt. No contributions may generally be accepted by a slate of candidates within 28 days before an election. Special restrictions on slate exploratory committees. Contributions can’t be solicited or accepted after an election. Candidates can’t accept more than the greater of 50% or $10,000 of their total contributions from permanent committees.
Louisiana Generally prohibited for classified employees.

Judges and judicial candidates may not personally solicit or accept contributions, and undue coercion or pressure may not be applied in soliciting contributions.

Generally prohibited for classified employers Contributions greater than $100 must be by written instrument. All contributions by corporations, labor organizations, and associations must be by check. Generally prohibited, with special provisions for legitimate sales of campaign
paraphernalia of $25 or less.
Prohibited Unlimited Cash contributors must sign and receive receipts
Maine State employee may not coerce another state employee. Limitations on seeking contributions from those with state business.

Judges may generally not solicit or accept contributions.

May not be forced to contribute. Public finance seed money must be by check or money order Prohibited over $10 Prohibited Limited to $5,000 per candidate per election Seed money contributors to publicly financed candidates must receive receipts.


May not be required Must be $100 or less Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited Contributions must be made to candidate or treasurer. Contributors must be given receipts.
Massachusetts Generally prohibited May not be required Must be $50 or less Prohibited Prohibited State party committees limited to contributions of not more than $3,000 per candidate, per year

In-kind contributions are not limited

Contributions may not be solicited in public buildings. Contributions must be deposited in designated depository within 7 days after receipt. Special provisions for bundled contributions.
Michigan Prohibited for judges and employees under direction and control of a judge for that judge’s candidacy May not be required Must be $20 or less (special provisions relate to Bingo fundraisers) Prohibited Prohibited State central: $68,000 - Governor/Lt. Governor $10,000 - Senate $ 5,000 - House $68,000 - all other state elective offices Judicial candidate may not begin fundraising efforts before February 15 of the election year; limits on lawyer contributions to judge candidates; annual limit of $100 per candidate on candidate buying tickets to other candidates’ fundraisers; public body may not contribute.
Minnesota Prohibited during hours of employment

Prohibited for judges and their employees, and judicial candidates

May not be required

Prohibited for judges and their employees, and judicial candidates

Must be $20 or less Prohibited Governor/Lt. Governor: Limited to $20,000 per election year and $5,000 in a non-election year

Attorney General: Limited to $10,000 per election year and $2,000 in a non-election year

Other statewide offices: Limited to $5,000 per election year and $1,000 in a non-election year

State Senate/State Representative: Limited to $5,000 per election year and $1,000 in a non-election year

Political parties may make independent expenditures

Contributions must be deposited promptly, generally in period received.

Earmarking of contributions is prohibited.

Bundling of contributions is subject to strict limits.

Aggregate 20% acceptance limits on contributions from lobbyists, political committees, political funds, and large givers.

Mississippi Prohibited for employees of certain specified agencies May not be required. Employees of certain specified agencies may not contribute. Unlimited; except to nonpartisan judicial candidates Special restrictions on contributions to judicial candidates
Missouri Judge and judge’s employees may not solicit for party

Merit system employees may not receive contributions

Members of Missouri Ethics Commission may not contribute

Merit system employees may not be solicited for contributions

Judge and judicial candidates should not contribute to party, unless judge a candidate

Must be $100 or less to a candidate or exploratory committee and not more than $100 to all other committees Must be $25 or less Prohibited Unlimited, pending a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court Contributions must be made through treasurer.

Limits on aggregate anonymous contributions

Montana Solicitation by municipal government employees prohibited while on job or at place of employment Prohibited for Ethics Commission members Recipient must maintain receipt for cash contribution over $25 Prohibited Prohibited All political committees of a political party on the ballot at most recent gubernatorial election, limited for all elections in a campaign to aggregate of $15,000 for governor/ lt. governor; $5,000 for other statewide candidates; $2,000 for public service commissioner; $800 for state senator; and $500 for other candidates. Contributions to judicial candidates prohibited. Contributions must be deposited within 5 business days after receipt. State house candidates cannot accept more than $1,200 total or state senate candidates more than $2,000 total monetary contributions from non-party political committees.


Unlimited Must be $50 or less Prohibited Prohibited, except earmarked contributions permitted if disclosure requirements met Legislative candidates and candidates for other state offices if designated as eligible for public funding during an election period: limited to maximum amount of aggregate contributions in election period that may be accepted from independent committees; businesses (including corporations); labor unions; industry, trade, or professional associations; and political parties: Gov—$750,000; Sec’y of State, Treasurer, Att’y Gen’l, Auditor of Public Acc’ts—$75,000; Public Service Comm’n, Board of Regents of Univ. of Nebraska & St. Board of Education—$25,000; Legislature—$36,500 Anonymous contributions are to be given to a tax-exempt charitable organization.

Candidate committee cannot accept more than $15,000 in loans prior to and during first 30 days after formation of committee. After 30-day period, aggregate loans accepted may not exceed 50% of non-loan contributions of money.

Lottery contractors for major procurements

Nevada May not solicit funds for a political organization or candidate If $100 or more, must be delivered to state treasurer or donated to nonprofit entity Prohibited Any candidate: $5,000 per each primary and general election; otherwise unlimited Candidate must open and maintain separate account in financial institutions to deposit contributions when $100 in contributions received.
New Hampshire Cannot coerce classified state employee to give or withhold a contribution Prohibited Prohibited Political party political committee limited to $1,000 per election if to candidate or political committee working on behalf of a candidate who does not voluntarily agree to limit campaign expenditures; otherwise unlimited Contributions must be made to candidate or candidate’s fiscal agent, or to a political committee or its treasurer, or with their knowledge and written consent. Business organizations cannot coerce employees, contractors, and subcontractors to contribute.
New Jersey Prohibited to demand from other public employees Prohibited unless in response to public solicitation or a written contributor statement is filed (maximum up to $200 cumulatively) Prohibited Prohibited Political party state committee limited to $2,100 per candidate for governor per primary or general election; unlimited for candidates for non-governor office. County and municipal committees may not contribute to candidate for governor; also limited in contributions to municipal party committee ($5,900 per year), candidates in other counties, and candidates in certain legislative districts containing county of county committee. Political party national committee limited to $59,000 per year to state party committee; otherwise, subject to PAC limits. Solicitation of certain officeholders prohibited. Contributions must be made through treasurer. No person, candidate, or political committee may contribute more than $500 for a gubernatorial fundraising event.
New Mexico Elected office, public officer or employee with regulatory office, candidate for regulatory office, or agent of candidate may not solicit contributions from regulated entities and persons. Non-probationary state employees cannot be dismissed for failure to contribute Unidentifiable cash contributions received at special events up to $1,000 are not subject to anonymous contribution limits. Excess over $1,000 must be donated to general fund or § 170(b)(1)(A) organization. Prohibited if over $100. Aggregate anonymous contributions received during primary or general election limited to $2,000 for statewide races and $500 for other races. Excess over limit must be donated to general fund or § 170(b)(1)(A) organization. Prohibited if recipient knows contribution is from third person that directed that contribution not be publicly reported. Unlimited Treasurer must be appointed and separate bank account must be established before candidate or political committee may solicit or accept contribution.
New York Prohibited for police force members and judicial candidates Permitted, but may not be required. Judicial candidates prohibited. Must be less than $100 Prohibited Prohibited, except contributions of not more than $2,500 in name of partnership does not violate prohibition. Prohibited in primary, unlimited in general election
North Carolina Judge or judicial candidate should not solicit contributions.

No person may coerce a state employee or applicant for a state position subject to the Personnel Act to make a contribution by threatening adverse or preferential personnel action.

No city or county employee may be required to contribute for political purposes.

Judge or judicial candidate should not make contributions except to the judge or judicial candidate’s own campaign or that of a family member or a joint campaign with other judicial candidates. Must be $100 or less Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited Nonresident contribution of more than $100 must be accompanied by contributor-identifying statement.
North Dakota Full-time judges and judicial candidates may not directly solicit political funds Full-time judges and judicial candidates may not make contributions to political organizations and candidates. State officers and employees may not solicit campaign funds while on duty or in uniform. Political subdivision may extend prohibition to local public employees. Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited No candidate may accept a contribution of more than $200 from another candidate’s campaign contributions, contributions to a former candidate (within 6 years), or a federal campaign committee account unless a statement of permission of the original contributors is included and a disclosure statement is filed within 48 hours. Political committee may not distribute contributions until registered with Secretary of State. No association may make direct contributions.
Northern Marianas Generally prohibited May not be required No restriction
Ohio May not solicit or be solicited if in classified service.

Employees of state and county elected officers may not be solicited by the officer for by whom the employee works or candidates for that office; public employees may not solicit or be solicited while performing official duties or in public buildings where official business is conducted.

Court employees should not be solicited for a judge.

Employees of state elected officers may not contribute to the officer for whom the employee works or to candidates for that office Must be $100 or less per election Prohibited Prohibited Political party (national, state, and county): limited to $2,500 to PAC or political contributing entity in a calendar year.

State candidate fund of state political party: cash transfers limited to $523,000 to designated state campaign committee of statewide candidate in primary or general election; $104,500 to designated state campaign committee of state senator candidate in primary or general election; and $52,000 to designated state campaign committee of state representative candidate in primary or general election; unlimited to state candidate fund of state or county political party and legislative campaign fund.

State candidate fund of county political party: cash transfers limited to $2,500 to campaign committee of a statewide or general assembly candidate not a designated state campaign in primary or general election; cash transfers limited to $523,000 to designated state campaign committee of statewide candidate in primary or general election; $104,500 to designated state campaign committee of state senator candidate in primary or general election; and $52,000 to designated state campaign committee of state representative candidate in primary or general election. County political party with no state candidate fund and located in a county under 150,000 population: limited to $2,500 from other accounts to designated state campaign committee in primary or general election.

Legislative campaign fund: limited to $52,000 in primary and $104,500 in general election to designated state campaign committee of state senator candidate and $26,500 in a primary and $52,000 in general election to designated state campaign contributing entity.committee of state representative candidate; unlimited to state candidate fund of a state or local political party. Prohibited to another legislative campaign fund or PAC or political contributing entity.

A statewide office or general assembly candidate whose opponent has filed a personal funds notice is not subject to otherwise applicable contribution limits upon timely filing a declaration of no limits. Statewide office or general assembly candidates must dispose of excess aggregate contributions (and excess funds in case of house candidates) by filing deadline for the office. Special contribution limits apply to primary and general elections involving judicial candidates.
Oklahoma State officials and employees may not solicit or receive contributions. Judges should not solicit Prohibited for state highway patrol officers and supernumerary tax consultants. Judges should not contribute. Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Limited to $5,000 to a political party or organization in a calendar year, $5,000 to a candidate/candidate committee for state office, county office in a county of 250,000 or more, or municipal office in a municipality of 250,000 or more, and $1,000 to any other office candidate/candidate committee No contribution may be accepted without the candidate’s express permission. No contribution in excess of the maximum contribution limits may be received. Contributor statement must be received before accepting contributions of more than $50 in aggregate; non-candidate committees exempted until accept contributions or make expenditures over $500 in a calendar year.
Oregon Prohibited during hours of employment.

Judges and judicial candidates may not personally solicit.

May not be demanded to pay a political assessment Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited Certain limitations on out-of-state contributions. Contributions must be received by or through the treasurer, or through the candidate if acts as own treasurer.
Pennsylvania Public officers and employees may not demand a political assessment. Judges should not solicit funds. State classified service, state crime commission, public utility commission, community action agency, and county board of health personnel may not solicit. Workplace contributions by state classified service employees are restricted. Judges and judicial candidates should not or solicit make candidate contributions (with exceptions). Must be $100 or less in the aggregate if to or for a candidate Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited A political committee may not receive contributions unless a chair and treasurer have been appointed. A political committee may not receive money on behalf of a candidate without written authorization from candidate. A political committee that receives aggregate contributions of $250 or more may not make contributions until registration statement is filed.
Puerto Rico Generally prohibited

Special restrictions for those involved in granting of permits and franchises

May not be required

Judges should not make contributions

Prohibited in amounts in excess of $100; $25 to PACs Prohibited in amounts in excess of $100; $25 to PACs Prohibited Municipal and district political bodies may not contribute in excess of specified contribution limits to their party’s general funds
Rhode Island State classified employees may not solicit. State or municipal official may not solicit contribution with understanding that official will be influenced. Full-time judge or candidate for judicial office may not solicit. State classified employees may not be solicited Prohibited, except if $25 or less from an individual Prohibited. Must be returned to donor if identity can be ascertained; if it cannot, escheats to state. Prohibited. Must be returned to donor if identity can be ascertained; if it cannot, escheats to state. $25,000 to any one party candidate (no limit on allowable in-kind contributions); unlimited for aggregate contributions to all party candidates; $10,000 to a party committee for organizational and party-building activities Contributions must be made through campaign treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer. Contributions may not be solicited or made in a state facility. Only non-ballot question PACs that have accepted contributions from 15 or more persons in an amount of $10 or more within an election cycle may make contributions. A contribution to a PAC involved with a gambling question may not exceed $1,000. Elected state officials and candidates for state office may not guarantee “access” in return for a contribution.
South Carolina Employer cannot give preference to employees who contribute; must inform them of right to refuse without penalty. A uniformed law enforcement officer, judge, judicial candidate, solicitor and staff, and attorney general and staff, except for own campaign. Judge and judicial candidate should not solicit. Prohibited by state ethics commission personnel. Judges and judicial candidates subject to public election may contribute only to a political organization. Employees and officers of the Judicial Department may not coerce or command political contributions from state officers and employees. Prohibited over $25 from an individual Prohibited generally. Must give to children’s trust fund.  


Limited to $50,000 per statewide candidate per election, $5,000 per other candidate per election A loan is considered to be a contribution and is subject to contribution limit. Contributions to retire campaign debt may be accepted but are subject to contribution limits for last election. Persons, except family members, may not be reimbursed for campaign contribution. Campaign contributions must be deposited in campaign account within 10 days of receipt. Candidate may not solicit contributions for two elective offices simultaneously. No limit on contributions to ballot-measure committees.
South Dakota Judge or judicial candidate may not solicit Judge or judicial candidate may not contribute to a political organization or candidate  






Unlimited Contributions may be received only from an individual, PAC, or political party. Campaign finance reports filed with the Secretary of State may not be used for solicitation of contributions.
Tennessee Prohibited for state government superiors to solicit their employees. Prohibited to solicit persons who receive government benefits. State career service employees may not solicit. Judges and judicial candidates may not personally solicit. Employees of sheriff’s department under civil service law may not solicit. Judges and judicial candidates may contribute not more than $100 to any candidate or political organization.  






Unlimited, except limited to $1,000 for judicial candidate Candidate or political campaign committee must certify name and address of political treasurer before receiving contributions. A judicial candidate’s committees may solicit and accept contributions from 180 days before primary to 90 days after last election.
Texas Texas Lottery Commission members cannot receive or advise persons to make contribution for political purposes.

State employee cannot coerce or restrict political contributions.

County election administrator prohibited.

Contributions made in state capitol prohibited.

Must be $100 or less in the aggregate per each reporting period, except no limit for general purpose political committee Prohibited Prohibited, unless there is disclosure Unlimited Unaccepted contributions must be returned to the contributor by 30th day after deadline for reporting the contribution if accepted. Political committee campaign treasurer appointment must be filed by 30th day before an election before certain candidate-related contributions are made. A Candidate may not accept contributions when no campaign treasurer appointment in effect; a specific-purpose or general-purpose political committee (except a political party county executive committee) may not accept contributions totaling more than $500 when no campaign treasurer appointment in effect. Contributions to present and former (less than 2 ears prior) member or employee of Texas Lottery Commission prohibited by person or entities with significant financial interest in lottery or by winner of $600 or more in lottery in prior 2 years. The Judicial Campaign Fairness Act has special provisions as to the timing of acceptance of contributions by and for judicial candidates and officeholders and on aggregate contributions that may be made to judicial candidates and officeholders per election.
Utah Prohibited to solicit executive branch employees during hours of employment. Judges should not solicit funds. Judges are not permitted to make contributions to a political party or organization Unlimited Contributions on behalf of a state office candidate must be made thru the candidate’s personal campaign committee. Candidates may not be solicited for contributions to charitable organizations or causes. Contributions to candidates must be deposited in a separate account.
Vermont Prohibited  


Must be $50 or less  


Prohibited Contributions from one source limited in 2-year general election cycle to candidate for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, auditor of accounts, or attorney general—$400; candidate for state senator or county office—$300; candidate for state representative or local office—$200; and political committee (other than a political committee of a candidate) or political party—$2,000. A candidate, political party, or political committee is not permitted to accept more than 25% of total contributions from out-of-state contributors in any two-year general election cycle.
Virgin Islands  


Prohibited if over $100 Special attribution requirements applicable Limited to $1,000 in the aggregate per election to a candidate or candidate’s authorized political committee (or, if made to a multicandidate committee, $1,000 multiplied by the number of candidates)


Judges are prohibited  






Unlimited Contributions must be paid over or delivered to candidate’s campaign treasurer. Contributions to a candidate or campaign committee must be deposited in a designated campaign depository.
Washington Solicitation on state or local government property prohibited. State official or official’s agent may not solicit from employees in official’s agency. Judges may not solicit. Prohibited if city with commission form of government. Judges may not contribute to a political party, political organization, or non-judicial candidate. Must be $50 or less if no receipt. Non-in-kind contribution of more than $60 by individuals and any non-in-kind contribution by political committees must be made by written instrument. Contributions may not be made so as to conceal the source. Recipients are limited in use to greater of 1% of total accumulated anonymous contributions received or $300. Prohibited Aggregate contributions per election cycle to state office candidates by a political party or a caucus of the state legislature are limited to 60¢ per voter in district (state legislative office candidate) or state (state executive office candidate) and by a major party county central committee or legislative district committee limited to 30¢ per voter in district (state legislative office candidate) or state (state executive office candidate). County central committees and legislative district committees may contribute for only those state legislative offices that include their jurisdiction. Aggregate contributions made by a single contributor other than a major political party state organization within 21 days of a general election may not exceed $50,000 for a statewide office campaign or $5,000 for any other campaign. Compulsory assessments for political purposes prohibited. Employers may not withhold or divert salaries or wages unless written request by employee. Contributions may not be made to candidates for state office by corporation or business entity not doing business in the state; labor union with fewer than 10 members who reside in the state, or political committee that has not received during the preceding 180 days contributions of $10 or more from at least 10 registered voters in state. Individuals who make contribution as intermediary or on behalf of another must disclose information as to source from recipient. No person may reimburse another for making a contribution. Solicitation of money or property as consideration for endorsement, article, or other communication in news media to promote or oppose candidate, committee, or party prohibited.
West Virginia State classified service employees and judges and judicial candidates may not solicit Non-elective salaried government employees may not be solicited Must be $50 or less Prohibited Disclosure of contributor required Limited to $1,000 per candidate, per primary or general election, and $1,000 to state party executive committee per calendar year.

National party committee may contribute $50,000 per year to state party executive committee or to state party legislative caucus political committee.

Solicitation of contributions from candidates is limited to financial agents and political party members. Paid solicitors must announce any financial interest in contributions solicited. Contributions may not be solicited or accepted until individual becomes pre-candidate or candidate or political committee files statement of organization and treasurer appointment.
Wisconsin Prohibited during hours of employment or while engaged in official duties. Judges and judicial candidates may not personally solicit. Prohibited during hours of employment or while engaged in official duties. Must be $50 or less. Contributions of over $50 to be made by negotiable instrument or credit card. Must be $10 or less Prohibited Unlimited; however, a political party or legislative campaign committee that files a statement under oath concerning independent candidate-related disbursements becomes subject to the limits for PACs. A candidate may not receive more than 65% of authorized disbursement level from all political committees. Political party may not receive more than $150,000 in any biennium from all political committees other than political party and legislative campaign committees. Contributions from committees (other than political party or legislative campaign committees) limited to $6,000 in a calendar year. Excess contributions, contributions from unregistered nonresidents, anonymous contributions over $10 and cash contributions over $50 to be returned to a contributor or donated to common school fund or charitable organization. Contributions must be made or received through appointed treasurer. Judges and judicial candidates may not accept contributions.
Wyoming Judges may not solicit funds for candidates.

Intradepartmental solicitation of contributions from municipal police or fire civil service personnel in communities of 4,000 or more is prohibited.









Prohibited in party’s primary elections; otherwise unlimited Money may not be accepted on behalf of a candidate without the candidate’s prior written approval.

Annual written consent required for automatic contributions by individuals at non-political organizations.

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