Nov. 3, 1997

Laughter at 'joke' indicative of deeper racial prejudice at Lab?

Construction inspector Wayne Tafoya recently sent a copy of a letter to newly appointed Laboratory Director John Browne [the original was sent to Bernie Van der Hoeven, division director for Facilities, Security and Safeguards] alleging that Laboratory contract administrator Fred De Vries made a racial slur during a recent meeting of Laboratory personnel and contractor workers about a building refurbishment. Discussion at the Oct. 21 meeting was focusing on whether employees working on a roofing project should wear protective clothing, when De Vries said: "Why should this be a concern? They're only Mexican nationals." De Vries [reportedly] later said he only meant it as a joke, not as a racist slur. According to Tafoya, who is Native American, the majority of the people at the meeting "thought this was really amusing," and that there was a lot of "laughing and carrying on."

First of all, the Hispanic Diversity Working Group would like to commend Wayne Tafoya for having the courage to bring this matter up before the Lab director. It is obvious that his speaking up will not endear him to those present at the meeting. Hopefully, he will enjoy some kind of whistle-blower protection.

This incident strongly indicates that there is something definitely wrong with the culture at the Laboratory when it comes to valuing safety and workforce diversity. De Vries will probably be the only person chastised for this indiscretion, but the record of every person who laughed at the joke should be investigated to see if his or her history of hiring and promotion of Hispanics and other people of color indicates a deeper racial prejudice that is only hinted at by the joke. A joke in and of itself does not make someone a bigot, but a consistent record of ignoring affirmative action and the rights, dignity, and safety of minorities does. Hopefully, whoever investigates the incident, if an investigation is done, will have Tafoya's courage to truly get to the bottom of it.

-- Armando Vigil for the Hispanic Diversity Working Group

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