setup of CTS DFE *** Check that NOBODY else is using CTS (remote tests) *** ---------- Using DFEC ---------- 0. Ask the people from CFT for their scheduled tasks. 1. Make the proper files. They are not *.bit extension. 2. Look for a Memory card. Most of the time there is one present in DFEC. However, one MUST ask Jamieson about it. That could be used by another person. 3. Check the files inside it, and make a copy in the Hard Drive of the PC from which you want to download your design to the memory (this step is only for safety reasons) 4. Rename the files according to your preference. However, follow directions from Jamieson notes. 5. Make sure that the executable file inside of the Flash Card is calling your file. You would need to use a HEX editor in case that it is not present in such list (which happens most of the time). Some of the commands inside of the executable can be found in the following Jamieson's note 6. Download the files in order to program your Flash-Card. Remember that each file is the description of the firmware for every device inside of the DFE. In the case that you are going to test only one design for one device, one should prepare a couple of files which set the output of the other two devices to High-Impedance. 7. Once you get the files into the memory. Take it to the CTS. 8. Verify that NOBODY is using DFE side. 9. Power off CTS DFE side. 10. Put the Flash-Card inside of the DFEC proper slot. 11. Power on CTS DFE side. 12. You can verify the sequence that you have defined in the executable inside of the Flash-Card following the LEDs present in each DFE. They show the status of the board. 13. Once your board is showing that the configuration has been done properly, connect GClk to Link 2 in the front end panel of the DFE. It should turn on a LED showing that clock is present. 14. Verify the connection to Data Pump. You should follow each cable in order to show that it is going to where you are suppossing. - TA# represents transmiter links. They take the test vectors from PC and put them into DFE - RA# represents receiver links It takes the output of DFE (back transition board) and read them. 15. Be sure to access the PC at the right side of CTS with your own login. If somebody else is logged in, ask about what her o him are doing in CTS. 16. Look for the Excel spread-sheet that makes possible the communication between PC and Data-Pump. There is one folder call "FPD". It contain some of the previous test vectors. 17. If you are not able to find such folder, look for "*126*.xls" or "*128*.xls" files. They should contain the macros requerided in order to read and send the vectors. 18. Only if you did the previous step, be sure to configure your macros loading "Data Analysis tools" and "VB tools". 19. Once you have every connected and the macros running (you will note that the macros are running because everytime you access any of the "*126*.xls" or "*128*.xls", it will ask you to enable the macros present in the files). Some general description of Data Pump can be found in the following link 20. Put the Test Vectors in the TA colums of the spread sheet. The vectors should have a Hexagecimal format, showing 28 bits in a 7 bit hex format. This is the representation of the information going into DFE by every clock tick. There is one more hex number present at the very begining of this representation. It corresponds to a Data Pump internal counter. 21. You can check if the communication between DataPump-PC is working. Do click in "Download", then "verify". Then you will need to go at the bottom of such table (generally 128 rows) in order to check if the information has been stored in the CPLDs present in DataPump. Then you will see a copy of the Test Vector you are sending to DataPump. If any of these is resalted by a YELLOW background, make the download again. If it does not work consult any of the CFT experts. 22. As soon as you have passed the previous steps one should set the bits for the trigger word, which is located to the left of the output. It has a limitation, you can use only 16 bits (out of 28) in order to set the trigger. 23. Once you have your trigger word, you will need to do click over "Arm trigger", then "Read". 24. At this point you will see the output changing in your spread sheet. ---------------- Using JTAG cable ---------------- 0. Ask the people from CFT for their scheduled tasks. 1. Use *.bit files in order to set the JTAG chain. 2. Be sure that you have ADMINISTRATIVE privilegies in the machine sitted at the right side of DFE-CTS. It is required in order to use the JTAG program. 3. Connect the JTAG cable to DFE board you are planning to use. Be sure that neither a DFEC proccess is running in the background nor 1553 tramsmision to it. 4. Verify the JTAG chain. It should show 5 devices. The ones at the extremes are the CPLDs embedded in the Mother Board. The other 3 are our Target Devices. 5. Choose the device that you want to use and put your *.bit file into it. 6. Fill the other two devices with "blanks" files. It could be provided by Jamieson. 7. CPLDs do not require to be changed. 8. Once you have made the description of the JTAG chain with all of the proper files, intend to download to DFE. It will start the process showing you some message regarding the background operations. 9. You will see the LEDS present in DFE changing. Once your are done the "top-botom" LED should be turned on. FOLLOW All the steps described from numeral 14 in the DFEC part (see above)