February 16, 1965 Dr. Marianne Grunberg-Manago Department of Biochemistry Institut Biologic, Physico-Chimique 13 Rue Pierre Curie Paris 5e, France Dear Marianne: This letter has been written often, in my head, but as usual time flies, In spite of my silence, the various parcels you sent around Christmas time were received, and enthusiastically, The children love the records, and are acquiring good French pronunciation from them. American school system will eventually spoil them! the ''cookbook" and will probably go on enjoying it for many years. really one of the most delightful things I have ever seen! for being so vwy nice. It's too bad that the All of us have enjoyed It is We all thank you As you may or may not have heard, the triplet synthesis did go very well indeed. Phil Leder and I are workfng on a manuscript describing the syntheses and the products. To date, about 20 different triplets have been prepared. A draft dl1 be ready shortly and we'll send it to you. The triplets as well as various other things have kept us away from the phosphorylase stability problem. started working myself on it--so there is no nws on that front. Hcward, who had started out to work on it, has instead been studying, using phosphorylase, various properties of a triple helix of 2 poly U and 1 diamino- purine riboslde. phosphorylase, as well as the potassium activated phosphodiesterase are really very sensitive reagents for the study of eecondary structure. Only lately have I gone back to it and Frank This helix was discmered by Frank and Todd Miles. The I have agreed to write a chapter on polynucleotide phosphorylase for a This is to described preparative methods for the enzyme, I noticed in your recent papers that you have been new series entitled "Procedures in Nucleic Acid Chemistry," edited by Giulio and David Davies. not general aspects. using Azotobacter enzyme, prepared according to the original procedure (Grunberg-Manago, Ortie, and Ochoa, 1956) for polymer preparation. Do you have any comments on the procedure, or growth of cells, or designation of the cell strain, that Mould up date the procedure as described? be very helpful in making the article 88 useful as possible. This would For the same reasons, I would be interested in any comments on the -- E. coli preparation you recently published. point at which one can stop and have enzyme good enough for polymer prepara- tion, or fa It adviaable to go all tha way through? In particular, is there any -2- Recently we looked, in crude 20,000 x & extracts, at the relative The diesteraee is about 40-50 tfmss more active (for activities of po1yn;cleotide phosphorylase and potassium-activated phos- phodiesterase. polymer breakdown, than is phosphorylase. Neither one is changed appre- ciably in 2 mutant6 that lack the "ribosomal" Was8 (A-19 of Gilbert and Vatson, and MBE-600 of Made). Vhen are you coming for your lectures? Best regard6 to Armand and the children, Yours, Mutine Singer MS: peig