Table of contents for Clinical skills documentation guide for athletic training / Herb Amato, Christy D. Hawkins, Steven L. Cole.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

About the Authors	
Chapter 1. Overview of the BOC Examination	2
Chapter 2. How to Use this Book	4
Chapter 3. Ambulation Assists/Miscellaneous	8 
	AA-Test 1:	Crutch Fitting	9
	AA-Test 2:	Nonweightbearing-Tripod	10
	AA-Test 3:	Nonweightbearing-Ascending/Descending Stairs (Without a Handrail)	11
	AA-Test 4:	Cane Fitting	12
	AA-Test 5:	Four-Point Gait Method	13
	AA-Test 6:	Use of a Sling Psychometer to Measure Heat and Humidity	14 
	AA-Test 7:	Using a Bag-Valve Mask to Ventilate a Nonbreathing Specatator	15
Chapter 4. Ligamentous Stress Tests	16
Upper Quarter 
	LST-U-Test 1:	Acromioclavicular Joint Distraction Test	17
	LST-U-Test 2:	Acromioclavicular Shear Test (AC Joint Compression Test)	18
	LST-U-Test 3:	Anterior Drawer Test for the Shoulder	19
	LST-U-Test 4:	Clunk Test for the Shoulder	20
	LST-U-Test 5:	Feagin Test for the Shoulder	21
	LST-U-Test 6:	Sternoclavicular Joint Stress Test 	22
	LST-U-Test 7:	Posterior Drawer Test for the Shoulder	23
	LST-U-Test 8:	Jobe Relocation Test (Fowler Sign/Fowler Test/Relocation Test)	24
	LST-U-Test 9:	Apprehension Test (Crank Test)	25
	LST-U-Test 10:	Test for Inferior Shoulder Instability (Sulcus Sign/Sulcus Test)	26
	LST-U-Test 11:	Posterior Apprehension Test (Posterior Stress Test) for the Shoulder	27
	LST-U-Test 12:	Valgus Stress Test for the Elbow	28
	LST-U-Test 13:	Varus Stress Test for the Elbow	29
	LST-U-Test 14:	Valgus Stress Test for the Second Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) Joint	30
	LST-U-Test 15:	Varus Stress Test for the Third Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) Joint	31
Lower Quarter 
	LST-L-Test 1:	Anterior Drawer Test for the Ankle	32
	LST-L-Test 2:	Talar Tilt Test (Inversion Stress Test)	33
	LST-L-Test 3:	Kleiger Test (External Rotation Test)	34
	LST-L-Test 4:	Eversion Stress Test (Eversion Talar Tilt Test)	35
	LST-L-Test 5:	Valgus Stress Test for the Knee	36
	LST-L-Test 6:	Varus Stress Test for the Knee	37
	LST-L-Test 7:	Lachman Test (Anterior Lachman/Ritchie/Trillat/Lachman-Trillat Test)	38
	LST-L-Test 8:	Anterior Drawer Test (Drawer Sign) for the Knee	39
	LST-L-Test 9:	Posterior Drawer Test for the Knee	40
	LST-L-Test 10:	Slocum Test (Internal Tibial Rotation) for the Knee	41
	LST-L-Test 11:	Slocum Test (External Tibial Rotation) for the Knee	42
	LST-L-Test 12:	Hughston Posteromedial Drawer Test for the Knee	43
	LST-L-Test 13:	Hughston Posterolateral Drawer Test for the Knee	44
	LST-L-Test 14:	Posterior Sag Test (Gravity Drawer Test) for the Knee	45
	LST-L-Test 15:	Godfrey Test (Godfrey 90/90/Godfrey Gravity Test) for the Knee	46
	LST-L-Test 16:	Lateral Pivot-Shift (MacIntosh/Lamaire Test) for the Knee	47
	LST-L-Test 17:	Jerk Test (Jerk Test of Hughston) for the Knee	48
Chapter 5. Manual Muscle Testing	49
Upper Quarter
	MMT-U-Test 1:	Latissimus Dorsi	50
	MMT-U-Test 2:	Pectoralis Major (Upper Portion)	51
	MMT-U-Test 3:	Pectoralis Major (Lower Portion)	52 
	MMT-U-Test 4:	Pectoralis Minor	53
	MMT-U-Test 5:	Middle Deltoid	54
	MMT-U-Test 6:	Anterior Deltoid	55
	MMT-U-Test 7:	Posterior Deltoid	56
	MMT-U-Test 8:	Teres Major	57
	MMT-U-Test 9:	Coracobrachialis	58
	MMT-U-Test 10:	Rhomboid/Levator	59
	MMT-U-Test 11:	Rhomboid (Alternate Test)	60
	MMT-U-Test 12:	Serratus Anterior	61
	MMT-U-Test 13:	Middle Trapezius	62
	MMT-U-Test 14:	Lower Trapezius	63
	MMT-U-Test 15:	Upper Trapezius	64
	MMT-U-Test 16:	Supraspinatus	65
	MMT-U-Test 17:	Infraspinatus	66
	MMT-U-Test 18:	Teres Minor	67
	MMT-U-Test 19:	Subscapularis	68
	MMT-U-Test 20:	Triceps Brachii (Supine) 	69
	MMT-U-Test 21:	Triceps Brachii (Prone) 	70
	MMT-U-Test 22:	Biceps Brachii	71
	MMT-U-Test 23:	Brachialis	72
	MMT-U-Test 24:	Brachioradialis 	73
	MMT-U-Test 25:	Pronator Quadratus	74
	MMT-U-Test 26:	Supinator (Biceps Elongated)	75
	MMT-U-Test 27:	Flexor Carpi Radialis	76
	MMT-U-Test 28:	Flexor Carpi Ulnaris	77
	MMT-U-Test 29:	Extensor Carpi Ulnaris	78
	MMT-U-Test 30:	Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus	79
	MMT-U-Test 31:	Palmaris Longus	80
	MMT-U-Test 32:	Extensor Pollicis Longus	81
	MMT-U-Test 33:	Extensor Pollicus Brevis	82
	MMT-U-Test 34:	Abductor Pollicis Brevis	83
	MMT-U-Test 35:	Flexor Pollicus Longus	84
	MMT-U-Test 36:	Flexor Pollicis Brevis	85
	MMT-U-Test 37:	Opponens Pollicus	86
	MMT-U-Test 38:	Adductor Pollicis	87
	MMT-U-Test 39:	Abductor Pollicus Longus	88
	MMT-U-Test 40:	Opponens Digiti Minimi	89
	MMT-U-Test 41:	Flexor Digitorum Profundus	90
	MMT-U-Test 42:	Flexor Digiti Minimi	91
	MMT-U-Test 43:	Abductor Digiti Minimi	92
	MMT-U-Test 44:	Extensor Digitorum	93
	MMT-U-Test 45:	Myotome Assessment - C5	94
	MMT-U-Test 46:	Myotome Assessment - C6	95
	MMT-U-Test 47:	Myotome Assessment - C7	96
	MMT-U-Test 48:	Myotome Assessment - C8	97
	MMT-U-Test 49:	Myotome Assessment - T1	98
Lower Quarter
	MMT-L-Test 1:	Gluteus Medius	99
	MMT-L-Test 2:	Gluteus Minimus	100
	MMT-L-Test 3:	Gluteus Maximus	101
	MMT-L-Test 4:	Medial Rotators of the Hip	102
	MMT-L-Test 5:	Laterial Rotators of the Hip	103
	MMT-L-Test 6:	Hip Adductors	104
	MMT-L-Test 7:	Quadratus Lumborum	105
	MMT-L-Test 8:	Iliopsoas (With Emphasis on the Psoas Minor)	106
	MMT-L-Test 9:	Tensor Fasciae Latae	107
	MMT-L-Test 10:	Sartorius	108
	MMT-L-Test 11:	Semiteninosus/Semimembranosus	109
	MMT-L-Test 12:	Biceps Femoris	110
	MMT-L-Test 13:	Quadriceps Femoris 	111
	MMT-L-Test 14:	Tibialis Anterior	112
	MMT-L-Test 15:	Tibialis Posterior	113
	MMT-L-Test 16:	Soleus	114
	MMT-L-Test 17:	Gastrocnemius	115
	MMT-L-Test 18:	Peroneus Longus	116
	MMT-L-Test 19:	Peroneus Tertius	117
	MMT-L-Test 20:	Flexor Hallicus Longus	118
	MMT-L-Test 21:	Flexor Hallucis Brevis	119
	MMT-L-Test 22:	Adductor Hallucis	120
	MMT-L-Test 23:	Extensor Hallucis Longus	121
	MMT-L-Test 24:	Extensor Digitorum Longus/Brevis	122
	MMT-L-Test 25:	Flexor Digitorum Longus	123
	MMT-L-Test 26:	Flexor Digitorum Brevis	124
	MMT-L-Test 27:	Myotome Assessment - L3	125
	MMT-L-Test 28:	Myotome Assessment - L4	126
	MMT-L-Test 29:	Myotome Assessment - L5	127
	MMT-L-Test 30:	Myotome Assessment - S1	128
	MMT-L-Test 31:	Myotome Assessment - S2	129
Chapter 6. Reflex Testing	130
Upper Quarter
	RT-U-Test 1:	C5 Reflex (Biceps)	130
	RT-U-Test 2:	C6 Reflex (Brachioradialis)	131
	RT-U-Test 3:	C7 Reflex (Triceps)	132
Lower Quarter
	RT-L-Test 1:	S1 Reflex (Achilles' Tendon)	133
	RT-L-Test 2:	L4 Reflex (Patellar)	134
	RT-L-Test 3: 	Babinski Reflex	135
	RT-L-Test 4:	Superfical Abdominal Reflex	136
	RT-L-Test 5:	Deep Tendon Reflex of L5 (Posterior Tibial)	137
	RT-L-Test 6:	Oppenheim Reflex	138
Chapter 7. Sensory Testing	139
Upper Quarter
	SST-U-Test 1:	Dermatome Sensory Test - C5	140
	SST-U-Test 2:	Dermatome Sensory Test - C6	141
	SST-U-Test 3:	Dermatome Sensory Test - C7	142
	SST-U-Test 4:	Dermatome Sensory Test - C8	143
	SST-U-Test 5:	Dermatome Sensory Test - T1	144
	SST-U-Test 6:	Olfactory Nerve (Cranial Nerve #1)	145
	SST-U-Test 7:	Optic Nerve (Cranial Nerve #2)	146
	SST-U-Test 8:	Oculomotor Nerve (Cranial Nerve #3)	147
	SST-U-Test 9:	Trochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve #4)	148
	SST-U-Test 10:	Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve #5)	149
	SST-U-Test 11:	Abducens Nerve (Cranial Nerve #6)	150
	SST-U-Test 12:	Facial Nerve (Cranial Nerve #7)	151
	SST-U-Test 13:	Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve #8)	152
	SST-U-Test 14:	Glossopharyngeal Nerve (Cranial Nerve #9)	153
	SST-U-Test 15:	Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve #10)	154
	SST-U-Test 16:	Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve #11)	155
	SST-U-Test 17:	Hypoglossal Nerve (Cranial Nerve #12)	156
Lower Quarter
	SST-L-Test 1:	Dermatome Sensory Test - T12	157
	SST-L-Test 2:	Dermatome Sensory Test - L1	158
	SST-L-Test 3	Dermatome Sensory Test - L2 	159
	SST-L-Test 4:	Dermatome Sensory Test - L3	160
	SST-L-Test 5:	Dermatome Sensory Test - L4	161
	SST-L-Test 6:	Dermatome Sensory Test - L5	162
	SST-L-Test 7:	Dermatome Sensory Test - S1	163
	SST-L-Test 8:	Dermatome Sensory Test - S2	164
Chapter 8. Special Tests		165
Upper Quarter
	ST-U-Test 1:	Adson's Maneuver	166
	ST-U-Test 2:	Empty Can Test (Supraspinatus Test)	167
	ST-U-Test 3:	Ludington's Test	168
	ST-U-Test 4:	Military Brace Position (Costoclavicular Syndrome Test)	169
	ST-U-Test 5:	Roos Test (Elevated Arm Stress Test)	170
	ST-U-Test 6:	Valsalva's Maneuver	171
	ST-U-Test 7:	Speeds Test (Biceps or Straight-Arm Test)	172
	ST-U-Test 8:	Yergason's Test	173
	ST-U-Test 9:	Hawkins-Kennedy Test for Impingement	174
	ST-U-Test 10:	Neer Impingement Test (Shoulder Impingement Test)	175
	ST-U-Test 11:	Drop Arm Test (Codman's Test)	176
	ST-U-Test 12:	Pectoralis Major Contracture Test	177
	ST-U-Test 13:	Apley Scratch Test	178
	ST-U-Test 14: 	Allen's Test	179
	ST-U-Test 15:	Cozen's Test (Test for Lateral Epicondylitis/Tennis Elbow-Method 1/	180
		Resistive Tennis Elbow Test)
	ST-U-Test 16:	Golfer's Elbow Test (Test for Medial Epicondylitis)	181
	ST-U-Test 17:	Tinel's Sign - Ulner Nerve (Elbow)	182
	ST-U-Test 18:	Pinch Grip Test	183
	ST-U-Test 19:	Finkelstein's Test	184
	ST-U-Test 20:	Tinel's Sign - Median Nerve (Wrist)	185
	ST-U-Test 21:	Phalen's Test (Wrist Flexion Test)	186
	ST-U-Test 22:	Foraminal Compression Test (Spurling's Test/Cervical Compression Test)	187
	ST-U-Test 23:	Foraminal Distraction Test (Cervical Distraction Test)	188
	ST-U-Test 24:	Shoulder Abduction Test	189
	ST-U-Test 25:	Brachial Plexus Tension Test (Brachial Plexus Traction Test/	190
		Shoulder Depression Test/Brachial Plexus Stretch Test)
	ST-U-Test 26:	Tinel's Sign for the Cervical Spine	191
	ST-U-Test 27: 	Vertebral Artery Test	192
	ST-U-Test 28:	TemporoMandibular Joint (TMJ) Loading Test 	193
Lower Quarter
	ST-L-Test 1:	Thompson's Test (Simmonds' Test)	194
	ST-L-Test 2:	Percussion (Tap) Test - Ankle	195
	ST-L-Test 3:	Compression Test - Tibia	196
	ST-L-Test 4:	Homan's Sign	197
	ST-L-Test 5:	Tinel's Sign - Ankle (Percussion Sign)	198
	ST-L-Test 6:	McMurray's Test for the Knee	199
	ST-L-Test 7:	Steinman's Tenderness Displacement Test (First Steinman's Sign)	200
	ST-L-Test 8:	Pattellofemoral Grind Test (Clarke's Test/Patella Hold/Zohler's Sign)	201
	ST-L-Test 9:	Patellar Apprehension Test (Fairbank's Apprehension Test)	202
	ST-L-Test 10:	Ballottable Patella (Patella Tap Test)	203
	ST-L-Test 11:	Sweep Test	204
	ST-L-Test 12:	Bounce Home Test	205
	ST-L-Test 13:	Apley's Compression Test	206
	ST-L-Test 14:	Apley's Distraction Test	207
	ST-L-Test 15:	FABER Test (Figure-Four Test/Patrick's Test/Jansen's Test)	208
	ST-L-Test 16:	Gaenslen's Test	209
	ST-L-Test 17:	Sacroiliac Compression Test (Gapping Test/Transverse Anterior Stress Test)	210
	ST-L-Test 18:	Sacroiliac Distraction Test (Approximation Test/Transverse Posterior Stress Test)	211
	ST-L-Test 19:	Tripod Sign (Hamstrings Contracture, Method 2)	212
	ST-L-Test 20:	Ely's Test (Tight Rectus Femoris Test, Method 2)	213
	ST-L-Test 21:	Femoral Nerve Traction Test	214
	ST-L-Test 22:	Trendelenburg Test (Trendelenburg's Sign)	215
	ST-L-Test 23:	Thomas Test	216
	ST-L-Test 24:	Rectus Femoris Contracture Test, Method 1	217
	ST-L-Test 25:	Ober's Test	218
	ST-L-Test 26:	Noble's Compression Test (Noble's Test)	219
	ST-L-Test 27:	Piriformis Test	220
	ST-L-Test 28:	90/90 Straight Leg Raise Test (Hamstrings Contracture, Method 3)	221
	ST-L-Test 29:	Gillet's Test (Sacral Fixation Test)	222
	ST-L-Test 30:	Squish Test	223
	ST-L-Test 31:	Long Sit Test (Supine-to-Sit Test)	224
	ST-L-Test 32:	Slump Test	225
	ST-L-Test 33:	Straight Leg Raise Test (Unilateral Straight Leg Raise/Lasegue Test)	226
	ST-L-Test 34:	Well Straight Leg Raise Test (Well Straight Leg Raise Test of Fajersztajn/	227
		Lhermitt's Test/Crossover Sign)
	ST-L-Test 35:	Kernig's Sign	228
	ST-L-Test 36:	Brudzinski's Sign Test	229
	ST-L-Test 37:	Bowstring Test (Cam Test/Popliteal Pressure Sign)	230
	ST-L-Test 38:	Hoover Sign Test	231
	ST-L-Test 39:	Stork Standing Test (One Leg Standing Lumbar Test)	232
	ST-L-Test 40:	Spring Test	233
	ST-L-Test 41:	Yeoman's Test	234
Chapter 9. Taping/Wrapping	235
Upper Quarter
	TW-U-Test 1:	Taping Technique to Prevent Hyperextension of the Elbow	236
	TW-U-Test 2:	Shoulder Spica Taping - Glenohumeral Joint	237
	TW-U-Test 3:	Shoulder Spica Elastic Wrap - Glenohumeral Joint	238
	TW-U-Test 4:	Shoulder Spica Taping - Acromicoclavicular Joint	239
	TW-U-Test 5:	Shoulder Spica Elastic Wrap - Acromicoclavicular Joint	240
	TW-U-Test 6:	Wrist Taping Neutralization	241
	TW-U-Test 7:	Thumb Spica Taping	242
	TW-U-Test 8:	Collateral Interphalangeal Joint Taping	243
Lower Quarter
	TW-L-Test 1:	Hip Spica Wrap (Hip Flexor Wrap)	244
	TW-L-Test 2:	Hip Spica Wrap (Hip Adductor Wrap)	245
	TW-L-Test 3:	Knee Compression Wrap	246
	TW-L-Test 4:	Patellar Check Strap	247
	TW-L-Test 5:	Closed Basketweave Taping - Ankle	248
	TW-L-Test 6:	Achilles' Tendon Taping - Ankle	249
	TW-L-Test 7:	Longitudinal Arch Taping	250
	TW-L-Test 8:	Great Toe Taping	251
	TW-L-Test 9:	Taping Technique for Patellofemoral Stabilization	252
	TW-L-Test 10: 	Open Basketweave Taping - Ankle	253
	TW-L-Test 11:	Closed Basketweave Taping - Ankle	254
Chapter 10. Protective Device Construction/Equipment Fitting	255
Upper Quarter
	PDC-U-Test 1:	Fitting a Football Helmet	256
	PDC-U-Test 2:	Sling and Swath	257
	PDC-U-Test 3:	Finger Splint - PIP Joint	258
	PDC-U-Test 4:	Hardshell Doughnut Pad - Acromioclavicular Joint	259
	PDC-U-Test 5:	Removal of a Facemask From a Standard Footbal Helmet	260
	PDC-U-Test 6:	Fitting Shoulder Pads	261
	PDC-U-Test 7:	Fitting a Mouth Guard	262
Lower Quarter
	PDC-L-Test 1:	Adjustable SAM (Ladder Splint)	263
	PDC-L-Test 2:	Knee Immobilizer	264
	PDC-L-Test 3:	Ankle Horseshoe Pad and Compression Wrap	265
	PDC-L-Test 4:	Vacuum Splint for a Tibia Fracture	266
	PDC-L-Test 5:	Properly Fitting Running Shoes	267
	PDC-L-Test 6:	Fitting a Prophylactic Knee Brace	268
	PDC-L-Test 7:	Fitting a Prophylactic Ankle Brace	269
Chapter 11. General Medical	270
	GMED-Test 1:	Radial Pulse	271
	GMED-Test 2:	Carotoid Pulse	272
	GMED-Test 3:	Blood Pressure Assessment	273
	GMED-Test 4:	Cardiac Auscultation	274
	GMED-Test 5:	Pulmonary Auscultation	275
	GMED-Test 6:	Asthma Inhaler	276
	GMED-Test 7:	Respiration Assessment	277
	GMED-Test 8:	Peak Flow Meter	278
	GMED-Test 9:	Otoscope	279
	GMED-Test 10:	Tympanic Temperature	280
	GMED-Test 11:	Standard Oral Temperature	281
	GMED-Test 12:	Ophthalmoscope	282
	GMED-Test 13:	Consensual Reaction Test (Pupillary Reflex Test)	283
	GMED-Test 14:	Pupillary Reaction Test 	284
	GMED-Test 15:	Test for Eye Motility (Tracking)	285
	GMED-Test 16:	Snellen Eye Chart	286
	GMED-Test 17:	"Clean Catch" Dipstick Urinalysis	287
	GMED-Test 18:	"Clean Catch" Dipstick Urinalysis - Specific Gravity/pH	288
	GMED-Test 19: 	Fingerstick Blood Test (Fingerstick-Prick Test) - Hematocrit	289
	GMED-Test 20:	Fingerstick Blood Test (Fingerstick-Prick Test) - Blood Sugar	290
	GMED-Test 21:	Romberg's Sign	291
	GMED-Test 22:	Wound Care - Forearm Laceration	292
	GMED-Test 23:	Palpation Skills	293
	GMED-Test 24:	Palpation Skills	294
	GMED-Test 25: 	Palpation Skills	295
Chapter 12. Therapeutic Exercise / Reconditioning	296
Upper Quarter
	TE-U-Test 1:	Supraspinatus Strengthening Exercise (Empty Can Position)	297
	TE-U-Test 2:	Pendulum Exercises (Codman's Circumduction Exercise)	298
	TE-U-Test 3:	Reverse Fly (Prone Fly/Prone Horizontal Abduction)	299
	TE-U-Test 4:	Concentric Manual-Resistance Exercise - Rhomboid and Inferior Trapezius)	300
	TE-U-Test 5:	Table Top Push-Up Plus (With a Punch)	301
	TE-U-Test 6:	Pronation Strengthening Exercise (Surgical Tubing)	302
	TE-U-Test 7:	Supine Elbow Extension Exercise	303
	TE-U-Test 8:	Radial Deviation Strengthening Exercise	304
	TE-U- Test 9: 	Eccentric Manual Resistance - Wrist Flexors	305
	TE-U-Test 10:	Aquatic Therapy Resistance Exercise - Biceps Brachii 	306
	TE-U-Test 11:	Plyometrics - Medicine Ball Push-Up	307
Lower Quarter
	TE-L-Test 1:	Straight Straight Leg Raise	308
	TE-L-Test 2:	Hip Flexion Exercise (Seated Position)	309
	TE-L-Test 3:	Hip Adduction Exercise	310
	TE-L-Test 4:	Straight Leg Hip Extension Exercise	311
	TE-L-Test 5:	Standing Leg Curl	312
	TE-L-Test 6:	Lateral Step-Up	313
	TE-L-Test 7:	Closed-Chain Terminal Extension Exercise (Standing Dontigney) 	314
	TE-L-Test 8:	Eccentric Quad Set	315
	TE-L-Test 9: 	Eccentric Manual Resistance Exercise - Gastrocnemius 	316
	TE-L-Test 10:	Aquatic Therapy Resistance Exercise - Tibialis Anterior 	317
	TE-L-Test 11:	Proper Techinque for Performing a Back Squat Exercise to Parallel Depth	318
	TE-L-Test 12:	Proper Spotting Technique - Forward Lunge	319
	TE-L-Test 13:	Plyometrics - Medicine Ball Sit-Up	320
	TE-L-Test 14:	Plyometrics - Triple Double-Leg Vertical Jump (Triple Vertical Jump-Double Leg)	321
Chapter 13. Therapeutic Measurements	322
Upper Quarter
	TM-U-Test 1:	Goniometer - Flexion at the Glenohumeral Joint	323
	TM-U-Test 2:	Goniometer - Extension at the Glenohumeral Joint	324
	TM-U-Test 3:	Goniometer - Internal/External Rotation at the Glenohumeral Joint	325
	TM-U-Test 4:	Goniometer - Abduction at the Glenohumeral Joint	326
	TM-U-Test 5:	Goniometer - Flexion/Extension at the Humeroulnar Joint	327
	TM-U-Test 6:	Goniometer - Pronation at the Radioulnar Joint	328
	TM-U-Test 7:	Goniometer - Flexion/Extension at the Midcarpal Joints	329
	TM-U-Test 8:	Goniometer - Radial Deviation at the Radiocarpal Joint 	330
	TM-U-Test 9:	Goniometer - Abduction at the Metacarpophalangeal Joint	331
	TM-U-Test 10:	Balance Test - Upper Extremity Proprioception	332
	TM-U-Test 11:	Endurance-Based Strength Test - % Fatigue (Middle Deltoid)	333
	TM-U-Test 12:	Strength Test - % 1 x 10 Test(Shoulder Extensors)	334
	TM-U-Test 13:	Strength Test - % 1 x 5 Test (Wrist Flexors)	335
	TM-U-Test 14:	Strength Test - % Power Test (Triceps)	336
	TM-U-Test 15:	Isokinetic Device Test	337
	TM-U-Test 16:	Functional Test - Upper Extremity	338
	TM-U-Test 17:	Volumometer (Hand and Wrist Swelling)	339
	TM-U-Test 18:	Hand Grip Dynamometer	340
	TM-U-Test 19:	Body Composition - Skinfold Caliper	341
Lower Quarter
	TM-L-Test 1:	Goniometer - Subtalar Joint	342
	TM-L-Test 2:	Goniometer - Talocrural Joint	343
	TM-L-Test 3:	Goniometer - Tibiofermoral Joint	344
	TM-L-Test 4:	Goniometer - Iliofemoral Joint	345
	TM-L-Test 5:	Goniometer - Iliofemoral Joint (External Rotation)	346
	TM-L-Test 6:	Goniometer - Iliofemoral Joint (Extension)	347
	TM-L-Test 7:	Goniometer - Iliofemoral Joint (Flexion)	348
	TM-L-Test 8:	Goniometer - Trunk Lateral Rotation to the Left 	349
	TM-L-Test 9:	Balance Test - Lower Extremity Proprioception	350
	TM-L-Test 10:	Endurance-Based Strength Test - % Fatigue (Tibialis Anterior)	351
	TM-L-Test 11:	Strength Test - % 1x 10 Test (Hamstring)	352
	TM-L-Test 12:	Strength Test - % 1 x 5 Test (Ankle Plantar Flexors)	353
	TM-L-Test 13:	Strength Test - % Power (Knee Extensors)	354
	TM-L-Test 14:	Isokinetic Device Test - Knee	355
	TM-L-Test 15:	Functional Test - Lower Extremity	356
	TM-L-Test 16:	Thigh Girth	357
	TM-L-Test 17:	Leg Length (True/Apparent)	358
	TM-L-Test 18:	Q-Angle	359
	TM-L-Test 19:	Figure-8 (Swelling - Ankle)	360
Chapter 14. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation	361
Upper Quarter (PNF Stretch)
	PNF-U-Test 1:	PNF Contract Relax (Agonist/Antagonist) - Wrist Flexors	362
	PNF-U-Test 2:	PNF Contract Relax (Agonist/Agonist) - Elbow Flexors	363
	PNF-U-Test 3:	PNF Hold Relax (Agonist/Antagonist) - Horizontal Flexors	364
	PNF-U-Test 4:	PNF Hold Relax (Agonist/Agonist) - Shoulder External Rotators	365
Upper Quarter (PNF Strength)
	PNF-U-Test 5:	PNF Slow Reversal - Shoulder Internal Rotation	366
	PNF-U-Test 6:	PNF Slow Reversal Hold - Elbow Extension	367
	PNF-U-Test 7:	PNF Repeated Contraction - Wrist Extension	368
	PNF-U-Test 8:	PNF Rhythmic Stabilization - Shoulder Horizontal Flexors	369
Lower Quarter (PNF Stretch)
	PNF-L-Test 1:	PNF Contract/Relax (Agonist/Antagonist) - Ankle Plantar Flexors	370
	PNF-L-Test 2:	PNF Contract/Relax (Agonist/Agonist) - Knee Flexors	371
	PNF-L-Test 3:	PNF Hold Relax (Agonist/Antagonist) - Ankle Inventors	372
	PNF-L-Test 4:	PNF Hold Relax (Agonist/Agonist) - Hip Flexors	373
Lower Quarter (PNF Strength)
	PNF-L-Test 5:	PNF Slow Reversal - Knee Flexors	374
	PNF-L-Test 6:	PNF Slow Reversal-Hold - Ankle Invertors	375
	PNF-L-Test 7:	PNF Repeated Contraction - Ankle Dorsiflexors	376
	PNF-L-Test 8:	PNF Rhythmic Stabilization - Ankle Dorsiflexors	377
Chapter 15. Joint Mobilization	378
Upper Quarter
	JM-U-Test 1:	Anterior-Posterior Glide of the Radial Head	379
	JM-U-Test 2:	Posterior-Anterior Glide of the Radial Head	380
	JM-U-Test 3:	Posterior-Anterior (Volar) Glide of the Wrist (Radiocarpal Joint)	381
	JM-U-Test 4:	Anterior-Posterior (Dorsal) Glide of the Wrist (Radiocarpal Joint)	382
	JM-U-Test 5:	Distraction Glide of the Third Metacarpal on the Capitate 	383
	JM-U-Test 6:	Posterior (Dorsal) Glide of the Carpometacarpal Joint 	384
	JM-U-Test 7:	Anterior (PA/Volar) Glide of DIP Joint of Second Finger 	385
	JM-U-Test 8:	Inferior (Caudal) Glide of the Glenohumeral Joint	386
	JM-U-Test 9:	Anterior-Posterior Glide of the Glenohumeral Joint	387
	JM-U-Test 10:	Posterior-Anterior Glide of the Glenohumeral Joint	388
	JM-U-Test 11:	Rotational Mobilization of Cervical Vertebrae (C6 to C7)	389
Lower Quarter
	JM-L-Test 1:	Rotational Manipulation of Lumbar Spine (L2 to L3)	390
	JM-L-Test 2:	Countermutation Manipulation of the Sacroiliac Joint	391
	JM-L-Test 3:	Posterior-Anterior Glide of the Hip Joint	392
	JM-L-Test 4:	Anterior-Posterior Glide of the Tibiofemoral Joint	393
	JM-L-Test 5:	Anterior-Posterior (Plantar) Glide of the Talocrural Joint 	394
	JM-L-Test 6:	Anterior (Dorsal/PA) Glide of the Talocrural Joint	395
	JM-L-Test 7:	Anterior-Posterior (Plantar) Glide of the Interphalangeal Joint	396
	JM-L-Test 8:	Superior Glide of the Patellofemoral Joint 	397
Chapter 16. Therapeutic Modalities	398
	TMOD Test 1:	Effleurage - Massage	399
	TMOD Test 2:	Pétrissage - Massage	401
	TMOD Test 3:	Tapotement (Precussion) Massage	403
	TMOD Test 4:	Fine Vibration Massage	405
	TMOD Test 5:	Cross-Fiber (Transverse) Friction Message	407
	TMOD Test 6:	Hot Whirlpool	409
	TMOD Test 7:	Moist Heat	411
	TMOD Test 8:	Paraffin Bath	413
	TMOD Test 9:	Cold Whirlpool	415
	TMOD Test 10:	Vapo-Coolant Spray	417
	TMOD Test 11:	Ice Massage	419
	TMOD Test 12:	Contrast Bath (Hot/Cold)	421
	TMOD Test 13:	Ice Bag	423
	TMOD Test 14:	Cleaning of a Therapeutic Whirlpool	424
	TMOD Test 15:	Intermittent Compression	425
	TMOD Test 16:	Therapeutic Ultrasound - Immersion	427
	TMOD Test 17:	Therapeutic Ultrasound - 1 MHz	429
	TMOD Test 18:	Therapeutic Ultrasound - 3 MHz	431
	TMOD Test 19:	Phontophoresis	433
	TMOD Test 20:	Electrical Stimulation - Interferential	435
	TMOD Test 21:	Electrical Stimulation: Microcurrent (Low-Intensity)	437
	TMOD Test 22:	Electrical Stimulation: Iontophoresis	439
Bibliography	441

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Sports medicine.
Physical education and training.
Athletic trainers.