46 The Vegetable Kingdom. price paid for white sugar at present prevents this branch of commerce from flourishing. Oranges, lemons, figs, guavas, apricots of the Antilles, (class xiii. Polyandrie monogymie, Lin.,) pineapples of every variety, pomegranates, shaddocks, mangoes, rose-apples, custard-apples, cachimants, cai'mites, (Chrysopkyllum caïmît, Lin.,) papaws, sapodillas, dates, avocates, and the other luscious fruits of the Copies, — all of which are to be found in Hayti,—would furnish unfailing and abundant sources of wealth in this department of industry. Another lucrative commerce, awaiting development, is that of extracting perfumes from flowers. Thousands of frangy- panni, jasmines, vervaines,—all the innumerable flowers of the tropics, — now literally waste their sweet perfumes on the desert air, for the want of a proper knowledge of the methods of saving them. There are no fine essences and perfumes sold in the civilized world that could not be manufactured in Hayti. MEDICAL PLANTS. It is asserted by scientific men, that the flora of Hayti -j— only partly explored by Tussac, Descourtilz, and others—contains still many secrets which, if known, would render invaluable aid to the medical art. For, medicinal plants abound every- where ; and everything that is brought, for pharmaceutic pur- poses, from Africa and South America, is to be found on this Island. Our space permits only a verbal enumeration of some of the principal medicinal plants. There are : Aloes, balsam copaiva, wild-cinnamon tree, tannin, mint, sage, wild sage, quinquina, all the kinds of acacias, ricinoïdes, cascarillas, vanilla, myrth, absinth, valériane, mélisse, rosemary, camphor-tree, cloves, nutmegs, shrub trefoil, quassias, Jesuits- powder, gentian centaury, menyanthes, indian arbro-boot, wood- sorrel, swallow apple, false sycamore, purstane, Jerusalem oak, fern-polypody, cactus grandiflorus, divaricatus, flagelliformis, laurel-tree, cinomorium, coccineum, ipecacuanha, euphorbia myr- tifolia, ticassia, tamarin royoc, rhubarb, senna, hop-bryony, jalap, marchanda chenopoda, dodder, negioconhaye, costus, indian cane,